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Promise Reinforcer Protocol

Before giving an instruc�on...

1. Check for mo�va�on for the reinforcer before you give the instruc�on. If there is no

indica�on the reinforcer is valuable at that moment, use something different.

2. Hold the reinforcer so Jovanni can see it, but do not talk about it.

3. Give the instruc�on (Examples: “It’s �me to _______.” Or “Give me _______.”)

4. If Jovanni follows the instruc�on, immediately deliver the reinforcer.

5. If Jovanni doesn’t follow through the first �me the direc�on is given, he does not get

the reinforcer but he s�ll must follow the instruc�on. Following compliance, require the

Jovanni to engage at least 3 addi�onal easy demands without problem behavior before

providing a reinforcer that is different (and weaker) than the promised reinforcer.

Running the Interruption-Transition Teaching Protocol

Objec�ve: To replace problem behavior that has been acquired when problem behavior
has resulted in the removal of demands to transi�on to another ac�vity and thereby
Jovanni has maintained possession of a toy, ac�vity or item. Behavior has been
determined to be a func�on of a history of having demands removed and reinforcing
items maintained following problem behavior.

1. Set up many opportuni�es a day to teach Jovanni to be interrupted and transi�on to a

less preferred ac�vity without problem behavior. Start these prac�ce sessions by placing
Jovanni in a preferred ac�vity and allow some �me for the reinforcing value of the
ac�vity to build.

2. Determine the demand to transi�on to a less reinforcing ac�vity that you will place on
Jovanni. (These steps can be predetermined and writen in advance on an
interrup�on/transi�on skills tracking sheet to track mastery of steps).

3. At first make the demands during prac�ce easy and rela�vely effortless, within sight of
the reinforcing ac�vity just removed and for only a brief period, e.g. count of 10 once in
the less preferred ac�vity. An example might be to ask Jovanni to put down a toy and sit
in a chair from the ac�vity for the count of 10 with the offer of a Promise Reinforcer.
(Silent count or show of finger count for some Jovanni).
4. Intersperse both easy and target transi�ons during training session. Run target criteria
on only 20% or so of each day’s trials; the other 80% of trials should be at levels Jovanni
has already mastered.

5. Also run trials intermitently in condi�ons where Jovanni is engaged in a highly


ac�vity and may be less likely to cooperate. Coopera�on at such �mes should result in

copious amounts of reinforcement. In other words, differen�ally reinforce any and all

beter performances on transi�ons (quicker, more successful, problem free transi�ons

get more and beter reinforcement.)

6. Run these trials both during Natural Environment Teaching, during structured teaching

(IT sessions), during high MO ac�vi�es, etc and on an unpredictable schedule. Don’t just

run interrup�on trials as a session.

7. The reinforcer for complying will be the delivery of the Promised Reinforcer and the

opportunity to immediately return to the preferred ac�vity a�er Jovanni has


without problem behavior.

8. Fade the use of Promise Reinforcer through intermitent trials for easy transi�ons. It

will also be necessary to fade the coun�ng procedure and any other s�muli you have

used over �me to make the transi�ons ini�ally easier.

9. Run as many interrup�on transi�on trials per day as possible (20 to 50 per day). A trial

equals each �me the Jovanni leaves the preferred item and then returns to it.

10. As Jovanni is successful, transi�on ac�vi�es may involve doing other tasks along the

such as pu�ng in a puzzle piece; give a non reinforcing item, or gross motor


11. If the transi�on was slow or escape ex�nc�on procedures (keep on the demand)

were used, prac�ce the transi�on again within a few trials in order to get a beter

12. If problem behavior occurred, record data on the Interrup�on/Transi�on data sheet.

13. When Jovanni has mastered transi�oning, complying with a few demands, begin to

increase the number of demands, the distance from the reinforcing ac�vity, and the

length of �me in the non-preferred ac�vity. How you do this will vary depending on

Jovanni’s data obtained once the program is implemented. The data are what will

guide your decision making process on increasing parameters of the demand.

Quick Summary of Procedures

• Determine the demand to transi�on to a less reinforcing ac�vity that you will
place on Jovanni.
• Iden�fy and have prepared in advance the Promise Reinforcers to be used in the
interrup�on transi�on training.
• Present the Promise Reinforcer before you give the direc�on to transi�on.
• Present the direc�on to transi�on in clear direct wording.
• If Jovanni successfully complies, give him the Promised Reinforcer and have him
return to the preferred ac�vity. (You can deliver addi�onal reinforcement when
he returns to the ac�vity).
• If Jovanni engages in problem behavior as soon as you request the transi�on, do
not remove the demand or allow access to the preferred item or ac�vity the
child is being asked to give up. In addi�on, remove the Promised Reinforcer.
• Instead, keep the demand on Jovanni and use physical guidance to obtain
compliance with the demand while maintaining safety of Jovanni and others.
• Once at the transi�oned area, con�nue to place easy demands un�l you gain
instruc�onal control, and then place the demand to go back to the original area.
• Do not give addi�onal reinforcement upon return to the original loca�on when
problem behavior has occurred.
• Allow him there for a few seconds and interrupt again using the original
procedure and do not place extra demands unless problem behaviors occur.
Differen�ally reinforce the beter transi�on if and when it occurs.
• As Jovanni accomplishes successful transi�ons, delay the interval that he must
wait to go back to the original ac�vity. (unless following a specific schedule)
Record Jovanni’s responses on the Interrup�on/transi�on data sheet.
Promise Reinforcer Protocol

Before giving an instruc�on...

