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I, __________________________________, Filipino, of legal age assigned

at ____________________________________________, having been subscribed
to an oath, depose and say;

That I am a participant of the Patrol Officers Basic Course facilitated by

the PNP Training Service - School for Specialized Courses (SSC) through a
blended mode of learning at CLES Bldg, PNPTS, Camp BGen Rafael T Crame,
Quezon City.

I was duly informed of the rules and regulations of the Course and I fully
understood and agreed to obey, abide, respect and to undertake the following:

1. Attend the roll call before the start of morning and afternoon classes;
2. Log in twenty (20) minutes, for the roll call, before the morning and
afternoon classes; otherwise, absence during the roll call shall be considered late
and accumulation of three (3) late arrivals for the roll call will be equivalent to one (1)
unauthorized absence;
3. Be absent only for maximum of 20 % of the total number of training days
for the entire course, for reasons authorized by the Course Director such as, but not
limited to:
a. Court duty
b. Sickness
c. Family Emergency
d. Promotion
4. Present corresponding medical certificate in case of absence due to
sickness, otherwise my absence will be considered as unauthorized and that three
(3) accumulated unauthorized absences will be a ground for my dropping from the
5. Acknowledge that violation of classroom instruction/virtual classroom
protocols and failure to observe decorum and guidelines stated in PNPTS
Administrative Manual will be ground for my dropping from the course;
6. Attend the following mandatory activities and that my failure to attend the
same will be a ground for my dropping from the course: a. Opening Ceremony b.
Individual/Group Reporting if required c. Closing Ceremony
7. Ensure that outputs and other related undertakings shall be solely used as
requirements for this course and shall not be used to other activities or other
purposes thereof;
8. Submit all academic requirements before or during the announced
deadline, otherwise, the same will not be entertained by the Course Director, faculty
and staff; failure to complete the requirements will be a ground for deferment of my
9. Observe courtesy, respect, discipline, orderliness and appropriate behavior
inside the during classroom instruction, particularly in dealing with the faculty and
staff, instructors and classmate;
10. Refrain from using other gadgets and laptops with games while the class
is in session;
11. Ensure to being on-cam during lectures with required virtual background;
12. Observe the proper attire prescribed by the course;
13. Coordinate with faculty and staff on matters concerning the efficient and
effective conduct of the course;
14. That I adhere to para 6.f.19 of Training Directive Number 2024-01 “PNP
Master Training Action Plan for CY 2024” Clearly states that “No participants shall
attend two different training at the same duration nor shall be a participant
and as an instructor at the same time.” and in para 5.b.9 of PNP MC 2017-16,
“Taking Mandatory and other related matters” likewise states that “To avoid
conflict, no personnel scheduled to undergo the mandatory career course in
the current year shall avail of any other training/scholarship”;
15. That I read and fully understand the policy stated therein and I further
accept that the decision of the Academic Board, conducted after due process is
final and executory and unappealable and I will abide by the same; and
16. That I attest to the truthfulness of the foregoing declaration and submit
myself to the legal consequences thereof if ever the statements above are wanting
in truth and in substance.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this ____ day of ______, 2024 at

_____________ Philippines.

Notary Public

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