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Read the following shor passage carefully

The Indonesian Tourism Industry Association (GIPI) chairperson expressed worry that
air polution would affect foreign tourist visits to Indonesia, especially to Jakarta, altough it
has not yet received a request for cancellation. “if (air pollution) continues like this, it will
definitely have an impact”, “he said when met at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative
Economy Building on Monday, August 21, 2023. He was worried that this poor condition
could make foreign tourists prefer travelling to other countries with better air quality.”
People go o vacation to have fun. If a place pollutedm who wants to go there?” , he said.
Chose A, B, C, or D for the best answer, based on the short passage above.
The main topic of the passage above is ....
A. Air pollution reduces indonesia’s foreign exchange
B. Air pollution motivates people to go on vacation
C. Air pollution may have good impact
D. Air polution may affect tourists visit
E. Kosongkan

2. Read the following shor passage carefully

Indonesia has signed an agreement to buy submarine rescue vessel from British compaby
for $100 million. The deal was signed on the sidelines of defence expo in London. The
British-made submarine is designed for swift rescue operations and can fit up 50 people.
It also transportable by aircraft, which will make it easier to deploy to remote locations.
Indonesia has been without submarine rescue vessel since one of its five submarines sank
during a tropedo drill in the Bali Sea in 2021, killing 53 crew members on board. The new
submarine rescue vessel is part of a broarder effort by indonesia to modernize its millitar
equipment. The country has earmarked 134.3 trillion rupiah ($8.74 billion) for defence
this year the biggest allocation in its state budget.
Chose A, B, C, or D for the best answer, based on the short passage above.
Which of the following is not a benefit of having a submarine rescue vessel?
A. It can be used to rescue submarine crews in the event of accident.
B. Which of the following is not a benefit of having submarine rescue vessel?
C. Which of the following is not a benefit of having a submarine rescue vessel?
D. It can be used to rescue submarine crews in the event of an accident.
E. Kosongkan

3. Read the following shor passage carefully

Free fod for children and pregnant women, free fuel for motorcyists or a higher salary (up
to Rp. 30 million/US $1.954) for teachers? Tose are some of the campaign promises that
have been made by the presumptive presidential and vice-presidential nominees to
voters, which analysts say are lagerly unrealistic. With sectarian politics expected to be
less prominent in the campaign seaseon given that all presumptive nomness are mainly
backed by pro-goverment parties. The election is now looking to become a battle populist
Chose A, B, C, or D for the best answer, based on the short passage above.
What is the main idea of the paragraph?
A. Populist promises
B. Presidential prediction
C. Nominees profile
D. Higher salary
E. Kosongkan

4. Read the following shor passage carefully

Singkawang City was selected as the host of the Human Rights Festifal considering its high
tolerance rate. Deputy V of the pPresidential Staff Office (KSP) revealed that the choice
was made based on an assessment conducted by three institutions, namely the Presidetial
Staff Office, the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM), and the
international NGO forum on Indonesian Development (INFID).
Based on the assessment, the work programs and regional regulatioons in Singkawang
were founf to be supportive of human rights fulfillment,. Besides supporting regulations,
the local goverment also provides a space for Singkawang youth to express their voicem
which enriches tolerance across generations in the city. From this festival, it is hoped that
the invitees to the 2023 Human Rights Festival can get valuable experience on how
tolerance is ingrained in community life in Singkawang.
Chose A, B, C, or D for the best answer, based on the short passage above.
The word “ingrained” int the last paragraph could be best replaced by ....
A. Excluded
B. Connected
C. Deep-rooted
D. Used
E. Kosongkan

