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That Drives Growth
What do you need to keep clear in your mind so that your business grows and scales? What’s the core
philosophy that determines the level of your results and impact?

“ ”
We’re all equal as human beings.
But, we’re not equal in the marketplace.
Key Concepts
• The only way you get and sustain wealth is by understanding that it’s about adding more value.
• If you can do more for others than anybody else is doing in the marketplace, you will dominate. It’s only a
matter of time. If you consistently do that, you’ll build a brand.
• Ask yourself, “What can I do to add even more value today?”
• Commit to incremental improvement and CANI (Constant And Never-ending Improvement). As Jim Rohn
said, “Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.”
• Peter Drucker identified that business is two things: innovation and marketing.
1. You must know who your ideal customer is… and turn them into a raving fan client so they will
refer others to you.
2. You must create an irresistible offer.
• Don’t fall in love with your product, fall in love with your customer.

Commit To Mastery
Why is it a “must” for you to immerse yourself in this training? What will it mean for your business and your
life? What are you committed to do in order to make sure you’re getting maximum value from this course and
adding value to the community?

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