The Times - Uk - June 12 TH 2024

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Wednesday June 12 2024 | | No 74433 SL

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Why you’re never Anything

to declare?
The new rules
too old for a bikini INSIDE
for office flings
Health MoTs will aim to keep older patients out of hospital
Eleanor Hayward Health Editor sands of admissions and free up beds. It hopes this will reduce the “bed-block- patient’s GP, reducing the chances of Nearly two thirds of those admitted
means those arriving at A&E needing ing” that is leaving thousands of elderly them being readmitted to hospital. to hospital are over 65, and the NHS is
Older patients arriving at A&E will be treatment for falls, fractures or com- patients stranded on wards, causing a Amanda Pritchard, chief executive of struggling to cope with rising demand
offered “health MoTs” to check for con- mon infections will also be assessed for logjam in hospitals and damaging NHS England, said: “Health MoTs at from an ageing population. Last year
ditions including dementia, diabetes underlying illnesses straight away. productivity. the front door of A&Es for older people there were more than 200,000 emer-
and heart disease. This will focus on providing treat- The same-day frailty services are could be a lifeline for many, from blood gency hospital admissions in this age
Hospitals have been told to set up ment and medication to enable older being established at all A&Es in pressure tests to a review of their falls’ group because of falls.
new services “at their front door” to patients to return home on the same England, running ten hours a day, history, these checks mean patients can “With rising demand for care, it is
screen any frail over-65s for chronic ill- day, so they do not have to be admitted seven days a week. Any conditions be assessed quickly and directed to the vital that we continue to adapt our
nesses, under a plan to prevent thou- to a ward for further checks. The NHS identified will be flagged with the right support for their needs.”

PM: A vote
for Reform
puts Labour
into No 10
Sunak issues warning at Tory manifesto launch
Oliver Wright Policy Editor position the Tories on the side of work-
Steven Swinford Political Editor ers and entrepreneurs. He confirmed
Chris Smyth Whitehall Editor another 2p cut to employee national in-
surance, saving £450 for the average
Rishi Sunak warned that a vote for worker, a cut to stamp duty for first-
Reform or the Liberal Democrats could time buyers, child benefit for more mid-
hand Sir Keir Starmer a decade in dle earners and a guarantee to raise the
power as he unveiled a £17 billion pack- tax-free personal allowance for pen-
age of tax cuts in an effort to turn Tory sioners.
fortunes around . “Look at what this manifesto con-
The prime minister said Labour tains — a tax cut for everyone in work
could be in government for a “very long as we halve the rate of national insur-
time” as he used the launch of the Con- ance,” he said.
servative Party manifesto to urge His promise to pay for the giveaways
against handing Starmer a “blank with a £12 billion welfare squeeze and a Hunter Biden with first lady Jill Biden, and his wife, Melissa, after being convicted. President Biden has ruled out a pardon
cheque”. crackdown on tax avoidance was ques-
The Tories released a social media
advert saying that voting for other
parties could give Starmer “the largest
tioned by some economists.
The manifesto also included:
6 Building 1.6 million homes over the
Hunter Biden guilty of buying gun illegally
majority Labour have ever had”. It next parliament with new support for
included a graphic suggesting that the first-time buyers; Hugh Tomlinson Delaware for 11 days. He now faces up to 25 years House said. The verdict comes less than
Tories could be reduced to only 57 seats. 6 Halving immigration, introducing an in prison, though legal experts do not two weeks after his rival for the White
Cabinet ministers said the Tories are annual cap on migrants and working to Hunter Biden, son of the US president, expect him to receive a sentence close House, Donald Trump, was convicted
now pursuing a “damage limitation” “rewrite asylum treaties” while keeping said he was “disappointed” by the to the maximum. in his New York hush-money trial.
strategy as they broadly welcomed the open withdrawal from the European verdict after being found guilty of In a statement after the verdict, Bid- Unlike Trump, who has claimed that
manifesto. “It’s the difference between Convention on Human Rights; illegally buying and owning a gun while en Jr thanked his wife and family for his trial was “rigged”, Biden Sr issued a
five years of Starmer and ten years of 6 Recruiting 92,000 more nurses and abusing drugs. their support throughout the trial and statement yesterday saying he
Starmer,” one said. 28,000 more doctors for the NHS and After a week-long trial that was his recovery from addiction. respected the jury’s verdict. He has
The manifesto is designed to make capping the lifetime cost of social care; brutal and often humiliating for the “I am more grateful today for the love ruled out issuing a pardon for his son.
tax cuts the key dividing line in the 6 Giving extra help to middle-class first family, the jury took three hours to and support I experienced this last “I am the president, but I am also a
campaign as Sunak accused Starmer of families by raising the child benefit tax find President Biden’s only surviving week from Melissa, my family, my Dad. Jill and I love our son, and we are
preparing to raise taxes if he won the charge from £60,000 to £120,000, bene- son guilty on all three felony charges friends and my community than I am so proud of the man he is today,” Biden
general election. fiting 700,000 families. linked to his purchase of a revolver in disappointed by the outcome,” he said. said. “So many families who have had
A promise to abolish basic-rate The prime minister acknowledged 2018 while addicted to crack cocaine. “Recovery is possible by the grace of loved ones battle addiction understand
national insurance for the self- that the government had not got Biden Jr, 54, was convicted of lying to God, and I am blessed to experience the feeling of pride seeing someone you
employed, saving the average worker “everything right” but insisted the a licensed gun dealer, making a false that gift one day at a time.” love come out the other side and be so
£1,350, was the main new tax Tories were the “only party” with “big claim about his drug addiction on a fed- The president would travel to Dela- strong and resilient in recovery.”
announcement as Sunak sought to eral form and illegally owning the gun ware to be with his son, the White
2 S1 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times


Today’s highlights More than nine million people

7.05am Grant Shapps, defence secretary
11am Matt Chorley speaks to Professor Sir John
Curtice about how to restore
economically inactive, says ONS
trust in politics
1.15pm Adrian Ramsay, co-leader of the Mehreen Khan England. Labour and the Conserva- Confederation, an industry body for
Green Party tives have both vowed to get people the recruitment sector, said the next
1.45pm Andrew Neil talks to Ben Bradshaw More than nine million people in the back into work, with the problem cost- government could improve the supply
and Nadine Dorries, right UK are economically inactive, official ing the economy £39 billion through of workers through “lowering barriers
3.35pm Art historian Katy Hessel discusses statistics show. labour and skills shortages. on skills, supporting infrastructure
her podcast Death of an Artist Within this figure, the number of “A new government serious about such as childcare and transport, regula-
working-age adults economically inac- growing the economy must tackle this tion, immigration and tax”.
tive has hit a record high of 2.8 million. pressing challenge and support the For the Bank, the high inactivity rate
According to the Office for National health of our workforce,” Christopher risks stoking inflation as companies
Statistics, 22.3 per cent of adults aged 16 Rocks, lead economist at the Health raise wages to retain and hire talent.
to 64 are not actively looking for work, Foundation, said. “The next govern- Despite other parts of the labour
the most for nine years and up by ment will need to do much more to help market cooling off, the shrinking work-
132,000 in the three months to the end people to remain in work and healthy in force could scupper the prospect of big
T O D AY ’ S E D I T I O N of April. When including students and the first place. This should start by interest rate cuts over the coming years.
those who have retired, the economi- rethinking measures to reduce the The Bank’s monetary policy commit-
cally inactive population is 9.4 million. generosity of health-related benefits, tee is likely to keep the base rate at
Contrary to some hopes, the UK’s which risk being counterproductive by 5.25 per cent when it meets next week.
NEWS SPORT TIMES2 missing worker problem has not im- increasing poverty and further The UK’s inactivity rate, which had
proved since Covid lockdowns ended, deteriorating health.” been one of the lowest in the G7,
with a record number of Britons now The Tories have said they would jumped during the pandemic and, un-
suffering from long-term illness amid crack down on the record number of like in other European economies and
spiralling NHS waiting lists and after a people claiming disability benefits and in the United States, it has not recov-
surge in mental health problems. end the nation’s “sick-note culture” in ered to pre-Covid levels.
The ONS’s figures are subject to an effort to force people back to work. The equivalent inactivity rate in
revision as its labour market survey has Labour has said it would bolster America has dropped from a peak of
been plagued by low response rates. workers’ rights and raise the minimum 28 per cent in 2020 to 25 per cent, while
The falling supply of workers is a wage if it wins power next month. in countries such as France and Ger-
problem for politicians and the Bank of The Recruitment and Employment many it has been falling.
How a robotic third Ally McCoist on why Why doing nothing
thumb could
change our lives
England could win
Euro 2024
is good for us as
we get older
Tories pledge to deport 90,000 migrants
Matt Dathan Home Affairs Editor said a future Conservative government mit to implementing the provisions,
would clear the asylum backlog. which would be backdated and lead to

441 days since Wall Street Journal The Conservative Party manifesto has As of April 14, the most recent date more than 90,000 migrants being per-
committed to deporting more than for which figures are available, 83,154 manently barred from the asylum
reporter Evan Gershkovich 90,000 migrants to Rwanda and other asylum claims were awaiting an initial system. The Refugee Council has fore-
countries as part of a pledge to end the decision, which relates to more than cast that this number will rise to more
was detained in Russia costly use of hotels for asylum seekers. 100,000 people. They include families than 115,000 by the end of this year.
#FreeEvan All future asylum claims would be and couples who can claim asylum as Senior party sources said migrants
processed within a new six-month part of one claim. would be sent to their home country,
deadline under plans set out in the The vast majority of those claims — Rwanda or another safe third country.
THUNDERER 20 WORLD 24 SPORT 50 manifesto to “end the legal merry-go- 73,239, relating to more than 90,000 In reality, however, the move is likely to
LETTERS 22 BUSINESS 29 CROSSWORD 60 round” of asylum claims and end the people — are from migrants who have place tens of thousands of migrants in
LEADING ARTICLES 23 REGISTER 43 TV & RADIO TIMES2 use of hotels. It currently costs the arrived in the UK illegally since March limbo, barred from claiming asylum in
Home Office about £8 million per day 2023. the UK but unable to be removed.
to house asylum seekers in hotels. Provisions passed by the Illegal While the government insists the
Young, French and Rishi Sunak stepped back from any
firm commitment on Britain’s member-
Migration Act last year placed an auto-
matic bar on asylum for those who
Rwanda scheme is uncapped, leaked
documents have revealed that the
voting hard-right ship of the European Convention on arrive illegally. However, the provisions country is ready to take 30,000 asylum
The Human Rights (ECHR) but repeated have not yet been implemented as the seekers over a five-year period.

Story France’s National Rally

opposition party has been
boosted by young voters,
his pledge to prioritise border security
over compliance with the convention.
The manifesto, published yesterday,
Home Office has struggled to intro-
duce the practical measures needed. In
the manifesto, the Conservatives com-
The Rwanda scheme has already
cost the UK government £290 million
despite not relocating a single migrant.
personified by Jordan Bardella,
the 28-year-old party continued from page 1 Analysis
president. Why are French Tory manifesto launch
youth shifting to the right?

ideas”. He added: “ I’m not blind to the eventy-six olds and the scrapping raising £6 billion by
Available on the Times Radio app or fact people are frustrated with our pages long. of “Mickey Mouse” clamping down on tax
wherever you get your podcasts party and frustrated with me. We have Nearly degrees. avoidance and
not always got everything right. But we £20 billion But will it be evasion. A further
are the only party at this election with worth of tax enough to shift the £1.2 billion would
the big ideas to make our country a and spending dial? Labour’s lead in come from “quango
OFFER better place to live.” announcements. the polls has efficiencies” and
He said if Labour took power it would Dozens of pledges. As remained stubbornly £3.9 billion from
Save up to 30% with a subscription to “change the rules” to give 16 and 17- manifestos go, Rishi north of 20 points. reducing the civil
The Times and The Sunday Times year-olds the vote to ensure that the
party was in power “for a very long
Sunak’s was
substantial by any
The immediate
debate around the
service headcount.
Economists have
time”. He added: “All a vote for Reform measure and designed manifesto will focus pointed out that those
or the Liberal Democrats does is allow to cut across every on whether it is revenue sources are
THE WEATHER Labour to do whatever they want to our demographic (Steven affordable. far from certain.
country.” Swinford writes). The costings Indeed, welfare
However, he told ITV News that he It promises a 2p cut document published spending is forecast to
had “respect” for Nigel Farage and said to national insurance alongside the rise significantly over
13 he had been right to highlight migra- for workers, income manifesto shows that the next five years.
tion as an issue. He denied he was tax cuts for Sunak’s pledges are Clamping down on
threatened by Farage’s entry into the pensioners, and child underwritten by two tax evasion and
14 16 race, saying the choice at the election benefit for high big sources of cash: avoidance is
was “either Keir Starmer or me”. earners along with a saving £12 billion by unpredictable, and
Labour said Sunak was “cosplaying policy blitz including reforming welfare needs significant
Liz Truss”, claiming that the Tory compulsory national over the course of the investment in HM
manifesto contained £71 billion of service for 18-year- next parliament and Revenue & Customs.
17 unfunded spending commitments and
likened the plans to Truss’s mini-
11 budget that would lead to a “second deliver. “If I’m prime minister, you will our country is one where, above all,
Tory mortgage bombshell”. have this bold action — all you have got families will have financial security
However, Sunak cited his opposition from the Labour Party is a blank sheet because their taxes are being cut.”
Bright spells and showers in the east to Truss’s tax cuts to insist he was “not of paper,” he said. He insisted the elec-
but mainly dry with sunny intervals afraid to do things that are difficult” as tion was “about the future”, saying:
elsewhere. he insisted voters could trust him to “The future that we want to deliver for
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 3


Father and Jodie and

a case of
son who hired glamour

odie Comer,
who played the

assassin face
Villanelle in
the BBC spy thriller
Killing Eve, below,
attended the gala

life sentences
screening of The
Bikeriders at Curzon
Mayfair in central
London yesterday.
Comer, 31, won a
Bafta and an Emmy
for her performance
Pair contracted an Female murderers for hire
in Killing Eve, which
led to her gaining
American woman to 6 During the 19th century, Madame
worldwide fame. She
previously appeared
kill in a revenge plot Popova operated a murder-for-hire in Holby City, Silent
service in Russia, where she was Witness and Casualty.
that went wrong, paid by wives to kill their violent The Bikeriders, in
husbands. She murdered some 300 which she stars
David Woode writes men in all, using poison, weapons alongside Austin
and her own hands. A repentant Butler, follows the
A father and his son are facing life sen- wife eventually tipped off Russian members of an
tences after a female American assassin police and Popova was executed by American motorcycle
they had hired botched a revenge kill- a firing squad. club, the
ing when her gun jammed. 6 Maria Jimenez, aka La Tosca, is Outlaws MC,
Mohammed Nazir, 30, and Moham- one of Mexico’s most prolific female and is due for
med Aslam, 56, plotted to kill Aslat assassins. Jimenez was paid about release this
Mahamud or members of his family £1,400 a month by the Zetas drug month.
after a dispute in 2018 at a jewellery cartel to murder her victims.
store left them both injured. Convicted in 2012, she confessed to
The pair recruited Aimee Betro, 44, killing 20 people.
who flew in from Chicago for the con- 6 Kim Hyun-hui, a mother-of-two,
tract killing in Acocks Green in Bir- clocked up a body count of 115 as a
mingham,on September 7, 2019, a court North Korean agent. She was
was told. recruited from university aged 19
Betro was said to have been given a and in 1987 took down a South
clear brief. Birmingham crown court Korean airliner with a bomb, under
was told that she arranged to meet the orders of Kim II-sung, who
Sikander Ali, a shop owner and wanted to prevent the Olympics
Mahamud’s son, after feigning interest taking place in Seoul. Despite being
in a Volkswagen Golf that the family sentenced to death, she was later
was selling. pardoned. She defected, married a
Disguised in a hijab, she “calmly” former South Korean intelligence
approached Ali, pointed the gun at his officer and had two children.
head and pulled the trigger. However
the gun failed to fire and Ali fled the
scene. person to frame them. Aslam was have been the same gun. She took aim Hegarty revealed that there had been
Undeterred by the failed hit, it was cleared of a firearms offence. The pair and fired three shots in the direction of “history” between the households that
said that Betro went to Mahamud’s will be sentenced on August 9. the house before returning to the wait- involved an attack on a boutique in
house and opened fire three times. The court was told that Betro had ing taxi.” Alum Rock in July 2018 and a subse-
The jury was told that she sent texts returned to the US and remains at Police carried out a detailed investi- quent attack on the defendants’ home
to Mahamud, which read: “Where are large. West Midlands police said that gation at the scene and discovered the in Derby when windows were smashed.
you hiding? Stop playing hide and detectives were working to trace her. would-be assassin was Betro, an Amer- He said that Nazir had later told a
seek.” The trial was told how the would-be ican citizen. She is said to have flown friend about two guns he owned “to
Nazir and Aslam, of Derby, were assassin got out of the driver’s side of a from Chicago to Manchester, via Atlan- commit a revenge attack on those that
charged with conspiracy to murder and Mercedes as her target, Ali, pulled up in Mohammed Nazir and Mohammed ta, and arrived in the UK on August 22 had attacked his home”.
possession of a firearm with intent to an Audi outside another address. Aslam wanted revenge after a dispute — some 16 days before the shooting. Before flying back to America, Betro
cause fear of violence, which they Kevin Hegarty KC, for the prosecu- Hegarty said that she bought the contacted Virgin airlines and
denied. tion, told the court: “She walked quite cedes. The would-be assassin then ran Mercedes in Alum Rock, a suburb east attempted to change the flight docu-
Last week, Nazir and Aslam were calmly towards Sikander Ali and was back to the Mercedes and started to of Birmingham city centre, and in the ments so Nazir could fly back with her.
found guilty of conspiracy to murder. pointing a gun at him at head height. drive away.” days leading up to the shooting, she Hegarty said that Nazir flew to the
Nazir was also found guilty of posses- “As she got closer to Ali he saw her Betro is said to have abandoned the stayed at a number of hotels in Derby, US on September 13 and, on entry
sion of a firearm with intent to cause and he saw the gun and she pulled the car and ordered a taxi just after 9pm. Brighton and London. documents he filled in, gave the address
fear of violence, perverting the course trigger to fire the gun at him. In the early hours of the next morn- While in Birmingham, Betro bought where he would be staying as Betro’s
of justice and illegally importing fire- “Mercifully and luckily for him the ing, she called the same cab firm and two phones from Tesco, one of which address in Wisconsin. He returned four
arms over a plot to bring guns into the gun jammed. He quickly reversed his took a taxi to Mahamud’s house. He- she used to contact Nazir and the other weeks later and was arrested on the
country and then blame it on another car striking the open door of the Mer- garty said: “She took out a gun, it may to text Mahamud, the court was told. same day as his father.

Kevin Spacey auctions house to pay ‘millions’ in legal bills

Alex Farber Media Correspondent Piers Morgan Uncensored YouTube Sharon Stone, Stephen Fry and Liam in the past by “being too handsy, touch-
show that he had come close to bank- Neeson for him to be allowed to return ing someone sexually in a way that I
Kevin Spacey is being forced to auction ruptcy as a result of his legal costs. to acting. didn’t know at the time they didn’t
his house in Baltimore to pay off the “This week, where I have been living Spacey, who broke down in tears want”. He added: “I will never behave in
“millions” he owes in legal bills. in Baltimore is being foreclosed on. My during the emotional 100-minute the ways that I did previously, ever.”
The American actor, 64, right, said house is being sold at auction so I have interview with Morgan, said that he He said that he could understand
that he was returning to the US to put to go back to Baltimore and put all my had thought about taking his own life as why it could be perceived as an abuse
his belongings in storage before a sale of things in storage,” he said. “It’s been a he fought to clear his name. “I do want of power for a double Oscar winner to
the riverside property that he lived in couple of times when I thought I was to live, but there were times when I flirt with young actors.
while filming the Netflix series House going to file [for bankruptcy], but we’ve wasn’t sure if I would make it,” he said. “I can understand that perspective,
of Cards. The 9,000 sq ft home located managed to sort of dodge it, at least as The interview took place weeks after but at the same time I’m a human being,
in the city’s Inner Harbour seaport is of today. I still owe a lot of legal bills that ten actors, film crew members and incidents that they say left them feeling and if I fall in love with somebody
expected to attract starting bids of I have not been able to pay.” a high school contemporary alleged shocked, ashamed and disgusted. across a room then [just because I’m
more than $5.6 million. He added that he planned to “get in the Channel 4 documentary Spacey Spacey, who has denied any criminal famous] am I not supposed to go and
Spacey, who in July was acquitted of back on the horse” to help settle his Unmasked that they were subject to behaviour, said that he had changed his have a conversation with them or see
nine sexual assault charges, told the debts amid calls from stars including unwanted sexual advances and groping ways, having “pushed the boundaries” if they are interested?” he said.
4 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times

Quintagram® No 1966
Solve all five concise clues using
each letter underneath once only
1 Isle of Man town (6)

2 Labour prime minister (6)

3 --- out, dwindles to nothing (6)

4 Obstacles for country walkers (6)

5 --- Heston, classic film star (8)

Solutions see T2 MindGames p15
Cryptic clues T2 MindGames p14

6am to 10am
Our free radio station has all the
latest headlines, interviews and
debates every morning
Listen seven days a week
and smart
Sail of the century The Atlantic, a three-masted 185ft replica of a yacht built in 1903, competes in the Richard Mille Cup near Cowes on the Isle of Wight. After a series of speaker
races in the Solent, the final 100 nautical mile race starts tomorrow at Cowes and finishes in Le Havre, France. The race showcases the workmanship of classic yachts

Depression found to increase A&E health

checks for
memory loss . . . and vice versa over-65s
Eleanor Hayward Health Editor “It is known that depression and poor hippocampus, which is critical for memory loss led to depression. The
memory often occur together in older memory formation and retrieval. study said memory lapses can lead to services to meet the growing and
Depression can speed up memory loss people, but what comes first has been Chronic stress and high levels of corti- frustration, loss of confidence, and feel- changing needs of patients — which is
in the over-50s because it changes unclear,” said Dr Dorina Cadar of sol associated with depression can ings of incompetence, which are com- why ... we have asked NHS hospitals to
the structure of the brain, according to UCL’s Department of Behavioural damage neurons in these areas. mon precursors of depressive episodes. introduce practical measures to ensure
research. Science & Health and Brighton and “A further understanding of mecha- Memory impairment may also dis- older people get the care and support
Scientists at University College Sussex Medical School, the senior nisms linking memory decline and de- rupt daily functioning and social inter- they need. While some people do need
London (UCL) monitored 8,268 adults author of the study. pression is crucial for developing tar- actions, leading to social isolation, to be admitted, it isn’t always the most
for 16 years to examine the relationship “Our study shows that the relation- geted interventions aimed at improv- which can exacerbate depression. suitable place for older patients’ needs,
between depressive symptoms and for- ship between depression and poor ing mood and slowing cognitive decline Latest data from the Office for and they can also rapidly lose mobility
getfulness. They found that suffering memory cuts both ways, with depress- in individuals with depression and National Statistics shows about one while in hospital.”
from bouts of depression could hasten ive symptoms preceding memory memory impairment.” in six adults in the UK suffer from As well as freeing up NHS beds,
memory decline, while in a vicious decline and memory decline linked to The study, published in the medical depression. reducing the amount of time elderly
cycle, poor memory in turn worsened subsequent depressive symptoms. journal JAMA Network Open, in- Jiamin Yin, lead author of the study, patients spend in hospital helps to pre-
depressive symptoms. “It also suggests that interventions to volved data from the English Longitu- said: “These findings underscore the vent them deteriorating. Hospitals are
The scientists said depression can reduce depressive symptoms may help dinal Study of Ageing, which includes a importance of monitoring memory also being urged to expand schemes
cause changes in brain structures and to slow down memory decline.” clinical questionnaire screening for changes in older adults with increasing such as chair-based yoga and “race
lead to high levels of stress hormones, The researchers highlighted how de- symptoms of depression, such as a low depressive symptoms to identify tracks” on wards, that keep elderly
which damage brain cells, contributing pression can cause changes in the brain mood and lack of energy, as well as memory loss early and prevent further patients strong. Research shows muscle
to memory decline that can result in that may disrupt the its ability to reor- memory tests. The participants had an worsening of depressive function. strength reduces by up to 10 per cent
dementia. ganise and form new memories, includ- average age of 64 at the start of the “Conversely, it is also critical to ad- during each week in hospital, meaning
They added that treatments for ing “neurochemical imbalances” in study and were followed for 16 years. dress depressive symptoms among some frail patients become too weak to
depression, such as antidepressants — serotonin and dopamine. It found that the rate of memory de- those with memory decline to protect go home.
taken by 8.6 million adults in England Cadar said: “Depression can cause cline increased as people experienced them from developing depression and The NHS drive to reduce admissions
— could help stave off memory loss. changes in brain structures such as the more depressive symptoms, and that memory dysfunction.” in over-65s was announced before the
NHS Confederation conference in
Manchester today amid mounting con-
cern about the toll of doctors’ strikes on
Just 1% get test needed for new Alzheimer’s drugs the elderly. Junior doctors from the
British Medical Association are walk-
ing out for five days in the lead-up to the
Eleanor Hayward patients need “gold-standard” diagnos- examined the clinical notes from 1,017 needed to get started on the new drugs. election, from June 27 to July 2, causing
tic tests in the early stage of the disease patients with dementia in five areas of The study said specialist NHS ser- tens of thousands of NHS appoint-
Only 1 per cent of dementia patients get to benefit. This involves either PET London. Half of them were referred to vices must be urgently set up to prevent ments to be cancelled.
tests at NHS clinics that would allow [positron emission tomography] brain community memory clinics, the main a “large mismatch” between referrals Matthew Taylor, chief executive of
them to access revolutionary Alzheim- scans or spinal fluid tests, to confirm the dementia care and diagnostic service for the new drugs and those who can the NHS Confederation, urged the
er’s drugs, research has found. build-up of toxic proteins in the brain. offered by the NHS. get them. BMA to call off strikes if both Labour
Two breakthrough drugs, donanem- Research led by Queen Mary The study, published in the Journal of David Thomas, head of policy and and the Tories pledged to reopen talks
ab and lecanemab, have been shown to University of London has shown that Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychia- public affairs at Alzheimer’s Research within ten days of forming a new gov-
slow the progress of Alzheimer’s dis- only a handful of patients seen at NHS try, found that 32 per cent of patients in UK, said: “New drugs are finally on the ernment. About 1.5 million appoint-
ease in its early stages. They are expect- memory clinics are offered these tests, memory clinics may be suitable for the horizon, but for their full potential to be ments have been postponed since
ed to be approved for NHS use this highlighting a “clear and urgent” need Alzheimer’s drugs. realised, health systems need to be able industrial action began in the NHS in
summer, and up to 280,000 patients in to improve screening. However, less than 1 per cent of them to offer people with symptoms of England in December 2022. Junior
the UK will be eligible. However, Researchers from several NHS trusts had undergone the biomarker tests dementia an accurate early diagnosis.” doctors want a 35 per cent pay rise.
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 5


‘Hunter looked helpless, but he’s guilty’

Hugh Tomlinson Washington The chances of a jail term
Hunter Biden nodded quietly as the
jury handed down its verdict yesterday, Hunter Biden faces a maximum
announcing that the US president’s son sentence of 25 years in prison and a
was guilty on all three felony counts. fine of up to $750,000 when he is
With a deep breath and a thin smile, sentenced for his felonies in about
he turned and embraced his legal team four months (David Charter writes).
one by one, then stepped into the public The two counts of making false
gallery to kiss his wife, Melissa. The statements carry prison sentences
couple left the courtroom together, of up to ten years and five years
while the Bidens’ assembled entourage respectively, while the possession
filtered out behind them, grim-faced. charge can result in a sentence of
Moments before, friends of the Biden up to ten years. However, judges use
family had been speaking to reporters a detailed set of sentencing
in the hall outside, confident that Hunt- guidelines that suggest he may face
er would be acquitted. As news filtered far less time in prison, if any.
through the courthouse that the jury The guidelines for Biden’s
had reached a verdict after just three convictions point to a maximum
hours of deliberation, it became clear sentence of between 15 and 21
that those hopes would be dashed. months in prison. Defendants
A prolonged deliberation might have in similar cases have received
signalled that jurors were unconvinced shorter sentences, including
by the prosecution claim that Hunter probation without being sent to
knowingly lied when he filled out a jail, especially if they abide by
form to buy the Colt Cobra revolver the terms of their pre-trial and
from a Delaware gun store in October pre-sentencing release.
Hunter is a first-time offender and
the charges involve a single
weapon, which he had for just 11
days and was not misused. His
ability to stay clean of drugs, the
apparent stability of his marriage
to Melissa Cohen Biden since 2019
and their parenting responsibility
for their son, Beau, will also
count in his favour. It all points to a
non-custodial sentence, perhaps
involving community service.
President Biden was said to have been “consumed” by Hunter’s trial, which involved the purchase of a Colt Cobra revolver

2018. Over the course of the week-long Although President Biden did not Trump’s incessant attacks on the want to buy a firearm. The Gun
trial, though, prosecutors laid out over-
whelming evidence that the president’s
attend the trial, family members in-
cluding Jill Biden, the first lady, Hunt-
How will the judicial system and loud complaints
that his prosecutions amount to
Owners of America group said it
“believes that the gun control
son was still in the throes of crack er’s sister Ashley, his wife Melissa and “lawfare” and an attempt at Hunter Biden violated is
addiction when he walked into Star-
quest Shooters and asked to buy a gun.
his uncle James Biden were regularly
present. White House aides are con-
verdict affect interference in the election.
Trump’s allegations that the
unconstitutional and [the form he
lied on] shouldn’t even exist”.
Speaking after the verdict, some cerned about the toll the trial and now Department of Justice was behind An Emerson survey found that
jurors voiced sympathy for Hunter’s
battle against addiction but said that
conviction will take on the president as
he steps up his re-election campaign.
US election? the New York state hush-money
prosecution — which it was not —
64 per cent of voters said the trial
would have no impact on their
the evidence was compelling. Biden, 81, is said to be “consumed” by and is irredeemably biased are decision, with 24 per cent saying it
“He looks kind of helpless to me. I his son’s legal troubles, fearing that he Analysis refuted by the even-handedness made them less likely to support Joe
think he just needs to get away some- could slide back into addiction if he is shown in the federal prosecution of Biden and 12 per cent more likely.

where and get some real rehab, if he sent to jail. he unprecedented spectacle Democrats, including Robert The greater risk to Biden’s re-
hasn’t. Hopefully he’s still not using,” Hunter’s legal woes are not over. He of a president’s son Menendez, a senator from New election comes from his son’s
one juror told the New York Post. also faces a federal indictment over un- squirming in the dock Jersey who is on trial for corruption, second trial, on tax evasion charges,
“We all knew Hunter Biden was a paid taxes in California in a case that is while prosecutors and his and Henry Cuellar, a congressman in California in September.
drug addict, and he was addicted, and set to go to court on September 5, just former lovers raked over from Texas set to stand trial next Starting just two months before
he was making [drug] deals, like, 12 days two months before polling day. the details of his sordid lifestyle has year for money laundering. polling day on November 5, and a
prior to buying the gun. So, in his mind, The trial followed the collapse of a been excruciating for the Biden Meanwhile, the justice matter of weeks before postal voting
how could he write [on the gun applica- plea deal last summer that would have family but is unlikely to cause department decided not to indict begins, this case will remind voters
tion]: no, he was not an addict?” he said. shielded Hunter from jail time in the political pain (David Charter writes). one of the most pro-Trump of Hunter’s highly lucrative role on
Another said jurors were evenly split gun and tax cases. He has claimed that This election campaign is Republican congressmen, Matt the board of a Ukrainian gas
in a straw poll they took after receiving the case is politically motivated. overwhelmingly about the impact of Gaetz of Florida, after investigating company.
the case on Monday evening, but as Prosecutors laid out a trove of evi- inflation and concerns over him for sex trafficking — hardly the Republicans will publicise the
they broke down the evidence, a con- dence to underscore the depths of immigration and the loss of abortion action of a department hell-bent on evidence of Hunter’s “extravagant
sensus began to form. “Somewhere in Hunter’s addiction to crack cocaine rights, as well as the character of political vendetta. lifestyle” while failing
most of our minds, we were probably around the time he bought the gun. another convicted felon, Donald The relative quiet to pay $1.4 million
thinking that, yes, he was guilty, but let’s There was also intimate testimony Trump, and the stamina — or lack from the Republican over four years as
go over this again. Let’s get it right, to do from Kathleen Buhle, Hunter’s former of it — of President Biden. side on the Hunter part of their
justice to Hunter and give him the ben- wife, and Hallie Biden, the widow of his The sad Hunter Biden show is Biden prosecution campaign against the
efit of the doubt,” the juror said. late brother Beau, with whom Hunter unlikely to shift the needle with also reflects that it is “Biden crime
The verdict comes in an election year later had a relationship. Both women voters. If anything, it may help the actively campaigning family”. No evidence
that has been as much about the court- testified about their first-hand experi- president’s standing, after he ruled to allow greater has been produced
room as it has been about campaign ence of Hunter’s addiction and their out a pardon for his son under the access to gun proving that Joe
events, after Donald Trump, the pre- failed attempts to help him get sober. presidential powers of clemency and ownership, not Biden acted
sumptive Republican nominee for pres- James Comer, the Republican chair- refused to join Hunter’s lawyer in punish those who corruptly, but in the
ident, was found guilty of falsifying man of the House oversight committee, condemning the proceedings as heat of the election
business records to hide a hush-money said the guilty verdict marked a “step politically motivated. The president’s A picture used in campaign that will
payment to a porn star. toward accountability”. reserve stands in contrast with evidence in the trial not matter.

