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Unit 3 building relationships

Break off relations – to end a relationship

Build up relations – ability to establish strong personal and professional bonds

Cement relations – make relationship stronger

Cultivate relations - building and maintaining strong connections with others in both our
personal and professional lives.

Cut off relations – to end relationship

Damage relations – a type of relationship that is harmful, toxic, and detrimental to the well-
being and happiness of one or both individuals involved.

Develop relations - The action of causing the repetitive connection and evolution toward
accomplishing the common purposes of two or more people.

Disrupt relations – any situation where a relationship between two or more people is
negatively impacted due to an outside factor.

Encourage relations – to make relationship stronger

Foster relations - understanding the situation from the other person's perspective, while
coming up with a solution together

Jeopardise relations – to risk your relationships due to some factors

Promote relations - the action of creating or cultivating a friendship, bond or partnership

Resume relations – to continue having relationship with certain person

Sever relations – to end relations suddenly and completely

Sour relations – relationship that is less friendly, enjoyable

Undermine relations - the belief that for one partner to win, the other must lose.

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