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EI - 68/Durg/23

Date- 13/06/2023


Paryavas Bhawan, North Block, Sector - 19,
Nava Raipur Atal Nagar, District - Raipur (C.G.)
E-mail -

No. 1641/TS/CECB/2023 Nava Raipur Atal Nagar, dated: 13/06/2023

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO),
M/s Steel Authority of India Limited,
Bhilai Steel Plant, Bhilai,
District - Durg (C.G.)

Sub: Permission to establish for Walking Beam Furnace to produce Rail and
Structures – 220 Metric Tonnes/Hour under no increase in pollution load
Ref.: 1. Environmental clearance issued by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and
Climate Change, Government of India vide letter no. J-11011/28/2007-IA -II
(I), dated: 24/05/2019 for revised configuration of 7.0 MTPA modernization-
cum-expansion in the steel plant.
2. Permission to establish issued by Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation
Board, Raipur vide letter no. 8779/TS/CECB/2021 Raipur, dated: 08/01/2021
for the capacity enhancement of the respective units along with the revised
configuration of 7.0 MTPA modernization-cum-expansion project in the
existing steel plant.
3. Consent of the Board issued under section 25 of the Water (Prevention and
Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and under section 21 of the Air (Prevention
and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 vide letter no. 4045/TS/CECB/2022 Nava
Raipur Atal Nagar, dated: 12/09/2022 for the capacity enhancement of the
respective units along with the revised configuration of 7.0 MTPA
modernization–cum-expansion project in the existing steel plant.
4. Renewal of consent under section 25/26 of the Water (Prevention and
Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and under section 21 of the Air (Prevention
and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 issued vide letter no. 1027 Nava Raipur
Atal Nagar, dated: 18/05/2023 for Coke Oven Battery - 3.94 Million Tonnes
Per Year, Blast Furnace - 7.5 Million Tonnes Per Year, Bar & Rod Mill - 0.9
Million Tonnes Per Year, Steel Melting Shop - 7.0 Million Tonnes Per Year,
Refectory Material Plant - 1.58 Million Tonnes Per Year, Sinter Plant - 9.772
Million Tonnes Per Year, Rail & Structure Mill - 2.20 Million Tonnes Per Year,
Power & Blowing Station (1350 TPH steam generation) {TRT Power
generation – 14 MW CDCP power generation – 04 MW} - 94 MW power
generation, Plate Mill (With new quenching and tempering facility) - 1.65
Million Tonnes Per Year, Merchant Mill - 0.85 Million Tonnes Per Year, Wire
Rod Mill - 0.70 Million Tonnes Per Year, Oxygen Plant (3x550 TPD and
1x700 TPD) - 2350 Tonnes Per Day.
5. Notification no. S.O. 980-(E) issued by MoEF&CC, Govt. of India on
02/03/2021 regarding no increase in pollution load.
6. Your online application dated: 07/02/2023 and subsequent correspondence
ending dated: 07/04/2023 (online application no. 11966484).
Without prejudice to the powers of this Board under the Water (Prevention and
Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,
1981 and without reducing your responsibilities under the said Acts and after going
through your proposal for achieving the effluent and gaseous emission standards, it is
to inform you that this Board grants you permission to establish for Walking Beam
Furnace to produce Rail and Structures – 220 Metric Tonnes/Hour under no increase in
pollution load basis at Bhilai Steel Plant, Bhilai, District – Durg (C.G.) subject to
fulfillment of following terms and conditions.
Terms & Conditions: -