1. Check for mo�va�on for the reinforcer before you give the instruc�on. If there is no

indica�on the reinforcer is valuable at that moment, use something different.

2. Hold the reinforcer so Jovanni can see it, but do not talk about it.

3. Give the instruc�on (Examples: “It’s �me to _______.” Or “Give me _______.”)

4. If Jovanni follows the instruc�on, immediately deliver the reinforcer.

5. If Jovanni doesn’t follow through the first �me the direc�on is given, he does not get

the reinforcer but he s�ll must follow the instruc�on. Following compliance, require the

Jovanni to engage at least 3 addi�onal easy demands without problem behavior before

providing a reinforcer that is different (and weaker) than the promised reinforcer.

Running the Interrup�on-Transi�on Teaching Protocol

Objec�ve: To replace problem behavior that has been acquired when problem behavior

has resulted in the removal of demands to transi�on to another ac�vity and thereby

Jovanni has maintained possession of a toy, ac�vity or item.

Candidates for the Program: Following a func�onal assessment, Jovannis whose behavior

has been determined to be a func�on of a history of having demands removed and

reinforcing items maintained following problem behavior.

1. Set up many opportuni�es a day to teach Jovanni to be interrupted and transi�on to a

less preferred ac�vity without problem behavior. Start these prac�ce sessions by placing

Jovanni in a preferred ac�vity and allow some �me for the reinforcing value of the ac�vity

to build.

2. Determine the demand to transi�on to a less reinforcing ac�vity that you will place on

Jovanni. (These steps can be predetermined and writen in advance on an

interrup�on/transi�on skills tracking sheet to track mastery of steps).

3. At first make the demands during prac�ce easy and rela�vely effortless, within sight of

the reinforcing ac�vity just removed and for only a brief period, e.g. count of 10 once in

the less preferred ac�vity. An example might be to ask Jovanni to put down a toy and sit in a

chair from the ac�vity for the count of 10 with the offer of a Promise Reinforcer. (Silent

count or show of finger count for some Jovannis).

4. Intersperse both easy and target transi�ons during training sessions. Run target

criteria on only 20% or so of each day’s trials; the other 80% of trials should be at levels

Jovanni has already mastered.

5. Also run trials intermitently in condi�ons where Jovanni is engaged in a highly preferred

ac�vity and may be less likely to cooperate. Coopera�on at such �mes should result in

copious amounts of reinforcement. In other words, differen�ally reinforce any and all

beter performances on transi�ons (quicker, more successful, problem free transi�ons

get more and beter reinforcement.)

6. Run these trials both during Natural Environment Teaching, during structured teaching

(IT sessions), during high MO ac�vi�es, etc and on an unpredictable schedule. Don’t just

run interrup�on trials as a session.

7. The reinforcer for complying will be the delivery of the Promised Reinforcer and the

opportunity to immediately return to the preferred ac�vity a�er Jovanni has transi�oned

without problem behavior.

8. Fade the use of Promise Reinforcer through intermitent trials for easy transi�ons. It

will also be necessary to fade the coun�ng procedure and any other s�muli you have

used over �me to make the transi�ons ini�ally easier.

9. Run as many interrup�on transi�on trials per day as possible (20 to 50 per day). A trial

equals each �me Jovanni leaves the preferred item and then returns to it.
10. As he is successful, transi�on ac�vi�es may involve doing other tasks along the way

such as pu�ng in a puzzle piece; give a non reinforcing item, or gross motor

movements. Make note of those tasks you add.

11. If the transi�on was slow or escape ex�nc�on procedures (keep on the demand)

were used, prac�ce the transi�on again within a few trials in order to get a beter


12. If problem behavior occurred, record data on the Interrup�on/Transi�on data sheet.

13. When Jovanni has mastered transi�oning, complying with a few demands, begin to

increase the number of demands, the distance from the reinforcing ac�vity, and the

length of �me in the non-preferred ac�vity. How you do this will vary depending on

Jovanni’s data obtained once the program is implemented. The data are what will ul�mately

guide your decision making process on increasing parameters of the demand.

Quick Summary of Procedures

Determine the demand to transi�on to a less reinforcing ac�vity that you will place on


Iden�fy and have prepared in advance the Promise Reinforcers to be used in the

interrup�on transi�on training.

Present the Promise Reinforcer before you give the direc�on to transi�on.

Present the direc�on to transi�on in clear direct wording.

If Jovanni successfully complies, give him the Promised Reinforcer and have him return to

the preferred ac�vity. (You can deliver addi�onal reinforcement when he returns to the


If Jovanni engages in problem behavior as soon as you request the transi�on, do not

remove the demand or allow access to the preferred item or ac�vity the child is being

asked to give up. In addi�on, remove the Promised Reinforcer. Instead, keep the demand
on Jovanni and use physical guidance to obtain compliance with the demand while

maintaining safety of Jovanni and others. Once at the transi�oned area, con�nue to place

easy demands un�l you gain instruc�onal control, and then place the demand to go back

to the original area. Do not give addi�onal reinforcement upon return to the original

loca�on when problem behavior has occurred.

Allow him there for a few seconds and interrupt again using the original procedure and

do not place extra demands unless problem behaviors occur. Differen�ally reinforce the

beter transi�on if and when it occurs.

As Jovanni accomplishes successful transi�ons, delay the interval that he must wait to go

back to the original ac�vity. (unless following a specific schedule).

Record Jovanni’s responses on the Interrup�on/transi�on data sheet.

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