Gary Glitter told to pay £500,000 to woman raped as a child

Sean O’Neill singer, took her to one of his concerts She dropped out of school, struggled to Gadd, of assaulting her. The damages of and two other girls between 1975 and
and then met him backstage. hold down a job and changed her name £508,800 includes £381,000 in lost 1980. He was automatically released
Gary Glitter, the paedophile pop star, Then aged 12, she was plied with by deed poll because she had flashbacks earnings and £7,800 for future therapy. from HMP The Verne, a low-security
has been ordered to pay more than champagne at a hotel. She and her of Glitter saying her old name. Richard Scorer, the woman’s solici- prison in Portland, Dorset, in February
£500,000 in damages to a woman mother were then invited to Glitter’s The woman did not speak about the tor, indicated that there would now be last year after serving half his sentence.
he raped when she was a schoolgirl. house in London, where he assaulted abuse until after her mother had died, a legal battle to obtain the money He was recalled to prison less than six
The woman, now 60, told the High and raped the girl. when, she said, “the lid came off”. from Glitter, who is in prison and did weeks later when police monitoring
Court in London she was subjected to a Mrs Justice Tipples said she accepted She reported her abuse to the police not engage with the latest proceedings. showed he had breached his licence
lengthy ordeal by Glitter in 1977 after the claimant’s evidence of the abuse and in 2013 and Glitter was convicted two Glitter, 80, was jailed for 16 years in conditions. In February this year, Glitter
her mother, who was obsessed with the the profound effects it had on her life. years later, under his real name of Paul 2015 for sexually abusing the woman was refused an application for release.
6 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times

News Politics

Behind the scenes, Tories talk of this bold action,” Sunak said. “All you
Steven Swinford Political Editor
Oliver Wright, Chris Smyth, Matt the times got from the Labour Party is a blank
Dathan, Aubrey Allegretti election events sheet of paper. Not a single big idea has
been put on the table.”
For a campaign that has so far been Some of Sunak’s own MPs, however,
beset by the weather, Nigel Farage and
Online now question whether it was bold enough.
a spectacular own goal over D-Day, the
Conservative manifesto launch went
Global Roundtable There was little new, the policies having
been extensively trailed since Sunak
relatively smoothly. called the general election. Candidates
Rishi Sunak chose Silverstone, home Join top journalists from on the party’s right are unhappy but
of the British Grand Prix, to unveil the The Times, The Wall have decided to keep their counsel.
76-page document. He could not resist Street Journal and The They wanted a stronger commitment
using the track as a metaphor, saying on leaving the European Convention
there was “nowhere better to mark the Australian for unparalleled on Human Rights (ECHR) — left
fact that our economy has truly turned analysis of UK and US deliberately vague in the manifesto —
the corner”. and a bolder offer on tax cuts.
The prime minister gave his cabinet politics — and why the “I don’t think it’s enough,” one right-
their first glimpse of the manifesto election results matter winger said. “We’re still trying to ride
shortly before he went on stage. two horses. The offer on the ECHR
Privately, most still believe Labour is on across the world is too weak. We needed to be more
course for victory and the discussion explicit. But I don’t think there’s much
among ministers is increasingly about he could have done, realistically. The
the size of Labour’s majority. public have made their mind up. It’s too
“He gave us all a pep talk, talking to late to try and fatten the pig.”
each of us about what we’d done,” one Live from 7pm Another said: “It’s a big pile of noth-
minister said. “He was on good form.
And look, this won’t change the price of
What it means ingness. On immigration it takes us no
further from where we are now.”
fish — Labour is still going to win — but for Britain But they dismissed reports of an
if we get the campaign right from here alternative right-wing manifesto being
on in, we can limit Labour’s majority. Don’t miss our free presented. “We’re not going to let them
“The tax-cut pledges create a use the excuse of blaming us,” a Tory
genuine wedge between us and Labour. newsroom livestreams, candidate in the rebel camp said.
It’s the difference between five years of every Wednesday from The policies have made little obvious
[Sir Keir] Starmer and ten years of difference to the party’s fortunes —
Starmer.” 7pm to 8pm. Tonight, Labour still has a 20-point lead in the
Another minister said: “When you Rachel Sylvester, Richard polls. Two previous 2p cuts to national
talk to people on the doorstep, there is Fletcher, Gabriel Pogrund insurance failed to register with voters,
absolutely zero enthusiasm for Labour, something that Jeremy Hunt, the
so I still hold out some hope that things and Oliver Shah nail the chancellor, acknowledged in a recent
might be closer than the polls suggest. issues with Chloe Tilley interview. So why did Sunak go for
“Our voters are angry but I still think national insurance again? MPs on the
we can persuade them to come back — right of the party have pushed hard for
unless they’re just not telling us the him to abolish inheritance tax.
truth. That is always a possibility.” Party sources said there was a “short”
The manifesto has been months in employee national insurance; a pledge discussion on the subject. But given
the making and is designed to hit three to abolish national insurance entirely the manifesto tax cuts are funded by
broad demographics: workers, pension- for self-employed workers; and squeezing welfare, it was considered
ers and parents. Despite Sunak’s recent income-tax cuts for pensioners. politically untenable to use the pro-
travails, the main measures are un- Sunak promised to extend child ben- ceeds to fund giveaways for the wealthy.
changed since the start of the election efit to higher earners and scrap stamp “The reason we’re doing [national
campaign. Sunak is said to have been duty for first-time buyers on properties insurance] is to make working people
“extremely involved” in the process, worth up to £425,000. The policy blitz feel better,” said one senior Conserva-
signing off on the document last Thurs- also included compulsory national tive. “That’s the strategy.”
day evening after his disastrous deci- service for 18-year-olds and scrapping A staffer was more blunt in their as-
sion to return home early from D-Day “Mickey Mouse” degrees. sessment. “They’re in ‘free broadband
commemorations in Normandy. These pledges would be funded with for everyone’ territory,” they said — a
In fiscal terms, it goes further than a £6 billion clampdown on tax avoid- reference to the 2019 Jeremy Corbyn
any Conservative offering in the past ance and evasion and £12 billion saved manifesto pledge. “They could an-
three elections. It includes £17.2 billion by overhauling the welfare system. “If nounce a fully funded £50 billion tax
worth of tax cuts, including a 2p cut in I’m [still] prime minister, you will have cut and no one would notice or care.”

A slow-motion car crash at Silverstone The Conservative manifesto

urgency. Without going into too that make them look as if they’re
Your guide to main policies
Tom Peck much detail, if you’re looking for a making their way to the “immediate
Political Sketch metaphor for Rishi Sunak’s election family” seats at Grandma’s funeral. National insurance for by clamping down on tax avoidance
campaign thus far, let’s just say that Up on the main stage, beneath a The manifesto includes and evasion.
there are sewage tanks out there so four-storey-high ceiling, the prime another 2p cut to the rate

hen you’re very large they can be unblocked only by minister was a distant speck. The of national insurance, Child benefit
much not in pole a man in full scuba gear. room, frankly, was too big. Even taking the employee rate to 6p in the The Tories have set out plans
position in the polls, Anyway, where were we? If you with a backside on every seat it felt pound, at a cost of about £10 billion. to raise the threshold at
when you’re going were to write some sort of idiot’s two thirds empty. He could have The party is also pledging by the end which families pay the child
round and round in guide on how to put on a Formula 1- been giving the Gettysburg Address of the next parliament to abolish the benefit tax charge from £60,000 to
circles and not really getting themed election manifesto launch, and it would have drifted up in to main rate of self-employed national £120,000. They say this will benefit
anywhere, when the wheels are the first item on the list would surely the cavernous ceiling space like a insurance, at a cost of £2 billion in five 700,000 families by an average of
coming off and life’s the pits, it’s a be to start on time. In the build-up football chant that never quite gets years. The Tories say they will pay for £1,500 and that the cost — £1.3 billion a
brave decision indeed to launch your to the event, all over the Tories’ going. He was fading and dying. this with welfare reforms, which they year — would also be funded by
election manifesto at the self-writing social media accounts was the same There is always the chance, on estimate would save £12 billion. clamping down on tax avoidance.
car-crash-based pun factory that is breathless promotional video. There such occasions, that there might be However, the Institute for Fiscal
the Silverstone Formula 1 racetrack. were thumping drum beats, revving some sort of bombshell lurking Studies has said that such a savings Education
There, breathe out, we’re done. engines and the famous F1 start within. Seven years ago, no one target “looks difficult in the extreme”. The Conservatives will scrap
No more. Although, actually, there lights turning red, one by one, spotted that Theresa May had set so-called rip-off degrees
is one torturous F1-based metaphor before turning off. “Tune in at herself on fire with a plan to make Triple lock plus in which graduates earn
you won’t have already heard. 11.30am!” it said. On the basis of the pensioners sell their homes to pay The party is promising to less on average than they would if
A former chairman of Silverstone record set by Max Verstappen in for their care. introduce what it described they had not gone to university.
once told me that the most 2020, then, by the time the event got It doesn’t appear to have as a “triple lock plus” for The party says this would raise
incredible thing he’d ever seen in round to starting, Sunak had already happened again but it hardly pensioners, ensuring that the state £900 million that it would spend on
many decades working there had been lapped eight times. matters. There will be no high- pension is never taxed. The tax-free creating 100,000 apprenticeships
nothing to do with car racing. It Eventually, the cabinet filed in and octane moment of impact. This personal allowance for pensioners by the end of the next parliament,
happened when the Olympic the room erupted with very faint particular car crash has been going would rise by inflation, wages or at a cost of £885 million. Again, this
swimming-pool-sized septic tank got applause. This is customary at these on for some time now, in 2.5 per cent, whichever is highest. would be funded by a crackdown on
blocked on grand prix weekend and sorts of events. It tends to work excruciating slow motion. There are The Conservatives say that this would tax avoidance and evasion.
he had to call in an extremely better when those on the receiving still three weeks of it to go. cost £2.4 billion and would be paid The party recommits to its plans to
specialist contractor as a matter of end aren’t wearing the kind of faces Somebody fetch the snorkel.
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 7


trying to limit Labour’s victory

The Tories will introduce
an annual legal cap on the
number of work and family
My Normandy visit
visas issued each year as part of
plans to halve net migration, which
stood at 685,000 last year. Migrants
will have health checks before
ran over, Sunak says
in D-Day interview
travelling to the UK and those with
health conditions will have to pay a
higher Immigration Health Surcharge,
presently £1,035, to cover the extra
burden they place on the NHS. The
manifesto also recommits the party Oliver Wright Policy Editor that was something that we never had
to the Rwanda policy, arguing that Chris Smyth Whitehall Editor growing up actually.”
once deportation flights start, The prime minister, 44, is a football
migrants will be deterred from Rishi Sunak had to “go without” Sky TV supporter and may have wanted to
crossing the Channel in small boats. It as a child because his parents were watch Sky Sports, which began show-
commits to clearing the asylum making sacrifices for his education, the ing the Premier League in 1992, when
backlog and deporting more than prime minister has said. he was aged 12.
90,000 migrants stuck in limbo. Sunak cited his parents’ refusal to pay Sunak also used the interview to
There is a new target to process for the subscription channel as an make an appeal to Reform UK voters
asylum claims within six months to example of having to “go without”, as he attracted by Nigel Farage’s return to the
end the use of hotels for housing was pressed on whether he related to political arena. He said that he had
migrants. The party will work with the struggles of ordinary people. “respect” for the Reform leader, point-
other countries to “rewrite” asylum In an interview with ITV News ing out that Farage was “right” to
treaties to make them fit for the conducted on the afternoon that he highlight migration as a significant
“challenges” of illegal migration. returned early from D-Day commemo- concern.
rations, Sunak also said that events in He said, though, that people who
European Convention on Normandy had “ran over”. He has since wanted the issue to be addressed should
Human Rights issued a series of apologies for his deci- still vote for the Conservatives. “One of
The manifesto does not sion to return. two people is going to be prime minister
commit to reassessing the Apologising for having kept Paul on July 5,” Sunak said. “It’s either Keir
UK’s membership of the European Brand, the ITV journalist, waiting, Starmer or me. A vote for anyone who’s
Convention on Human Rights, but it Sunak said: “It all just ran over.” While not a Conservative candidate is a vote
does state that “if we are forced to the prime minister attended events in to put Keir Starmer in office.”
choose between our security and the Normandy on the morning of the Sunak was challenged over a poll
jurisdiction of a foreign court, D-Day anniversary, alongside the King from YouGov that suggested 75 per cent
including the ECHR, we will always and Queen, he chose to skip the after- of voters thought the country was in a
choose our security”. noon event, with Lord Cameron of worse state than when the Conserva-
Chipping Norton, the foreign secretary, tives came to power in 2010.
Health and social care taking his place next to President Bid- The prime minister conceded that
The party says it will raise en, President Macron of France and the past few years had been “very diffi-
NHS spending above Olaf Scholz, the German chancellor. cult” but that overall the Conservatives’
inflation every year, The content of the interview is likely record in power had been good. “You
including recruiting 92,000 more to concern Conservative strategists and have to remember, just a few years ago,
nurses and 28,000 more doctors. will be seized on by Labour to suggest the Conservatives won a general elect-
This will be done by investing more that the prime minister is out of touch. ion,” he said. “People thought the
than £2.4 billion to fund a 27 per cent Asked whether he had “ever gone Conservatives were doing a good job,
expansion in training places for new without something” Sunak, who was otherwise they wouldn’t have re-elect-
doctors and nurses by the end of the privately educated at Winchester ed them.
next parliament. Sunak has pledged College, said that he “went without lots “But what’s happened in the last few
to go ahead with Boris Johnson’s of things because my parents wanted to years is we’ve been hit by two, once-in-
delayed social care reform. Under the put everything into our education and a-century crises: a pandemic, which we
Rishi Sunak and policy, the lifetime amount people that was a priority”. hadn’t seen before, and then an energy
his wife Akshata have to pay for care would be capped Asked to give a specific example, he crisis as Russia invaded Ukraine and
Murty at the Tory at £86,000. replied: “There’ll be all sorts of things everyone’s energy bill spiralled. And
manifesto launch that I would’ve wanted as a kid that I that’s had an enormous impact on
yesterday Climate change couldn’t have. Famously, Sky TV, so everybody.”
The Conservatives say that
give 30 free hours of childcare to all
children over the age of nine months.
This is due to be rolled out this year
The manifesto includes a
commitment to recruit
they are committed to the
UK’s overall net-zero
reduction targets but will not do so in
Pledge to cut welfare bill
and next. It is also promising to ban the
use of mobile phones during the school
day and to roll out a new English
8,000 additional police
officers over the next three years at an
annual cost of £818 million, as well as
a way that increases costs for
consumers. They have delayed a ban
on sales of new petrol and diesel cars
‘not up to the challenge’
baccalaureate to replace A-levels. powers for neighbourhood police from 2030 to 2035.
officers to seize knives and recover Oliver Wright, Chris Smyth uncertain, unspecific and apparently
Defence stolen goods. This would be paid Transport victimless savings,” he said. “Forgive a
Rishi Sunak’s plans to for in part by increasing visa fees for The manifesto commits to Economists have warned that Conserv- degree of scepticism.”
increase UK spending on people coming to the UK. The reversing the expansion of ative plans to enable tax cuts by reduc- The bulk of the savings come from
defence to 2.5 per cent of manifesto promises to increase the Ulez — the ultra-low ing Britain’s welfare bill by £12 billion promised reforms to disability benefits
GDP a year by 2030, at a cost of £6 minimum sentence for murders that emissions zone — in London, as part amount to “definite giveaways” paid for that are likely to involve many people
billion a year, is also a central plank of take place in the home from 15 to 25 of a wider plan to support drivers. by “uncertain” savings. with mental health problems being
the Conservative offer. years. The party will also look to Local referendums would also be The tax cuts are primarily funded by denied cash benefits.
The party say that this pledge will introduce a US-style system of first and allowed on new 20mph zones and a pledge to tackle the rising bill for sick- Other savings are projected to come
be funded through plans to shrink the second-degree murder. low-traffic neighbourhoods. ness benefits, although this was greeted from ensuring fewer people are signed
size of the civil service by 70,000, with scepticism by experts. off work. No firm policies have been set
saving £3.6 billion. Housing Gender recognition The Tories aim to save a further out in either case.
The manifesto contains a Plans to amend the £6 billion by tackling tax avoidance and Tom Waters, of the institute, said that
Benefits pledge to build 1.6 million Equality Act are also evasion, alongside reducing White- plans to achieve £12 billion in welfare
The Conservatives want to new homes over the course included in the manifesto. hall’s staff budget by £3.9 billion. Re- savings “are not remotely up to the
encourage more people with of the next parliament — 100,000 more It says the party will introduce form of government quangos will save a challenge”.
mental health and mobility than the party’s pledge in 2019, which it legislation to make clear that “sex further £1.2 billion, the party said. The Resolution Foundation think
problems to look for work and remove failed to deliver. It includes details of a means biological sex” rather than a Plans were already in place to reduce tank said that reducing spending on
benefits from those who refuse to take £1 billion scheme to help first-time person’s self-determined gender. spending in unprotected departments disability benefits by £12 billion would
jobs after a year Sunak is also buyers, offering government-backed by £21 billion over the next five years to imply a cut of 40 per cent which “would
promising to reform sick notes by mortgages that would allow them to National service meet the Conservatives’ pledge to start be extremely challenging to deliver, not
removing the responsibility from GPs buy a home with just a 5 per cent The Tories want teenagers reducing the national debt. least as it would likely involve cuts to
and giving it to a new occupational deposit. to take part in either Paul Johnson, director of the Insti- the entitlements of existing claimants”.
health service. . The manifesto also includes a pledge military national service or tute for Fiscal Studies, said that the The Conservatives have pointed out
Disability benefits would also be to permanently get rid of stamp duty community volunteering when they savings were intended to enable about that current forecasts suggest a £20 bil-
overhauled to prevent “unsustainable” tax for first-time buyers of properties leave school. They say this policy will £17 billion in tax cuts alongside a big lion increase in sickness benefits over
rises in claims. costing up to £425,000. cost £1 billion by 2029. increase in defence spending. “Those the next parliament and that it is poss-
are definite giveaways paid for by ible to stem the scale of that increase.
8 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times

News Politics

Reform candidates Nigel Farage had two

objects thrown at him
while campaigning in
Barnsley. Video filmed
from his bus appeared to
show a man throwing a

are online ‘friends’

paper cup. The police
later arrested a suspect

with fascist leader

Fintan Hogan, Tom Witherow next to NBU insignia and images of campaign over social media activity.
Mosley, the face of British fascism. His Last week the party withdrew support
Close to one in ten candidates for Nigel Twitter/X account has also shared for two candidates after The Times
Farage’s Reform UK party in England Islamophobic and xenophobic material, revealed that its list included a racist
are “friends” on Facebook with Gary images of men giving Nazi salutes, and who referred to a group of black people
Raikes, the British fascist leader, The slogans such as “the future is fascism”. as “baboons” and a magazine publisher
Times has found. Leslie Lilley, the Reform UK candi- who suggested Ghislaine Maxwell did
Raikes, a former organiser for the date for Southend East & Rochford and her teenage victims “a favour”.
British National Party, founded the one of the 41 candidates following A third, Stewart Sutherland, stepped
New British Union in the image of Raikes, posted messages suggesting that down as the candidate for Blaenau
Oswald Mosley’s British Union of “the Illuminati” control the world and Gwent & Rhymney after he was found
Fascists, with activists who call them- that the Covid-19 vaccine programme to have promoted the racist “great re-
selves “blackshirts”. was a “crime against humanity”. The placement” conspiracy theory online.
The New British Union has called for same account is being used to promote Farage said that “every party” faced
a “fascist revolution” and sees parlia- his parliamentary election campaign. issues of vetting because of the snap
mentary democracy as an “obstruction” Steve Beatty, the candidate in Didcot election, and that Reform had simply
to be replaced with a dictatorship. & Wantage, captioned an image run out of time to check its list.
Analysis by The Times shows that at denying climate change with “Correct” More than 110 Reform UK candi-
least 41 of Reform’s parliamentary and reposted an Islamophobic conspir- dates were dropped or swapped
candidates in the general election are acy theory. Grant Randall, standing in between January and June this year,
friends with Raikes on Facebook, Rayleigh & Wickford, posted material The Guardian reported, many over
despite his account being active for only denying the theory of evolution. Both public comments that came to light
about a year and having about 4,000 men still have Raikes as Facebook only after their appointment.
connections. friends. A poll by YouGov published on Tues-
The revelation came after Ian Grib- Seven of the 41 Reform “friends” of day put Reform only one point behind
bin, a Reform UK candidate, apologised Raikes were projected to finish second the Conservatives. Farage’s announce-
for claiming that Britain would be “far in their constituency, and a further 27 ment that he would become leader and
better” if it had “taken Hitler up on his were forecast to be third, according to stand in Clacton, Essex, boosted the
offer of neutrality”, instead of fighting the latest YouGov polling, conducted party’s popularity to 17 per cent. One
the Nazis in the Second World War. before Farage returned to lead Reform pollster suggested the party could win
Raikes has shared promotional and before Rishi Sunak’s D-Day gaffe. up to four seats next month.
material for the party on his Facebook Several Reform candidates have Sunak’s team is said to be “resigned”
account, including photos of himself stood down during this election to the likelihood of a crossover poll, in
which the outgoing government will
fall behind Reform UK.
A Reform UK spokesman said its ef-
forts to vet candidates were “truncated”
by the snap election. “Millions of people
who are struggling want journalists to
discuss policy and ideas, not juvenile
gotcha identity politics,” he said. “We
take all allegations very seriously and
will take appropriate action after a
thorough internal investigation.”
The party said it was “no crime to
follow people with whom one has
profound disagreements”.
Raikes said his group calls for a “quiet
revolution” that is “completely legal
and peaceful”, and that his “friends on
Facebook” are “normal people who
share some views and concerns over
the way our country is heading”.
Lilley, Randall and Beatty could not
Gary Raikes has called for a “fascist revolution” to end parliamentary democracy be reached for comment.

