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Assignment BTEC (RQF)

Higher National Diploma in Business
Entrepreneurial Ventures
Unit 9

Muhammad Abdullah

Student ID 3181133

Task 1

Table of content

1. Exploring the Landscape of Entrepreneurial Ventures in Pakistan

2. Types of Entrepreneurial Ventures in Pakistan
a. Local Retail Stores
b. Restaurants
c. Service Providers
d. Importance of Small Businesses in Pakistan
3. Scalable Startups in Pakistan
a. Bykea
d. Importance of Scalable Startups in Pakistan
4. Social Enterprises in Pakistan
a. SEED Ventures
b. Kashf Foundation
c. Importance of Social Enterprises in Pakistan
5. Lifestyle Businesses in Pakistan
a. Freelancers
b. Boutique Firms
c. Importance of Lifestyle Businesses in Pakistan
6. Large Companies and Conglomerates in Pakistan
a. Engro Corporation
b. Nishat Group
c. Importance of Large Companies and Conglomerates in Pakistan
7. Typology of Entrepreneurship in Pakistan
a. Innovative Entrepreneurship
b. Imitative Entrepreneurship
c. Fabian Entrepreneurship
d. Drone Entrepreneurship
8. Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs
a. Innovativeness
b. Risk-taking
c. Resilience
d. Visionary Leadership
e. Adaptability
9. The Entrepreneurial Mindset and Its Contribution to Ventures
a. Opportunity Recognition
b. Innovative Thinking
c. Resilience and Perseverance
d. Learning Orientation
e. Proactiveness
10. References

Exploring the Landscape of Entrepreneurial Ventures in Pakistan

Welcome to the Pakistan National Investor Portal (PNIP) blog. We aim to provide valuable
insights on entrepreneurship in Pakistan, and we'll also examine different types of
entrepreneurial ventures and their relation to typology. The goal is to support small and medium
sized businesses in Pakistan.

Types of Entrepreneurial Ventures in Pakistan

Small Businesses in Pakistan: Examples and Detailed Descriptions

Small businesses in Pakistan, mostly family owned, play a crucial role in the economy by
providing products and services to the local communities. They contribute to the economic
growth by creating jobs and supporting community development.

1. Local Retail Stores


Imtiaz Super Market: Began as a small grocery store in Karachi and now has expanded into a
successful chain of super. Despite its growth, the outlets still maintain in local store ambiance
with while offering customers a variety of local and imported goods, either reasonable price and
also meeting community needs.

Utility Stores Corporation: Government owned utility storage corporation operates similarly to
small businesses, providing. Today's essential goods communities nationwide local retail stores
Pakistan typically family run offer diverse. Products such as groceries, household items, and
clothing and electronics catering to specific requirements of their neighborhoods. These shores
are crucial for providing easy access to goods, supporting local supply chains, and strengthening
2. Restaurants


Butt Karahi: Family owned Lahore is were known for traditional Pakistani cuisine, especially in
Karai Dishes. Popular among Locals.And tourists for authentic flavors.

Student Biryani: A small biryani shop in Karachi has grown into a popular chain and many
Office outlets still maintaining the ambiance and service of a local eatery.

Description: Family owned restaurants in Paris insert local dishes from dhabas to family
establishments crucial to local culture. They offer traditional foods and are diverse in their

3. Service Providers


Naeem Electronics in Rawalpindi is known for reliable and affordable repair services with a
local and Loyal customer base through word-of-mouth referrals.

Local beauty salons and Barber shops like Simas Beauty Salon and Alibaba Baba Shop provides
essential grooming services across neighborhoods and Pakistan.

Description: These small businesses, including tailoring services, rely on reputation and
customer loyalty to meet everyday needs, often being family owned entities.

Importance of Small Businesses in Pakistan

Economic Contribution: Small businesses play a crucial role in Pakistani economy by creating
jobs, supporting local suppliers and contributing significantly to the GDP.

Community Support: These businesses also serve as a social hub where community members
gather, interact and support each other's maintaining social fabric of neighborhoods.

Entrepreneurial Growth: Additionally, they'll provide a platform for entrepreneurial growth,

allowing individuals to test business ideas on a smaller scale, gain experience and And
potentially scale up into larger ventures.

