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Journal of Sedimentary Research, 2007, v.

77, 693–701
Research Article
DOI: 10.2110/jsr.2007.072



Department of Geology & Petroleum Geology, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB24 3UE, Scotland, U.K.

ABSTRACT: We propose that the so-called ‘‘terminal fan’’ facies model should be abandoned since it is flawed on several counts
and it is leading to misunderstanding and poor communication. Rivers in drylands may experience excessive downstream
discharge reduction such that they terminate subaerially rather than reach the sea or a lake. The facies model predicts that the
distal reaches of such rivers form a network of bifurcating distributary channels producing a fan-shaped sediment body, with
downstream thinning and fining of sedimentary units, ending in sand-filled ribbons encased in mud.
Extensive review of modern rivers has failed to turn up convincing examples that fit the model. Rivers in drylands do not
ubiquitously end in fans. Fan-shaped fluvial bodies are common wherever rivers are released from confinement and the
discharge conditions promote frequent avulsion. Channels on such fans generally do not repeatedly bifurcate downstream.
Where they are seen to do so, it can usually be shown they are lacustrine deltas inherited from wetter times. The term
‘‘distributary’’ is being used carelessly and is conveying incorrect understanding of sediment geometry and architecture. The
proposed synonym of ‘‘fluvial distributary systems’’ is unsatisfactory as it perpetuates the same misunderstandings. Reliance on
planform alone in analogue selection is highly risky.
The fluvial fan is a composite sediment body resulting from frequent nodal avulsions in a setting without horizontal
constraints. Channels on fans range in planform as much as any other river. The resultant sedimentary record differs little from
that expected from non-fan fluvial systems except having a regionally radiating orientation when viewed over geological time
scales. Contrary to the implications of the facies model, there is no distinctive ‘‘terminal fan’’ sedimentary succession.

INTRODUCTION that the ‘‘decay down-slope into muddy floodbasins’’ he observed

matched well to the TFM of Friend. This has to have been more by
Friend (1978) brought the concept of a ‘‘terminal fan’’ to the
way of speculation than firm conclusion since he demonstrated neither
widespread attention of the sedimentology community when he invoked
a distributary network of channels nor a radial pattern of paleocurrents.
it to explain features of some ancient fluvial successions that he felt made
them distinctive from many modern river systems, as understood at that His conjectures were based on interpreted indicators of ephemerality in
time. Each of his four examples displays a regional trend of downstream the depositing flows, implying dryland climate, and some similarity of
decreasing sandstone grain size, decreasing thickness of sandstone bodies lithofacies in vertical profile to those described from the Markanda River
(interpreted as decreasing river depth), and increasing proportions of by Parkash et al. (1983). But as a result of these speculations, the
siltstone, small-scale cross-stratification, and flat bedding. Explicitly lithofacies packages Tunbridge described have implicitly become in-
introducing a terminal-fan model (TFM), Friend (1978, p. 539) compared corporated into the model as representative, and Tunbridge (1984) is
these ancient examples to the ‘‘terminal fans’’ described by Mukerji typically cited along with Kelly and Olsen (1993) by those invoking the
(1976) on the Indo-Gangetic Plains, notably that of the Markanda River. TFM for their own studies.
Each of these modern rivers appears today to end in a network of The model was given added impetus by the review paper by Kelly and
distributary channels without reaching the sea or a lake. Both authors Olsen (1993), in which they evolved Friend’s hypothetical morphological
speculated this morphology is the result of discharge losses due to model more fully into one that also predicts lithofacies character (Fig. 1).
a combination of a drier climate at the terminus than in the headwaters This they did through drawing at length on Devonian-age examples,
and a permeable substrate. including those of Tunbridge (1984), by reference again to the Markanda
Subsequent workers have latched onto the TFM as a feature to be River example and the lithofacies described by Parkash et al. (1983), and
expected in arid and semiarid areas (collectively referred to as drylands), by inclusion of another supposed modern analogue, the Gash River in
because of the present-day semiarid climatic setting of the Markanda Sudan as described by Abdullatif (1989).
River, and the inclusion of the supposedly dryland Oligo-Miocene In this latest form of the model (Fig. 1), ‘‘terminal fans’’ are predicted
succession of the Ebro Basin, Spain, as one of Friend’s examples. Parkash to occur where rivers have no outlet and lose their entire discharge due to
et al. (1983) produced some lithofacies descriptions for the Markanda percolation and evapotranspiration (implying dryland conditions).
River example by sampling the topmost sediment over the terminal few Explicit in the model is a network of coeval distributary channels that
kilometers. From a study of Middle Devonian strata exposed along the become more widely distributed but simpler in form (straighter),
northern coast of Devon, SW Britain, Tunbridge (1984, p. 713) thought reflecting down-fan bifurcation. Kelly and Olsen (1993) amplified the