I’ve spent £2,000 on bodyguards for campaign, says Duffield

Ben Ellery Crime Editor you’re allowed to spend on your gener- Rowling an audio message in Gael- have to try and sort it out. When of it and I wish it wasn’t the case. I find
Daisy Eastlake al election campaigning and your leaf- ic in which he said he was going to you’ve just had someone with a it all kinds of embarrassing. I wish there
lets and all that sort of stuff ... but we kill her “with a big hammer”. He death threat sentenced, and wasn’t that attention on that whole
Rosie Duffield says she has spent didn’t get this clear guidance about how threatened to turn a “big gun” on you’re having to think about area.”
£2,000 on bodyguards while campaign- to spend the money [if security is Duffield. Both have been out- your security everywhere that The Times contacted the Electoral
ing for the election because politicians included in the election expenses]. spoken advocates for women. you go, I’m not going to Commission for comment.
have not been given help with security. “I have had to have a close protection Duffield said a few of her pretend it doesn’t impact Duffield, who has spoken in parlia-
The Labour candidate for Canter- officer. Parliament normally pays for colleagues were also on democracy, because ment about being the victim of domes-
bury told The Times’s Crime and Jus- our security separately but because having to hire body- it does. tic abuse, added that at times being an
tice Commission that she had spent the we’re in an election period, no one had guards with their own “Even though it’s MP felt like being a victim of coercive
money in the first week of the campaign prepared for that. money but that they not conscious, I’m control.
and was concerned that she would have “We’re also having to tell all of the had tried to keep it out thinking, ‘I’m a She said: “These [online] threats are a
to keep paying until the election. venues that are holding hustings that of the public eye. “A lot tough person. I’m form of coercive control. What you’re
Duffield, 52, said her level of risk was we have these security concerns, and I of people say, ‘Well, getting on with it. doing is saying, ‘You’ve stepped out of
considered “one of the highest” after a feel like a diva even doing it. It’s embar- lucky you’ve got the I’ve been through line.’ It really does make you think twice
Manchester man was given a suspend- rassing. I don’t want to be walking money.’ You know, we much worse,’ but it about saying something. I found, to my
ed prison sentence last week for send- around Canterbury, which has been my don’t want all that being does impact on you. huge annoyance, that I have curbed
ing her and JK Rowling a death threat. home for 26 years, with a lovely chap discussed,” she said. “I’m faintly embar- what I say in parliament.
“There is no email or clear advice to called Jason walking around behind me “But we are going to rassed. I find it humiliat- “There are certain debates I will not
women MPs about what you have to do with an earloop.” ing. I’m thrown off my get involved in now because I know
about your security budget,” she said. Glenn Mullen, 31, was given an eight- A man threatened to “turn game. I stutter a bit when I about those reactions. It does affect
“We have all these rules about what week suspended sentence for sending a big gun” on Duffield speak. I’m self-conscious democracy.”
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 S1 9


Man held Inside the battle

after cup
thrown for Nuneaton, the
at Farage
key bellwether seat
man has been
arrested after
objects were Labour is pouring pledge. And last week Yvette Cooper,
thrown at the shadow home secretary, met retail-
Nigel Farage
while he was campaigning
resources into the ers in Nuneaton to discuss crime.
Activists are coming from across the
for the general election struggling market town country to help Gosling’s campaign.
(Seren Hughes writes). But it is also being fought online, where
The Reform UK leader in an effort to win it Labour is using a relatively novel
was on top of his party’s method of Google Ads, deemed a cost-
battle bus in Barnsley, back, writes Lara Spirit effective means of targeting voters as
South Yorkshire, when an increased spending limits mean mil-
object narrowly missed It is the middle of the day and Nun- lions more can be spent on digital
him. Video filmed from eaton’s town centre is desolate. Whole advertising than in previous elections.
the bus showed a man in a streets lie empty. Scores of shops are “I’ll stop you right there,” Gosling says a
red hoodie reaching into closed, some boarded up. At others you young voter told her on the doorstep
what appeared to be a bin must knock to gain entry or order recently. “I’ve seen the Labour You-
within a construction area through a hatch. Tube ad and you are Jodie Gosling.”
and throwing a paper High street crime in this Warwick- They then recited her video word by
coffee cup, which also shire market town is shaping up to be a word back to her.
missed. Workmen could key issue in the election on July 4. On It wasn’t the only time she’d been rec-
be seen pushing him out Sunday afternoon, as the annual char- ognised from the video ads. “The others
of the construction site ity carnival passes through its streets, must have been about ten years old,
before he ran off. the death of a young man the previous definitely primary age, and they
South Yorkshire police night is confirmed and a murder inves- stopped me in the street,” she said.“One
arrested a 28-year-old tigation launched. of them said the four seconds of video
man on suspicion of It is into constituencies such as Nun- they were forced to watch before they
public order offences after eaton, at the heart of Britain’s electoral could skip to their video was too long.”
“disorder in Barnsley map, that Labour is pouring resources Labour has reason to be hopeful here.
town centre”. in the hope of turning the town red for In May the party gained control of the
A spokesman for the the first time since 2010. council from the Conservatives for the
force said: “It is believed The path to a Labour victory runs not
that the man threw only through the “red wall” constituen-
objects from a nearby cies and Scotland but also through
construction area. A traditional swing seats such as Nun-
suspect was quickly eaton. And not many have a more fa-
detained and remains in mous reputation. It was here that Mar-
police custody.” garet Thatcher’s 1983 landslide began
Farage said he believed to crystallise, returning the first Tory
the objects were some wet MP for the seat since the 1930s. It was
cement and a coffee here too that in 2015 David Cameron
cup. He thanked the realised that his party had won the out-
police and said: “I will not right majority that few expected.
be bullied or cowed by a The Conservative candidate hoping
violent left-wing mob who to be re-elected embodies the party’s
hate our country.” Farage past 14 years in many ways. Marcus
also wrote on Twitter/X: Jones, first elected here in 2010, is a rare
“These people want to thing in contemporary Tory politics:
stop my election since 2015 he has served near-continu- Labour’s Jodie Gosling with fellow
campaign. That’s never ously in various party posts and has West Midlands candidate Jess Phillips
going to happen.” been avowedly loyal to every one of the
Last week a milkshake five prime ministers he worked for. first time since 2018. The most recent
was thrown over Farage in Only once in his 14 years in parlia- MRP seat-by-seat poll from YouGov
Clacton, the seat he hopes ment has he defied the party whip, puts it well ahead, with a ten-point lead.
to win. Victoria Thomas when he supported a referendum on It also puts Reform UK, the right-
Bowen, 25, was charged leaving the European Union. “I just wing challenger siphoning votes from
with assault by beating thought people needed to get it out of the Tories, at 13 per cent.
and criminal damage. She their system, needed to have their say,” Improving the state of this town
is due to appear at he said in a small coffee shop in the centre is a priority for both candidates.
Colchester magistrates’ town centre, not long after the arrival of Both will cite party pledges on policing
court on July 2. a voter who says she will be supporting when canvassing, with the Tories
him. “I didn’t stage that,” he promises. promising 8,000 more neighbourhood
Jones politely declined the invitation police officers and Labour 13,000 con-
to lift the lid on his experience as the stables and police and community
second-longest-serving Tory whip support officers, 3,000 of whom would
ment. Four new videos from the Con- limiting the size of a Labour majority is since 2010, including his time as deputy be full-time officers.
We may have servative Party, launched on Monday,
show the Conservatives on 140 seats,
a risky strategy.”
Tryll said that the move risked
chief whip when Rishi Sunak was prime
minister. “What goes on in the whips’
According to the Crime Rate website,
which uses open police force data,
Labour on 422, the Lib Dems on 48 and “demotivating activists and also potent- office stays in the whips’ office,” he says. social media and freedom of informa-
just 57 MPs, Reform taking zero.
The outcome would eclipse the feat
ially triggering a ‘strong horse’
response from the public encouraging
His colleagues talk of a record of
respectful but effective discipline. “He’s
tion requests from local police depart-
ments, crime is now 46 per cent higher
managed in 1997 by Blair, who led them to flock to the likely winner”. not a famous 2010 face but he’s seen a in Nuneaton than the national average,
say Tory ads Labour to a landslide victory on 418
seats. It would also be significantly
He said the argument that the Tories
were at risk of coming third if voters
lot, he’s a diligent local MP and as a
whip he’s renowned for being respect-
making it the most dangerous of War-
wickshire’s big towns.
worse for the Conservatives than the flock to Reform “may be one of the few ful and kind,” one former cabinet minis- On the night of the May local elec-
Aubrey Allegretti losses under John Major. gambles the Conservatives have left to ter said, adding: “Actually he’s seen tions, Jones did admit that levelling-up
Chief Political Correspondent In 1997, the Tories won 165 seats. In take”, adding: “We know if there’s one everything, but he won’t tell you any of and regeneration of the town centre
the scenario envisaged by the new Tory thing that Reform voters dislike more that.” He doesn’t. “weighed heavily” here. He now argues
The Conservatives have suggested they social media ad, the party would get just than the Conservatives it’s the Labour His Labour challenger is just as assid- that the work is under way but complet-
could be reduced to 57 seats at the elect- 57 MPs — finishing in third place Party, and fears about what a Labour uously on-message over a quick lunch ing projects does not happen immedi-
ion in a social media advert — to dis- behind the Lib Dems on 61. Reform is supermajority might mean could well at a restaurant that is almost empty but ately.
courage people from voting for Reform. still shown to win no seats. encourage some of them to begrudg- teeming with antiques. “I don’t pay “A lot of the more traditional shops
The video is being promoted on Face- The ads’ estimated audience is up to ingly to back the Conservatives, and much attention to the polls,” Jodie Gos- and parts of the town to make way for
book and Instagram by Tory campaign 200,000 people and came at a maxi- inspire other disgruntled Conserva- ling tells me, but does not shy away this regeneration, they’ve been closed
strategists and states that Sir Keir mum cost to the Tories of £2,597, tives who might have stayed at home to from the high priority Labour HQ and rammed and knocked down and so
Starmer could get a landslide far bigger according to Facebook’s ad library. actually turn out.” places on winning here. on and so forth and people still are not
than Tony Blair’s in 1997. Luke Tryl, director of the More in A Conservative Party spokesman A few hours earlier Gosling, who is a believing that it’s happening,” he said.
Opinion polls suggest the Tories are Common think tank and a former Con- said: “The only thing we’ll concede is teacher and who set up a nursery in “These projects are happening, but it
braced for heavy losses, with party servative special adviser, said: “Effec- that a vote for any other party is a vote 2015, had been with Sir Keir Starmer in takes time.”
insiders privately conceding they are tively conceding that you’re going to for Keir Starmer and Labour’s £2,094 the constituency, where the Labour
fighting a losing battle to stay in govern- lose the election to scare voters into tax bombshell.” leader was promoting a new childcare
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 11

The portrait by Jonathan
Yeo was obscured by a
picture of Wallace, from
the Wallace and Gromit
cartoons, of which King
Charles is said to be a fan

Nathan McGovern, a
spokesman for Animal
Rising, said the activists
knew the painting would
be protected by glass
and that there was no
intent to cause damage,
as the posters were
attached using water
spray. McGovern added
Animal rights activists that the stunt was a
reference to the King’s
deface King’s portrait fondness for the Wallace
and Gromit films made
by Aardman.

new portrait Animal Rebellion, a The activists said they
of the King sister organisation of hoped the protest would
has been Extinction Rebellion, bring attention to their
targeted by has called on the King to investigation of RSPCA-
animal rights end his patronage of the backed farms, which
activists who covered RSPCA, which it found poor conditions at
the monarch’s face with accuses of running a some sites. Chris
a likeness of the clay discredited farm welfare Packham, the honorary
animation character scheme. RSPCA president, called
Wallace (Seren Hughes Philip Mould told The at the weekend for the
and David Sanderson Times that the posters charity’s food-labelling
write). were removed within scheme to be scrapped.
The two campaigners seconds and no damage The RSPCA said the
from Animal Rising who was done. He said the stunt was a “distraction”
defaced Jonathan Yeo’s gallery was reviewing its from its work helping
new painting at the security but added: “It’s animals but that an
Philip Mould gallery in difficult to predict when urgent investigation into
London also pasted on a and how such things can Animal Rising’s findings
speech bubble that said: be done by people who was under way. The
“No cheese, Gromit. are determined.” He said RSPCA Assured scheme
Look at all this cruelty that the portrait had is the “best way to help
on RSPCA farms!” The been wiped and dried farmed animals right
group, founded as within a minute. now”, the charity said.

Neighbour of 12-year-old murderer Barrister died

in holiday jet
‘put up barbed wire’ as protection ski accident
David Woode Crime Correspondent the barbed wire up. I put it up four or boys. Prosecutors told the court that him going to the alleyway to meet Georgia Lambert
Ben Ellery Crime Editor five months after he moved in. It took Seesahai was “utterly defenceless” and them.” He said that on the night of the
me a while to work out what he was. had “done nothing to offend the two murder CCTV images captured him A barrister on her honeymoon in Dubai
A neighbour of one of two 12-year-old “He moved in, I gave him boxing boys”. running “around the back as fast as he died on Christmas Day in a jet ski acci-
boys convicted this week of murdering gear, fishing gear. Then I found out The boy’s neighbour said he “was out could”. dent having received minimal guidance
a man with a machete has revealed that what he was, then I told him to leave me pinching every night of the week”. He Regarding the boy’s court case, he on operating the machine, an inquest
he had to put up barbed wire to keep alone. They told me he moved here said: “I was sick of it. The police were said: “I knew it was coming. The best was told.
him off his property. because he was involved with gangs. bringing him back every night of the they could do was find him guilty, but Michaela Danso, from Holloway,
The pair murdered Shawn Seesahai, You’d see the gangs come with him, week. They’d wake me up, banging my he’s 12. What’s that going to do? He’s north London, was thrown off the jet
19, during a “vicious attack” in a park in he’d told them where he was. door. The police did two raids, the going to end up out of there in eight ski while with her husband, Joseph, in
Wolverhampton on November 13 last “I saw the other boy a lot but I don’t neighbours told me. They arrested him years. He’s twisted in the head, he’s not 2022. Walthamstow coroner’s court
year. know who he is. Every night the police and social services were always here. right in the head. Imagine what he’s heard that the couple had received
The boys, who cannot be named for brought him back. He went missing for The police smashed my gate off when capable of doing at 18.” almost no instruction on operating jet
legal reasons, were convicted of his three days at one point. He tried to they were coming to get him.” Another neighbour said: “We did see skis, despite lacking prior knowledge of
murder on Monday and have become catch a train to London. For two 12- He said that the boy climbed over his him, on his own and with another lad. such equipment.
Britain’s youngest killers since the year-olds to murder a lad, it’s grim. He gates and he had to install CCTV. “He They were very, very pally. They did go After the instructor had disembarked
death of James Bulger. Nottingham was only average height. He was skinny, robbed a scooter. Him and his friends. It off in gangs. I think he was brought from the jet ski, Danso, 46, pressed the
crown court was told that the boys no muscle. You’d flick him and he’d fall was a big one, it was about a 400cc, I back more than once in the early hours. accelerator and hurtled towards the sea
attacked Seesahai, an aspiring over.” don’t know how he did it. It was a big I couldn’t believe it. The stuff they’d wall, causing her to “catapult” onto the
engineer, with such force that they Seesahai, who was from Anguilla in scooter, a proper scooter,” he said. fetch out there, all the stolen stuff. I concrete ground.
broke his skull. the Caribbean, had travelled to the UK “When they brought him out he had think he was classed as the tough guy by A post-mortem examination found
A neighbour of one of the boys told to receive treatment for cataracts and a big grin over his face. They’d stay in the older people. He went along with it, that Danso, who had practised at
The Times that he saw the killers had been discussing Christmas plans the alleyway in the gang. They cut the he thought he was.” The boys are due to Charterhouse Chambers in Chancery
together frequently. He said: “I’ve got on a bench when he was targeted by the lamppost wires so it was dark. You’d see be sentenced next month. Lane, died of a head injury caused by
blunt force trauma.
Joseph said that the watersports
rental service company Aquablue told
Hong Kong becoming totalitarian state, says judge them that they were too big to fit on one
jet ski, which he believes was a ploy to
make them rent two. He said: “She
Jonathan Ames Legal Editor after being found guilty of subversion said there was a “growing malaise” in ity law contained some safeguards for would be here if that claim [we wouldn’t
and attempting to “overthrow” the gov- the Hong Kong judiciary, and that what freedom of speech, but that it had fit on one] hadn’t been made.”
Hong Kong is becoming a “totalitarian ernment in 2020, under national secur- was once a “vibrant and politically di- emerged that the lower Hong Kong He told the inquest that the company
state” in which the rule of law has been ity laws introduced that year. verse community” was slowly becom- courts “were going to ignore them”. had given them life jackets but not hel-
“profoundly compromised” by Beijing, Lord Collins of Mapesbury, 83, like ing a totalitarian state. He added: Three remaining Britons and four mets, adding: “I think if she had, she still
a retired British senior judge has said. Sumption a former justice of the UK “Every judge knows that under the ba- Australians make up the contingent of would be here.”
Lord Sumption, who until last week Supreme Court, also quit the Hong sic law, if China does not like the courts’ overseas judges sitting on the Hong The court was told that Irvine con-
was a member of the cadre of UK Kong bench last week. decisions it can have them reversed.” Kong court, which replaced the privy tacted the UK Foreign and Common-
judges that sit on the territory’s highest Sumption, 75, one of the UK’s most In the wake of Sumption’s article, council in London as the wealth Office to request information
court, said that the conviction last recognisable former senior judges due Beverley McLachlin, 80, a former chief territory’s highest bench when the from Dubai but nothing was provided.
month of 14 pro-democracy campaign- to his outspoken criticism of the lock- justice of Canada’s Supreme Court, yes- colony was handed back to the Chinese Graeme Irvine, senior coroner, re-
ers was the “last straw” that prompted downs during the pandemic, had not terday also quit the Hong Kong bench. on July 1, 1997. corded a conclusion of “accidental
his decision to resign. commented on his decision until now. Speaking to The Times yesterday, death due to injuries sustained in an
The activists face life prison terms In an article in the Financial Times, he Sumption said that the national secur- accidental jet ski collision”.
12 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times


NHS worker labelled Tesco manager

unfairly sacked
‘antivaxer’ wins case over sex toy gift
Jonathan Ames Legal Editor that when the pandemic began, Lauder Jonathan Ames Legal Editor
was a clinical specialist sonographer at
An ultrasound technician won an NHS the city’s Ninewells Hospital. A Tesco store manager was unfairly
payout after being branded an “antivax- The tribunal was told that the health sacked after he gave a female colleague
er” for refusing to be vaccinated for cor- board accepted that Lauder’s allergies a vibrator as a “secret Santa” gift and
onavirus over concerns about allergies. qualified as a disability. another sex toy for her birthday.
Gail Lauder was said to have created In October 2020, Lauder complained An employment tribunal was told
tension among colleagues when she that the surgical face mask required for that Shoaib Razaq gave Kerry Cliffe a
discussed her position with patients at staff triggered “coughing and irritation” vibrator as part of staff Christmas cele-
a hospital in Scotland, an employment and told bosses that she would wear a brations at a Peterborough branch.
tribunal was told. cloth mask instead. Lauder’s colleagues Razaq — who was married and ad-
But she had declined the vaccination were aware that she had decided not to mitted that it was a “terrible decision” to
because she had previously suffered be vaccinated and the tribunal was told make a present of the sex toy — was
from allergic reactions and was “very that they “reacted negatively”. sacked as store manager for gross mis-
cautious” about medicines. But it was not until two years later, conduct after it was determined that he
Lauder also said a danger of allergic after several disputes with bosses had “abused his position of trust”.
reaction meant she could not wear around her vaccination status and That decision was taken despite the
the medical-grade masks her hospital other matters, that Lauder triggered female recipient of the “inappropriate
required staff to wear during the pan- the hospital’s grievance process. gift” acknowledging that the manager
demic. As part of the investigation into her had given it to her in a “joking manner”
She said her reluctance to refrain complaint, Michael Conroy, the hospi- as other staff members handed out sex
from discussing her situation prompted tal’s imaging manager, said that Lauder toys.
bosses to brand her an “antivaxer”, a had “different views on Covid and is an Razaq has now successfully sued for
label the tribunal ruled amounted to antivaxer, on occasion telling patients unfair dismissal and race discrimina-
“unfavourable treatment”. they didn’t need to wear masks, which tion after a judge determined that boss-
The judge, Sandy Meiklejohn, said caused colleagues distress”. es failed to take “basic steps” when in-
the term “drew on a stereotypical view Lauder resigned in 2022 before the vestigating the allegations against him.
that someone who was not vaccinated outcome of the grievance, amid claims However, Razaq’s compensation
against Covid must be an antivaxer”. He that she was the victim of bullying. from Tesco is likely to be reduced after
added that the tribunal accepted Laud- She sued the health board over the tribunal found he had contributed
er’s evidence that her decision not to be claims of constructive unfair dismissal, to his dismissal by buying the vibrator.
vaccinated was a personal one based on which the panel rejected, as well as dis- The tribunal concluded that the Tes-
her medical history and that she “was ability discrimination and harassment. co bosses had not properly investigated
not against vaccination generally”. The tribunal ruled that Conroy’s the misconduct claims and had little
Lauder is to receive compensation “antivaxer” comment was related to concern with what the precise allega-
after suing Tayside Health Board for Lauder’s inability to wear a mask and tions were against the store manager.
disability discrimination and harass- was therefore discriminatory. Compen- Modern twist Fandango, a show from the choreographer David Coria and singer A hearing to decide Razaq’s compen-
ment. The hearing in Dundee was told sation will be decided at a later date. David Lagos, explores the musical form’s history at Sadler’s Wells in London sation will be held at a later date.
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 13


‘Stressed’ crime series

producer took own life
Alex Farber Media Correspondent fatal mistake.” Balson, an experienced of our all staff is of paramount import-
true-crime producer, said he feared ance, and whilst we’re unable to com-
The producer of a true crime series took being blacklisted if he refused to con- ment further given the investigation
his own life in part due to the pressure tinue working on the show. He criti- with Channel 4, our thoughts and love
of trying to get justice for the families cised the TV industry for treating free- are with John’s family and friends.”
involved, his family has claimed. lance workers as “expendable”. A GoFundMe page set up in Balson’s
Channel 4 has opened an investi- His family said that he had no history memory has raised more than £70,000
gation into the circumstances that led of mental health problems but began to since being set up on May 26.
to the death of John Balson, 40, who left suffer severe, stress-related head pain For confidential support, the Samari-
behind a three-year-old daughter and a and dizziness, diagnosed by doctors as tans can be contacted by calling 116 123 or
wife who is seven months pregnant. vestibular migraine disorder and exac- going to
He died on May 17 after eight weeks erbated by his two-hour commute.
working on In the Footsteps of Killers, Charities advise that no single factor
presented by the Silent Witness actress should be attributed to an individual’s
Emilia Fox and the criminologist decision to end their life.
Professor David Wilson. Yumeno Niimura, Balson’s widow,
In a letter to his family, shared with called for TV bosses to explain the duty
The Times with permission from his of care provided to her husband.
“Nobody can explain why John experi-
enced constant dizziness and excruci-
ating pain in his brain. However, he
believed it was the immense stress
caused by his toxic working environ-
ment,” Niimura said.
“Was the programme worth making
someone work themselves to death?
Will you continue treating people with
no mercy? Was there any support
system for people like him? Was saving
money to make the programme worth
risking his life? Why did he get all the
blame when he was trying to honour
and save the story? Was he treated with
John Balson, who had a young family, dignity and respect?”
was working on a series presented by Channel 4 has appointed the law firm
Emilia Fox and Professor David Wilson Reynolds Porter Chamberlain to
undertake a “thorough investigation”
relatives to raise awareness of working and pledged to take “whatever action is
conditions in factual TV, Balson said appropriate” after its findings.
that he regretted not stopping work on A spokeswoman said that the broad-
the show after those related to the case caster was “deeply saddened” by Bal-
said that they did not want to take part. son’s death. “John was a highly respect-
Balson was threatened by some of the ed and much-loved professional, both
individuals he tried to contact and the amongst his colleagues at Alaska TV
police became involved, according to and those who worked with him across
his wife. Despite the extra work the industry, and will be sorely missed.
created, he claimed that he was told to We are in ongoing contact with John’s
“push ahead” by bosses at Alaska TV, family and offering them our support,”
the production company that makes she said. “While we do not employ pro-
the programme. duction staff directly, the wellbeing of
“It was a case of going through too all those working on the productions
many documents, British Library mi- we commission is vitally important.”
crofilm and social media accounts over A spokesman for Alaska TV said: “It
hours and hours and hours and travel- was with great sadness that we learnt of
ling without rest with no breaks,” he John’s passing, an extremely talented
said in his letter. “I did genuinely care and thoughtful director. He will be
about trying to get justice. This was a hugely missed by us all. The wellbeing

Arctic air to keep summer

heat out until next month
Georgia Lambert into northern England and Northern
Ireland, where temperatures could get
Britons will have to hold out until down to around freezing.”
July for a taste of warmer weather as However, Partridge clarified that
cold winds blow in from the Arctic, such patterns are “not unusual”.
the Met Office has said. He said: “On average, we get an air
Forecasters have said that tempera- frost — which is when the tempera-
tures in the UK have been consistently tures reach zero — every two to three
three to five degrees below the seasonal Junes, so it’s not that unusual. It’s just
average in the past week. not the norm for June to be this cool.”
This is due to the mid-Atlantic jet Towards the weekend, low pressure
stream, a fast-moving atmospheric will lead to even worse weather in parts
wind, directing cold air from the north of northern England. “From Thursday
to the south across the UK and keeping and through the weekend, we’ll see
temperatures lower. showers circulating around the UK,” he
The meteorologists foresee no said. Looking ahead, Partridge said that
reprieve from this chilly spell until there was “no strong signal” of any
the end of June. particular weather pattern.
Simon Partridge, a Met Office mete- He added: “The models are following
orologist, said: “It looks as if tempera- the climatological norm, which indi-
tures will stay near or slightly below av- cates that temperatures are where they
erage for the majority of the rest of should be or slightly above average.
June. Over the next couple of nights, “So there is a hint of things turning
we’re actually expecting to see a little slightly warmer as we move into the
bit of frost in a few places. This will beginning of July.”
mainly be across Scotland and possibly
14 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times


Euros fans warned

Serbian hooligans
could target match
Charlie Parker, Matt Lawton few of them will be here in Germany”.
About 2,000 England fans have been
England fans have been warned they handed banning orders forcing them to
could be targeted by hundreds of surrender their passports to police from
Serbian football hooligans at the start June 4 until the final of the tournament
of the European Championship in on July 14, to stop them attending
Taking the plunge Gordon McMinn from the Canal & River Trust ventures into the Standedge Tunnel on the Huddersfield Germany this weekend. matches in Germany.
Narrow Canal, which burrows 638ft under the Pennines. Guided tours of the canal, built in 1811, are available for the first time The squad’s opening game against More than 1,000 police officers will
Serbia on Sunday has been marked be deployed around the grounds on
as one of four “high-risk” matches in match day, supported by plain-clothes
the group stages of the tournament. hooligan “spotters” and a riot unit,
German police believe that as many as although water cannon will not be
500 Serbian “ultras” could be looking deployed. Heightened security in
to cause violence at the Veltins Arena Gelsenkirchen will mean fans are
in Gelsenkirchen, near Dortmund, in checked for weapons as they enter the
the west of the country. stadium. They will also be served
Peter Both, the city’s chief of police, lower-alcohol beer inside and barred
said that the biggest challenge for from drinking in the stands. However,
his officers would be identifying and policing may be more challenging after
intercepting “violence-seeking Serbian Uefa asked for the removal of barriers.
hooligans” before clashes occur. “We Supporters of both sides will be seated
don’t have concrete informa- close together and two thirds of
tion but we can’t rule it out,” tickets are for mixed areas.
he added. “So we have to Those outside the are-
prepare.” na will be encouraged
About 40,000 En- to use a free shuttle
gland fans are ex- bus service to travel
pected to travel to to a fan zone at Tra-
the game, along with brennbahn race-
5,000 to 8,000 Serbi- course, rather than
an supporters. Uefa gather in the city
designated the fix- centre, which Both
ture “high-risk” after warned was too small
consultation with police for the numbers expect-
in Germany, Serbia and ed. He added that officers
the UK, amid concern over a would not react to England
return of the rioting that plagued fans singing offensive songs, say-
previous European Championship ing: “We will approach all the English
tournaments. England and Russia were supporters with an open mind. We only
both threatened with expulsion in 2016. will intervene in the event of any crimi-
Despite the risk, Both stressed that nal or public safety incident.”
most supporters attending the match Germany’s experience with hosting
would be “absolutely peaceful” and said large sporting events means it is well
“we are very, very well prepared” to part prepared for potential clashes, which
troublemakers from “law-abiding fans”. could put off some hooligans from
He praised the “brilliant” co-operation engaging in violent behaviour.
between German and British author- Serbian fans have a reputation
ities and said many known English for clashing with police and security
hooligans had been prevented from teams, setting off flares and fighting
travelling, but told The Guardian that rival fans. Serbian ultras, in particular,
local forces still “had to expect that a many of whom are said to be part of
the far-right pro-Russian “Delije”
Serbia fans lit flares at an international (“strongmen”) Red Star Belgrade fan
match in Austria earlier this month groups, are among the most violent.

Don’t say what you do on

social media, judges told
Jonathan Ames Legal Editor That office announced yesterday that
Baroness Carr of Walton-on-the-Hill,
Judges have been ordered not to high- the most senior judge in England and
light their professional roles on social Wales, had issued Ikram with a “formal
media as a senior judicial figure warning” after finding that his “actions
was reprimanded for breaching official caused significant reputational damage
guidance. to the judiciary”.
Tan Ikram, the deputy chief magis- The lady chief justice’s decision was
trate, who this year allowed three also driven in part by the finding that
women convicted of terrorism offences “the risk of undermining public confi-
to walk free, was given a formal warning dence had been heightened by the fact
over his use of LinkedIn. It emerged that [Ikram] had identified himself on
in February that he had “liked” a post social media as a judge”. Ikram was re-
that branded Israel a terrorist state minded of official guidance to judges
and called for a “free Palestine”. regarding the use of social media.
Ikram, 58, who also sits on the body Those guidelines stipulate that
that appoints judges in England and judges “should not use your official title
Wales, had liked a LinkedIn post by a and it is most unlikely to be appropriate
barrister who had previously promoted to disclose the fact of your judicial
conspiracy theories claiming Israel al- role on any platform or account with
lowed the October 7 attack by Hamas. unrestricted public access”.
Two groups that monitor antisemi- While the official investigation into
tism lodged a formal complaint with Ikram accepted that he had inadvert-
the judicial conduct investigation office ently “liked” the controversial barris-
over Ikram’s sentencing remarks and ter’s post, doing so nonetheless “had
his conduct on social media conduct. resulted in a perception of bias”.
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 15

Whisky maker accused of attempted murder is denied bail
Jonathan Ames Legal Editor ing a handgun. A High Court judge has Polish authorities also want Ratajewski having offered to provide £200,000 warrant for Ratajewski 20 years ago.
been told that he led a double life as to serve the remainder of the firearms security. However, he left Poland under a pseu-
A Polish craft whisky distiller accused Dariusz Plazewski, the boss of Bimber sentence passed in 2003. The judge ruled there was a “very real donym to launch a prosperous life in
of attempted murder has lost his second Distillery, one of London’s first produc- In February Ratajewski failed with prospect” that Ratajewski would the UK, where he used his knowledge
application to be freed from a British ers of English single malt in more than an initial application to be released on abscond by obtaining a false identity of traditional moonshine production
jail amid fears that he would flee 100 years. bail, with the judge ruling that there document so that he could build a new techniques gleaned from his father and
attempts to extradite him. He was arrested in January after was a “risk of flight”. beginning from scratch in a completely grandfather.
Lucasz Ratajewski came to Britain Polish prosecutors requested his extra- Sitting in the High Court yesterday, new country. In March Ratajewski’s pseudonym
from Poland 20 years ago after being dition to stand trial for supplying drugs Mr Justice Fordham rejected a second The court was told that the Polish was removed from Bimber Distillery’s
given a three-year jail term for possess- and conspiracy to attempt murder. The bail application, despite Ratajewski authorities had initially issued an arrest listing on Companies House.

