2.0 Social Media Platforms and Its Impact To The Behavior of The Students in Saint Francis XavierFrancis. Edited

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Social Media Platforms: Impact to the Behavior of Students in Saint Francis Xavier

Academy of Kapatagan Incorporated



Background of the Study

In the rapidly evolving landscape of education, the influence of social media platforms on

student behavior has become a subject of growing concern , understanding the relationship

between social media use and student behavior is essential for educators, parents, and

policymakers alike. Saint Francis Xavier Academy, like many educational institutions, must

adapt to the challenges posed by the digital age. Recognizing the significance of this issue will

inform strategies to harness the positive aspects of social media while mitigating potential

adverse effects on students' academic and personal development.

While the influence of social media is undeniable, it is crucial to acknowledge the

complex interplay of various factors that contribute to student behavior. Identifying the

limitations of the study will provide a nuanced perspective, allowing for a more accurate

interpretation of the results and a better understanding of the broader context in which these

students navigate their academic journey. This research aims to explore the specific ways in

which social media platforms impact the behavior of students at Saint Francis Xavier Academy.

By delineating clear objectives, we strive to uncover patterns, trends, and correlations that shed

light on the intricate relationship between social media use and student behavior within the

school setting. By delineating clear objectives, we strive to uncover patterns, trends, and

correlations that shed light on the intricate relationship between social media use and student

behavior within the school setting.

The target field of this study was to provide a concrete amount of analysis through

collecting data and shreds of evidence that the researchers gathered from the month of October

until December 2023. The researchers conducted this study to provide some helpful strategies

that matched up to their perspective and the information collected that served as their basis as

they perform the statistical method.


This study focused and will be conducted at the Saint Francis Xavier Academy, Inc.

located at Poblacion, Kapatagan, officially the Municipality of Kapatagan is a 1st class

municipality in the province of Lanao del Norte, Philippines with 15 number of respondents each

grade level.
Theoretical Framework

Social Learning Theory

According to Albert Bandura 1997, emphasizes the role of observational learning and

social interactions in shaping behavior. This theoretical framework outlines several key theories

that can help elucidate the complex relationship between social media platforms and the behavior

of students at Saint Francis Xavier Academy. By applying these theories, researchers can

investigate the various ways in which social media influences student behavior, both positively

and negatively. This understanding is essential for educators, parents, and policymakers to

develop strategies that promote positive online behaviors and mitigate any adverse impacts on

students' well-being and academic performance.

Social Capital Theory (SCT)

According to Bourdieu (1985) that social media users build relationships and networks

that can be used to their advantage. This theory is based on the idea that people can use their

networks to gain access to resources, knowledge, and opportunities that would otherwise not be

available to them.

Resource-Based Theory (RBT)

Accordint to Penrose (2009), who proposed a model on the effective management of

firms' resources, diversification strategy, and productive opportunities. Penrose’s publication was

the first to propose conceptualising a firm as a coordinated bundle of resources to address and

tackle how it can achieve its goals and strategic behavior.

Functionalism Theory

According to (Schunk, 22) the view that mental processes and behaviors of living

organisms help them adapt to their environments. Concerned with investigating the adaptive

functions of the mind in relation to its environment. (Collin, 341) Early school of psychology

that emphasized studying the purpose, or function, of behavior and mental experiences.
Humanistic Psychology

According to Hockey and Collin 2011 school of psychology and theoretical viewpoint

that emphasizes each person’s unique potential for psychological growth and self-direction.

Approach that emphasizes the importance of free will and self-actualization in determining good

mental health. (Collin, 341) View that emphasizes the importance of psychological and

“cognitive" factors in motivation, especially the notion that people are motivated to realize their

personal potential.
Statement of the Problem

This study would determine on how Social media platforms and its impact to the behavior of the

students in saint Francis Xavier Academy :

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Grade Level

1.4 Religion

2. What is Social Media Platform in terms of:

1.1 Technology;

1.2 Usage

3. What is the effect to the student in terms of:

1.1 Academic; and

1.2 Behavior

4. How can information drive can be drawn based on the results of the study?

Conceptual Framework

An attempt is made by the researchers to include conceptual framework, in order to

identify Social media platforms and its impact to the behavior of the students in saint Francis
Xavier Academy.

This study showed a diagram about Social media platforms and its impact to the behavior
of the students in saint Francis Xavier Academy that includes clearly defined constructs or
variables (independent and dependent).

