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Courtney Grubich

Lesson Planning Waynesburg University Writing the lesson plan: Translating thoughts into a plan of action _____________________________________________
Pennsylvania Academic Standard(s) addressed during this lesson: (Provide Standard number and statement) 3.1a.1 Common Characteristics of Life 3.1a.8 Unifying Themes 3.1b.6 Science as Inquiry 1.1.2 Word Recognition Skills 1.1.4 Comprehension and Interpretation 1.5.2 Content

Lesson Objective(s) (Stated in observable and measurable terms) The students will review what types of food they should eat to keep their teeth healthy. The students will complete a Dental Health Activity on the smart board that was created using Open Office Software. The students will search for pictures of food using Open Office Software. The students will insert pictures and clipart using Open Office Software. The students will revise an activity using Open Office Software.

Assessment Plan (What will be done to determine if lesson objectives have been met?) The students will complete the Dental Health Activity that the teacher has created in Open Office Software. They will review what foods are healthy and which foods are not healthy. The students will then find one picture/clipart of healthy food and one of non-healthy food to add to/replace the Open Office activity. The teacher will be assessing if they know the difference between healthy and non-healthy foods and if they can successfully place their pictures in the Open Office document. Materials: The students will need paper, pencils, computers, and a smart board. Inclusion Techniques for Students with Special Needs: The teacher will provide an Open Office activity.. The teacher will complete the activity with the students on the smart board while they are completing their own at their seats.. The teacher will assist students while choosing pictures/clipart to replace the ones on the example. The teacher will help the students choose pictures and be available to help with the steps of successfully using Open Office. Enrichment Techniques: The teacher will allow higher level students to look for pictures/clipart on their own. Lesson Differentiation (What modifications/accommodations will be made to ensure that ALL students have access to and are able to participate in the lesson): The students will be collaborating on the lesson as a group. Each student will get an individual turn to come to the smart board and insert their picture/clipart choices into the Open Office Software. The teacher will provide an example of an Open Office Dental Health Activity. The teacher will assist students in choosing pictures, and using the Open Office Software.

Courtney Grubich Lesson Presentation

Introduction/Motivational Activities/Anticipatory Set: The students will review facts/things they have learned about dental health. The teacher will present the Dental Health Activity on the smart board. The students will complete the Dental Health Activity at their seats while the teacher and class complete one on the smart board.

Detailed Teaching Sequence: (Provide sufficient detail that would enable a substitute to effectively present this lesson. Bulleted statements are preferred) -The students will take turns coming to the computer/smart board and choosing a healthy snack and a non-healthy snack to put into the Open Office dental Healthy Activity. - The students will insert their snack choices into the document. -The students will take turns deciding whether each new snack chosen is healthy or non-healthy.

Guided Practice/Independent Practice/Assessment Activities Inserting Picture/Clipart-For independent practice the students will get to take turns choosing and inserting pictures/clipart of healthy and non-healthy snacks in the Dental Health Open Office document. Video-For guided practice the students will complete the teacher made Dental Health Activity at their seats while the teacher and students take turns completing it on the smart board. Closure: To end the lesson the teacher will ask each student to take a turn deciding if the new pictures/clipart are healthy or non-healthy snacks.

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