p1 General Studies

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juewuol|Aug, Pup ejdoeg ey] AppAseng uy > Written according to the latest General Studies Curriculum Guide for Primary Schools > Contains diversified question types, following the assessment formats of major schools P Includes ‘STEM Express’, ‘Fun Fact’ and ‘History Fun’ sections > With a Parents’ Guide to provide useful learning tips, answers with detailed explanations and a glossary fEaEL Bz Un GEE, Have you heard of ‘floating schools’? This is a type of school in Bangladesh. “Floating schools’ allow students to go to school in the rainy season. Do you know where people build ‘floating schools’? A. According to Carmen's timetable for today, put the places she will go in the correct order. Write the correct letters in (You can use the letters more than once.) : —— = Timetable for today / | Lesson 1 Chinese | | | Lesson 2 Chinese | B. Classroom Lesson 4 Visual Arts C. Computer | Lesson 5 Visual Arts om | Lesson 6 Maths Lesson7 Computer Studies | Lesson 8 General Studies | Lesson9 — Physical Education E. Playground order[ J=[ J=o[_J=( J=(_ Jol j=(_] S Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Edition) P.1 fEaEL Bz Date : Marks : , B. Name the school facilities below. Write the correct letters in > _ A. Classroom B. Library ) C. Music room D.Playground } [ E. School hall F Tuck shop ) eT siecle fEaEL Bz . If the sentence is correct, put av in (_ ).Ifit is wrong, puta x, . Ifyou get a stomachache in class, you should waitto ) go to the toilet after class. . After reading in the library, you should put the books = ( ) back in their original places. . Ifyou see a leaking tap, you should tell a teacher ora ( ) caretaker at once. ._ We should bring all of our textbooks to school so that = ( ) we can have all the books ready. . Answer the questions by circling the correct letters. (You may choose more than one answer.) . Which of the following items should we bring to school? A. Books D. Pencil case B. Game console C. Magazines E. Pets E Toys . Which of the following are tools for the Visual Arts class? A. Drawing paper B. Music scores C. Pot plant D. Scissors E. Storybooks F Tambourine G. Television . Which of the following are facilities in a music room? A. Camera B, Football C. Hifi D. Piano E. Sink F Triangle Ss Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Edition) P.1 fi EL BIE ep tt E. If the following behaviours are correct, colour the &.tt they are wrong, colour the (. 1. Are these pupils careful on the way to school? fEaEL Bz me _99>,— F Write the correct answers on ___. A. appearance _B. ance _B. dangerous C. destroy _ D, learn E. neat and tidy eb satelyen: Gute Coe 2 G. take care of Before going to school, we have to pack our meee CT bags and make ourselves neat and tidy in 2. Wecan in various facilities at the school. 3. We have to the school facilities and keep our school 4. We have to be punctual for school, and pay attention to _______ on the way to school. G. Circle the correct letters. 1. Which of the following places can pupils enter only with the { permission or guidance of teachers? A. Classroom 8B. Playground C. Staffroom _D. Library i 2. How can we be eco-friendly at school? A. Bring our own forks and spoons for lunch. B. Throw away paper with one side blank. C. Play with water to lower body temperature in summer. D. Set the temperature of the air-conditioner to 22°C. S Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Edition) P.1 fEaEL Bz ° ‘ Integrated Skills Training Based on the situation below, answer the questions. 1 | | The princess in the | m book is so pretty. | f Twill tear out the page so that I can copy the drawing! 1. Which pupils in the picture are not taking care of the classroom? Circle them. 2. Why do we have to keep our classroom neat and clean? Let's think. If you see an untidy and dirty classroom, will you feel happy? Will it affect your learning? Ff crarerse Zone «= = a = SY 1 Which university in Hong Kong has ted external walls? A. The University of Hong Kong B. The Chinese University of Hong Kong C. Lingnan University D. