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2 Next-Level Marketing, Persuasion & Sales

Dean Graziosi:

Welcome back. This is section two, in module three, as we lean into next level marketing,
influence, persuasion, sales, whatever it is you want to call it, right? Well, this is more the marketing
side, but I hope by right now, you're sitting here feeling different about sales than maybe you've ever
felt in your life before, knowing that we are doing a disservice, if we don't get what we have in here or
what we report on, into people's hands. In the previous section, we talked to Joanne, she can't help
her 20 year old self, unless she convinced her 20 year old self to take the course and read it and go
through the process, and do what? Have the story, take the action, move forward, right? We can't
change people's lives by just telling them to go watch a quick video, but we can, if we provide them
with an incredible course training workshop, mastermind, coaching, ebook, anything that can allow
them to dig in and have the breakthroughs they're looking for, right?

What are we as knowledge brokers or in the self-education industry, the knowledge

information industry? Whatever you want to call it up. Upskill industry, we're really bridge builders,
right? We get to help people go from where they are to where they want to be, and maybe not have to
go through all the crap we had to figure out. How we’ve got to be better singers, how we fixed and
made it through menopause, how we’ve got better at sales, better at photography, better at life,
better at love, better at being a parent, right? We went through a journey. We lost our jobs during a
shift in the world and had to find new ways of streams of income. We found that, but during that
shift, you went through that valley of being scared and figuring out, and all we're doing is helping
bridge the gap.

But we said it in the previous section, and I'll say it again, none of that will happen, and this
won't become real at the level you want it to, unless you learn how to market and sell and persuade
and influence people to action. But how cool is it, when you can feel amazing? Every time you see
someone bought another course, you go, wow, I changed another life. Think about that. Seriously
think about that in your heart. Every time... Could you imagine there's a little ding on your phone,
every time a sale happens and it's like, ding, and immediately you thought, wow, I got to help
someone else. Wow, I got to help someone else. And when you evolve to that, you'll be the best at
sales that you could ever be, because it's through the eyes of service. Here, we gave you the
overview. I wanted to change your mind. We gave you some strategy, as we taught.

Now, I want to get a little more tactical, strategy and tactics in this section. And this is
something that I call HOOK, STORY, CTA stands for call to action. You get somebody to take action.
You're going to notice a lot of similarities between what we taught earlier, in module two,
similarities, but completely different. When you go from training to influence, to selling and
marketing completely different, okay? But a lot of the same ingredients as we evolve. And before I go
through this process with you, I want to say that this isn't something that I heard of and then went
and did it, or it's not something, when I did my first video 25 years ago and thought, oh, let me do
HOOK STORY CLOSE, or whatever hook story CTA.

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This is looking back over more than two decades of my personal journey of selling, and
influencing, and being on video, and writing copy, and said, what were the ingredients of my most
winning campaigns? What were my infomercials that worked the best? What were the ingredients?
What were my sales letters that I wrote? Why did they work? What were my headlines that worked?
Or the first couple of sentences that worked? What were they? And I am obsessed with it, guys. This
isn't something that I dreamed up overnight. Tony has done the same. We look back at what works
for Tony. And that's where we came up with HOOK, STORY, CTA. Now hook can sound kind of like
some kind of fancy marketing thing. I want you to think of the word hook as a stop sign, or a grabber
or just something that makes you stand out. So in a sea of red shirts, you're the only one with a black
shirt on and you stand out, and someone says, hey, I want to check out what Susan has, right?

I want to check out what Amanda has, right? Or Carrie. Why do I want to stop? Because, we
are... Pretty soon kids are going to be born. They're going to be 10 years old, and their fingers are just
going to be like this, when they're just sitting there, because that's what everybody does on their
phone right now, right? They just go, go, go, go, go, go, go. What makes someone stop, to look at
you? What makes someone stop, and read a DM that you send somebody inside a Facebook group?
Or read a message that you put inside a Facebook group with your demographic in it, with your ideal
client in it? What are the things that stop people? So, if you look... As we go through this frame of
HOOK, STORY, CLOSE, we're going to break the story down way deeper than I ever have in my life.

I got the feedback. 60 plus years for Tony and I combined in this industry, but almost 40,000
people in two and a half years, and I understand the little nuances that can help you really move the
needle and why we took this and created this new course on a whole nother level. We're going to
break down the story and then the call to action, your ask, and do it in a really elegant way. But let's
start with what I believe.

So hook. This is, like I said, your stopper, your grabber, and this is the part most people do
not spend enough time on. And I just said it, but I believe it is the most important part of any video
you're ever going to shoot. And if some of you are a little concerned about shooting videos, shooting
videos, this framework, right?... We've been talking a lot about frameworks.

This framework I'm giving you is also an accordion. It could be a one minute video that you
do, or it could be a 10 minute sales video, or it could be a 90 minute webinar. This model works for all
of it. It is your framework that you will have for the rest of your life, and again, it's the accordion. It
could be a minute, it could be 90 minutes or two hours.

And I'm going to give you examples there, I'm going to show you one of my best ads I've ever
shot. It was I think a minute long, it had a HOOK, STORY, CLOSE, in it. And then I'm going to show you
my second best ad ever, and I think it's six minutes long, same concept, just a little bigger. But also
most of you're here right now, because you watch Tony and I for maybe two hours.

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It was the same concept; HOOK, STORY, CLOSE. So play the accordion, but keep the
framework. Don't mess with the framework. And this will take away the mystery of selling in a whole
different way. So think about what the hook is, is that thing that you say that gets people to stop and
say, huh? What do you... I'm going to watch this. I'm going to listen to this amazing woman. I'm going
to listen to this dude. I'm going to see what they have to say. And it's the thing I see most people
mess up on. I'm going to give you an example right out of the gate. And I've used this example before,
but it's so meaningful to me because he's passed now, but Larry King had a big impact on me without
him realizing it.

Most of you know who Larry King is, but got him, and he's interviewed people for like 250
years, right? I think his first interview was Jesus. Kidding aside. I respect the high so much. He's
been around forever. And he evolved with the times. He interviewed Gorbachev and Reagan back in
the day, all the way to every living president, but he'd be on with lady Gaga, having fun and Prince,
before Prince died. Larry King just blended and evolved. He looked old school, but he thought
differently. Long story short, he meant something to me because I watched Larry King interviewing
Joel Osteen many years ago, many, many years ago. And Larry said something I thought was so like,
I wanted to climb under the table. Larry said to Joel ... Out there having a great conversation, and
Joel's there about his new book.

I'm digressing with this story, but it'll make sense in a minute. Larry looks at Joel and says,
hey, I'm a Jew. I don't believe in Jesus. Am I going to hell? I don't believe that Jesus is the son of God.
Am I going to hell? Could you... I was like, oh... I was just so uncomfortable by that question, right? I
know my beliefs, but still... And poor Joel was like, I'm not going to play God, and I'm not going to
make that decision. He probably got beat up by hardcore Christians, but I thought he answered it
really well.

But the reason I shared that with you is because it changed my life, in that moment, I
realized what if back in the day they had that interview, and then hopefully someone goes to a
Barnes and Noble or goes online and buys the book, right? I think this was even before Amazon.

And I had this epiphany, what if they just offered Joel's book on Larry’s show? And long story
short, I did an infomercial. It was Larry King style. We called it the Larry King style, infomercial I did,
where I hired someone to interview me about my book. Back then it was about real estate. And we
offered my book on the show.

We'd built the Larry King set. We built the Larry King microphone. I'm sharing all this so you
know it had meaning behind it, but I want to tell you, so king has this massive impact on my life
because I decide to do an infomercial that's real life, no scripts, not the wait there's more, and you'll
get this and you'll get that. I hired a really great host. He interviewed me on the Larry King set and
three times through the infomercial, all I said was simply this, hey guys, if you like what I'm sharing
today, you can call the number on the bottom of the screen and

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you get my book.

And my book was called Be a Real Estate Millionaire. So you can get my book, Be a Real
Estate Millionaire. You can go to bookstores and get it. Or you can just go right now, and there's some
killer bonuses. If you want it, call the number. And then I went back to the interview and everybody
said, oh, that won't work, my media buyer said, you don't have testimonials, it's not fancy, you don't
have... And it ended up being the biggest infomercial in my life. It became the number one
infomercial in America. Crushed it, because it was just real and authentic. Now that you know that
story, Larry had this impact on my life without him realizing it, because I watched an interview with
him and Joel, right? That's where I got the epiphany to do that kind of set. Now fast forward, over a

And I meet Larry King and I go to dinner and I'm listening to his incredible stories about when
he was there when Ronald Reagan and Nancy had their baby, and he was running through the
hospital to try to get there and then get back and interview Gorbachev. I heard these amazing
stories. His stories were so good. And he's like, tell me more about you. I'm like, no, let's just keep
talking about you, Larry . You're as good. I was at softball practice last night. I don't know. You just
keep going, right? So I asked him, I'm like, listen, you... And I told them the story about him inspiring
me. And I said, how would you like to do an infomercial with me? And this was, I don't know, seven
years ago. And he's like, I'd love to, so I obsess.

I tell the team, bring out the old Larry King set. It had been like a decade. So we get the old
Larry King set. We get the old Larry King microphone. And it was funny though. I got to tell you. He
comes on the set. Mike's here with me behind the camera, and Mike's been with me for, oh my God,
15, 18 years, Mike? 16 years. So Mike was there. Larry comes out and we're all having a conversation.
He walked straight over to the desk and he went, the microphone doesn't go here. And he moved it
three inches. He goes, it goes right here. Yes, sir. Sorry, Mr. King. I didn't mean to put your
microphone in the wrong spot. And he's like, you got the right one. Yep. That's it. So, it was so cool.
But here's what I want to tell you.

I'm telling you this whole story for a reason, on how important something I call the HOOK is.
The HOOK is the stopper, the grabber. Get someone to say, all right, I'm going to listen. Okay? You got
my attention. What you got? Right? Think about that. Let's simplify it. You got my attention. What do
you have?