Becks and Sergeant is

Stewart jailed over
team up
for King child images

ir Rod Stewart Seren Hughes
joked last night
that David A Royal Military Police sergeant has
Beckham’s been jailed after he was caught sending
knighthood sexual images to an undercover police
was “coming soon” as officer he believed was a boy aged 14.
the pair joined forces Sergeant Christopher Tierney, also
for the King’s searched “men seduce boy stories” and
Foundation, a charity was found in possession of more than
set up by Charles 6,000 indecent images of children,
when Prince of Wales Bulford military court, in Wiltshire,
(Kate Mansey writes). was told.
Other celebrity Tierney, 36, who was based in Bul-
ambassadors at St ford, pleaded guilty to three counts of
James’s Palace for the making indecent images, one count of
inaugural King’s distributing indecent images and one
Foundation Awards count of attempting to engage in sexual
included the actress communications with a child.
Sienna Miller, Judge advocate General Alan Large
the chef said he “showed a clear sexual interest
Raymond in children” and sentenced him to two
Blanc, the years in prison.
model Naomi Tierney was dismissed from the mili-
Campbell, the tary and will remain on the sexual
broadcaster and offences register for ten years.
entrepreneur He was arrested in March last year
Sarah Beeny after the National Crime Agency told
and the become an The King was joined by award to Ban Ki- plastic. One of them police that an indecent image of a child
broadcaster and ambassador for Sir Rod Stewart and moon, 79, the former was Pierre Paslier, co- had been distributed twice on Snapchat
gardener Alan the foundation, David Beckham, while secretary-general of founder of Notpla, from a device registered to him.
Titchmarsh. laughed and the Prince of Wales the United Nations. which makes food While Tierney was under investi-
Stewart, 79, replied: learnt about seaweed The Harmony award packaging and other gation an undercover Home Office
who was at the “Thanks, Rod.” replacing plastic items reflects the King’s disposable items out of police officer contacted him on an
event with his The former philosophy of working seaweed. In 2022 unnamed gaming website posing as 14-
wife, Penny Lancaster, honoured to be a England football to show his frustration with nature. Notpla won an year-old student called Ethan.
53, told the guests: knight.” Looking over captain has long at being passed over Earlier the Prince of Earthshot Prize, the Tierney was also subjected to a five-
“Penny and I are so to Beckham, Stewart desired a knighthood. for the honour in 2013. Wales spoke with green award set up by year sexual harm prevention order.
honoured to be added: “And David, Emails leaked in 2017, The King said it was entrepreneurs at an the Prince of Wales. Judge Large said that committing the
ambassadors for the yours is coming soon.” which Beckham then with “immense event in Cardiff to offences “having already had the shock
King’s Foundation. I’m Beckham, who said dismissed as pleasure” that he promote seaweed as a of arrest and undoubtedly knowing
also wonderfully he was “honoured” to inaccurate, appeared could present an replacement for what would be found on your phone is
a significant aggravating feature”.

Will I really find a third thumb useful?

After a slightly sketchy By the end of an afternoon spent test- makes it move up towards my little hand. In a second task, I pick up foam
ing the third thumb, I certainly feel I finger. Used in combination, and after shapes, manoeuvring small pyramids
start, having an extra have developed superpowers.
Most prosthetics are designed to
plenty of training, it can mimic the full
range of a real thumb.
and cubes into a basket. In a third, I can
pick up a Jenga tile between my index
digit starts to feel replace missing appendages, but An extra thumb could be enormous- and ring fingers while picking up a
Clode’s invention is designed for “aug- ly useful for people with one hand or a second between the robotic thumb and
like a superpower, mentation”, adding extra capabilities. weakness on one side after a stroke, my little finger.
In a lab in Cambridge, a pressure pad Clode says, but she hopes the beneficia- Can it also cope with heavier items?
discovers Kaya Burgess has been taped beneath each of my big ries will also include musicians, plumb- “I can pick up a bottle of champagne
toes, connected to sensors worn around ers, electricians and ceramicists — any- with it,” Clode said, laughing, hinting at
Not all superheroes were bitten by my ankles like a criminal’s electronic one working on something fiddly. the next task where I have to lift a litre-
radioactive spiders or mutated by gam- tags. These communicate wirelessly “I have spoken to a shoulder surgeon bottle of sparkling water with the
ma rays. Some enhanced their ordinary with a sensor and battery pack strapped who tried it,” said Clode, 32, who is from thumb and hold it while using fingers
human bodies with futuristic techno- around my upper arm, linked by wires New Zealand and developed the first on the same hand to unscrew the lid.
logy — like Iron Man or Batman. to motors on my right wrist. prototype while a student at the Royal It feels like a multitasker’s dream.
Now experts at the University of A double strap passes around my real College of Art in London in 2017. She Kaya Burgess opens a bottle with one MRI scans even suggest using the
Cambridge hope new technology can thumb to hold in place a flexible grey now has a box of old models under her hand as he tests a robotic third thumb device can temporarily rewire the way
enhance everyone’s abilities, rather thumb, 3D-printed in thermoplastic, desk like a graveyard of robotic digits. . the brain reads signals from the fingers,
than create a special few. with three segmented sections, which “He tried it out to hold his arthroscope notes are not entirely legible, given how says Lucy Dowdall, 25, a PhD student
“This is not about creating superhu- now protrudes comfortably from the while using his tools as well, rather than close the pad is gripped to my fingers. I working on the project.
mans,” says Dani Clode, a Cambridge opposite side. The thumb’s tip is made needing an assistant.” may need to wait to be The Times’s first Clode said support from the Cam-
researcher, as she straps a robotic extra of a flexible resin to improve its grip. While interviewing Clode, I grasped robotically-enhanced reporter. bridge lab, run by the neuroscience pro-
thumb on to my right hand, giving me a A press of my right toe makes the my notepad with the robotic thumb, Clode suggests we start simpler. I can fessor Tamar Makin, is allowing her to
second opposable digit across from my thumb curl inwards towards my palm using the fingers on the same hand to easily grasp three large lemons in a develop the thumb further, with plans
natural one. “I see this technology as with a surprisingly firm grip and satis- scribble notes, leaving my other hand single palm. Using the third thumb, I to see if it could be controlled using
moving everyone forward.” fying robotic whir. A tap with the left free. Looking down, however, I see my can grasp a fourth against the ball of my electrical impulses in the arm muscles.
16 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times


In the era of
AI, pupils ‘must
learn how to be
human beings’
merged with technical T-levels to
create “parity of esteem” between
Education Commission academic and technical subjects.
Polling from Edge Foundation, the
Katie Gibbons education specialists, found that a bac-
calaureate has significant cross-party
The current school curriculum and appeal in England. More than two
exams system are equipping children thirds support the ABS, which would
with skills that will always be per- see a wider range of subjects studied
formed better by machine learning, until the age of 18.
Sir Anthony Seldon has warned as Robert Halfon, the Tory former skills
he called for education to “prioritise minister, told the event yesterday that
what it means to be human”. he thought it was “massive” for Sunak
At an event to mark two years since to announce such a significant change
the Times Education Commission to the secondary education system.
(TEC) published its findings, leaders “It is very exciting, I’m glad it is in the
from across the sector endorsed its key manifesto: it’s put it on the national
recommendation for an overhaul of the agenda,” he said. “It will have a huge
secondary school curriculum. change and once it comes through it
Seldon, a political biographer and will allow other changes to follow. It is
the head teacher of Epsom College, said important to win one battle at a time.”
that although exams have a significant The introduction of the ABS remains Take your seats Ovo Theatre’s outdoor production of The Secret Garden is at the Roman Theatre in St Albans until Saturday
role in education, the results are “not somewhat divisive across the education
all important”. sector, however, with many teaching
“The exam system majors on the professionals first keen to address the
very same skills that the algorithms will
always be able to outperform people on.
What we should be doing in this age of
pressing matters of staff recruitment
and retention and pupil absences.
Yet the TEC found a unifying agree-
Boarding schools ‘worth protecting’
AI and algorithms, is teach[ing child- ment that there is urgent need for more Nicola Woolcock Education Editor number of boarding schools per square erate £3 billion a year in revenues,
ren] the human skills,” he said. investment in early years, which are the mile in the world, the world’s oldest support nearly 65,000 jobs, including
“The only debate that is going to crucial building blocks for how children Boarding schools should be promoted boarding school [The King’s School 26,000 teachers, and contribute
matter in the next 50 years, is what does go on to engage with schooling. as the “jewel in the crown” of British Canterbury], and more specialist £900 million annually in tax.
it mean to be a human being? What is Anne Longfield, the former child- education, head teachers will tell the boarding schools than any other coun- Walker said more than 4,000 child-
human intelligence as opposed to ren’s commissioner for England, told next government. try. There are more than 70,000 stu- ren with parents in the armed forces are
machine intelligence? We are not the event that reintroducing something They claim to contribute almost a bil- dents at UK boarding schools, includ- in boarding schools and that the sector
prioritising [in schools] what it means like the Sure Start initiative, launched lion pounds in tax to the economy and ing more than 25,000 from countries disproportionately supports arts, dance
to be human. You go to some highly by the Blair government in 1998 and support tens of thousands of jobs. The around the world.” and music, such as through choir
academic schools and the kids are like scrapped by Michael Gove as educa- Boarding Schools’ Association (BSA) is Most boarding schools are private; schools and conservatoires.
zombies.” tion secretary, would be life-changing urging the main political parties to ac- however, there are a number of state He added: “If VAT is added to inde-
The flagship proposal of the TEC, for millions of families. “We need to knowledge, promote and protect their boarding schools that offer free tuition pendent school fees it would be the only
to introduce a “British baccalaureate”, commit to early years. Schools should world-leading status. but parents pay boarding fees. part of education subject to the tax
secured a commitment from the be at the heart of this new [initiative],” David Walker, the BSA’s director, The Labour Party has pledged to levy across the whole of Europe. It appears
prime minister, Rishi Sunak, who in she said. “You bring services together in said Labour’s policy of levying VAT on VAT on independent school fees, which an exemption on VAT may be given on
October announced his intention to in- a common purpose and wrap them private school fees would be a “tax on it says would generate £1.6 billion to boarding fees at state boarding schools.
troduce the Advanced British Standard around schools and you identify the sleeping” if it exempted state boarding spend on state schools. A recent census There is no sense in implementing a tax
(ABS) and has no made it a Tory kids who need help early, probably from schools but was applied to those that revealed that the average boarding on sleeping overnight in one type of
manifesto commitment. birth, or pre-birth.” were independent. school fee is £42,500. school and not another. There should
Under his plans, A-levels would be He said: “The UK has the largest The BSA says its 500 members gen- be no tax on children sleeping at all.”
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 17


Museum’s £50m deal with BP is ‘dismaying’, claims rival

David Sanderson Arts Correspondent Tate ended a 26-year deal with BP after the nation’s collections — to ac- “I feel dismay that the British
in 2017 and was followed by the Royal cept money from fossil fuel companies Museum would make such a choice at a
The head of the Tate has broken Opera House, the National Portrait is the Science Museum, which has a time when so many UK institutions
ranks to criticise the British Museum’s Gallery and the Royal Shakespeare controversial deal with India’s Adani have committed to not supporting
£50 million deal with BP, which she Company. Group, the world’s largest private coal- companies whose green energy work
described as ethically suspect. The British Museum had last year producer. The company sponsors the can be said to be too little and too slow,
Maria Balshaw, director of Tate, said indicated an end to its longstanding museum’s new energy Gallery through in the hope that they will be motivated
the museum’s decision to re-enter partnership with BP, only to agree at a a “green energy” subsidiary. to move faster,” she said.
a sponsorship deal with the energy trustees meeting in June that it would In a new book, Gathering of Strangers: “I do not think the public . . . wish to
company had caused her dismay, accept the company’s money over the Why Museums Matter, Balshaw takes see such ethical dissonance in muse-
adding that it was certain to be a chal- next decade to help with a proposed aim at the British Museum over its ums they care about, and will likely
lenge for its new director, Nicholas redevelopment that it said would make ten-year £50 million deal with BP. continue to be active in letting the
Cullinan, to navigate. its buildings and collections fit for cen- Balshaw, who has been director of museum know so. That this will be
The British Museum took activists turies to come. Tate and its four galleries in London, one of the challenges in the newly
and fellow cultural institutions by sur- One trustee, Dame Mary Beard, told St Ives and Liverpool since 2017, writes appointed director Nicholas Cullinan’s
prise in December when it announced The Times in December that as a board there was “surprise and anger” when inbox is certain.” The British Museum
the deal with BP, a decision that split its member she had accepted “the view of the new BP deal was announced. Maria Balshaw is the director of Tate declined to comment.
board of trustees, led by the former the majority of the trustees (who I
chancellor George Osborne, and know looked long and hard at this) . . .
resulted in the departure of its deputy but it was not my view and . . . this would
chairwoman, the writer and broadcast- not have been my decision.”
er Muriel Gray. Trustees were also warned about the
For the past few years, most of the increased risks of damage to the
country’s leading cultural institutions museum’s collection of priceless objects
have moved away from sponsorship by from protesters angered by the spon-
energy giants amid concerns about sorship deal.
their persistent reliance on fossil fuels The only other of the 15 “national
and the speed of their move towards museums” — which include Tate and
green energy. are charged by the state with looking

TMS | @timesdiary

were from Islington North, then a

Another Tory Conservative-held seat, now
Corbyn Central. Good luck finding
on the slide much blue support there now.

rifkind’s creative writing

As Ed Davey continues to play Our colleague Hugo Rifkind was
Centrist Parcs Dad, spreading the careful only to invite people whose
Lib Dem message that life is all names he knew to the launch of
swings and roundabouts, another his latest novel, Rabbits, on
politician has come a cropper at Monday. At the first signing event
the funfair. George Osborne for his debut novel, in 2006, just
arrived to record his economics two people asked for his scribble.
podcast wearing a large bandage One was the aunt of a good friend
on his elbow, needed when he whom he had known for years.
gashed his arm at the Royal Bath “Just sign it to me,” she said, at
& West Show. After showing his which point Hugo realised he
infant son the cows and tractors, didn’t have a clue as to her name
the former chancellor, below, took and so just wrote: “To Neil’s Aunt.”
him down a helter-skelter but
managed to skin his arm on the There’s no sign of rapprochement
side. At least this time he wasn’t between the Gallagher brothers as
blue-lighted out of there. In 1996, Liam continues his 30th anniversary
he visited the Bath show as a tour of the first Oasis album,
special adviser to Douglas Hogg, Definitely Maybe. Asked before the
then agriculture minister, but London swing what he would do if
things got testy and Osborne and his estranged brother Noel showed
his master needed a police escort up, Liam replied: “We have a little
to escape the angry farmers. creche backstage with a ball-pool
and colouring books. He could hang
If you are fed up with election out there until we have finished.”
canvassers, we did our best to stop
them 118 years ago. In 1906, The wizards from oz
Times published a leading article Tony Abbott, the former prime
saying that speaking to voters on minister of Australia, spoke on
the doorstep was “antiquated and, Monday at the Carlton Club about
for the most part, supremely futile”. the differences between British and
Our forebears argued that voters Australian conservatives. During
who follow politics surely can make Abbott’s election campaign in 2013,
up their own minds, while those Boris Johnson offered him his
who don’t care for it should be assistance but, aware that the
“better left in splendid isolation”. bumbling toff act might not go
down well with everyone in Oz,
strictly red asked: “Would I help more by
But the Tories used to be campaigning for you or
champions at canvassing. The against?” Abbott also proposed
historian Philip Cowley writes a “labour mobility partnership”
on Politics Home that before the between our countries “given
last war the party ran a that the productivity of
competition, the Duncan the British improves
Challenge Cup, which he when they move to
calls “a sort of Strictly for Australia and vice versa”.
door-knockers”. After local If that goes ahead, could
rounds, the final was held in they send us an opening
Westminster and featured batsman and a couple of
16 pairs of activists who had fast bowlers in exchange
to knock at a fake door and for all those doctors?
engage with a pair of
“voters”. The first winners patrick kidd
18 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times


Too much tick-box

. . . and too little
to tickle the fancy
Art Laura Freeman I’m not convinced that the
Academicians this year count among
the kings. There are some very
Summer Exhibition cabbagey, back-of-the-drawer works
from Tracey Emin, Rose Wylie and
Royal Academy Hurvin Anderson. Anderson has been
HHIII on such a hot streak. Why send these
There are more than 1,700 works on display, including Two Part Invention by the Royal Academician John Maine, right barely-there, black-and-white
postcards? There’s a muted El
It doesn’t have to be like this. The Anatsui, nice enough but a come-
Royal Academy Summer Exhibition down after his Turbine Hall theatrics,
doesn’t have to be a slog, it doesn’t and a site-specific Conrad Shawcross
have to be room after room of piece that doesn’t sit particularly
muddled mediocrity with the odd specifically or happily in its allotted
good thing thrown in. Last year it felt space above a door.
fun and festive. The rooms were Among the 1,710 works — beating

Join us for bright and brimful of surprises.

Grayson Perry curated the summer
show with impish pizazz in
2018. Why is this year’s
summer show — the
256th — such a
last year’s 1,614 — there are, of course,
some pleasures to compensate for the
pain in the small of your
back. Norman Ackroyd
RA is, at 86, on fine
fighting form in

election insight
dirge? Atlantic etchings
Some rooms where spray
contrive to be so becomes gull
densely hung and gull
and cluttered becomes spray.
it’s like looking I looked and

and debate
at a QR code, looked again at
while others Emily
(Room III, for Allchurch’s Mir
example) are so rored
sparsely filled City photographs
they feel in which Venice
cavernous and ill morphs into
considered. There are Shanghai and vice
some affected curatorial versa until you can’t be
What will the election mean for Britain? decisions. The architecture sure what is gondola and what
As we countdown to July 4, join our free collective Assemble has painted is junk, what palazzo and what
sample swatches on the walls of the temple. David Moore and Kate
newsroom livestreams every week. Wohl Central Hall. It might be meant Davis’s seascape of Bass Rock, an
to feel creative and “in medias res”, island in the Firth of Forth, woven
Renowned Times journalists and but it just looks messy and unfinished. from the musical scores of Scottish
presenters break down the key election A room of black-and-white folk songs is beautiful and ingenious.
photography is dreary against staple- Why, though, would you “sky”
issues, from business and the economy grey walls. (hang high) Adam Dant, whose ever-
The Royal Academician Tom witty scenes of London life and
to education and the environment. Phillips, who chaired the exhibitions history depend on being seen and
committee in the 1900s, summed up read at close quarters? There are too
the summer show as “of cabbages and many dogs and too many amusing
kings”. Taken from Lewis Carroll’s The collages using Tunnock’s Teacakes
Walrus and the Carpenter it’s an apt wrappers, too much that is tick-box
Join our hosts description of the pick’n’mix approach and too little to tickle the fancy.
that invites submissions from elected From June 18 to August 18,
every Wednesday Academicians and the public.

from 7pm to 8pm

Kidney damage on mission
June 12 with Chloe Tilley
June 19 with Manveen Rana to Mars may lead to dialysis
June 26 with Stig Abell
Rhys Blakely Science Correspondent as kidney tissue from mice that had been
sent to space. The results suggest that
Elon Musk’s vision of a Mars colony the structure of the kidney changes
may have been dealt a blow by a study because of microgravity, affecting its
FromWestminster that suggests astronauts travelling to
the planet will be at risk of excruciat-
ability to control salt and mineral levels.
This could help to explain why astro-
ingly painful “cosmic kidney stones” nauts have an elevated risk of kidney
to your World and may even end up needing dialysis. stones, and suggests that space radia-
The billionaire founder of SpaceX tion may damage mitochondria, the
has said that within 20 to 30 years of the biological power plants that the kidneys
first human setting foot on Mars, it rely on to remove waste from the blood.
could host a million-strong community. Dr Keith Siew of University College
However, a collection of 25 new London, who led the study, said the
scientific papers on the effects of space changes could lead to kidney failure. “If
travel on human biology has ques- we don’t develop new ways to protect
tioned the feasibility of setting foot in the kidneys, I’d say that while an astro-
distant worlds. The research draws on naut could make it to Mars they might
Register today: health data from scores of astronauts, need dialysis on the way back.”
Visit as well as hundreds of rodents that were Afshin Beheshti of Nasa Ames
or scan the QR code sent into orbit or placed in machines on Research Center called the findings a
THE ELECTION STATION Earth that emit the exotic forms of “yellow flag”. While it is possible to treat
radiation found beyond the protective kidney stones on Earth, they would
barrier of our planet’s magnetic field. present a much bigger problem on an
The researchers looked at plasma and isolated spacecraft 140 million miles
urine samples from astronauts, as well from the nearest clinic.
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 19

Clock is ticking on Putin’s

nuclear gamble
Roger Boyes
Page 20
There are good reasons to fear the radical right
Engaging with the concerns of disillusioned voters offers more hope than Macron’s all-or-nothing defence of centrism
than a foothold. They have become the radical left) before it reaches the centrists in the European elections
Daniel an established political force. How rounding-up stage. and he responded by calling a
Finkelstein can this not be worrying? There are broadly two approaches domestic parliamentary election at
The radical right has already to addressing the radical right’s rise. the end of this month. He describes
formed governments in Poland and The first is to identify the grievances this as “a moment of clarification”.
Hungary, risen to power in Italy and that animate voters for radical-right His confidence in the liberal case is
topped the polls in the Netherlands. parties and attempt to address them. such that he thinks it will triumph
@dannythefink Now it is challenging to do the same The hope is that these voters can be when what is at stake is real power.
in France. So those who say the accommodated within the The radical right is a protest vote.

n 1928 Dr Alfred Wiener election results last week were mainstream. The alternative is to This is a massive gamble. He could
attended the executive “mixed” are being complacent. confront these grievances and define lose control of parliament, and
committee of Germany’s leading It is also complacent to regard the the mainstream against them. perhaps ultimately of the Elysée, to
Jewish communal body and radical right as nothing much to Very crudely, the first of these the radical right.
presented an analysis of recent worry about. I always worry about approaches might be termed the I have always preferred the
election results. He suggested to the movements that claim to be the Cameron approach, the second the Cameron strategy to that of Macron,
committee that the correct response voice of the people and to embody its Macron approach. It is not as I think you have to address real
was alarm. They were unconvinced. spirit. They claim this spirit is being immediately obvious which one of grievances and not simply attempt to
Indeed, they were quite irritated. He suppressed by a manipulative elite. them is correct. override them. I shared Cameron’s
was sharply rebuffed. They develop conspiracy theories David Cameron organised a instinct that fears about European
What Wiener, my maternal about its power. And they offer referendum on British membership centralisation and concerns about
grandfather, had noticed was the themselves up as the only true of the European Union partly (he immigration were both real and
pattern of regional results. Hitler’s interpreters of the national will, the told me this directly) because he could not be easily dismissed as mere
National Socialist party had fallen one force that will cleanse the nation. thought concerns about the protest. I’m a conservative, not a
back in some urban areas. But its To do this they must remove from country’s independence were pure liberal, and some of these fears
support was growing in rural districts. power, or even from the country, all legitimate and it would be right to Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella’s and concerns are mine anyway.
He warned his colleagues to take this those whose values they deem at allow an opportunity for them to be National Rally made gains last week Support for the broad Cameron
threat seriously. They didn’t concur. ameliorated by a new negotiated approach is a position I maintain,
Is it unreasonable of me to study
the results of last week’s European
France’s president likes arrangement and then put to a vote.
He also thought this the best way of
argument for international solidarity,
globalism and the power of the EU.
despite what might be politely
described as the setbacks. And it
parliamentary elections and feel my
skin prickle slightly? Feel dismay and
to take on opponents, curbing the rise of the radical right.
Similarly, he accepted the need for
He believes that the demands of the
radical right must be dismissed
appears Sir Keir Starmer agrees. He
has shifted Labour away from the
foreboding? Do I deserve the sharp
rebuff my grandfather once received?
not try to pacify them immigration control and thought
firm measures might reduce voter
rather than pandered to.
This is certainly more emotionally
Macron approach. He promises
immigration control, has been
There are any number of reasons variance with those of the true concerns. He would struggle, not satisfying. When, during last week’s relatively conservative on cultural
why I might be advised to keep calm. nation: immigrants, liberals, minority altogether successfully, to get BBC debate, the Scottish Nationalist issues and has not relitigated Brexit.
The most important is that the ethnic groups, politicians, lawyers, numbers down. Stephen Flynn urged politicians to He would never call this the
populist parties that enjoyed success people who live in big cities, people Liberals have expressed contempt talk of the advantages of Cameron approach but it is.
last week have taken trouble to deny who drink lattes, people who teach for this strategy. They regard it as immigration, he received a solid I think he is right. I hope he is. I
any fascist sympathies. They are in universities, people who have having been a total disaster. And round of applause, one of relief and think it is a better gamble than the
better described as parties of the university degrees. there is plenty of evidence to support appreciation. Until now Macron has one being engaged in by Macron.
radical right. It is also true that in My mother and father were both this view. The UK ended up leaving regarded the Cameron strategy with But what keeps me awake at night is
many parts of Europe the centre held. victims of this thinking. The Nazis the EU and resorting to ever-more haughty contempt, with plenty of the fear that neither approach will
And yet I do not find these rounded up all the Jews, some of desperate measures to curb reason for this contempt. The French work. What happened to my mum
attempts at reassurance entirely whom were shopkeepers. The Soviets immigration, yet the radical right is president has been forced into and dad won’t happen to me. It
persuasive. It is true that not rounded up all the shopkeepers, still eating the centre right. occasional retreat on immigration won’t happen to my children. But
everywhere in Germany, let alone some of whom were Jews. Mum and So liberals generally prefer a more but generally prefers taking on his could it? Yes.
everywhere in Europe, turned to the Dad were both arrested, members of confrontational approach, the one opponents rather than pacifying
radical right last week. But this was the elite at only ten years old. I don’t generally favoured by Emmanuel them. This week he reacted to
the case in 1928 as well. Reactionaries think it is unreasonable to start Macron. He embraces his leadership setback in a characteristic way.
now, as then, have established more worrying about the radical right (or of the metropolitan elite, makes the The radical right crushed Macron’s


