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1. Distinction between public health statistics, biostatistics, and medical statistics.
2. Types (descriptive and inferential), function, limitations and characteristics of public health
3. Descriptive statistics (Basic concept of variables, types of variables (discrete and
Continuous variables), scales of measurements, Data Collection, Presentation of statistical
data, Classification and Tabulation of data: frequency distribution and different types of
tables (one way, two way) Diagrammatic and graphic presentation of data: Bar
diagram(simple, multiple, subdivided) , pie chart, map diagram, pictogram, histogram,
frequency polygon, frequency curve, cumulative frequency curve, line chart, scatter diagram,
stem- and–leaf plots, whiskers box-plot, Diagrammatic and graphic presentation of data: Bar
diagram (simple, multiple, subdivided) , pie chart, map diagram, pictogram, histogram,
frequency polygon, frequency curve, cumulative frequency curve, line chart, scatter diagram,
stem- and–leaf plots, whiskers box-plot, Measures of central tendency, Range, Mean, Median
and Mode and identify the ideal averages, requisites and its merits and demerits, Measures of
dispersion (variability), Quartile deviation, mean deviation, standard deviation, standard error
, variance and coefficient of variation and identify the ideal dispersion, requisites and its
merits and Measures of skewedness and kurtosis.
4. Probability: Set theory, factorial, permutations, combinations, Binomial, Poisson and
Normal probability distribution Laws of probability: addition law, multiplication law and
conditional probability, Bayes’ theorem, screening tests, sensitivity, specificity and predictive
value positive and negative.
5. Correlation and regression analysis
6. Sampling theory, Sampling distribution and Estimation
7. Inferential Statistics or hypothesis testing (Concept of hypothesis: state and define null and
alternative hypothesis and formulation of statistical hypothesis, Type I and type II errors in
testing of hypothesis, Normal distribution; concept, definition and characteristics, Level of
significance, p value and its interpretation and power of the test, Parametric (Z, t and
ANOVA) and non-parametric test: Assumptions, and test statistics. Non-parametric test of

1. Terminologies used in epidemiology of communicable diseases: infection, communicable

disease, pollution, contamination, infestation, epidemic, endemic, sporadic, pandemic,
epizootic, enzootic, source of infection, reservoir, case, carrier, host, incubation period,
communicable period, secondary attack rate, agent, antigenicity, infectivity, pathogenicity,
virulence, infective dose, environment, vector, parasite.
2. Spectrum of health and disease and Natural history of disease
3. Disease transmission, prevention and control: relationship of agent, host and environment,
ways of breaking the infectious disease cycle, prevention and control of communicable
diseases, Concepts of control and eradication of disease including disease surveillance,
Defense mechanisms of the body: Immunity, immunization, herd immunity, planning and
implementation of immunization programmes, Clinical epidemiology: Introduction,
definition of normality and abnormality, sensitivity, specificity, predictive value, ROC curve
(receiver operating characteristic curve), prevention in clinical practice.
4. Distribution by time, place, and person
5. Measures of disease frequency (Rate, ratio, proportion, population at risk, prevalence (rate),
incidence (rate), cumulative incidence proportion, Mortality and morbidity rates).
6. Measures of association: Absolute risk: risk difference, attributable fraction, population
attributable risk, Relative risk/risk ratio, Odds ratio.
7. Types of epidemiological study
8. Association and causation
9. Applied Epidemiology of major diseases prevalent in Nepal
a) Infectious diseases (Water-borne, Vector-borne, Air-borne, Contagious, Fungal
infections, others infectious diseases.