So Larry's going to interview me. So what do I do? I obsess. And I go look at as many Larry
King interviews as I can. Madonna, Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton,
and everybody you could possibly imagine. And I get this cadence on how he started his shows. And
how he started his shows was, tonight, on Larry King, I'm here with so-and-so, they've done
so-and-so and tonight we're going to talk about so-and-so.

Does that make sense? So I'm like, all right, I'm going to make this just like his old CNN or
whatever channel he was, on his shows.

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And I write the hook, the open, just like he did for all these other people. So it was so much
fun. We get the set, he moves it around. I'm sitting on the set with Larry King for the first time in like
a decade too. I literally got nervous. They're like, okay, action, and he says his opening, tonight, I'm
here with Dean Graziosi. And he goes, so Dean, let me tell you. And I literally for the first time in a
decade, I was like, okay, can we say start over?

Nothing came out. Legit, nothing came out of my mouth. And Mike's laughing right now
because he remembers. I'm like, oh my God. I'm like, that hasn't happened to me. Larry, take that as a
compliment. I'm so sorry. Let's start over. So we started over, but I wrote him an open and the open
was this. Tonight, on Larry King, I'm talking with Dean Graziosi.

He's a multiple New York times bestselling author. Successful businessman. Started over 13
companies. And tonight we're going to be talking about his book, Millionaire Success Habits. He says
a couple of things. Says, Dean, let's talk to you, right? I hear it. I'm like, oh my God. That's what he said
about all the other famous people. Cool. I'm on the Larry King show. And then we have this amazing
back and forth. Back and forth, he's asking me questions. He's doing the Larry King thinking back
and looking and thinking, he comes up with these great questions, we get done. I'm so excited. This
is a guy who changed my life 10 years, 15 years prior, without realizing. We get done with the show,
we play the show and it's a bomb. Nobody is buying, nobody watching, it doesn't work. I'm like, damn
what did I miss? I'll tell you what I missed.

I didn't realize it at first. Changed the offer. Changed things. Not working, not working, not
working. Then I realized, duh, I missed the HOOK, the opening line, because I was so enamored by
Larry. I just wanted to do like you did with all the celebrities. But they were celebrities. I'm not a
celebrity. Most people could give two craps about Dean Graziosi. And then he built multiple
companies that he did all this stuff. It's about you. Remember, I told you this in the earlier training,
it's about them. It's not about me. I got completely distracted. I turned into... I was stargazing. I got
into my ego. I forgot it was about the people watching and what they needed and how you obsess on
a HOOK, I'll give you some strategies, is, you know the conversations going on in their mind, you
know their fears. We did this in the previous module.

We know what they desire. We did this in the previous module. What are their goals and
dreams? What are their fears? And what do they stress about? You already know about that. We need
to speak into that. They don't give a crap about Dean and a multiple New York times bestselling
author. How many videos do you watch on Instagram or Facebook or YouTube that start with hi, I'm
Bob Smith, and I've been... And you're like, click, whatever. Thanks Bob. See you later, right?

Because, it's not about you. It's about them. I made it about me. Do you know how many great
videos I see that don't have a HOOK, and I know they're not working? You know how many videos you
guys have done and you wonder why they didn't get juice? Because, you forgot the HOOK. So I realize
it. I'm like, oh my God, duh. So here's what I did.

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I left the infomercial. This is how powerful, the reason I'm telling you this story. I left the
infomercial exactly the way it was. When I asked Larry, if he'd please fly in again to just do the
opening of the show again. I'm like, Larry, I'm so sorry, but could you come back? I messed up
because... And he got... Just being transparent. He got a royalty for every book. It was this book. It
was Millionaire Success Habits. He got a royalty for every book we sold and I wasn't selling books. And
I wanted to send this guy a lot of money, right? So he flies back in, and I obsess. And I asked dear
friends, I asked my friend, Frank Kern and other people. And Frank gave me a great model, and I
went through and tweaked and tested. I didn't change anything in the show, except the first couple
of sentences.

The HOOK. I want to share with you. Think of an infomercial. Who wants to watch an
infomercial anyway? Let's just be honest. They're annoying. I get it, right? And I picture someone, a
mom trying to juggle. She comes home from work. She's got the phone in her hand, the remote,
baby, trying to make dinner, doing what moms do. So amazing. Juggling a million things. And then I
come on an infomercial and it's like, Dean is this amazing, cool dude, you should listen. She's like,
click, right? So I want you to judge these two. I was obsessed and I wrote a new opening line. And I'm
going to encourage you to obsess and geek out on your first sentence, which this first sentence is
also the same framing for the headline of your course on Right? So I want you to
think about that.

This is the same strategy, the same thought process. What can you say in a sentence where
people go, oh crap, I'm going to read this. Oh crap. I'm going to watch this. So let me just tell you the
difference. The first one was, tonight on Larry King. I'm here with Dean Graziosi. He's a multiple New
York times bestselling author. Self-made millionaire. Started 13 different companies. And tonight
we're going to be talking about his book, Millionaire Success Habits, and how you can live a better life.
That was the open.

And I changed it to this. Larry, literally, the show opens and it's just a Larry, just a straight
shot. And he directed the camera. He doesn't say I'm Larry King. He doesn't say welcome. He says
this, have you ever in your adult life looked in the mirror and thought to yourself, wow, I thought I'd be
further ahead by now? If you have, you're not alone. My guest tonight is going to share the strategies
he's learned to make sure you live into your full potential.

Which one would you stop and listen to? I changed that. Let me just ask you a question. Did I
enter a conversation already going on in your mind? Raise your hand, say yes. And if you're home,
think about it. Who in here has ever thought to themselves... They looked in the mirror and said, I
thought I'd be doing more by now. 100% of us. Who in here would like a strategy to live into more,
their full potential? 100% of us.

Who in here would give a crap about Dean Graziosi and his multiple New York times
bestselling author? Some of us. Thanks. I saw a couple of you raise your hand and I appreciate it.

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My whole point is this though, that second HOOK, don't look at it as a HOOK, if that's a weird
name to you. The grabber, the stopper, the thing that makes you go, okay, I'm going to listen. We
changed that opening line. The show ran for three years. I got to send Larry a big old check every
single month.

I didn't change anything. So how many videos, how many sales letters, how many pages have
you built, because you had a terrible headline or a terrible HOOK, people just went right by it? When
Tony and I first launched a course together, it was many years ago now, but I was obsessed with that
first sentence, and it was going to be Tony who shared it. We did about a two hour training together.
Remember the accordion? Two hours, five minutes, could be an ad, could be a post on your
Instagram, could be a webinar, could be a video you send your friends and family, could be one you
DMed to everybody that follows you on Facebook and Instagram, doesn't matter. Could be an audio
you send. Accordion, same framework. I laid out this whole strategy. I'm going to share with you on
the whiteboard here, through this section.

But I am obsessed with the first sentence more than anybody realizes. Geek out, because I
want people to go, oh yeah, this sounds good, I'm staying. I keep repeating that. How many times
have I said that? Because, that's what you've got to think. This sounds good and I'm staying, right?
You know what my opening HOOK and line was for the first time Tony and I went live? And at the time
we had the biggest online training in history at over 250,000 people watching us. Quarter of a million
people. And the opening line was this. If at the end of your life, amazing life, you had the option of
one or two things; you could make a great deal of money, or you can have an amazing impact on the
world, what would you choose? What if you didn't have to choose? What if you could have both?

I'm so glad you're here with us tonight because we're going to show you that. That wasn't by
accident. That took me three months to come up with, but it was the biggest online training and the
biggest launch in internet history. I'm not saying that was all of it, but when I just said that to you,
who felt that? Let me ask you at home, at home, would you rather make impact, money and success?
Everybody always says impact. If you had to choose between one, 100% of people... I've done it in
crowds of 20,000 people, 5,000 people, 3000 people, 100% of the people say impact, but you at
home right now watching, wouldn't you like to have both? It's 100% of us. I lived inside your mind. I
answered questions you're thinking of. I shared things that make sense to you rather than things
that are so generic, or hey, it's Tony and Dean, we've been doing this together for over 60 years.

We love serving people. I want to share all that, but not in the beginning, because someone
could say, I love Tony and Dean, but I'm not sure what this is, kind of busy, kind of busy. But when you
say something like that... And how do you come up with the hook? The HOOK is nothing more than
truly understanding your ideal client. That's why we went so deep on it in the previous section. If you
know what your client fears, you know how to talk into it. If you know what your client desires, you
know how to speak into it. If you know where they hang out and how old they are, you're speaking to
them. And think about understanding them so much and combining it with current affairs, right?
Combine it with what's going on in the world at this moment.

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Okay, write this down. Think through it. Everyone, everyone in the entire world makes
decisions based on one of two things, moving away from pain or moving towards pleasure. Every
decision you make in the world is based on that. Really boil it down to anything you think about.

You're moving away from something you don't like, or you're moving towards something you
love, okay? Half the people that are watching you are moving away from something uncomfortable,
right? I already know this, half of you are in this course, because you don't like the job you're in, you
lost your job, you want to do something, you don't have the money that you want, the freedom you
want, the control you want, or you're already in this space and it's not working. You want to move
away from that painful situation or it is not working. I know the other half. Things aren't bad. Life's
okay. Got a decent job. But you know there's more inside of you. You know you were meant for more.
You were called to serve, and you know there's a bigger future, supporting your family better, having
more freedom, getting a vacation house or taking that vacation, right?

So if I just say that right now, at home right now, who is here, is here because you're moving
away from something that's not working out, something you're not happy with?