20 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times


Clock is ticking on Putin’s nuclear gamble

Kremlin may have decided only the threat of atomic weapons can bring victory in Ukraine
brinkmanship? Take a look at the situation in Ukraine and did not start terms. Iran, under a new president
Roger Doomsday Clock, set annually by the the military operation there and with a weakening supreme BP should let its
Boyes Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, as a
way of alerting the public to the
successfully enough.”
That sounds like an open debate,
leader, may reverse the longstanding
fatwa against acquiring nuclear
workers’ private
relative proximity of nuclear
destruction. It was first positioned, in
or at least a good cop, bad cop duet.
In fact Karaganov’s position, though
weapons. It could pull out of the
non-proliferation treaty and race for
lives stay private
1947, at seven minutes to midnight.
After the end of the Cold War it was
he presented himself as a Dr
Strangelove figure, is essentially that of
a bomb, as North Korea did in 2003.
North Korea itself seems to be
Jawad Iqbal
shifted back to 17 minutes before Putin. First, Putin reserves the right to itching to turn its bomb-making

ack in 1983 I filed a brief midnight. Today, it shows 90 seconds punish the West if Ukraine uses newly capacity into geopolitical clout. he oil and gas giant BP
report for The Times about to the midnight hour. supplied western weapons to strike For her intriguing new book appears to have lost its
Polish general staff officers That is why Vladimir Putin’s recent inside Russia. He says he will provide Nuclear War: A Scenario, the US corporate marbles in
gathering in a Warsaw performance at a St Petersburg weapons to Russia-friendly neighbours author Annie Jacobsen interviews 50 demanding that its entire
cinema for a closed preview investors’ forum needs some careful of western supporters of Ukraine. strategists, decision-makers and 90,000-strong workforce
of the post-nuclear apocalypse US film study. He was appearing with a noted Whether these are conventional engineers at length about how even come clean about office romances or
The Day After. Until then my already hawk, Sergei Karaganov, an weapons or tactical nuclear weapons a primitive North Korean attack on a risk getting sacked. Senior leaders —
chunky secret police file had been academic who has previously called has not yet been decided. Californian nuclear power station numbering about 4,500 executives
written up by rather bored agents. The for a pre-emptive and limited nuclear Second, the framing of these could cripple the country. It would — have been given three months to
leak of the film screening changed the strike on Russia’s enemies. Before choices is already under way. This be a war destined to spread. For one report any intimate relationships
tone: the spooks’ analysis became week four Russian vessels, including thing, the US Minuteman missiles that have occurred at work during the
twitchy, anxious perhaps that officers
had been gossiping with westerners.
This could all be a a nuclear-powered submarine, are
heading for Havana for talks.
launched against Kim Jong-un would
have to cross Russian airspace. Given
past three years. The new guidelines
also ban anyone being in a couple with
It probably also reflected worries
that Moscow would kick up a fuss.
bluff to capitalise on Tactical nuclear drills are being held
near the Ukrainian border.
the dodgy communications between
the US and Russia, that could be
someone they “directly or indirectly
manage” — a breach could result in
The fact is East-West relations were
at a dismal, paranoiac low. The Soviets
American timidity It could all be part of an elaborate
bluff, an attempt to capitalise on the
very messy indeed.
Putin does not sound like a
disciplinary action, including dismissal.
It amounts to a corporate snoopers’
had shot down a civilian Korean their appearance, a smiling Putin timidity of the Biden administration. desperate man at the moment. He charter that is both sinister and stupid.
airliner in September 1983, believing it approached Karaganov. “Are you Some western analysts argue Russia’s has taken huge casualties already in Why is BP doing this? The company
to be a US spy plane. In November of going to stir things up?” he asked. deepening dependence on Chinese Ukraine (315,000 dead and wounded has moved to tighten its policy around
that year Nato’s Able Archer exercises “That’s why I’ve been invited, I support makes it unlikely that Putin in two years, compared with 210,000 workplace relationships in an attempt
practised nuclear launch procedures think,” said the professor. will resort to a nuclear option. But dead and wounded Americans in to avoid another scandal like that
in the event of Moscow invading The performance then followed the training scenarios used by Russian nine years of Vietnam) but he keeps which led to the sudden departure of
Finland and Yugoslavia. The Kremlin pre-scripted direction. Putin reassured forces between 2008 and 2014 reveal signalling he is ready for a long war. its chief executive, Bernard Looney,
thought the war game could be cover investors he saw no need to use that the Russian army war-gamed His eye is on a new US president, a last September. He was found to
for a first strike by the West. US cruise nuclear weapons at present, as there the use of tactical nuclear forces in sudden fall-off in support for have committed “serious
missiles were about to be stationed in was no immediate existential threat the case of an invasion in which 20 Ukraine and a deal that would both misconduct” in failing to disclose
Britain to counter the threat of to Russia, but left open whether the per cent of its strategic ballistic decapitate his enemies in Kyiv and workplace relationships. Looney was
Soviet SS-20s. As for The Day After, Kremlin was ready to change its missiles were destroyed. give Russia security guarantees. stripped of £32 million in pay and
wasn’t that a way of readying nuclear doctrine. Karaganov stuck to The military thinking is in place Putin’s gamble is that nuclear bonuses after his dismissal.
western audiences for a coming war? his guns, his views already set out in and as Putin surveys the shifting weapons, threatened or even briefly The public fallout has led to this
Many deemed 1983 to be the most an article last year: “Following modern strategic climate — the expanding, used, could bring a cold peace — latest revision of BP’s conflict of
dangerous moment since the Cuban mainly western military-political dysfunctional nuclear family — he even, perversely, some respect from interest policy. Out goes the previous
missile crisis of 1962. Could we now thinking, we thoughtlessly set too high may calculate that only a credible other rogue nations. It looks as if the (eminently sensible) guidance
be approaching a similar showdown, a threshold for the use of nuclear threat of battlefield nukes can bring Doomsday Clock is going to be requiring employees to disclose
born of miscalculation and weapons, inaccurately assessed the settlement of the Ukraine war on his heading in the wrong direction again. and record family or intimate
relationships at work only if they felt
there could be a conflict of interest.
This treated staff as adults, capable
Matthew Parris Notebook of exercising their own judgment and
discretion. No more.
the starving Irish should eat their vehicle: a soundly Conservative The ostensible justification is that
Bike crash Swift rebuke?
ill I ever learn? Any
own babies. truth. But such is the dismal spirit of
this campaign that I wouldn’t be
the new disclosure rules allow
employers to take pre-emptive steps

creates an W experienced journalist

could have told me: never
Driving me mad
ut here’s an idea whose time has
surprised if the Tories promise not to
do it and, when challenged, Labour
to avoid conflicts of interest and
issues of confidentiality. Yet the

dabble in sarcasm or irony because
readers will think you’re being
serious. In last week’s Notebook I
B come — and positive: a good
thing, rather than party leaders
bidding against each other with
promise not to do it either.
Shadow lands
reality is that the guidelines will
create more problems than they
solve. Who, for example, gets to
extravagantly lauded the Tory plan promises not to do bad things. A ince boyhood I’ve been fascinated define what is considered a
Corbynista for conscripting young people into
national service, and suggested that
old people should be conscripted too.
former environment secretary, John
Gummer (now Lord Deben), has
tossed a little realism into the debate
S by a whole region still essentially
unexplored by science, not unlike
the fabled “southern continent” of
reportable office “relationship”?
The idea that sexual relationships
in the office are the only ones that

f you could see the photograph, Expecting readers’ complaints that I about motoring. The Tories are Antarctica in the 18th century, create issues of confidentiality or
you’d know at once what I mean was being flip, I was instead trying to tickle motorists’ tummies, presumed but never discovered. The potential abuses of power is itself
by saying that politics can’t unnerved by praise for the idea from promising to abolish the Ulez unconscious mind is a place that flawed. What if someone maliciously
entirely be disentangled from the online commenters below the charges in London; now comes a Shakespeare knew about (Lady declares an imaginary office
personal. The photo is of a little column. They think I’m serious. new Tory pledge to scrap all Macbeth obsessively washes her hands dalliance with a co-worker? How
boy in a child’s green cycling helmet, They love the idea. Or are they, road tolls. in her sleep) and Freud speculated would the other person even know?
satchel on back. He’s on a pavement too, being sarcastic? It’s infantile. Revenue has to wildly upon, and of which we’re daily What if two employees disagree
and looks tearful, as a bystander We live in such crazy times that be raised. Some kind of restraint reminded when (for instance) we about whether to declare a former or
holds his red bike. We realise he has satire becomes hard to distinguish upon car use has to be applied. can’t remember a name so decide to current relationship? It is equally
just fallen off it. Beside him stands an from serious suggestion. Online Deben points out that EV move on and wait for it to spring into unclear how the company’s human
elderly gentleman in specs, leaning on Monday, beneath a Times vehicles are already our consciousness. Something big, resources department is expected to
over kindly to comfort the boy, an report on the latest eating into revenue we know, goes on down there, but keep tabs on the “confessions” of
arm on Eddie’s shoulder. slaughter in Gaza, a reader from fuel duties. what it is we know not. thousands of employees.
I happen to know he’s called Eddie expressed the view that The loss could Last week I awoke from a dream In truth, many staff will choose not
because his father is the friend who one Israeli life was worth eventually cost the state with a single sentence on my lips: to disclose their office relationships .
sent me the pic. The kindly old gent more than 50 Palestinian £30 billion. To pay for what I was saying in a dream about a After all, there is no law that compels
is Jeremy Corbyn. The former dead: a “diamond” roadbuilding, road sleeper train. In my dream I described them to do so. Many people meet
Labour leader, now an independent extracted by detonating repair and traffic how it was — and these were my their eventual partners through
parliamentary candidate, was merely “rocks”. I read and re- management, he says, words — “to weave in and out of a work: that is not — nor should it be
a passer-by when Eddie met his read it, trying to decide we’ll have to start thousand pockets of sleep, on a night — a reportable offence.
accident. Eddie’s dad, a million miles if this was sarcasm. I still charging drivers for how express”. OK, I’m no Shakespeare, BP, in its misguided intervention, is
from being a Corbynite, WhatsApps don’t know. Our far they drive. He’s right. but this was an attempt at the poetic, guilty of turning office romances
me: “I may have to vote for him now.” literature’s greatest The technology is now drafted by the unconscious mind. into something more sinister. It
In this dreary and unedifying general satirist, Jonathan Swift, straightforward. Users How much of what think we say would be better served keeping its
election where no candidate appeals, would today struggle with should pay according to spontaneously has been said already, corporate nose out of the private
I can think of worse deciders. his Modest Proposal that use, not ownership of a somewhere down there? lives of its workforce.
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 21


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Young MPs will want to change the agenda

New intake are likely to be the most diverse, youngest, least experienced cohort ever and their priorities will be different
ten select committees; they include director, Sunder Katwala. Not only suggests would-be politicians in postwar intake? There will be some
Alice 75 Tories, 34 Labour MPs, nine SNP will the next parliament be the most traditional heterosexual families may MPs who struggle, among them
Thomson MPs and the Green Party’s sole MP, ethnically and gender diverse (with be put off standing in the 21st perhaps Labour and Liberal
Caroline Lucas. Some cite about 39 per cent women), it will also century because they tend to have Democrat candidates from marginals
exhaustion, others the toll of being have far more LGBT members. The young children and have more who a year ago probably didn’t
trolled, stalked and forced to wear Labour MP Chris Smith was in a domestic responsibilities. Politics and imagine they’d be commuting to
stab vests. Several have lost their seat minority of one when he said he was the 24-hours-a-day media scrutiny London rather than going back to
@alicettimes in the boundary change musical gay in 1984. When Ben Bradshaw increasingly take a huge toll on their day jobs. But these diverse
chairs or, in a few cases, been became the Labour MP for Exeter, family life, with more than 40 per millennials and Gen Zers could bring

t 4pm last Friday the blocked by their party. “I just having been the second openly gay cent of the 2010 intake believed to about lasting change. Their concerns
parliamentary candidates’ couldn’t physically or mentally pin candidate only 27 years ago in 1997, have split from their partners in the may differ from those of their
lists closed with a flurry of on that rosette again and perform an he faced homophobic abuse, his Tory past 14 years. Both the Tories and predecessors and centre on issues
late entries. The Tories, inane TikTok dance,” said one rival describing homosexuality as a Labour also look set to have a larger such as housing, childcare and
after a desperate scrabble, former cabinet minister. “sterile, disease-ridden and God- education. They could also push for
have managed to find a candidate for
every seat except Rotherham. Labour
Whatever the result on July 4, this
is likely to be the most diverse,
forsaken occupation”.
While Ireland has had a gay
The vast majority of a different work-life balance in the
House of Commons with fewer late-
has the youngest hopeful, Sam
Carling, a 21-year-old student standing
youngest and least experienced
parliament since at least the 1950s.
taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, and France
a gay prime minister, Gabriel Attal,
those campaigning night sittings.
It’s easy to believe that the 4,519
in North West Cambridgeshire; the
Lib Dems have the oldest, the 80-
The latest polling by YouGov
predicts a Labour majority of 194
the Tories currently have no LGBT
cabinet ministers. Now, if Labour
deserve our respect candidates are venal, lying, self-
obsessed careerists. Almost 90 per
year-old Gordon Birtwistle in Burnley. wins, there are likely to be at least proportion of ex-military candidates cent of voters say politicians “can’t be
Each party has tried to shoehorn in its
favourites at the last minute and there
If Labour wins, at least four high-powered senior ministers
who are gay: Wes Streeting, Peter
than in the past two decades —
toughness and resilience are useful
trusted to tell the truth”; they face
contempt, derision, public
are a record 4,519 candidates’ names
on the ballot papers.
four high-powered Kyle, Steve Reed and Luke Pollard.
Three decades on, it’s not an issue.
qualities at Westminster.
Meanwhile, the Tories look likely
humiliation, even death threats. But
most MPs I’ve met at the beginning
Meanwhile, the old guard have
been packing up at Westminster,
ministers will be gay When I interviewed Danny Beales,
the Labour by-election candidate in
to have fewer female MPs in the new
parliament — less than 30 per cent
of their careers are entering politics
for the right reasons and determined
sneaking out a bit of letterheaded seats, with potentially 277 Gen X Uxbridge & South Ruislip last year, it of the candidates are women, often to do the decent thing, even if some
stationery, buying their final members, born between 1965 and was Ulez, London’s ultra-low in now-unwinnable seats, and some subsequently show themselves to be
chocolate mints and reminiscing 1980, and 227 from the millennial emission zone, rather than his claim privately that they have lost wildly unsuited to represent their
about their finest speech or fact- cohort, born between 1981 and 1996, sexuality, that voters mentioned on out in a “jobs for the boys” operation constituents, becoming intoxicated
finding missions to Tobago before including 23 in their twenties. The the doorstep. to “lads and spads from No 10”. Only by power, cynical about their ability
heading back to the shires and the think tank British Future suggests Michael Crick, who runs the a year ago, the Tories’ then- to achieve change or losing their
suburbs to have a last cup of tea with there will be a record number of Tomorrow’s MPs Twitter/X account chairman Greg Hands suggested the principles. The vast majority deserve
their former constituency workers. ethnic minority MPs taking their which monitors candidates, thinks figure should be 50 per cent. respect as they canvass their way
In total, 132 MPs all calling it a day, seats — about 14 per cent. “In 40 there will be at least 100 openly gay So, what could be the impact of around the country — or, in the case
including 22 current or former years we will have gone from nearly MPs in the next parliament if you the class of 2024 when they arrive of the Lib Dems, career up and down
secretaries of state and the chairs of zero to one in seven MPs,” says its take the current YouGov polling. He next month as the largest new on a rollercoaster.
22 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times

Letters to the Editor should be sent to

Letters to the Editor or by post to
1 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF

Splintering of the right and lessons of 1983 Admiral Byng story

Sir, The real villain of the Admiral
Sir, William Hague warns that “a Sir, William Hague observes (indeed, thus breaking the historic mould of Byng story (Jun 10; letter, Jun 11) is
struggle to realign the right threatens laments) the split in the right-wing British politics? After all, many Lieutenant General Fowke, the
to put the country more firmly in the vote that may well lead to a Labour traditional Labour voters have views Governor of Gibraltar. Byng had to
hands of the left” and that unless landslide. However, this split is largely generally associated with the right replenish his motley fleet at the Rock
something changes the outcome of a self-inflicted wound. From David wing of politics, and while by habit before dealing with Menorca. Under
1983, when a divided left enabled a Cameron calling the EU referendum they might not vote for the Fowke, the Gibraltar dockyards were
united right, will be avenged (“Farage in 2016 and Boris Johnson purging Conservatives they are unlikely to run down, ill-provisioned and a
Deficiencies in insurgency only brings years of One Nation Conservative MPs in have any such inhibitions in relation disgrace. Instead of advising Byng on
Labour”, Jun 11). This may be true in 2019 to Tories selecting Liz Truss and to Reform. possible military options for dealing
party manifestos 2024 but it is not necessarily true over Rishi Sunak as leader and prime APN Currie with the French on Menorca, Fowke
the next five years. Reform UK, like minister in 2022, the Conservative Winchester did absolutely nothing and, with
Sir, I was disappointed that your the Reform party of Canada in 1993, Party has pandered to the right wing. dishonesty and subterfuge, gave Byng
detailed coverage (Jun 11) of the also has concentrated support and a Hague studiously overlooks how, after Sir, Ben Howkins suggests a merger false information about the Fort St
Liberal Democrats’ general election distinctive electorate. It is likely to win eight years, this pandering has gravely between the Conservatives and Philip garrison, while retaining a
manifesto did not include any seats in 2024, at least five million votes harmed Britain. Reform UK could have the acronym possible landing force of four
reference to the party’s major and a hundred or so second places, Greg Smith CRU, which he says is a descriptor of battalions of infantry for his own ends.
proposals relating to sex and gender. with many coming in Labour areas. It Crondall, Surrey fine wines (letter, Jun 11). Not so, Sadly, Byng did not have the character
The Liberal Democrats’ pledge to will be Farage, in other words, not according to my Larousse dictionary. to see through this conniving soldier.
introduce gender self-ID, so that One Nation, southern, liberal Tories Sir, In developing his argument that It gives a number of meanings for cru, Fowke was, rightly, court-martialled
anyone is allowed to “change sex” by who will be the main opposition in Reform is bound to fail in its struggle among them raw, uncooked, violent and was found guilty, but he was
simply stating that they are the these areas on July 5. to reshape politics in the UK, William and brutal. With regard to wines, it merely suspended for a year. It was he
opposite sex, is highly controversial. Furthermore, we should remember Hague draws extensively on merely says “land considered who should have been shot, not Byng.
The party also proposes to legally that 80 per cent of seats have majority differences between the voting according to its produce, particularly Michael Scott
recognise non-binary identities support for slashing the mass patterns of Republicans and vineyards” (my translation), with no Author, Scapegoats: Thirteen Victims
(people who believe that they are immigration that so-called moderate Democrats in the US, compared with mention of it being applied only to of Military Injustice
neither man nor woman) within the Tories imposed on the country, which those between Labour and the fine wine. Moreover, surely the
Gender Recognition Act. This would Farage opposes. For all these reasons Conservatives on this side of the appropriate acronym for a
ride roughshod over decades-old legal
provisions to protect women’s rights,
the liberal Tories, who are fond of
ignoring their own mistakes over the
Atlantic. Yet he overlooks one key
point. Unlike the Conservatives in this
Conservative Reform and Unionist
Party would be CRUP, which I can
Jargon of design
which are based on recognising that past 14 years, continue to country, the Republican Party today imagine all too well would quickly be Sir, It is heartening to learn from the
everyone is either male or female. underestimate the revolt on their right. draws extensive support from the changed in people’s minds to letter co-signed by eminent architects
The Lib Dem proposals are based Matthew Goodwin so-called working classes. Might not a something rather unpleasant. (Jun 11) that they “have always
on the fringe ideological belief that Professor of politics and international Reform Party led by Nigel Farage George Hart supported street-based towns and
being male or female comes down to relations, University of Kent reasonably hope to achieve the same, Rickmansworth, Herts cities as a way to build the homes we
feelings about what sex you would desperately need”. Will residents of
like to be rather than what kind of these street-based locations have
body you have — and they would be under the impression that such access to, for example, food-based
disastrous for women’s rights. Educational reform Middle East peace education is paid for through UK restaurants, goods-based shops and
Maya Forstater taxpayer-funded loans repayable out train-based stations? Might they also
CEO, Sex Matters Sir, Rachel Sylvester encapsulates the Sir, I disagree with the assertion in of income. I should be interested to explain why, if “we must have local
challenges facing the education your leading article that any learn how UK-trained teachers living housing styles that reflect their local
Sir, After 14 years in government it is system in England (“Reform of democratic government would have and working in Dubai effect these context and community”, so many
extraordinary how the Tories have education system is vital for growth”, liberated its citizens by the means repayments out of their “no-tax examples of the opposite have escaped
dreamt up all these marvellous comment, Jun 10; letters, Jun 11) but used by the Israel Defence Forces income”, which, presumably, is not from architects’ drawing boards to
tax-cutting policies — you have to she should give weight to the vital (“Free the Hostages”, Jun 10). declarable in the UK. disfigure so much of the UK? Perhaps
wonder what they have been doing all role of creativity in any future Widespread civilian deaths are Amanda Robertson a Labour-based government will
this time. The truth is that cutting curriculum. Michael Gove’s 2010 senseless, as they only increase Newmarket, Suffolk provide the answer. Or perhaps not.
taxes and allowing public services to curriculum reforms have led to fewer terrorist recruitment. Northern Stephen Gold
wither on the vine will not assuage the children taking art and design, Ireland would not be peaceful today if London N21
struggles of many people but rather
prolong them. We need honesty (a
performing arts and music. At GCSE,
arts entries have declined by 47 per
the British Army had adopted such
tactics. Israel needs to recognise that
Reminiscent smells
quality in short supply these days) and
a real plan to fix Britain.
cent since 2010 because of successive
education secretaries’ obsession with
Palestinians are not going anywhere
and that the only answer to terrorism
Sir, Further to Giles Coren’s list of
reminiscent scents (“Polished lino and
E-bike benefits
Jon Jennings narrow PISA performance measures. is a sovereign Palestinian nation, Imperial Leather: my smell archive”, Sir, Kevin Maher should not be so
Birmingham It is a significant failing that where they can live in peace Notebook, Jun 11), may I add quick to demonise all e-bike riders
Britain’s world-leading creative alongside their Israeli neighbours. flowering privet, seaweed, eau-de- (Times2, Jun 10). As a 64-year-old,
Sir, In publishing their manifestos, industries, worth £126 billion to the John Bond cologne and parma violet scent. post cancer treatment, it has given me
political parties seeking to form the economy, now look overseas for a Oxford Anna Webster much pleasure to ride around the
next government should be expected suitable workforce, while at least Poulton-le-Fylde, Lancs Hampshire countryside with my
to conduct a risk assessment. They 14 universities are implementing husband on his normal bike. I would
should be required to tell us what they
thought were the chances over the
redundancy programmes affecting
arts degrees. Creativity is vital to the
Teaching overseas Sir, To Giles Coren’s list may I add the
sweet, polished smell of a freshly
not be able to ride for so long or far
on a regular bike.
next parliament, for instance, of a mental health of children as well as to Sir, Mark Steed (letter, Jun 10) states: opened packet of wax crayons. It Andrea Gallagher
hostile act by a foreign power, an the economy, and any future “Given that UK graduates fund their always reminds me of Year 1 of Fleet, Hants
environmental disaster (floods or curriculum must reflect that. own degrees and postgraduate primary school, and dreaming of a
drought), economic shocks or a Neil Roskilly teacher training qualifications, any gold star for my drawing skills.
pandemic. They would then have to
tell us how they planned to tackle such
Trustee, Diamond Learning
(multi-academy) Trust
moral obligation to work in UK state
schools is a thing of the past.” I was
Martin Burstyn
London N10
Fancy phrases
risks. A document of this sort would Sir, Further to your archive report
be far more useful than a manifesto “Long words and fancy phrases” (Jun
making promises that will inevitably often for generations, are compelled Berwick border, the upper reaches 11), as a skin pathologist nothing gave
crumble in the face of events. END OF THE to get rid of them — not for of the Thames and in the Cotswolds me more pleasure than issuing a
Mike Smith commercial gain, as though they were — prospective purchasers can take report stating that a patient had
Settle, N Yorks COUNTRY purveyors of boots or butter, but from their pick of houses and estates of “pityriasis versicolor due to
the mere instinct of self-preservation. the most alluring charms, because Malassezia furfur” (a minor fungal
HOUSE ERA For years past they have been white their present owners can no longer skin infection) or “chondrodermatitis
Letters to The Times must be exclusive elephants. Today they are millstones, afford to live in them. But this state nodularis helicis chronicus” (sun-
and may be edited. Please include a full from which, in order to avoid being of affairs is only one side of the induced painful skin nodule on the
address and daytime telephone number. from the times june 12, 1924 dragged down to ruin, their owners picture. There are other men and ear). We doctors need to find our fun
must at all costs cut themselves free. women all over the countryside somehow. And yes, we do “revel in
One of the most marked symptoms In 1919, in the case of a number of who, through no fault or choice of length and outlandishness”.
Corrections and of change in the contemporary life large estates with an average nominal their own, are bound to be heavy Dr John McCarthy
clarifications of rural England is the passing of revenue of £20,300, it was found that losers by the passing of the country Newcastle upon Tyne
the big country house. Day after day the expenditure on income-tax, tithe, house. When the owner of the
the back page of this journal is filled rates, and other similar outgoings left house puts up the shutters to avoid
The Times takes
with descriptive advertisements of
“desirable” Tudor or Jacobean
a free income of only 4s 6d in the
pound. When this had been further
Bankruptcy Court, the inevitable
result is that a considerable body of
Food protests
about editorial mansions and “attractive” Queen reduced by mortgages, rent charges, those to whom his estate provided Sir Dominic Sandbrook’s column
content seriously. We are committed to Anne or Georgian residences of jointures — and especially death work are driven into the towns. (“Milkshake’s vanilla compared with
abiding by the Independent Press every sort and size. Early this week duties — the sum that remained was These big country houses cannot all protests past”, Jun 8; letter, Jun 11)
Standards Organisation (“IPSO”) rules between twenty and thirty of the often less than nothing. Today the be turned into schools or reminds me of another incident
and regulations and the Editors’ Code of stately homes of England were thus position is worse. In all parts of the institutions or country clubs. What involving Harold Wilson. When a
Practice that IPSO enforces.
Requests for corrections or offered for sale in our columns in a country the story is the same. On any is to become of them? protester at a political meeting threw a
clarifications should be sent by email to single day. Many of them will in all day in the week — from Norfolk to cabbage at him, Wilson replied: “I or by post to probability be homes no longer. The the New Forest, from Sussex to asked for your ears, Sir, not your head.”
Feedback, The Times, 1 London Bridge families that they have sheltered, Yorkshire and Durham and the Richard Briand
Street, London SE1 9GF Leek, Staffs
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 S1 23

Leading articles

Daily Universal Register

UK: The British Academy hosts its Summer
Showcase, an annual free festival of talks,
workshops and performances.

Nature notes
The low-growing
bush vetch has a
couple of
fascinating features
Low Octane
that allow it to
thrive in meadows, The Conservative manifesto should have been more inventive and more courageous.
unmown lawns, and
roadside verges. Like all members of the pea Rishi Sunak had nothing to lose and everything to gain from being more radical
clan, it can clamber up through the grass,
hooking itself on to sturdier plants for The choice of Silverstone, the home of British that such a bold measure may also be divisive to reduce the scandal of the ballooning number of
support. This allows access to sunlight. motor racing, as the venue for the launch of the in his party. people on incapacity benefits. Together with the
Secondly, to protect itself from munching Conservative manifesto yesterday was doubtless In place of a screeching, turbocharged policy cost of servicing the national debt, this burden,
caterpillars and other insects, the vetch governed by the desire of spin doctors to convey announcement that would disconcert Labour which soared during the pandemic and continues,
enlists the support of ants. As well as a sense of dynamism. That, however, is a hard and set pulses racing, Mr Sunak opted for a mysteriously, to soar, is the principal reason for the
producing nectar in their purple flowers to sell for a party 14 years in power. There is a natural series of giveaways that in most cases had parlous state of the public finances. With a
attract pollinating bumblebees, bush vetch desire for change in a democracy after such been well trailed. A two per cent cut to national scandalous nine million people economically
also produces the sugary liquid on its stem. a period, even when the economic landscape insurance is no small matter, and is to be inactive, simply returning to the pre-pandemic
These extrafloral nectaries draw in the is relatively benign. At present, for millions of welcomed as prioritising the worker, but the situation could save £34 billion.
sweet-toothed ants. In return for the reward, British households coping with the aftershocks of government’s gnawing away at what is in As it was, there was good in the prime minister’s
which is even sweeter than the floral nectar, Covid, Ukraine and the debacle of Liz Truss’s effect a second income tax has failed to ignite the proposals. Abolishing national insurance for
the ants patrol the plants, picking off any premiership, that is anything but the case. Added enthusiasm of voters. Two previous two per cent self-employed workers is, at £2.6 billion, a cheap
unwanted caterpillars. jonathan tulloch to the tiredness of the electorate is the weariness drops did nothing to salvage the Tories’ poll and effective way to stimulate an important
of a Tory party grown fractious and inward- ratings and the £10 billion Mr Sunak lavished on element of the economy. And help-to-buy
looking after years in office. yesterday’s cut was, in political terms, almost measures will be welcomed by people barred from
Birthdays today All the more reason, then, for Rishi Sunak to certainly a wasted bet. the housing market by the difficulty of raising a
ignore conventional wisdom and strike out with a Impact matters in a manifesto and so deposit. However, a promise of 1.6 million new
Sir Michael Fabricant, high-octane set of unashamedly Conservative does clear direction of travel. A commitment homes without a clear commitment to planning
pictured, Conservative policies — the complete abolition of inheritance to work diligently towards reducing the overall reform rang hollow. Triple lock plus, meanwhile,
MP for Lichfield (1992- tax, say. Labour would, of course, paint it as a tax burden is a good thing. But nothing says was an unjustified giveaway for already indulged
May 2024), vice- sop to the rich but what would the prime minister “party of low taxes” like the disappearance of a pensioners.
chairman, Conservative have to lose? The removals men are already hated levy. Killing stamp duty entirely, instead In all likelihood, Mr Sunak will not be
Party (2012-14), 74; booked for No 10 on July 5 so why not go of removing it only for first-time buyers as around to enact his manifesto. But there is
Ahmed Aboul Gheit, down fighting with a prospectus that trumpets proposed, would have provided that much- merit in ameliorating defeat and maximising the
secretary-general of the his unabashed commitment to aspiration? needed impact. strength of a Tory opposition, especially if
Arab League, 82; The Rt Rev John Arnold, Instead yesterday, Mr Sunak retreated into his There is another way for Mr Sunak to make an the polls are accurate in pointing to a Labour
Roman Catholic bishop of Salford, 71; Neil inner accountant. He played safe, mindful impact: by signalling his intention to act ruthlessly landslide.
Basu QPM, assistant commissioner of the
Metropolitan Police (2018-21, specialist
operations), head of UK counterterrorism
policing (2016-18), 56; John Copley, theatre
and opera producer, 91; Roy Harper, folk
singer and songwriter, Another Day (1970),
Fig Leaves
83; Pat Jennings, footballer, Tottenham
Hotspur, Arsenal and Northern Ireland British judges lend Hong Kong’s increasingly repressive regime a spurious legitimacy
(1964-86), 79; Sir Paul Kennedy, lord justice
of appeal (1992-2005), interception of Ever since Hong Kong was returned to Chinese denouncement of the Chinese authorities is partly Despite all this, three British judges will continue
communications commissioner (2006-12), control in 1997, British judges have served on to be applauded, cynics might be tempted to point to serve in Hong Kong: two former presidents
89; Lord (Spencer) Livermore, opposition the former colony’s Court of Final Appeal. Their out that both his and his colleague’s decision to of the Supreme Court, Lord Phillips of Worth
whip (Lords), partner and director, Britain appointment to Hong Kong’s highest court on step down is not before time. The depressingly Matravers and Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury,
Thinks consultancy (2016-18), 49; John renewable fixed terms was a sensible measure bleak situation Lord Sumption describes in and the former law lord Lord Hoffmann. Their
Mackenzie, Earl of Cromartie, explosives intended not just to help to preserve the rule of law, Hong Kong is, after all, hardly an overnight positions there, however, are surely untenable.
engineer, chief of the Clan Mackenzie, 76; but to provide expertise to local lawyers as well as development. Ever since Beijing imposed its Criticism of foreign judges offering their
Jacqueline McLaren, lord provost of much-needed reassurance to local businesses. draconian national security law in 2020, it has services to Hong Kong, where they earn about
Glasgow, 60; Javed Miandad, cricketer, Unfortunately their presence has done little to been able pretty much to arrest, detain and deport £40,000 a visit, is growing steadily. Last month, a
Pakistan (1976-93), 67; Lewis Moody, rugby prevent Hong Kong’s inexorable pivot toward anyone in Hong Kong at will. report by the Committee for Freedom in Hong
union player, part of the 2003 World Cup mainland-style authoritarian rule. In the past Opposition legislators have been disqualified Kong Foundation, a charity based in the US and
winning squad, England captain (2010-11), week, two retired Supreme Court judges, Lord and jailed; independent media has been shut Britain, accused judges on the territory’s highest
46; Robert Noel, chairman, Taylor Wimpey Sumption and Lord Collins of Mapesbury, have down. Protests have been violently suppressed. court of lending “their prestige to a justice system
(housebuilder), Hammerson (retail announced their resignation from the court, citing Two weeks ago, a Hong Kong court convicted 14 that has been undermined and co-opted by
property), chief executive, Land Securities the political situation in Hong Kong as China pro-democracy campaigners of subversion in Beijing”. This is surely right.
Group (2012-20), 60; Neil Oatley, chief continues its crackdown on dissent there. what is the territory’s largest national security It remains a long-established tradition for British
designer, McLaren F1 team (1986-2002, now Explaining his decision in an article for trial. lawyers and judges to fill legal appointments in
design and development director), 70; Ian yesterday’s Financial Times, Lord Sumption In Britain, there was an increasingly uneasy other common-law jurisdictions, but by serving in
Partridge, classical tenor, 86; Bert Sakmann, wrote: “Hong Kong, once a vibrant and politically feeling that the appearance of British judges the courts of a territory where civil and political
cell physiologist, Nobel prizewinner (1991), diverse community, is slowly becoming a effectively propping up a legal system designed to liberties have now been almost snuffed out, they
82; Nancy Stratford, the last surviving totalitarian state. The rule of law is profoundly target and destroy democracy and its supporters are in danger of giving the appearance of lending
female aviator who transported RAF aircraft compromised in any area about which the risked undermining the government’s staunch a fig leaf of respectability to tyranny. Their swift
and crew for the Air Transport Auxiliary government feels strongly.” and wholly justified opposition to China’s and immediate resignation would put paid to any
during the Second World War (known as While Lord Sumption’s strongly worded repressive treatment of the people of Hong Kong. such dangerous misapprehensions.
“Attagirls”), 105; Cathy Tyson, actress, Mona
Lisa (1986), Band of Gold (1995-96), 59.