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 2 Which government department is responsible | —_——— for setting up education policies? — © Popleam 2 fEaEL Bz Is there a basketball court in your school? Do you know the I ’ shape of a standard basketball court? How large is it? | i: ee ees A. What do these people do at school? Write the correct letters inO. A. Clean the campus B. Handle clerical work C. Manage school! affairs D. Study hard E. Teach and correct workbooks 1. Principal C] 2. Teachers | 3, Caretakers J 4. Pupils C] 5. Clerks C | B. Which are the advantages of participating in extra-curricular activities? Circle the correct letters. (You may choose more than one answer.) Making new friends Making full use of talent Getting prizes S Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Edition) P.1 fEaEL Bz se xm Date: Marks : — C. Identify the school activities below. If it is a class activity, put aOin( I it is an extra-curricular activity, puta A. D. Write the correct answers on : 1. State two kinds of students who help teachers maintain order. A. B. A. B. © Popleam 2B | | ! | | | 2. Apart from studying hard, state two other duties of pupils. fei BEL Biz om Mv 99>, - E. Are the following behaviours correct? If it is correct, put a v jn Olt it is wrong, put a x. F Circle the correct letters. 1. What should we NOT do in the playground during recess? A. chase B. talk C. rest D. eat 2. WedoNOThave__ Classes in classrooms. A. Chinese B. Physical Education C. Maths D. Putonghua 3. Which school member takes care of the flowerbeds on campus? A. principal —_—B,_ clerk C. caretaker D. teacher 4. You knock down your classmate’s colour pencils by accident. What should you say? A. Thank you. B. Hello. C. It’s fine. D. Sorry. & Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Eaition) P.1 feiEaEL az G. How do the following behaviours affect you or others? Write the correct letters in D. > . Not keeping the school clean and tidy B. Declining academic performance C. Disturbing others’ reading D. Damaging school facilities E. Hurting other classmates F Losing money fei BEL Biz H. Which pupils in the picture are NOT following the rules? Cirojg them. |. Write the correct answers on A. help B. order C. popular __D. respect E. responsibilities F schoolrules G. subjects 1. We have to follow the to make an ideal learning environment. 2. School rules keep the school in 3. Different people at schoo! should take their seriously and help and love each other. 4. Inclass,different___.___ provide us with different knowledge. a f A eer basketball court is eer in shape, with 28 metres in let rand | 15 metres in width. There is a basketball stand on each of the two sides | court. Some schools only have half a basketball court which looks like a | because they do not have enough space. Ss Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Edition) P.1 fi EL BIE ° integrated Skills Training Based on the situation below, answer the questions. ‘(©OEnTS 1. Are Jim and Ken doing the right thing? Why? J How will Jim and Ken's behaviour affect the environment? ‘What accident is likely to happen in this environment? 2. What other rules should we follow in a washroom? List two examples. | Fy costenae Zone nia — ‘D) When is Teachers’ Day in Hong Kong every year? A. 28th March B. 12th June C. 10th September | 2 Whois named ‘the teacher for all ages’? | A. Laozi B, Confucius C. Mencius © Popteam 3B feiEaEL az -=STEM| Expres: Which types of tastes do we experience when we eat? Do you know which organ of the body helps us taste different i ace A. Put the steps of handwashing in the correct order. Write the correct letters in [__}. | | Dry your hands. a Rub your hands to make bubbles. D. Gee E. § | , — i | . { , | raise Ee your hands for | | errr | | Rinse your hands at least 20 seconds, Welvournagds: well. & Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Eaition) P.1 fiBEAEL B3z ees Date: Mars = . If the following behaviours are correct, colour the &. If they are wrong, colour the (). . Are these correct ways to protect our eyes? © Popteam 3B fEaEL Bz ime /\\_ C. Write the correct answers on : ®:; 7 A. backbone B. bath C. brushourteeth —D. diirly E. learn taste 6G. temperature H. trunk 1. Good postures help keep the = healthy. 2. We must wash our hands before eating, after going to the toilet and touching something . 3. We can use our skin to feel the and the texture of objects. 4, We should every morning and night to protect our teeth. D. What is the correct walking posture? Write the correct answers on i Arms naturally Ds & Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Ealtion) P.1 fEaEL Bz £. What are the tastes of the following items? Write the correct words or letters on . 19 @Popleam fEaEL Bz F Circle the correct letters. 1. Incorrect posture may cause A. obesity B. shortsightedness C. toothache D. the flu 2. Which of the following tools should we use to tidy our hair? A. a toothbrush B. a shoe brush C. acomb D. a toothpick 3. When using a keyboard and a mouse, how should we keep our wrists? A. up B. bent C. down D. flat G. Match the following situations with relevant actions. 