I know half of the people on the screen, half of you at home. Who's here, life's not horrible,
but you know there's more, you're meant for another level? The other half. Okay. Remember this. If
you speak to one or the other, you're missing half of your audience. I watch people do that in their
HOOKS too. They get nothing but pain. Oh my God, are you having the worst year of your life,
everything's wrong? Let me tell you how to make it better. Right? It's all pain. And then I see some
people who are just aspirational. Isn't it time that we shift and flourish and go to the next level? You
get half the people. They have the people thinking about paying. They can't even think about
flourishing. They just want to survive, right? Some people, you're using-

Some people, if you're using Lauren as an example, some people just want to sing as a
hobby. "Life's okay, but I want to sing like a bird." Some people are in the midst of a job and they're
going to lose it if their voice doesn't get better. They're moving away from something painful. If
Lauren doesn't speak to both of them, she misses half their audience.

If Cyrene says, "If menopause is ruining your life, ruining your relationship and you feel like
shit, you should come to me." You'll help half the people. Some people, some women are going
through menopause. It sucks, but it's not that big a deal, but they would love to flourish during
menopause. She has to speak to both of them or you're leaving half your audience out.

If you could come up with the magical HOOK and explanation to incorporate both, would you
rather have success or impact, or both? That's everybody. Move away, move towards. Have you ever
looked in the mirror and thought to yourself, "I thought I'd be further ahead?" Well, guess what? Today
we're going to share the strategy where you can. That was the move away and the move towards.

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We got both of it in there like, "Yeah, things are wrong, but it's going to get better." We got
them both. As you think about this tactically, if you think, "Oh my God, it's going to take me two days
to figure out this HOOK." Congratulations for realizing how important it is, because if you don't get
people to watch, they don't care about your story.

They don't care about what you know. They don't care about what you're going to teach. Not
that they don't care because they're not going to be watching it. They're going to be onto the next
video. Here's how you make a HOOK even more magical. Are you ready? As you come up with
something that you know, because right now we've already shared how much you need to know.

On a scale of one to 10, how important is it to know your ideal client? How important on a
scale one to 10, write it down at home right now. It's a 10. Know their pains. Know their desires. Know
their dreams. Know their fears. When you know them, when it comes to marketing you don't have to
be a rocket scientist. Just talk to that person. I asked you to name them on purpose.

If it's Candace, speak to Candace. "Candace, are you stuck in a job that's not serving you?
How would you like to make your passion your profits, or turn your passion into profits?" It's like,
"Yeah, I'm stuck in a job. I'd love to have the income, the success." Speak to both sides. Then, this is
something I didn't even know what this word meant. I have to be honest with you.

People in marketing have been using it around me for ages. I just didn't put it together. They
called something, said an open loop. Somebody would say, "Oh, I saw your video the other day, man.
What a great open loop." I'm like, "Thanks." Didn't know what they meant. Just being honest. I just like
to speak to people where they are. What an open loop is, that the HOOK stops them. The open loop
makes them stay to the end.

What if I said... How you can finally get that 10 pounds off and get to your ideal weight
without dieting." I'm making this up. "That sounds pretty cool." Then the open loop would be, "Today,
I'm going to share the strategy that takes me seven minutes a day to be in the best shape of my life
at 52 years old. First let me tell you how I got here."

See the open loop? I just said, "I'm going to share the strategy that seven minutes a day, that
got me in the best shape of my life. I'm going to tell you later." You want them to hear your story, hear
your journey, why you're an expert, what you have to deliver. Then you deliver that at the end, right
before you go into your offer. I'm picking on the people that I knew.

Cyrene, we had a great headline for her, but it started off as make menopause the greatest
year of your life, the greatest time of your life, when you have these five secrets, or whatever it is.
Cyrene says, "I understand, but what if I told you that going through menopause, doesn't have to be
painful? That you can actually thrive, that you can feel the best you've ever felt when you do these
seven things.

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I'm going to tell you all seven of those today. First, I want to tell you my story on how I know
this." You're like, "Ooh, what are those seven? I want those seven. I want those three. I want that one
thing I want that secret. I want to feel better. Look better." That's what they call an open loop.

If you can come up with a hook that stops them. Larry King said, "Have you ever in your adult
life looked in the mirror and thought to yourself? Wow. I thought it'd be further ahead by now."

"If you have, you're not alone tonight, my guest Dean Graziosi in his new book, millionaire
success habits is going to show you the one strategy that can make sure you live into your full
potential. First let's meet Dean." Hell's that one strategy I want that. This make sense? What I hope
for those of you at home right now taking this course is to not overcomplicate this.

What I want you to do is understand this framework, so you're going to start seeing videos
there online all the time and you'd go, "That's why that video is working. Look at the HOOK and the
open loop that they got." Do you ever find yourself watching a video and stuff that you never thought
you'd watch? You're watching, I don't know, orangutans throw rocks in the freaking jungle.

"How the hell did I get here?" Go back and watch because the open loop is, "Did you know that
rang orangutans could throw rocks 72 feet before." Soon it will show you how, but first, let me tell you
about orangutans. How am I watching this? Sometimes I'm watching the stupidest stuff by accident
and I'm like, "I got hooked into this, the damn open loop." Now you're waiting. Do you ever watch a
video? You're just waiting for the part they teased you about in the beginning, think about that.

Who's ever watched a video and you're just waiting like, "Get to it, get to it." While you're
saying, get to it, you're getting the value. You're understanding why they're the authority, why you're
giving them permission to teach you. By the time they get to the answer, you're like, "Michael's a
bad-ass. I understand why I'm going to listen to him. I'm going to get his thing."

What you're trying to do and I spend a lot of time on this on purpose is get them to freeze, to
stop, and then be intrigued to watch the whole thing. Whether that's 60 seconds, 90 minutes or
three hours. You guys getting this? Start... Where's your research.

Your research is in the work you've already done. It's knowing your ideal client. It's knowing
what's going on in the world.

Listen, I had another show that did very well back in the day. I say back in the day, it was
probably 15 years ago, when infomercials were kind of a thing. It was during, well, maybe for
whenever President Obama was president. Who remembers the last shift in the economy when
houses were going through foreclosure and every house on your street was for sale or in bankruptcy
or foreclosure and all that.

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Do you remember it was the first big bailout, it was the biggest bailout up until that time, it
was like $700 billion, which seems crazy. Now, they're talking about way bigger things. It was big at
the time. I remember this is how I remember it as a layman, who's not obsessed with politics, not
left, not right. I'm obsessed with being the best version of me. I figure, how we change the economy
in this world has changed the economy in my house.

How do we change race and situations like that? We change it in my house, in my family. How
do we become more polite and more loving? We get more polite, loving in my family. We make sure
that people we surround ourselves with would know what we stand for, know our values. I do my part
by being a better version of me and growing and making sure my kids grow the right way. I say that
not to preach, but I remember the way I felt. Many people are when that bailout came and no one did
anything, I don't think on purpose.

I think that bailout had to go to big banks and stuff because they were collapsing. Again. I
don't spend enough time really understanding it, but all I know is the conversations around many
people. I always keep an ear open. Some of the best copywriters in the world said, "If you're talking to
the average person, take the bus once a month, get in a Target line once a month. Get in a Costco
line once a month. Ask questions. See what people are thinking."

I did that obsessively. I remember that $700 billion bailout came, everybody, especially, the
people I went to highschool with, they're still friends like, "Dude, $700 billion, none of it hitting my
bank account." Everybody, do you remember people saying that? None of it's hit in my bank account.
One of the things I said really politely, in my HOOK, in my opening is like, "I don't know politics well
enough, but here's what I know.

There was a $700 billion bailout. Did any of that land in your bank account? It didn't land in
mine." I think they're trying as hard as they can to fix things. I think the only people that could fix it is
us. If you just stand around and wait, it's like, "Who moved my cheese." You're going to be waiting for
someone else to fix it, or you can gain capabilities to take control of your life. That's what I'm here to
share tonight."

I took the move away, moved towards. I leaned into their fears, their goals and their desires,
not to be manipulative, just to speak with them. I also inserted some of the popular current affairs.
Know as you play with that hook, these are the ingredients to make something perfect for your ideal
client. The job is to go, "You got me and I'm staying around." Make sense?

Next is the STORY. Now, we talked about the STORY when we're training. A lot of that
information you learned is completely valuable, extremely valuable here. I'm going to do something
I've never done before. I'm going to break this down. I'm going to break down the STORY of what that
really means. Think about this. Someone saw you say a few sentences and go, "Amanda, I'm listening
to you. You said something that I'm going to share with you tonight how to do XYZ, but first."

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"I'm sticking around. She got me. I'm going to stay here." Now, we have to do a few things. We
have to share why we're the authority? How do we know what we know? Why this industry? Why this
product? Why should I be thinking about this? We have to overcome their obstacles in advance. We
have to shift their beliefs. They're going to have doubts, if we can reverse those doubts in advance,
we can help them. We'd love to sprinkle in some social proof.

We talked about that. We know what social proof is, the success you have or someone else
had. We got to cast some doubt on some other people, or other things that have not worked. How's
that magical money machine working for you? How's the pill to make you skinny working for you?
How is getting rich overnight working for you? Probably not, because that's not what you need.

We want to cast some doubt and then we get into the call to action. Within this, I'm going to
go through each one. In that STORY, I want to share something but not overwhelm you because you
don't need all the ingredients. If you're going to hours, you might put all the ingredients in. If you're
going to minutes, it might just be one or two inside the story.

Let's get to the first one and that is your origin story. The cool part about this is I don't have
to go too deep on this because it's very similar to what you learned when you're teaching a section.
Your origin STORY is that story that gets people to say, "I see why they're good at this. I see why they
wrote this book. I see why they wrote this course. I see what they went through. This is why they're
an expert. This is why I should listen to them."

Remember, once again, this is not the story of your life. This is a scene out of your life. I
didn't plan this and I'm not selling you my book, but I'm going to give you an origin story of this book
right now. Larry King says, "Have you ever in your adult life thought to yourself, I should be further
ahead, blah, blah, blah." You stop. You say tonight, Dean Graziosi is going to teach you."

