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Report of Contingency Drill

Name of vessel MV VARGO

Nature of Drill Grounded Water-intake Drill
Drill Type Ship to Shore Drill (ZTL)
Position Operational Base - CMS
Date and Time 13th Feb 2024 1332hrs
While vessel was inbound CMS, the captain called the shore support team at about
1332hrs with the following details:

1332hrs: Notification of exercise, grounding and water intake as a result of vessel

avoiding collision with incoming cargo ship as a result of bad weather
1333hrs: checked with the captain to know the condition of the crew and if they
are mustered, captain confirmed YES
1334hrs: contacted the vessel to ensure the watertight doors were closed and
captain confirmed YES

1334hrs: contacted the vessel to confirm the possibility of pollution and water
ingress ;captain confirmed No, Confirmation of fuel carried and ballast water
status; captain confirmed- Moderate

1335hrs: Vessel report water depth as 4 meters and draft as 5.6meters/ vessel
Listing Yes; Drifting-No

1335hrs: Vessel was instructed to remain in position till high tide.

1336hrs: Drill concluded.

Shore Response team involved Company DPA and Operations Manager

in Drill
Persons and authorities informed: (consideration only):

Drill successful (yes / no) YES

Report of Contingency Drill
1. Drill communication was through voice call, SSB was not utilized
2. Drill planning and analysis for grounding drill not concluded
3. Shore support team not adequately prepared for the emergency

DPA Signature......................................

HSE MANAGER Signature......................................

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