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(oh als BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE AND SECONDARY EDUCATION,MULTAN =~ Cot) Objective Key for SSC (10th) 1st ANNUAL EXAMINATION, 2023 Name of Subject Lithkes Stidtes . Fert -Tnol Group. Ast G. [Favercate] comect —[Psvercose] correct PoverCoce] correct [Paver cox] Correct nos |BF// | anwser |39/3 | anvecr BUS | S19KE howser 3907 er HS ad D eae —Gelbh A Fe jun Gt obi A es (B57 33 yeer97 Le eet] D L31T96 AIS fips | lot99e. 21978 Aicors, | Je aie Eth 33 33 feb de LretSeroP4| A IPS/F 7B, VAS f7-06) LISS Jl atl Bele ot ede “2/998 ued ydav, PITS S]OlO|B|O/OSlolaiy Dy Jos [10 foo] |/K1O OBO |G] |e LIFTS. i : y \ a $ X a S : S ( x ‘ F 2023 NIL be Se Prepared & Checked By: Name Designation Institution SUPA Metta | ESTR TREE PSC 556 athonad Yor Seal [Fin eepel|S Fe tee ripe pps) Cig lio Ph rap ie 29AS? ReChecked By ¢ si ULz they eg tite BOA at Nae aal"Key" Hp" Lg pW Paiian ed Sobran] | 2 MCMB RagHEED ABD |S BS Ge KEES. a $35 [G45 SS deX Be0 LES Ye 25-04— 2008 Ez 7m wb pollen Cail 2500 -§ 366 8S S- Taney Umar SST Ge ue Ik mp D (38 BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE AND SECONDARY EDUCATION,MULTAN Objective Key for SSC (10th) 1st ANNUAL EXAMINATION, 2023 ° Name of sina IBASES Ludeas Group. ane. a. |ravercose] comet |Fanercote] corset Par S=i6] conect |rorercoae] Gove Nos [392 | Anwser Anwser ksor cal 11 CO vores T Ls 21D | oe B 7 al 8 | & Mee. 3 Z Wy 4 a ree! Z _ly 8] 8 [965 Bo 6 D go w>| Z | g & iT A een [7 gin e| Cc db oT L2 | A_piBsdin I | eh to | D hep | A ae 2 /(\ 7 | es re Poh] \ hensive Se I pre Fe “it Vy ‘ [a8 eo dH see i oF i 20 | A | a AL Key Alea bebee «ng ue $20230P stg St Now Toned Kael. fae a eu = Una 3S 2 EW Siwee z 2 Prepared & Checked By: Dated: MOF 2OR3 = = jt 2 |PaMmnAP Ascanr! src (AHS filam Pur |p 1739S B make on Yayo | 887 Giss combithongh 2304-25ay dy Re-CheckedBy «oI Mite skeyiegdrte Sib uh SWE Ays Key GAG + Lar drihin 1 [PMemnOD Suliman Zag! set frame ABUEED DBA 220SI66643 2 [Noweed Awan | 353 Buss eneyja Sha, p32) BRE pet Sat Name Designation] Institution Mobile No _| sign; 5 Sayjad agiaia SST CA) | GHS, Aran Spee 1 GUS, A ee b30/; 28-04-2073 lef n)p $0) BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE AND SECONDARY EDUCATION. MULTAN Objective Key for SSC (40th) 1st_ ANNUAL EXAMINATION,2023 Name of subect___ Pare Aaa aS Coup... fl Svs Correct | Paper Sede! Correct |Paperode| Corract [Paper ode] Correct pnwser_ | THS | anwger |791S° | anwser {79/7 | anwser 219a5 Lee Al ee ae S42 a fae! ue ju 267 2198 SAP| Ose Lae | Jen! ie | £19528 2952 0B pry Se Leda (eu [<1 F@SAD, o> ae ED Shy 4V9s2ap D | 2¢7 4 267 Sel DI] eA |gen He Os BL | C pide. dey 1/952 7B, 2¢7_ | C | siggsny Tye Ae APS QA)Y A NSPS] a ALD WOlaps| 9] a9 | a0 £36 £ EST os > wo te a a : \ e z| a . fb Z . x x a pan? th ted 22g (Ob allbre™ LAG HES Subjectiveaohjecivens i F Versions: Ai Prepared & Checked By: chad SST Got. H/9 Sch Name Designation, Institution Planner Aston! 555 | Galky Ale Pan, [Mask 1 Yeyeeb dcr [Zt ae nance Jama. ad. alaryr Re-Checked By* y 1 [were seey | so Ges [Pe FED PBA leases ys 2 2 [Nate Avmdo axnae| 26 $55 Samesfa Foon eee L8G aoe ~ Taheg Umar $59 GES pa 5~ Mi Alsace bre dng g 208. 