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Which theory of social problem can analyze Eve-teasing

What is eve-teasing: The meaning of the word “Eve” is women and “tease” means to lough at
somebody & makes jokes about them, either in friendly way or in order to annoy or embarrass
them (Oxford Advanced Learner’s dictonary,8th Ed). Eve-teasing is a common euphemism in
South Asia for sexual harassment of women in public areas by men. Eve teasing is an attitude,
a mindset, or a set of behavior that is construed as an insult and an act of humiliation of the
female sex. This popular perception of sexual harassment posits the phenomena as a joke where
women are both a tease and deserved to be teased (Gosh et al, 2011). Sexual harassment
involves nonverbal, verbal physical, visual sexual attention, intimidation or coercion that is
unwelcome and unwanted and often have negative impact on the psychosocial health of the
victim (Bartlett & Rhode, 2006; Paludi, Barickman & Barickman, 1991). Specific examples
include making passes, obscene gestures, whistling, stalking, staring, pinching, fondling and
rubbing against women (Dhillon & Bayaka, 2014; Dobash & Dobash, 1998; Fairchild &
Rudman, 2008). In Bangladesh, eve-teasing is defined as “disturbance or harassment of girls
in social atmosphere. It includes bad comments, showing obscene symbol, ugly physical
movement of body, obstruction on the way, giving whistle, nasty behavior like pulling lady’s
gauze scarf etc towards young girl and women (Wafe & Mostofa, 2013). According to women
and children repression and prevention amendment act 2003, one can enforce her right under
the section 509 of Penal code where it is clearly stated that if anybody intending to sexual
harassment to women, he shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may
long to one year or with fine or with both.

Incidents/ statistical summery of eve-teasing of Bangladesh: According to Ain O Salish

Kendra (ASK), a national legal aid and human rights organization and other news portals
(Pratom Alo, Daily star etc) of Bangladesh, annual statistical incidents of sexual harassment
(eve teasing) are given below:
Year Statistical Incidents of eve-teasing Trends of eve-teasing
report from from 2015 to 2022
2015 205 women were DU correspondent of
sexually harassed reported that “ women sexually Reported incidents of
and 10 commit assaulted at Dhaka University amid eve-teasing of
suicide Bengali new year celebration” where Bangladesh from
several women have been sexually 2015 to 2022 show
assaulted by a group of rogue youths. the wavering result.

2016 244 women were Female students at a college in Jessore From 2015-17 rate of
sexually harassed were subjected to regular eve-teasing eve teasing

and 6 commit by male students and local men. fluctuation were

Availability of
2017 255 women were In 2017, a young woman was harassed
different social media
sexually harassed by a group of men in the Badda area
assisted the vulgar
and 12 commit of Dhaka while returning home from
youths to learn new
suicide work. The incident was caught on a
dimensions of eve
mobile phone and circulated on social
teasing through using
media, sparking outrage and calls for
different social media
platform. Again in
2018 116 women were In 2018, several female students at
2018 this rate was
sexually harassed Dhaka University reported being
decreased. In 2019 it
and 8 commit harassed by male students and
was again increased.
suicide outsiders on campus. The incidents
But from the
included catcalling, groping, and
beginning of 2020 to
verbal abuse.
2022 its rate is
2019 258 women were Nusrat jahan Rafi, 19 at Feni was continuously
sexually harassed burned to death after she accused her decreasing. Here is a
and 18 commit teacher of harassing her. possibility of
suicide -Al Jazeera awareness about legal
2020 201 women were Mawlana Bhashani Science and actions among the
sexually harassed Technology University Incident: people, media
and 14 commit Female students are being harassed by coverage, public
suicide the male students and faculty but campaign, fear to
authority didn’t took any legal action complain a report
that lead to a protest in 2020. Against perpetrator,

2021 128 women were Uttara harassment incident: In 2021, a social stigma could be
sexually harassed woman in the Uttara area of Dhaka
was harassed by a group of young men some reasons for
while walking to a shopping center. decreasing rate of eve
teasing during the
2022 161 women were One notable incident in 2022 involved period.
sexually harassed a girl who committed suicide in
Narayanganj after being incessantly
harassed by local boys.

