Kinematics PPQ

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Section 1: MCQ
1 [Nov 02] A stone falls freely from the top of a cliff into the sea. Air resistance may be
ignored. Which graph shows how the acceleration of the stone varies with time as it

2 [Nov 02] A child is standing on the platform of a station, watching the trains.

A train travelling at 30 m / s takes 3 s to pass the child. What is

the length of the train?

A 10 m B 30 m C 90 m D 270 m

3 [Jun 03] A tunnel has a length of 50 km. A car takes 20 min to travel between the two
ends of the tunnel. What is the average speed of the car?
A 2.5 km/ h B 16.6 km/ h C 150 km/ h D 1000 km/ h

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4 [Jun 03] The diagram shows a speed-time graph for a body moving with constant

What is represented by the shaded area under the graph?

A. Acceleration
B. Distance
C. Speed
D. Time
5 [Nov 03] A train travels along a track from Aytown to Beetown. The map shows the route.

The distance travelled by the train between the towns is 210 km. It moves at an average
speed of 70 km/h. How long does the journey take?
A. less than hours, because the journey is not in a straight line
B. exactly hours
C. exactly hours
D. more than hours, because the journey is not in a straight line

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6 [Nov 03]

7 [Jun 04] The diagram shows the speed-time graph for an object moving at constant

What is the distance travelled by the object in the first 3 s?

A 1.5m B 2.0m C 3.0m D 6.0m

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8 [Jun 04] A small steel ball is dropped from a low balcony. Ignoring air resistance, which
statement describes its motion?
A. It falls with constant acceleration.
B. It falls with constant speed.
C. It falls with decreasing acceleration.
D. It falls with decreasing speed.

9 [Nov 04] Which speed / time graph applies to an object at rest?

10 [Nov 04] A racing car is fitted with an on-board computer. Every time the car passes the
starting line, the computer records the distance travelled in the next 2 seconds. Which
set of data shows that the car is increasing in speed during the 2 seconds?

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11 [Jun 05] A car accelerates from traffic lights. The graph shows how the car’s speed
changes with time.

How far does the car travel before it reaches a steady speed?
A 10 m B 20 m C 100 m D 200 m

12 [Nov 05] The graph represents part of the journey of a car.

What distance does the car travel during this part of the journey?
A 150 m B 300 m C 600 m D 1200 m

13 [Nov 05] A man crosses a road 8.0 m wide at a speed of 2.0 m / s.

How long does the man take to cross the road?

A 4.0 s B 6.0 s C 10 s D 16 s

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14 [Jun 06] The graph represents the movement of a body accelerating from rest.

After 5 seconds how far has the body moved?

A2m B 10 m C 25 m D 50 m

15 [Nov 06] A cyclist is riding along a road when an animal runs in front of him. The graph
shows the cyclist’s motion. He sees the animal at P, starts to brake at Q and stops at R.

What is used to find the distance travelled after he applies the brakes?
A. The area under line PQ
B. The area under line QR
C. The gradient of line PQ
D. The gradient of line QR

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16 [Nov 06] A car travels along the route PQRST in 30 minutes.

What is the average speed of the car?

A. 10 km / hour

B. 20 km / hour

C. 30 km / hour

D. 60 km / hour

17 [Jun 07] The graph shows the progress of an athlete in a 100 m race.

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18 [Nov 07]

19 [Jun 08]

20 [Jun 08]

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21 [Nov 08]

22 [Jun 09]

23 [Jun 10]

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24 [Nov 10]

25 [Jun 11]

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26 [Jun 11]

27 [Nov 11]

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28 [Jun 12]

29 [Jun 12] A car is moving downhill along a road at a constant speed. Which graph is the
speed / time graph for the car?

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30 [Jun 13]

31 [Jun 13]

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32 [Nov 13]

33 [Jun 14]

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34 [Nov 14]

35 [Nov 14] An aeroplane flies from town X to town Z, stopping for 1 hour at town Y to pick
up more passengers. The distances between the towns are shown in the diagram.

The total time taken between leaving X and arriving at Z is 3 hours. What is the average
speed of the aeroplane in the air?

36 [Jun 15] A car moves with constant speed and then constant acceleration.

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37 [Mar 15]

38 [Mar 15]

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39 Jun 15]

40 [Nov 15]

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Section 2: Structured Questions

1 [June 03] The speed of a cyclist reduces uniformly from 2.5 m/s to 1.0 m/s in 12 s.
(a) Calculate the deceleration of the cyclist.

deceleration = ..................................[3]
(b) Calculate the distance travelled by the cyclist in this time.

distance = ..................................[2]

2 [June 04] Fig 2.1 shows a cycle track.

Fig 2.1

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A cyclist starts at A and follows the path ABCDEB. The speed-time graph is shown in Fig 2.2.