1, Tired eyes ( ) A. Massage to relieve. Dry skin ¢ . Eat less sugary food. lichy ears ¢ . Apply body cream. . Get changed regularly. . Teeth protection G Do eye exercises to relax. 2 ) 3 ) 4. Heavy school bags ( ) 5 ) 6 ) ™ moO OQ @ Dirty clothes ¢ Pack school bags according to the timetable. “We use our tongue to taste e diferent food. There o are many taste buds on the _ Surface of our tongue and in our oral cavity, They help us taste the sweetness, _ Sourness, bitterness and saltiness in food. Spiciness is not a taste, but a pain | | sensation. Spicy food contains capsaicin which gives our tongue a burning feeling, _ So we get a sense of spiciness. S Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Ealtion) P.1 feiEaEL az Integrated Skills Training . = Based on the situation below, answer the questions. | ‘ Wow, the fish balls that Mum cooked smell so good! Insueh etiikina : a glass of iced watermelon juice is so refreshing! . Which sense organs did Marcus use when drinking watermelon juice? Circle the correct letters. 2. Mandy wants to take the freshly cooked fish balls directly with her hands. What problems might this cause?(©) Siriaas Which organs may be damaged by holding or eating hot food? You can imagine by linking life experience. Challenge Zone === = 1 ‘Ifoureyes are red with yellow secretions, and the eyelids are swollen and painful, what disease may we have? 2 Which of the following helps keep our bones healthy? A. cake B, milk C. blueberries D. carrot © Poplean 2S fei BEL Biz 4. wealthy 9 ang 2 | as Se owth a h® S aoe 4 ~-SSTEM[Express) Guess which of our organs is the hardest? It is even harder than steel and iron! A. Which stage of growth are the following people in? Write the correct letters in 2.[_ [ chido. Mi sore aio y" =. 4. Adult Exh | wut co set S Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Edition) P.1 fEaEL Bz eT en (Ute: Marks : B. Which of the following things should we do by ourselves? If we should do it by ourselves, put a O in (7. If we should ask adults for help, put a A. » se . fEaEL Bz SR —_— Ds 99 Pr, eo — C. Ifthe sentence is correct, puta v in (_ ).Ifit is wrong, put q y 1. We should not let others touch our private parts ( ) without permission. 2. Just like gender, personalities can be either male or —( ) female. 3. We have to develop regular and appropriate eating = ( ) habits. 4. The longer we sleep, the more it helps our bodies grow. ( ) 5. Moderate exercise helps us grow healthily. ¢ ) D. Which of the following is healthy food? Write the correct letters on . ® | me) fe Healthy food: Ss Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Edition) P.1 fEaEL Bz rt ls E, Are these good eating habits? If yes, put a v in ¢_s . Ifno, put a X.Write the correct answers on . We should not waste food. is wasteful so we should try to avoid it. C: We should not eat before main meals so that we don't ruin our appetite. D We should have every day before going to school. F Write the correct answers on : 1. State two kinds of good touches. A. B. 2. State two healthy ways to rest. A. B. © Popleam i) fEaEL Bz | /\, ~—— G. What should the following girls do? Circle the correct letters, l. = Pe 5 A. go with the lady to buy Sweet, B. ask some good friends to go together C. say ‘no’ and shout for help If you dare tell others that I've touched you, | will beat you up! A. hide herself and cry B. tell her parents or social workers she trusts C. keep it a secret to avoid getting beaten up H. Circle the correct answers. 1. Achild has (18 / 20 / 28 ) milk teeth. 2. Primary school students are in the stage of growth of a(n) (baby / child / adult ). 3. Primary 1 students should sleep for (57 /7-97/9-11 ) hours a day 4. If we encounter troubles when growing up, we can ( escape / keep them a secret / tell someone that we trust ). Teeth are the hardest organ in our body. They can support up to 30 to 45 kg of j force. Based on the Mohs Hardness Scale, the hardness of iron is of value 4 to 5, | and the hardness of teeth can reach a value of 6 to 7. Hence, teeth can help us | bite and cut hard food. We should protect them! & Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Eaition) P.1 feiEaEL az © > Integrated Skills Training ° ‘Based on the situation below, answer the questions. playing with toy cars, which are not toys for girls. It’s so funny! : ; | | | a ‘©Bias Let's think. Does everyone have the same hobbies and interests? What attitude should we have towards each other? 