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Unit 1

1. With a neat diagram, Illustrate the steps in Research process.

2. Explain the types of Research.
3. Illustrate the techniques of defining research problem with example.
4. What are the objectives of Research?
5. What is the difference between Research Method and Research Methodology?
6. With the help of suitable examples Illustrate the Applied versus Fundamental
7. “The task of defining the research problem often follows a sequential pattern”. Explain.
8. “Empirical research in India in particular creates so many problems for the researchers”. State
the problems that are usually faced by such researchers.
9. Write an explanatory note on Web as a Source - Searching the Web?
10. Enumerate the specific characteristics of a good research?
11. Explain 4 conditions to be met while defining Research problem.

Unit 2

1. Explain the process of a typical literature survey.

2. Summarize the functions of a literature review in research, and how does it contribute to
the research process? Explain the steps involved in conducting a literature review, and
how do they contribute to the overall research endeavour.
3. What is Research problem? Explain the main issues which would receive the attention
of the research in formulating the research problem.
4. “Research design in exploratory studies must be flexible but in descriptive studies, it
must minimise bias and maximise reliability.” Discuss.
5. Describe some of the important research designs used in experimental hypothesis-
testing research study.
6. Explain the techniques involved in defining a research problem.
7. Explain the need and importance of defining a research problem.
8. Write a note on review of literature.
9. What are the steps involved to conduct literature review for research and explain each.
10. Illustrate the strategies for improving research methodology through a comprehensive
literature review.
11. Analyze simple factorial and complex factorial design with examples.
Unit 3 and Unit 4

1) Outline and explain the criteria of selecting a sample design. (10M)

2) Explain different types of sample design. 10M
3) Briefly discuss about importance of experimental design. Mention its type and explain
its type. (10M)
4) What are the steps that the researcher should pay attention while developing a sample
design. 10M
5) Mention the characteristics of good research sample design and explain different types
of sample designs. 10M
6) Define Measurement. List different types of errors in Measurement. 6M
7) Write Short notes on:
(i) Test of validity
(ii) Test of Reliability 10M
8) Define Data collection. Explain the interview method. 4M
9) What is Hypothesis. Explain Characteristics of hypothesis. 10M
10) Explain hypothesis testing for difference between proportions. 10M
11) What are the limitations of the test of hypothesis. 8M
12) What is Chi-Square testing? Explain chi-square as a test for comparing variance. 12M
13) Explain various methods of collecting primary data. 10M
14) Explain the important steps involved in techniques of interpretation. 10M
15) What are Probability sampling techniques? Explain various methods under
Probability sampling techniques. 10M
16) Illustrate the procedure for Hypothesis testing along with flow chart. 10M
17) Explain P-Value Approach. 10M

Unit 5

1. Explain Layout of Research Report. (10M)

2. Mention emphasis topics of technical report. Write a general outline of technical
report. (10M)
3. Demonstrate salient provisional points in Patents. (10M)
4. With suitable examples illustrate rights of priority. (10M)
5. Illustrate Design Act 2000 with a suitable example. (10M)
6. Explain the inventions that are patentable and not patentable in india. (8M)
7. Explain the significance of a research report and narrate the various steps involved in
writing a report. (8M)
8. Illustrate the main provisions of Indian Patent Amendment Act-2005?
9. Explain the issues and features of TRIPS agreement. (7M)
10. What is meant by Intellectual Property? Why does intellectual property needs to be
protected and promoted. (10M)

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