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Assignment Questions

(Epidemiology, Environmental Health, Occupational Health, Screening, Disaster management,

International Health mental Health, Essential Medicare)

1. Define Epidemiology. What are the types of epidemiology studies designed to explore disease
etiology? Discuss in detail “Framework” and ‘steps’ in conducting the cohort study. Mention the
merits and demerits of cohort study.
2. Describe the uses of epidemiology & Types of epidemics and epidemic curve.
3. Describe the main difference between case- control & cohort studies.
4. What is randomized controlled trial? Enumerate the different types of (RCT). Outline the steps
involved in conducting a RCT a note on “Blinding”
5. Define the endemic, epidemic and pandemic. Outline the objectives and steps involved in the
investigation of an epidemic
6. Define epidemiology. What is chain of infection? What are the various modes of disease
transmission? Describe briefly various measures of prevention and control of communicable
diseases against each the links in disease transmission.
7. Different types of association.
8. Discuss the types of bias.
9. Enumerate the vector – borne disease and add a note on prevention & control.
10. Describe soakage pit with diagram.
11. Surveillance of drinking water quality
12. Radiation hazards & prevention.
13. Criteria for healthful housing.
14. Give the classification of insecticides.
15. Define disaster. Enumerate types of disasters with examples
16. Disaster cycle
17. Classify occupational diseases. Describe the various measures for the prevention of occupational
18. Describe in detail, the various health problems due to industrialization.
19. Write in detail about the benefits available to the ESI Act 1948.
20. Write note on occupation cancers & dermatitis.
21. Write a note on ergonomics
22. Sickness absenteeism
23. Drug dependence & prevention
24. Define screening .“list and briefly describe the criteria for a good screening test, types and uses
for selection for disease & selection for screening test
25. Validity of a screening test.
26. Write a note on National Mental health Programme.
27. Ventilation- standards of ventilation & types.
28. Chlorination of water –principles.
29. Indices of thermal comfort.
30. Expand UNICEF. Describe activities of UNICEF in India.
31. Bilateral health agencies.

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