5. Read the following shor passage carefully

Spread across a chain of thousands of islands between Asia and Australia, Indonesia has
the world’s largest Muslim population and Southeast Asia’s biggest economy. Ethnically it
is highly diverse with more than 300 languages. The people range from rural hunter-
gatherers to a modern urban elite. Sophisticated kingdoms existed before the arrival of
the Dutch, who colonixed the archipelago but gave in to an independence struggle in
1949. Nowdays, Indonesia has become one of the world’s major emerging economies.
Chose A, B, C, or D for the best answer, based on the short passage above.
The best title for the passage is ...
A. Indonesia country profile
B. Indonesia islands between Asia and Australia
C. Indonesia the wold’s largest Muslim population
D. Indonesia the world’s major economies
E. Kosongkan

6. Read the following shor passage carefully

Indonesian tourism workers have gone on strike over a dramatic hke in the price of
tickets to see komodo dragons. Visitors will now be charged 3.75.000 rupiahs to visit the
main islands in Komodo National Park – up from 200.000 rupiahs before. The goverment
hopes to limit visitors number and protect edangered lizards from overexposure to
humans. But local workers say it will scare off tourists completly, causing their income to
dry up.
Chose A, B, C, or D for the best answer, based on the short passage above.
The topic of the passage is?
A. The goverment protect the endagered lizards
B. The goverment limits visitors numbers
C. Indonesian strike over entry price of Komodo Dragon Park
D. The main islands in Komodo National Park
E. Kosongkan

7. Read the following shor passage carefully

In an official statement on August 28 that the company played role in building network
consisting of 3 coridors, namely Harjamukti (Cibubur)- Cawang, Jaimulya (East Bekasi) –
Cawang, and Cawang-Dukuh Atas, with total 18 stations. The director said that LRT
Jabodebek rail track's structure was designed using U-shaped girder technology, which
has the advantage of being able to dampen noise and withstand earthquake vibrations,
thus having a slim shape to maintain the aesthetics of urban areas. The LRT Jabodebek
operates without a driver using Grade of Automation (GoA) 3 technology which is
controlled through the OCC or Operation Control Center.
Chose A, B, C, or D for the best answer, based on the short passage above.
The name of the 3 LRT corridors are, except .....
A. Cawang- Dukuh Atas
B. Jatimulya (East Bekasi) – Cawang
C. Harjamukti – Dukuh Atas
D. Harjamukti (Cibubur) – Cawang
E. Kosongkan

8. Read the following shor passage carefully

Free fod for children and pregnant women, free fuel for motorcyists or a higher salary (up
to Rp. 30 million/US $1.954) for teachers? Tose are some of the campaign promises that
have been made by the presumptive presidential and vice-presidential nominees to
voters, which analysts say are lagerly unrealistic. With sectarian politics expected to be
less prominent in the campaign seaseon given that all presumptive nomness are mainly
backed by pro-goverment parties. The election is now looking to become a battle populist
Chose A, B, C, or D for the best answer, based on the short passage above.
The word unrealistic could be replaced by, except.....
A. Unworkable
B. Impracticable
C. Impractical
D. Realistic
E. Kosongkan

9. Read the following shor passage carefully

Indonesia revises motorcycle driver’s license test to improve safety. The new test is
designed to be more fair and accessible, while still ensuring that riders have the necessary
skills and knowledge to operate a motorcycle safety. The new test removes the zigzag
salm driving test and focuses on assessing riders ability to ride safety in a variety of
conditions. The writtent test has also been made more comprehensive and a new
simulator test has been added. The goal of the revised test is to improve the safety of
motorcycle riders on the road. Indonesia has one of the highest rates of motorcycle riders
on the road. Indonesia has one of the highest rates of motorcycle accidents in the world,
and many of these accidents ar caused by riders who lack the necessary skills and
knowledge. By making the test more fair and accessible, the police hope to encourage
more people to take the test and obtain a motorcycle license legally. This will help to
reduce the number of unlicensed riders on the road and improve the safety of eeveryone.
Chose A, B, C, or D for the best answer, based on the short passage above.
What s one of the main changes that was made to the revised motorcycle driver’s license
test in Indonesia?
A. The written test was made more comprehensive
B. The zigzag salom driving test was removed
C. The Width of the track used for the practical test was doubled
D. A new simulator test was added
E. Kosongkan

