Dhanur Asana

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Dhanur Asana

One day, the young Kauravas and Pandavas were playing with a ball when it accidentally rolled into a
well. The boys gathered around, puzzled about how to retrieve it. They then noticed a lean, dark
Brahmin sitting under a tree and approached him for help.

"Will you reward me if I retrieve your ball?" asked the Brahmin.

"Yes, yes, certainly!" the boys replied eagerly, wanting to resume their game. The Brahmin asked for a
bow and then plucked some sharp reeds growing near the well. Using a reed as an arrow, he shot it
straight at the ball. He then shot another reed behind it and continued this until he had formed a
chain. With this chain, he drew the ball out of the well.

The astonished princes bowed before the archer. "How can we reward such a great feat?" they asked
each other. Seeing this, the Brahmin said, "Go to your grand-uncle, Bhishma, and tell him what

The boys ran to Bhishma and described the archer's feat. The wise Bhishma realized that this great
archer could be none other than Drona, the son of Sage Bharadvaja. He immediately called Drona and
appointed him to teach the young princes archery and warfare.

Under Drona's able guidance, the princes grew up to be renowned warriors.

Steps to perform Dhanurasana:

 Lie on Stomach: Lie flat on your stomach.
 Bend Knees: Bend your knees and bring your heels close to your buttocks.
 Grasp Ankles: Reach back with your hands and hold your ankles.
 Inhale and Lift: Inhale, lifting your chest and thighs off the ground by pulling your ankles up and
 Balance: Balance your body weight on your abdomen.
 Hold Pose: Hold the pose for 15-20 seconds, breathing steadily.

 It gives a good stretch to your chest, shoulders, and legs.
 It improves digestion
 It makes your back and tummy muscles strong.

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