2023 (ist-A) Ass SSC PART-II (10th CLASS) pgristan STUDIES (COMPULSORY) (NEW COURSE) Cele) Cow) oho GROUP-| TIME ALLOWED: 1.45 Hours SUBJECTIVE 28> MAXIMUM MARKS: 40 NOTE: Write same question numbor went gale ca htallosnz bbe 2) and its part number on answer book, as given in the question paper. SECTIONS Use 2, Attempt any six parts, 12=2x6 fe nlinge by pale () Whatis meant by Younre-Takbir? tend (i) Whatis meant by Foreign Policy? esl Met {il) When was Allama Iqbal Open Universiy established? bn Etre How is it benefica for students? tiv) Whatwas the object ef adopting the strategy of nationalization of rational inctutions by Zulfqgar All Bautto? (¥) When was 7th Amendment made in 1873 constitution and what was in it? (vi) Why land and sea rotkes of Pakletan are important? (ui) Vity is Karachi Port important? (vil) Write the names of two ancient ehizations of Pakistan (i) Whatare the oroblems for which conflict batween Pakislen and Incle is st unresolved? 3. Attempt any six parts. (Wht rivers are the patt of Pakistan ang Incia under Indus Water Treaty? What is meant by Trade Deft? Wite four uses of Manganese. Write four uses of Sulpher. Write two Financial measures taken by the gevernrrent i ARLE LA ting ba (oincroase agrcuture! production What's the cifference between Urban and Rural areas? Broly OM tuindlme ‘Write two differences Which festivals are celebrated by minontes of Pakieten? linda we aditoe (vi) Which architectural style are the reminiscent Sutdinthe Suan cAsutexs (vil) ofthe greatness of Musims? ‘What's the national game of Pakistan? fe whit tye] RelA ieee, (ha What are the other games which are liked n Pakistan? SECTION-I 721.07 NOTE: Attempt any two questions. 16=8x2 Witte detai tte reforms ot Benazir Brutts Seconc Era(1993-1995) Wite detailed rote on tho minerals of Pakieten Write notes on the following wthighos 6 (). Pakistan's relations with Turkey BALGL yey j i) Suggestions for saving Education prstlems re Sod? a 142023/18tA)-70000 (MULTAN) PAPER CODE 2023 (1stA) Ady SSC PART4I (10th GLASS) NUMBER: 3917 .KISTAN STUDIES (COMPULSORY) (NEW COURSE) Cee) Cui) oe Lob GROUP4 ig — gah TIME ALLOWED: 15 Minutes OBJECTIVE are Ib = Sy MAXIMUM MARKS: 10 to= Ae Fe, WBE WL rerra fi SLEEVE Sieg he GEL DW CB ARG LL Ueno) Lec!) Bove ter ILAL IM eel ter ILE LI stonbien Li Note: You have four choices for each objective type question as A,B, Cand D.Thechoice pesSnoile which you think Is correct, fill that bubble infront of that question number, on bubble sheet. Use markar or pen to fll the bubbles. Cutting or filling two or more bubbles will result in zero mark in that question. No credit will ba awarded in case BUBBLES aro net filled. Do not colve quostione on thie choot of OBJECTIVE PAPER. Q.No.1 Aur (1) The national game of Pakistan is: -cery a) (A) Cricket 2 (8) Football Jie} (0) Kabaddi GL (D} Hockey uf @) The trst census in Pakistan was conducted in: Suite SL @ (A) ut 1981 AD (8) ut +1962 AD (C) 61953 AD (D) #1954 AD (3) Pakistan conducted nuclear tests in: -inciivl @ (A) Uf 1996. AD (B) U2 +1999. AD. (C) 6 +1997 AD (D) % +1988 AD (4) Elected as Prime Minister of Pakistan in 2017: (©) lirgation trom lined up channels(Pakka Khala) (t- T= Ul (4). The number of Pakistani tourists in pakistan in 2019 AD was ft __ turret 2018 aa) near about mon, 50 uy @)eo 2 (7 + (0) 80 st (© ___AD, Munammad khan Juneo was nominated Myre omiawtAer 8) a8 Prime Miniter of Pakielan (A) 1980, (8) 1985 (C) 1988 (0) 1990 (6) On 4st August 2017,___ took the charge 2s. Pwd __f 217 HF Prime Minister of Pakistan. (A) Yousat Raza Gilani Jifloe-y (C) Mian Nawaz Shavit Ziti (@) Shaukat Anz 27Aos? (0) Shael Kneqaan Abbasi Yuet (1) The approxtnate length of Durand ine is___kilometer. ehh