Scalable Startups in Pakistan

Scalable startups in Pakistan are innovating with technology, Disrupting markets and growing
rapidly. They secure such. Transitional investment and seek to expand national and
internationally. Several detailed examples of such startups in Pakistan are highlighted.

1. Bykea
Description: Bykea is a leading add prominent startup. In Pakistan, founded in 2016, known for
its on demand ride hauling and parcel delivery services, it has gained a popularity for providing
affordable transport solution particularly for urban motorbike users.

Scalability: The business model is highly scalable, enabling expansion over to new cities and
regions with minimal infrastructure investment. The company has shown a rapid growth by
increasing its base in service in multiple cities.

Innovation: denominations include such as real time tracking and cashless payments has
enhanced users experience and set it apart in the competition market, contributing to its success
and scalability.


Description: is Pakistan's top real estate portal established in 2006, transforming the
industry transparency and efficiency. It offers various services like property listing, virtual
shores, and market insights.

Scalability: the digital platform allows for 3d virtual tours and AI property recomendations
which allows for better user exprience which enables to be competitive in the market.


Description: is one of the largest ecommerce platforms in Pakistan science 2012
offering a diverse range of product like electronics fashion beauty and groceries in so doing
revolutionizing the retail sector with its reliable experience.Through links between buyer and
seller nationwide it ensures competitive price secure payments and swift deliveries

Scalability: With a scalable commerce model the platform expands its offerings to cater to
customers in urban and ruler areas investing in logistics payments and customer service

Innovation: continuously innovates its platform with new features and services to meet
the evolving needs of its customers. Introducing features like the daraz wallet daraz mall in the
daraz express delivery enhances convenience and reliability driving market penetration and

Importance of Scalable Startups in Pakistan

Economic Growth: Scale up start up fuels economic growth by generating jobs investment and

Global Competitiveness: the boost pakistan's global competitiveness by highlighting its potential
in technology driven entrepreneurship attracting foreign investments and skilled professionals
Industry Disruption: These ventures disrupt traditional industries by introducing innovative
business models in technologies fostering competition and improving efficiency

Social Enterprises in Pakistan

Social enterprises in Pakistan play a crucial role in addressing social issues while aiming for
financial sustainability they focus on social impact and financial returns using innovative
business models to tackle challenges like education healthcare and poverty elevation

1. SEED Ventures

Description: SEED Ventures is a Pakistan based social enterprise established in 1997 it

empowers marginalised communities by fostering entrepreneurship and economic inclusion the

organisation identifies and assist aspiring entrepreneurs from undeserving regions offering
training mentorship and financial access operating in sectors like agriculture renewable energy
and women's empowerment ventures

Social Impact: SEED Ventures In Pakistan promotes entrepreneurship and economic

empowerment benefiting thousands their programmes initiatives help break poverty cycles
improving livelihoods and contribute to local economic development positively impacting
individuals and communities

Financial Sustainability: SEED Ventures Sustains operations through partnership grants

investments fee based services consulting an improved income projects this model ensures long
term viability and impact for the organisation programme

2. Kashf Foundation

Description: Kashf Foundation is a Prominent microfinance institution in Pakistan since 1996

empowers women through financial inclusion and entrepreneurship it offers microloans financial
literacy training and business supports to low income women in agriculture retail and handcraft
sectors targeting rural an urban communities.

Social Impact: Kashf Foundation In Pakistan empowers women by offering financial access and
business development services this support has elevated women's economic standing leading to
increased income family support and community influence making them catalyst for positive

Financial Sustainability: Kashf Foundation Is a sustainable social enterprise that balances social
impact and financial viability it generates revenue through loans service fees and partnership
with government and development agencies this allows the organisation to cover costs and reach
more women entrepreneurs

Importance of Social Enterprises in Pakistan

Addressing Social Challenges: Social enterprise are instrumental in addressing social issuesLike
poverty unemployment and gender inequality enhancing societal development.