10. Read the following shor passage carefully

Kulon Progo Regency is predicted to have the season earlier than other areas in the
province. “The rainy season will come first in the northern area of Kulon Progo,” she
added. The area includes Samigaluh and Kalibawang Districts, followed by several sub-
districts of Sleman Regency in the second dasarian namely Turi, Pakem, Cangkringan,
northern Sleman, northern Ngaglik, northern Tempel, and a small part of Ngemplak.
Meanwhile, the area predicted to see the last of the rainy season is Yogyakarta City. She
also said that the peak of the rainy season in Yogyakarta was expected in February 2024.
Chose A, B, C, or D for the best answer, based on the short passage above.
According to the passage, the rainy season will come first in the ..... area
A. Eastern
B. Western
C. Southern
D. Northern
E. Kosongkan

11. Which of the following bold words is incorect in terms of grammar?

The sales clerk demonstrated vaious additional way that the machine could be used.
A. Could be used
B. additional
C. Demonstrated
D. way
E. Kosongkan

12. Chose the one word or phrase that best complete the sentence.
You can ..... in the global job market, increase yourr skiill and around the world.
A. Competing
B. Compete
C. Competes
D. Competed
E. Kosongkan
13. Chose the one word or phrase that best complete the sentence.
The North Pole .... a latitude of 90 degrees north
A. Which is having
B. It has
C. Is having
D. Has
E. Kosongkan

14. Chose the one word or phrase that best complete the sentence.
I can not decide to buy ..... the blue one or the red one
A. Both
B. Non
C. Neither
D. Either
E. Kosongkan

15. Chose the one word or phrase that best complete the sentence.
The old house .... into a beautiful bed and breakfast
A. Conveting
B. Will convert
C. Was converted
D. Converts
E. Kosongkan

16. Chose the one word or phrase that best complete the sentence.
Polictical developments including local elections .... the nations future
A. Is shaping
B. Had shaping
C. Are shaping
D. Were shaping
E. Kosongkan

17. Chose the one word or phrase that best complete the sentence.
The properties of every protein depend on how .... are arranged in the......
A. All of the amino acidify
B. Of all the amino acids
C. All of the amino acid
D. All the amino acids
E. Kosongkan

18. Chose the one word or phrase that best complete the sentence.
Public school in the city ..... be free, now half of the people can not affort
A. Used to
B. Are used to
C. Going to
D. Using to
E. Kosongkan
19. Chose the one word or phrase that best complete the sentence.
As fifth in order of distance from the sun, jupiter is the .... planet we have in oer system.
A. Way bigger
B. Largest
C. Larger
D. Large than
E. Kosongkan

20. Chose the one word or phrase that best complete the sentence.
.... in 1849, Manuel A. Alonso recorded the customs, language, and songs of ti.. people of
Puerto Rico in his poetry and prose.
A. Beginning
B. Having begun
C. The beginning was
D. He began
E. Kosongkan

21. Chose the one word or phrase that best complete the sentence.
The State Police Agency (BKN) was ..... by Prepatory Committee for Indonesian
Independence (PPKI).
A. For
B. Formed
C. Forming
D. Forms
E. Kosongkan

22. Chose the one word or phrase that best complete the sentence.
His father insisited on ... medicine, because he thinks it will enable his son to help many
A. Study
B. Studying
C. Studies
D. To study
E. Kosongkan

23. Chose the one word or phrase that best complete the sentence.
To look at something again in order to ..... to revise it.
A. Make them better are
B. Make it better is
C. Make it better are
D. Make it better
E. Kosongkan

24. Chose the one word or phrase that best complete the sentence.
......American landscape architects was Hideo Sasaki.
A. The most famous one of
B. Of the one most famous
C. The one most famous
D. One of the most famous
E. Kosongkan