On this day All at Sea

In 1981 Steven Spielberg’s film Raiders of the
Lost Ark was released in the US. It won four British coastlines offer us an untapped if occasionally slimy resource
Oscars; in 1982 Dame Marie Rambert,
founder of Britain’s oldest ballet company, You can use it as fuel, you can fertilise your plants paid tribute on a visit to the country yesterday far less cultivation and no fresh water. Being at sea,
the Rambert Dance Company, died aged 94. with it, you can make it into what looks like plastic, to its flourishing seaweed industry. It should be also, it rarely gets in the way of anything else.
She created Ballet Club in 1926, with a first and you can use it to recapture carbon from the flourishing far more. In Cardiff, the prince examined a golf tee
performance of Frederick Ashton’s A atmosphere. As Edmund Blackadder once said of Across Asia, 35 million tonnes of coastal algae is made of seaweed, designed to naturally degrade,
Tragedy of Fashion the same year. the potato, “they’ll be eating it next!”. Although cultivated each year. Much of it is eaten, both by fertilising a golf course as a bonus. Two years ago,
with seaweed, from wrack to dulse to kelp, to the humans and farm animals. Aside from being he awarded the Earthshot environmental prize to
seaweed-adjacent samphire, they of course cheap, it also has a carbon footprint far lower than its manufacturer, Notpla, which also uses Welsh
The last word already are. most land-based crops. Last year, The Economist seaweed to make environmentally friendly,
For most land-lubbers, seaweed is an other- estimated that universally replacing even a small plastic-equivalent food packaging.
“The problems of victory are more agreeable worldly, mysterious substance, flapping and amount of cattle feed with seaweed could cut Despite its global abundance, seaweed may be
than the problems of defeat, but they are no bubbling into the strangest of forms. Yet in that methane emissions by the same amount as the world’s most neglected resource. As an
less difficult.” Winston Churchill, Speech to liminal world between shore and open sea, a removing every car in the world. Farmed seaweed ingenious nation with our extensive coastlines, we
the House of Commons (November 1942) bounty is there for the taking. The Prince of Wales is also a carbon sink, similar to forests but requiring should be a global leader. Let the kelp help.
24 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times

Ukrainians march
for freedom from
Putin’s brutal rule
Ukraine Russian- Kolotilovka- don’t even know how long we have
held Pokrovka been on the road,” said Dmytro, 33, his
George Grylls Sumy
RUSSIA hands shaking with exhaustion.
They arrive each day, carrying cats, Sumy Belgorod Accompanied by his wife, Oliyna, and
dragging suitcases and pushing prams: Kyiv their seven-year-old daughter
their silhouettes can be seen from a dis- Valentina, he can at last enjoy a
tance, shuffling across no man’s land. U K R A IN E cigarette in free Ukraine. A man of
The final stretch of their journey — fighting age, Dmytro was subjected to
the mile that separates Russia from enhanced questioning in Russia. His
Ukraine — must be completed on foot. 50 miles Donetsk fingerprints were taken before he was
Through binoculars, the Ukrainian allowed to cross. “They asked me, ‘Why
border guards count the number of do you want to leave? You understand
their compatriots crossing that day. Mykolaiv you will have to kill Russian soldiers?’”
The Kolotilovka-Pokrovka check- Nova Mayachka
As her husband stumbles through
point outside Sumy, a border city in half-composed sentences, Oliyna
northeastern Ukraine, is an anomaly clarifies that they have been on the
across more than 1,000 miles of front move for three days. The family, origi-
line. It is the only means of escape for Wagner bloodbath nally from Nova Mayachka in occupied
nearly five million people living under Kherson, travelled via Donetsk and the
Russian occupation in the south and Almost 20,000 fighters from the Russian city of Belgorod to cross
east of the country, who brave the ardu- Wagner mercenary group were the border to Sumy. They are heading
ous journey through Russian land to killed in the battle for Bakhmut last on to the city of Mykolaiv, about 60
return to Ukrainian-held territory. year, more than the number of miles from where they set off. The final
Now even this lifeline is under threat. troops the Soviet Union lost in the destination of those traversing vast dis-
Last month Russian troops attacked decade-long invasion of Afghanistan tances through enemy territory is often
neighbouring Kharkiv, forcing Ukraine (Alec Luhn writes). only a few dozen miles from the Rus-
to divert elite troops away from the in- As many as 213 mercenaries were sian-occupied towns they left.
tense battles in Donbas to shore up its killed each day in the ten-month The fields around Sumy have be-
defences further north. Fierce resist- campaign to take the Ukrainian city, come a construction site this summer
ance stalled the Russian advance but according to documents obtained as diggers frantically build fortifica-
Ukrainian officials have warned that by BBC News Russian and tions in anticipation of another Russian
the front could be broadened to Mediazona, an independent Russian offensive. Acres of fertile land have
include Sumy, a region that shares a media outlet. Most were convicts been sacrificed for trenches, pillboxes
jagged 350-mile border with Russia. released from prisons, regardless of and “dragon’s teeth” anti-tank traps.
“The Russians are widening their their crimes, and offered freedom in Life maintains a peculiar sense of
attacks to try and stretch us more return for six months at the front. normality inside the city of Sumy, 25
thinly,” said Roman Tkach, 52, a Bakhmut had minor strategic miles from the border, as teenagers
spokesman for the Sumy border guard. value but took on totemic make the most of the lazy summer
“If the area around the checkpoint importance for both sides as troops weather, leaping from the city’s bridges
becomes a battlefield too, it will become fought from building to building, into the river. Yet power outages are
impossible to let people in.” and shelling reduced the city to frequent and air alarms almost
The surrounding area is shelled on a rubble. At least 5,000 Ukrainian constant as the city suffers from regular
daily basis. Glide bombs and artillery soldiers are believed to have died. drone, missile and glide bomb attacks.
have flattened entire villages while Yevgeny Prigozhin, Wagner’s late At the Sumy reception centre, a
remotely piloted drones destroy vehi- head, came to national prominence volunteer orders everyone down to the
cles up to six miles from the border. with videos criticising the Russian basement. The arrivals from Russia
Uniquely, the Kolotilovka-Pokrovka military leadership for not giving his descend to the shelter, where they
checkpoint has so far been spared by men enough ammunition. He finally concentrate their practised ears on the
the Russian guns. It is the only border declared victory in Bakhmut in May thudding sounds above, listening for
crossing between Russia and Ukraine last year, and a month later led a clues. Among them is Katya, 73, who
that remains open, through which has made the journey from an occupied

AfD skips speech

coup attempt against Moscow. He
about 50 Ukrainians flee each day. was killed in August when his plane village close to the front lines in the
According to a local charity, Pluriton, exploded over the Tver region in Zaporizhzhia region. Her husband,
32,000 people have used the check- what many see as an assassination Ivan, died in March from a heart attack
point during the war. “Lots of people caused by the shelling, prompting her

by ‘beggar’ Zelensky
ordered by President Putin.
have come back to die,” said Vitaliy, 40, Wagner has paid nearly a billion to flee. “There are lots of people waiting
a volunteer with Pluriton. pounds in compensation to relatives to be freed back there,” she said,
Thanks to the charity, refugees who of those killed in the battle for overwhelmed by tears.
are too frail to walk can still make it Bakhmut, the documents show, As the alarm lifts, the only person
back to Ukraine. Vitaliy’s volunteers effectively buying their silence. A with a smile on her face is Raisa Germany office has expired. He is now only in
wander out towards the Russian border, wave of crime was unleashed in Berezina, 75, who has been stuck in office as a war and beggar president.
George Grylls Mykolaiv
trusting that the drones will hold fire, to Russia when as many as 30,000 Crimea since President Putin launched Ukraine does not need a war president
David Crossland Berlin
rescue people left lying on stretchers convict soldiers returned home. his full-scale invasion more than two now, it needs a peace president who is
and push those in wheelchairs to safety. “By signing 50,000 secret years ago. Berezina is looking forward The hard-right Alternative for Ger- willing to negotiate so that the dying
Once they have navigated the grey pardons, Putin has created not only to being reunited with her son in Kyiv many (AfD) and populist left- stops and the country has a future.”
zone, the refugees are taken to an 20,000 mostly nameless graves in — something that perplexed Russian wing BSW parties boycotted a speech Zelensky had attended a conference
underground bunker to verify their Wagner cemeteries around Russia, soldiers manning the checkpoints on by President Zelensky in the German in Berlin focused on reconstruction. It
Ukrainian citizenship before buses but also 20,000 physically disabled her way back to Ukraine. “They kept Bundestag yesterday, with AfD calling was hosted by Olaf Scholz, the German
transfer them to Sumy. and 10,000 mentally disabled and asking me, ‘Where are you going? Ukraine’s leader a “war and beggar chancellor, who announced further
They undergo lengthy checks to dangerous criminals that are now Where are you going?’. I told them I was president”. military and diplomatic support for
weed out Russian saboteurs, which roaming the streets,” said Leonid going home.” Tino Chrupalla and Alic Weidel, Kyiv’s fight against Russia.
means night has usually fallen before Volkov, an aide to the late Additional reporting by Viktoria Sybir leaders of AfD, said in statement: The Ukrainian president was given a
families can finally have something to opposition leader Alexei Navalny. “We refuse to listen to a speaker in a standing ovation from the 650 MPs in
eat at the reception centre in Sumy. “I camouflage suit. Zelensky’s term of the Reichstag building. In his speech,
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 25

Hamas ‘ready to discuss’ Corruption scandal engulfs

Biden’s ceasefire deal family of Spanish PM
Page 26 Page 27

De Gaulle ‘defiled’
as his party backs
protégé of Le Pen
France Who holds power in France?
Adam Sage Paris
French politics moved towards a histor- Created for Charles de Gaulle in
ic shift yesterday as the head of the 1958, France’s Fifth Republic is a
centre-right Republicans backed the hybrid with a directly elected five-
populist National Rally in its attempt to year presidency and a
Olena Zelenska spoke to Olaf Scholz, the German form the next government. parliamentary system. Usually, the
Ukrainian soldiers being chancellor, to discuss the National Rally, some of whose roots president wields unchallenged
treated at a hospital in country’s reconstruction can be traced to the regime that collab- executive power, choosing a prime
Berlin during a visit with after the war. Below: orated with Hitler during the Second minister to run a government that is
her husband, President Ukrainian forces released World War, has long been blacklisted accountable to the National
Zelensky. He gave a speech images of a drone striking a by mainstream French parties. How- Assembly (the lower house of
at a conference hosted by Russian battlefield target ever, Éric Ciotti, the Republicans’ parliament) but takes its orders
leader, said that he would support from him. No woman has yet held
Jordan Bardella, 28, the Rally’s chair- office (Charles Bremner writes).
man, in his campaign to become The prime minister and the
France’s first hard-right prime minister cabinet need not have been MPs
since 1944. and they cannot hold seats while in
Ciotti said that he wanted an “alli- office. The president is the only
ance with the [National Rally] ... with all person with the power to dissolve
those who support the ideas of the parliament. If the opposition wins a
right, the values of the right”. controlling majority in an election,
His stance is vehemently opposed by the president appoints a prime
Republicans who regard it as a betrayal minister to head a “cohabitation”
of General Charles de Gaulle, the government.
French Resistance leader who founded The president still chairs cabinet
their movement. Gérald Darmanin, the meetings but the opposition prime
interior minister, accused Ciotti of minister sets domestic policy while
“signing the Munich Agreement” and the president retains power over
added that he had “dishonoured” Gaul- foreign affairs and defence. This
lism. Olivier Marleix, head of the situation, not intended by the
Republicans group in the National creators of the Fifth Republic, has
Assembly, called on Ciotti to resign. happened three times — twice under
However, Marine Le Pen, National Francois Mitterrand in the 1980s and
Rally’s parliamentary party leader, 1990s and once under Jacques
praised his “brave choice”. The party Chirac, from 1997-2002.
shed its antisemitic and racist rhetoric
after Le Pen took over the leadership
from Jean-Marie, her father, a Holo- been in talks. He held out the prospect
caust denier, in 2011. of an electoral pact in an interview with
The Republicans, founded nine years RTL Radio. “Among the candidates
ago by Nicolas Sarkozy, the former that my movement will support in the
president, are moving ever further to parliamentary elections, there will not
the right. A deal with the Rally would only be people from the National Rally.
significantly increase Bardella’s chan- There will also be people from the Re-
ces while delivering a crushing blow to publicans,” he said.
President Macron. Bardella sought to cast himself as a
Macron, 45, called snap parliament- pragmatic moderate who could be
ary elections after his centrist camp was trusted with the economy. His words
trounced by National Rally in Sunday’s were a pitch to centre-right voters who
European elections. Having lost his tend to back National Rally’s tough
absolute majority in the national as- stance on immigration and Islam but
sembly in 2022, he is hoping that voters who may worry that its promise to
will take fright at the prospect of a po- reduce VAT on petrol from 20 per cent
pulist, anti-immigrant government and to 5 per cent, to cut electricity and gas
swing behind him in the two-round prices and to slash taxes will lead to a
he compared Ukraine’s division by war In a separate statement the BSW, parliamentary elections on June 30 and Liz Truss-style economic meltdown.
to the division in postwar Germany. which was formed in January, said that July 7. The Republicans, who are on course
“A divided Europe was never peaceful while it condemned Russia’s war in A poll published by the Harris Inter- to win between 40 and 55 seats, accord-
and a divided Germany was never Ukraine, it believed Zelensky was con- active institute suggested that Macron’s ing to Harris Interactive, could split
happy,” he said. tributing to “a highly dangerous spiral gamble may backfire. It said National over a deal with National Rally. Xavier
“We will not bequeath this war to our of escalation and is accepting the risk of Rally was on course to increase its Bertrand, chairman of the Hauts-de-
children, we will end it. And we will end a nuclear conflict with devastating con- number of seats from 89 in parliament France region in the north, was among
this war on our terms.” sequences for the whole of Europe”. to between 235 and 265. a host of senior Republicans
He added: “The time for compromise AfD said the German government Macron’s camp is forecast figures opposed to an
is over. It has been over since Russia was giving Zelensky a stage “for recon- to shrink from 249 seats agreement with the po-
started bombing our cities.” struction begging”, adding: “The people to between 125 and pulists.
In Sunday’s EU elections, AfD made are paying more than enough for mili- 165. “The DNA of the
gains in Germany to come second on tary aid, EU aid and welfare benefits for That would be a Republicans right is
15.9 per cent, two points ahead of the AfD MPs stayed away as President Ukrainians. For us, our own people success for Bardel- never the
ruling Social Democrats, despite a se- Zelensky addressed the Bundestag come first.” la, but he would extremes,” he said.
ries of scandals including allegations The boycott drew sharp rebukes from still fall short of
that several of its members had taken cotted the speech. “By staying away, we other parties. Katja Mast, parliament- the 289 seats
money from Russia to spread Kremlin are also sending a signal of solidarity ary secretary of the Social Democrats, required for an ab-
propaganda. Only four of its 77 MPs with all those Ukrainians who want an described it as embarrassing and disre- solute majority.
took their seats to listen to Zelensky. immediate ceasefire and a negotiated spectful. Bardella is seek-
All ten MPs belonging to BSW, a left- solution instead of being forcibly re- Michael Roth, an SPD MP, said: “To ing to get over the Some voters in
wing, socially conservative party that cruited by President Zelensky as deny respect to a democratically line with the help of Bordeaux held a
is considered pro-Russian and won 6.2 cannon fodder for an unwinnable war,” elected president who is fighting for the the Republicans, with march against
per cent in the EU election, also boy- said Sevim Dagdelen, a BSW MP. freedom of his country is so rotten.” whom he claims to have the National Rally
26 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times

Shots fired at
‘lost’ troops on
Korean border
North Korea
Richard Lloyd Parry Asia Editor
South Korean troops fired warning
shots after soldiers from the North
crossed the border, adding to tensions
as both countries launched propaganda
balloons criticising one another.
Rather than being a deliberate incur-
sion, Seoul said, the North Koreans
appeared to have got lost in a densely
wooded part of the demilitarised zone
(DMZ) that stretches across the middle
of the peninsula. The warning shots
were not returned but the incident re-
flects the scope for misunderstanding
at the border after an inter-military
agreement collapsed last week.
“The DMZ was overgrown with trees
and the military demarcation line sign
was not clearly visible,” Colonel Lee
Sung-joon, a spokesman for South
Korea’s joint chiefs of staff, said.
The 20 or so soldiers were carrying
pickaxes and other tools and appeared
to be a work party. They strayed no
more than 50 yards across the border.
“We believe that they did not intend to
invade, considering that they immedi-
ately moved northward after the warn-
ing broadcasts and warning shots,”
added Lee.
Activists in South Korea have sent
balloons north carrying pamphlets
criticising Kim Jong-un and news from
the south. Pyongyang sent back hun-
In the mix King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima of the Netherlands dropped in on a recording session in Atlanta with the Dutch hiphop artists Rotjoch and dreds of balloons of its own, carrying
Frenna during a four-day visit to the US. Later they visited the Martin Luther King Jr National Historical Park and laid a wreath on the grave of the civil rights leader rubbish and even excrement.

We’re ready to discuss Biden’s US teachers

stabbed in
ceasefire deal, claims Hamas Chinese park
Gaza deal, and the fighting could stop today if Israel would withdraw from populated prime minister, faces a divided cabinet
Joshua Thurston
Hamas would do the same,” Linda centres in Gaza. It could be followed by over the ceasefire plan, with hardline
Samer Al-Atrush Richard Spencer China Correspondent
Thomas-Greenfield, the American two other phases that would lead to coalition members threatening to quit
Middle East Correspondent
ambassador to the UN, said. ending the war. and bring down his government if it Four American tutors visiting China
Hamas has said that it welcomes a UN Hamas said in a statement that it Hamas and Israel have been holding goes ahead. Benny Gantz, a centrist were stabbed during an altercation in a
security council resolution calling on “welcomes what is included in the indirect negotiations since October, member of the cabinet, resigned over public park.
the militant group to accept a Gaza security council resolution” and that it when Hamas prompted the war with an the weekend, accusing Netanyahu of They were attacked shortly after
ceasefire plan, but stopped short of was ready “to co-operate with media- attack in which 1,100 people were killed mismanaging the war. Blinken told leaving a temple in Beishan Park in the
accepting the proposal as fighting tors to engage in indirect negotiations”. and more than 200 taken captive. Pre- Netanyahu on Monday that the cease- northeastern city of Jilin, police said.
continued. Antony Blinken, US secretary of vious rounds mediated by Qatar and fire would also bring peace to Israel’s Adam Zabner, a member of the Iowa
On Monday the security council state, said the Hamas statement was “a Egypt unravelled over disagreements northern border areas that have been House of Representatives, said his
endorsed for the first time a US-drafted hopeful sign” but that formal accept- on permanently ending the war — ravaged in cross-border attacks by the brother David was part of a group of
plan for a six-week ceasefire, during ance of the proposal from its leaders in which remains Hamas’s main demand. Lebanese Hezbollah militant group. tutors from Cornell College who had
which Israel would withdraw its troops Gaza was needed. “That’s what counts, Israel, which has vowed to continue In Gaza, where more than 37,000 travelled to Beihua, a partner university
from population centres in Gaza and and that’s what we don’t have yet,” he the war until Hamas is destroyed and Palestinians have been killed since Oc- in Jilin. He suffered an arm injury.
Hamas would release hostages it said. Mahmoud Abbas, president of the all the hostages are released, repeated tober, according to the Hamas-run “I spoke to David. He is recovering
kidnapped when it attacked Israel in Palestinian Authority in the West Bank after the security council vote that its health ministry, fighting continued in from his injuries and doing well. My
October. and an opponent of Hamas, said thst goals had not changed. “We will con- Rafah, with Israel announcing on Tues- family is incredibly grateful that David
The United States said that Israel had the resolution was a “step in the right tinue until all of the hostages are re- day that four more soldiers had been survived this attack,” Zabner said.
accepted the plan and that Hamas direction”. turned and until Hamas’s military and killed in action the previous day. A video of people lying on the ground
remained the obstacle to enacting it. The plan, first announced by Presi- governing capabilities are dismantled,” Israel announced yesterday that four covered in blood was shared on Twit-
“This council sent a clear message to dent Biden, lays out three phases of a senior Israeli official told the council, soldiers had been killed in an explosion ter/X after the incident.
Hamas: accept the ceasefire deal on the ceasefire in which Hamas would initial- according to the Associated Press. at a building in Rafah which Hamas Police said that a 55-year-old man
table. Israel has already agreed to this ly release some of the hostages and Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli claimed to have “booby-trapped”. named as Cui Moumou had been ar-
rested, and that none of the victims’
wounds were life-threatening. “Cui
collided with a foreign national while
Storm breaks as Iceland returns to whale hunting walking in Beishan Park and subse-
quently stabbed that foreign national
along with three accompanying foreign
Iceland until September. “This will badly tar- national ban on commercial whaling fering for so long that it breached the nationals and a Chinese tourist who
nish Iceland’s international image,” was agreed more than four decades ago. country’s animal welfare laws. attempted to intervene,” police said.
Adam Vaughan Environment Editor
Clare Perry, of the London-based Envi- However, Iceland, Norway and Japan The suspension proved short-lived. One overseas Chinese-language
Iceland has approved the killing of ronmental Investigation Agency, said. have continued whaling, with Japan In August, Iceland opened the door to social media post compared the inci-
nearly 100 whales after briefly suspend- Patrick Ramage, director of the this week adding fin whales to its list. future whaling under stricter rules. The dent to the Boxer Rebellion in 1900,
ing the practice over welfare concerns. International Fund for Animal Wel- Campaigners had welcomed Ice- new licence is valid this year for 128 when mobs angered by the presence of
Animal campaigners criticised the fare, said: “The world has been watch- land’s decision to suspend whaling last whales. In reality fewer will be hunted Britain and other imperial powers in
Icelandic fishing ministry’s decision to ing Iceland, waiting for its government June, when ministers signalled that the as Hvalur hf will be targeting the 99 in China attacked and killed foreigners
issue a licence to the country’s last re- to end whaling once and for all. While practice could end entirely this year. the Greenland and West Iceland re- and laid siege to foreign embassies.
maining whaling firm. Hvalur hf will be the numbers and quota period are sig- The moratorium was triggered after the gion. Fin whales are classified as vul- Mass stabbings in China are becom-
allowed to kill 99 fin whales during a nificantly reduced, slaughtering 99 country’s Food and Veterinary Author- nerable on the International Union for ing more common, with a spate of
hunting season which usually lasts more whales makes no sense.” An inter- ity found that hunted whales were suf- Conservation of Nature Red List. attacks in recent years.
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 27


Corruption scandal engulfs PM’s family

Spain stage name, was based on media tions” from “the mud-slinging machine Party, has said Sánchez should resign.
reports that he receives a public salary of Clean Hands and the far right”. Gómez has not commented publicly
Isambard Wilkinson Madrid
of €55,000 as an orchestra director of Azagra has worked for seven years as since the investigation was opened.
An investigation has been opened into Badajoz Higher Conservatory of director of the performing arts office Sánchez’s woes have been com-
the younger brother of Pedro Sánchez, Music. He has held the post since 2017 of the Badajoz provincial council and is pounded by a collapse in support for
Spain’s prime minister, for the alleged but does not attend in person and does director of the youth opera, for which the populist left-wing platform Sumar,
embezzlement of public funds. not have permission to fulfil the role re- he earns an annual salary of about the main ally in his precarious coalition
A court in Badajoz, in the south- motely. He is alleged to live in Portugal €55,000. He has assets of €2 million, government.
western Extremadura region, will to avoid paying tax in Spain. according to the complaint. Yolanda Díaz announced her imme-
examine alleged offences by David According to El Debate, the conserv- In the Gómez case, a court in Madrid diate resignation as its leader after dis-
Azagra, 50, including embezzlement, ative news website that first made has summoned the prime minister’s astrous European parliament results.
crimes against the public administra- the allegations, a judge has initiated wife to answer allegations of influence- However, Díaz is not resigning from
tion and the treasury, misuse of public proceedings against Azagra and peddling and corruption on July 5. It is her role as deputy prime minister.
funds and influence-peddling. requested documentation linked to unclear if she will have to attend David Azagra occupies several senior Another blow for Sánchez has been
It was opened after a complaint by his employment contract. because the European Public Prosecu- roles in the classical music world that in spite of the Socialists winning a
Clean Hands, an activist group with In the complaint, Clean Hands tor’s Office has assumed the lead role recent election in Catalonia, the two
links to the hard right, which also accused the prime minister’s brother in the investigation — the allegations shareholder was Carlos Barrabés, a main separatist parties have united to
secured a case against Begoña Gómez, of crimes against the public treasury involve European funds. consultant who had ties to a depart- install their own Speaker in the regional
the Socialist leader’s wife. Sánchez and social security, embezzlement When the court rejected a request ment at Complutense University of parliament.
stepped back from public duties for five and fraud. It also implicates Sánchez’s to close the case, it said it was looking Madrid that was run by Gómez. The move suggests the Socialists will
days in April over that case, which he representative in Badajoz and one into two letters of support that Gómez It won the contracts, beating 20 rivals, struggle to have their own candidate
called politically motivated. other local official. allegedly provided in 2020 for a joint and was awarded €10.2 million. elected as regional head. If they fail,
The complaint against David Azagra, The Socialist party said that the pro- venture bidding for several public Alberto Núñez Feijóo, the conserva- a new election may be called or a
a musician who is known by that ceedings were based on “false accusa- contracts. The joint venture’s main tive leader of the opposition Popular separatist elected as Catalonia’s leader.

Marsh reveals secrets

of three musketeers
n 1627, an English artwork painted soon

I force that had

travelled to France
to support a
Protestant rebellion
against Louis XIII was
massacred in the
marshlands of the Île de
The local and regional
authorities will fund an
exploration of the
marshlands in the hope
of finding the troops’
remains. A battlefield
Ré on edge of the museum is also planned,
Atlantic (Adam Sage as well as a wall
writes). featuring the names of
The exact site of this the soldiers who died.
episode, one of the Specialists say the
bloodiest in the war that absence of oxygen in the The 2011 hit The Three Musketeers is one of many films and books that have glamourised the 17th-century conflict that shook Catholic France
formed the backdrop to silt means the bodies of
Alexandre Dumas’s the men, their horses withdrew support for his intrigue and the 50 miles Nantes were finished off on the contemporary account
19th-century novel The and their equipment campaign against the amorous adventures spot. A Shakespearean by Jacques Isnard, a
Three Musketeers, has may have been Spanish. French form the backdrop to tragedy unfolded here.” historian and author.
remained uncertain for preserved. historians claim that Dumas’s novel, and Île de Ré La Rochelle The association says it Alvarez said it
centuries. Now, The English Buckingham had an several film adaptations located the site by included a description of
however, a heritage expedition was led by ulterior motive when he since, but the reality was F R AN C E comparing aerial a house that is still
association claims to George Villiers, 1st landed on the Île de Ré, less romantic. photographs with a standing and is rented
have found the site of Duke of Buckingham, having fallen in love “In the ditches full of painting of the battle by to tourists in the
the Battle du Pont du who had fought with the with Anne of Austria, bodies, the water was Laurent de La Hyre that summer. A cycle path
Feneau, which ended Catholic Louis XIII the French queen. They red with spilt blood,” association that says it was completed a few now runs through the
with the deaths of 1,800 against the Protestants claim he was hoping to said Indalecio Alvarez, has found the battle site. months later. supposed site of the
to 3,000 English before switching sides find a way of seeing her. the founder of Ile de Ré “The officers who The association has massacre, used by many
soldiers, by studying an after the French The conflict, the Patrimoine, the heritage refused to surrender also drawn upon a English tourists.

