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Carpet weaving festival- Iran By Yazan

What is carpet
Carpet weaving in Iran is an
old tradition in Iran that has
been passed down for
generations. It’s considered
one of the most important
forms of art in the Iranian
Years ago, the Iranians used to make carpets just to sit on or to stay warm.
As time went on, the Iranians got better at making carpets, especially at the
time where there was kings and queens. When the Islam became more
The historical popular in Iran, The Iranian started using beautiful Patters

heritage such as, (flowers, stars, and more things).

Years after, (in the Safavid empire), they
started making a lot of beautiful and
amazing carpets patterned by the famous
artists. That time was called the (golden
age). After that cultures from different
places in the world started loving the
Iranian carpets, and also started buying, So
Iran becomes richer and stronger.
Nowadays after technology, Iran created
machines to create carpets, which made life
easier for the Iranians
The weaving carpet festival in
About the festival Iran is not famous in all Iran, the
places where they celebrate this
festival in Iran are: Tabriz and
Isfahan and that’s because these
two places are famous for making
it and also rich. In the festival,
they teach you how to to make
carpets which is actually
interesting. In Iran there are a lot
of kinds and types of carpets,
there you can join workshops to
learn how to make the carpets,
you can also buy carpets. In their
festival they have music, dancing
and sometimes poetry. At the end
everybody comes together to
celebrate the carpet making.
Importance of the festival

This festival is important because it has

an old history. It’s also important
because it has beautiful art in the
carpet (in the colors or in the designs.
This festival also helps the economy by
bringing more tourists and buyers to
buy, the country will become richer
and richer like that. Sharing culture is
also important because people from
different countries and places come to
these festivals to learn from the Iranian
culture. Younger people may also learn
how to make carpet so the tradition
keeps on going.
Iranian carpet patterns
The Iranian carpets, are beautiful due to their nice
and accurate patterns. There are a lot of types and
kinds of patterns, the most famous ones are: Herrati
pattern, Garden design pattern, and the Medallion
and corner pattern

Famous patterns
-Herrati pattern: known as “fish”
pattern, it’s a diamond shape surrounded
by curving leaves and flowers

-Garden design pattern: it’s a pattern

that symbolise plants, trees, and animals

-Medallion and corner pattern: geometric

pattern, shapes and beautiful colors
Challenges and problems that faced them
The carpet weaving in Iran is a great
festival but they also had problems that
faces them. Some of the problems that
faced them for example, The time, years
ago, before creating the machines, the
carpets used to take a lot of time to
finish, which was bad for the festival,
other problem faced them is the patterns,
it was hard for them to create patterns,
because the patterns should be really
accurate and nicej do it was hard to
create. The floor matching was also a
problem facing them because they didn’t
have all the colors for the carpet. Another
problem is creating the big carpets that
was hard and took a really big time.
At the end, this
festival is really
nice and beautiful
due to its art,
cilture and
beautiful history, it
has beautiful
patterns and

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