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Delhi Study Hub

Class 08 - Science
Time Allowed: 1 hour Maximum Marks: 40

Section A
1. Yeast is not used in the preparation of ________ [1]

a) dhokla b) alcohol

c) bread d) antibiotic
2. The two micro-organisms which live in symbiotic association in lichens are [1]

a) Fungus and protozoa b) Alga and bacteria

c) Alga and fungus d) Bacteria and protozoa

3. Edible fungi are: [1]

a) both mushroom & mildew b) smut fungi

c) mildew d) mushroom
4. Which of the following is a viral disease? [1]

a) Typhoid b) Polio

c) TB d) Leprosy
5. Three constituents of petroleum are [1]

a) Bitumen, Lubricating oil, Paraffin wax b) LPG, Explosives, Paints

c) Kerosene, Petrol, Natural gas d) Diesel, LPG, Coal gas

6. Which of the following represents the best quality coal? [1]

a) Lignite b) Peat

c) Bituminous d) Anthracite
7. Petroleum is a non-renewable source of energy. Which of the following steps are suggested for the judicious [1]

a) All of these b) We should use natural gas as a substitute

c) We should use fossil fuels when necessary d) Alternative sources of energy such as solar,
wind and biomass should be preferred
8. Assertion (A): Paheli is thinking that mango pickle her grandmother makes does not spoil for a long time. [1]
Reason (R): Common salt has been used to preserve meat and fish for ages.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
explanation of A. correct explanation of A.

Delhi Study Hub Vasundhara Enclave, New Delhi -96
c) A is true but R is false. d) A is false but R is true.
9. Assertion (A): In India, the Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) advises people how to save [1]
petrol/diesel while driving.
Reason (R): They advice drive at a constant speed, switch off the engine at traffic lights and ensure regular
maintenance of the vehicle.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
explanation of A. correct explanation of A.

c) A is true but R is false. d) A is false but R is true.

10. Which fungal plant disease is shown in the image that occurs in the wheat plants? [1]

a) Rust plant disease b) Citrus canker

c) Yellow vein mosaic d) Bacterial Blight

11. Which liquid is extracted by drilling holes, called oil wells in the earth’s crust? [1]

a) Coal tar b) Coconut oil

c) Petroleum d) Kerosene oil

Section B
12. Explain the discovery of penicillin. [2]
13. What are communicable diseases? Explain with examples. [2]
14. What are petrochemicals? What are their uses? [2]
15. Describe the process of formation of petroleum. [2]
Section C
16. What are vaccines? How does a vaccine work? [3]
17. What will happen to pooris and unused kneaded flour if they are left in the open for a day or two? [3]
18. Name the products obtained and their uses when coal is processed in industry. [3]
19. What are the four different uses of the petroleum products? [3]
Section D
20. What is PCRA? State some tips to save petrol and diesel? [4]
Section E
Question No. 21 to 25 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: [5]
Rina is studying about the Microorganisms responsible for food spoilage. She came to know that microorganisms spoil
our food. Spoil food emits bad smell has a bad taste and changed colour. But she got confused after thinking that the
mango pickle her grandmother makes does not spoil for a long time. Then her teacher told her that there are the
common methods of preserving food in our homes.
21. What are the common chemicals generally used to check the growth of microorganisms?

a) edible oil b) salt

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c) Junk food d) both salt and edible oil
22. Which of the following is preserved by sugar?

a) All of these b) Squash

c) Jellies d) Jams
23. Pasteurised milk is heated to about

a) 700C for 15 to 30 seconds b) 1000C for 30 second

c) 500C for 10 second d) 300C for 20 second

24. ________ used in jams and squashes to check their spoilage.
25. Common salt has been used to preserve meat and fish for ages.

