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Crystal Training ™

Advanced Product Management

Join our 7-Week, Fully-Live Advanced Product

Management Skills Training to learn the tools,
frameworks, and skills used by the best
product people.

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Letter from the founder.................................. 03

The Crystal Mountain..................................... 04
The Crystallize Framework™......................... 05
Branches of PM Learning.............................. 06
Certificate........................................................... 07
Meet the Faculty............................................... 08
What’s Included............................................... 09
Who it’s Made For............................................ 10
APM™ Course Modules.................................... 11

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Our Vision: Dear Prospective Student,

Empower leaders with the Ten years ago, only 1 tech company made the
Top 5 list of S&P 500. Today, all of them are tech

Product Ethos required to excel companies called FAGMA: Facebook, Apple,

Google, Microsoft & Amazon.
in tomorrow’s economy. The common factor across all of these companies is that they are considered to
be “high growth” companies. They have demonstrated a continuous ability to
innovate and create new markets despite their large size.

In the past, we use to think that only smaller, nimble start-ups could do this.
How has FAMGA made innovation into a process? It’s something I called having
a Product Ethos.

Product Ethos is the culture, tools, process & mindset required to continuously
find new viable markets or drastically re-invent your current business. It’s
those individuals and organizations that adopt it that will be able to thrive in
tomorrow’s economy.

Thank you for your consideration and I hope to see you in our next cohort!

Moe Ali
Founder & CEO

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The Crystal Mountain
Our proven Crystal Method is designed to help you with
crystallization of Advanced PM Skills by combining Advanced
Content, in a classroom context with 1:1 Coaching.


Faculters Live Training The 4 Cornerstones
of Crystallization
Classroom Curriculum

Forgers & Self-Study

Foundationists Basic Live Learning

Fumblers Learning on the Job

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The Crystallize Framework ™ 1. Strategize

The 8 Secrets to
Advanced PM Skills. 8. Harmonize 2. Devise

1. Strategize Analyze and Define your Product & Retention Strategy

2. Devise Build a strategic and tactical roadmap of your bets

7. Technologize 3. Schematize
3. Schematize Implement a system to take features from discovery to design

4. Actualize Take features from definition to delivery

5. Optimize Measure meaningful metrics and optimize as needed

6. Magnetize Grow your product by building a experimentation engine 6. Magnetize 4. Actualize

7. Technologize Enhance your technology stack

5. Optimize
8. Harmonize Grow yourleadership influence

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The 3 Branches of PM Learning

Understanding the 3 different

branches of PM learning:

On the Job Self-Study Live Training


Basic Advanced
Fumbler Basic Advanced (Foundationists) (Facultizers)

$0 $ $$ $$$ $$$$
Internet, YouTube, Reforge Product School, University, Product Faculty
Books, Udemy, Coursera Independent Coaching

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Crystal Training ™

Advanced Product Management

Throughout the course, you will be involved in everything
from strategy development and stakeholder management to
UX foundations, product growth and PM hiring.

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Meet the Faculty:

Learn from the world’s leading

product management executives

Mamuna Oladipo Rapha Cohen Satyajeet Salgar

VP of Product ex-Product Director Director of Product Management

I particularly recommend this course for experienced

product people who want to step up their practice. Huge fan
of the APM program, and Moe is a great Instructor!

Allison Saretsky
Giff Constable Moe Ali Dennis Chow
Senior Product Manager, Loblaw Digital
Chief Product Officer Founder & CEO VP of Product

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What’s Included:

Part-time, 7-Week Live-Online Classes over Saturdays

3X Weekly Mentorship / Office Hours outside class

50+ Hours of Live Instruction

Advanced Product Management (APM)® Certificate

#1 Ranked Product Management Bootcamp (Switchup)

As a Head of Product, I use many of the tools I picked up

at Product Faculty in my day-to-day work. PMs wear
many hats and need a variety of mental models, tools
and frameworks to excel in their role.

