Test Ict Summative

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NAME: _______________________________________________ SCORE: ____________

I. True or False: Write whether the statement is True and False if not.
_____1. To be a successful seller, you must not consider building relationship to buyers.
_____2. An entrepreneur can be both a buyer and a seller.
_____3. One of the unique products that could be easily sold is making Pastillas.
_____4.The Characteristics of a good buyer is he should be wise when spending his money.
_____5. A good buyer does not examine the goods throughly before buying.He never check if the goods are
II. Encircle the letter of the correct answer
6. As an entrepreneur you must able to identify the roles of
a. Retailer b. demand c. Buyer and seller
7. They are persons or group of persons transfer goods and services to the buyers
a. manufacturer b. consumer c. sellers
8. Which considerations that buyers offer after when purchasing products
a. to obtain low quality and reasonable price
b. not to evaluate information received
c.to pay the agreed price on what had been purchased
9. Which of the sentence is not the duties of a seller?
a. to make fair business with buyers
b. to deliver goods with improper care on time to the place of deliver
c. to provide warranty for the product
10.Katrina is the owner of KB’s Grocery, she offers goods and services. Therefore she is_____.
a.buyer b. seller c. creditor d. debtor
11. Barney bought egg, rice and can goods to KB’s Grocery. Barney is called__________.
a. seller b. debtor c. buyer d. creditor
12.The seller must possess the following quality except;
a. As a person he/she must be in good health, possess character such as being cheerful,
honest and prompt in attending his costumers.
b. He/she must have an adequate knowledge of what he/she is selling, can compute the
cost of his product, determine its selling price and profit.
c. He/She must think on how to gain more profit than services
d. Must have pleasing personality
13. The following are the steps in making our product, which is not?
a. Design your product c. Copy the product of others.
b. Decide what materials to use.d. Advertise your product
14.The following are the procedures in making “Pastillas” which of the following is the first step?
a. Open the condense milk pour onto mixing bowl. c. Mix the ingredients using spoon or by hand.
b. Put the powdered milk in a bowl. d. Form into a ball or desired shapes.
15.Joshua’s mother specialty is making pastillas. She prepares the following ingredients beforeshe cook the
“toasted pastillas”2Cup powdered milk, 1can condensed milk, and 1/2cup sugar. But she can’t start making it
because hedon’thavetheequipment needed.Which do you think aretheequipment needed?
a. mixing bowl b. spoon c. oven toaster d. all of the above
III. “Ideal” or “Not‐Ideal” for the following situations of an Entrepreneur:
16. Sells products that have already expired.
17. Does not attend any seminar or training to further business acumen/expertise.
18. Being truthful to customers.
19. Treats employees as part of the Team.
20. Ventures into another business without careful planning.
Answer directly whether buyer or seller.
____21. Maria brings money and a basket to the market.
____22. Mario opens his store early in the morning.
____23. Jose chooses from the different items in sari-sari store.
____24. Juana prepares the vegetables for sale.
____25. Pedro pays what the items he chose.
Direction: Write B if the characteristic demonstrates that of a buyer and S if that of a seller.
___26. Carefully Chooses the item.
___27. Displays quality goods.
___28. Accommodating to customers.
___29. Prepares sufficient money for shopping.
___30. Advertises products well.
_____________31. Skype is an example of an e-group
_____________32. Video conferencing can be considered as an evolved and more personalized chat
because parties involved can see each other.
_____________33. An e group can improve work and increase efficiency. Work is done faster and
better product results.
_____________34. Video conferencing is also known as web communities wherein two or more people
can communicate in computer networks to send audio and video data in real time.
_____________35. Using e-groups is experience for a company because it allows a group to meet team
goals quickly without having to travel.

V. Multiple Choice: Write the letter of your answer on the line before the number.

_____36. __________ is a web application that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its users.
a. Wiki b. Blogsite c. email
_____37. Wiki allows users to __________________________ content that is posted on the website.
a. add, edit or delete b. delete c. change
_____38. __________ does not allow others to modify the original material posted on the website.
a. Wiki b. gmail c. Blog
_____39. The term wiki comes from the word wikiwiki which means "___________" in Hawaiian. The first wiki was
created by Ward Cunningham in 1995.
a. quick b. easy c. slow
_____40. The most popular wiki is the ______________.
a. Encyclopedia b. Merriam Websters c. Wikipedia
_____41. __________ was derived from the words web logs.
a. Blog b. Wiki c. FB Account
_____42. _____________ is a social writing platform for education.
a. Wikispaces b. Google Hangouts c. Survey Monkey
_____43. ________________________ has provided society with a huge range of new communication capabilities,
competence, and experiences.
a. ICT b. email c. HDMI
_____44. It is an electronic message sent from one device to another.
a. chat b. email c. text message
_____45. __________________ is a type of meeting involving three or more people in different locations by using
computer networks capable of transmitting audio and video data.
a. Business meeting b. Entrepreneurship c. Teleconference

VI. Matching type: Match Column A to its corresponding correct answer to Column B.


_______46. To get the sum of the values in column A of the table. a. =SUM(A1:A6)

_______47. After dividing the value in the first cell of the table by b.=PRODUCT(A1:A6)
the value in the second cell to the right of the table,
you want to round the result to two decimal places.

_______48. To get the product of the values in column A of the c. =QUOTIENT(A1,2)


_______49. To get the square of the value in the first cell of the d. =POWER(A1,2)
_______50. To get the quotient of the value in the first cell of the e. =ROUND(A1/B1,2)
table as the numerator and 2 as the


1.1. identifies the sellers and buyers
1.2. produces simple products
1.3. buys and sells products based on needs
1.4. sells products based on needs and demands in
school and community
2.1. posts and shares materials on wikis in a safe
and responsible manner
2.2. posts and shares materials on blogs in a safe
and responsible manner
2.3. participates in video and audio conferences in a
safe and responsible manner
3.1 explains the advantages and disadvantages of
using online tools to gather data
3.2 creates an online survey form
3.3 disseminates an online survey form
3.4 processes online survey data
4.1 uses functions and formulas in an electronic
spreadsheet tool to perform advanced calculations
onnumerical data
5.1 uses audio and video conferencing tools to share
ideas and work with others online
5.2 uses an e-group to share ideas and work with
6.1 uses the advanced features of a slide
presentation tool to create a multimedia
presentation with text, graphics, and photos;
hyperlinked elements; animation; and embedded
audio and/or video
6.2 uses the moviemaking software to create a
multimedia presentation
TOTAL 50 60% 30% 10%


1. false 6. c 16. Not ideal 31. True 36. a 46. a
2. true 7. c 17. Not ideal 32. True 37. a 47. e
3. true 8. c 18. Ideal 33. True 38. c 48. b
4. true 9. c 19. Ideal 34. True 39. a 49. d
5. false 10. b 20. Not ideal 35. True 40. c 50. c
11. c 21. Buyer 41. a
12. c 22. Seller 42. a
13. c 23. Buyer 43. a
14. b 24. Seller 44. b
15. d 25. Buyer 45. c
26. B
27. S
28. S
29. B
30. S

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