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Part #1
I created this framework after 25 years of trial and error. Take this structure. Implement it. Don’t stray from it,
and use it to go out there and impact the world. Fill in all the elements in this worksheet so you have everything
you need to start sharing what you know with the world.

48-Hour Challenge: In the next 48 hours, use

these elements to create a one- to two-minute
video and post it in our private Facebook Group.
Take uncomfortable action, and it will take you to
the next level.

What’s your grabber, your stopper, the thing that will make people stop scrolling?

1. Speak to your ideal client’s goals, dreams, and fears.
2. Realize the hook is nothing more than truly understanding your ideal client.
3. Combine it with current affairs.
4. Speak to pain and pleasure or you’re missing half your audience.
5. Use an open loop.

Write your Hook below:

© 2021, LLC. All rights reserved. HOOK > STORY > CTA | Page 1

Part #2
Now that your hook has gotten your ideal client to stick around, what’s the story you’re going to tell? Below,
you’ll find the ingredients for your story. You don’t have to use them all every time and you might not be able to,
depending on whether you’re filming a two-minute video or a 60-minute webinar.

The Ingredients for Your Story

1. Your origin story:

2. Why this thing - your product or your industry?

3. Overcome beliefs in advance (the Eminem section)

Internal obstacles:

Internal obstacles:

4. Social proof:

5. Cast doubt:

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Part #3

When you don’t confidently deliver your call to action (CTA), sales won’t happen. A bridge can help you transition
easily from your story right into the CTA. Model the examples to create yours.

Bridge Example #1:

“I can’t believe my time’s almost up. I have so much more to share with you. Picture an iceberg. You know how
they say everything is below the water? Well, what I shared with you is the tip of the iceberg. And I’d love the
opportunity to share the rest of the knowledge that I’ve learned [through my 10 years, divorce, losing the weight,
crushing menopause, etc.]. I’d love to share all of it. So I just spent the last year and I built a course to show you
everything I’ve learned, and I can’t wait to share it with you...”

Bridge Example #2:

“Listen, if you’re going to be in the knowledge industry, I’m betting you’re going to need some help. It would be
really hard to figure it out on your own, and you’re going to need someone to guide you. I’d love it to be Tony and
me. We have 60 years in this industry. We care. We know how to do it. We’ve already changed countless lives all
around the world. And we’d love to lock arms with you and show you how to do it. And that’s why I’m so excited to
share with you our course today…”

Create your Bridge below:

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Part #4

Don’t make your clients do the work. Don’t make them think. Tell them exactly what they should be doing in your
CTA. Review the elements of the CTA below, then write yours in the boxes.

The Elements of Your CTA

1. People want to know:

How am I going to feel?

What will my results be?

2. What’s your money-back


3. Will you offer a bonus?

4. How can you add urgency?

5. How can you address

obstacles and beliefs?

6. Tell them what to do next:

© 2021, LLC. All rights reserved. HOOK > STORY > CTA | Page 4

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