Meloni and Pope form unusual alliance to fight threat of AI

Italy tell assembled leaders about the September, Meloni, 47, talked of the minister [Rishi] Sunak shares this con- “From migrants to ecology to AI, he
dangers of AI. need for “algorethics”, a term coined cern,” he added. is sensitive to the needs of the most
Tom Kington Rome
“Meloni is very worried about job by Benanti. Sunak met Meloni to discuss the fragile people, the social effects,” said
Giorgia Meloni and the Pope have losses and the social and economic “We were used to progress that fast-developing technology when she Benanti. “He sees how all the training
teamed up to warn world leaders that consequences of AI — she fears it could aimed to optimise human capacities, flew to a conference on AI held at of AI is done by underpaid English-
if they blindly embrace artificial become a social tsunami,” said Paolo while today we are dealing with Bletchley Park in November. speakers around the world. In the
intelligence (AI) without considering Benanti, a Franciscan friar and techno- progress that risks replacing human ca- Meloni praised the Pope, 87, for start- same way, he sees how the use of genet-
its ethical implications, things will go logy expert who has advised the Pope pacities,” Meloni said. “More and more, ing the debate with his Call for an AI ically modified crops actually leaves
horribly wrong. and Meloni on AI. people will no longer be necessary in a Ethics conference at the Vatican in farmers poorer and more dependent
The unusual alliance between “After tackling migration, climate world ever-dominated by disparities, February 2020, attended by Microsoft, on technology.”
the Italian prime minister and Pope change and now AI, Pope Francis has by the concentration of power and IBM and the UN’s Food and Agricul- Benanti added that when the Pope
Francis has been in the works for shown he has a great ability to set the wealth in the hands of the few.” ture Organisation. It followed frequent addresses the G7 leaders on Friday, he
months and will come to fruition agenda. He is like an antenna. I imagine Meloni has expressed concerns over calls by the Pope to defend migrants will speak of the impact of AI on the
on Friday when the pontiff, by invita- they agree on this and have the same the power of multinational companies and his 2015 encyclical letter Laudato Si poor and possibly warn of perilous use
tion of Meloni, flies to the G7 meeting way of seeing the problem.” and Benanti said that in the case of AI, (Praised Be), which warned climate of AI to guide autonomous weapons,
in the southern region of Puglia to Addressing the UN in New York in she had a point. “I think British prime change was hitting the poor hardest. from drones to missiles.
28 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times

Real-life Lassie rescues its
owner from remote ravine
Andrea Blanco about a hundred feet down to the
bottom. I thought for sure he was a
Brandon Garrett was driving with his goner.”
four dogs on a remote road in Oregon Tyree called down to his brother
when he lost control, careering off an but received no answer, so he left the
embankment and crashing into a woods to find a phone signal to alert
ravine. the authorities. The Baker county
He managed to crawl out of the sheriff’s office, Pine Valley Rural Fire
wrecked vehicle with his pets but was volunteers and US Forest Service
too badly injured to climb back to the employees responded quickly, rush-
road. One of the dogs, however, a ing to the scene and using chainsaws
two-year-old whippet named Blue, to clear a path for rescue.
had survived unscathed and took the Garrett eventually heard a sheriff’s
initiative, running back to the camp- deputy calling his name. He was
site four miles away where Garrett wrapped in a rescue basket and
had been staying with a friend to raise pulled from the ravine with the help
the alarm. of a highline rope system before being
“He did the right thing,” Garrett’s airlifted to hospital.
brother, Tyree, said of Blue, who has Tyree said that his brother was left
been described as a “real-life Lassie”, badly bruised and battered. Two of
in reference to the fictional collie who the dogs were also severely injured,
has became a byword for canine der- one suffering a broken hip and pelvis,
ring-do. “He let everybody know that and the second breaking a leg.
there was something wrong.” Garrett is recovering at home, with
Tyree and several friends joined his family and four dogs by his side.
local residents in a search for Garrett. The sheriff’s office shared the rescue
“We went ten miles up creek. I on its Facebook page, prompting
thought, ‘there’s only a couple of comparisons between Blue and the
places you can see down into the heroine of the Lassie franchise.
ravine’,” Tyree said. “The first place I “Brandon is a dog lover,” Tyree said Dance partners Kamala Harris, the US vice-president, and gospel singer Kirk Franklin twirl on stage at a White House concert to
pulled up to I saw his pickup truck about his brother. “It’s just amazing.” celebrate Juneteenth. The public holiday, which commemorates the end of slavery in the United States, was established in 2021


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including “birthday cake” and “cook-
ie butter” — do contain “nootropic
and functional mushrooms”. Propo-
nents of nootropics, sometimes
cases in four states, health officials in
Arizona said they had heard of simi-
lar incidents in Nebraska and Utah.
“While these products claim to
shelves. “It does worry me,” he told
The Times. “I don’t think the general
public realises what they’re getting
into with these products. They’re not
High Atlas Mountains to the palm groves of known as “smart drugs”, say they contain only natural ingredients and controlled and what is stated on
the Draa Valley and the gateway to the Five nights in hotels, one boost brain function. no scheduled drugs, there is clearly packages is not necessarily what is
night in a Gite and one Regulators said that victims suf- something toxic occurring,” Steve actually in those packages. And that’s
desert at Zagora. En route, we’ll explore the night in a Sahara camp fered “severe symptoms” including Dudley, director of the Arizona Poi- pretty disturbing.”
Unesco-listed 16th-century kasbah of Ait with shared facilities seizures, loss of consciousness, con- son and Drug Information Centre, Hed added that there can be com-
Benhaddou, before a camel trek and night All breakfasts and three fusion, agitation, abnormal heart said. “We’ve seen the same phenome- plications with existing medical con-
under a thousand stars on the edge of the dinners rates, high blood pressure and vomit- non of people eating the chocolate ditions. “There’s a tremendous risk
largest desert in the world, the Sahara. On ing. The cases involved four people in bar then seizing, losing conscious- for other interactions such as with
Tour leader throughout
Arizona, two in Indiana, one in Neva- ness and having to be intubated.” medications or their medical condi-
our way back to the city, we’ll stop in the
Experience varied scenery da and another in Pennsylvania. Mushroom chocolates have be- tions,” he said.
remote village of Tighza and enjoy a from the Sahara to the
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Finally, there is free time to enjoy the sights
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CALL TODAY ON been accused of favouring liberal publishers were 7 per cent less likely Elon Musk described the list as “pure
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the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 29

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Deltic blames ‘negative political rhetoric’ as it quits North Sea project

Emma Powell that the company had failed to find an London-listed firm, said it was delaying issued. The costs may be “material”, the undermine the sector”. Deltic’s share of
an investor willing to take on its share of a decision on a new development in the company said, but may not be fully pay- the licence will now pass to its joint ven-
An energy company run by a Labour the Pensacola project. North Sea amid uncertainty over whe- able until the first half of next year. ture partners on a proportional basis.
campaign organiser has blamed fiscal Pensacola is one of the largest discov- ther a potential Labour government Graham Swindells, 51, the chief exec- A spokesman for Shell said: “We con-
uncertainty and negative political eries in the southern North Sea in at would impose more punitive windfall utive of Deltic, said that recent history tinue to carefully appraise Pensacola ...
rhetoric for its decision to abandon a least a decade, estimated at 72.6 million taxes. Labour has said it would raise the in relation to large-scale discoveries, We are disappointed that Deltic are
project in the North Sea. barrels. The project is a joint venture energy profits levy from 75 per cent to such as the Cambo and Rosebank withdrawing from the licence but
Deltic Energy, whose chairman is with Shell, which has a 65 per cent stake, 78 per cent and would “end loopholes”. fields, had “demonstrated the difficul- remain confident that along with
Mark Lappin, 63, Labour’s election and One-Dyas, a Dutch exploration Deltic has invested £12.8 million in ties associated with progressing major One-Dyas the opportunity can be thor-
agent for West Aberdeenshire and Kin- company, which has a 5 per cent share. the project so far and may have to offshore developments on the UK con- oughly assessed.”
cardine, said “deteriorating sentiment” Deltic’s withdrawal comes a week honour certain expenditure approved tinental shelf as damaging political rhe- Shares in Deltic Energy fell 2p, or
towards the oil and gas industry meant after Jersey Oil & Gas, another before the withdrawal notice was toric and fiscal instability continue to 16.7 per cent, to 10p.

Raspberry Pi
shares soar
on UK debut
Micro computer maker’s listing boosts London
Helen Cahill disadvantages.” Arm Holdings dealt a
blow to London last year when it chose
An enthusiastic reception for the float New York as the venue for its $55 billion
of a British technology company on IPO, sparking fears of an exodus of Brit-
London’s stock exchange has raised ish companies lured by the prospect of
hopes the UK’s markets can recover higher valuations and a deeper investor
lost ground against international rivals. base. Flutter, the Paddy Power owner,
Shares in Raspberry Pi, a Cambridge has moved its main stock market listing
maker of low-cost micro-computers, to New York, while Tui, the German-
jumped by more than a third on its first owned travel business, approved a plan
day as a public company after going on to delist from London in February.
sale at the top of their expected range. Upton said that Raspberry Pi’s
From a listing price of 280p, which bankers at Jefferies and Peel Hunt had
valued the 15-year-old company at been “very good at finding the right
£540 million, the stock gained 105p, or people to speak to” for its nine-month
37.2 per cent, to reach 385p at the close, roadshow with investors before the
giving the business a market capitalisa- float. A previous attempt to list the Dame Alison Rose left NatWest under a cloud following the Nigel Farage scandal. Now she is back — at Charterhouse
tion above £750 million. company in 2022 was delayed amid a
Arm Holdings, the microchip global shortage of microchips.
designer also based in Cambridge, and
Lansdowne Partners, a hedge fund,
both supported the float as cornerstone
“We felt we got a good hearing,”
Upton said. “We felt there are people
who have the right understanding and
Farage scandal boss returns to City
investors, with commitments to buy are able to ask the right questions.” Ben Martin Banking Editor She started as a graduate trainee in 1992 with our position as an inclusive
£27 million and £16 million worth of Raspberry Pi was founded when and had risen through the ranks to take organisation”. Rose became personally
shares, respectively. Retail investors Upton, then a director of studies and The former chief executive of NatWest charge of the FTSE 100 lender, one of ensnared in the row when it emerged
will be able to start trading Raspberry struggling to get anyone to study com- who left the lender over the Nigel Britain’s biggest high street banks, in she had discussed the Farage situation
Pi’s shares on Friday. The company puter science in Cambridge in 2008, Farage “debanking” scandal has November 2019. with a BBC journalist. While the bank’s
expects the listing to raise £166 million. drew on the success of the BBC Micro returned to the City with a role at a Her status as one of the UK’s most board gave her its backing, within hours
Its staff are set to gain £68 million and ZX Spectrum home computers to private equity firm. senior female bankers propelled her she had stepped down after the gov-
from the initial public offering under an found the Raspberry Pi Foundation, an Dame Alison Rose has been hired as into the establishment. She led an ernment signalled she had lost its
employee incentive scheme, equivalent educational charity, as a way to get a senior adviser to Charterhouse, independent review into female entre- confidence. Her exit “by mutual con-
to £660,000 for each worker. children interested in computing. Four a London-based buyout firm that preneurship and was one of fourteen sent” was announced in the middle of
Eben Upton, 46, the chief executive years later, it had created a cheap, focuses on investments in mid-market business figures who joined the prime the night, a chaotic departure for a
of Raspberry Pi, said UK investors had credit-card sized computer that was companies. minister’s business council last July. FTSE 100 business.
the “right calibre and sophistication” to “affordable enough for young people to Rose, 54, was appointed to the Once the Farage scandal erupted, Although NatWest later made no
support the business. “I hope that this own and explore with confidence”. position in April. It marks her re- however, her downfall from NatWest findings of misconduct against her, her
starts to dispel some of the misconcep- Kathleen Brooks, research director emergence in the financial services was swift. The lender became departure nevertheless meant she for-
tions about the UK market versus the at XTB, a broker, said the listing had industry after her abrupt departure embroiled in a freedom-of-speech row feited share awards and a bonus that
American market. For all but the enjoyed a “warm welcome” from inves- from NatWest in July last year. Private after the Brexiteer was dropped as a were worth £7.6 million last November,
largest technology companies, there tors. “This is a sign that there is life in Equity News first reported Rose’s customer of Coutts private banking which was when the board confirmed
isn’t a valuation gap and there isn’t a the London stock market and compa- appointment. division. Farage obtained internal the terms of her exit package.
meaningful liquidity gap. nies can derive value from listing in Once considered one of Britain’s Coutts documents showing that its The furore that engulfed NatWest
“I think the benefits of being in our London,” she said. most powerful businesswomen, Rose reputational risk committee had over Farage also led to wider scrutiny of
home market outweigh any of the had spent her entire career at NatWest. believed his public views “were at odds debanking across the industry.
30 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times


Need to know
The number of working-age

1 adults considered economically

inactive has hit a record high of
2.8 million. According to the
Office for National Statistics,
22.3 per cent of adults aged 16 to
64 are not actively looking for
Economists have said Tory

2 plans to cut £12 billion from

Britain’s welfare bill to pay for
tax cuts amount to “definite
giveaways” paid for by “uncertain”
savings. The party’s tax cuts are
primarily funded by promises to
stem increases in the soaring bill
for sickness benefits.
Shares in Raspberry Pi, a electricity grid. The

3 Cambridge-based maker of
low-cost micro-computers,
rose by more than a third on the
Grid powers up storage system, using
Tesla batteries, is set to
be operational by 2026
London Stock Exchange on its
first day as a public company.
with giant plan and will have a
capacity of 600

Dame Alison Rose, the

for battery storage megawatt-hours,
equivalent to the daily
energy use of 80,000

former chief executive of he world’s site as the onshore homes. The cost of the
NatWest who left the lender largest converter station for its project has not been
over the Nigel Farage “debanking” developer of Hornsea 3 wind farm disclosed.
scandal, has returned to the City offshore wind in Swardeston, Norfolk. Orsted operates a
as a senior adviser to farms is The project will store dozen offshore wind
Charterhouse, a London buyout planning to build a vast energy generated by farms in Britain,
firm that focuses on investments battery storage facility Hornsea 3 when including Hornsea 1 in
in mid-market companies. near Norwich (Emma weather conditions are the North Sea. Hornsea
Powell writes). windy and when 3 will be the world’s
Deltic Energy, the energy Orsted will install electricity supply largest single offshore

5 company whose chairman is

Mark Lappin, Labour’s
election agent for West
the energy storage
system, which will be
one of the largest in
exceeds demand so
that it can be
discharged later to help
wind farm once it is
completed, generating
enough electricity to
Aberdeenshire and Kincardine, Europe, on the same to balance the nation’s power more than three
has blamed fiscal uncertainty and
negative political rhetoric for its

Wages growth deals blow to

decision to abandon a project in
the North Sea.
Average salaries for legal

6 chiefs at City businesses have

risen by more than 40 per

hopes of interest rate cut

cent as companies attempt to lure
senior lawyers into offices five
days a week. Researchers found
that top-end salaries for general
counsel at corporations,
particularly at banks, had risen
from £160,000 before the Covid
pandemic to £230,000 on average. Mehreen Khan Economics Editor September 2021 and the employment
Analysis rate is its lowest level since March 2021.
Mortgage arrears have Wages growth in Britain held firm in the The economic inactivity rate, rising

7 reached their highest level in

more than seven years as the
pain from higher interest rates
three months to the end of April after an
increase to the national living wage
meant average earnings were un- A
record number
of working-age
Britons are
expectations of many
economists, the
problem has not
problem with a
crackdown on the
record number of
since the pandemic, climbed again to
22.3 per cent, the highest reading since
2015. Figures for benefits claimants
bites on household finances. The changed, keeping pressure on inflation. “economically improved since the people claiming rose by 50,400 between March and
total value of home loan balances Official figures showed nominal inactive”, posing a pandemic as a record disability benefits and April, the single biggest monthly
with arrears climbed by 44.5 per weekly earnings, excluding bonuses, challenge to the next number of Britons are by ending the UK’s increase since the pandemic period.
cent year-on-year to £21.3 billion rose by 6 per cent between February and government and a now suffering from “sick note culture” to Analysts at the Capital Economics
in the three months to the end of April, the same as the previous three- potential headache long-term illness amid force people back to consultancy, said they expected the
March, according to figures from month period and slightly lower than for the Bank of spiralling NHS work. Labour has said MPC to vote for a rate cut in August, “as
the Bank of England. forecasts of a rise to 6.1 per cent. Weekly England (Mehreen waiting lists and a it will bolster workers’ long as other indicators, such as pay set-
earnings including bonuses also held Khan writes). surge in mental rights and raise the tlements data and next week’s inflation
Diageo has agreed to sell a firm at 5.9 per cent, higher than the According to the health problems. The minimum wage. release, show decent progress”.

8 majority shareholding in
Guinness Nigeria as the
drinks powerhouse becomes the
5.7 per cent expected by economists.
Strong wages growth had been widely
expected after the so-called living wage
Office for National
Statistics, the
economically inactive
ONS’s figures come
with a health warning
as its data has been
For the Bank, the
high inactivity rate
risks stoking inflation
Forecasters expect headline con-
sumer prices inflation to have dropped
in May from 2.3 per cent to 2 per cent,
latest western company to reduce for workers aged over 21 was raised by population has hit a plagued by low as companies may hitting the Bank’s target for the first
its presence in the country, which 10 per cent to £11.44 from April 1. It is the record 2.8 million, or response rates. raise wages to retain time since 2021. Inflation is expected to
is suffering an economic and first time for nearly a year that the head- 22.3 per cent of The falling supply of and hire talent. The creep up above 2 per cent for most of
currency crisis. line earnings figure has not fallen. people aged 16 to 24. workers is a problem shrinking workforce the year after May.
The unemployment rate over the The figure has risen for politicians and the could scupper the Separate surveys of the labour
The cut-price Lumo rail three months to April rose from 4.3 per by 132,000 in the central bank. The prospects for market, including the MPC, have found

9 service may carry only a small

fraction of passenger traffic
from London to Scotland, but it
cent to 4.4 per cent, above forecasts of no
change and the highest rate since Sep-
tember 2021. The estimate is provisional
three months to April.
Contrary to the
Tories have said they
will tackle the
monetary easing over
the coming years.
that companies are reducing their wage
bill forecasts for the coming year to
about 4 per cent. Economists calculate
was a standout performer for and is subject to revision owing to lower that earnings growth needs to drop to
FirstGroup last year. response rates to the Office for National expected to keep interest rates un- tion in the employment-heavy services 2 per cent to 3 per cent for inflation to
Statistics’ survey of the workforce. changed for a tenth consecutive month. sector before easing monetary policy. decline and stay at the 2 per cent target.

10 In the aftermath of the

war in Ukraine and amid
fears of supply shocks,
soaring oil prices were a key driver
of inflation, pushing up costs for
The pay figures are likely to delay the
prospect of Britain’s first interest rate
cut since 2020 until after the summer,
with financial markets now betting on
the base rate being reduced from
Rob Wood, chief UK economist at
Pantheon Macroeconomics, a consult-
ancy, believes it would be hard to justify
a rate cut while wages growth is close to
6 per cent and he expects the Bank to
Despite the strong earnings figures
for April, other measures of the labour
market showed signs of slowing down.
The number of vacancies dropped
again by 12,000 to 904,000, marking a
The Resolution Foundation think
tank, said the next government would
have to worry more about a slowing
labour market and falling employment
than prices growth. “The big picture
businesses that have fed through 5.25 per cent to 5 per cent in September. hold rates. “Cutting rates with pay streak of nearly two years of declines. remains that average earnings remain
to price rises in goods and Investors are pencilling in only two or growth as strong as this would be un- Overall employment, which measures more than £14,000 a year off their pre-
services. Recent oil price falls have three rate cuts this year. usual. The MPC may need to wait until the proportion of people in work, fell to financial crisis path after 16 years of
provided some respite, but The Bank’s monetary policy commit- September to cut,” Wood said. 74.3 per cent, a three-year low, and wage stagnation,” Nye Cominetti, prin-
analysts are split on where the tee (MPC) will make its latest decision A majority of the nine-strong MPC measures of monthly payrolls growth cipal economist at the foundation, said.
price will go next. next Thursday, its last before the general have said they need to see more signs of declined in both April and May. The
election. Ratesetters are widely slowing wages growth and falling infla- unemployment rate is the highest since
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 31

Orsted will install the battery storage by
National Grid in

No gravy trains for

energy storage system,
Whitby Hornsea Projects which will be one of the balancing supply and
P1 largest in Europe, in demand.
York P2
Swardeston, Norfolk, The Danish wind
P3 farm operator has

the public sector

taking energy from its
Hornsea 3 wind farm been battling to turn
NORTH SEA around its
Norwich million homes and performance after
costing £8.5 billion. being hit by cost
Lowestoft 30 miles The Swardeston inflation and supply
development will take chain constraints, business commentary Alistair Osborne
the total number of which pushed the

storage projects under company to scrap its eople moan about 30-year are the days when such rail
construction or being dividend, to cut rail trips. More fool them. contracts were gravy trains. Today
operated by Orsted in between 600 and 800 Look out the window and operators take no revenue risk, with
Britain and America to jobs and to scale back Britain’s privatisation FirstGroup earning a margin below
1,850MWh. In the UK, developments. experiment has thrown up 1 per cent — before a possible half a
Orsted already In May Orsted all manner of delights — at least for point more for good performance. Is
operates a 11.25MWh forecast adjusted everyone but the passengers. Haigh sure the public sector,
battery storage facility earnings of between Who can forget a former without incentives to perform, could
in Liverpool. DKr23 billion transport secretary, Stephen Byers, do it any cheaper? Sutherland also
Battery storage (£2.6 billion) and crashing himself and Railtrack into reckons FirstGroup has saved the
projects are designed DKr26 billion, the buffers? Or the arrival of its taxpayer “more than £230 million”
to reduce price compared with successor Notwork Rail, now home in the past two years alone via such
volatility for DKr24 billion last year. to a vast £59 billion of net debts? Or stuff as renegotiating rolling stock
consumers by making Duncan Clark, head the clapped-out franchising system, contracts and better maintenance.
more power available, of Orsted UK & where train operator bidders were As he puts it: “Savings in fees
including during peak Ireland, said the invited to prove how, when it came could well be offset by rising costs.”
periods when energy battery storage facility to forecasting, they were almost as On top, taking back FirstGroup’s
traditionally is more would help to ensure useless as the Bank of England? contracts alone will see the transfer
expensive, helping to that energy generated Or the cast of railway knights: of more than 15,000 workers. Can
smooth fluctuations in by its wind farm was Virgin’s Sir Richard Branson, whose the public sector “manage all this”,
supply as more “used in the best tilting trains came with “comedy” he asks? At least the passengers will
renewables come on to possible way”, storing it talking toilets; Stagecoach’s Sir Brian know who’s to blame if it can’t.
the energy system. when demand was Souter, always up for a scrap with
However, despite the lower and then the government; and FirstGroup’s
sharp growth in the releasing it into the cattle-farmer ex-boss Sir Moir A slice of Pi
level of renewable system when it was Lockhead, who sent a message to
energy within Britain’s needed. the workers by barbecuing an errant hat a turn-up. Some
energy mix, the pace of
development has been
slowed by delays in
“This maximises the
potential of renewable
energy while providing
member of his herd.
Bit by bit, the colour has drained
out of the railways, with Labour
W lookalike food group floats
in London and the shares
don’t instantly do a Deliveroo: dive
securing grid increased energy gearing up for the full monochrome 30 per cent on day one. The
connections and the security and value to experience: a back-to-the-future opposite in fact. Such was the
slower adoption of consumers,” he said. recreation of something uncannily appetite for a slice of Raspberry Pi
like British Rail. If shadow transport that they rose 37.5 per cent, in
secretary Louise Haigh gets to the conditional dealings, to 385p — well
signal box, she plans to renationalise above the 280p float price. Was it
Lawyers cash in on five-day office work all the private train companies
(excluding the rolling stock ones too
pricey to seize) when their contracts
the self-raising flour in the pastry?
Anyway, it turns out that this Pi is
less edible than it sounds, what with
Jonathan Ames Legal Editor become “really difficult. If I see some- and therefore pay packets had been end: not quite as draconian as it it being the Cambridge-based
one with ‘willing to work five days in the increased in an effort to tempt them. sounds, admittedly, with 40 per cent creator of low-cost computers — or
Average salaries for legal chiefs at City office’ on their CV, I will give them an The research came a week after it of them already in public hands via a real tech company, again a bit
businesses have soared by more than interview straight away.” emerged that managers at one City law various operators of last resort. different to Deliveroo. And to think
40 per cent as companies attempt to The researchers found that average firm had warned partners that they In a sense, too, her analysis of the despite that it still chose to list in
lure senior lawyers into offices five days salaries for general counsel at corpora- could suffer negative performance problem is spot on. Across a London. Indeed, its founder boss
a week. tions had ballooned from a narrow reviews if they refused to spend at least fragmented network, “300 people Eben Upton hoped the float would
Researchers have found that top-end spread before the pandemic of £150,000 three days a week in the office. are employed full-time to argue “dispel some of the misconceptions”
salaries for general counsel at corpora- to £160,000 to between £180,000 and The move at Addleshaw Goddard, over whose fault delays are; over the UK and US markets. “For
tions, particularly at banks, have risen one of Britain’s top 20 law firms in terms passengers have to battle a dizzying all but the largest technology
from £160,000 to £230,000 on average of earnings, was thought to be the first array of 55 million different tickets; companies, there isn’t a valuation
as recruiters struggle to fill positions
that demand five-day working.
Bosses in financial services are
understood to be especially enthu-
What general counsel salaries have
of its kind for such a firm in the Square
Mile and it came after a decision at the
beginning of May to make three-day
attendance mandatory for all lawyers
and 75 different types of train are in
passenger service”.
In fact, her take is pretty much
the same as that of Keith Williams,
gap and there isn’t a meaningful
liquidity gap.” Besides, the group
designs and makes its kit in Britain.
Raising £166 million, before any
siastic about reversing the remote risen to in the drive for office work at the practice. the fellow now selling the Royal greenshoe, and now valued at
working trend that took hold during Researchers for The Lawyer said that Mail owner to a Czech billionaire £750 million, Pi goes back to 2008,
the pandemic. general counsel had expressed frustra- and whose blueprint for the railways born from a plan to encourage
In-house legal departments are also £230,000 for those now willing to tion with the expectation by some, es- was adopted by the Tories in 2018 people to study computing and
having to compete with a conqtinuing attend the office five days a week. pecially younger lawyers, that flexible and then routed into a siding. backed by an educational charity,
salary inflation at City law firms amid Researchers were told that few can- working would be allowed. That men- Having nicked the oppo’s “Great which is cutting its stake from 77 per
predictions that newly qualified solici- didates for in-house legal roles were tality was said to have been fostered by British Railways” moniker and cent to 49 per cent. From those
tors will be given starting salaries of prepared to work even four days a week the fact that so many newly qualified Williams’ calls for a single “directing laudable beginnings, it’s morphed
£200,000 this summer. from an office. Legal department lawyers had completed at least part of mind” that unifies responsibility for into a business backed by Arm, Sony
One anonymous general counsel bosses said they could “count on one their training online. It also blamed pri- track and train, Haigh reckons her and the Lansdowne hedge fund,
told researchers at The Lawyer website hand” the number of potential recruits vate practice for fostering the mentality railway fix “could” save the public selling a 4GB computer board for
that recruitment of lawyers had willing to work a full week in the office that remote working was standard. “as much as £2.2 billion a year”. £59: ideal, as Reddit users noted, for
Still, you don’t have to be Graham radios that turn on when someone
Sutherland, the FirstGroup chief, to sits on a bog seat plus possibly more
wonder about that. FirstGroup is the useful stuff. It’s early days, too. Still,
‘Bond investors need not fear Labour’ last UK-listed rail and bus group left
standing and Haigh is poised to take
so far it makes a nice change from
London’s usual pie-in-the-sky floats.
back its South West, Great Western
as a fairly low-risk event,” said Balls, largest asset manager, which in and Avanti operations between May
Mehreen Khan
who is the brother of Ed Balls, the January predicted a sell-off in gilts and 2025 and October 2026 — even if Manifesto muddle
Bond investors and financial markets former Labour shadow chancellor. the return of the “bond vigilantes” in not its growing “open access” Lumo
have nothing to fear from a Labour Pimco, which is an investor in UK response to both parties’ pre-election and Hull Trains services. orget the £17 billion of tax cuts
government with a large majority in
next month’s election, one of the
world’s biggest bond funds has said.
government bonds, said it was “over-
weight” on longer-dated gilts owing to
the relatively benign outlook for the
spending promises.
Balls said the example of Liz Truss,
who blew up the gilt markets with her
On the latest full-year figures,
that will remove £106 million of
FirstGroup’s £204 million adjusted
F built on a fantasy clampdown
on welfare spending and tax
dodging. Who calls their manifesto
Andrew Balls, chief investment officer economy, where interest rates are on mini-budget, would lead to a “conserv- operating profits: one factor behind “Clear Plan. Bold Action. Secure
at Pimco, a bond investor, said markets course to fall and both parties have ative approach to fiscal policy” across the fall in the shares from 187¾p to Future”? Of course it’s a plan, that’s
had priced in the likelihood of a Labour promised to abide by a strict set of fiscal Europe and in the UK. 164¾p over the past three months. what manifestos are. And aren’t we
victory that would make a “limited rules to reduce the debt burden. A big Labour majority with a larger Not to mention its hopes of a six- meant to take it for read that it’s
difference to the fiscal outlook”. The comments are a boon for Labour, vote swing from the Tories could year extension on Avanti, the strike- clear? Why, too, is Rishi Sunak
“Rachel Reeves [the shadow chan- which has prioritised fiscal discipline in reassure financial markets compared hit west coast operator that was due linking “bold action” to a “secure
cellor] has laid out a clear [fiscal] path the election campaign and has prom- with the risks posed by a smaller to run the £65 billion-plus “Peaky future”? The two don’t always go
and I don’t think the election is going to ised that no spending plans will breach majority of about 20 seats, Balls said. “I Blinders” express: the line better together. Just ask Liz Truss.
be a significant event. Sir Keir Starmer its budgetary rules. have no reason to doubt that [Labour] known as HS2 from Birmingham to
and Reeves will be happy that the Pimco’s intervention is in contrast to will look to deliver what they have said London’s Wormwood Scrubs. Gone
election is seen by market participants a warning from BlackRock, the world’s on fiscal policy.”
32 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times