Empowering Marginalized Communities: they empowerGroups by granting them access to

opportunities and resources additionally these organisations promote the stainable growth and
development through eco friendly practises social inclusion and economic resilience at the
grassroot level overall social enterprises play a vital role in fostering well-being and progress
within communities

Lifestyle Businesses in Pakistan


Lifestyle businesses in Pakistan prioritise personal fulfilment and flexibility catering to

individuals seeking imbalanced word life and sustaining a particular lifestyle these
ventures often freelancers or boutique firms often specialise services tailored to niche
markets focusing on quality over rapid growth

1. Freelancers

Three Lansing is a popular lifestyle choice in Pakistan offering flexibility and autonomy
freelancers work in diverse industries such as graphic designing writing software development
digital marketing and consulting they use platforms like Upwork Fiverr and to
connect with clients worldwide work life balance is a priority for Pakistani freelancers who opt
for flexible hours and remote work to balance personal commitments they control their workload
choose projects aligned with their skills and interest and pursue outside activities while valuing
autonomy freelancers also focus on maintaining a stable income through a continuous flow of
projects and clients specialising in niche skills helps them command higher rates and build long
term client relationships

2. Boutique Firms

Boutique firms in Pakistan specialise in providing tailored services or products to niche markets
operating on a smaller scale these business prioritise quality customization and personalised
service they cater to various industries such as fashion design consulting has ability an illness
differentiating themselves through customised offering boutique firms focus on craftsmanship
creativity and attention to detail ensuring unique experiences for clients they prioritised building
strong client relationship through personalised communication responsiveness and trust by
closely working with clients to understand their needs and preferences boutique firms aim to
deliver solutions that meet or exceed expectations

Importance of Lifestyle Businesses in Pakistan

Lifestyle businesses in Pakistan offered work life balance and not me in person fulfilment
contributing to overall well-being they also offer economic diversity by offering alternative
career paths and income streams these ventures also provide entrepreneurial freedom allowing
individuals to pursue their fashion and interests while maintaining control over their work and
lifestyle choices

Large Companies and Conglomerates in Pakistan

Pakistan’s large companies and conglomerate’s despite not being start-ups actively engaged in
intrapreneurship fostering innovation and entrepreneurship within their large structures as shown
in detailed examples from the country

1. Engro Corporation

engro corporation a Pakistani conglomerate is a major player in countries economic and

industrial development with interest in chemical energy fertilisers in food founded in 1965 the
company operates through various subsidiaries and affiliates engro encourages entrepreneurship
by empowering employees to innovate and take risks and pursue new business opportunities the
company fosters a culture of entrepreneurship creativity and collaboration by providing
resources support and incentives Anglo has launched several innovation initiatives including
innovation labs incubators and accelerator's where employees can develop and test new ideas
products and services the company also collaborates with external partners to leverage external
expertise and resources.

2. Nishat Group

Nishat Group A prominent Pakistani business conglomerate has diversified its business portfolio
into various industries including textile cement banking power generation and automotive
established in 1951 the company operates through subsidiaries an affiliate in specialising
different business areas nishat group promotes entrepreneurship by encouraging employees to
identify new business opportunities improve processes and Dr innovation the company values
creativity initiative and risk taking empowering employees at all levels to contribute to
companies growth nishad group fosters an innovation culture by investing in research technology
adoption and continuous improvement initiatives across its business units the company
encourages collaboration knowledge sharing and cross functional teamwork to stimulate
creativity in innovation

Importance of Large Companies and Conglomerates in Pakistan

Large companies in Pakistan drive economic growth and industrial development by investing
infrastructure technology and human capital they provide employment opportunities contributing
to drop creation and poverty reduction they also foster innovation in entrepreneurship by
promoting entrepreneurship and supporting startups and small medium enterprises in
collaborating with academic institutions.
Typology of Entrepreneurship in Pakistan

Understanding the typology of entrepreneurship in Pakistan is essential for categorising ventures

based on their goals focusing on their goals like innovation levels an economic impact
highlighting the importance here here we delve into the four main types of entrepreneurship
observed in Pakistan

1. Innovative Entrepreneurship

Description: Innovative entrepreneurship in Pakistan involves introducing new product services

or technologies often involving creativity risk taking innovation examples include tech startups
biotech firms in e-commerce platform that revolutionised traditional industries.


Risk-taking: Innovative entrepreneurs in Pakistan are willing to take risks and explore uncharted
territories to bring novel ideas to fruition.