Copyright E 2007, SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) 1527-1404/07/077-693/$03.00


environments, resulting in unsafe paleogeographic and sediment-archi-

tecture reconstructions. Our analysis shows previous workers have failed
to understand fully the causes of fluvial fans and the processes acting on
them. Rock-record interpretations have been put forward with a certainty
that fails to take account of the natural variability and ambiguity of
fluvial systems. These interpretations are model-driven instead of
evidence-led. We conclude the analysis by outlining what we believe to
be the true picture for fluvial fan processes and their sedimentary record.


Two modern examples are usually cited to support the terminal fan
model (TFM) hypothesis, yet neither provides a strong foundation. The
first of these, the terminus of the Markanda River in northern India, was
first invoked by Friend in his 1978 paper, picking up on the first
description of it by Mukerji (1975; 1976). Additional sedimentological
descriptions were provided in 1983 by Parkash and others. The second
analogue is the apparent terminus of the Gash River, in Sudan. An
account of this region was published by Abdullatif (1989), who made
brief comparison to the Markanda River example. This was then picked
up by Kelly and Olsen in their 1993 synthesis paper.

Markanda River
The Markanda River originates in the outer Himalayan ranges (the
Siwalik Ranges), and flows 112 km southwest to terminate subaerially
just past the village of Jalbehpa, in the Kurukshetra district of Haryana
State, India. About 10 km upstream from Jalbehpa the river is about
100 m wide, but it progressively narrows after this point. Flow is highly
variable over the year, with peak rainfall in the summer months, and for
much of the year the river channels are dry.
FIG. 1.— The facies model for terminal fans as proposed by Kelly and Olsen
(1993, modified from their figure 23), but which we recommend should be Whilst the Markanda River terminus is currently in a semiarid setting
abandoned. 1 5 feeder zone; 2 to 4 5 distributary zone; 5 5 basinal zone. (Parkash et al. 1983), its small ‘‘terminal fan’’ is not a primary
phenomenon of such climates but is probably a relic of a wetter time,
such as the mid-Holocene wet monsoonal period, when the Markanda
linkage to drylands by postulating the interbedding distally of wind- was a tributary of a larger river, the Saraswati (Mukerji 1976, p. 202). It
reworked sediments with the alluvium. They included this aspect because can hardly, therefore, be classed as a feature typical of dryland regions, as
in their own Devonian-age examples (e.g., Sadler and Kelly 1993) they is implicit in the synthesis of the TFM by Kelly and Olsen.
had observed eolian deposits sandwiched between alluvial strata. Furthermore, human abstraction of water, cultivation, and channel
Inclusion of the Kelly and Olsen (1993) form of the model in reviews of modification are clearly evident (Parkash et al. 1983, p. 338), so it is
fluvial depositional environments and widely consulted training texts difficult to deconvolve human from natural processes when considering
what produced the present planform. The large degree of impact caused
(e.g., Miall 1996, p. 249; Collinson 1996, p. 82) has given the model
by all of this disturbance is reflected in the absence of any fan feature on
a stature and momentum that implies widespread acceptance. It is our
modern satellite imagery.
experience that interpretations of ‘‘terminal fans’’ are increasingly being
Since Mukerji relied heavily on old maps and aerial photographs,
invoked, both formally in publications and informally by those in
which lack reliable temporal relationship information, there is consider-
industry interpreting the subsurface. It has been suggested (Nichols 1987;
able uncertainty about the claimed distributary nature of the channels
Nichols and Hirst 1998; Nichols and Fisher 2007) that these ‘‘fans’’
(are they truly bifurcating and simultaneously active?). It is also
should be referred to as ‘‘fluvial distributary systems,’’ though that term
important to keep in mind the fairly small scale of the Markanda
would additionally embrace non-terminal alluvial and fluvial fans.
‘‘fan,’’ which is at the most 10.5 km from apex to toe (Mukerji 1976, p.
The aim of this article is to justify our contention that the terminal fan
model should be abandoned. The TFM was a hypothetical model put
In addition to these local uncertainties it must also be remembered that
together by sedimentologists to explain features observed in poorly
the Indo-Gangetic plains have undergone a complex history of incision
correlated rock outcrops. Though intuitively appealing, the evidence is
and aggradation due to climate change (Gibling et al. 2005), compounded
circumstantial. It is telling that geomorphologists do not recognize such
by multifarious tectonic influences. The full implications of these are still
a landform. The model does not stand up to hard scrutiny.
not fully understood. Therefore, the current ‘‘stranded’’ Markanda River
Our view is based on critical reevaluation of the literature, and an terminus is an unreliable analogue for interpreting the rock record,
extensive search for additional modern analogues, using satellite imagery, especially when claimed to form a basis for interpretations of fans ten
maps, literature, fieldwork in the western USA, and involving detailed times as large as this example.
review of 80 fluvial fan landforms (Warwick 2006). We believe Friend’s
interesting speculations have been stretched by others unreasonably far,
Gash River
ignoring even Friend’s own explanations. The model has become like an
urban myth, taking on a life of its own. We will illustrate how it is leading The ephemeral Gash River rises in southern Eritrea, near Asmara.
to poor communication and over-interpretation of past continental After flowing southward, it turns west and forms the border between