2. Ifyou were Flora, how would you respond? | ented eee Go Oe ee Challenge Zone === 1 Being a vegetarian’ means NOT eating A. bread B. vegetables C. fruits D. meat 4 1. Do you think girls can play with toy cars? Why? ' : = ‘2 What does the campaign ‘Food Wise Hong Kong’ launched by the government aim to reduce? © Popleam 3 feiEaEL az ! ’ Time limit : 35 minutes | Ge t Term & oF ET rent &- | Date : Mats: | A. Label different parts of the body. Write the correct letters in 0 (8 marks @2 marks) O 2( B. What do the following people do at school? Put a v in the correct boxes. (10 marks @2 marks) 3. Going to schoolon | on tudying hard i sore et | | 5. Handling administrative and clerical work & Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Edition) P.1 fei BEL Biz a C. Distinguish the following ways to protect the body. Write the correct letters in the table. (16 marks @2 marks) 2. Ways to protect the teeth oe erie a el 3. Ways to protect the skin 4, Ways to protect the ears fEaEL Bz 30 D. Where can you find the following things in school? Write the Correct letters in the boxes. (6 marks @1 mark) A. first-aid box B. medicine _—_C._ noticeboard D. piano E. projector + F speaker E. Write the correct answers on - (12 marks @2 marks) A. classrooms _B. flat_—_-C. images D. posture E. schoolbags_ F. straight +~—~G. water 1. We can pack our and prepare our uniforms according to our timetables, 2. There are projectors in the to magnify and project___——s of objects, | 3. Apart from eating more healthy food, we should also drink more | 4, When sitting on a chair, we should keep our back and keep our feet on the floor. Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Edition) P.1 fiBEAEL B3z If the sentence is correct, puta v in (_ ).If itis wrong, put a x. (10 marks @2 marks) . When turning on the air conditioner, we should set its ¢ ) temperature to 27°C or above to save electricity. . We should cover our mouth and nose with tissue ¢ ) paper when blowing our nose. |. If there is a PE lesson, we can wear casual clothes to school. ( ) |. When our classmates do not know how to do eae homework, we should help and guide them. We should not laugh at others’ interests and hobbies. ( ) . Circle the correct letters. (8 marks @2 marks) . Where do teachers prepare for lessons and rest while in school? A. classroom B. medical room C. principal's office D. staff room |. Where can we write down our homework? B. handbook —C. sketchbook —_D. workbook A. textbook . Where can we buy food during recess? A. in the schoo! hall B. in the playground C. at the tuck shop D. in the library _ Which of the following is NOT a correct way to protect yourself? A. not leaving with strangers B. not taking food from strangers C. pretending nothing happened after someone touched your private parts D. telling parents right after someone touched your private parts © Popleamn ) fEaEL Bz - —— cs ES ZL \A Nn — — rr 2 H. Are the following people taking care of the school? If yes, draw a ©. If no, draw a ©). (12 marks @2 marks) I. Write the correct answers on + (12 marks @2 marks) 1. State two subjects we learn at school. A. B, 2. State two good habits that keep you clean. A. B. 3. State two ways fo protect your Private parts. A. B. & Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Edition) P.1 fEaEL Bz | neh J. Read the following passage and answer the questions. (6 marks) Bad posture affects backbone health of primary students A political party in Hong Kong released the results of a survey on backbone health of students in 2019. The party interviewed around 400 parents of secondary and primary school students. Over 60% of the parents of secondary school students and 30% of the parents of primary school students had found that their children had pain in their back muscles, and over 30% of the parents thought that their children had hunchbacks. A backbone health concern group suggests that heavy school bags, bad sitting posture and using electronic products for a long time would lead to the development of a hunchback. An expert suggests changing postures and doing some simple stretching exercise every 40 to 45 minutes to relax back muscles. 