You're hooked. Open loop got you. It comes to meat. I could say, "Hey, I'm Dean Graziosi. My
parents were married nine times and I moved and I had dyslexia and I moved a lot. I felt insecure and
I didn't have money. I didn't have lunch money. There's a lot of different ways I could go, but I need an
origin story that makes sense of why the hell did I write this book and why am I authorized to write
this book?

I don't remember it exactly, but what the truth is, listen, when I was a kid, I knew one thing
hard work did not equal success. My dad and my mom, maybe some of you have experienced this in
your own life or your parents. My mom and dad worked their tails off. My mom worked three jobs.
She was a hairstylist. She cleaned houses and she painted houses for people.

She'd come home late every night with her hands hurting and her back hurting. I hated it. My
mom worked her tail off. My dad worked in a collision shop, sucking paint fumes from 8:00 in the
morning until 8:00 at night, six stays a week. Both my parents had nothing, not a dime in the bank.
Both my parents, I feel blessed that they retired, both my parents went before I turned 30.

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I sent them both a check every week of their life since I was 28 years old. I buy them new cars
every two years. It's the greatest gift I ever could have, that's one of my greatest accomplishments.
Prior to that, when I was a kid, my mom and dad worked their tails off to have nothing. I realized,
hard work alone does not make you successful or else my parents would have been.

At a young age, I didn't realize it, but what was different between my mom and dad and all my
family who struggled is they had different habits than the successful people in my town. They did
things differently. They thought differently. They approach life differently. I felt so blessed that I was
able to acknowledge that, I didn't name it habits.

I didn't know what it was. I didn't have an epiphany and said, I got to go find habits. I had the
epiphany of saying, "My parents work hard. It's not working for them, but there were some older
people in my town, Mark Miller, Richard, Joey Nodo, Dominic Affuso. These were self-made
millionaires in my little town. I feel so blessed that I became friends with them."

I remember sitting and talking to Mark Miller, who was one of those famous artists in the
world that just retired in our little town. I realized something fundamentally different between my
parents and them. They both work hard, but Mark and Joey and Richard, and Dominic, they had
different habits than my parents. They thought differently. They focused on solutions. They look to
be innovative.

They didn't blame their past. They look forward to a bigger future. They had completely
different morning habits. They didn't look at the news in the way my parents did, they didn't blame
other people. They took responsibility. All of a sudden I realized the difference between my parents
and them was they had different habits. I started adjusting the habits in my life.

My parents thought I was nuts. My friends thought I was crazy. Some people stopped talking
to me, but guess what? I started to get momentum. I started changing my life. By 25, I became a
millionaire. I'm not saying you're going to be a millionaire by 25, but I started with nothing. I think
fundamentally the shifts were the habits in my life. By 30, I retired from my parents.

Now, at this age, what I did is I looked back on what those habits were, what negative habits
that I bumped out and replaced them with empowering habits. That's why I wrote Millionaire
Success Habits. There's nothing in here on how to get rich overnight. These are the habits that will
take your life and your success to the next level and I can't wait to talk more about it. That's my origin

It was something like that. I haven't done that. I haven't offered that book in a long time. Do
you see? Who in here would like if you haven't read the book who would like to read this book right
now? I'm not selling it to you. Reason I did that is because that origin STORY was all around, thanks
Joanne, for holding the book. The whole origin story was around. Why this book, why am I capable to
write it?

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I probably would've said in there I've written books before. I'm a multiple New York Times
bestseller, thanks Stevie. Glad you got it. I love this book and that's what it's about. Everything I said,
it's habits that shifted my life. What if I was talking about how to help your kids during divorce or how
to be in the knowledge industry? What was my origin story for you being part of this course?

What was Tony's origin story? Through 1000%. Jim Rohn took Tony’s money at an event
when it was $47 and he was making $40 a week. Jim Rohn took Tony's money, and wouldn't let them
show up for free. When he got that information, it changed his life. Self-education changed Tony's
life. He obsessed in life was never the same. Tony took my money 25 years ago when I was gaining

I was stressed out of my mind. I didn't know what to do with my thoughts. I was going insane.
I was successful, but with a sick stomach every day. I gave Tony Robbins money and he taught me
lessons that changed my life forever. I'll be forever indebted to that guy. Now, he's my dearest friend
and partner. Self-education, isn't something that we just said, "Yeah, whatever." It's our lives.

If we didn't find it, I wouldn't have the success I have. I wouldn't be here with you. I wouldn't be
able to, last year alone, we fed 7 million people through Feeding America. We donated, as a
company, $600,000 to Operation Underground Railroad to help kids in slavery. We built a church in
Africa all last year. I'm not saying that for a pat on the back.

I'm saying it because if I didn't get into self-education, if I didn't learn from others that were
already doing it, and then I didn't decide to share what I know to others, I couldn't have done any of
that and I wouldn't be here with you. I owe a debt of gratitude. I owe my life to self-education. That's
why I'm so excited to share with you today why you should be doing it. My origin story, it's a 100%
factual story, but it's completely related to what I'm going to share in this video, in this training.

Now, that's the long version. If I was doing this video in a couple minutes, I'd have to get really
creative on how that works. That's an origin story. Next is, why this industry? I'm talking about this
book. I'd like to know why?

A couple of my friends said, "Nobody's going to buy a book because nobody wants to change
their habits." I think that's a lie. I'm glad I did almost a million copies of this book out there.

What I had to convince after I told my origin story is, why habits? If you saw, did you guys see
me do this? When I was talking about it, I did this the entire time. I think that's how I really believe it's
one of the keys to getting people to see habits. Can we all agree right now at home that we have
habits? Do we all have habits? Keep your hand up or you at home answering, do we have habits that
don't serve us?

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We all have habits, good or bad, we all have habits. Why do I share my habits? Why this thing?
Why this strategy for menopause? Why this strategy for art? Why this strategy for photography or
sales or anything? Habits to me is because we all have habits anyway. Who would like to bump out
some of the habits that don't serve you with habits that would make you grow?

That was my little thing, that was me saying why this industry, why habits? Why
self-education? Why self-education? It's one of the fastest growing industries in the world. It's going
to be a billion dollars a day by 2025. True story. People are saying no to college at the fastest rate in
history. People are saying yes to learning from regular people who have had the experience.

You have something in your mind someone else needs and wants. I want to help you unlock it
and see why the self-education industry is the greatest industry in the world right now. Some
industries are struggling and I'm sorry to hear that some are exponentially growing. That's this
industry and you should be in it. That's my why. Did I lie about any of that? Did I embellish it? Just told
the truth.

I told the truth about why habits? Why the self-education industry? If it's a sentence, habits
are the things that can shift your life forever. You already got them, let's give you some new ones.
That's it. If I'm doing a short video, that's all I need. I got to tell you why habits? Does that make
sense? First is the origin story and then why this thing. I've never broken down the story so detailed.
I don't want you to get overwhelmed, if you miss some of this, it's okay.

If it's shorter, they don't all have to be in there. These are the ingredients for the story.
Because if I got you to stop, I got you to stop... Then I gave you an open loop, now I give you an origin
story. I just look at it through this lens. Think about it this way. You're watching the video and you go,
"I’ve got to hear this." Then you go, "I see why she's got this down. She went through this experience.
She lost her job. Now, she's crushing it. Pretty cool."

Then the next thing is, "Well, what is it?" It's the self-education industry. That's growing.
"Sounds pretty cool." What's the next thing? What's the next thing that would pop in your mind? Think
about this, have we just gone through this logically and we don't look at this magical sales script,
what's the next thing that would go through your mind?

"Doesn't really work for me." That inner self-doubt that inner skeptic goes, "I don't know."
Think about it in the self-education industry. This is probably the moment you're here so you got to a
moment where you're like, "I don't know if I have anything to share." Anybody think that? "I'm afraid to
sell. I'm afraid to teach. I'm not an expert."

Anybody think, "Who's going to listen to me?" Anybody think that at all? How about this one?
"My family is going to think I'm crazy." We thought about that one. That's everybody. This is that point.
If you just look at it in a logical way, just think to yourself, "This is the part where people are going to
question this." Next part is, overcome their beliefs or their doubts in advance.

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You already know your avatar because in so many places, avatar, ideal client, whatever you
want to call it, you already know it because in so many instances, it was you a few years ago. You
already know the doubts. "That can't work for me. It's not the right time. I'm not an expert." You
already know it. Instead of waiting for that doubt to fester this in the story is your time to overcome
those doubts. Think about it. We're talking about the self-education industry.

You're thinking, "I don't have anything to share." When I talked to Joanne today did I
overcome a lot of doubts with anybody here when I talked to Joanne? Think about who in here would
love, love one hour with your 20-year-old self? Anybody watching at home right now, what would you
do? Put it in the chat at home right now. Write it on your piece of paper, in your journal.

What would it be worth to you to spend one hour with your 20-year-old self? I know the
answer. Everybody always says this. It's one of two things. You're going to write priceless or millions.
Watch it, comment in the chat if I didn't say it too quickly, priceless or millions? Think about that.
How do you overcome that and say, if you had a couple of days to, to spend that time with your
younger self, do you think it would be valuable?

Yes. You're worth millions. You are priceless. You just said it's all coming in right now. Have
you experienced, did you ever see when I did earlier in the course draw the line with the dip. You
went through a valley in your life. You went through a down part and you're on the other side.

Do you think it's valuable to teach somebody how to have a bridge over that? All these little
pieces that Tony Robbins and I, and I share are overcoming those obstacles in advance.

I already know what you're thinking. I already know when I hold up this. Somebody says,
"Habits. I suck at habits." I got to convince you why you can shift your habits and why different habits
will change your life. If you have a habit of when things go wrong, you focus on why it happened, who
did it, whose fault it is and how it's going to ruin your life, compared to having a habit of saying, "It
happened. I can't change it.