PASH =) (a26tt @)2161 2116 (0) 2364 (8) The frst barrage built on River Chenab is: -eblakivenfigegeto ©) ()Knanki ()Rasul Je (C)Marala 1 (0) Gudew (9) Eid NawRuz'is festival of. ev apt ® (A) Bahais Wine ery (8) Sikhs U-* (©) Hindus usr (D) Christians UZts (0) ‘The real name of Hibba Khatoon was __ —— fete (0) (A)Melala Js (®) Haire 126 (© Bayd Be (D)Zone ost RP-16(00)y AT}-2023(1st-A}-65000 (MULTAN) 2023 (1st-A) 8 SSC PART-II (10th CLASS) P@XISTAN STUDIES (COMPULSORY) (OLD COURSE) (LW tid) (fil) eth GROUP. TIME ALLOWED: 1.45 Hours SUBJECTIVE 02 MAXIMUM MARKS: 40 NOTE: Write same question number eb hee fal LE boning Gee and its part number on answer book, as given in the question paper. SEGTIONA Jy 2. Attompt any elx parts. 12=2x6 Pifewliage ¥ 2Alr () When al Schecluled Bans of Pakistan were nationalized? LE LER OL el (il Deserive any two positive effects of Nationalization Policy Aoi ednbiE ot chalet in Bhutto reign (il) Where fourth *SAARC* Conference wes held and who Soi fe Bihan nih LP did participate from india? (iv) White any tno duties of Union Council. APSE (v)) Which countries can become the member of O.1.C.(Organization Seber ACM Be of of Islamic Conference)? (v) When did Kashmir issue present in U.N.O.? Soe are (vi) Between whieh counties "ncus Water Treaty‘ vse elgned andwhy? Stab ejanlfVulenle las: (vill) How many members of Security Council have a right to "Veto"? {ix) - Give few examples of violence against women in society. 3. Attempt any six parts. 12=2x6 ~ EcfoweLinge lf 3 Air () Describe two uses of coal athyeweuLes () (i) What is meant by Karez? Neen! {i) Write two uses of Copper aver (lv) Write two measures for reduction in poverty in Pakistan ind Lita Ate tw) (¥) White the name of two major erupe of Rabi tL uAtinS (v). Whatis meanty Universty Education? eae Aes (vl) Who was Hibs khatoon? (vil) Which problem's ae arising because of overpopulation? thief wie Siti (vi) Write te rames of two major folk tales in the Punjabi language, SECTION-I p< NOTE: Attempt any two questions. 16=8x2 -SefoaLetirne $f 2) \irte down the steps forstamization Bien ICEL LL pone tefl MOTT A in couriry during 1977-66, in deta Deectite rrajpt sources of irigation in Pakistan ed ybuspE, Wire nota cn the following Aeighion (). Write @ note on inteinatonal Court of Justice, LAefeigtotobesihngt (i) (i) What types of food are liked in Pakisian? tude tinGfiteurt a saoy202stiseay-4YOD (MULTAN) GEZ Ay PAPER CODE 2023 (1st-A) NUMBER:7911 SSC PARTI (10th CLASS) PARISTAN STUDIES (COMPULSORY) (OLD COURSE) (tig) (UW) ube GROUP-I be ~ gat TIME ALLOWED: 15 Minutes OBJECTIVE (7-2 wi = MAXIMUM MARKS: 10 so AF fi Dhar WeL errant Whe reL rachis les DCB Act EL Ue ed bated HE eA te ASL LG SUA Kar aad tewSL GAN | LS stinslte Li Bs Note; You have four cholces for each objective type question as A, B,C and D. The choice uf LiPSpowir which you think is correct, fl! that bubbie in front of that question number, on bubble sheet. Use marker or pen to fill the bubbles. Cutting or filling two or more bubbles will recult in zero mark in that question. No credit will be awarded in cese BUBBLES are not filled, Do not solve questions on this sheet of OBJECTIVE PAPER. QNo.1 1 de (1) Muhammed Khan Junejo became Prime Minister of Pakistan in: eines tue4 (1) (A) 1388 AD (B) +1990 AD (C) 1985 AD (D) +1993 AD (2) The number of membors of the Netional Assembly i @ ) 302 @ 32 (©) 382 (0) 442 (3) The name of organisation for regicnal cooperation is: opt