Eritrea and Ethiopia along its middle course. It then continues into
northeastern Sudan, turning northwards to pass through the town of
Kassala. In most years, flow along the Gash River terminates in the
region immediately north of Kassala (Fig. 2A), where natural and
human-induced water losses become excessive. Rare major floods may
pass beyond this region to reach and join with the Atbara River, itself an
ephemeral tributary of the Nile. The Gash River has a total course of
about 480 km. At Kassala it is about 100 m wide, but varies locally up to
500 m wide. Flow is usually restricted to the summer months of July to
September, but even then discharge is highly variable. The Kassala region
is in an arid climate, and evaporation losses from the river are high,
though it is still a significant source for irrigation around the town.
The Gash River terminus north of Kassala in Sudan (Fig. 2A) was
described by Abdullatif (1989). As it passes through Kassala, the river is
a typical sandy braided river. It is in this region, within a few hundred
meters of the town, and clearly still within the apex of the ‘‘fan,’’ that
Abdullatif described the river sediments, from a series of sections parallel
to and across the flow. It is important to note that the lithofacies he
observed are typical of the channel fill and migrating bars for many sandy
braided rivers, and are in no way special.
The detailed logs of Abdullatif (1989) actually tell us little to nothing
about sedimentation on the ‘‘fan’’ itself, because of their location and the
small size of the sampled area. It is perhaps surprising, therefore, that so
much is made of this example by Kelly and Olsen (1993). They seem to be
relying mostly on the regional maps and photos, and the superficial
descriptions of the channel network in the introduction to the paper. But
such superficial analysis is, we contend, likely to mislead.
Though about 30 times larger in area, the Gash River ‘‘fan’’ suffers
from limitations similar to those of the terminus of the Markanda River.
A previous permanent connection to the Atbara River, which is nearby to
the west, has long been seen as likely (Whiteman 1971). Records show
that, in exceptional floods, discharge from the Gash still flows into the
Atbara. There is strong evidence, therefore, that this feature is far from
being terminal.
Also in doubt is the apparent ‘‘fan’’ morphology and distributary
character. Striking in planform, and easily seen in satellite and aerial
imagery, is the trellis pattern of the channels (Fig. 2): almost straight
segments of channel diverge westwards at just less than right angles (i.e.,
across the slope); shorter channel segments then flow back down the
slope, at right angles to these first branches. This sort of trellis pattern is
a logical irrigation morphology employed by many ancient civilizations
struggling with marginal water supplies (e.g., Waters and Ravesloot 2001;
Baeteman et al. 2004). Many examples can be seen across North Africa
and the Middle East. All that is needed is to dig a shallow channel away
from the river, with just a slight slope on it, and then at regular intervals
along this channel to breach the downslope bank to allow the water to
spread out and irrigate a large area of crops.
Close-up aerial views (Fig. 2B) show the intimate relationship between
the channels and the agricultural landscaping by humans. Furthermore,
along the east side of the ‘‘fan’’ the Gash River appears to be a single-
thread meandering system rather than having the braided character seen

FIG. 2.—A) Landsat 7 satellite image of the Gash River ‘‘fan’’ to the north of the
town of Kassala in Sudan in 2000, processed such that vegetation is bright green.
B) Closer view of the central part of the ‘‘fan,’’ in which can be seen the strongly
linear and trellis-like pattern of the channels and evidence of agricultural
interference (e.g., the systems of fields bounded by channels near the top of the
image). Clearly visible on the right side of the view is a primary river flowing from
bottom to top—about one-quarter up the view, the river changes from braided to
single-thread and meandering, which runs completely against the TFM predic-
tions. Imagery from NASA Applied Sciences Directorate.