How do I focus all my energy on solutions? How do I fix this? How do I learn from it and move
forward?" Which habit changes your life? Probably both of them. One changes it for the worse, one
changes it for the better. What if I could show you how to have a habit where you focus on solutions
immediately? What about a habit that could put you in a state of mind where you know you're
unstoppable in less than three.

They could put you in a state of mind where you know you're unstoppable in less than three
minutes, right? So, we start framing these obstacles that people have, and there's two types of
obstacles, right? There's internal, "I'm not good enough, I'm an introvert, I'm shy. I've failed before. I
feel like an imposter," right? That's internal, and we need to overcome those, right?

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But then there's also... And you can write this down. There's internal, but there's also
external. I don't have... If we're talking about the self-education industry, "I don't have a following. I'm
not an expert. Facebook is too hard. My husband's going to think I'm crazy." So, if you write down the
three internal, and this is my homework for you guys, stop this video anytime you want, write down...
You know your avatar, because in so many cases, it was you a few years ago, right?

So, Irene might think, "The internal obstacles. No, the way my thoughts are, there's nothing
that can fix this. Hot flashes, there's nothing you can do to stop the hot flashes. Gaining the weight,
there's nothing you can do to change the weight. That's just the way it is in menopause." That's what
people are going to think.

Or the external, if you pick three, "My husband's never going to support this." Or, "I'm alone
and have nobody to help me." "I'm so busy, I can't eat right." I don't know what it is, but you do. This is
your ideal client. So, this is the moment that you must think, and you have to have this ingrained in
you. Again, if it's a short accordion, you might not be able to share them all, a longer accordion, you
share them all, right?

But this is the part that you need to know your client so much. I know your three biggest
internal fears. I know because I've read thousands of comments from you inside this platform, inside
our Facebook group. I know what your three biggest external fears are. Who thought when you were
thinking about getting involved, "I'm not an expert. I don't have millions of followers. I don't know if
this will work." Raise your hand at home. Raise your hand if you're here. Most everybody, right? I know

So, I am going to show you in advance, how that's not an obstacle. That's a disbelief. That's a
disempowering belief. That belief has already cost you way too much money, way too much success
and happiness in your life. And I must shift those beliefs. If you think, "I'm not good enough. I'm an
imposter. I've failed before." That shitty story has already cost you way too much, so I must
overcome that. I must conquer that in advance, does it make sense?

See why the last module was so important to understand your ideal client? Because you
need to know their fears. You need to know their goals. And this is where you have the opportunity to
overcome and change their beliefs, right? If we change their beliefs, we get to change their life.

Now, think about that journey, right? Think about, "Oh my God, Nikki, I stopped. That was
pretty cool. All right, what you got? Oh my God, there's an open loop. I'm staying. But why should I
listen to Nicki? Oh, that's one hell of an experience. Ooh, I see why she learned that. Okay. I see the
results she got. I want that result." Pretty cool. But what is it? "Oh, it's that. Oh, I never looked at it
that way. That seems pretty cool. Well, this probably won't work for me."

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And all of a sudden, now you overcome those obstacles while they're in that mindset. Is this
making sense now in a different way than it ever has before? This isn't some magical sales script,
and I got to be perfect on the phone, it's being a human being and caring and serving, because you'd
have this conversation with a friend. Friend says, "Yeah, I'm going through divorce. I'm in the worst
place in my life." You're going to go through the same process. You're just doing this in a different
format in a more public way.

Now, there's another movie. Anybody who's ever seen 8 Mile with Eminem? Maybe you
haven't, but I love that movie. I watched it a long time ago, but there was a section in the movie
where Eminem was in the trailer park. His mom slept around, didn't have money, white trash, that
kind of thing, but he's doing these rap battles and it's crazy, and the rap battles are just like, I don't
know a better word than like humiliating each other. There's probably a cooler word than humiliating
when it comes to rap, like dogging each other, dissing each other at the deepest level possible. And
they battle back and forth. And now finally, Eminem is going up against this rapper in town. It's really
qualified and really popular, and he's set to lose. Eminem's so nervous. He's in the bathroom puking
before it, right?

So, he gets up on stage and the guy gives Eminem the option to go first, and Eminem did
this magically. So, remember this is the Eminem section. Okay? Eminem gets up on stage, and what
did he say? He didn't dog the other guy, took away all his power, because you know what he said, "I
can't rap, so I'm not going to try." But what he said was, "Yeah, I'm white trash. My mom is white trash,
and sleeps around. This guy slept with my girlfriend. That guy kicked my ass. I don't have a big
future. My best friend's dumb as shit." Excuse my language.

He took away all the guy's power in advance, because he knew what he was thinking. And
when it got for the other guy to go, he was like, "I had nothing, Eminem wins." You got to think about
that. You already know what they're worried about, because you used to be worried about it. You
already know what their internal fears are, because you used to have them. You already know what
their external fears are, because you used to have them. Address them in advance.

Now, do you see why I said, you see why I said, "If you're selling something that hurts people,
please don't use this," because this is an unfair advantage. This is going to make you sell without
selling better than anyone you know, but do you also see why I said, "Love what you do so much you
feel bad if people don't do it." Because when you love what you do and you know you get to change
lives, don't you want to learn everything about marketing you possibly can, right?

If you felt guilty about your product even 1%, this would feel weird. So, step up your product.
Love what you do, so you want to absorb all the marketing ideas you can, because you know when
someone says, "Ding, it says yes." Change in another life. "Ding another sale." Change in another life.
You get in that rhythm, you'll love sales more than anything on the planet. So, now we get to
overcome their obstacles, right?

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Next thing is social proof. We already talked about this during the training, right? Social
proof is, do you have someone else you helped with whatever it is you're doing? If you do, find a way
to get them to share there. Have a video, have a written testimonial, a picture, you describe it. If you
don't, don't stress it. Talk about how this thing changed your life. I don't think... No, I know for a fact,
my first real estate self-education course that I created, it was named, Think a Little Different. I
taught people how to do real estate like I do real estate, right?

I didn't have any testimonials. I had never taught anybody before. I was just doing my own
thing. So, my first show on TV... Again, because there was no internet, there was no online, I had to
do infomercials. People ask, "Why didn't you do it online?" Because it didn't exist. But my first show,
you know what I did? I drove around to the different properties where I made investments and made
money with no money down, and I talked about real estate and I said, "Okay, now I'm standing in front
of this house. Let me tell you about this house. I use the middle money down strategy, XYZ. And
when I got it done, I rehabbed it using other people's money, and then I flipped it and made money.
This is what I did in this house behind me. Let's go to the next one." I did my own social proof.

I never taught anybody at the time in real estate, I just been doing really good for myself. And
I drove around to five or six houses and that was the show, and it was a monster hit back then. Right?
This was a long, long time ago. But I had social proof to show that it works, right? So, tell your own
STORY, use someone else's story. Make sure it's documented, follow guidelines, follow regulations,
right? Do what's right, because if you do what's right, you don't have to worry about anything, right?
Okay. So, social proof, you guys get that?

And then another ingredient, and again, all of these don't have to be in every single one is
cast in doubt, okay? What is cast doubt? Cast doubt, because they could think to themselves, "Ah,
there's a million people telling you how to get rich online. Why should I listen to you? There's a million
people teaching you how to be better at art or piano or fix your relationship, why should I listen to

So, what makes you different? You guys hear it in my terminology. I can't stand to people that
I'm looking for a fake check. I can't stand the things I see on the internet where someone's holding up
a check going, "I made 100 grand in the first three days of using this program. Let me show you how
you can do it." I freaking hate it. Right? It just internally bugs me because I know people are getting
sucked into something based on, "Oh my God, I can make that money." So that bugs me.

So I cast doubt, I say all the time, "This isn't a magical money machine." I'm not promising you
six figures in six weeks or make a million bucks your first year. If that's what you're looking for, I'm not
your person, but I'm casting doubt subtly on the rest of them. Aren't I? And like I am, because I don't
like the way that sounds, neither does Tony. Right? Also, casting doubt could be casting doubt
against doing nothing. Like if not me now, then what, when? How's the strategy working for you right
now? How has your life different right now than it was one year ago?

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Cast doubt on the inaction, right? Make them disturbed with an action. You're just casting
doubt on them going to someone else who's not as qualified or someone else that doesn't care or
casting doubt against the whole industry in general, because if you are different, show it, or even
casting doubt around them staying and doing the same thing. Because if they keep doing the same
thing, they're going to continue to get what they currently have, right?

What is Einstein's quote that I love? What's the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing
over and over and expecting a different result, right? If you're in the weight loss world, it's like, "So
how is the overnight dieting fads working and the magical powder that takes off the weight? How's
that working for you? How are those ads that show a skinny little bikini model? Knowing that she's
been working out seven days a week and starving herself and they're telling you, you're going to look
like, how's that working for you?" How would you like to have a real eating plan that just gets you to
your ideal weight so you can feel amazing about you and you love yourself more when you... I hope
you love yourself now, but when you look in the mirror, you love the way you look because you're your
ideal weight. If that's what you're looking for, that's who we are, right? Differentiate yourself. And if
you cast doubt against the people out there that are either phony or not working or differentiate
yourself, does that make sense?

So that is the ingredients for your story. And I'm going to show you a video where I hit a
bunch of these, but it was a two-minute video I did. That was one of the most compelling videos
ever that got 5 million views on YouTube. I have another one, it's a little bit longer, six minutes, got 7
million views. It did amazing and really worked out for us. But these are the ingredients and come
back and look at this at any time. And you should start writing down when... Any time stop this
training and start thinking like, "Let me just have some bullets of my origin story." Or if you're like me,
I like to record it. Some of you like to write, some of you like to record. I will record that. Why this
thing? Why self-education? Why habits? Why sleep differently or eat differently or run different,

Overcome those beliefs. You know what they are. Pick three and three. Three internal, three
external. What's the social proof? If you've got others, awesome. If you don't, use your own. And
where can you cast doubt on what they're currently doing or not doing to make sure that they realize
what you're doing is the thing that could shift their life? All right, the next piece is the bridge. This is
an added little bonus. I did HOOK, STORY, CTA, right? CTA is Call to Action. But I want to give you a
little bridge. Now, this is usually for something... Who is here would ever... At home, right now you're
watching, write it down. Who in here would ever want to possibly speak on stage to sell what it is you
do? That's great. More than half. Okay? So I'm guessing those of you at home, it's more than half.

