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(FO uy GSC Phase 1 Mall and Office ARDI Development & Construction, Ine. ENGINEER'S REPORT : PERMIT TO OPERATE Caen Sek ENGINEERS REPORT: PERMIT TO OPERATE GSC PHASE 1 MALL AND OFFICE N.WESTERN STREET, GREENHILLS, SAN JUAN CITY BRENDON D. PLANDEZ. 2 GSC Phase 1 Mall and Office ARDI Development & Construction, inc. ENGINEER'S REPORT : PERMIT TO OPERATE COMPANY PROFILE Ortigas &Company is one of the pioneers in the Philippine real estate landscape. | has been perfecting the art of lite, work and leisure by conceiving of and building master-planned developments that have become thriving communities over time = paradigms of excellence in the Philippine real estate landscape. GSC Phase 1 Mall and Office as represented by its proponent, Capital Commons. Corporation, is a project that consist of a mall and office building with Twenty-One (21) floors and four (4) basement levels with a gross floor area of 144,405.81 “square meters it wilnave a eta and office spaces and 1.333 parking slots located at N Western Street, Greenhill San Juan City The seven (7) floors will be used for retail and fifteen (15) floors will be used for BPO as indicated and discussed on the issued ECC (ECC-NCR-1905-0022) on May 14, 2019. ‘As required by RA. 8749, any possible source for Air Pollution must have a corresponding and a valid.Permit to Operate, Hence. the management is Supporting and implementing such environmental laws required as part ofits duties and responsibilities for the good of the community and of the country ‘The preparation of this report is prepared for the requirements stated for Permit to Operate Application for the GSC Phase 1 Mall and Office Project. ~ ‘ GSC Phase 1 Mall and Office ‘ARDI Development & Construction, Inc. ENGINEER'S REPORT : PERMIT TO OPERATE ‘Two (2) units 220 KVA “Denyo” Diesel Engine Generator Set. GENERATOR SPECIFICATIONS: move: veNr0 22059 RATED OUTPUT (CONT.): 200/220KVA RATED OUTPUT (STAND-BY; 220/242KVA vourace. asv/sone NO.OF Pnase SePMASE, «WIRE rua: DreseL FUEL FUEL TANK CAPACITY: 380 LITERS DIMENSION (C+ W = 700m « {300mm 175mm OPERATING WEIGHT: 2630K6 Generators are useful appliances that supply electrical power dunng a power outage and prevent discontinuity of daily activities or disruption of business operations Generators are available in different electrical and physical configurations for use in different applications The only source of air pollution emission of the establishment is for the operation of the two (2) units of Diesel Engine Generator Set. This is housed property with. properly engineered connections. The generator set's air emission is expected to be minimal since the generator set shall only be used as standby power during power outage. emergency power for construction and infrastructure activites and an industrial type of muffier is also used which traps exhaust grit materials that minimizes smoke emissions & reduce sound levels produce by the generator set It shall be properly maintained and serviced to ensure that optimum performance 's met It 1s being operated during weekly maintenance at least once a week for 10 minutes to warm up the engine to ensure its performance. It is installed beside the establishment DENR-EMB Memo Circular No. 2016-008 Section 7 b. dated on June 8, 2016: on Clanfication on MC 2007-003, that for existing sources which does not require: seeing tacparng purposes on diesel generator set equal to or less than 300 kW. Therefore, the installed generator to GSC Phase 1 Mall and Office in this Teport 1s exempted on the said emission/stack sampling because the engine capacity of the instoted Wygipiatenalanaenenntenti KVA that is less than the required capacity subjected for Source Emission Testing 3 GSC Phase 1 Mall and Office ARDI Development & Construction, Inc. ENGINEER'S REPORT : PERMIT TO OPERATE LIST OF APSI The establishment is maintaining Two (2) units of 220 kVA “Denyo" Diesel Engine Generator Set that 1s operating only as stand by power during electricity outage and emergency back-up power for the project in the area and is rarely used unless itis Scheduled for regular engine check-up. KD tae 5 GSC Phase 1 Mall and Office ARDI Development & Construction, Inc. ENGINEER'S REPORT : PERMIT TO OPERATE. Emissions The exhaust of a diesel engine contains by products from combustion. For environmental safety. the below emissions are monitored + Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) » Occurs naturally as a result of bacterial process, biological growth, decay. lightning, forest fires and burning of fossil fuels, Colorless non-toxic gas (referred to as laughing gas) + Hydrocarbons (HC) — Organic chemical compounds that consist entirely of carbon and hydrogen They range from simple molecules such as methane to polymers such as polystyrene + Carbon Monoxide (CO) — Colorless. odorless, toxic gas produced from incompiete burning of fossil fuels. + Particulate Matter (PM) - The sum of all solid and liquid particles suspended in the air. IV. POLLUTION LOADING Two (2) units 220 kVA Caterpillar Diesel Engine Generator Set Fuel Consumption 14.4 (Gal/nr) @ Full Load = 14.4 gal x 8 nour x 12 months = 1,382.4 gal/yr Consumption of Gas Pollution Generation per Year (Annual Mass Rate) E=A x EF x (14ER/100)] Emission Factor Particulate Matter (PM) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) 41.491b/7,000 gal bumed 127.1Ib/1,000 gal bumed 590.2Ib/1,000 gal burned Sulfur Dioxide (SOx) 38.31Ib/1 000 gal burned Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) = 48 18Ib/1,000 gal bumed PM. E = 1,382.4 gallyear x 41.49 Ib/1,000 gal x 1 ton/ 2,200 Ib E = 0.026 toniyr co 382.4 gallyear x 127.1 Ib/1,000 gal x 1 tony 2.200 Ip 080 tonvyr NOx E = 1382 4 aalivear x 590.2 Ib/1 000 aal x 1 ton 2.200 Ib 6 GSC Phase 1 Mall and Office ARDI Development & Construction, Inc. ENGINEER'S REPORT : PERMIT TO OPERATE SOx = 1,382 4 gallyear x 38.31 Ib/1,000 gal x 1 ton/ 2,200 tp E = 00241 tonyyr voc = 1,382 4 gallyear x 48.18 Ib/1,000 gal x 1 ton! 2,200 Ib E = 0.0302 tonlyr The estimated pollution loading are within the standards set by the DENR “The generator sets are only use for emergency power supply during power outage and is not regularly used. BRENDON D. PLANDEZ POLLUTION CONTROL OFFICER == ARDI DeveLopMen! BB & Construction, Inc STAND-BY GENERATOR / PROPOSED Hae Creme center

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