upstream towards Kassala. The possibility cannot be ruled out that there model diagram (Fig. 1), which is consistent with the original description
was a small fluvial fan already here, and that humans merely elaborated by Friend (1978, his figure 6), clearly suggests that the geomorphic sense
on the natural morphology. But with the clearly evident extensive amount was meant. The manner of use by other workers (e.g., Moscariello 2005;
of human interference, going back probably over centuries, and the Nichols and Fisher 2007) suggests they had in mind the looser
mismatching planform of the main channel, combined with the likely sedimentological meaning, or were trying to bracket both senses with
non-terminal origin, this is hardly a reliable analogue with which to a single term (e.g., as in the Distributary Systems grouping of Gibling
construct a generic facies model. Reliance on planform alone in analogue 2006). As we will now show, the differences between these two senses have
selection is fraught with danger. profound implications for understanding the formation of fans and
predicting detailed sediment architecture.
DISTRIBUTARY NETWORK Close inspection of the channel network on fluvial fans shows such
a truly distributary channel system, in the geomorphic rather then the
Received wisdom has it that a branching distributary pattern of sedimentological sense, is the exception rather than the rule. Our survey
channels is the norm on all fluvial fans (e.g., Leier et al. 2005). Indeed, in consistently revealed evidence such as channel crosscutting, desert
a well-regarded training text, Miall (1992) deliberately added this as an varnish, and soils that demonstrate the majority of channels are from
essential character to his definition of alluvial fans, consciously tightening different generations and were never active simultaneously (Fig. 3B). The
up his own definitions from previous publications. The point is repeated superposition of new channels over a pattern of older ones can create the
in his much-referenced textbook on fluvial systems (Miall 1996), so map-view impression of apparent bifurcation (e.g., points X and Y in
further proliferating the idea. That this is still a prevalent concept is Figure 3B). But we recommend that this should not be termed
shown by Moscariello explicitly incorporating this feature into his distributary, even in a looser sedimentological sense, because of the time
definition of fluvial fans (Moscariello 2005, p. 599 and his figure 1), gap between the channel generations, a time gap which can have
though intriguingly, and in contradiction to Miall, he chooses to omit this profound implications for the lithofacies architecture.
from his definition of alluvial fans. Our survey and analysis is consistent with flume studies (e.g., Schumm
We believe this unqualified use of the term distributary is an et al. 1987; Bryant et al. 1995) which show that fluvial fans evolve as
unacceptably loose description of the channel network that derives from a result of multiple channel avulsions (Fig. 3B), not channel bifurcations.
superficial planform appearance, such as from aerial or satellite imagery, This is in marked contrast to the truly bifurcating character of
or uninformed map making. It incorrectly represents causative processes, distributaries of river-dominated deltas (Fig. 3A). The flow of a river
fails to take proper account of the amount of time over which the fan has into a body of water produces a distinctive pattern of channel
been forming, and is not borne out by closer observation. On bifurcations (Olariu and Bhattacharya 2006) that scale directly with the
a topographic map, fan channels commonly do have a radiating form, width and depth of the channel entry point and can be modeled
but maps can be deceptive. Cartographers were not trained to consider accurately from the theory of turbulent jets (Slingerland and Edmonds
age relationships, yet many studies, including those of Mukerji 2006). Reduction in velocity of the river flow, caused by interaction with
instrumental in the early formulation of the terminal-fan model, rely a lake or sea, stimulates deposition of in-channel mouth bars. Eventually,
heavily on old maps. such mouth bars become emergent and the flow splits to either side, so
Geomorphology and Earth Science dictionaries (e.g., Allaby and marking the completion of a bifurcation. This is an entirely different set
Allaby 1999) are consistent in defining distributary as meaning branches of physical processes than the avulsions that build fans. Avulsions on fans
from a trunk stream that distribute the water and sediment load of the are dominantly nodal and focused on the current fan-head trench, though
main channel among many small channels that do not rejoin the trunk local irregularities and external factors can trigger occasional down-fan
conduit (Fig. 3A). A straw poll of geomorphologist contacts produced an avulsion.
unvarying and matching definition. Critical in this definition is flow in all Truly distributary character on fluvial fans, in the geomorphic sense
the branching channels at about the same time, though some branches of coeval flow in multiple branches, is a localized and small-scale
may be inactive if the trunk channel is flowing substantially below phenomenon unrelated to the primary drivers of fan creation. Localized
bankfull discharge. We believe this geomorphic definition is the most distributary behavior that does occur is of two forms. One is where the
relevant one, since it precisely embraces the formative physical processes channels in fact are anabranches of a braid complex or a channel
responsible for sediment dispersal and deposition, and it yields the most network created through avulsion by annexation (Slingerland and
accurate information on resultant sediment architecture. Smith 2004, p. 262). The other is a transitory style representing
Some sedimentologists, on the other hand, take their meaning of the imbalance between form and discharge in the channel that causes flow
term directly from the more literal definitions of the verb distribute in to spill out onto the floodplain, initially as sheetflow but over time
standard English-language dictionaries. They thus use it to refer more evolving its own channel network. These latter cases are analogous in
loosely to the spreading of sediment throughout a space or area over process to small-scale splays on rivers (Bristow et al. 1999; Tooth 2005).
much longer time periods than implied by the tighter geomorphic They scale with the feeder channel, and cannot in themselves be
definition above. It is likely this is why the term was used for fans by considered fluvial fans.
Miall (1992; 1996), Leier et al. (2005), Moscariello (2005), and Nichols Precise use of the term distributary is not merely semantic nit-picking.
and Fisher (2007). In this sense, the term ‘‘distributary’’ is not being used The temporal aspect must not be ignored if we are to understand fully the
to describe the geomorphological channel network over the timescales process-product linkage in fluvial systems. Fans are composite sedimen-
that the rivers locally operate (annual to decadal events), but instead is tary bodies built over substantial time. In a network built by successive
being used to refer to the accumulation of sediment over geological avulsions, it is highly probable that mud will have been deposited over
timescales (centuries to millennia) and at spatial scales larger than an earlier channel sands, when the older channel was in effect part of the
individual channel belt. floodplain of a newer channel. This creates a vertical separation between
Given there are at least two different ways of understanding the generations of channel-belt sand bodies. In the subsurface, fluvial-fan
meaning of the term ‘‘distributary,’’ the more specific geomorphic one channel bodies are much less likely to be laterally connected than some
and a looser sedimentological one, there is a high potential for might understand by the use of the distributary description in the TFM.
misunderstanding when the term is used in an unqualified way. The And finally, a truly distributary network produces a systematic down-
way the channels are shown on the Kelly and Olsen (1993) TFM facies- stream reduction in channel width and depth (Fig. 3A), whereas no


