Uwa Reseng - D&B 1 - 2018

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• Why Blast?
• Basics of Explosives
UWA Resource Engineering
• Blasting Rock
• Influence of Geology
An Introduction to Blasting • Questions?

George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting

UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright
GBC 2018 GBC 2018

What is Blasting?
• The use of inherently energetic materials (ie
Explosives) that can undergo exothermic
reactions, producing heat and high pressure
• The
h energy released
l d may be
b applied
li d to
surrounding materials to produce
– Fractures/Fragmentation
– Swelling/rotation of the broken material
– Displacement in a particular direction

George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting

UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright
GBC 2018 GBC 2018

Why would we want to blast?

• Most rock cannot be broken by any other
• Even where some other method is available,
blasting will usually be more cost-effective.
cost effective
• Blasting is highly efficient.
• Blasting can be well controlled/specific and
environmentally friendly.
• Blasting is fast and flexible.
George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting
UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright
GBC 2018 GBC 2018

Page 1
Basics of Explosives Initiating Explosives
• There are two main types of Initiators:
• There are three main categories of – Detonators
commercial explosives: – Detonating Cord
– Initiating explosives • There are several types of detonators
– Packaged/cartridged explosives i l di
– Bulk explosives/blasting agents – Fuse
• Most explosive systems require all three to – Electric
be used – Shock tube
– Electronic

George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting

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GBC 2018 GBC 2018

Initiating Explosives Initiating Explosives

• Detonators are used to:
– Initiate cartridged explosives
– Control the sequence and timing with which
multi-charge blasts will fire
• Detonators are highly sensitive and are
consequently stored/transported separately

George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting

UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright
GBC 2018 GBC 2018

Packaged/Cartridged Explosives
• These include:
– Emulsion/watergel sticks
– Cast explosive boosters
– Specialised charges - eg shape charges
• They are usually:
– Sensitive to detonators/detonating cord
– Used as either a primary or booster charge
– In 25kg boxes and stored in a HE magazine

George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting

UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright
GBC 2018 GBC 2018

Page 2
Bulk Explosive - Pumped
Bulk Explosives/Blasting Agents
Emulsion Blend
• These include:
– ANFO (Ammonium Nitrate/Fuel Oil)
– Bulk Emulsion/Water Gel
– Derivitive
Deri iti e blends
• They are usually:
– Only sensitive to a booster/explosive cartridge
– Used a primary charge
– Used in large quantities ie via a bulk explosive
George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting
UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright
GBC 2018 GBC 2018

Blasting Rock Blasting Rock

• Shock pulse from detonation fragments rock
• Gas pressure displaces and swells muckpile
• Hence, partition of total explosive energy
Sh k and dGGas energy iis iimportant
• Character of explosive should be matched
to the rock conditions and blasting aims

George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting

UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright
GBC 2018 GBC 2018

3 Keys to Blast Efficiency

• The three keys to blast efficiency are:
– Energy Distribution
– Energy Confinement
– Energy
Energ Level
Le el
• All three must be considered and addressed
in the blast design and implementation

George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting

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GBC 2018 GBC 2018

Page 3
Open Pit Blasting Open Pit Drilling
• Blasting conducted
from each bench to the
• Holes are drilled
vertically or inclined
to the face
• Holes range 76-
381mm diameter
• Explosive is charged
into the bottom of
each hole and
stemmed above
George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting
UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright
GBC 2018 GBC 2018

Hole Drilling Modes Top Hammer

• Top Hammer – 76-140mm hole diameter • Suitable for Soft to hard rock 0-500MPa
• Down the Hole Hammer – 115-229mm hole • Low capital cost
diameter • Can drill close to batters at angles
• Rotary
R t – 229-381mm
229 381 hholed
l d diameter
di t • Deviation control deeper than 15m is
challenging – controlled by:
– Drilling slower than max rate
– Rock character
– Special gear – big rods, tubes, guide bits etc

George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting

UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright
GBC 2018 GBC 2018

Down the Hole Hammer

• Suitable for Soft to Very Hard rock 0-600MPa
• Medium Capital Cost
• Smaller rigs (CUBEX, L8) can drill angled holes
with moderate clearance
• Bigger rigs (SKF, DML) need more clearance
from batters and can only drill angles with tail
• Very good deviation control