Fig 2.2

(a) Use information from Fig. 2.1 and Fig. 2.2 to describe the motion of the cyclist
(i) along AB,
(i) along BCDEB.
........................................................................................................................................ [4]
(b) The velocity v of the cyclist at C is shown in Fig 2.1. State one similarity and one difference
between the velocity at C and the velocity at E.
similarity ..................................................................................................................................
difference ............................................................................................................................[2]
(c) Calculate
(i) the distance along the cycle track from A to B,

distance = …………………………

(ii) the circumference of the circular part of the track.

Circumference = …………………. [4]

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3 [Nov 03] Fig 5.1 shows the speed-time graph for a bus during tests. At time t = 0, the driver
starts to brake.

Fig 5.1

(a) For test 1,

(i) determine how long the bus takes to stop,
(ii) state which part of the graph shows the greatest deceleration,
(iii) use the graph to determine how far the bus travels in the first 2 seconds.

distance = .......................................... [4]

(b) For test 2, a device was fitted to the bus. The device changed the deceleration.
(i) State two ways in which the deceleration during test 2 is different from that during
test 1
1 .............................................................................................................
2 ...........................................................................................................
(ii) Calculate the value of the deceleration in test 2.

deceleration = ....................................[4]

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4 [Nov 04] Fig 8.1 shows the path of one drop of water in the jet from a powerful hose.

Fig 8.1
Fig 8.2 is a graph of speed against time for the water drop shown in Fig. 1.1.

Fig 8.2
(a) Describe the movement of the water drop in the first 4 s after leaving the hose.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
(b) Use Fig. 8.2 to find
(i) the speed of the water leaving the hose,

speed = …………………………..

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(ii) the time when the speed of the water is least.

time = ………………… [2]

(c) Use values from Fig 8.2 to calculate the acceleration of the drop as it falls back
towards the ground. Show your working.

acceleration = …………………………. [3]

(d) Calculate the greatest distance above the ground reached by the drop.

distance = …………………. [3]

5 [Jun 05] A solid plastic sphere falls towards the Earth. Fig. 1.1 is the speed-time graph of
the fall up to the point where the sphere hits the Earth’s surface.

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(a) Describe in detail the motion of the sphere shown by the graph.
............................................................................................................................................. [3]

(b) On Fig. 1.2, draw arrows to show the directions of the forces acting on the sphere when it
is at the position shown by point S on the graph. Label your arrows with the names of the
forces. [2]

Fig. 1.2
(c) Explain why the sphere is moving with constant speed at S.
............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(d) Use the graph to calculate the approximate distance that the sphere falls

(i) between R and T,

distance = ………………. [2]

(ii) between P and Q.

distance = ………………. [2]

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6 [Nov 06] Fig. 3.1 shows the speed/time graph for a journey travelled by a tractor.

Fig. 3.1
(a) Use the graph to describe the motion of the tractor during each of the marked sections.

RS.............................................................................................................. [4]

(b) Which two points on the graph show when the tractor is stationary?

point ................. and point ................. [1]

(c) State the greatest speed reached by the tractor.

greatest speed = ................ m/s [1]

(d) For how long was the tractor travelling at constant speed?

at constant speed for ................... s [1]

(e) State how the graph may be used to find the total distance travelled during the 200
s journey. Do not attempt a calculation.

.................................................................................................................................... [1]

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7 [Nov 07] A large plastic ball is dropped from the top of a tall building. Fig. 1.1 shows the
speed-time graph for the falling ball until it hits the ground.

Fig. 1.1
(a) From the graph estimate,

(i) the time during which the ball is travelling with terminal velocity,

time = ................................................ [1]

(ii) the time during which the ball is accelerating,

time = ................................................ [1]

(iii) the distance fallen while the ball is travelling with terminal velocity,

distance = ................................................ [2]

(iv) the height of the building.

height = ................................................ [2]

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(b) Explain, in terms of the forces acting on the ball, why

(i) the acceleration of the ball decreases,

............................................................................................................................ [3]

(ii) the ball reaches terminal velocity.

............................................................................................................................ [2]

[Total: 11]
8 [Jun 08] A motorcyclist is travelling along a country road, as shown in Fig. 2.1.

Fig. 2.1

The statements below describe the motion of the motorcycle from point A to point B.

1. The motorcycle accelerates uniformly from rest at point A, increasing its speed
to 25 m/s in 10 s.
2. It then travels at a constant speed of 25 m/s for 40 s.
3. It then decelerates uniformly to rest at point B, 70 s after leaving point A.

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Fig. 2.2

(a) For the motorcycle moving from point A to point B, draw on Fig. 2.2,
(i) a suitable time scale, [1]

(ii) the graph of the motion of the motorcycle. [5]

(b) The distance from A to B is 1375 m. Calculate the average speed of the motorcycle
between A and B. Give your answer to the nearest m/s.

average speed = ..........................................m/s [4]

[Total: 10]

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9 [Jun 09] A free-fall parachutist jumps out of an aeroplane, but doesn’t open his
parachute until after some time has elapsed. Fig. 3.1 shows the graph of his speed
during the fall.