Our review of modern rivers that terminate subaerially did reveal

several apparent contradictions to the conclusion that truly distributary
patterns of channels are not a characteristic of fluvial fans. But here again
planform appearance can be misleading. For every case we could
investigate, across a wide range of scales, there is strong evidence to show
that these fan-shaped features are intimately related to previous lake
highstands (e.g., Fig. 4). The occurrence nearby of playa-type environ-
ments immediately throws up suspicion. The clinching evidence is usually
the fan crossing abandoned lake shoreline features such as beach ridges
(e.g., Adams and Wesnousky 1998). In other cases, fan sediments are
intimately interbedded with extensive lacustrine mud, as is the case for the
terminus of the Neales River to the west of Lake Eyre, Australia (Lang et
al. 2004).
In other words, such cases were initiated as lacustrine deltas, and have
retained (inherited) their form from a previously wetter period, though
there may now be no lake at all. In drylands especially, annual discharge
is low and floods infrequent, so it takes a long time for a river to reform
such a delta, and it may not do so before the climate again turns wetter.
The result is deltas marooned in totally subaerial settings.
Misunderstanding of the differences in process between fluvial fans and
lacustrine deltas is disturbing, as is failure to take account of form
inheritance, whereby an observed geomorphic feature was created under
different conditions than prevail today. Together, these are leading to
interpretations being published for the rock record that include such
oxymorons as ‘‘lake plain terminal fans’’ (Pusca 2003) and ‘‘lacustrine
terminal fan’’ (Abbate et al. 1991), both of which are most likely
lacustrine deltas, not fluvial fans. Correct recognition of these features as
lake deltas provides significant insight into past lake levels and
hydrological conditions, and hence paleoclimate. But no such significance
can (should) be read into them if they are sub-aerial fluvial fans as
implicit in the TFM, since the presence of a lake was not required for their


