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QBJECTHE KEY FOR BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE AND SECONDARY EDUCATION INTERMEDIATE 1st ANNUAL EXANINATION,2023 fs { fauyrAn iy y* 0 i Name of Super Te Leunipval — icewnpy Grows J “| @ |Paporcode| corrwet | Panercoda] Correct | Parner Code Correct jPapercoae! Correct fee P21 nmvser [2923 | pmwaoe | 29S] amen (2927) ee poy eT at FL oe] Dl wee L2/ D LEI) D |p Bh lePraay_ 2 GAS | pe} Al awl A rere CSN A [etnies Ls | A [bea D> DP letryl_el roi pet <7} 27 ty Al Leigh Dil aby LD | See Bo Dp CAL hei A checil & 74|_ B ee iD Z's D Bk PAT | cel Baar \ & CY |B G4| 6 Al C Pere Cea Rel Di aes | 6 del / | J J i | | 7 y i 4 | | { if i | iT] i f / i li f = J i | ft | | | 1 t | Key fu re page bs SP adtudceolenee £(Subjectives Objecti _ Prepared & Checked By: Dated: Bet Name [Designation] Institution | Mobile No_| signature [1 Abell Gensel Teles aaa [BETES Ga Pt Tak | WE 2 [item babi [S56 5a) Git PB a Fi p,| oO BIA 6 sey 3 Pr ibid lax Faz am Eine C1804 Uri ney bike udag? 2 TY [| Shard De [Hs | Gal Nomex callege | Seine | ze 5 Re-Checked By eal WP LTE awa nee rks LED gg Iitlene A 1 |peAyect Lifornwa” pega ladles, Le pd valle, PUR 2 Det Mawar Vt Cstege “6 gotomaul BAZ VNC JJEC TIVE KEY FOR BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE AND SECONDARY EQUCA) INTERMEDIATE 1st ANNUAL EXAMINATION,2023 /) Name of Subject. “Pp Minos) eCavneh ) Sroup: Lt a, [rseercese] comect [Paver ede] correct |Paer2cde] correct [Farecole| Correct | [soe P22 | anne | 214 | aswsar [2724 | nnwoor | 728] aver tare by, | A | ORs) [wee] f Feel 21 ¢ a EB VATA fh feel 6 | JS pa A tin Yio, B22 Oe ae Da 8 loys D von cl asa D US fs! 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Ahm all Prefeien L Ligeia [agent bom | 2 22] 2 | Deve atau AL? | Grip erat rove orge » |sginars | ovr 3 | Cg ere) eeAnneiPecdr 2023 (istA) 509) Ay ISLAMIC EDUCATION (COMPULSORY) |NEW COURSE} GROUP We wage Cops) Ci) PhS TIME ALLOWED 146 Howe 2 as= 2h] SUBJECTIVE ith _|MAXIMUMMARKS 40 won TOTE: Wine cane quaton nonier md tsar wnberonarewerpou we gvenin he guorUospmer a buvtge dabei padadAbnoys ile SECTIONS JLo (iv) | Write names of the authors ot books of Hades atu! and JUy* Attempt any ax parts. 12=2x8 {)_[Deserine the concept of Oneness [Watts meant oy “og BB”? (iil). | Write down shortly about backbiting. , (iv), | Wate cown basic beliefs of Islam au afore re | (v)_|Wite literal and technical meaning of Shirk, EP Sei NL |W) (vi) |Wite four benefits of Prayer. Ainge | ow vi) |Write four sharactetistics of the Holy Prophets. web Reterfle spice! | (sil) (vi) | Winich are these retatves thal Zekat ean not be paid? Petit inte ute |v) (og | Express the meaning of Terrorism. LSE pnt Wied |) 3. Attempt ary ebx parts. ta=2x6 before Sf ade (| Waat is meant by Equalty? “) (ii | Transiote sigh di as Ba w (ii) | Write the iteral meaning of Patience anv Gonstaney. fii) ww (| What is meant by Collection of Hadiths? tye cennst | vl (ui) [What is meant by le"? tea avde | i (ui) | Write down some lines on the way of narrating of the Holy Qusan. BY wit (i poapehil g (itp | Translate the Aayat. wii) oe (ix) | Transtate the Sessing Hades Korte | (x) SECTION pe NOTE: Attempt any two questions. 18 =8x2 Efeselorredh 3 4. |Write down the prominent characteristics of RnaiateMuhommadi hin Sips Hifibanbuls dighel, | Al () Forgiveness of Nabi Pak Ah baits (i) Safety of the Holy Quran 5 [Write down the benefits of Zaxat and also write 5 Masarat-e-Zacat 6 | Write nates on the folowing: 2 HO Piphband al pa he @ vifase Gi) ‘9(N}-2023(1st-A}-50000 (MULTAN) Canal ble) eAeoecdyy as L346 wma vay [ie ISLAMIC EDUCATION (COMPULSORY) (NEW COURSE) GROUP-I Ysa Coplale) (5) oP TIME ALLOWED: 1.45 Hours 2145 = oh SUBJECTIVE ei _ | MAXIMUMMARKS: 40 wo -Af NOTE: wre same question number and part mmber on anawer Bock, om giv nthe queaton paper. mgt (tree whi Alina gts td SECTIONS Who 2, Attempt any six parts. Ei feynlinge Sf 2h [wie he ioral and corventonal meanng otwerd Aneese™ | Zadig ela bié “sale” 3h To i). | Wrte the two impacis of Aqeeda Touheed on human life Uren WL ee | | Gy. |Wrie two prominent characteristics of AmbialAS). «i [oy [Whatis meant by Angels? Sensi | (Wy) )_ | White any two benefits of Salat “Lies WE | (vi) |wirte down any two economical benefits of Zakat. ara) (i) | what i¢ meant by thram? seni | ca Wirte any two righte of parents (vii) (9) ‘Deine Terrorism. fo 3, Attempt any six parts. 