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10 Most Bizarre Branches of Parapsychology

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Parapsychology is a remarkably broad discipline, and it is difficult to study when the

area itself deals with the unknown potential of the human mind. At this time, there is
no definitive way to prove phenomena like telepathy or telekinesis, and observation
by no means provides unambiguous proof. Here, we will examine 10 of the most
prominent branches of parapsychology. The very nature of so-called psi phenomena
is such that they cover the unknown, and it is only by critical dissection that we can
get to the truth.

1. The Global Consciousness Project

The Global Consciousness Project

(GCP) theorizes that when a world-
changing event occurs, the
thoughts of people around the globe
can influence random number
generators to produce more
coherent, less arbitrary data.
Originating out of similar
experiments undertaken by
Princeton Engineering Anomalies
Research, it aims to chart the
emotional outburst of the global
population when something truly

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epic happens, such as the September 11 attacks in New York City. Critics, however,
say that spikes found in the GCP’s analysis of data during that event does not prove a
causal link. An article by The New York Times, published in 2003, asserted instead
that “the stock market seems a more reliable gauge of the national – if not the global
– emotional resonance.”

2. Auras and their Reading

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The notion of the aura can be found throughout history; taking the form of the halo
in religious art, or the bands of color found on the Buddhist flag – symbolizing the
aura said to have surrounded Buddha upon him reaching Enlightenment. In more
recent times, the various hues apparent in auras have been designated different
qualities. Orange auras occur when the subject is excited, whereas calmer
personalities have a blue aura. And according to some, the auras can be cleansed
using quartz crystals.

Kirlian photography purports to capture auras on film, which, if verifiable, could be

the strongest proof for their existence. However, scientific investigation has found
that everything from the humidity of a room to perspiration may substantially skew
test outcomes.

3. Direct Mental Interaction with Living Systems

The branch of parapsychology known as direct mental interaction with living

systems, or the less unwieldy acronym DMILS, investigates whether simply looking
intently at a person can substantially affect their nervous system by making them
feel agitated or calm. After analyzing parapsychologists’ experiments, in 2004
psychology researchers concluded that there might be something to the notion of
distant intentions and DMILS having some kind of effect, but that there was a lack of
theory behind the phenomenon.

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A related technique was
famously referenced in the
book and movie The Men Who
Stare at Goats, a still from
which is pictured here. The
story tracked the US Army’s
research into killing goats by
simply staring intently at the
animals. Another psychological
strategy featured in the story
included the torture of Iraqi
detainees by playing Barney &
Friends on a loop.

4. Apparitions
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Ghosts have been talked of and recorded for

a very long period of time, immortalized in
cultural texts ranging from Hamlet to spooky
campfire stories; however, often these
specters are proved to be false or hoaxes.
Even the BBC aired a “documentary” that
convinced many viewers of the truth of
apparitions; it was, in fact, entirely staged.

In 2012, eBay banned the sale of paranormal

items in an effort to protect its users,
forfeiting millions of dollars in potential
revenue. Sometimes, people claim to have
captured the essence of a spirit on film – as
in the “Brown Lady” photo from the 1930s,
above – but these apparitions can usually be
explained by camera flashes or double
exposures, among other factors.

5. Reincarnation and Past Lives

Certain cultures and faiths have long held various beliefs

in reincarnation and past existences, and these continue
today as tenets of contemporary Hinduism, Jainism and
Buddhism, and even have some Islamic, Jewish and
Christian followers. The concept of reincarnation was
explored in the early 1900s by psychologist William James,
pictured, at a time when such theories started to be
researched. Skeptics suggest that past lives can be
attributed to false memory syndrome or selective
thinking. And with modern science unable to capture the

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process of reincarnation itself, conclusive answers are again difficult, if not
impossible, to ascertain.

6. Near-Death Experiences

Those who claim to have had near-

death experiences commonly report
phenomena such as seeing themselves
out of their own body, moving through
what seems to be a tunnel, or heading
towards a bright light – as in
Hieronymus Bosch’s painting Ascent of
the Blessed, seen here. Since those who
have died cannot report back, claims
like these are naturally trickier to
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confirm or deny

Some research suggests, however, that

such experiences are in fact the result of
a coping mechanism adopted by the
brain, where additional endorphins are
released. If this is the case, then it is less
a matter of faith than biochemistry.

7. Psychokinesis and Telekinesis

Simply put, this is the alleged

ability of some people to move
objects with their minds. In this
photograph, from 1892, a table
was ostensibly being levitated,
while a researcher (on the right)
checked that there was no
cheating. James Randi, a notable
skeptic and magician, is just one
person who has demonstrated
the very ordinary methods by
which individuals can make
objects appear to move without
physical contact. Indeed, The
James Randi Educational
Foundation offers a $1 million
prize for demonstrable proof of
telekinesis and other
parapsychological phenomena –
a prize that has yet to be

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While many scientists believe that telekinesis would go against the basic laws of
physics, and is therefore by definition impossible, some have postulated that
quantum physics may offer an explanation. That said, in 1987, a broad review by the
United States National Academy of Sciences looked at 13 decades of research and
found that there was no basis for a belief in psychokinesis.

8. Precognition: Seeing the Future

Alleged instances of precognition have

been recorded throughout history.
Tales of seers, diviners and prophets
who could apparently see into the
future are featured in Greek myths, the
Bible, and the stories and accounts of
societies around the world. Some of the
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most famous examples include the

foreshadowing by the three witches in
Macbeth and, outside of fiction, the
prophecies of Nostradamus. The
Society for Psychical Research has
recorded cases of purported
premonitions of future events since the
19th century, and it still attempts to do
so today.

On the other hand, British psychologist David Marks has asserted that any “correct”
predictions of events can be explained through probability theory – that is, that a
linked premonition and the episode’s eventual occurrence is more likely to happen
the longer we observe such matters. Seemingly successful precognitions, Marks
argues, are also more likely to be remembered than the ones that fail.

9. Telepathy and Mind Reading

Telepathy, like remote viewing, is dependent on

the mind and its potential powers – yet it focuses
on the ability to send and receive ideas or
thoughts, rather than “seeing” distant objects and
places. Ganzfeld experiments seek to make the
mind more receptive to this purported
phenomenon by depriving the senses (such as
sight and hearing) while the subject “sends”
information to a chosen recipient. Although
proponents say evidence of telepathy has been
shown, critics maintain that random chance,
ineffective soundproofing and assumptions drawn
from results skew the outcome of studies.

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That said, the electrical effects of the mind can be interpreted through machinery.
Research in 2012 monitored the electromagnetic signals from the brain that were
produced when patients were being spoken to. A computer could then interpret
these patterns into phrases, with the scientists believing that even unspoken
thoughts could one day be “read” through this method.

10. Remote Viewing, Mind Projection and Clairvoyance

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Remote viewing is the alleged ability to perceive an image or item that is obscured
from the viewer’s sight. However, due to lack of positive, verifiable evidence, the
concept has been somewhat discarded by the scientific community owing to a lack
of evidence to back it up. At one time, the US government was even involved in
research into remote viewing as part of the Stargate Project, an attempt to find
military and domestic use for parapsychological abilities. The project was abandoned
in 1995, as an independent review noted that it was “unclear” whether remote
viewing’s existence had been demonstrated.

Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research program sought to pick up where

Stargate left off in 1995, also conducting experiments into remote viewing until its
closure in 2007. University of Maryland physicist Robert L. Park was critical of the
project, saying, “It’s been an embarrassment to science, and I think an
embarrassment for Princeton.”

Source: Google

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