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NIM : 2255202001
KELAS : TM22-1

A. B.
I live in a house.
The Bright family went camping on the
camping. My house is small.
The Bright family went to Silent lake. My house has two bedrooms.

The Bright family left on friday. My mom and dad sleep in one bedroom.

They camped for tree days. My sister and I share the other bedroom.

The Bright family brought a big tent. My house has a kitchen.

They brought a lot of food. My mom and dad cook dinner there every
they brought insect repellent.
My house has a living room.
The Bright family had a camp fire on Friday.
My family watch television there every night.
They roasted marshmallows.
My house has a big bathroom.
They sing campfire songs.
My house has a lot of closet.
On saturday they went canoeing.
My house has a basement.
On Saturday they went fishing.
My dad has a workshop in the basement.
On Saturday they went swimming.
My dad makes wood furniture.
They went hiking on sunday.
My house does not have a second floor.
The Bright family saw many birds.
My house has a garage.
They saw blue jays.
My house has a big backyard.
They saw hummingbirds.
My backyard has a mapple tree.
The Bright family saw many animals.
My backyard has a swimming pool.
They saw a racoon.
My backyard has a vegetable garden.
They saw a squirrel.
My family likes our house.
But they didn't see a bear.
The Bright family had a fun vacation.
A: Where is the school?
B: It's between the library and the park.
A: Where is the post office?
B: It's across from the movie theatre.
A: Where is the royal bank?
B: It's next to the supermarket.
A: Where is the gas station?
B: It's surround the corner from the church.
A: Where is the barbershop?
B: It's near the bus station.

A: Where is Jane?
B: she is in the living room.
A: What is she doing?
B: she is playing the piano.
A: Where is the car?
B: it is in the garage.
A: Where is the dog?
B: the dog is in front of the door.
A: What is the dog doing?
B: the dog is eating.

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