Socialist Feminist Theory for explaining social problem: Eve-teasing

Socialist feminism is defined as the struggle against capitalism & male supremacy or
patriarchy. Socialist feminist drew attention to how patriarchy and racism are systematically
oppressive structures that create gendered inequalities for women. It also focused on dual
system theory that shed light on combines feature of Marxist feminism and radical feminism
into one idea. Here’s a detailed exploration using feminist theory:

Two headed beast (Patriarchy and capitalism): Patriarchy prioritizes male dominance and
control, relegating women to subordinate roles. The men motivated by the combination of
power and anger especially in a patriarchal society prove their masculinity by existing sexual
dominance over women (Singh. S, 2021). This systemic inequality manifests in behaviors like
eve teasing, where men assert power over women through harassment. Feminist dissects that
oppression against women in society is a clear symptom of dominance by male-based society
(Barak, 1990). Radical feminists believed that subordination to men, inequality, and limited
opportunities are the major causes of violence against women (Banarjee and Islam, 2019). On
the other hand capitalism contribute to the culture where exploitation of women are normalized.
Violence operates as means to maintain and reinforce women’s subordination (Singh. S, 2021).
Women being dependent on men are trendy though economic exploitation that results social
exploitation ( eve-teasing). It encourage the culture of consumerism and underestimating the
productive power of women.

Gender power dynamics: According to socialist feminist its not sex but gender what is
important; sex is biological but gender is social. Its all called gender relation existing in the
social system causing inequality. Women’s status is affected by relation in the family, class
status and the ideology of the society of which they belong. It is inherited through historical
educations and culture (Singh. S, 2021). Sexual harassment as a cultural practice of patriarchal
society that was entrenched further by the gender based discrimination ( Usha. R, 2023). In
Bangladesh boys get more acceptance than girl most of the case weather it's in family greater
social system. This normalization of discrimination encourages boys to be dominant over
women’s bodies and spaces, leading to behavior like eve-teasing.

Objectification Theory: Socialist feminist argue that women are often viewed as objects for
male pleasure and consumption. This objectification is perpetuated through media, cultural
practices, and everyday interactions. According to the theory of exposure objectification of
women or exposure of images of explicit sex act results in increased aggression towards women
(Singh. S, 2021). Eve teasing can be seen as a direct outcome of this objectification, where
women are harassed based on their appearance and perceived availability.

Class and Socioeconomic Status: Marxist feminist argue that capitalism is the reason of class
based society that cause women’s oppression. It grade humans into core and periphery section.
Intersectional feminism examines how different aspects of identity, such as class, intersect to
create unique experiences of oppression. In Bangladesh, women from lower socioeconomic
backgrounds may experience more severe forms of eve teasing due to their limited access to
resources and social capital. They may also face greater barriers in seeking justice or protection.
Feminist scholars argued the lower social and economic status, powerlessness and marginalized
position of women are trigger causes and consequences of violence against women (Siddiqua
& et al, 2021). Intersectionality theory argued that individuals face social oppression and
discrimination based on identity markers like race, biological sex and gender identity, class,
ethnicity, sexual orientation, and ability status (Collins, 2000). Sexual violence reproduces
inequalities of gender, race or ethnicity, class, age, sexuality, ability status, citizenship status,
and nationality (Armstrong et al., 2018).

Legal Framework and Enforcement: Social disorganization, lawlessness and the absence of
social control mechanisms are background factor that results antisocial behavior (Singh. S,
2021) like eve-teasing. While Bangladesh has laws against sexual harassment, the enforcement
is often weak. Feminist theory critiques the legal system for being patriarchal and biased,
failing to protect women adequately. This lack of effective legal recourse emboldens
perpetrators and leaves victims vulnerable. According to socialist feminist theory forming
group by marginalized women and emerging collective action can help the oppressed women
to enjoy the equity of opportunity as men.

Conclusion: The issue of eve-teasing in Bangladesh exemplifies the expanding nature of

gender based harassment and the broader societal norms that perpetuate such behavior. Through
the lens of socialist feminist theory, we can see that social structure are the root of social
problem like eve-teasing. Patriarchal structures and cultural norms deeply embedded in society
play a significant role in enabling and sustaining these behaviors. The socialization of rigid
gender roles from a young age, the objectification of women, and the intersection of class and
socioeconomic status further compound the problem, making women, especially those from
lower socioeconomic backgrounds, more vulnerable. Despite the existence of legal frameworks
to address sexual harassment, inadequate enforcement and patriarchal biases within the legal
system often leave victims unprotected. Addressing eve-teasing requires a multifaceted
approach that includes legal reforms, effective enforcement, public awareness campaigns, and
a cultural shift towards gender equality and respect for women's right.

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of Humanities, Arts, Medicine and Sciences, 1(3), 85-104. Statistical Information retrieve from


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