Taha Ghaznavi
Head of Product, Zalando

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Who it’s Made For: How We Compare:

The Product Faculty 7-week See how Product Faculty

MasterClass is suited for the compares to other popular
following target audience: courses offered:

Brainstation Product School Product Faculty

Product Do you want to learn the tools, skills and frameworks used by Prices $3,150 (USD) $4,199 (USD) $4,499 (USD)
Managers the best product people?

Best For: Aspiring PMs Aspiring & Experienced

Senior Product Do you want to build winning strategies that make your competition New PMS PMs
Managers irrelevant? Do you want to build strategic intuition? Learn how to
build, communicate and evangelize product roadmaps?
Course Ranking Ranked #3 Ranked #5 Ranked #1

Head / Director Do you want to be a product-led company? Do you want to make

of Product sure your product finds product-market fit and scales? Are you
struggling to grow your product beyond some initial users? Class Mentorship Not Included Not Included Included

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Course Modules:

Crystal Training ™

Advanced Product Management

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Module Lessons Learning Objectives

1. Shopify™ Product Taught by Katie Cerar, Senior Product •U

 nderstand how Canada’s most valuable company used strategic

Strategy Case Manager @ Shopify™ differentiation tools to gain market-share in a highly competitive
eCommerce market

 pply the Blue Ocean Differentiation canvas to define the product
roadmap for Shopify Plus™

Strategize 2. Product Management Exploring Various Product Types • L earn about the various types of products and product roles



Factors Affecting Product Management •R
 ecognize how various factors (product type, company size,
Product Management is a broad domain that is impacted by company type) impact the focus of your role as a PM
many factors: we will discuss these factors and why they matter.
B2B vs. B2c Products - A Deep Dive •U
 nderstand the nuances of B2B and B2C products
Good product strategy is about making trade-offs that align
with your vision; we will delve into a commonly used strategic Mindset of Product Leader • Understand how mindset plays a major role in your performance as a leader
3. Product
framework to help you make the right trade-off decisions. Leadership
We’ll also get a deep understanding of Retention as being a Attributes of “Good” Product Leaders • L earn the 4 key responsibilities of Good Product Leaders
prerequisite to product growth.

PM Archetypes • L earn about 3 key PM Archetypes and how to manage them

Building Blocks of Good •U

 nderstanding the key guiding principles when developing
GUEST FACULT Y 4. Product Strategy
Product Strategy a product strategy
Definition & Validation


Blue Ocean Strategy • I dentify various types of product strategies employed by most
Mamuna Oladipo successful companies
VP of Product
Measuring Strategy •B
 e able to identify good vs. bad product strategy

5. Product Retention is key Pillar of Product Growth •U

 nderstand why retention is necessary for sustained product growth

Retention & Engagement Relationship •U
 nderstand how retention drives engagement, which drives revenue
growth for your product

Key Retention Metrics •B

 e able identify the key retention metric for any product

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Module Lessons Learning Objectives

1. Finding Product- The 4 Big Risks to Manage • L earn about the 4 key risks that every PM needs to manage to ensure


Market Fit their product is successful

WEEK T WO: Validating Value Risk •U

 nderstand the 8 different ways you can validate value risk cheaply
and quickly

Devise Real-life Case Studies of Value •P

 ractice Customer Discovery Interviews

We will explore how to validate your business idea using lean

2. Product Roadmaps What are Product Roadmaps? •U
 nderstand why roadmaps are the best communication tool for sharing
approaches, as well as, walk through a roadmapping process
MasterClass your product direction
that drives meaningful progress.
Taught by Dennis Why are Roadmaps Needed? • L earn how roadmaps help to align a wide variety of stakeholders
We will cover the 4 steps in the roadmapping process in detail: Chow, VP of Product
collecting inputs, prioritizing inputs, creating a roadmap and @ TouchBistro™
Who are Roadmaps For? • L earn how different stakeholders interpret and use roadmaps to
communicating a roadmap in a module taught by Dennis Chow,

achieve their end goals
VP of Product @ TouchBistro.