There are many well-documented examples of rivers in drylands which

FIG. 3.—The distinction between A) truly distributary channels which are active
simultaneously (the geomorphic definition), and B) a radiating set of channels
demonstrate that natural water losses due to infiltration and evapotrans-
produced by successive nodal avulsions, but in which generally only one channel is piration can be so large that all discharge is lost before the river intersects
active at any one time (T1 then T2 then T3). The former (A) produces a systematic another environment such as the sea or a permanent lake. This is
downstream reduction in channel depth and width, because discharge is divided, common for ephemeral streams with small catchments fed mainly by local
and thus reduced, between channels at each bifurcation. No such systematic convective storms. It is also a feature of many much larger river systems
variation is to be expected from an avulsing channel system (B). Apparent channel fed by seasonal or cyclonic precipitation, such as Cooper Creek in
bifurcations appear at the points of avulsion such as that labeled X, and at
locations such as Y caused by the superposition of a channel over an older one.
Australia (Knighton and Nanson 1994) and the Okavango in Botswana
Both such cases might be mistaken for the true (contemporary) bifurcation of (Stanistreet et al. 1993; Stanistreet and McCarthy 1993).
distributary channels. Multiple occurrence of crossovers such as point Y would But contrary to the impression some seem to have taken from the
also lead to the false impression of an anabranching channel pattern. TFM, fans are not the omnipresent morphology for such subaerial, non-
deltaic river termination. The exact morphology is much more variable
than the TFM predicts, because of the dramatic effect even subtle local
systematic downstream trend should be expected from an avulsing controls may have in drylands.
channel system on a fan (Fig. 3B). On the Northern Plains of Australia, rivers carrying dominantly sand
If our analysis is accurate, then a central tenet of the original TFM— bedload may be relatively wide and shallow, almost braided, or become
a distributary breakdown of channels (Mukerji 1976 p.191; fig. 6 of Friend narrow, straight, and split into parallel anabranches where bank-lining
1978)—is unsustainable, so undermining the entire TFM concept. This also vegetation stimulated by groundwater or local tributary input makes
makes invalid use of the synonym ‘‘fluvial distributary systems’’ proposed banks stronger (Tooth 2000; Tooth and Nanson 2004). Both types may
by Nichols and co-workers (e.g., Nichols and Fisher 2007). To avoid lose definition downstream and transition rapidly through splays into
misunderstanding in future when referring to fluvial fans, we strongly sheetflow (a ‘‘floodout’’) that scales in width directly to the source
recommend that use of the term distributary should either be heavily channel (Tooth 2005). Neither type produce anything resembling a fluvial
qualified, to indicate the tighter geomorphic or the looser sedimentological fan.
senses, or avoided completely and replaced with terms that communicate Conversely, in the western USA, the very low gradient of streams
the intended meaning more precisely. Surely it is in the interests of all of us terminating on old lake floors means that they are prone to frequent
for geomorphologists and sedimentologists to use terms in a like and avulsion, so they do form fluvial fans. These evolve not from deposition
consistent manner, since these disciplines significantly overlap? from straight channels, as stated in the TFM, but from avulsive switching

Locally, a fluvial fan may be present at what appears to be the present

limit of a dryland river, but detailed investigation shows it was not the
terminus of that river when the fan formed. In drylands, fans are common
at tributary junctions, sometimes even blocking the main channel, when
the flow in a tributary is out of phase with the trunk river (Hooke and
Mant 2001, p. 180; Meyer et al. 2001; Florsheim 2004). These are
tributary-junction fans, well known to geomorphologists but seemingly
ignored by sedimentologists working the rock record. Avulsion of the
trunk above the junction and increasing aridity may leave such fans
stranded in the landscape as apparently terminal features, which may
explain the Markanda River fan.
The situation is made even more complex because it is common for
flood discharge in drylands to be insufficiently large, compared to the
transmission losses, for the flow always to reach the same place in the
system. Especially for larger dryland rivers, floods may terminate at many
different positions and only rarely reach the most distal locations. This is
the case for Cooper Creek, Australia, where it is only the largest and
infrequent floods that lead to flow downstream of Innamincka, which
itself is still several hundred kilometers from the ultimate terminus at
Lake Eyre. When water discharge is dramatically reduced, then sediment
is deposited. What looks on maps and imagery as the apparent terminus
of a river is in practice only one of several places along the system that
‘‘terminal’’ depositional features are present. The most distal feature is
the result of just the largest flows, which may be very infrequent. As
a result, the lower reaches of dryland rivers commonly display
geomorphic evidence of disequilibrium (Bourke and Pickup 1999; Tooth
and Nanson 2000), so it is highly unlikely they would produce a simple or
characteristic sedimentological signature of the kind portrayed in the