1, Which kind of school bag helps protect the backbone? Circle | the correct letter. (2 marks) A. rolling school bag B. double-strap school bag C. single-strap school bag D. hand-carry school bag 2. How can we keep our backbone healthy? List two ways. (4 marks) Challenge. Zone —————————— 1, Which of the following helps protect the health of our eyes? (2 marks) A. orange B. rice C. carrot D. milk 2. What is the measuring unit of sound? (2 marks) (_) © Popleam 3 fi EL BIE Do you know your blood type? Is your blood type the same as that of your __ dad, mum, brothers or sisters? Try asking them! A. What should we do when our family members are in the following situations? Write the correct letters in . Ask Mum and Dad to put on a plaster for her immediately, and comfort her. B. Offer to help with some housework that you can do. C. Turn down the volume of the television to give him a quiet environment to study. D. Remind him to take medicine on time, and take care of myself so that he can rest without worrying about me. study. Sister fell and got C] Mum i is busy injured. doing housework. & Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Edition) P.1 aes oe fei BEL Biz : an Date: Marks : ea B. Write the correct answers in (__}. _1-Father's brother _ 2-Father's sister Mother's side/-A. r Remarks 3-Mother's brother 4-Mother's sister fEaEL Bz C. Are the following ways to get along with family members Correct? If it is correct, put a v in (If it is wrong, put a x. 1. Between brothers and sso) . Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Edition) P.1 feiEaEL az . Write the correct answers on 7 B. care C. cooperate E. passion F quarrel G. responsibilities H. share A. activities _ Weshould____ our toys and belongings with brothers and sisters. . Family members have different at home. _ Parents work hard for the family, so we should help them with the |. As family members live together, we should show understanding and for one another. How should we treat our relatives? Write the correct letters in D. B. Let's play together! _ Mca cae nae © C. Please have a drink. 1 D. Welcome! ) t a be a fEaEL Bz mmm /\A ~~ F. Ifthe sentence is correct, put a v in (_ ).If itis wrong, put a x. 1. We don’t need to say sorry to our parents if we did ( ) something wrong. 2. Different families do different activities. ( ) 3. Talking more to family members can increase our 6 ) understanding of each other. 4. We should say “Good morning’ to family members after ( ) we get up. 5. Grandfather loves me very much, so | can lose my ( ) temper with him whenever | like. 6. My elder brother and elder sister are older thanme,so (— ) they should do alll of the housework. G. Write the correct answers on . State two situations in which we might meet with relatives. A. B. 2. State two examples of getting along well with family members. A. B. 3. State two types of housework that you can help with. Av ee BY ee STi ges! ED "The genes of our parents determine our blood type. There are four blood types: A, _B, AB and O. We can deduce the possible blood type of a child from that of their parents. If both parents are of type O, their children can only be of type O; if both | Parents are of type AB, their children can be of type A, B, or AB, but not type O. rd Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Ealtion) P.1 feiEaEL az > Integrated Skills Training . . Based on the situation below, answer the questions. 1. Why is Billy unhappy? 2. Ifyou were Billy's friend, how would you comfort him? L(@)ismartitips Does Mum really not love Billy any more? Why can't she care for Billy all the time? Challenge 20 SS 1) Howcan we care for the elders of our family? A. give them gifts B, talk with them more C. ask them for pocket money D. not listen to them 2 A family usually lives under the same roof. What is the meaning of ‘roof’ here? ‘© Popleam i) fEaEL Bz | = mS; e iP Paras! 2 © + Knowing Mor if ef sbadl Festivals a & é & a Express) At big festivals like Chinese New Year and Christmas, there are always Colourful lights on the streets. They are neon lights. Do you know Why neon lights can emit lights of various colours? - A. When are the following festivals? Write the correct letters in a <5 A. The 9th day of the 9th lunar month B. The 1st day of the 1st lunar month C. The 5th day of the 5th lunar month D. The 15th day of the 1st lunar month E. The 15th day of the 8th lunar month FE The 8th day of the 4th lunar month Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Ecition) P.1 & fEaEL Bz 2, Mother's Day 3, National Day _ [a Buddha's | Birthda 5. Cheung Chau Bun Festival 6. Mid-Autumn Ee Festival C. Write the correct answers on . A. care B. control C. meaning _ D. red packets »\E. tice cake F. visit relatives G. waste H. wealth 1, When New Year comes, people in northern China make yuanbao-shaped dumplings to wish for . At Chinese New Year, elders give Sst juniors. . Though festive foods are delicious, we have to ourselves. . When celebrating festivals, we should reduce and be eco-friendly. . Apart