25. Chose the one word or phrase that best complete the sentence.
Police .... a vehicle document completeness check.
A. Core
B. Conspiracy
C. Compose
D. Conduct
E. Kosongkan

26. Chose the one word or phrase that best complete the sentence.
Accidents ..... concerns over public transportation safety in Jakarta.
A. Grip
B. Raise
C. Rail
D. Grain
E. Kosongkan

27. Read the following dialogue and answer the following question based on the dialogue.
Dilla : can you help me with this work?
Bella : i’m afraid, i can’t. I’m verty busy now.
Dilla : .....
Bella : yes, certainly. I think i’ll be free in lunch time tomorrow
A. Can i come a littel later?
B. Can you help me tomorrow?
C. What are you bussy with?
D. When can i come?
E. Kosongkan

28. Read the following dialogue and answer the following question based on the dialogue.
John : Linda, do you know how to get to the Star Hotel? I’ve never been there before.
Linda : Are you driving or taking the subway?
John : The subway.
Linda : take the blue line from 14th Ave and change to the gry line at Andrew Square. Get
at 83rd street.
John : yes, thanks. Now once i get to Andrew Square, how i proceed?
Linda : once you are on 83rd street, go straight, past the bank. Take the second left and
continue going straight. It’s across the street from Jack’s Kitchen.
Where the Star Hotel?
A. On 14th Ave
B. Andrew Square
29. Read the following dialogue and answer the following question based on the dialogue.
Diana : Did we miss our flight?
Harry : No, the flight is supposed to take off at 1 pm, it’s 12.45 now.
Diana : Oh, there. It’s stated in the flight board that our flight is half an hour late.
Harry : All right, at least we’re not late.
From the dialogue above, when will their flight take off?
A. 12.45 PM
B. 1.30 PM
C. 1 PM
D. 12.30 PM
E. Kosongkan

30. Read the following dialogue and answer the following question based on the dialogue.
Tom : have you taken a tour since you’ve been here?
Anne : Yes, I went on one last weekend.
Tom : What was it like?
Anne : Well, we didn’t see a lot. We mainly went a lot of shops. I would’ve preferred to
more of the museums and famous buildings. I’m not really interested in shopping. And
they took us in was so old and slow. They should put it in the museum!
What did the tour bus look like?
A. Old and slow
B. Good and slow
C. Bold and aesthetic

31. Read the following dialogue and answer the following question based on the dialogue.
Tom : have you taken a tour since you’ve been here?
Anne : Yes, I went on one last weekend.
Tom : What was it like?
Anne : Well, we didn’t see a lot. We mainly went a lot of shops. I would’ve preferred to
more of the museums and famous buildings. I’m not really interested in shopping. And
they took us in was so old and slow. They should put it in the museum!
Where the tour took Anna?
A. To a lot of famous buildings.
B. To alot of shops
C. To alot of restaurants

32. Read the following dialogue and answer the following question based on the dialogue.
David : i’ve got a new office now.
Maria : That’s great! Congratulations.
David : I’ll need a desk and some cabinets. How many cabinets are there in your office?
Maria : I think there are four cabinets in my office.
David : And do you have any furniture in your office? I mean other than chair at your desk.
Maria : oh yes, i’ve got a sofa and two comfortables armchairs.
What furniture is needed for David’s new office now?
A. Desk and cabinet
B. Only desk
C. Chair
33. Read the following dialogue and answer the following question based on the dialogue.
Larry : Hi, Professor Adams. My name is Larry.
Prof : Hi, Larry. How can i help you?
Larry : I was told that you place students in intership at the university art museum. What
responsibilities interns have, what qualifications they need to have?
Prof : Sorry, thos positions are all filled for this year.
Larry : Oh! But i just saw the announcement on the museum Website this morning.
Prof : Unfortunately, the Website is out of date.
Larry : Oh, i see. Thang you for the information, Prof.
Why is the student disappointed?
A. The intershiop he wants is unavailable
B. He has to quit his job at the library.