wssuSRe — @) (A) SAARC it. (B) NEPRA 1g (C)NESPAK Wz (D) SPARCO He (4) The head office of organization of Islarnie Conference is situated ir Opus 8) (A) Islamabad s\j71 (8) Jeddch +e (C) Makkah 6 (0) Rabet 1, (5) Natural gas was discovered In Pakistan in: Srctotbatee, ©) (A) +1950 AD {B) % 91851 AD (C) Lt 1962 AD (D) £ +1953 AD (6) Pakistan imports edible ol from America, Sritanka and: tts nin eo EL, (8) )iran yy (B) Seudi Arabia sr” (0) Hong Kong KF, (D) Metaysia At (7) The first Nuctear Power Plant of Pakistan wes established in: VPRA th Aeuter, (A) Latore vet (B) Kerechi GU” (C) Isemabad fp (D) Rutten wt (8) According to latest statistics, densiiy of population Siler h SEAL Posey (8) (per sqlkin) in Pakistan is: @ 170 (6) 104 (©) 195 (0) 287 (9) Higher Secondary Education hes the course duration of; weber, @) (A) db 2 years (8) Ub 3 years (Uk 4 years (0) Ue 5 years (10) Which thing linked to the GPS has been made for the te Stage orse care és (10) rotection of women? (A) Gatiane 4 @)Ring A (0) Braet (1 at, (Oj Watch 14(0)(0u)( Ay-2023( 18tA)LYexe (MULTAN) I sses—tse 2023 (1st-A) Ady SSC PART-II (10th CLASS) PAPER CODE NUMBER: 7913 PAKISTAN STUDIES (COMPULSORY) (OLD COURSE) GROUP-| Cle 1g) CU) UL alb = gol wb = sy MAXIMUM MARKS: 10 jo= A Ae BY AGWBOWWE Mrsone ft WALL Sree he Li. D iC BA cbatiyl deg ud caer Ree tee SLL Sin tere miter SL Ax (Lie LBs Note: You have four choices for each objective typo quostion as A, B, Cand D. Tho choice ui /au"reilie ‘which you think Is correot, fil that bubble In front of that question number, on bubble sheet. Use marker or pen to fill the bubbles. Cutting or filling two or more bubbles will result in zero mark in that question. No credit will be awarded in case BUBBLES are not filled. Do not solve questions on this sheet of OBJECTIVE PAPER. QNo.4 1A TIME ALLOWED: 15 Minutes OBJECTIVE Wie (1) Pakistan imports edible oll fom America, Si Lanka and: ett wb jait Few (1) Ayiran ot (8) Saudi Arabia — fr" (C) Hong Kong £6L£| (0) Malaysia Yu (2) The first Nuclear Power Plant of Pakistan was estabiished in: WY @ (A) Lahore i) (B) Karachi fi (C) Islamabad 4-0-1 (D) Multan yh ead aA (8) Actording to atest statist, density of population MS Litney (Bee sqykm) in Pakistan is, (a) 170 (B) 184 (©) 195 (0) 237 (4) Higher Secondary Education has the course curation of we tainsiieetisinh (a) (A) Ub 2 years (8) Jb 3 years (Che 4 years (D) Je 5 years. (©) Which thing linked to tha GPS hes baen made fer the Protection of women? (A) Gatland 4 (6) Ring sh (C) Bracelet) er () Watch Gat (6) Muhammad Khan Jungjs'became Prime Minister of Pakistsn in: eM eal et frubse 0) (A) +1988 AD (8) +1990. AD. (©) 1985 a0 (0) +1993 aD (7) The number of members of the National Assembly is: apts a (A) 392 (8) 342 (o) 362 (0) 442 (8) ‘The name of organisation for regional cooperation is: <2 pti @ WA) SAARC Uf (B) NEPRA ig (C) NESPAK (D) SPARCO Ji. (8) The heed office of organization of Islamic Conference is sitvaled in: (A) Islamabad ol fru-t (8) Jeddah ny (10) Natural gas wee discovered in Pekistan in: (A) 21950 AD (@)t 1991 AD (0) Makkah 6 ) ut -1982.00 a bipeireu (D) Ravet 1, bein h ate] (10) (0) 4 +1953. AD 44(ONObI FE FE).2029(1514) Geog (MULTAN) Ir eeseses—i‘_ls 2023 (1st-A) (SO 7 bs SSC PART-II (10th CLASS) PAKISTAN STUDIES (COMPULSORY) (OLD COURSE) Cot tg) Cow) oY lhe GRouP ~ git TIME ALLOWED: 16 Minutes OBJECTIVE (Spr eb = eae MAXIMUM MARKS: 10 to= Uf Amik YL rarre t rk st VL ly, 4460? 