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Research Louis Nowra:

1. What is the playwright's full name and birth/death dates?

2. Where was the playwright born and raised?
3. What were the major influences on the playwright's work (e.g., personal
experiences, political events, other artists)?
4. What are some notable works by the playwright?
5. Can you identify any recurring themes or motifs in the playwright's works?
6. What was the playwright's writing style or approach to theatre?
7. What was the social or historical context in which the playwright lived and
8. What was the social or historical context in which the play explores?
9. What were some critical responses to the playwright's work during their
10. How did the playwright's personal life intersect with their professional

Vietnam War and Cosi:

1. What is the historical context of the Vietnam War during the time "Cosi" is
set (1971)?
2. How does the Vietnam War influence the characters and themes in "Cosi"?
3. What was the social and political atmosphere in Australia during the 1970s,
particularly concerning the Vietnam War and its aftermath?
4. How does the setting of the play, a mental institution, reflect broader
societal attitudes towards mental health during the 1970s?
5. What were some common treatments and perceptions of mental illness
during the time period in which "Cosi" is set?
6. How do the characters in "Cosi" reflect societal attitudes towards individuals
with mental illness during the 1970s?
7. How does the setting of the play, in a theatre production within a mental
institution, comment on the nature of performance and reality?

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