Survey KIM

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Survey: The Impact of Board Games on Knowledge, Enjoyment, and Preferences

Demographic Questions (Optional)

- Age:

- Gender:

- Occupation:

- Highest level of education completed:

1. How strongly do you agree with the statement: "Board games help to enhance knowledge and

- Strongly Agree

- Agree

- Neutral

- Disagree

- Strongly Disagree

2. In your experience, which types of knowledge do you feel are most enhanced by playing board
games? (Select all that apply)

- General knowledge

- Vocabulary and language skills

- Mathematical skills

- Strategic thinking and problem-solving

- Historical knowledge

- Other (please specify)

3. Do you find board games to be an enjoyable activity?

- Always

- Often

- Sometimes

- Rarely

- Never
4. How often do you play board games as a way to relieve stress?

- Very often

- Often

- Sometimes

- Rarely

- Never

5. On a scale of 1 to 5, how effective are board games in helping you to relax and reduce stress? (1 being
not effective at all, 5 being extremely effective)






6. Do you believe that board games can serve as a tool to assess your prior knowledge on certain

- Yes

- No

- Not sure

7. Have board games ever increased your interest in an academic subject?

- Yes

- No

8. If yes, which academic subjects have you become more interested in due to playing board games?
(Select all that apply)

- Mathematics

- Science

- History

- Language Arts

- Geography

- Other (please specify)

9. How do you generally prefer to spend your leisure time?

- Playing board games

- Playing online games

- Both equally

- Neither

10. In your opinion, which offers more educational value: board games or online games?

- Board games

- Online games

- Both equally

- Neither

Thank you for participating in this survey! Your responses are valuable and will contribute to a better
understanding of the impact and preferences related to board games.

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