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EDAMS Maintenance

Management System

Setting up the Cloud

SEEAM Stage II Training

June 2018

Step 1: Ensure that all users have the following files:

i. The Certificate file (
ii. The appropriate EDAMS MMS.rdp file (either English, Serbian or Bosnian)
iii. The CloudServerHosts text file.

Step 2: Double-click to open the certificate

Step 3: Click on ‘Install Certificate…’

Step 4: In the Certificate Import Wizard, select ‘Local Machine’ and click ‘Next’ (it will ask for
administrator access, allow)
Step 5: In the next screen select ‘Place all certificates in the following store’, click ‘Browse’ and select
‘Trusted Root Certification Authorities’ and then ‘Ok’.
Step 6: Click ‘Next’ then ‘Finish’

Step 7: IMPORTANT! Continue only after you have successfully installed the certificate.

Step 8: Navigate to the following folder: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

Step 9: Open the ‘hosts’ file using notepad as an administrator

 To edit the file, first open Notepad as administrator by right clicking on the notepad.exe >
Run as Administrator

 Then, from Notepad press ‘File’ > ‘Open’ and navigate to the above folder to open the
‘hosts’ file. Make sure ‘All Files’ is selected so you are able to locate the file.

Step 10: Once opened, go to the end of the file and copy-paste this line:


You can find this in the CloudServerHosts text file.

Step 11: Save the file and close Notepad.

Step 12: Double Click on the EDAMS MMS.rdp file (either English, Serbian or Bosnian version)
 User name: Always use .\ at the beginning of the user name and then type the user name of
each user. Refer to the users excel file for user names and passwords.
 Password: Type in your password. Passwords for RDP are all set to Password1 for now.

Press ‘OK’ to continue.

Note: The first time you connect it might take a few seconds to load the software (setting up user
profiles, etc.)
Step 13: Connect using your credentials and you are ready to start working on the software.

Error due to Windows 10 security update

It has come to our attention that the latest Windows 10 security update (KB4103727) causes an issue
that doesn’t allow users to connect to cloud servers. Users who install this update will see the
following error screen when trying to connect to SEEAM cloud server:

To work around this problem please run the registry file ‘CredSSP Key’ on your PCs.

Note: User must have administrator rights to do this.

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