Fig. 3.1
(a) What is the value of the acceleration of the parachutist immediately after he has
jumped from the aeroplane?

................................................. [1]
(b) How can you tell that the acceleration decreases until point A on the graph is
................................................................................................................................. [1]
(c) State why the acceleration of the parachutist decreases until point A on the graph.

................................................................................................................................. [2]
(d) Consider section AB of the graph.

(i) State what is happening to the parachutist’s speed in this section.

................................................................................................................................. [1]
(ii) What can be said about the forces on the parachutist during this section?

................................................................................................................................. [1]

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10 [Jun 10] Fig. 1.1 shows the speed/time graph for a car travelling along a straight road. The
graph shows how the speed of the car changes as the car passes through a small

Fig. 1.1
(a) Describe what happens to the speed of the car

(i) between A and B, ............................................................................................

(ii) between B and C, ...........................................................................................
(iii) between C and D. ..........................................................................................

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(b) Calculate the distance between the start of the town and the end of the town.

distance = ................................................ [3]

(c) Calculate the acceleration of the car between C and D.

acceleration = ................................................ [3]

(d) State how the graph shows that the deceleration of the car has the same
numerical value as its acceleration.

.................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 8]

11 [Nov 11] A person is standing on the top of a cliff, throwing stones into the sea below.

Fig. 2.1

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(a) The person throws a stone horizontally.

(i) On Fig. 2.1, draw a line to show the path which the stone might take between leaving
the person’s hand and hitting the sea.
(ii) On the line you have drawn, at a point halfway to the sea, mark the stone and
the direction of the force on the stone.


(b) Later, the person drops a small stone and a large stone vertically from the edge of the
cliff. Comment on the times taken for the two stones to hit the water.




........................................................................................................................................... [2]

(c) 800 m from the point where the person is standing, a navy ship is having target practice.
The person finds that if a stone is dropped vertically at the same time as the spurt of smoke
from the ship’s gun is seen, the stone hits the water at the same time as the sound from
the gun is heard. Sound travels at 320 m / s in that region. Calculate the velocity with which
the stone hits the water.

velocity = ...........................................................[4]

[Total: 9]

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12 [Jun 12] A girl rides her bicycle along a straight level road. Fig. 2.1 shows a graph of
her distance moved against time.

Fig. 2.1
(a) Describe her motion
(i) from A to B, ..........................................................................................................
(ii) from B to C, ..........................................................................................................
(iii) from C to D. ..........................................................................................................
(b) Calculate
(i) her average speed from A to D,

average speed = ................................................. [2]

(ii) her maximum speed.

maximum speed = ................................................. [3]

[Total: 8]

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13 [Jun 13] A train is at rest in a railway station. At time t = 0, the train starts to move
forwards with an increasing speed until it reaches its maximum speed at time t = 48 s.
Fig. 1.1 is the speed-time graph for the first 48 s of the journey.

Fig. 1.1

(a) (i) State how the graph shows that, during the first 48 s of the journey, the acceleration
of the train is constant.

.................................................................................................................................. [1]

(ii) Calculate the acceleration of the train during the first 48 s of the journey.

acceleration = .................................................. [2]

(b) After time t = 48 s, the train continues at its maximum speed for another 72 s.
(i) On Fig. 1.1, sketch the speed-time graph for the next 72 s of the journey. [1]

(ii) Determine the total distance travelled by the train in the 120 s after it starts

distance = .................................................. [3]

[Total: 7]

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14 [Jun 14] A gardener studies the growth of one of his plants. At the same time each day,
he measures the height h of the top of the plant from the ground, as shown in Fig. 1.1.

The table of his results is shown below.

(a) From the values in the table, deduce the average speed of growth of the plant
during the 7 days. Work in days and cm.

average speed = ................................... cm / day [4]

(b) (i) Complete Fig. 1.2 by plotting the last three values of height h against time. Do
not draw a line through the points.

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(ii) Describe how the graph shows that the speed of growth of the plant is not constant.
[Total: 7]

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15 [Jun 15] (a) A car is travelling at a constant speed of 80 km / h. Calculate the distance
travelled by the car in half an hour.

distance = .................................................... km [1]

(b) The car in Fig. 2.1 is travelling along a road on which there is a speed detector. The
speed detector consists of two parallel strips attached to the road and connected to
a timer.

The speed detector strips are 0.50 m apart. The time interval between the car hitting the
first strip and the second strip is 0.040 s. Calculate the average speed of the car between
the strips.

speed = ................................................... m / s [3]

(c) (i) A car is travelling at a speed of 15 m / s. The driver applies the brakes and brings
the car to a stop. Fig. 2.2 represents the last part of the journey.

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Calculate the distance travelled by the car as it slows down.

distance = ...................................................... m [2]

(c) On another occasion, the car is travelling at the same speed of 15 m / s when the
driver sees a hazard ahead. She uses emergency braking to stop the car in 2.0

On Fig. 2.2, draw the speed-time graph for the emergency stop. [1]

[Total: 7]

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