1. Profile of the I
Respondents N

1.1 Age Academic F

1.2 Gender O
And Behavior R
1.3 Grade Level
1.4 Religion

Figure A: Schematic Diagram

Significance of the Study

The significance of the study on the impact of social media platforms on the behavior of

students at Saint Francis Xavier Academy, as framed by the theoretical framework presented, is

multi-faceted and extends to various stakeholders, including students, educators, parents, and

policymakers. Here are some key points highlighting the significance of the study:

To the Students. The study can shed light on how social media can be harnessed to

encourage positive behaviors among students. This includes strategies for enhancing academic

motivation, encouraging peer collaboration on educational platforms, and promoting responsible

online communication. Informing Educational Strategies, Understanding how social media

influences student behavior is essential for educators and school administrators. The findings can

help in designing effective strategies for integrating technology and social media into the

educational process. It can also inform the development of digital literacy programs that teach

students how to use social media responsibly and productively peer collaboration on educational

platforms, and promoting responsible online communication.

To the Teachers. The study offers valuable insights into how social media influences

student behavior, informing the development of educational policies, communication strategies,

and classroom dynamics. Understanding the role of social media aids teachers in addressing

potential issues related to mental health, cyber bullying, and online safety, fostering a safe and

supportive learning environment. The findings also contribute to professional development,

guiding teachers in adapting their methods to engage students effectively and promoting

responsible social media use. Moreover, this knowledge facilitates collaboration between

teachers and parents, influences curriculum development by integrating digital literacy, and

prepares educators for future challenges in the evolving landscape of technology and education.

To the Parents. The study provides crucial insights into how social media influences

their children's behavior, both within and outside the classroom. Understanding the potential

effects on mental health, relationships, and overall well-being enables parents to engage in

informed conversations with their children about responsible social media use. The findings can

also guide parents in establishing guidelines and fostering a healthy balance between online and

offline activities. Additionally, insights from the study facilitate collaboration with teachers, as

parents and educators work together to create a supportive environment that addresses the
challenges and opportunities presented by social media. Ultimately, this knowledge empowers

parents to navigate the digital landscape with their children, promoting a positive and safe online


To the School. The study provides valuable insights that can inform school policies,

strategies for promoting responsible social media use, and the overall well-being of students.

Understanding the dynamics of social media influence allows the school to create a supportive

and safe environment that addresses potential challenges and maximizes the educational benefits

of these platforms. The findings also contribute to fostering effective communication between

teachers, parents, and students, promoting a collaborative approach to navigating the digital

landscape within the school community.

To the Community. The insights from this study can inform discussions and initiatives

within our community, fostering awareness and collaboration among parents, teachers, and

students. Ultimately, this knowledge contributes to creating a supportive environment that

addresses the challenges and opportunities presented by social media, ensuring a positive and

informed community approach to navigating the digital landscape.

To School Administrators, the significance of this study lies in its potential to inform

educational practices, promote responsible social media use, enhance student well-being, and

contribute to a safer and more productive digital environment for students at Saint Francis Xavier

Academy and beyond. By addressing these issues, the study can help bridge the gap between the

digital world and educational outcomes, ensuring a more balanced and beneficial use of social

media platforms.

To the Future Researchers. This study on social media's impact on students at Saint
Francis Xavier Academy provides crucial insights for future researchers. It offers a foundation
for understanding the dynamics of social media influence on behavior, guiding potential studies
on responsible use, mental health, and educational strategies. The findings contribute to the
ongoing conversation on navigating the digital landscape within educational settings, offering a
valuable starting point for further research in this evolving field.
Definition of Terms

Social Media Platforms = In our study, Social media platforms are online

applications or websites that allow users to create, share, and interact with content.

Examples include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.

Behavior – In our study, behavior refers to the actions, activities, and responses of

individuals in various contexts. In the context of the study, it encompasses the actions

and choices made by students, both online and offline.

Mental Health: In our study, mental health refers to a person's emotional,

psychological, and social well-being. It encompasses emotional stability, resilience,

and the absence of mental health disorders. The study may explore how social media

affects students' mental health.

Digital Literacy: In our study, digital literacy is the ability to use digital devices and

technologies effectively and responsibly. In the context of the study, it may relate to

students' proficiency in using social media platforms while understanding their

potential impact.