b) Zoonotic diseases
c) NCDs
d) Nutritional deficiencies
10. Screening and Surveillance Programme
11. Major Public Health Programs in Nepal
12. Field Epidemiology
13. Social epidemiology
14. Epidemiological aspects of Conflict and Disaster Management
1. Context of health promotion in public health
2. Ottawa Charter definition and strategies of health promotion
3. Overview of international declarations, statements, charter and recommendations
4. supporting the action areas of health promotion and education
a) The Adelaide Recommendations on Healthy Public Policy
b) The Sundsvall Statement on Supportive Environment
c) The Jakarta Declaration on Health Promotion
d) The Mexico Statement
e) The Bangkok Charter
5. Vision, mission, goal and objectives of health promotion
6. The process of health promotion: Focus, strategies, impact and outcomes
7. Outcomes of health promotion: Intermediate health outcome and health promotion
8. Approaches of health promotion: healthy settings, healthy population and healthy lifestyles
9. Aim, activity and value of general approaches to health promotion: medical, behavior
10. change, educational, planned and social change approaches
11. Overview of various models and dimensions of health promotion
12. Overview of International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE):
13. background, goal, objectives, organization structure, activities
14. Overview the vision, mission, goal, strategies and activities of Victoria Health Foundation
in health promotion
15. Planning, implementation and evaluation of health promotion and education activities in
various settings
16. Planning, implementation and evaluation of education program on selected health problems
17. Training in and overview of health promotion and education in Nepal
1. Concept and role of health education in preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative ends,
Overview and critical analysis of various definitions of health education: Definition of DB
Nyswander, Mayhew Deriberry, Dazzle Ward, Thomas D. Wood C.E. Turner; RE Grout, L.W.
Green; C W Stuart, WHO Scientific Group; SOPHE/AAPHER, National Education Association
2. Aims, purpose, and principles of health education, Scope and content of health education
3. Definition, concept of human behavior, Concept and principles of behaviour change and the
change process in health, Various models of behavior change: EM Rogers’s adoption process and
Kurt Lewin’s model of health behavior change, Educational process for health behavior change
a. Cognitive skill, (knowledge)
b. Affective skill (attitude)
c. psycho-motor skill (overt)
4. Meaning, concept and process of voluntary and planned change, Resistance to change and
overcoming resistance to change, Community organization strategy for health behavior change.
5. Fundamental factors involved in health education process
6. Health communication and health education methods and media
7. Various approaches to health promotion and education
8. Roles of health promotion and education in public health programmes
9. various settings and people for the application of HP&E theories and principles
a) Community at large, village/urban settlements, family, school, health service centers etc.
b) Occupational settings: agricultural, business, industries, hospitality and entertainment etc.
c) Schools: public and private concern for formal and non-formal education
d) Special risk groups: drug users, commercial sex workers, PLWHIV/AIDS, rack pickers,
adolescents, consumers
e) Organizations concerned with special communicable diseases (Malaria, Dengue,
f) Kala-azar, TB, leprosy, HIV/AIDS, etc.) And non-communicable disease risk factors.
10. Classical and PRECEDE/PROCEED framework for diagnosis, planning and implementation
of health promotion and education programs
11. Implementation of health promotion and education program
12. Evaluation health education programme
8.1 Nutrition science
8.2 Nutritional requirements in different stages of life
8.3 Nutrition policy, strategies, and nutritional deficiency disease
3.1 Ethics, Bio-ethics and Professionalism
3.2 Human dignity and Human Right
3.3 Benefit and Harm
3.4 Autonomy and Individual responsibility
3.5 Consent and capacity to consent
3.6 Privacy and confidentiality
3.7 Respect for humans and personal integrity
3.8 Non-discrimination and non-stigmatization
3.9 Respect for cultural diversity and pluralism
3.10 National Health Research Council (NHRC) and its guidelines
3.11 Research process: ethical research proposal development, research principles, methods and
materials, conclusion/recommendation/lesson learnt, commonly used referencing styles
3.12 IRB/IRC forms, types, use, importance; getting IRB/IRC clearance
3.13 Ethics on research methodology: sample selection, sample size calculation, ensuring reliability
and validity of the instruments as well as methods proposed for health research
3.14 Quantitative and Qualitative studies
3.15 Data analysis (data visualization, descriptive statistics, inferential statistics with statistical
hypotheses and appropriate tools/methods for quantitative studies; theme and code generation,
thematic analysis, content analysis, grounded theory for qualitative and triangulation for mixed
method studies)
3.16 Research ethics on vulnerable and non-vulnerable population
3.17 Research proposal/protocol/publication:
3.18 Publication ethics, plagiarism including self-plagiarism


3.1 Demography & health
3.2 Sources of demographic data, population structure, characteristics and population growth.
3.3 Population movement, demographic cycles, demographic transition
3.4 Population growth rates, population projection, and methods of population standardization
3.5 Measures of fertility/mortality/migration, urbanization, nuptiality & their relationships
3.6 Human development index
3.7 Relationship between population, ecology & development
3.8 Migration: Push and Pull factors, Internal and external migration, seasonal migration, cross border
migration, international migration.
