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## Class Notes

### Date: June 13, 2024

#### Subject: General Knowledge and Random Facts


### 1. Introduction
- **Today's Agenda:**
- Delve into various intriguing and random facts across different disciplines.
- Encourage curiosity and engagement through unexpected knowledge.

### 2. Science and Technology

#### 2.1. Space and Astronomy

- **Venus** rotates on its axis backward compared to most planets in the solar system.
- A **day on Venus** is longer than a year on Venus.

#### 2.2. Technology Innovations

- The first computer mouse was made of **wood** and invented by **Douglas Engelbart** in 1964.
- **Bluetooth** technology was named after a 10th-century king, Harald Bluetooth, who united Denmark and

### 3. Geography and Nature

#### 3.1. Unusual Geographical Facts

- **Canada** has the longest coastline of any country in the world.
- **Mount Everest** is not the closest point to space; that honor goes to **Mount Chimborazo** in Ecuador
due to the Earth's equatorial bulge.

#### 3.2. Unique Natural Phenomena

- In the Namib Desert, **"fairy circles"** are circular patches of bare soil surrounded by vegetation, with their
cause still largely a mystery.
- **Bioluminescent bays** in Puerto Rico glow due to microorganisms that emit light when agitated.
### 4. History and Culture

#### 4.1. Historical Oddities

- **President John Quincy Adams** kept a pet alligator in the White House.
- In ancient Rome, **gladiatorial fights** sometimes involved naval battles in flooded arenas.

#### 4.2. Cultural Tidbits

þÿ- The **longest place name** in the world is the Mori name for a hill in New Zealand:
- **In Japan**, it's common to take naps at work, a practice known as **inemuri** which shows dedication to
the job.

### 5. Art and Entertainment

#### 5.1. Art Facts

- **Leonardo da Vinci** could write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time.
- The **Mona Lisa** has no eyebrows because it was the fashion in Renaissance Florence to shave them off.

#### 5.2. Entertainment Trivia

- The character **Yoda** from "Star Wars" was originally going to be played by a monkey carrying a cane and
wearing a mask.
- **The Simpsons** hold the record for the longest-running prime-time animated series.

### 6. Random Facts

- **Dolphins** sleep with one eye open to stay alert for predators.
- **A group of crows** is called a "murder."
- **Butterflies** taste with their feet.

### 7. Fun Facts

- **A snail** can sleep for three years.

- The **heart of a blue whale** is so large that a human can swim through its arteries.
- **Pineapples** take about two years to grow.

### 8. Conclusion
þÿ- **Takeaway:** Today s session covered a diverse range of fascinating and random facts, showcasing the
breadth of knowledge available. Embrace your curiosity and keep exploring!


### Homework/Assignment
- Research an unusual fact from a subject that interests you and be ready to present it in the next class.
- Write a short essay or create a presentation on one of the random facts discussed today.


**Next Class:** We will focus on specific areas of interest identified by student presentations.


### Additional Notes

þÿ- **Quote of the Day:** "The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper."
Bertrand Russell


These notes provide a foundation for expanding your knowledge and sparking new interests. Keep an eye out
for the unexpected and share your discoveries!

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