a) True b) False

Delhi Study Hub Vasundhara Enclave, New Delhi -96


Class 08 - Science
Section A
(d) antibiotic
Explanation: Yeast is a kind of fungi that is used for the preparation of alcohol, bread and dhokla. Antibiotics are not produced
using yeast. Antibiotics are used to prevent the growth of fungi and bacteria.
(c) Alga and fungus
Explanation: Alga and fungus
(d) mushroom
Explanation: Mushrooms are edible fungi having lots to protein and other nutrients. Mushroom grows as saprophytes and
have umbrella like structure.
(b) Polio
Explanation: Polio
5. (a) Bitumen, Lubricating oil, Paraffin wax
Explanation: Three constituents of petroleum are bitumen, lubricating oil and paraffin wax. Petroleum (Crude oil) obtained
from rocks inside the earth is actually a mixture of many substances it is refined in refinery to obtain separately different
(d) Anthracite
Explanation: Anthracite has upto 95% of carbon and is regarded as the best variety of coal.
7. (a) All of these
Explanation: All of these
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
Explanation: The mango pickle make by Paheli's grandmother makes does not spoil for a long time as she use preservation
method. Salts and edible oils are the common chemicals generally used to check the growth of microorganisms.
9. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
Explanation: In India, the Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) advises people how to save petrol/diesel
while driving.
Their tips are
drive at a constant and moderate speed as far as possible.
switch off the engine at traffic lights or at a place where you have to wait.
ensure correct tyre pressure.
ensure regular maintenance of the vehicle.
10. (a) Rust plant disease
Explanation: Rust of wheat is caused by fungi. It is transmitted through air and seeds. It occurs in wheat plants. Hence, the
image represents rust of wheat disease.
(c) Petroleum
Explanation: Petroleum is extracted by drilling holes (called oil wells) in the earth’s crust.
Section B
12. In 1929, Alexander Fleming was working on a culture of disease-causing bacteria. Suddenly, he found the spores of a little green
mould in one of his culture plants. He observed that the presence of mould killed and stopped the growth of bacteria. From this the

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mould penicillin was prepared.
13. The microbial diseases that can spread from an infected person to a healthy person through air, water, food or physical contact are
called communicable diseases. Examples of such diseases include cholera, common cold, chicken pox and tuberculosis.
14. Many useful substances are obtained from petroleum and natural gas. These are called petrochemicals. Petrochemicals are used in
the manufacture of detergents, fibres, polythene and other plastics and fertilizers.
15. Petroleum is a dark oily liquid. It is a mixture of various fractions. Petroleum was formed from organisms living in the sea. As
these organisms died, their bodies settled at the bottom of the sea and got covered with layers of sand and clay. Over millions of
years, absence of air, high temperature and high pressure and action of microorganisms, transformed the dead organisms into
petroleum and natural gases. The layer containing petroleum and natural gas is above that of water. Oil and gas are lighter than
water and do not mix with it.
Section C
16. Vaccines consist of dead and weakened microbes. When these are swallowed or injected into the body of a patient, the body
produces antibodies to fight them. The antibodies remain in the body and protect it from any future attack of disease germs.
17. If pooris and unused kneaded flour are left in the open for a day or two they get contaminated by microbes which cause
fermentation of the dough and it would result in spoilage of kneaded flour. But the pooris as they are fried they will remain good
as they are deep-fried which killed the microbes.
18. Coal when processed in industry gives coke, coal tar and coal gas. Coke is used in the manufacture of steel and in extraction of
many metals. Coal tar is used as starting material for manufacturing various sustances such as synthetic dyes, drugs, explosives,
perfumes, paints etc. Coal gas is used as fuel.
19. The different uses of petroleum products are :
(a) Petrol is used as motor fuel, aviation fuel and solvent for dry cleaning.
(b) Kerosene is used as fuel for stoves, lamps and jet aircrafts.
(c) Diesel is used as fuel for heavy motor vehicles, electric generators etc.
(d) Paraffin wax is used as ointment, candles and vaseline.
(e) Kerosene used for stores, lamps and for jet crafts.
(f) Lubricating Oil used for Lubrication for different parts of engine.
(g) Bitumen used fin Paints and Roads surfacing.
Section D
20. The Petroleum Conservation Research Association in India advises people on how to save petrol and diesel while driving. Some
of these tips are:
i. Drive at a constant and moderate speed as far as possible.
ii. Switch off the engine at traffic lights or while waiting.
iii. Ensure correct tyre pressure.
iv. Ensure regular maintenance of vehicle.
v. Use public transport, car pool and combine errands when possible.
Section E
21. (d) both salt and edible oil
Explanation: both salt and edible oil
22. (a) All of these
Explanation: All of these
23. (a) 700C for 15 to 30 seconds
Explanation: 700C for 15 to 30 seconds
24. 1. Sodium benzoate
25. (a) True
Explanation: True

Delhi Study Hub Vasundhara Enclave, New Delhi -96

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