34. Read the following dialogue and answer the following question based on the dialogue.
Amir : Him can you help me?
Librarian : Sure, What’s the problem?
Amir : I’ve got to write an essay on electrical distribution and transmission systems. But, i
can’t find any suitable books in the engineering section on level three.
Librarian : Have you used the library search engine?
Amir : You mean where you type the keywords into the computer? Yes, i’ve done that. A
couple of books come up but they’re not on the shleves, someone’s taken them out.
Librarian : Well, i can put reserve on them so that when the person brings them back to
the library, we can put them on one side for you. Do you want to do that?
Amir : Sure
Which of the following has Amir done already?
A. Used the library search engine
B. Reserved some books

35. Read the following dialogue and answer the following question based on the dialogue.
Piere : Excuse me, sir. May i ask you a question?
Danny : Yes, What can i do for you?
Piere : .......
Danny : This way please.
What is it?
A. Where is the smoking room?
B. I’m sorry to hear that
C. What else do you want?
D. Kosongkan

36. Read the following dialogue and answer the following question based on the dialogue.
Man : Well,actually i would prefer to get refund. I’ve heard other with this model./
Woman : Okay, Well, in that case we’ll deffinitely need a receipt.
When did the man notice the problem with his purchase?
When he bought it?
A. The day after he bought it
B. Last week
C. Last month
D. Kosongkan

37. Read the following dialogue and answer the following question based on the dialogue.
Adele : i’m sorry, Mam. Is this the right platform for train to London?
Pixie : Yes, this is the right platform.
Adle : What time is the next train dor London?
Pixie : They go every hour. The next train is at 10 o’clock
Adele : ....
A. How long shall we stay here?
B. Has the train gone?
C. Thank you. I think it’s enaugh to ho to the refreshment room.
D. It is the last train for London
E. Kosongkan

38. Read the following dialogue and answer the following question based on the dialogue.
Brandon : i know, i haven’t forgotten. Why don’t we just get her some flowers like know
she always likes to get flowers.
Brie : But she’s going to be 60 this year, we have to do something sprecial.
Brandon : oh, i dont know. How about we take her to that French restaurant in .... the
hotel. I’m sure that she would appreciate that.
How old is their mother when the conversation take place?
A. 61
B. 59
C. 58
D. 60
E. Kosongkan

39. Read the following dialogue and answer the following question based on the dialogue.
David : How do you like living in a big city?
Maria : i like it so much more than living in the country. There are many things that make
David : Oh, really? Can you give me some examples?
Maria : Well, it certainly is more intersting out in the city than it is in the country. There is
so much more to do dan see!
David : Yes, but the city is more dangerous than the country.
From the dialogue above, it is clear that Maria......
A. Maria afraid of the city
B. Maria loves the country side
C. Loves living in the country side

40. Read the following dialogue and answer the following question based on the dialogue.
Emely : How are you going to get downtown? Are you going to drive?
Ben : i don’t think so. I jusy heard the traffic report on the radio. It seems there is a traffic
jam on the free way. They said a couple of buses have broken down.
Emely : I gues it will be quicker to take the subway
Ben : Absolutely, let’s go to the station.
From the dialogue above, how will the woman and man go to the downtown?
A. By taking a train
B. By taking a bus
C. By driving a car
D. By driving a bike
E. Kosongkan

41. Read the following dialogue and answer the following question based on the dialogue.
Linda : Not bad. I met some friens and we went bowling....
Brian : Really ? i love bowling. Why didn’t you call me?
Linda : Sorry, it was a girls night out
What did Linda do on Saturday?
A. Linda went bowling with her boyfriend
B. Linda stayed home and watched TV
C. Linda met her girlfriends in the evening
D. Linda had a boring weekend at home
E. Kosongkan

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