Who in here would ever love to do a webinar or a video training where people learn from you
and then buy? That's pretty much all of you. That's amazing. So, the bridge is really important. And I
got to tell you this story so it really anchors in. You see, I know when people once you learn the hook,
it's easy, right? Like, "Oh, okay. Not easy to find." Obsess on it, but then when you remember it, you'll
say it all the time.

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3.2 Next-Level Marketing, Persuasion & Sales
The story, you guys all got that. I could sit with you right now, guaranteed and you could tell
me the story that's the scene. You could share some of the why, some of the why this thing? Some of
overcoming the beliefs, some of the social proof, cast doubt. I watch everyone online right now just
so you know, this is what most people do.

You're going to judge this now, you're going to see it. This is what most people do. Most
people do the ingredients for the story and they don't know why they're not making sales or
impacting lives. You are having the most unfair advantage that exists on the planet because you're
realizing without the hook and the grit and the quality CTA, call to action. It doesn't work. So now
you're going to start looking at other videos and go, "Ah, Dean Graziosi said that. Great story, great
that, but no hook, no call to action."

So, I want to give you a little cheater that go to bridge between your story and your call to
action, because I've been around long enough and speaking on stages long enough that I watch
people who are in this industry, who love what they do and are good and they get to the call to action
when they go to ask for the money because they didn't have the training, I just gave prior on getting
in the right mindset that selling a service and they still feel a little bad about selling it.

And if you feel bad about selling and you're not confident about selling, everybody feels it.
Everybody feels it. And sales don't happen. Think about this. Did you ever have somebody kind of
apologize for the sale, right? They're like getting you inspired. Have you ever done it? And you're like,
"Oh my God." "And then if you do this and do that, and then my life changed, I lost the weight. And if
you want to work with me, you can. There's no pressure. Seriously, if you want to, you can." I've
watched so many people do that. If you're not confident, they're not confident, but I've watched this
happen on stage. You see, I've watched people talk about what they do. Have you ever watched
P90X? That infomercial was nonstop forever. And I know so many friends that did it. And Tony
Horton is so good. And he's such a cool dude. I know him personally. Just a good dude. And he lives
what he teaches.

That was one of the biggest infomercials ever, but he didn't do the selling. It was produced by
Beachbody and they did CTAs and they had voiceovers and all that stuff, right? Well, Tony Horton is a
friend of a friend who becomes a friend of mine, we're doing an event with a couple thousand people
and we invite Tony Horton and he's got a product that he worked on for almost a year, helping people,
like he just wants to obsess and create this mindset. He's like, "I can't help people get in shape if they
have the wrong mindset." And we all can agree on that, right? So he's like, "I want to bust their
mindset so they can be in the best shape of their life." He was so passionate about it. But at that
time, he had never really sold and deep down, he never saw the training that I had done and shifted
his mindset.

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So, picture Tony, he's probably 55 years old at the time, killer shape, ripped, gets up on stage,
several thousand people and lights them up. He tells his origin story. He overcomes their obstacles.
He gets their disbeliefs in advance. He tells them why what he does is so good, social proof, oh my
God. So many, cast doubt. He does all of this and he is on fire and he is living the moment and then
he gets to his call to action to get people to buy his course. And literally goes from this guy, I watch
his mannerisms change. He physically backed up on stage. He was on the edge of the stage. He
literally started apologizing for the sale without realizing and he backed up. And he backed up and he
literally had a little clicker in his hand like this with his slides.

And he's like, "I've been working a long time and if you liked what I shared today... I don't sell,
I'm not a guy that likes to sell and I never sell. But I built this course. And if you guys want it, you get
this, this, and the other thing. It's up there. Just go to the back and you can get it. You'll love it."
2,000 people. How many courses do you think he sold out of 2,000 people? An audience who loved
him, an audience that he served, an audience he put it out on the line, but when he got to the call to
action,he fell apart. He apologized for the sale. He got scared. He didn't think of it through the eyes
of service. Two, two sales. No one got up. They all loved him. They applauded him. He was one of the
top-ranked speakers. But he didn't sell anything, because he was apologizing. And not because he's
a bad guy, he's a sweetheart.

He was there because he wanted to serve. He wanted to sell that. And literally I did a smaller
version of the training I did earlier next. And he's like, "Oh my God, that changed everything." In fact, I
brought him back up on stage. I brought him back up on stage. Like, "This is the exact example
he's... Who loves this guy?" The whole audience's like, "Yay." "Did this guy deliver value?" "Yay." "Did this
guy screw up when he asked you to buy something?" They're like, "Yay. Yes he did. He didn't feel
secure. He didn't ask for it. He didn't have the confidence." Right?

This is not dogging Tony. He's just an amazing dude, but that's not what he's doing now. He
realized if he doesn't get his course in people's hands, he can't shift their mindset so they can stay in
better shape for the rest of their life.

The guy is 60 something years old when I was still ripped to shreds. Who doesn't want to
know what Tony knows? I do, but he didn't follow the model. And he just thought, if he built it, they
would come. Here's another disbelief. If I deliver enough value, then they'll want more. Not so true.
Sometimes you deliver a lot of value and they like, "It's pretty cool. I'll just take what I got because he
didn't seem so confident about what he was selling and what she was selling. Let me just use what
they already gave me." Right?

So, I see your finger, Michael. You see, now that you'll recognize it with people and now if you
watch a webinar, you'll watch people on a webinar. If they're on camera, they're like, "Do this, do this,
do this." And all of a sudden you can watch their lips change or they get little cotton mouth and like,

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3.2 Next-Level Marketing, Persuasion & Sales
So, I'd love to... I'd love to show you what we created and I'd love to get you involved. Oh, here's
my clicker. Can we pull up that slide?" And they're nervous and shaky and like, and you're like, "Oh, I'm
out." Right? When you love what you're doing, what I want you to do is love what you're doing so
much, you can't wait to get to the offer because you know you can't help people unless they say yes. I
start thinking in my mind like, "Oh man, five more minutes. I get to sell. I get to offer them this new

Do you know how excited I am that I was getting this product in your hand? Like out of my
mind, because it took me nine months, it took me 40 years, 30 years to figure this out. But the last
nine months I have been obsessed with putting this course together, I can't wait for people to have it
in their hands. So when it's time to sell them, I'm not like, "Oh my God, I got to offer." I'm like, "Hell yes,
pull out your damn credit card because I'm about to change your life forever, forever. The stuff that
people failed on, I ain't failing." Right? So my energy goes up and I am not embarrassed to sell. I'm
embarrassed if I don't get you to take action if you really want to change your life, think about that.

And some of you that's even hard to hear. Some of you are thinking right now, "Ah, Dean,
that's a little too pushy." Is it? I asked you before, but I'll ask you at home right now. Who's glad you're
here right this second learning this? On a scale of one to 10, write it on your piece of paper. Write it
in the chat. On a scale of one to 10, how glad are you that I sold you to be here? I'm not using fluff. I'm
using real words. You pulled out a credit card. You're here because you got a credit card. Scale of
one to 10, people that are here are putting millions, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10. What if I
didn't sell you? What if Tony and I did that entire presentation then we got to them like, "We built this
thing that I think can help you in the knowledge industry. Tony and I we're good people, we care. If
you want it, go ahead, go get it."

If I did that, you wouldn't be here. You'd be something else right now. You'd either be with
someone else who doesn't care or know as much as Tony and I, or you'd be trying to figure it out on
your own and that doesn't work. Or maybe you'd be going back to college. I don't know. But I'm proud
that I got you here. Isn't that the most amazing feeling in the world? Shift that mindset, you shift your
life forever. So, the reason I went through all of that is because this little bridge can help you be that
reminder between the story and the call to action. This is where you ask people to do something,
right? But the bridge will help you be the buffer to get your energy in the right space.

So what's the bridge? I'll give you a couple. I've never used this one, but it's a really great
concept. You share everything in the story. And then you say, "God, I can't believe my time's almost
up. I have so much more to share with you. You picture it like an iceberg. You know how they say
everything is below the water? Well, what I shared with you is the tip of the iceberg. And I'd love the
opportunity to share the rest of the knowledge that I've learned through my 10 years, five years, my
experience, my divorce, losing the weight, crushing menopause, singing, I'd love to share all of it. So
I just spent the last year and I built a course to show you everything I've learned and I can't wait to
share it with you." That's a bridge, tip of the iceberg bridge, right?

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Another one that you've probably seen me use, because it's true. I say, "Listen, if you're going
to be in the knowledge industry, I'm betting you're going to need some help. I'm betting it'd be really
hard to figure it out on your own and you're going to need someone to guide you. And if you're going
to need someone to guide you, I'd love it to be Tony and I. We have 60 years in this industry. We care.
We know how to do it. We've already changed countless lives all around the world and we'd love to
lock arms with you and show you how to do it. And that's why I'm so excited to share with you our
course today." Right? Quick little bridge. It's a quick little transition. It just gives you this excuse to go
from the story to the call to action because that line between the two can freak people out.

"Okay, I'm done sharing my story. I got to ask for the money." You don't want to feel that way.
People feel it. You got to say, "I'm done sharing my story. It's time to get these people to take action
so I can really change your life." Because the training you gave them is inspirational. Write this down.
I said it before. The training you gave them is inspirational. Your course, your mastermind, your
workshop, your Zoom, your mastermind piece is transformational. Inspiration isn't enough to
change lives. People need the depth and breadth so they can transform. And when you love what you
do and you know you obsess on it, you get to transform people's lives for a living. Tell me that's not
the coolest thing in the world, right?

