Ev Unit 9 Task 3

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Unit 9 – Entrepreneurial Ventures

The Importance of Intrapreneurship for
PNIP and Beyond
Enhancing Innovation and Growth
Through Employee-Led Initiatives
Understanding Entrepreneurship and

• Entrepreneur:
• Definition: An individual who starts and runs their own business, taking on financial risks in
the hope of profit.
• Key Characteristics: Innovation, risk-taking, independence, and self-motivation.
• Examples: Steve Jobs (Apple), Elon Musk (Tesla, SpaceX).
• Intrapreneur:
o Definition: An employee within a company who applies entrepreneurial skills to develop
new products, services, or processes.
o Key Characteristics: Innovation within the organization, risk-taking with company
resources, leadership, and drive for change.
o Examples: Paul Buchheit (Gmail at Google), Ken Kutaragi (PlayStation at Sony).
Key Differences Between Entrepreneur
and Intrapreneur

• Risk:
o Entrepreneur: Bears personal financial risk.
o Intrapreneur: Risks company resources but retains job security.
• Ownership:
o Entrepreneur: Owns the business and its outcomes.
o Intrapreneur: Does not own the business but can influence outcomes significantly.
• Resources:
o Entrepreneur: Must secure own funding and resources.
o Intrapreneur: Leverages company resources and infrastructure.
• Autonomy:
o Entrepreneur: High level of independence.
o Intrapreneur: Operates within the company's framework and strategic goals
Importance of Intrapreneurship in
• Innovation and Growth:
• Drives new product development and business processes.
• Helps companies stay competitive and adapt to market changes.
• Employee Engagement:
• Empowers employees to take initiative and feel valued.
• Increases job satisfaction and retention rates.
• Efficient Use of Resources:
o Utilizes existing company resources effectively.
o Reduces the need for external investment for new ventures .
• Cultural Transformation:
o Fosters a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.
o Encourages a proactive approach to problem-solving.
Intrapreneurship in Public and
Corporate Organizations
• Public Sector:
• Benefits:
• Improves public services and operational efficiency.
• Encourages government employees to propose and implement innovative solutions.
• Examples:
• Digital transformation projects in government agencies.
• Innovative public health initiatives.
• Easypaisa: Launched in 2009, Easypaisa was one of the first mobile banking services in
Pakistan. It started as a collaboration between Telenor Pakistan and Tameer
Microfinance Bank.
Public Intrapreneurship example

• Telenor Velocity is a startup accelerator program initiated by Telenor Pakistan,

one of the leading telecom companies in the country. This program is designed
to support and scale startups that are relevant to Telenor’s business and
customer base. It exemplifies intrapreneurship by leveraging the company's
resources, market reach, and expertise to foster new ventures within its
• Easypaisa: Launched in 2009, Easypaisa was one of the first mobile banking
services in Pakistan. It started as a collaboration between Telenor Pakistan and
Tameer Microfinance Bank.
• Corporate Sector:
• Benefits:
• Enhances product development and market competitiveness.
• Drives business growth and profitability through innovative offerings.
• Examples:
• Google's 20% time policy allowing employees to work on side projects.
• 3M's development of Post-it Notes through intrapreneurial efforts.
Critical Evaluation of Intrapreneurship
• Strengths:
o Accelerates innovation without the need for external startups.
o Aligns new initiatives with the company's strategic goals.
o Utilizes the existing talent pool, fostering loyalty and engagement.
• Challenges:
o Balancing intrapreneurial projects with regular job responsibilities.
o Risk of resource misallocation if projects fail.
o Potential for internal resistance to change and innovation.
• Mitigation Strategies:
o Establish clear guidelines and support systems for intrapreneurial projects.
o Encourage a culture of experimentation and learning from failure.
o Provide dedicated time and resources for intrapreneurial activities.
Benefits of Intrapreneurship for PNIP
• Enhanced Usability and Accessibility:
• Improve social media engagement and platform features.
• Attract a wider audience of potential entrepreneurs and stakeholders.
• Innovation in Services:
• Develop new tools and resources for entrepreneurs.
• Enhance user experience through continuous feedback and iteration.
• Increased Reach and Impact:
• Leverage social media to reach underrepresented communities.
• Foster inclusive growth by supporting diverse business ideas.
Conclusion and Next Steps
• Summary:
o Intrapreneurship can drive significant innovation and growth within PNIP.
o Encouraging intrapreneurial efforts can enhance our services and extend our impact.
• Next Steps:
o Implement strategies to foster intrapreneurship within PNIP.
o Develop a support system for employees to pursue innovative projects.
o Monitor and evaluate the impact of intrapreneurial initiatives.
• Call to Action:
o Let's harness the power of intrapreneurship to propel PNIP and our stakeholders towards a
brighter, more innovative future.

• Engage with the Audience:

• Open the floor for questions and discussions.
• Encourage feedback and suggestions for further improvement.

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