Creativity: These entrepreneurs demonstrate a high level of creativity and ingenuity in

developing groundbreaking products or services.

Adaptability: They are adaptable and responsive to changing market dynamics, leveraging
technology and trends to stay ahead of the curve.

Impact: Innovative entrepreneurship drives economic growth, fosters job creation, and positions
Pakistan as a hub for innovation and technology driven ventures.

2. Imitative Entrepreneurship

Imitative entrepreneurship in Pakistan involves replicating successful business models from

other regions or countries tailoring them to meet the needs of Pakistani consumers examples
include local franchises of international brands copycat startups an adapted business concepts
from global trends.


Localization: Imitative entrepreneurs Pakistan are focusing on localising their business models
product and services to cater to unique cultural preferences consumer behaviours and market
demands of the country.

Risk Management: They reduce uncertainty associated with innovation in experimentation by

adopting proven business models and strategies to mitigate risk.

Market Insight: Imitative entrepreneurs possess it profound comprehension of local market

dynamics consumer preferences and competitive landscape
Impact Imitative entrepreneurship in Pakistan enhances market diversification consumer choice
and access to international and standard brands.

3. Fabian Entrepreneurship

Fabian entrepreneurship in Pakistan is cautious risk aversive and prefers proven business models
they adopt elite NC approach observing innovations elsewhere before entering the market using
traditional family businesses legacy industries and conservative investment strategies.


Risk Aversion: Pakistani Fabian entrepreneurs prioritise stability insecurity avoiding high risk
ventures and speculate investments.

Longterm Perspective: Their priorities sustainable growth generational wealth creation and
legacy building with a long term perspective.

Conservatism: Fabian entrepreneurs maintained stablished norms practises in traditions resisting

rapid change or disruptive innovations that could disrupt their businesses.

Impact: Fabian entrepreneurs ensures stability preserves traditional industries and serves as a
reliable economic backbone with slower innovation and growth rates.

4. Drone Entrepreneurship

Drone entrepreneurship in Pakistan refers to business data resistant to change often relied on
outdated methods and technology in struggle to adapt to market trends consumer preferences in
technological advancements including traditional business and obsolete industries


Resistance to Change: Pakistani drone entrepreneurs are hesitant to adopt new technologies
business models or operational practises due to concerns of loss or disruption of control

Complacency: They display a lack of innovation and adaptation relying on past successes or
market dominance without investing in innovation

Risk Avoidance: Drone entrepreneurs often avoid risk associated with change or
experimentation prefer preferring to maintain the status quo rather than embrace uncertainty.

Impact: Drone entrepreneurship in Pakistan is posing economic challenge hindering innovation

and potentially causing stagnation or decline in certain sectors.
Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs: Detailed Examples and Descriptions

Successful entrepreneurs in Pakistandemonstrate a combination of trades that enable them to

navigate challenges innovate and lead their ventures to success

1. Innovativeness

Example: Roshaneh Zafar, founder of Kashf Foundation

Description: Roshaneh Zafar Founded a Pakistani microfinance institution aimed at empowering

women through financial inclusions zafar identified a market gap in design A sustainable
business model to meet financial needs of women entrepreneurs and low income households

2. Risk-taking

Example: Monis Rahman, founder of

Description: Monis Rahman Despite facing uncertainty and challenges founded Rosie dot PK
pakistan’s leading online job portal demonstrating risk taking by investing time resources and
capital in a platform that revolutionised the recruitment industry and provided millions of job

3. Resilience

Example: Nabeel Qadeer, key figure behind Idea Croron Ka

Description: Nabeel Qadeer A resilient entrepreneur let the idea corona Luca a popular TV show
in Pakistan despite facing scepticism and obstacle aiming to showcase success stories providing
funding and inspire aspiring entrepreneurs through media platforms.

4. Visionary Leadership

Example: Jehan Ara, president of P@SHA and founder of The Nest I/O

Description: Jehan Ara A visionary leader has led Pasha and founded the next I’ll a leading
technology incubator and innovation hub in Pakistan her commitment to supporting startups
fostering collaboration and driving innovation has earned her a respected position in the
entrepreneurial ecosystem

5. Adaptability

Example: Shafiq Akbar, CEO of

Description: Shafiq Akbar The CEO of erap growing Pakistani real estate platform
demonstrated adaptability by navigating the dynamic market adapting strategies to changing
consumer preferences market conditions and regulatory environments
The Entrepreneurial Mindset and Its Contribution to Ventures

The entrepreneurial mindset is a set of attributes skills and behaviour that enable individuals to
identify opportunities innovate and create value it is crucial for success author entrepreneurial
ventures Really in Pakistan where it plays a significant role.