One of the most worrying aspects of the TFM is that implicit in the
model is a presumption that there is a distinctive lithofacies suite that is
diagnostic of ‘‘terminal fans.’’ In fact nothing has been proved but a lot
has been assumed. The huge diversity of lithofacies types and scales in
Friend’s (1978) original four examples is completely ignored. Instead,
a facies pattern-matching approach is commonly taken, usually to the
descriptions from Parkash et al. (1983) of the uppermost meter or so of
the Markanda River ‘‘fan,’’ or to Tunbridge (1984), who himself had
drawn a comparison to Parkash et al. (1983). The outcome is that
a terminal fan may be interpreted (e.g., Davila and Astini 2003) solely due
to superficial similarity to the thin-bedded and heterolithic successions
described by Tunbridge (1984), even when both the area under
investigation and Tunbridge’s analogue show clearly nonradial paleoflow
FIG. 4.— An example of geomorphic distributary channel character that indicators.
originated as a lacustrine delta but which is now entirely subaerial: the terminus In the time since Parkash et al. and Tunbridge published their studies,
of the Ruo Shui, which is at the western end of Inner Mongolia, in a Landsat 7 many more detailed accounts of the sedimentology of sandy braided
satellite image circa 2000. The image processing causes vegetation to appear bright
green, damp playa surfaces appear light blue, lakes appear dark blue to black. A)
rivers have appeared. It should now be evident to all that the lithofacies
This close-up view shows, at the left, the east end of the dry playa lake called originally attributed to ‘‘terminal fans’’ can be found in the channels or
Gaxun Nur (101u E, 42u N), with multiple abandoned shorelines, and in the lower on the floodplains of many rivers, in a wide range of climatic settings. The
right corner, picked out by vegetation, a distributary river termination. B) This lithofacies observed in all cases cited to support the TFM possess no
shows the context of the example, with the lacustrine delta (in white box) occurring features which could not equally be produced by a non-fan dryland river,
at the toe of the immense fluvial fan of the Ruo Shui, which displays classic nodal especially braided and ephemeral ones, as a perusal of any major fluvial
avulsion and many abandoned braid channels.
review such as Miall (1996) would quickly show. For example, there is
striking similarity between these descriptions and the lithofacies described
in the frequently referenced article by McKee et al. (1967) from the valley
of highly sinuous, progressively narrower and shallower channels, often of the modern Bijou Creek, in Colorado, USA, yet this stream is neither
eroded into and filled by mud (Warwick 2006). These examples lack at its terminus nor is it part of a fan.
obvious splay landforms of the type seen in northern Australia. Flow Although not always stated explicitly, the argument in favor of a TFM
does extend beyond the channels as sheetflow, but by this point it is interpretation seems to hinge solely on downstream fining and thinning
usually carrying so little bedload sediment that no discrete depositional (e.g., Kelly and Olsen 1993, p. 360), sometimes coupled to interbedding
body results. with indicators of ephemerality such as evaporites (Ciner et al. 2002), or