Where do Roadmaps get used? •U

 nderstand the different time horizons roadmaps can represent and
the consequent implication to confidence levels

When are they build? • Deep dive into the roadmap creation processing, including gathering
feedback, evaluating & prioritizing opportunities and plotting it into a roadmap

Mohammad Musa How are product roadmaps built? • L earn how to effectively communicate roadmap progress
Head of Product (fmr)
Best Practices •R
 ecognize why context is *everything* when it comes to using
roadmaps successfully

3. Product Roadmaps Taught by Dennis Chow,

• Experience what it feels like to go through an exercise of brutal

Case Study VP of Product @ Touchbistro prioritization, in an effort to complete a roadmap for a ride-sharing start-up
 pply prioritization principles to develop a 12-month roadmap

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Module Lessons Learning Objectives

1. Product Design Persona Definition & Empathy Mapping • Learn how to create a persona and practice using the empathy map canvas

JBTD, Storyboarding and Journey Maps •R
 ecognize different ways a customer journey map can be created and
WEEK TH R EE: used, based on the context you are in

Schematize Sketching & Wireframing •U

 nderstand when and how to wireframe concepts

Prototyping •U
 nderstand what factors impact the fidelity of prototypes and the
advantages and disadvantages of high/low fidelity prototypes

As a PM, your role boils down to 2 things: Product Discovery

(build the right thing) and Product Delivery (build it right). In this Usability Testing • L earn usability best practices and how, even as a PM, you can run
quick usability studies
module, we deep-dive into each element, breaking down the
science of doing both, along with sharing real-life examples.
Design & Prototyping Tools • Learn about various design and prototyping tools available in the
market today
In the Product Delivery module, we will cover Agile delivery best
practices and how they differ from large organizations to start-ups. Evolution of Product Discovery Approaches •R
 ecognize how Product Discovery techniques have evolved over time
2. Product Discovery

Product Discovery Spectrum • L earn the Product Discovery spectrum, spanning from strategic to
tactical, and the timing of when to use each technique

GUEST FACULT Y Three “C”’s of Good Discovery •P

 roduct Faculty Product Discovery Framework: the 3 C’s: co-creation,
critical thinking and customer interviews

3. Co-Creating Class Activity •A

 ppreciate the importance of co-creating solutions in way that can be

Rapha Cohen
Solutions done in a few hours vs. 4-5 days
Product Director (fmr) •P
 ractice the co-creation process by remotely co-creating solutions
sketches in groups

Scrum / Agile Ceremonies • Learn tried and tested approaches to running scrum and agile ceremonies
4. Practical
Agile Skills
Scrum Process Variations • Understand the importance and science behind effective backlog grooming
Backlog Grooming

5. Story-Mapping Class Activity •U

 nderstand the power of using story mapping to prioritize your backlog

 ractice story-mapping during an in-class exercise

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Module Lessons Learning Objectives

1. Metrics Purpose of Analytics •R

 ecognize that analytics measures the movement towards business goals.
Any other purpose is futile

WEEK FOUR: Honing in on the 1 metric that matters • Learn how to arrive at the one metric that matters to your business, right now

Actualize Characteristics of good metric •U

 nderstand the 4 pillars of a good metric

Stages of Lean Analytics • L earn the 5 stages of Lean Analytics: empathy, stickiness, virality,
2. Lean Analytics
revenue and scale

To effectively deal with stakeholders, you need to visualize the

Examples of Metrics by Business Models •S
 tudy examples of various business models and which metrics they
metrics that matter. We’ll cover a framework to present your metrics
employe and at which stage
on a page & explore the process involved to get to 1 page.

Lean Analytics Process • Learn the end-to-end lean analytics process where most most startups fail
In Product Growth, we’ll deep-dive into various growth models
& explore how the top B2B and B2C companies in the world Key Growth Concepts •U
 nderstand the 5 growth principles and underpin all growth strategies
3. Product Growth:
grow. In a world with limited customers, talent & mindshare, An Overview
companies that employ an exponential growth strategies will Drawbacks of Funnel Optimization • L earn the difference between funnel optimization and exponential
Exponential Growth Approaches growth strategies
win in the long-run.

