LCS Mod 5 Q & A

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Nichols chart

Q. What is log magnitude vs. phase plot? What is its advantage? Jan 2024

Q. What is Nichol's chart? What is its significance? Jan 2024

Q. Explain the significance of Nichols chart. June 2022

Q. What is a log magnitude Vs phase plot? June 2022

Q. Explain the importance of Nichols chart. June 2023

A Nichols chart is a graph used in control design and signal processing to determine the stability and closed-loop frequency
response of a feedback system. It is a special type of magnitude-phase angle plot that shows curves of constant closed-loop
gain and open-loop gain.
Nichols chart

•Visual representation: The chart shows how gain and phase combinations affect stability
•Stability determination: It's easier to determine stability for unstable open loop plants and nonminimum phase plants than with a
Bode plot
•Closed-loop response: It can determine closed-loop response from open-loop measurements
•Gain and phase margins: It can graphically determine gain and phase margins, which helps adjust the system's gain
•Closed-loop frequency response: It can obtain closed-loop frequency response from open-loop frequency response
•Frequency domain specifications: It can determine frequency domain specifications

•Log Magnitude Vs Phase plot

A log-magnitude-versus-phase plot is a graph that shows the frequency-response characteristics of a system by plotting the
logarithmic magnitude in decibels against the phase angle for a given frequency range. It can be used to quickly determine the
relative stability of a closed-loop system and to work out compensation.
Nyquist Plot

Q. State and explain Nyquist stability criteria. Jan 2024

Q. The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by 𝑠 𝑠+2 𝑠+10
Draw the Nyquist plot of the
system. Determine the phase cross-over frequency and comment on the stability of the system. (10)Jan 2024

Q. State and explain Nyquist stability criterion. June 2022

Q. The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by𝐺 𝑠 𝐻 𝑠 = 𝑠 Draw the Nyquist
𝑠+1 𝑠+2
plot and comment about the stability of the system. June 2022

Q. State and explain Nyquist Stability Criterion. May 2023

Q. Draw the Nyquist plot for the system whose open loop transfer function is 𝐺 𝑠 = 𝑠 Determine the
𝑠+2 𝑠+10
range of K for which the system is stable May 2023
Nyquist Plot

Q. Explain Nyquist Stability Criterion. What are it applications. Jan 2022

Q. Given open loop system G(s)=1/(s(s+1)), analyze the closed loop stability using Nyquist stability criteria.
Jan 2022

Q. State the Nyquist criterion. What does the Nyquist criterion tell us? June 2023

Q. Draw Nyquist plot for the system whose open loop transfer function is 𝐺(𝑠) = Determine the number
𝑠 𝑠+1 2+𝑠
of right-hand side poles of the system and assess the stability. June 2023

Q. Compare the Nyquist plots of (i) 𝐺 𝑠 = 𝑠𝑇 +1 𝑖𝑖. 𝐺 𝑠 = 𝑠(𝑠𝑇 +1) iii. 𝐺 𝑠 = 𝑠2 (𝑠𝑇 +1) and comment about
1 1 1
stability of the system. June 2023
Nyquist Plot

Nyquist stability criterion states the number of encirclements about the critical point (1+j0) must be equal to the poles
of characteristic equation, which is nothing but the poles of the open loop transfer function in the right half of the 's'
The Nyquist stability criterion is a graphical technique that determines the stability of a dynamical system, such as a
feedback control system. It is based on the argument principle and the Nyquist plot of the open-loop transfer
function of the system.

Q. The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by, 𝐺 𝑠 = 𝑠 Design a suitable lag
compensator so that phase margin is 40°and steady state error for ramp input is less than or equal to 0.25. Jan 2024

Q.Explain the general steps involved in the design of lead compensator using bode plot.
Q. Design a phase lead compensator for a unity fee bac system given by the open loop transfer function 𝐺 𝑠 = 𝑠 𝑠+2
To meet the following specifications June 2022
(i) phase margin of the system > 40 deg (ii) velocity error constant is 15/sec

Q.Write procedure for designing a lead compensator design using Bode plot May 2023

Q.A unity feedback system has an open loop transfer function 𝐺 𝑠 = 𝑠 Design a suitable lag compensator so
that phase margin is 45 degree and velocity error constant is 5. May 2023

Q.Design a suitable compensator for the unity feedback system with transfer function G(s)=1/(s(s+1)) to satisfy the
following specifications so that the gain cross over frequency is approximately I rad/s. Velocity error constant at least
IOS-I. Phase margin greater than 400. July 2022

Q. Explain the design constrains on the selection of corner frequencies of lag compensator. June 2023

Q. Explain the steps involved in the design of lead compensator using bode plot. June 2023

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