Okay. We got the hook. We have the story. We have the bridge. And now it's time for the call
to action. Again, what did I say? The two things... This, everybody does good. These two people
mess up on and people forget the bridge. So, the call to action, just think about it. What it is. It's the
call to action. What are you asking them to do? I watched so many people do a great video and they
want more followers on their YouTube or on their podcast or on their Instagram. And their call to
action is so bad. It's like, "And you can find me anywhere on social media." Don't make your clients do
the work. Don't make them think. Tell them exactly what they should be doing, right?

So if it's something as simple as, "Go follow me at and I do three podcasts
a week, you go to, go check it out." Right? "Click the link below, go to this
website, do this thing." Now that's just telling people, you got to tell them what to do, but let me tell
you what the call to action really is. Now, if you're doing a video to get them to come... Remember,
there's videos that you'll do that could be a video to get them to come. Remember there's videos
that you'll do that could be an ad or a promotion for them to come to say, And then
you might do a video on that tells them what they get. Right?

So knowing this framework, the accordion can be used for an ad, it could be used for a sales
video. It could be used for a minute video that you text to friends, you do live in your Facebook group,
all the same structure. Take that accordion, open it or close it. Right? But a call to action, this is
really important. I want you to hear this. What most people do wrong, guilty right here of doing it
myself, is you work so hard on putting together your course, like we've already talked about. Like you
saw Tanner Sheldon created and all those types of things, right?

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You work so hard on it and you're so proud of all the things you've created, that we end up
creating a laundry list of everything that they get. In module one, you're going to get this and you're
going to get how to overcome obstacles and the five things. And you're getting the three things.
Then you're going to get this and then you're going to get that.

And then module two. Oh my God. In module two of the course, you're going to learn how to
overcome obstacles. You're going to learn how to identify your ideal client. You're going to identify
what you're going to teach, you're going to identify how you're going to teach it. You're going to
understand tools and you want to share all of this stuff. You should share some, but what we forget
to do, is we are sharing options not benefits.

Let me just share with you. You're a part of this course. If I said, in module two you're going to
learn how to identify, what is that thing you should be offering to people? Then you're going to learn
how you can identify the right people, your avatar, the ideal client who wants it through a five step
process. And then you're going to learn how to teach that to the right people. And then we're going to
teach you how to go through this process. And then I'm going to give you homework. And then I'm
going to give you this. And then I'm going to give you the four things that do this. Oh my God. There's
so many great things in module two. Is that all true? Yes. What's more powerful? If I said that, or I
said, "By the time you're done with module two, for maybe the first time in your life, you're going to
have the confidence to know what to teach, who to sell it to, and how to teach it."

Isn't that what I really want? We just really want to know the confidence that we can do at the
end result. Think about options versus benefits. Think about, if I was selling you air conditioning in
your car, right? Air conditioning is in every car now, but when I was a kid it was an option, right? So
say I'm trying to sell you air conditioning and I'm a car salesman. I could say, here's the cool part
about this car, it has air conditioning. And what that is is, there's Freon. It's a kind of liquid gas. It's
really cold and it's in a compressor. And the engine runs and there's a belt that goes around the
compressor, and the compressor pushes the Freon through aluminum tubes. And the aluminum
tubes get pushed all the way to fins that live behind the dash. And the aluminum being so cold in
those fins, freezes it. And there's a fan behind it. And that fan blows the cold air through the vents,
into your car. Okay?

I could sell you air conditioning that way, or I could say, "You know what's cool? This car has
air conditioning. When it's hot outside, it's cold inside your car." Anybody care about the Freon or the
fins really? Right? I mean, Lauren, you're laughing. You could talk about the way you breathe and I'm
going to teach you how to hold your throat. I'm going to teach you the tea to drink. I'm going to teach
you this. I'm going to teach you that.

Or you could say, after your first lesson with me, you'll realize you have an angelic voice that
lives inside of you. Which one do you want? Do you want the options or the benefits? I watch people
with the call to action go on and on and on. I know it's all in there, but people really want to know two
things. How am I going to feel? And what are my results?

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3.2 Next-Level Marketing, Persuasion & Sales
And the best way to know that is by listening to people. You already know this was you in the
past. This is listening to people. This is knowing your avatar. What is the best way to sell someone?
Just understand what they're going through, right? Live inside the mind of your prospect. People
learn from you or buy from you when they feel understood, not when they understand you. Let them
feel understood.

Who in here has ever watched a speaker besides me? Who in here has watched... And I'm
talking about you at home right now with the course. Raise your hand. Come on. Pretend somebody
is watching. If not, you're watching. Your subconscious is watching. Okay. Anybody ever watches a
speaker that's just amazing and kills it, inspires you, but you really don't take any notes? You just kind
of impressed. You get done, you're like, "Ah, that person, she was cool." But you didn't write any notes
and you don't feel like doing anything different. It was just kind of a good speaker.

Then do you ever have a speaker or somebody train, you weren't expecting it? Man, they're in
your heart. You're writing notes faster than your hand can move. And you're like, "Oh, she gets me.
You're finishing my sentences." Which one makes you take action? Which one makes you want to buy
from them? The person that made you feel understood was number two. The first person made you
understand them. Think about that. You understood them. You might be impressed by them, might
think they're cool, but you're not really buying or doing anything.

The second person climbed in your head and you go, "Oh, she gets me. Yeah. He gets me. I'm
buying from him. I'm working with him. I'm taking that course from him because they know what I'm
thinking." Live inside the mind of your prospect. People buy from you when they feel understood not
when they understand you. Let them feel understood.

Think about that when you're going to your call to action on stage, in your webinar, asking
people to go do something, right? So we get that point in our call to action, we lay it out and we're
laying out the benefits and how they'll feel or the results they'll get. Right? Then, I mean, the tactical
pieces, you always want to make sure you talk about your money back guarantee. What is your
promise? Right? I wouldn't spend too much time on it. Don't give people excuses to give up before
they start, but everybody wants to know. You don't love it? Unconditional 30 day money back
guarantee. Right?

And then always make sure you remember a bonus. Everybody loves a bonus. Who loves
extra? Right? When you're a kid, you go get ice cream and the person puts an extra scoop on and
says, "Extra scoop for you." You're like, "Yes, I got two scoops for the price of one." It's amazing. Or
would you like a little extra hot fudge on that? And like, boom, hot fudge for free. Right?

Everybody loves a little bonus. If you buy today, we're going to throw in this extra live
training. I'm going to throw in this thing that I did a year ago. I'm going to throw in the ebook that I
wrote. Give them a bonus.

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3.2 Next-Level Marketing, Persuasion & Sales
The other thing, this is really important. Urgency. People will put off making decisions
because there are emotional buyers and there's logical buyers, right? I'm an emotional buyer. I go to
a car dealership. I want to buy a car, if I see something I like, I'm like, "I'll take the car if I can leave in a
half hour." No, it's impossible. Then I don't want it. I leave there in half an hour. We will make it
happen. I'm spontaneous. I don't take a test drive. I don't Google it. I just like it, it seems cool, I'm
going to do it. I mean, right now I drive a white Ford pickup truck. I think I shared that. That's my
favorite vehicle in the entire world. Right? I shared that.

My sister went to a car dealership, we came from the same mom and dad. My sister's a
logical buyer. You have to think of both when you're offering. My sister would go to three car
dealerships, she would test drive three cars. She would go to consumer affairs, she would see the
rating, maybe call the insurance company and see if her insurance is going to go up. Millennia, you're
laughing because this must be you. Right? She calls the insurance company and says, "Hey, is my
insurance going to go up?"

And then she sits down with her husband, Rob, who is the most amazing man in the history
of the world. And they would talk about it and then they'd make a decision. Is either way better than
the other? No. My sister thinks I'm a nut insane and I think she's absolutely crazy.

I'd rather pull off a toenail than go through all of that to buy a car. Like literally, give me pliers,
I will pull off my pinky toenail. I am not going to the dealership. I'm not taking a test drive with some
cheesy car salesman. I just can't. I will just work harder. And if I messed up, I'll work two weekends
and make the money to pay for the difference of how I screwed up. Right? That's just the way I think.
But half of the world is emotional buyers. Who here's like me, make spontaneous decisions? Who in
here is logical like my sister? Right? 50, 50. You gotta serve both. So make sure you're thinking
through the lens of the emotional buyer and the logical buyer, right? That makes sense? What can
help a logical buyer make a decision is urgency, right? If you did your job right with everything I
shared with this overcoming beliefs here earlier, if you did your job right, you helped the logical
buyers right here.

Now, this isn't some sneaky tactic to hurt logical buyers. This is to help logical buyers
because if you don't answer their questions, they're paralyzed, analysis paralysis. So it's your job to
answer their questions in advance. You can help them too. You don't want to just help emotional
buyers. You're only helping 50% of the people. So logical buyers, it's really going upstream and
making sure you answer their questions previously. And then when you get to your call to action, if
you answered their questions, urgency helps them take action, right? So, fake urgency makes you
look like a fool. Get this deal today because it'll never be available again. And in three days you see it,
you're like, "Liar. It's right here." Right?

So when Tony and I will do a challenge, you may have been part of it. We do a challenge, we
create a unique price and unique bonuses that literally are never offered again.

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When Tony and I say it, I know you guys know it, you never see that same offer again. We
might give you 12 months of something for free. We'll sell it again, but give it three months for free.
We might give four or five bonuses, after the challenge is over, you get one bonus. Price could be
different. We don't BS, that's why people trust us. We say what we mean, we mean what we say,
right? So don't do fake urgency. So if you're running a challenge and you're going to learn some of
that in future training, you might run a special price, 25% off and these extra bonuses. On this day,
those bonuses and that price goes away, make sure you do it. But urgency, it'll help logical buyers
say, "I need to do this now, or else I'm going to miss out." But here's another great logical buyer
urgency that could be on anything, is the truth is you might be waiting to make a decision, but how
long are you going to wait? What's different right now than it has been different in your life in the last
three years?