sometimes just a general ‘‘distal’’ nature such as thinly interbedded clay thinking. Fluvial fans occur in all climates, not just drylands. In drylands,
and mud (Pérez-López 1996). Parkash et al. claim to have detected in ‘‘the fluvial fans are not mandatory at river terminations.
lowermost sandy bed’’ of their sections a downstream fining of about one Provided sufficient horizontal space is available, fluvial fans can form
phi unit in grain size (Parkash et al. 1983, p. 343 and their figure 10). But anywhere along the course of a river where two criteria are met: release
closer inspection of the data suggests this may be over-interpretation of from confinement, together with discharge or environment conditions
the available information. The trend is not obvious in the vertical section that promote avulsion. The same river may have more than one fluvial
as a whole (Parkash et al. 1983, their figure 3). The downstream end is fan along its course. Large fluvial fans are common wherever there is
constrained by few data points, which probably accounts for the standard strong seasonality to the river discharge, because of the instability of
deviation of 0.8 phi units in this region. It would be difficult to be sure if channels subject to large fluctuations in discharge (Leier et al. 2005).
the sampled bed, which varies in depth below the surface, is from Drylands also experience wide fluctuations in discharge (McMahon et al.
a channel or an overbank context, and the channel sands are typically one 1987), so it is not surprising fans are common there. Friend (1978, p. 541)
phi unit coarser grained than the overbank deposits (Parkash et al. 1983, suggested that a major reason his stratigraphically thick examples differ
their figs. 8 and 9). Downstream fining is, in any case, a well-known from many Quaternary fluvial successions is that they formed ‘‘under
fluvial phenomenon, and channel thinning is also now being recognized orogenic conditions.’’ Avulsion frequency is a function of sedimentation
as a feature of some humid-region river systems (Makaske et al. 2007; rate (Bryant et al. 1995), which increases towards orogenic belts.
Gouw and Berendsen 2007). Nothing in this kind of evidence leads Avulsion is also encouraged by shallow gradients and in-channel
conclusively to even a fan origin, let alone the special case of the TFM, deposition triggered by discharge loss (Jones and Schumm 1999).
yet from comparison to this example paleogeography is being recon- Wherever avulsion frequency is increased there is increased likelihood
structed including radiating fans. of a fluvial fan developing, provided there is sufficient lateral space
Such model-driven interpretation ignores the trap of convergence available to fit it in.
(Schumm 1991, p. 58) whereby the same outcome (lithofacies) can be The sedimentary record left by fluvial fans depends primarily on the
produced by completely different sets of processes. The TFM is an behavior of the rivers crossing the fan. Rivers do not leave distinctive
inductive model arrived at through reductivist argument from a severely deposits just because they are traversing a fan. Fluvial fans display rivers
limited database. of all planform types, and planform varies both downstream and with
time, as well shown by the Kosi River fan (Wells and Dorr 1987). Rivers
SCALE in drylands may terminate in a fluvial fan, if the conditions are
appropriate, but even where they do the lithofacies record will be little
Another aspect that concerns us is the pick-and-mix approach taken to different from a non-fan river in the same climatic and tectonic setting.
scale. Generally overlooked is the admission from Friend (1978, p. 533)
that it is not possible to correlate between outcrops for each of his CONCLUSIONS
examples, meaning that the model is a deduction not an observation. A
great deal is being argued solely from large-scale regional trends in thick The terminal-fan model (TFM) is a hypothetical model created by
successions without being able to tell if the sediments are from single or sedimentologists for a depositional sedimentary environment not
multiple drainages. recognized in the modern day by geomorphologists. The limited modern
To build their hypothetical model (Fig.1), Kelly and Olsen (1993, p. analogues used to support the TFM are at best equivocal, and provide
342–344) used the limited available lithofacies descriptions of the topmost poor support for a generic facies model. The concept implicit in the model
few meters of the 10-km-scale Markanda and Gash rivers fan-shaped of widespread coeval distributary channels is erroneous and is leading to
features, convolved with descriptions of ephemeral stream alluvium from confusion about sandstone connectivity and geometry. The model
several non-fan cases (McKee et al. 1967; Williams 1970; Langford 1989). predicts down-fan systematic decrease in channel width and depth, with
They then applied this model to interpretation of disjointed rock-record connection between all the anabranches. The reality is that there is no
examples 100 km in lateral extent and many tens to hundreds of meters systematic variation in channel dimensions: they may even increase down-
thick, to show they also were terminal fans and thus build support for the fan. Different channel generations may not act as connected subsurface
model. fluid-flow pathways, there is a high potential for mud to occur between
This hypothesis construction relies on dramatic extrapolations of scale. channel bodies, and a channel may not be linked laterally to any other
For the Markanda case, the lithofacies descriptions record only the top , channel. Unqualified use of the term distributary is resulting in
2 m of sediment over a , 10 km traverse (Parkash et al. 1983). Kelly and misunderstanding because of different uses by the geomorphological
Olsen (1993, p. 344) claim that the Gash River case (Fig. 2) reveals the and sedimentological communities. The proposed synonym of ‘‘fluvial
lithofacies of the distributary zone of the TFM (Fig. 1), but this is not so distributary systems’’ is unsatisfactory because it perpetuates the same
in our view, as explained above. Although some Gash River sections were misunderstandings.
as much as 3 m thick, all were taken in an area , 400 m across within the Inheritance of geomorphic form and the impact of climate change have
main channel feeding the fan (Fig. 2) in a location upstream from where been ignored. Relict lacustrine deltas, influenced by non-fluvial processes
the supposed distributary-channel-network system starts (Abdullatif and producing distinctly different sedimentary products, are being mistaken
1989, his figures 3 and 7). The lithofacies at the apex of the fan can for purely alluvial, subaerial settings. Scale has been overlooked in a cavalier
hardly be considered conclusively representative of the main body of the fashion. Disconnected outcrops have been used to support the model
‘‘fan’’ many tens of kilometers away. without taking into account whether the deposits are the result of a single
river or multiple rivers, which is similar to the problem of telling apart a single
alluvial fan from a fan bajada. Where fan-shaped sediment bodies do occur,
the processes and products are no different to any other fluvial fan in that
Disturbing evidence that the TFM is creating misunderstanding and climatic setting, and such fans are not exclusive to dryland regions, nor are
unsound interpretation is the tendency for workers to argue that terminal they always terminal. There is no diagnostic assemblage of lithofacies.
fans must be present because the climate was arid to semiarid (e.g., Davila We strongly recommend that the TFM should be abandoned.
and Astini 2003). This clearly demonstrates the need to abandon the Superficial analysis of present-day planform without incorporating
model and pattern-matching analysis in favor of careful process-based temporal relationships can be highly misleading, a point we urgently

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Shell, and Total. We thank Stephen Tooth for helpful criticism of an earlier a global perspective, in Solomon, S.I., Beran, M., and Hogg, W., eds., The Influence
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Fordham, Adrian Hartley, Carmen Krapf, Simon Lang, and Gerald Nanson Resources: Wallingford, England, International Association of Hydrological Sciences,
Publication 168, p. 3–12.
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