1. Industry shall adhere to the stipulations in environmental clearance issued by

the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India
vide letter no. J-11011/28/2007-IA-II (I) dated 24/05/2019 for the revised
configuration of 7.0 MTPA modernization-cum-expansion project in the steel
2. Industry shall provide adequate facility for proper treatment of industrial and
domestic effluent. Industry shall ensure that there is no increase in fresh water
requirement and waste water generation for both industrial and domestic
purposes. Industry shall upgrade/modify the existing effluent treatment system
and shall operate and maintain the effluent treatment system regularly to
achieve prescribed standards. lndustry shall ensure treated effluent quality
within the standards prescribed by Board published in Gazette Notification dated
25.03.88. All the effluent treatment system shall be kept in good running
condition all the time and failure (if any), shall be immediately rectified without
delay otherwise, similar alternate arrangement shall be made. ln the event of
any failure of any pollution control system adopted by the industry, the
respective production unit shall not be restarted until the control measures are
rectified to achieve the desired efficiency. lndustry shall not discharge any
treated/untreated effluent in to the river or any surface water bodies. No effluent
shall be discharged outside of the factory premises in any circumstances; hence
zero discharge condition shall be maintained all the time.
3. Industry shall provide adequate measuring arrangements for the measurement
of water utilized in different categories and effluent generated.
4. Industry shall provide adequate air pollution control arrangements/upgrade the
existing air pollution control equipments at all point and non point sources to
ensure particulate matter emission less than 30 mg/Nm3 all the time. Industry
shall ensure the air pollution control systems running and in good working order
all the time. In case of any failure it shall be immediately rectified or some
alternate arrangements shall be made. Industry shall ensure that after operation
of pellet plant and sponge iron plant with expanded capacity, pollution load shall
not exceed the existing load for which consent / environmental clearance has
been granted. Industry shall operate and maintain the existing pollution control
systems effectively and regularly. Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board
may further stipulate stringent limit depending upon environmental conditions.
5. Industry shall upgrade the existing air pollution control equipments (i.e. increase
no. of field in each ESPs) so as to achieve the particulate emission limit matter
less than 30 mg/Nm3 from all the stacks before commissioning the plant with

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expanded capacity. No additional stack shall be installed for Walking Beam
Furnace to produce Rail and Structures – 220 Metric Tonnes/Hour.
6. The height of stacks shall be as per formulae H=14(Q) 0.3 (Where Q is emission
rate of SO2 in Kg/hr and H is stack height in meters) or as per
notification/guidelines of Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change,
Government of India/Central Pollution Control Board. Industry shall provide
adequate monitoring arrangements with easy ladders in all the stacks.
7. Industry shall provide appropriate dust suppression/dust extraction system / bag
filters at all fugitive dust emission sources such as loading /unloading handling
section, conveying system, transfer points/junction points, stock house etc. All
conveyor belt, all transfer points, all junction points etc. shall be covered to avoid
fugitive emission.
8. Industry shall install and commission Continuous Emission Monitoring System -
CEMS (as per CPCB guidelines for relevant parameters) in all the stacks and
shall be connected with CECB/CPCB server. Calibration and validation of data
shall be carried out of all CEMS / CAAQMS and industry shall ensure availability
of real time data in CECB / CPCB server.
9. Industry shall maintain fugitive dust emissions to the minimum level in the areas
of road transportation route of raw materials and solid wastes to ensure
prescribed ambient air quality standards including black topping/
asphalting/concreting and maintenance with requisite water sprinkling
arrangements. Vehicular emissions shall be kept under control and regularly
monitored. Industry shall ensure transportation of raw materials, dust generating
products, solid wastes by properly covered vehicles. Industry shall also ensure
use of mechanically covered vehicles by 12/07/2023 for transportation of raw
materials and solid waste.
10. Industry shall install separate electric metering arrangement with time totalizer
for the running of pollution control device(s). This arrangement shall be made in
such a fashion that any non-functioning of pollution control device(s) shall
immediately stop the production/raw material supply and shall remain tripped till
the pollution control device/devices are made functional again/ rectified to
achieve the desired efficiency. The record of power & chemical consumption for
running the pollution control equipments shall be submitted to Board every
month. A separate logbook shall be maintained for this.
11. All raw materials, coal and products / by-products shall be stored above ground
level in pucca platform in covered areas. The solid wastes shall be temporarily
stored above ground level in pucca platform in covered areas for smaller period
only. Industry shall take effective steps for safe and scientific disposal of solid
wastes and sludge. Adequate arrangements shall be provided for proper
storage, handling, transportation and disposal etc. of all solid wastes generated
to avoid any fugitive emission. The low-lying area shall be filled in such a way
that reclaimed level of the land shall not be higher than natural (original) ground
level of that area. Filled area shall be properly compacted & leveled up to natural
ground level covering with soil and plantation without delay.
12. Wide green belt of broad leaf local species shall be developed in at least 33% of
the project area. As far as possible maximum area of open spaces shall be
utilized for plantation purposes.
13. Effective steps shall be taken for safe and scientific handling, storage,
transportation and disposal of solid wastes and sludge. Used/spent oil shall be
sold to authorized recyclers. Industry shall obtain letter of authorization under
Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement)
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Rules, 2016 (as amended up to date) from the Board. Industry shall ensure
transportation of Hazardous Wastes through GPS mounted vehicles.
14. Industry shall provide proper arrangement to control the noise pollution. Industry
shall install appropriate noise barriers/control measures including acoustic
hoods, silencers, enclosures etc. on all sources of noise generation to control
the noise. The noise level shall not exceed the limit 75 dB(A) during the day time
and 70 dB(A) during the night time within the plant premises. Adequate
measures shall be taken for control of noise levels below 85 dB(A) in the work
15. All the internal roads shall be made pucca. Industry shall adopt good housing
keeping practice in the plant premises.
16. Garland drains with appropriate check dams shall be provided all along the raw
material, fuel, solid wastes temporary storage areas to avoid any possibility of
erosion during rain. Sump capacity shall also provide adequate retention period
to allow proper settling of silt material. Sedimentation pits shall be constructed at
the corners of the garland drains. The surface run-off shall be de-silted through a
series of check dams and drains of adequate size before the use. Storm water
flowing over plant premises shall not be allowed to join near by nallah or any
river. The treated storm water shall be used either in process or for land
17. Industry shall adopt rainwater-harvesting technique in the project area and
residential area (if any) for recharge of ground water. Industry shall
develop/increase rainwater-harvesting structures to harvest the rainwater for
utilization in the lean season as well as to recharge the ground water table.
18. Industry shall establish an environmental management cell to carryout function
relating to environmental management under the supervision of senior executive
who will directly report to the head of organization.
19. Industry shall obtain statutory clearances/licenses/permissions from concerned
Central Government/State Government Departments, Boards, Bodies and
Corporations etc. Industry shall follow direction issued by Central Government/
State Government, Central Pollution Control Board/Chhattisgarh Environment
Conservation Board from time to time regarding control of water & air pollution
and for environmental conservation.
20. Necessary funds shall be provided for implementation of the above conditions,
conditions to be incorporated in the 'consent to operate' of the Board, for
environmental safeguards. The funds earmarked for the environmental
protection measures shall not be diverted for other purpose.
21. The issuance of 'consent to establish' of the Board does not convey any property
rights in either real or personal property, or any exclusive privileges, nor does it
authorize any injury to private property or any invasion of personal rights, nor
any infringement of Central, State or local laws or regulations.
22. This permission to establish shall be valid for the period of five years effective
from the date of issue of this letter. This permission to establish shall be treated
as cancelled in case; no construction activity has been started on the site
regarding establishment of the project during this period. Chhattisgarh
Environment Conservation Board reserves the right to extend the validity period
/ not to extend the validity period/ cancel /withdraw the permission to establish of