Privacy Protections: In our study, privacy protections refer to measures and

regulations that safeguard individuals' personal information and data when using

online platforms. This can be relevant to policies and practices regarding student

privacy on social media.



This chapter presents some information, theories, and other related literature that shows

the relationship of the said topic. The following information were very helpful in gathering as

well as interpreting data that could be profitably applied in this present study.

Communication and Social Interaction Studies by Kraut et al. (1998) and Ellison et al.

(2007) have explored how social media platforms influence interpersonal communication and

social interactions among students.

Self-Presentation and Identity Tiggemann and Slater (2014) have examined the impact of

social media on body image and self-esteem among adolescents, while Goffman's concept of

"presentation of self" (1959) has been applied to understand how individuals present themselves

on social media.

Impact on Mental Health Primack et al. (2017) conducted research on the association

between social media use and depression among young adults. Additionally, Twenge and

Campbell (2018) discuss the rise of mental health issues in relation to social media.

Academic Performance Research by Karpinski et al. (2013) and Junco (2012)

investigates the effects of social media use on academic performance and time management

among college students.

Cyberbullying and Online Harassment Hinduja and Patchin (2018) have extensively

studied cyberbullying, its prevalence on social media, and its impact on students' mental health

and behavior.

Social and Political Activism Boyd (2008) discusses the use of social media in youth

activism, and studies by Bennett and Segerberg (2013) explore how social media platforms have

facilitated political engagement among students.

Privacy and Security Concerns Research by Dwyer et al. (2011) and Livingstone and

Helsper (2007) addresses students' privacy concerns and the challenges related to data security

on social media.
Evolving Technologies The potential impact of emerging technologies like augmented

reality, virtual reality, and AI on social media is an area of ongoing research. Please refer to

recent studies and articles for the latest insights.



This chapter presents the research methods used in the study. It also discussed the

research design, research environment, subjects, research instruments and their validity, data

gathering procedures, and the statistical treatment of the data.

Research Design

In this research study the researchers used a descriptive quantitative method, whereby,

the survey was used to collect data. The used of quantitative research was more suitable to be

used to gain exact information. This study aimed to give information on how Social media

platforms and its impact to the behavior of the students in saint Francis Xavier Academy The

present study employed a quantitative approach with a descriptive research design.

Research Method

A quantitative approach was used to include and collect as much knowledge and

relative comparison as possible. Questionnaires in a Likert Type from Laduram Vishnoi (2020)

were used in this process. The key data-gathering tool for this analysis was a questionnaire,

which was adopted and enhanced by the researchers.

Research Locale

The questionnaire was distributed on the students of Saint Francis Xavier Academy, Inc.

The focused study was conducted at the Saint Francis Xavier Academy, Inc. located at

Poblacion, Kapatagan, officially the Municipality of Kapatagan is a 1st class municipality in the

province of Lanao del Norte, Philippines. According to the 2020 census, it has a population of

62,571 people.
Statistical Tools

Percentage was used to determine the respondents’ responses out of the

total number of responses in this study or the proportion of the respondents in

each category. The formula used was: %= f/N x100


% = Percent

f = frequency or number of cases per selection of category

N = total number of cases or respondents in a category

The average weighted value was used to determine the

usefulness and if there are an advantages of using an Electronic class record.

The formula

used was: AWM= Σfn/ΣN

where: AWM = average weighted mean

f = frequency

N = numbers of respondents

Σfx = summation of the f and x.

Data Gathering Procedure

The students composed of 75 participants were given a set of questionnaires. Moreover,

the researchers approach the different grade level for their availability in avoidance of distraction

on their study time and consider executing the questionnaire via students free time The

researchers devised questionnaires that is relevant to the study. When the questionnaire was done

and all of student’s approval, the researchers visited their perspective places and administer the

questionnaires. The content of the questionnaire was composed of checklist all of which were

graded using rubrics. Then came the retrieval of questionnaires, which further led to the analysis,

evaluation, and interpretation of the data gathered.

Social Media Platforms: Impact to the Behavior of Students in Saint Francis Xavier

Academy of Kapatagan Incorporated




In Partial Fulfilment Of The Requirements For Senior High School Department Of Saint

Francis Xavier Academy Of Kapatagan INC.

By: Alvarez, John Raymond Arn

Paniorotan, Hanip

Paraso, Ethyl Mae

Peña, Kriztan Rey

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