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NAMA SD Nama :


TAHUN PELAJARAN 2022/2023 No. Absen :
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : I (Satu) Nilai :
Waktu : 90 menit
Tanggal :

A. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf a, b, c, atau d sesuai jawaban yang
paling tepat!

1. Fara : Good evening Mona

Mona :

a. Good evening Dora b. Good evening Mona

c. Good evening Fara d. Good evening Nana

2. Look at the picture

Arti dari percakapan di atas adalah ....

a. bagaimana kabarmu hari ini b. senang bertemu denganmu

c. apakah kamu sedang sibuk d. dimana kita sekarang

3. Lookl at the picture

He want to say ....

a. Goesbye b. Godbless
c. Goodbye d. Gardbye

4. Roni : Hello, I am Roni. What is your name?

Tora : ... Tora.

a. My b. I am

c. is d. me

5. Nanda: My I have your name and your friend, please.

Budi : I am Budi, and my ... is Caca.

a. name b. family
c. friend d. were

6. Teacher : Hello student’s. He is very handsome. Please welcome Vino.

Vino : Hello friends. ... Vino. I come from Jakarta.
Students : Hello Vino. Right now, you are my friend.

a. my friend b. me is

c. I am d. nice

7. Angga : What is your full name?

Fajar : ... is Fajar Nugraha

a. I am your b. My full name

c. I am name d. Your full name

8. I would like to indroduce my self and my friend.

... name is Jefry and ... name is Gary.

a. This – there b. Me – full

c. My – your d. Mine – my

9. Andre : Let me introduce my self and my new friend

Rani : What your name and her name?
Andre : My name is Andre and your name is Gita.

Andre has a new friend. She is ....

a. Dita b. Rani

c. Bani d. Gita

10. Look at the picture

My number is ...

a. seven b. eight

c. six d. nine (=)

11. Look at the picture

Your number is ....

a. 5 b. 8

c. 3 d. 7

12. Look at the picture

My number is ....

a. eight b. ten

c. eleven d. nine

13. Look at the picture

She has ... dog.

a. one b. three
c. two d. four

14. Look at the picture

I have ... books.

a. nine b. ten

c. eight d. five

15. Look at the picture

The hen has ... baby.

a. four b. six

c. three d. five

16. Look at the picture

He has ... hair.

a. brown b. red

c. grey d. pink

17. Look at the picture

The color of flower is ....

a. yellow b. green

c. blue d. purple

18. Look at the picture

What color is it?

a. purple b. yellow

c. blue d. grey

19. Look at the picture

My shape is ....

a. cyrcle b. pentagon

c. square d. triangle

20. Look at the picture

We have a box. The shape is ....

a. square b. triangle

c. hexagon d. circle

B. Uraian
1. Look at the picture

She says ....

2. A: What is your name?
B: .... (tulis namamu)
3. Look at the picture

How many books are there?

4. Look at the picture

What color is it?

5. Look at the picture

What is the shape of?

Kunci Jawaban
A. Pilihan Ganda
1 C 6 C 11 C 16 B
2 B 7 B 12 B 17 A
3 C 8 C 13 A 18 C
4 B 9 D 14 C 19 D
5 C 10 D 15 D 20 A

B. Uraian
1. Good Morning
2. My name is Rahma (example)
3. There are five books.
4. The color of the sofa is brown.
5. Triangle

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