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THIS AGREEMENT OF LEASE is made executed at Chennai on this

_____ day of ______


________________________________hereinafter called the “Lessor”,

which term shall wherever the context so permits or requires, mean
and include the said Lessor, his heirs, his legal representatives,
administrators, assigns and person and persons claiming through,
under or in trust for him of the PARTY OF THE FIRST PART


_____________________________________hereinafter called "LESSEE"

which term shall wherever the context so admits will mean and include
his legal heirs, assigns, administrators and authorized representatives
assigns and person and persons claiming through, under or in trust for

WHEREAS the ‘LESSOR’ is the absolute owner of Residential Flat

_____________________________more fully described in the schedule
mentioned hereunder and herein after referred to as “LEASED

Whereas, the LESSOR has made an offer to lease the same premises as
agreed between the Parties herein that in consideration on payment of
a sum of ____________________per month excluding electricity
charges, taxes, surcharges, commencing from 01.05.2024.

The LESSEE covenants with the LESSOR as follows:

The lessee shall use the Scheduled Premises strictly for the sole
purposes of residence, or for any other purpose which is connected to
Residential purpose only and maintain the said Scheduled Premises in
good and proper condition.

1. This Lease is granted to the Lessee for a period of Eleven

Months only from ______ till ______
2. This Lessee shall pay to the Lessor a total sum of _______(Rupees
Eighteen Thousand Four Hundred Only) per month, in respect
of the Scheduled Premises on or before the 10th day of each
succeeding English Calendar Month.
3. The Lessee shall pay the electricity consumption charges as per
the meter reading directly to the M.E.S till he vacates and hands
over the possession of the Scheduled Premises to the Lessor and
he shall pay other charges to the relevant authorities and
association promptly.
4. The lessee has paid to the Lessor Security Deposit of a total sum
of _____________ has already been transferred to the Lessors
Account, by NEFT to the account number _________Regards for
the period of 2 months for due performance of the terms and
conditions contained herein and the said security deposit shall be
repaid to the Lessee without any interest only after the Lessee
vacates and delivers the vacant possession of the Scheduled
Premises to the Lessor together with all the amenities, fittings,
fixtures, electrical fittings etc., provided to the Lessee. The Lessee
shall not claim refund of the said security deposit from the lessor
under any circumstances and for any reason of any kind
whatsoever till he vacates and hands over the vacant possession
of the Scheduled Premises to the Lessor.
5. Possession of the Scheduled premises is recoverable without
recourse to law and courts. And that the points not covered in
this Lease Agreement, the existing laws with Jurisdiction at
Chennai shall be applicable.
6. No right is created in favor of the Lessee in respect of the
Scheduled Premises or any portion thereof.
7. The Lease in respect of the Scheduled Premises shall be renewed
in favor of the Lessee solely and only at the option of the Lessor.
8. The Lease is terminable on giving two months notice by the
Lessor to the Lessee and on such termination, the Lessee shall
vacate and handover the vacant possession of the Scheduled
Premises to the Lessor.
9. That the Lessee shall not store/Keep any offensive, dangerous,
explosive or highly inflammable articles in the said Scheduled
premises and shall not use the same for any unlawful activities.
10. The Lessee shall not carry out any alteration/modification in the
Scheduled Premises of any kind whatsoever, without the prior
written consent of the Lessor and in any event without
damaging the walls, flooring and ceiling of the Scheduled
Premises and or any part thereof.
11. The Lessee at his option may not carry out at its own any
alterations in the Scheduled Premises without the permission of
the Lessor.
12. The Lessee will have to allow the Lessor or his authorized agent
to enter into the Scheduled Premises for its inspection or general
checking for any repair work, if needed.
13. The Lessee shall keep the Scheduled Premises clean and shall
not involve in any activity that causes problems to its neighbours.
14. The Lessee shall follow and abide by all the terms and conditions
contained herein and in case if he fails to follow and abide by the
same, the Lessee shall become liable to vacate and deliver the
vacant possession of the Scheduled Promises to the Lessor
forthwith irrespective of the period of Lease mentioned herein
above and the Lessor shall. Be empowered to enter upon the
Scheduled Premises and take possession of the same without any
recourse to court of law.
15. The Lessor is entitled to recover the cost of damages caused to the
Scheduled Premises by the Lessee in case of poor maintenance
from and out of the Security Deposit paid by the Lessee.
16. That the Tenant /Lessee shall not sub-let any part of the above said
premises to anyone else under any circumstances without the
consent of Owner.
17. That both the parties, Lessor and Lessee, have read and
understood this agreement and have agreed to sign the same
without any pressure from any side.
18. This Lease Agreement is made in Two Copies, One each for Lessor
and Lessee.


LESSEE have set their hand and seal to this DEED on this the day
and year specified hereinabove.




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