1. Opportunity Recognition

Example: Aamir Ibrahim, CEO of Jazz

Amir Ibrahim a prominent figure in telecommunication industry has played a pivotal role in
jazz’s transformation into a leading digital service provider in Pakistan. His ability to identify
market gaps and emerging trends allowed Jazz to capitalize on opportunities in mobile financial
services, digital payments, and ecommerce, driving growth and innovation in the industry.

2. Innovative Thinking

Example: Sidra Qasim, cofounder of Atoms

Contribution: Sidra Qasim demonstrated innovative thinking by cofounding Atoms, a footwear

brand that revolutionized the industry with its innovative design and customer centric approach.
By reimagining the traditional footwear experience and leveraging technology and sustainability,
Atoms created a unique value proposition that resonated with consumers, leading to rapid growth
and market success.

3. Resilience and Perseverance

Example: Maria Umar, founder of Women’s Digital League

Contribution: Maria Umar exhibited resilience in empowering women through digital work with
the Women's Digital League. Despite facing challenges and setbacks, Umar persisted in her
mission to provide opportunities for women to participate in the digital economy, overcoming
obstacles and making a positive impact on thousands of lives.

4. Learning Orientation

Example: Asad Umar, former CEO of Engro Corporation

Contribution: Asad Umar exemplified a learning orientation throughout his tenure as CEO of
Engro Corporation, continuously seeking knowledge and insights to improve business strategies
and operations. Umar's commitment to lifelong learning and adaptation to new technologies and
market dynamics enabled Engro Corporation to maintain its competitive edge and drive
sustainable growth in diverse sectors.

5. Proactiveness

Example: Osman Rashid, cofounder of Chegg

Contribution: Osman Rashid demonstrated proactiveness in addressing challenges in education
technology with the confounding of Chegg. By anticipating future market needs and taking
proactive measures to address them, Rashid positioned Chegg as a leader in online education
services, providing students worldwide with affordable access to textbooks, tutoring, and
learning resources.


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Pakistan. International Journal of Business and Management, 14(6), pp. 112-125.

Khan, T. (2020). Imitative Entrepreneurship: Local Adaptation and Market Insights in Pakistan.
Business Horizons, 63(3), pp. 289-298.

Raza, M. (2017). Drone Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Implications for Pakistan's Economy.
Asian Journal of Business and Management, 5(2), pp. 50-61.

Akbar, S. (2021). and the Art of Adaptability in Real Estate. Real Estate Insights,
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Ara, J. (2020). Visionary Leadership in Pakistan's Tech Industry: The Nest I/O Story. Innovation
Today, 22(3), pp. 34-47.

Ibrahim, A. (2019). Driving Digital Transformation at Jazz. Telecom Review, 15(1), pp. 78-89.

Qadeer, N. (2019). Promoting Entrepreneurship through Media: The Idea Croron Ka Initiative.
Journal of Entrepreneurship, 11(4), pp. 23-35.

Qasim, S. (2020). Atoms: Redefining Footwear through Innovation. Fashion and Technology
Review, 7(5), pp. 12-25.

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14(3), pp. 67-79.

Rashid, O. (2018). Educational Technology and the Rise of Chegg. Education Technology
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Umar, A. (2017). Learning Orientation and Corporate Success at Engro Corporation. Industrial
Management Review, 8(4), pp. 50-64.

Umar, M. (2018). Empowering Women through Digital Work: The Women’s Digital League.
Gender and Development Journal, 5(1), pp. 39-52.

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Kashf Foundation, (2024). Our Mission and Impact. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 May 2024].

SEED Ventures, (2024). Empowering Entrepreneurs. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 May 2024].

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Engro Corporation (2024). Innovation and Intrapreneurship at Engro. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 May 2024].

Nishat Group (2024). Our Innovation Culture. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 May 2024].

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