from celebrating festivals with family members, we can more for others. Bice ©Pepteam 25 fEaEL Bz ad fh. ™—» we — D. Write the correct letters on , with each option used only once, Determine which country has the following New Year customs, i We have rice acy cake soup on the 1st day M of Lunar New pineapples as they mean “good luck’. We bring two it tangerines dumplings to s wish for ample when paying a food and New Year visit clothing in the to represent a|_|coming year. good luck, (2) Korea: (8) Singapore: __ (4) Malaysia: | 2. Determine at which festival we eat the following food. (1) Chinese New Year: (2) Mid-Autumn Festival: (3) Christmas: (4) Easter: 4: S Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Edition) P.1 fEaEL Bz | , Are the following behaviour: pt S of children at festivals correct? If it is correct, put a vy in O.lfitis wrong, put a x. : Circle the correct letters. . Inwhich country do people blow whistles loudly on the first day of New Year to wish for happiness? A. Thailand B. India C. Vietnam D. Hungary is a banned New Year custom in Hong Kong. A. Putting up fai chun B. Buying New Year flowers C. Spring cleaning D. Lighting firecrackers . At which festival do people go hiking? A. Ching Ming Festival B. Dragon Boat Festival C. Chung Yeung Festival D. Mid-Autumn Festival . When is the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day? A. 1st June B. Ist July C. 1st August D. Ist October oropteam 3 fEaEL Bz G. If the sentence is correct, put a v in (_). If it is wrong, put a x, 1. Traditional Chinese festivals are based onthe lunar = ( ) calendar. 2. Mother's Day is a traditional Chinese festival. ( ) 3. People visit their family graves at Ching Ming Festival. ( ) 4, The meaning of Christmas is to give expensive gifts. ( ) 5. We can donate mooncakes to people in need and ( ) share festive joy with others. H. Answer the following questions. 1. 1st January is New Year. What is it also called? 2. According to legend, what colour is Nian afraid of? 3. What does eating too many rice dumplings cause? 4. What is the meaning of having sweet dumplings during Chinese New Year? 5. Who is related to the origin of Christmas? 6. Which festival features pumpkin lights? | Injecting different gases in a neon light p eee different colours of light when | electricity passes through. For ‘example, injecting carbon dioxide emits white light. > Pre-exam Practice for General Studles (New Curriculum Edition) P.1 feiEaEL az ‘Integrated Skills Training ‘Based on the situation below, answer the questions. 1. What festival are the people in the picture celebrating? | 2. Which children in the picture are NOT behaving themselves? Circle them. | 3. What items in the picture are reusable? How would you reuse them? Try to write down their new uses. 6 Smart Tips “Reusable’ means ‘can be used again’. Try to think of the answer by linking your life experience. Challenge Zone ss ET = = > Apart from Cheung Chau Bun Festival, what other festive activities in Hong Kong are related to local customs? A. B. ©Perteam fEaEL Bz “1a 1 Home sweet ae & dc Home . Seige) Germs like wet, closed and dirty environments. They even reproduce faster in such environments. What methods would you use to kill germs at home? A. What are the following places at home? Write the correct letters in 1). (You can use the letters more than once.) (A. Bathroom 8B. Bedroom C. Kitchen Dz Living room ~ Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Edition) P.1 fEaEL Bz oan ! SO, Date: Marks : 7 Distinguish the features of the following common household items and put a v in the correct boxes. C. Which of the following are the features of a comfortable home? Circle the correct letters. r A. Neat andclean } B. Enough light ) fEaEL Bz D. Are the following people taking good care of the place they live in? If yes, put a v in (If no, put a x. E. What accidents might happen in the following situations? Match the relevant household accidents. 1. Slippery bathroom floor ( ) A. Children taking medicine by mistake. 2. Medicines not putin ) B. Children falling and the right place getting injured. 3. Noone watching over ( ) C. Electric shock. the stove fire 4. Nowindow grilleson ) D. Fire breaking out. windows 5. Touching switches with ( ) E. Slipping. wet hands S Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Edition) P.1 fEaEL Bz tthe sentence is correct, put av in (_ ).If itis wrong, put a *- | fi 1. we should make good use of and treasure the ¢ ) : materials and energy at home. 9, use sunlight for lighting and enjoy natural wind as ¢ ) much as possible to save energy. 