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8LlL8LnSl P1ML

keadab|||ty ls Lhe quallLy of wrlLlng LhaL makes lL easy (or dlfflculL) Lo read and undersLand
Readability is the ease in which text can be read and understood. Various Iactors to measure
readability have been used, such as "speed oI perception," "perceptibility at a distance," "perceptibility
in peripheral vision," "visibility," "the reIlex blink technique," "rate oI work" (e.g., speed oI reading),
"eye movements," and "Iatigue in reading."

Readability is distinguished Irom legibility which is a measure oI how easily individual letters or
characters can be distinguished Irom each other. Readability can determine the ease in which computer
program code can be read by humans, such as through embedded documentation.
eglnnlng ln Lhe 1940s conLlnulng sLudles ln readablllLy conflrmed and expanded on earller research lrom
Lhese sLudles lL became obvlous LhaL readablllLy ls noL someLhlng embedded ln Lhe LexL buL ls Lhe resulL of an
lnLeracLlon beLween Lhe LexL and Lhe reader Cn Lhe readers slde readablllLy ls dependenL on 1 prlor
knowledge 2 readlng sklll 3 lnLeresL and 4 moLlvaLlon Cn Lhe slde of Lhe LexL readablllLy ls affecLed by 1
conLenL 2 sLyle 3 deslgn and 4 organlzaLlon

ikert Scale

The following choices may help you when you design an attitude instrument. The bold
face sets are the most popular.


O trong|y Agree
O Agree
O Dndec|ded
O |sagree
O trong|y |sagree
O gree SLrongly
O gree
O gree SllghLly
O lsagree SllghLly
O lsagree
O lsagree SLrongly
O gree
O lsagree
O gree
O Dndeclded
O lsagree
O gree very
O gree SLrongly
O gree
O lsagree
O lsagree SLrongly
O lsagree very
O es
O no
O ompleLely gree
O MosLly gree
O SllghLly gree
O SllghLly lsagree
O MosLly lsagree
O ompleLely
O lsagree
O lsagree
O 1end Lo lsagree
O 1end Lo gree
O gree
O gree SLrongly

O Iery Irequent|y
O Irequent|y
O ccas|ona||y
O kare|y
O Iery kare|y
O -ever
O A|ways
O Iery Irequent|y
O ccas|ona||y
O kare|y
O Iery kare|y
O -ever
O lways
O Dsually
O bouL Palf Lhe
O Seldom
O never
O lmosL lways
O 1o a onslderable
O Cccaslonally
O Seldom
O CreaL eal
O Much
O SomewhaL
O LlLLle
O never
O CfLen
O SomeLlmes
O Seldom
O never
O lways
O very CfLen
O SomeLlmes
O 8arely
O never


O Iery Important
O Important
O ,oderate|y Important
O L|tt|e Importance
O Dn|mportant
O very lmporLanL
O ModeraLely lmporLanL
O DnlmporLanL
O very lmporLanL
O lmporLanL
O nelLher lmporLanL or
O DnlmporLanL
O very DnlmporLanL

O very Cood
O Cood
O arely ccepLable
O 9oor
O very 9oor
O treme|y oor
O e|ow Average
O Average
O Above Average
O ce||ent
O Cood
O lalr
O 9oor

O L|ke ,e
O Dn||ke ,e
O 1o a CreaL LxLenL
O SomewhaL
O very LlLLle
O noL aL ll
O 1rue
O lalse
O eflnlLely
O very 9robably
O 9robably
O 9osslbly
O 9robably noL
O very 9robably noL
O A|most A|ways 1rue
O Dsua||y 1rue
O ten 1rue
O ccas|ona||y 1rue
O omet|mes ut Inrequent|y
O Dsua||y -ot 1rue
O A|most -ever 1rue
O 1rue of Myself
O MosLly 1rue of Myself
O bouL Palfway 1rue of
O SllghLly 1rue Cf Myself
O noL aL ll 1rue of Myself
Sample ront Page from an nstrument Using a ikert Scale...

Del Siegle, Ph.D.
Neag School of Education - University of Connecticut

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