3.9 Relation between Migration and socio-economic conditions
14.1 Primary health care and other initiatives
14.2 Globalization and health and global institutional players
14.3 Recent advancement in international health
9.1 Environment and health
9.2 Water and health
9.3 Sanitation and health
9.4 Waste management
9.5 Food security/quality/hygiene and sanitation/ food act
9.6 Air pollution and its impact
9.7 Noise pollution and its impact
9.8 Housing and health
9.9 Other environmental issues- Global environmental problem (radiation, global warming, acid raid,
ozone depletion, deforestation), Natural and man-made disasters, urbanization
9.10 Environmental policy and planning, Environmental Act & Role of Role of Private Sector
9.11 Infectious and tropical diseases control: bacteria and parasites of public health importance,
public health entomology/control of vector borne diseases.
10.1 Occupation health & its components
10.2 Occupational environment and Hazards (Physical, Chemical, Biological, Mechanical,
10.3 Occupational safety, occupational health situation (occupational disease) in Nepal
10.4 Ergonomics and workers compensation
11.1 Models of health system around the world
11.2 Health care delivery system
11.3 Health information system
11.4 Infrastructure and logistics management
11.5 Organizational diagnosis and managing change in an organization
11.6 Hospital management
11.7 Concept of health systems management (management theories)
11.8 Management process / managerial functions: Planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and
controlling (PODCC) perspectives.
11.9 Concept of planning, Strategic planning (need and process)
11.10Health care policy
11.11Structure and function of health system
11.12Human resource and financial management
11.13Information management system and their use
1.1. Health care management system in Nepal and other parts of the world
1.2. Fundamental principles of healthcare institution and hospital management.
1.3. Effective hospital management principles
1.4. Purpose of medical and non-medical data and records
1.5. Ethics and responsibility of management
1.6. Concept of management and its application in health care including hospital
1.7.1 Management: Concept, principles, functions, scope and role, level and skills of manager
1.7.2 Planning: Concept, principles, nature, types, instruments and steps
1.7.3 Leadership: Concept, function, leadership styles, leadership and management
1.7.4 Coordination: Concept, types, techniques of effective coordination
1.7.5 Communication and counselling: Concept, communication processes and barrier to effective
communication, techniques for improving communication
1.7.6 Decision making: Importance, types, rational process of decision making, problem solving
techniques, improving decision making
1.7.7 Participative management: Concept, advantage and disadvantage, techniques of participation
1.7.8 Time management: Concept, essential factors and strategies for effective time management
1.7.9 Conflict management: Concept, approaches to conflict, levels of conflict, causes of conflict and
strategies for conflict management
1.7.10 Stress management: Concept, causes and sources of stress, techniques of stress management
1.7.11 Change management: Concept, sources of organizational change, resistance to change,
management of resistance to change
1.7.12 Appreciative inquiry: Concept, basic principle and management
1.7.13 Human resource management: Concept, functions and different aspects
1.7.14 Health manpower recruitment and development
1.7.15 financial management: Concept, approaches, budget formulation and implementation,
Auditing and topics related to fiscal administration
15.1 Project management knowledge and skills
15.2 Project life cycle
15.3 Project planning tools and application
15.4 Project quality management
15.5 Social entrepreneurship
15.6 The role of project manager
12.1 Health economics and health care finance
12.2 Demand and supply theory
12.3 Health care financing
12.4 National health budget
12.5 Private and public spending in health
12.6 Equity and the evaluation of health care interventions and program
12.7 Health Insurance and its types, Factors affecting the quantity demanded for health insurance,
Government and private sector as health insurer, Moral hazards of health insurance.

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