3, We should do all the housework fo reduce the burden (¢ ) on our parents. 4, Modern household items make our life more convenient. ( ) 5, As long as visitors can name our parents, we can open ¢ ) the door for them. 6. Ifa household item is not in good condition, we should ( ) get a new one at once. G. What kind of energy do these household items need? If it needs electricity, write A in). If it needs fuel gas, write B. If it does not need energy, write C. (You can use the letters more than once.) Jo LJ hb © Popteam 3 fEaEL Bz { _ H. Write the correct answers on__. A. callthe police B. eyes —C. family members D. hygiene E. original. safety ~—G. strangers ees We cannot shine a torch directly in our We should not open our door immediately for We should put the item back in its place after use. oN We should always be aware of household _______— : ao accidents. If accidents happen, we can for help. |. Answer the following questions. 1. What is the emergency hotline in Hong Kong? 2. What accident may happen when we do not ) put away the toys on the floor? 3. Who should do the difficult housework? 4, What might happen if one puts his/her hand on the edge of a door? 5. Which household item keeps food cold? 6. What kind of energy does a cooker hood use? To reduce bacterial growth, we only have to open the windows to keep our home airy. A study shows that if the windows of a room are closed, there will be around 20,000 germs in one square metre of space, and there will only be around 6,000 {gers after ventilation. Hence, indoor ventilation can expel harmful substances and germs from home, and by that, we can live more healthily, S Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Edition) P.1 feiEaEL az on Integrated Skills Training Read the following Passage and answer the questions. | Laundry pod eaten by mistake leads to fatal risk Laundry pods are convenient to use, so people treat them | as the new laundry ‘magic artefact’. However, because of | their bright colours and strong pleasant odours, many infants | mistake them for sweets. In the US, a young mother carelessly put a laundry pod in her handbag, and her six-month-old daughter mistook it for a sweet and put it in her mouth. Affer only a few seconds, the little girl started to cough and vomit | continuously. Luckily the little girl had treatment in time and she | was saved. Experts remind us that if there is such an item at home, we should keep it out of children’s reach to avoid accidents. 1. Why do infants mistake laundry pods for sweets? (C)Eaniauis What do sweets and laundry pods have in common? 2. Howcan we prevent infants from eating laundry pods by mistake? | Gone Zone aaa = ‘1 Where is Hong Kong's first wind power station? A. Ping Chau B, TaiO C, Cheung Chau D. Lamma Island 2 ‘Earth Hour’ is a global event for saving.energy. How can we join this event? © Popleam ) feiEaEL az 8. wakingin an “a the Park “~~ $e We can often see cobblestone pathways in parks. Do you know the functions of these pathways? Can children use them alone? Guus A. What organs can we use to feel the things in parks? Write the correct answers on . 1. We can use our to see the colourful flowers. 2. Wecan use our to listen to birdsong. 3. We can use our to feel the texture of the benches. 4. Wecan use our to smell the grass. B. What are the following park facilities? Write the correct letters in A. Fitness facilities B. Man-made lake C. Pavilion D. Playground & Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Eaition) P.1 fEaEL Bz Date: qm a es Morks: are the following People takin: cats 2 , draw or nna ce ig of the park? If yes, d 2. Pree ee) fEaEL Bz . What do the following signs in parks mean? Write the correct letters in D. *?— » No cycling 2. No dogs L_} No drying of clothes [=| 4. No roller skating [ee . No hawking [ 6. No lying on benches . Write the correct answers on . State two activities we can do in parks. . A. B. | . State two common flowers in parks. A. B, . State two Hong Kong parks. A. B. & Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Edlion) P.1 fiBEAEL B3z + toe? Wie the following are living laden Which are non-living * tinge Write the correct letters on . Living things: . Non-living things: . Circle the correct answers. ; Flowerbeds / swings / Desks are not park facilities. . We cannot walk / / take photos / climb trees in parks. . The fountains / direction signs / toilets in parks help visitors find the location of various park facilities. s living things ‘can / cannot move and respond to touch. They will / will not grow continuously and can / cannot reproduce. © Popleamn 3 feiEaEL az H. Distinguish the features of the following animals and put a v ~ in the correct boxes. were 2 ) I. Write the correct answerson__. A. appearances B. facilities C. learn D. pick E. rules FE watch 1. We have to care forthe park___—— and follow the 2. Animals have different and ways of moving. 