What will be different in three years from today if you don't make a decision today? That
quote from Einstein, right? I already said it, but I'll say it again. Definition of insanity is doing the
same thing over and over and expecting a different result. You're waiting for a different result, but
you're not getting new thinking. Your best thinking got you here. And that means your best thinking
can't take you to where you want to go. The thinking and capabilities you have right now got you out
of Egypt, but you need new capabilities to go to the promised land. And that's why I'm so excited to
offer you this today.

But the urgency is, what's going to be different unless you click the button below and get this
training in your hand? That's urgency without making up a date or something going away, right? So
your call to action should have urgency. Your call to action should reference some of the obstacles
and beliefs that you identified earlier. Don't be hesitant to bring them up in your call to action. And
remember some of you might never want to do video.

This is the same thing when it comes to copy. This is the same... Our hook is our headline.
Our story is our copy, the copy of our body. The CTA, whether you're saying it or reading it, it's all the
same guys. You're learning copy and video at the same time, right?

So what are the ingredients of a good call to action? Benefits, end result, how will they feel?
Right? Sense of urgency to take action now, checking the boxes that you're overcoming those
obstacles, adding in a bonus, the extra scoop of ice cream, making sure that they know there's a
money back guarantee. And then tell them what to do. I've seen people do a call to action and say,
“I'm glad you get it”, but they don't say, “click the link” or “go to the website” or “go to something,
something” or wherever your offer lives. You need to tell them what to do at that
very moment, multiple times, right? Do you ever see a 60 second commercial? In 60 seconds, they
tell you the phone number five times. Why? Because they want you to know what to do.

Here's what I'm going to share with you. I want to share this in real life, but I want to share
something. This is the house I lived in when I was with my dad. I moved in with my dad. There was no
heat in that house. He was renovating it. And the only thing... It was electric, but no heat.

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3.2 Next-Level Marketing, Persuasion & Sales
So we had a little electric space heater, literally. And I lived in the bathroom with my dad in
that house, not exaggerating, when I was probably 12 or 13 years old for about six months. And
literally, I used to drag a freaking mattress in the bathroom at night, plug in a space heater and
freaking sleep in there. If one of us had to go to the bathroom, one of us would get out and wait. And
it was like, whatever, but I did it. It wasn't even a big deal when I was a kid. The truth is, this is not
poor me. It was part of my journey. I'm sharing this because now not that many years ago, this house
is still in the little town, Upstate New York.

I drove there and it looked way worse than even when... at least when I remembered, it
looked way worse. And I literally popped out my phone, I turned it sideways, I jumped out of the car
and I just recorded this two minute ad. But I know the framework, right? I want you to watch and I
want you to think through the framework that I've been sharing with you over here on this little
whiteboard. And know it's only two minutes, so I can't fit it all in, but I fit as much in as I possibly
could, all in two minutes. So go ahead and play that. I'll be right back.

I don't know where you are in your life right now or where it is that you want to go, but I
remember living in this house behind me. In fact, I lived in the bathroom with my dad for a while
when we had nothing. I didn't even have lunch money. And I always dreamed about a bigger life, a
better life, but everybody around me told me I was nuts. You had to have money to make money. You
had to go to school and I should be more realistic. I should stop being a dreamer and guess what?

They were all wrong. I come back and visit this little town, and I love it here, but I went on to
generate hundreds of millions of dollars in my life. I became a multiple New York Times bestselling
author and I've been able to change so many people's lives because I give you the simple recipes for
success. If you desire another level of wealth, abundance and joy, click the link on this page, grab my
book, Millionaire Success Habits.

Yeah. This book is on fire because I teach people the habits to wealth, the success
principles. I already paid for it, just cover the shipping and handling so we can get it out the door. I'll
send you the hardcover. And there's a bunch of really cool bonuses. Listen, this isn't a magic money
machine. I'm not promising instant wealth. What I'm promising you is to give you the habits that
wealthy people have had forever, and it's your turn to have them. See why on Amazon people are
going nuts. Why it's a five star review. You can buy it on Amazon for 19.95, or you can click the link on
this page and grab a copy for free. I already paid for the book. Yes, I ask you to cover the shipping
and handling. And if that's too much, then maybe you're not ready for that next level of life.

What you need to do right now is click the link on this page, go watch a quick video, get this
book, get the bonuses. Even the shipping and handling is refundable if you don't think it's the
greatest book you've ever read in your life. Go read the reviews at Amazon. This book is on fire. Learn
how I went from living literally in the bathroom of that building right behind me with my dad, to
generating hundreds of millions of dollars using the habits of the wealthy. And now you can get them
in your hands. Click the link on this page before this opportunity goes away.

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3.2 Next-Level Marketing, Persuasion & Sales
All right. Do you see once you have the framework, right? Once you have the framework and
you really go through this over and over, that was two minutes. That was an ad to get people to go to
the page to buy my book. That was one of the best ads I'd ever done. That was responsible for
thousands and thousands and thousands of books. But now that you look through this lens and you
can go back and look at this video a million times, if you want, but did you see... Now if you look
through the lens, did you see how I weaved in a hook? Did you see how I weaved in my story? Did you
see how I weaved in where I cast some doubt, right?

All of the ingredients that I shared over here, beliefs, right? Overcoming their obstacles. I
squeezed it all in two minutes, right? As much as I possibly could. Now, I've been doing this forever.
So if that seems effortless, it's because I have been doing a lot. But I'm watching my brand new
students follow this model and crushing it, if they follow the framework.

There was a purpose to that video. This is ingrained in me because I've been doing HOOK
STORY CLOSE for so many years that I look through it in a different lens and I'm thinking to myself...
Before I took my camera, I jumped out of the car because I knew there were people outside. And like
two minutes later, somebody walked out and said, "Can I help you?" And I was like, "No, I'm out of
here." And I left, right? But I just pulled in the driveway, I literally got my phone and I'm thinking to
myself... That's what I thought. Okay. The house itself is a hook. I just want to... That nasty house, I'd
want to know what that is. That's part of it too. But I said, what can I do to stop people? How can I tell
my story? What makes this different? How can I make a fun call to action? Right? Did you hear me
say bonus two or three times? Did you hear me tell them what to do? You could either go to Amazon
or click the link below. How many times did I say it?

In two minutes, multiple times while I weaved in the story. Did you hear me say if you're
looking for a magical money machine to get rich overnight, it's not this book? Did you hear me say
that? I was casting doubt on people that are telling you you're going to get rich overnight because
that's not what this book is. I also did kind of a takeaway, right? If paying just shipping and handling
is too much for you, then maybe you're not ready for another level of life. Right? Which is true. You're
not going to pay seven bucks to get a hardcover mailed to you? Then go watch your YouTube videos
for free. How's that working for you? That's really what I said without saying it, right?

So that was two minutes long, but you've also watched a two hour webcast live training with
Tony and I. Now, if you ever see that again, you'll notice how to hook. It had all the ingredients in the
story, it had a bridge and it had acall to action with everything we laid out for you guys here in this

I know it's hard to understand, but what you just learned literally took me 25 years to master,
25 years. When people say what's the value of knowledge? It could take you 25 years to learn what I
just taught you. I've failed miserably in between that. You're getting what works.

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3.2 Next-Level Marketing, Persuasion & Sales
Do you know how many videos I've created in my life that didn't work? That flopped because
they didn't have a good hook or didn't have a good story, didn't have a bridge, didn't have a good call
to action? You literally just got 25 years of trial and error in the last hour and a half. And I'm not saying
that for a pat on the back. I'm not saying it for thank you. I'm saying because I hope you value this.
This is not some dream. I'm not a... and neither is Tony, a one hit wonder.

We've been relevant in this business, in this industry for over 65 years between the two of us.
Take this, implement it, use it. Don't stray from it, don't adjust it, don't make up your own version.
Don't think this is a guess. Do what we shared.

Get out there and impact the world, so you can impact your family and create the success
that you deserve, you desire. And that will fuel you in a way to give you that next level purpose. You
just got the ingredients that literally most of the world misses and now you have. I'm so happy that
you're still with us right now.

And for your homework, what I want you to do is I want you to go through the HOOK STORY
CLOSE and write down the elements. What's a hook? What's my origin story? Why this industry?
What are the obstacles? The three internal, the three external. What's social proof that I could
share? How do I cast out? What's a fun bridge? What's the call to action?

Write this out as if you're recording it in a week from now. Do the homework. None of this
has done for you. There's not much more we could do unless I came to your house and sat next to you
and wrote it with you, right? But this is the biggest challenge I have in this section.

What I'd love for you is just write it down, but you only got 48 hours now. I'll never know, but
you got 48 hours to craft a one or two minute message, a condensed version like you just saw mine,
and go back into the Facebook group and do a live or prerecorded video and post it in there. Do it. I
know some of you are like, oh. Do it. Some of you have already done it. I get to see some of your
faces and some of you exhaling. I know some of you are home thinking, but why are you here? To just

Here's how I'm going to encourage you. Don't be addicted to just learning, be addicted to the
uncomfortable action it takes to get the results you want. Learning can make you feel good.
Learning is amazing, but learning without action is just good reading. Just good listening. That's not
what we're here for. All right? We're here for another level. We're here for you to be the best version of

So in this section, think about what you learned. Already you learned about the different
psychology in the first part, but in this part two, you learned the importance of a hook to get people
to stop and listen. You learned how to get people to say, I'm sticking around. You learned how to tell
an origin story so they know why you're qualified and they see their own results in advance. We
learned to go right from there and to overcome the obstacles they're thinking about.

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And then we think about the social proof. So they say, it worked for you or it worked for other
people. We learned how to cast doubt, then we learned how to have a bridge into the call of the
action so we can go there and enthusiastically. And then we learned the principles of a great call to
action to get people to say yes. Now it's your homework to do the work. Go take action, go shoot your
video on the Facebook page and I'll see you in the next section.

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