12=2x6 foyrlizge dS 2Aty [the Resoobeakam Puta, non-Muslims. Write two examples. 518 was meveiful for a ZowitPiteit a paice| @ nutes a mercy to worren. iy [Wete one example of the Rascole-Akvam Fay. gbbid? ath (5 bal ulll GLAS es a Redhat ny. | wiite two tines on Muwakhate Madina. eypaze able | i) (iv) |Wiite four names of the Holy Quran. (v) [whois a Sahaoi that's name Is in the Holy Quran and which Surah? (vi). {Wate four ines on importance of Hades, |(¥ | Wete two names of authors of Sina-e-Sitta Le pilebndece | (i (vit) | Translate the Aayat aha hee! | (il ix). | Translate the Blessing Hades: wutlailsce | (0) of “Munkreen-2-Akhrat’ SECTION pu NOTE: Attempt any two questions. 16=8x2 icfeynle tira 24) 3] Wete down the Quranis response towards the cbjeotons Mitkoeie lk | al Desorbe in detail about Rozah and iis benefits, uve UL ole | -5| 6. | Write a deualled note cn the folowing: () Zkar {il Imprtance of Hadith in the ight of Quran and Sunnah 6) seed eter (i) 40(N)-2023(1st-4)-60000 (MULTAN), Paper Code , 2023 (1st-A) | cs . Number: 2921 Cn! erin) eAeguiiecdss! | ns ISLAMIC EDUCATION (COMPULSORY) [NEW COURSE) GROUP-I et kp) Chi) PES fame ALLOWED: 15 Minutes 15 = ty | MAXIMUM MARKS: 10 OBJECTIVE 3 10 = As St | ABEL tao wing eedrag {ile Lbs DC BA ans] erie ruts bout LIK | ELifiahie LBA «By ‘You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B,C and D. The choice which you think sehen is correct fil hat bubble In front of that question number, on bubble sheet. Use marker ot pen tornit_ | NO-1- |{the bubbies. Cutting or filling two or more bubbles will result in zero mark in that question. b ¢ B A Questions { ely BeNo, Aaid 3b Qaid Agad 2 Qed st |The word "Aqeedah" has been derived 1 from gle." Tenenesseraten] Prophetnooe | anges £0 [neveaner 227 |The wet botet of nen bulge s__. | 2 | Lo eigen ertig Social 32% [Economical $e] Physca d+ | Financial J [Saying prayer is a type of worship a | | ae i Thiet and | Saying prayer, | Percon, Eman wa [Two important conditions fer | 4 Starvation reciting Forgiving eiiesad _facoeptance of Fasting are: | fara’ | eur oe att ei uk! HU Fein Sete ay IMasarite-Zakat are discussed in 5 Noor Taubah Bayatah Namat | Surah-tul, a a ay bunt | the relatenanip between “Ansar and | 8 Brotherhood | Noighbournocd | Friendship oh | Trade Muhajirn vas of Sele wy | Viasat lusty Ale umme-Roman | Hindan vei) Umme-Fanwa | Uma-eJaml [Tre name of wre of Abu Lanab was 7 wii whl ut |. ed Five Eight 7 Sik ¢ Seven el |The first revelation is consis:s of ___ verses. WAM Sine Regional dru | Nuzoal dev | Toueeti GE? | Lisant Gus [The present order of the Holy Quran is: | 9 | wan | tmaraoa [imam walkiR.A)] mam [The aunor of “Kteb ut Athat s 0 Bukhara) | Hanitan(R.a) | cadizecdipw | Shatie(RAD el " 9(N)(Ob))( H)-2023(1st-A)-50000 (MULTAN) Paper Gode - 2028 ("Sta 72 Number: 2923 Cg ele) ee Abo PieckeAl oi ISLANIG EDUCATION (COMPULSORY) (NEW COURSE) GROUP! | tg go! Co Liv) (uri) Melt TIME ALLOWED. 15 Minutes | 216 = 2b MAXIMUM MARKS: 10 OBJECTIVE 37 | w= Ar eh Sharla wernt WILE LL dora Qiie és Dd CB ch cule plien ber tAtad pa SEL, LA | LL Ili fl Bs A) 4 Alle ‘You have four choices for each objective type question ae A, B, Cand 0. The choice which you think is correct, fill that bubble in front of that question number, on bubble sheet. Use marker or pen to fill ONo:1.. the bubbles. Cutting or iting two or more bubbies will result in zero mark in that question. ° o 8 A Questions /

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