3. We should not________ the beautiful flowers in parks. f= ETICESW explanation | Stepping on cobblestone pathways can stimulate Plantar acupuncture points | and train plantar muscles. However, children can Only use this facility when | accompanied by an adult, and they have to wear socks or shoes to protect their _ feet and maintain hygiene. & Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Edition) P.1 mm fEaEL Bz Ji, Integrated Skills Training — ; Based on the situation below, answer the questions. Tet's rest for a while before| going to the aviary! But where is th iary? 1, Which park facilities can Mum use to find the aviary? Circle the correct letters. A. fences B. maps C. direction signs D. information plates 2. What facilities do you think the park can improve to help Henry play more comfortably? ‘OBES Pay attention to what [ ee Eee Henry says and think Ff cnatense Zone munerasc S ‘of a solution. 1 Which government department is responsible for managing Hong Kong public parks? A. Planning Department B. Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department C. Social Welfare Department D. Leisure and Cultural Services Department 2) In which park is the annual Hong Kong Flower | Show held? ‘© Popteam 3 fEaEL Bz his & i Second Term oe 2 Assessment ¢f. - > A. Distinguish the following items. If it is a living thing, put a O in C.. If it is a non-living thing, put a A. (6 marks @1 mark) 1. Side] 2, Monkey {_ | 3. Sparrow [_ ] 4, Pavilion C] 5. Balloon CJ 6. Grass (a) B. What should we call the following relatives? Write the correct answers in (_). (12 marks @2 marks) z Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curiculum Edition) Pat fEaEL Bz > eee eee ee _ at esse ¢ which festival are the following items related to? Write the correct letters in (). (12 marks @2 marks) A. Chinese New Year B. Christmas C. Dragon Boat Festival D. Easter E. Mid-Autumn Festival F. Winter Solstice 68 ® Ee 2 2 D. Ifthe sentence is correct, put a v in (_). If it is wrong, put a x. (12 marks @2 marks) . Aslam the youngest in the family, others should let ¢ ) me get my way. . Cousin is the child of my uncle and aunt. ( ) . Light and water cannot pass through plastic chairs. ¢ ) . Plugging multiple electrical appliances in the same —_( ) socket might easily cause a fire. . Children can chase one another freely in parks. € ) » Those in higher positions than! amin the family tree ) are elders. © Popleam 3B fEaEL Bz tems at home? What do we use E. Where can we find these | these items for? Write the correct answers on (8 marks @1 mark) 3. | Place! «ae Place: Use: Use: F Write the correct answers on . (8 marks @2 marks) 1. State two correct things to do when there is a household fire. A. B. 2. State two Chinese New Year customs. A. B. S Pre-exam Practice for General Studies (New Curriculum Edition) P.1 fEaEL Bz g. Circle the correct answers. (4 marks @1 mark) BS with fins / with limbs with fins / with fropecrance limbs / with wings Aopecrence| / with wings lan of | walking / flying / | Way of _ [walking / flying / rasta swimming moving swimming H. Are the following people taking care of things in the park? If yes, put a v in (). If no, put a x. (12 marks @2 marks) Hj © Poptearn ) feiEaEL az c UE keep 1. 2. Write the correct answers on ___ (10 marks @2 marks) A. care Mum, Dad, brothers and sisters are our We can make festivals more __— by catring for others We should our time spent with our family. Some parks animals such as flamingos and sloths. We can look at and__—___ about them. Circle the correct letters. (8 marks @2 marks) People in A. Korea B. Thailand = C. the US D. the UK splash water on others during New Year. Wearing a plastic bag on the head may cause A. falling B. bruises C. slashing D. suffocation Which of the following people is a relative on father’s side? A. Father's brother B. Wife of mother’s brother C. Husband of mother's sister D. Mother's mother Which of the following housework is NOT suitable for 6-yearold primary school students? A. cleaning the floor B. tidying up things C. cleaning windows D. clearing flowerpot water 62) pre-exam Practice for Generdl Studies (New Curiculum Edition) P.1 Se feiEaEL az

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