5 Growth Approaches Overview •U

 nderstand 5 different approaches to growth, as well as, pros/cons
4. Various Growth
of each approach
Comparing Various Approaches •P
 ractice identifying which growth approach is appropriate for
Real Life Examples which scenario
Satyajeet Salgar
Director of Product Management Class Activity

 ased on the learning from class, identify which growth approach is
5. Growth
used by the company in the case study
Case Study

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Module Lessons Learning Objectives

1. Pre-suasion Principles 7 Principles of Persuasion • L earn 7 principles of persuasion that affect our behaviour

Fogg Behavior Model • Recognize the key ingredients for behaviour and how to persuade
WEEK FIVE: users using the Fogg Behaviour Model

Optimize Motivation Tactics • L earn tactics to help you design products to get the powerful
outcome of persuasion

2. Understanding Emotional and Rational Decision Making •R

 ecognize cognitive biases are tendencies to think in certain ways,
without conscious thought
As much as we’d like to think we are logical, the human brain is Rational Decision
wired to prioritize emotions over logic. We first make an emotional Cognitive Biases •S
 tudy examples of various business models and which metrics they

decision and then justify that decision logically. You’ll learn proven employe and at which stage

psychological frameworks that will help you understand user behavior,

and how to influence decisions. Cognitive Friction •U
 nderstand the human tendency to prefer things that are familiar
and easy to understand

More than 50% of features we build will fail - customers are just not as
Class Activity

 sychology principles are critical when designing products that accelerate
3. User Psychology
excited about things as we are. Experimentation is a prerequisite for adoption. Based on the learning from class, identify and optimize landing
Case Study
product-led organizations that want to be relevant for years to come. page to increase user adoption for associated pages

4. Experimentation When to use A/B Testing •U

 nderstanding the importance of identifying the biggest opportunities
GUEST FACULT Y to increase your chances of “winning” tests
Hypothesis Setting • I dentify post-test analysis to help you plan future tests

Rahim Daya
Head of Product, Search Test Analysis • L earn how to interpret results and when to call a test complete

5. Outcomes & Understanding Outcomes • L earn to document and communicate outcomes

Scaling testing program •C
 reate a long-term experimentation roadmap

Evangelizing and sharing insights • L earn how to evangelizing the program to accelerate adoption
across every squad

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Module Lessons Learning Objectives

1. Key Web Key Web Technologies •A

 n overview, along with examples, of the top web technologies

Technologies that every PM should know about

WEEK SIX: Front End Technologies • How “continuous integration” is a method used by the leading tech

companies to become more responsive and agile
Back-end Technologies

2. Databases, API’s Databases •O

 verview of database types, API’s and technical architecture

& Technical
In the Tech-skills module, we’ll deep dive into most common
Architecture API Deep Dive •U
 nderstanding the growth of API’s, as well as, pros/cons different
approaches to deploying API’s within your products
technical concepts & technologies that PMs need to know,
making you more confident in your interactions with Engineering. Technical Architecture Overview •W
 hy building for Optionality can de-risk the technical risk of your
product in the long-run
We’ll cover everything from front/back-end technologies to
Class Activity •C
 lass exercise to help you practice a developing technical architectures.

database types, APIs and technical architecture. 3. Low Fidelity Technical


Giff Constable
Chief Product Officer (fmr)
The content of the course isn’t static. It’s a living syllabus that is constantly
being refined so that it’s extremely relevant and well-vetted. Moe goes through
great pain’s to curate this content specifically for aimed at experienced PMs.

Jeremy S.
Director of Product, BenchSci

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The Final Class will showcase the Demo Day: a culmination of 8
weeks of intense learning, team collaboration and hard-work by
all students.

We will invite Product Leaders from leading startups to judge the

presentations of students. We’ll end the day with a fireside chat
with the judges.

Demo Day - Agenda

Student Presentations to Panel of Judges

Award Ceremony

Advanced Product Management Certificate Handouts

Fireside Chat with Judges / Product Leaders

Cohort Wrap-up


Neha Monga
Director of Product

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+1 415-758-4986

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