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the project, based on the construction activities carried out on the site regarding
establishment of the project.
23. Any change in production capacity, process, raw materials used etc. shall be
intimated to the Board. For any enhancement of the above prior permission of
the Board shall be obtained.
24. Board reserves the right to amend/cancel any of the above conditions, stringent
the emission/effluent limits stipulated above and add new conditions as and
when deemed necessary in the interest of environmental protection, change in
the project profile or non-satisfactory implementation of the stipulated conditions
The consent (for operation) as required under the Water (Prevention & Control of
Pollution) Act, 1974 and Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 shall be
granted after fulfillment of all the conditions mentioned above. For this purpose you
shall have to make an application to this Board in the prescribed proforma at least two
months before the expected date of commissioning of the plant with expanded capacity.
The applicant shall not without valid consent (for operation) of the Board bring into use
any out let for the discharge of effluent and particulate matter/gaseous emission.
For & on behalf of
Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board

Member Secretary
Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board
Nava Raipur Atal Nagar, District - Raipur (C.G.)
Endt. No. 1642/TS/CECB/2023 Nava Raipur Atal Nagar, dated: 13/06/2023
Copy to: -
1. Chief Engineer (Commercial), Chhattisgarh State Power Distribution
Company Limited, Durg for information and necessary action please. The
power supply to the unit shall be released only after submission of the copy
of "Consent to Operate" issued by Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation
Board, Raipur.
2. Regional Officer, Regional Office, Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation
Board, Bhilai-Durg (C.G.). Please ensure compliance and report, if any
condition/conditions are violated by the industry.

Member Secretary
Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board
Nava Raipur Atal Nagar, District - Raipur (C.G.)
Signature Not Verified

Digitally Signed by :R P Tiwari


Date: 2023.06.15 16:04:37 IST

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