222.0 eB REE Nop CRE A teaser LL Moat berth titeuf Lh fay [LA Hie tz, Note: You have four cholees for 6 ich objective type question as A, B, ¢ and D. The choice pis ity which you think is ‘Correct, fill that bubble In front of that question number, on bubble she ‘Uso marker or pen lat question, No credit will bo 've.questions on this sheet of OBJECTIVE PAPER Ae (1) Higher Secendery Education has the course duration of; ehh (4) Je? years (8) Ue 3years () Je 4 years () Je 5 years @)_ Which thing irked to the GPS has been made for the tet gvwltie apg PLL is Prolection of women? (A) Garland 1, @)Ring (C) Bracelet (2) wie (0) Watch or Muhammad Khan Junejo became Prine Minister of Pakistan in: eM rkveh ps Sieh (A) +1988 aD (®) +4900 aD (C) +1985 4D The number of members ofthe Nationa. Assembly is: (A) 382 (® 342 The name of rgarisaton for regional cooperation is (A) SAARC 4 ()NEPRA 12 (C)NESPAK 4 (0) Sparco Le ‘The head office of organization of siamo Conference is situated in Oo ses (A) Islamabad sft (8) Jeddah a (©) Makkah £ (D) Rabat 31, Netural ges wae discoveied in Pakistan in Sect La tueh A) 19500 PF S610 (ye rsetzap oy, 421955 aD Pakitan imports edible ol trom Ameria, S1 Lanka and eRe nbc th LU A) tran wi (8) Saudi Arabia — Aiay~ () Hong Kong FKL, (D) Malaysia Xu ‘The frst Nuclear Power Plant of Pak ‘stan Was established in, Vif (A) Lahore et UP) Karachi GF (6) twamadad sift ~ (0) tan ve (10) Acserding to latest statics, density of pepulation — POW EMteeh awOL JB (er sq/km) in Pakistan is (A) 170 (6) 784 (©) 195 (0) 267 WONKA AH) anteadoo amuse PAPER CODE 2023 (1st-A) 5) iby NUMBER: 7917 SSC PART-II (10th CLASS) PAKISTAN STUDIES (COMPULSORY) (OLD COURSE) § (JWitid) ¢ I) oe ae GROUP.| tg = vet TIME ALLOWED: 15 Minutes OBJECTIVE wre webs Sh MAXIMUM MARKS: 40 to= A Amc MAAS WE terre yt WILE BE Uregh ie tlEs DW CBA ARYL Jinn 2) Heed Bb Mite lt Le tuum bet tied Rai ELE SY Ania Li a Note: You have four chcices for each objective type Westion a8 A, B,GandD, Thecholes yi FSe ule Nich you thinks Correct, fl that bubble in font ofthat quaston number, on bubbie sheet, Uso marker or pen {OTT he bubbles. Cutting or iting two or more bubbles wil result in zero mark in that question. No credit will be (1) The number of members of the National Assert er A) 332 (B) 342 (C) 382 ‘The name of o-yarisaton for regional cooperation i: (A) SAARC he (B)NEPRA 1g (INESPAK 2 (D) sPARCO Sy ‘The head office of organization of islamic Conference Is situated in: (A) Islamabad 3 Tout {B) Jeddah (C) Makkah (0) Rabat s, Natural gas was discovered in Pakistan in: tec, ot Lager (A) 11950 D Gets AD (UE 1982AD (Dt -4959.4D Pakistan imports edible oll fom America, SriLanka ar: (oe nie nl ALL yeh, A) tren (8) Saudi Arabia Ape (2) Hong Kong EE] (0) Malaysia wee ‘The fist Nuclear Power Plant of Pakistan was estabfisied in Ye 24 Reig ye (A) Lahore «i (8) Karachi (f./ {C) Islamabed 217-1 (0) Multan wc According to latest statistics, density of population PME SPOR IA LOL so (Pe sqm) in Pakistanis: 170 (@) 164 (©) 195 (©) 267 Higher Secondary Education ies the course duration of gba (A) Ue 2 years Ub 4 years (Uk 4 years )b- Syeare ‘Which thing nked to the GPS has been made for the "Wha Ge oped Cute fy rotection of women? (A)Sertand (8) Ring AE (©) Bracelet Fuse ()Waten a jt Probe (19) Muherrenad Khan Junejo became Prime Minislor of Pakistan In: es, (A) +1988 AD (©) +1990. aD (©) +1985 aD (2) +1993.aD aconoey FA oy an2astangon muLrany

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