George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting

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Copyright GBC 2018 GBC 2018

Page 4
Rotary Drilling Open Pit Blasting
• Suitable for Soft to Medium rock only 0-150MPa • Holes are connected
• High capital cost – long lead for supply together using
• Needs large clearance from batters – too much • Delays
y are placed
p in
t d ff for
f hard
h d rockk each hole
• Good deviation control but large holes are a “blunt • Delays are placed
instrument” – far from ideal for wall control beween each hole
blasting collar
• Large footprint drills limit highest powder factor
George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting
UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright
GBC 2018 GBC 2018

Open Pit Blasting

• Blast is initiated from
first hole
• Holes fire in design
q to allow each
hole to displace into
the void created by
previous hole(s)
• Process is called
burden relief

George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting

UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright
GBC 2018 GBC 2018

What Factors Influence Blasting What Factors Influence Blasting

Results? Results?
•Controllable factors
•Uncontrollable factors
– Blast design
– Rock joints, spacing and direction
– Explosive type
– Rock hardness
– Face and blast shape
– Rock toughness
– Firing sequence and timing
– Rock density
– Blast orientation relative to rock structure
– Ground water
– Ground reactivity
– Distribution of ore
George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting
UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright
GBC 2018 GBC 2018

Page 5
What Factors Influence Blasting
Why consider Geology?
•Uncontrollable factors •“Rock properties influence blasting results more than
explosive properties”
– Cavities
•Ignoring geology will usually lead to large variability in
– Floaters results
– Vugs
V gs •Linking blast design and rock properties can produce
consistent, acceptable results
– Porosity
•You don’t have to be a Geologist to understand rock

George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting

UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright
GBC 2018 GBC 2018

George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting

UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright
GBC 2018 GBC 2018

George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting

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GBC 2018 GBC 2018

Page 6
Where do we get rock
•Ore body models
•Grade hole lithology logs
•Diamond core - wall design data
•Face/floor maps
•Cross sections
•Previous adjacent blasts
•Blasthole logs

George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting

UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright
GBC 2018 GBC 2018

Where do we get rock

Influence of Rock Joints
•Blasthole water level vs time •In jointed rock - potentially most important
•Blasthole water samples factor
•Blasting records •Influences fragmentation - character
fl explosive
l i gas confinement/rock
fi / k

George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting

UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright
GBC 2018 GBC 2018

Influence of jointing
•Influence greatest in
– Face
– Top
– Back

George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting

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GBC 2018 GBC 2018

Page 7
George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting
UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright
GBC 2018 GBC 2018

Wide joint spacing

•Can be a challenge
•Will tend to produce
big rocks
Blast design can help

George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting

UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright
GBC 2018 GBC 2018

Best ways to control

Wide joint spacing
•Better explosive •Hole diameter
•Stemming length
•Better fragmentation
•Spacing and burden
But higher drilling,
initiation and labour •Explosive type/density
costs •Subdrill
•But must calculate cost-effectiveness

George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting

UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright
GBC 2018 GBC 2018

Page 8
Influence of joint direction Inconsistent ground
•Where ground is inconsistently strong or weak
– Floaters
– Cavities
– Vugs
– Mud seams
– Cap rock
– Weathered zone

George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting

UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright
GBC 2018 GBC 2018

Improving The Fragmentation Of Float ers Weak mud seam

float ers reduced deck
pat t ern loading



George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting

UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright
GBC 2018 GBC 2018

Ground Water
•Two broad types
– Static
– Dynamic
D i is
i mostt influential
i fl ti l
•Density of water should be checked
•May be highly localised

George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting

UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright
GBC 2018 GBC 2018

Page 9
Influence of Ground Water
•Limits explosive choices - type and density
•Reduces explosive sleep time
•May influence explosive reliability and energy
•Limits maximum delay time
•Reduces blasthole stability - silting and collapse

George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting

UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright
GBC 2018 GBC 2018

Influence of Ground Water

•Reduces stemming performance - may
necessitate aggregate stemming
•Increases rock density - reducing swell
•Increases explosive
l i gas coolingli rate -
reducing heave
•May fluidise muckpile causing flow and
low muckpile

George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting

UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright
GBC 2018 GBC 2018

Reactive ground
•Can lead to premature detonation of
•Produces dangerous gases - NOx, CO, SO2
•May require
– Blasthole temperature logging
– Reduced explosive sleep time
– Special explosive or hole liners

George Boucher Consulting George Boucher Consulting

UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright UWA Res Eng – D&B1 Copyright
GBC 2018 GBC 2018

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