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Name: MD

BIG DATA, Mushfiq Ahmmed

Roll No.: 50
1.Describe the types of big data collected by the 2.List and describe the business intelligence
organizations described in this case? technologies described in this case?
British library IBM Big Insights
Search history Build Hadoop
Traditional Data Extracts,annotates and visually
Law Enforcement Agency analyzes unstructured web data
Criminal Complaint Data Warehouse
Crime Records Search information from any resources
Wind Energy Company Relay information from crime scene
Data from global weather system IBM Infosphere Big Insights
Data from wind turbines Powered by Apache Hadoop
Car Rental Company Increasing the size of wind library
Web survey Powerful and precise in analyzing location
E-mail Hertz
Text messages Analyzing customers sentimental
Improving company response time to
3. Why did this companies described in this case
customers feedback
need to maintain and analyze big data? What
4. Identify three decisions were improved by
business benefits did they obtain?
using big data?
Vast amount of data NYPD can quickly access suspect's
Processing data quickly and efficiently records and use it to prevent crime
Analyzing customers behaviour Vestas can correctly determine the best
Improved operation spot to install turbine
Achieving return of investment quickly Hertz can determine how much staff
needed in Philadelphia in that particular
time to provide smooth customers
5. What kinds of organizations are mostly likely to need data
management and analytical tools? Why?
Tech jaint like Facebook, Google and Amazon produce new data every second
Company that deals with avalanche of data from social media and sensors as well as from
traditional sources
All of these companies either produces or collects big data. So,they need management and
analytical tools to manage, handle,analyze and use of these data.
Jigsaw Method

Step 01: Group Making & Topic Distribution

Step 02: Self Case Study, Understanding,


Step 03: Making Cross-Functional Group

Step 04: Sharing the ideas & Sketch updated

version of the solution

Step 05: Get Back to the Home Group

Step 06: Sharing the Summary of the Case with

the Group Members One by One

Step 07: Making the Poster

Step 08: Poster Presentation

Benefits of Jigsaw Method

Environmental Preservation It enhances social skills like

Economic Advantage communication, collaboaration,
Social Responsibility listening and respect.

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