Service Config

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SAP Service Configurations in SAP MM

Service: Service in a intangible goods, which can be procured by a vendor.

Sap Service known as External Service Configuration (ESM)

Its a well tested business process in SAP. ESM is a component of MM module, It support the complete
cycle with procurement as well as invoice verification.


Service Master

Service master contains the service number, description, characteristics etc. This is also called master data
in External Service Management. It play as master data when you create a service entry sheet.

Step 1 : Service Number Range configuration

A service number is a unique number for each service entry sheet. It can be maintain internally or

T-code = ACNR

Configuration Path = SPRO-IMG-MM-External Services Management-Service Master-Define Number


Maintain Number range and assign group as per your requirement. (little bit same as material master
number range)

Step 2 : Maintain Account Category Reference and valuation Class.

As we know, Account Category Reference is used for group together many valuation class, so that we can
use these valuation class for service master under service category.

Valuation class is used to group together several material or service with their same attributes. So that we
don't need to maintain G/L for every service master.

T-code OMSK
Configuration path = SPRO-IMG-MM-Valuation and Account Assignment-Account Determination-
Account Determination Without Wizard-Define Valuation Classes

Click on Account Category Reference

Give the ACR code ans description, and save your data.

Then click back and press on valuation class.

Here maintain valuation class and maintain the account category reference (which you have created in
previous screen).

Step 3 : Service Category Configuration

Service category is a most important area for service master record.

A. Define Organizational Status for Service Categories

Organizational status describe the attributes of service category, It specify the organizational unit on where
the service master will stored.

T-code OMV2

Configuration Path = SPRO-IMG-MM-External Services Management-Service Master-Define

Organizational Status for Service Categories
Maintain Organizational status as per your requirement. This will be assign to Service category. So
Maintain these as per your requirement.

B. Define Service Category

According to uses of service service category is maintain different.It has control function and its define the
attributes of services.

T-code OMV1

Configuration Path = SPRO-IMG-MM-External Services Management-Service Master-Define Service Category

Here you have to maintain the service category. Give the Service Category, give the organization
status(which is created previous step), tick the number range uses(External number range uses or not). Give
the access sequences and description.
Maintain the Account Category Reference, which you have created in Step 2.

Give the description and save your data.

Step 4 : Maintain Field Selection

Field selection is used for how the field are looking to you. It can set as editable/ non-editable and hide. you
can set the field selection as per your business requirement.

There are two steps for field selection of service entry sheet.

1. Define Field Selection for Service Master (Individual Maintenance)

2. Define Field Selection for Service Master (List Entry)

1. Define Field Selection for Service Master (Individual Maintenance)

Here you can maintain field selection for individual service master record.

Maintain here as per your requirement.

2. Define Field Selection for Service Master (List Entry)

Here you can maintain field selection for a large number of service master record with list entry.

Also maintain this portion as per your business requirement.

Step 5 : Maintain Attributes of System Messages

As we know system messages can maintain the message attributes as Warning/Error.

Configuration Path = SPRO-IMG-MM-External Services Management-Define Attributes of System

You can set up the system message attributes here as per your business process. You can more on clicking
New Entries.

Message Contains E for Error, W for Warning, Blank for not populate.

Step 6 : Maintain Screen layout

In this step, you can maintain how your screen will be looking. You can maintain here any field as suppress
mode, optional entry mode, Mandatory entry mode.

Also this screen is depend on your business requirement. Maintain here and save your data.

Step 7 : Source Determination and Default Values

In this step you can maintain Source determination facility, default value of unit of measure for service
item level, material group for service, service specification line number etc.....

There are two steps for that:

Client Level

Purchase Organization Level.

A. Client Level

You maintain the configuration here for all purchase organizations.

Configuration path = SPRO-IMG-External Services Management-Source Determination and Default

Values-for Client
Maintain Service specification, default material group, default unit of measure and following data as per
your requirement.

B. Purchase Organization Level

If you maintain here any default value, then this is apply for only certain purchase organization which you
have used.

Configuration path = SPRO-IMG-External Services Management-Source Determination and Default

Values-for Purchasing Organizations
Maintain here your default data for service master.

Note : If you maintain default value here, it will be the first prior of service master.

Save your data.

Step 8 : Service Group Configuration

Service group is used for group together several service with their same attributes.

Service material group is similar to material group.

T-code OMSF

Configuration Path = SPRO-IMG-Logistics - General-Material Master-Settings for Key Fields-Define

Material Groups
Here maintain the service group (as material group)

Save your data.

Step 9 : Division Configuration

Division is grouping several materials, products or services to determine the sales area and business place.

T-code OVXB

Configuration Path = SPRO-IMG-Enterprise Structure-Definition-Logistics - General-Define, copy, delete,

check division-Define Division

Create you division and save your data.

Then You have to assign the division to plant and valuation area.

T-code OMJ7

Configuration Path = SPRO-IMG-Enterprise Structure-Assignment-Logistics - General-Assign Business

Area to Plant/Valuation Area and Division
Choose the option and assign Division, then save your data.

Step 10 : Calculation Formula

The calculation formula in service master can be used to calculate the quantity of variable-size items.

Suppose for hoarding, if you have rate per inch, then with this formula service master will auto calculate
the total quantity.

T-code ML89

Configuration Path = SPRO-IMG-MM-External Services Management-Formulas for Quantity

Determination-Define Formulas

Maintain the formula as per your business requirement.

Now we have to specify the variable definition for formula calculation in service line.

T-code ML99

Configuration Path = SPRO-IMG-MM-External Services Management-Formulas for Quantity

Determination-Specify Names of Formula Variables

Maintain the Formula Number, Variable, Base UoM and Description for each variable.
Do as per your requirement for every variable.

Service Master configuration has been done.

Now we have to do Service Document Configuration and Service Pricing Procedure and
Service Release Strategy.

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