I developed early taste for Raspberry Pi

Tom Saunders became
fascinated by the many
uses for the cheap
and cheerful
Neither I nor my university house-
mates ever quite worked out what was
digging up the garden in our student
house, but when the intruder started to
dig directly under our fence drastic
measures were needed.
So I put together a makeshift wildlife applications of the company’s signature
camera, using nothing more than a £15 product, its roots are firmly within the
Raspberry Pi Zero with its equally long heritage of British computer
affordable camera module, a phone education synonymous with the BBC
charger and a Tupperware box with Micro and ZX Spectrum, the bestselling
two lens-sized holes cut in the side. It UK computer until Raspberry Pi sup-
was held together by tape, but with planted it in 2015.
some free software it worked flawlessly While I, and a surprising number of
as a proximity-activated camera, even other journalists at this paper, used
if we never did quite catch the culprit. either the Pi or its predecessors before
Ever since, I’ve been a convert to the drifting in a somewhat different direc-
Raspberry Pi cause and have owned tion, others, including Upton, built on
several of the company’s computers, re- their experience to pursue careers in
incarnating them again and again as a computer science.
website scraper, home server and even “I’m a child in the 1980s, so I had a
simply as a rather over-engineered The London Stock Exchange welcomes Raspberry Pi, the company behind the affordable computer built for teaching kids programmable computer when I was a
child and I was kind of beguiled into
media storage device. I’m not alone. becoming an engineer by it ... lots of my
The Pi’s affordability, compact size and Analysis colleagues now at Raspberry Pi were
processing power have led it to the like that, too,” Upton said.

heart of all manner of projects, some of ondon’s stock credit business, However, in his view the gap in the
which bear less than a passing market had fallen Waterstones, the book market that existed once computers
resemblance to my makeshift camera. out of favour as stores chain, and Starling from the 1980s became outmoded had
In 2021 a pair of the company’s modi- investors became Bank have all been tipped a direct impact on interest in computer
fied boards accompanied SpaceX’s more cautious as possible IPO candidates science, principally at Cambridge,
Dragon 2 spaceship on a mission to the during a period of rising as companies become where he studied. “You ask yourself,
NAVIGATING International Space Station; a number
of so-called Astro Pis are still on the ISS
interest rates and
depressed valuations for
more confident that they
can achieve a good price.
‘How did I get involved in this? Would
it be possible for me to follow the trajec-
MEN’S HEALTH where they have been used to run
experiments by students.
British companies (Helen
Cahill writes). However,
Shein, the Chinese fast-
fashion retailer, is seeking
tory that I followed today?’ Of course,
no, and so the Raspberry Pi came out of
The Pi’s computing power has grown Raspberry Pi’s successful to raise more than this idea.”
THE HIGH COST enough over the years that they have float may help to improve £1 billion by listing in In a twist that could happen only in
OF MALE OBESITY been used in projects that are some- confidence and boost the London, but some fund the technology-concentrated world of
what divorced from its founding pur- City’s flagging flotations managers have called for Cambridge, the manufacturer behind
pose of teaching computer literacy. In market in the months more information on how the Micro eventually went on to found
2017, the US Department of Energy ahead. it makes its products. Arm, the British microchip power-
combined 750 of them to provide a test- Peel Hunt, the broker, Peel Hunt said: “UK house. In turn, Arm-based technology
bed for supercomputers. said Raspberry Pi’s listing investors are prepared to underpins Raspberry Pi’s products.
For Eben Upton, 46, the company’s was “positive for the put money to work in “If you compare us to the other fruit
founder and chief executive, the novel market overall” and that attractive new company, the classic mode of Apple is
applications of his computer still amaze its performance would be opportunities, but they that in their glory days they made the
him. “I went to Maker Faire, a hobbyist- “important for the need to be compelling.” products that Steve [Jobs] wanted to
focused event in Hanover last summer, broader market”. David Ramm, a partner buy. That turned out to be a very good
and I was going into this rather cool The market for initial at Crowell & Moring, an way to design and specify products,”
hotel,” he said. “In their reception they public offerings is also set international law firm, Upton said. “That’s what we do at
had a screen and it had a Raspberry Pi to be bolstered by the UK’s said the London Stock Raspberry Pi. We make products for
with an HDMI cable dangling off the improving economic Exchange still faced people like us, both with our enthusi-
bottom of the screen, playing the wel- outlook, an uplift in “fundamental problems”, ast’s hat on and with our professional
come video in the reception.” mergers and acquisitions, but Raspberry Pi’s float engineer’s hat on. We’re making prod-
Online message boards are littered and strong performances represented “a significant ucts we know we want.”
with rather more novel uses for the of companies in the piece of good news in a Ultimately, just as some of the firm’s
company’s signature product, includ- banking, mining and period that has been customers have matured from burying
ing automatically simulating a vacuum energy sectors, which predominantly bad”. He its products in Tupperware containers,
noise to keep their pets off a couch and have significant presences added that the company so has Raspberry Pi itself, from a uni-
designing a toaster that takes a selfie in City indices. Klarna, the “represents a true UK versity-based foundation shipping bite-
every time the toast is popped. “buy now, pay later” technology success story”. sized computers to a quintessentially
Despite the increasingly diverse British technology success story.


distributed in The Times tomorrow Mortgage arrears at record high as rates bite
well below the 3.64 per cent recorded in costs were at all-time lows are now
Upcoming reports
18 June
Ben Martin
Mortgage arrears have reached their
highest level in more than seven years
as interest rates take a heavy toll on
early 2009 during the global financial
crisis, the recent increase lays bare the
pressure facing some homeowners
from the rapid rise in interest rates in
The number of
remortgaging at much higher rates,
piling pressure on household finances.
The average two-year residential
mortgage rate stands at 5.96 per cent,
consecutive rises in
household finances. the past two and a half years. the base interest rate
up from 2.58 per cent three years ago,
THE C-SUITE AGENDA The total value of home loan balances Rampant inflation has forced the since November 2021
according to data provided by Money-
with arrears climbed by 44.5 per cent Bank to push through a series of rate facts. Similarly, the rate on the average
27 June year-on-year to £21.3 billion in the three increases in an attempt to contain price five-year deal has climbed to 5.52 per
distributed in months to the end of March, according rises in the economy. These have taken cent from 2.81 per cent in 2021.
to figures from the Bank of England. its base rate from a record low of 0.1 per Mortgage costs are feeding into the
This took the overall proportion of cent in late 2021 to its present level of tough economic backdrop that looms
IN PRINT AND ONLINE: RACONTEUR.NET mortgage balances that are behind on 5.25 per cent, a 16-year high. over campaigning for next month’s
payments to 1.28 per cent, up from This has sharply pushed up the cost general election. The annual inflation
Raconteur supplements are not regularly distributed 1.23 per cent in the previous quarter and of mortgages, which are priced accord- rate stood at 2.3 per cent in April, stub-
with the Scottish or Irish editions of the paper the highest level since the final three ing to the market’s expectation to bornly above the Bank’s 2 per cent tar-
months of 2016. While arrears as a future rates. Homeowners who took get but down from the 41-year high of
percentage of total balances remain out fixed-term deals when borrowing 11.1 per cent it reached in October 2022.
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 33

Comment Business

David Smith Katie Prescott

Silicon Valley loves
Numbers don’t lie: jobs growth is Rishi Sunak, so where
being dominated by immigration does that leave Labour?

It would have been among UK-born people and a record EU immigration total for work n 2022 Rishi Sunak, when he admitted scheduling announcements
easy today to focus employment rate for them. From 2004 purposes is just over a million. was chancellor, bounced on to around “what No 10 wants”.
on the latest labour to late 2019, 69 per cent of Given the UK’s dependence on the stage at London Tech Week. Will this emphasis on supporting
market statistics, employment growth was among non- foreign workers, will it ever be possible Waiting in the wings, a senior technology continue under Labour?
showing rising UK-born people, with the remaining to get to a much higher employment American technology executive As one in the opposition camp has
unemployment, falling employment, 31 per cent among the UK-born. rate without a further big influx of looked on, shaking his head put it, “speaking the language of the
fewer vacancies, another increase in Since the Conservatives came to foreign workers? Labour has set a admiringly: “Man, I wish we had tech bros doesn’t come naturally”,
economic inactivity and wage growth power in 2010, 75 per cent of net new target of an 80 per cent employment politicians like him back home.” but the party does claim that it
still too strong for comfort for the jobs have gone to foreign-born rate, as a proportion of the population Further cementing his tech creds, “gets” the importance of technology
Bank of England. They have been workers, or 62 per cent if the cut-off aged 16 to 64, compared with 74.3 per Sunak opened London Tech Week more than ever. A letter from Labour
described variously as “ugly” and “the point is the end of 2019. It is since cent now (down from 76.1 per cent in 2023 in conversation with Demis is doing the rounds of technology
worst since the pandemic” and they then, and since Brexit, that the late 2019), which would imply an Hassabis, of Google DeepMind. He companies, urging them to sign up
are not what a government would numbers have created that 90 per cent additional 2.3 million or so in work. topped off the year with a discussion and publicly support Sir Keir
want during an election campaign. figure, a product of falling Based on the experience of the past 20 with Elon Musk after the inaugural Starmer. It points to Labour’s “focus
Sometimes, though, you see another employment among the UK-born — years, to achieve it would require two AI Safety Summit. Tech bros love a on creating growth”, its
figure that makes you sit up and take down by more than a million since million more foreign workers, while fireside chat. To the disappointment “commitment to being a reliable
notice. A recent example was from late 2019 — and a rise in overseas- the experience of the past four to five of organisers and with the election partner with business” and on its
Greg Thwaites, director of research at born but non-EU workers, up by a years would suggest even more. looming, Sunak was missing from focus on “improving access to
the Resolution Foundation, who, in a million. It is not an impossible target. this year’s event. “He could have finance for start-ups and scale-ups”.
piece by Jill Treanor, my Sunday What was feared because of Stephen Evans, chief executive of the turned up for some light relief Thus far, the mood in technology
Times colleague, pointed out that 90 freedom of movement and EU Learning and Work Institute, points among friends,” one industry towards Labour is a little suspicious.
per cent of new jobs over the past 20 enlargement — the substitution of out that Switzerland, the Netherlands executive laughed, gesturing around Companies are worried about
years had gone to foreign-born people. foreign workers for those born in the and Iceland all have employment rates Kensington Olympia. “This is his changes to capital gains tax,
It is a striking statistic, although we UK — has happened instead since of above 80 per cent. Yet to generate brotherhood.” employment law and carried interest
should be clear what we are talking Brexit, alongside much higher levels of an increase in the employment rate to Sunak may have screwed up (the share of profits that backers
about. Jobs are created and destroyed net migration than when this country 80 per cent in the UK requires both royally over his decision to leave the receive from successful investments).
all the time and many millions change was a member of the European bloc. stronger economic growth and D-Day celebrations early, but when It doesn’t help that a Labour “tech
employment every year. This is the A useful new report from the UK in measures to bring more of the it comes to technology he has barely day” planned for June 3 was canned
figure for net new jobs, the addition to a Changing Europe think tank, economically inactive (22.3 per cent of put a foot wrong. Yes, the because of the election.
employment. And it is true. Migration to the UK after Brexit: Policy, the working-age population) and government’s banging of the drum to One American technology group
Twenty years ago there were 28.4 Politics and Public Opinion, sets out unemployed (4.4 per cent) into work. make Britain a “science and said Labour has been “sucking it all
million people in employment in the how “taking back control” after Brexit Evans, whose institute advocated an technology superpower by 2030” has in” but not saying very much, which
UK; today it is a fraction under 33 meant that “more liberal policies for 80 per cent target two years ago, says felt comically overblown at times, was “frustrating”. Others have said
million (32.97 million), an increase of work, study and humanitarian it can be done with the right but there has been no doubting its that “there is a vibe they are saying
4.6 million. Over that period, the migration soon became clear, with a investment in skills and training, commitment to the sector. the right things, but the detail isn’t
number of foreign-born workers has sharp increase in migration to childcare, reducing record NHS The UK has led the way on AI there” and that “they have some
gone up from just under 2.6 million to historically unprecedented levels”. waiting lists and coaching the safety. The government has stood up catching up to do”.
just over 6.8 million, a rise of 4.2 Workers no longer come to Britain in economically inactive into or back for technology against the That may change this week. Peter
million. That 4.2 million out of a total large numbers from eastern Europe into work. Halving the employment competition watchdog, directing the Kyle, the shadow technology
of 4.6 million is where the 90 per cent but from countries such as India, gap facing disabled people — a 2017 latter to “think of the economy” secretary, is due to take the stage at
figure comes from. Nigeria, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Tory commitment — would mean when it makes decisions, a tacit London Tech Week on Wednesday
The year 2004 is important in this Zimbabwe. another 1.2 million people in work. wrist-slap after a block on and Labour’s manifesto publication
context, because that is when the Sooner or later, all politicians come “We need the next wave of reform and Microsoft’s purchase of Activision is imminent. It is likely that Labour
Labour government under Tony Blair round to talking about “British jobs for change to open up job opportunities Blizzard. It kept up momentum in will focus on AI safety and on
opened Britain’s labour market to new British workers”. Gordon Brown did in to more groups (particularly disabled the quantum sector, which recently bringing technology into public
members of the European Union, 2007 in comments echoed by his people, but others too) who want to won a second decade of funding to services. Beyond that, the party
notably Poland and Hungary, but also successors. The reality, as anybody work,” he says. “This is partly a the tune of £2.5 million. remains a bit of an unknown with
the Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, looking at these figures must response to an ageing population, as It hasn’t all been rosy, but Sunak many in the sector, which is vastly
Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, acknowledge, is that in the well as opening up opportunities to has taken a personal interest in more significant than it was when
Slovenia and Slovakia. 21st century the UK has everyone who wants to work but supporting technology. Quotes from Labour was last in power. The party
That changed the become more doesn’t get the help today.” the prime minister are regularly does not have anyone who slides into
nation’s labour dependent on foreign Even if such a programme were to featured on press releases from Silicon Valley’s DMs like Sunak.
market, although workers than at any be adopted immediately, it would take American companies announcing Labour’s manifesto rhetoric will be
the period from time in its history. time for the effects to come through, British investments. Like the picked apart and no doubt run
then until the late Over the course probably years. The UK will continue admiring executive at London Tech through ChatGPT-4o. As for Sunak,
2010s was also of 2022 and 2023, to depend on foreign Week 2022, Silicon Valley loves him. he may yet opt for a career change

characterised by 700,000 non-UK, workers for the He fits right in. along the lines of Nick Clegg, who
an eventual non-EU nationals foreseeable future. There has been a steady drip of US went to Meta, and to reappear on the
strong rise in came to this And it is folly to technology companies expanding in stage of London Tech Week 2025 as
employment country to work, deny it. the UK, such as Coreweave, a tech bro himself. They would
slightly offset by a Workday, Stripe and OpenAI. The welcome him with open arms.
Investment in much smaller David Smith is Economics Editor of government has done a good job of
childcare would help number, 86,000, who The Sunday Times engaging with them, so much so, in Katie Prescott is Technology Business
people return to work left. The 2019-23 non- fact, that some privately have Editor of The Times


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Diageo sells Guinness Nigeria

stake as currency crisis bites
James Hurley cent stake in the Lagos-listed business among the western businesses that to power last year, Nigeria abandoned
to Tolaram, a Singapore-based con- have been retreating from Nigeria amid the naira’s peg to the dollar and
Diageo has agreed to sell a majority sumer goods group, for about 103 bil- currency turmoil that has resulted in a removed complex currency controls.
shareholding in Guinness Nigeria as it lion Nigerian naira (£55 million). dramatic fall in the value of the naira Under those controls, Nigerians often
becomes the latest western company to Diageo will retain ownership of the and a shortage of foreign exchange. would use the black market, where
reduce its presence in the African coun- Guinness brand in the country, which it With fixed costs often invoiced in dollars are traded at a much lower
try, which is suffering an economic and will licence to Guinness Nigeria, along dollars, companies have faced rising rate.
currency crisis. with locally manufactured Dia- expenses where they have to pay in The reforms, which were intended to
The drinks powerhouse, which owns geo ready-to-drink and mainstream naira, one of the world’s worst-per- provide easier access to the dollar, to
brands including Johnnie Walker, spirits. forming currencies. encourage foreign investment and to
Baileys and Smirnoff, will sell its 58 per PZ Cussons, Unilever and GSK are Under President Tinubu, who came stabilise the naira, have instead led to a
huge depreciation in the local currency.
The partial removal of fuel subsidies,
which was followed by much higher gas
prices, has contributed further to the
economic crisis.
Because Africa’s most populous
country is dependent on imports, its
weak currency has led to high inflation
and millions of people are struggling to
buy food. April’s inflation rate was
33.7 per cent and there have been pro-
tests about one of the worst economic
crises it has faced in decades.
International companies also have
struggled to repatriate their money.
The country’s central bank has been
working to clear an estimated $7 billion
foreign exchange backlog.
Nigeria was Africa’s largest economy
two years ago, but it is expected to drop
to fourth place this year.
Tolaram is one of the largest consum-
er goods groups present in Africa and it
is among global companies seeking to
capitalise on the scaling back of invest-
ments by western rivals. Olam, a Singa-
pore-based foods group, and Hayat
Kimya, a Turkish consumer goods
player, are still investing in Nigeria.
The Guinness transaction is ex-
pected to be completed during the 2025
financial year, subject to regulatory
approvals in Nigeria, which represents
up to 2 per cent of Diageo’s global net
sales value.
Analysts at Jefferies, the investment
bank, said: “While Nigeria is an impor-
tant Guinness market and the exit will
be dilutive to group sales, the move
should contribute modestly to higher lines up
returns and margins at the group
Win the ultimate Mean Girls level.”
While Guinness was Britain’s most
a record
break in the West End
popular pint last year, Diageo is out of
favour with investors, losing close to a
quarter of its value in the past year.
Shares in Diageo fell a further 12½p, or
0.5 per cent, to £25.94½ last night.
This summer, Mean Girls hits the West End - expect iconic
characters, razor-sharp wit, and killer songs. As a Times+
member you have the chance to win tickets to the show, Severn Trent boss earns
along with an overnight stay in London.
nearly £28m over ten years
Robert Lea also rose. Garfield’s £793,000 basic pay
in the year was topped up by an extra
Britain’s best-remunerated water boss £142,000 in pension payments and
has taken her pay to nearly £28 million perks for a total of £955,000, up 3.3 per
over the past decade, despite the cent year-on-year. She was additionally
worsening pollution record at the paid a £584,000 cash bonus and
Midlands water monopoly. another £1.66 million in long-term in-
Liv Garfield, 48, the chief executive of centive scheme payouts. Her total
Severn Trent since 2014, was paid package of £3.18 million is Garfield’s
nearly £3.2 million in the past year, second best annual payday in her ten
including more than £2.2 million in years running Severn Trent, bet-
Visit bonuses. This was at a time when tered on ly by the £3.94 million
pollution incidents in the year rose she was paid in 2021-22.
by 24 per cent to 239, while 6,721 Sharmila Nebhrajani, a former
public sewer flooding incidents senior executive at the BBC, is
was 25 per cent worse. the chairwoman of Severn
At the 4.7 million households it Trent’s remuneration commit-
serves, external sewer flood- tee. She said in the com-
ing increased by 20 per cent pany’s annual report:
to 1,831 incidents and inter- “The committee is con-
nal foul flooding incidents fident that we have
T&Cs apply. strong links between
Liv Garfield has led environmental per-
Severn since 2014 formance and pay.”
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 35


Lumo is shining
light in profits
for FirstGroup
Robert Lea Industrial Editor
The cut-price Lumo rail service may
carry only a small fraction of passenger
traffic on train lines from London to
Scotland, but it was a standout per-
former for FirstGroup last year.
Annual pre-tax profits at the
transport company have jumped by a
third, with FirstGroup noting that its
Lumo service between London and
Edinburgh and its direct services to
Hull had performed particularly well.
For the 53 weeks to March 30, First- Lumo’s service between London and
Group, which in addition to rail ser- Edinburgh was a standout performer
vices operates subsidised bus services
nationwide, reported a 33 per cent the cost risk. The operations have
surge in pre-tax profits to £139 million. incorporated into them the award of
So-called open-access rail opera- incentive fees for operational perform-
tions, which are run independently of ance and growing passenger numbers,
the Department for Transport-con- which were up by 10.4 per cent in the
trolled regional train companies, are year to 271.6 million. These operations
proving a high-margin money-spinner delivered a 12 per cent increase in
for the company, the only remaining operating profits to £105.6 million, for
train operator listed on the London an operating margin of 2.9 per cent on
Stock Exchange. £3.6 billion of revenue.
It said its Lumo services between The other half of the business, com-
London and Edinburgh and its direct prising Lumo and Hull Trains, is the
services to and from Hull had brought emerging jewel in the FirstGroup
in £37 million, making them significant crown. Open access contracts operate
contributors to group profits, despite outside the ambit of the transport
carrying less than 1 per cent of passen- department, with the operator bearing
ger volumes from the tightly managed all the revenue and cost risk. Services
Avanti west coast mainline, GWR great are negotiated with the Office of Rail
western main line and South Western and Road and fill in gaps in timetables
Railway networks. and on the network not operated by
The profits boost enabled the com- regional train operators.
pany to lift its annual dividend by 45 per Lumo and Hull Trains carried
cent to 5.5p and to continue a share 2.7 million passengers in the year, up
buyback programme that totalled 22 per cent, on which it made £37.7 mil-

eathrow 13.9 per cent on the Stansted’s finance Amid concerns at lengthy £118 million in the year. lion operating profit at an operating
expects a previous 12 months. Last director, said the Essex queues, Heathrow said it had On the buses, returning passenger margin of 16 per cent. The cut-price
record month was the first time airport had been boosted successfully served record numbers, supported by the taxpayer- fares business model is proving so fruit-
summer, with that passenger numbers by a busy half-term week. numbers of passengers subsidised £2 cap on fares, helped reve- ful that FirstGroup is boosting capacity
an estimated exceeded seven million in Popular destinations nue to grow by 12 per cent to £1 billion, on its London-Edinburgh services and
30 million passengers May, with 7.2 million included Dublin, Istanbul April, Heathrow said it on which the business made £83 million is extending them to Glasgow. It has re-
forecast to travel through people using the airport. and Edinburgh. had returned to profit in of operating profits, 43 per cent higher quested a licence from the Office of Rail
Europe’s busiest airport London Stansted also had Heathrow said the first three months of than in the previous year, at an operat- and Road to operate a similar model on
(James Hurley writes). a record May, with its Terminal 2 had been used the year, recording a pre- ing margin of 8.3 per cent. the west coast main line between
It said that the 2.7 million passengers up by 148 million passengers tax profit of £189 million On the railways, FirstGroup’s opera- Rochdale, north of Manchester, to
81.5 million people who by 6.4 per cent on the travelling on more than a compared with a loss of tion is split into two. Avanti, GWR and London Euston. Hull Trains has a simi-
used it in the 12 months to same month last year. million flights since it had £60 million for the same SWR are operated under contracts in lar request to operate services between
May was a record, up by James Richardson, opened in June 2014. In period a year ago. which the Department for Transport London and Sheffield. Shares in First-
takes all the revenue risk and bears all Group fell 4¾p, or 2.8 per cent, to 164¾p.

Novacyt in £5m Covid dispute payout Former BHS bosses must

Alex Ralph junior market, and was closely followed
by retail investors.
on Aim at 59p in 2017, rose from about
13p at the start of 2020 to £11.94 in Octo-
pay £18.5m over collapse
One of Britain’s highest-profile Covid- However, it later became mired in a ber that year. The stock has since
19 testing companies has agreed to pay protracted legal dispute with the gov- slumped and it tumbled by a further Jonathan Ames £1. The latest court ruling comes eight
the government £5 million as part of a ernment that hit its shares and profits. 19.8 per cent, or 13¾p, to 56p last night. years after the business went into
settlement to resolve a long-running Two years ago the government Eight individuals shared stock worth A judge has ordered two former BHS administration, resulting in 11,000
High Court dispute. launched a £135 million breach of con- £19 million under a share scheme begun directors to pay more than £18.5 million redundancies and with a more than
A trial had been scheduled to begin tract claim in the High Court against at about the time the company was listed after being found liable for the collapse £570 million hole in its pension fund.
this week between Novacyt, the Novacyt and Primerdesign, a sub- and after the share price had soared. It is of the high street retailer. In his ruling, the judge accepted that
London-listed company, and the sidiary the company acquired in 2016 unclear to what extent those employees Lennart Henningson and Dominic Chandler “did not receive substantial
Department of Health and Social Care. for £12.3 million. Primerdesign is cashed in those shares. Chandler were told yesterday that they rewards from being a director” that
It now will not take place. behind its PCR test. During the early part of the pan- must pay £6.5 million each after Mr were “over and above what was reason-
The fortunes of Novacyt and its share The government alleged that Nova- demic, Britain was scrambling to put Justice Leech backed a wrongful trad- able for his services”.
price were transformed during the cyt’s test had failed its validation tests together its emergency response and ing claim against the pair. The judge acknowledged that the
pandemic after it secured lucrative work and had “poor sensitivity and false neg- there were concerns about the coun- Sitting in the High Court in London, financial order made against Chandler
with the department. It became only the atives”. Novacyt rejected the claim and try’s capacity to quickly diagnose coro- the judge also ordered Henningson to “will be potentially ruinous for him” but
second company after Roche, the Swiss launched a counterclaim of £81.5 mil- navirus cases. pay additional fines totalling nearly added that he was “not persuaded that
multinational, to have its test approved lion for goods and services and for The government called on business £4 million over claims of “individual it is appropriate to take these matters
by the World Health Organisation for damages for breach of contract. It “to build a British diagnostics industry misfeasance” and breaches of duties. into account”.
emergency use. The company struck a argued that the tests had “functioned in at scale”. However, as the pandemic Leech went on to order Chandler to pay The collapse of BHS in 2016 led to a
partnership to create a testing labora- accordance with the specification”. waned, Novacyt became one of three another £1.6 million over breaches of national scandal and a series of com-
tory in Cambridge with the university As part of the High Court settlement, smaller London-listed diagnostic com- duty regarding the purchase of a BHS mittee hearings in parliament, some
and with GSK and AstraZeneca, Brit- Novacyt said that “neither party has panies to become embroiled in legal branch in Darlington. featuring Green giving evidence.
ain’s two Big Pharma companies. made any admission of liability or disputes with the government over Henningson and Chandler were Ultimately, amid a clamour for him to
Novacyt also became one of the top- wrongdoing in respect of the claim or testing contracts. members of the Retail Acquisitions surrender his knighthood, the former
five most-traded stocks on Euronext counterclaim or otherwise”. The disputes weakened balance team that bought BHS from its then- owner paid £363 million to fill part of
and Aim, the London Stock Exchange’s Shares in Novacyt, which were listed sheets, investment and employment. owner, Sir Philip Green, in 2015 for the pension fund deficit.
36 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times

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the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 37


Up or down? Experts are divided

on where oil prices will go next
Emma Powell
The price of oil has been as much an
Barrelling along
impediment to the world’s recent eco-
nomic health as a barometer of it. In the
aftermath of the war in Ukraine and
amid fears of supply shocks, soaring
prices were a key driver of inflation,
pushing up costs for businesses that
have fed through to price rises in goods
and services ranging from shampoo to
airline tickets. Household energy bills
were propelled to record levels.
Recent oil price falls have provided
some respite, but the decline last week
in Brent crude, the international
benchmark, to below $80 a barrel for
the first time since February indicates
confidence is shaky. Although last
night it was back above $82, analysts are
split on where the price will go next.
The weakening oil price was trig-
gered by the unwinding of supply cuts
by the powerful Opec+ group, which set
out a path for some of its members to $
unravel from October some of the Brent Crude Price per barrel
voluntary production curbs it had put in June 2024
place at the end of 2022. Oil-producing June 2023 Opec+ signals
Opec+ agrees to 120
nations, led by Saudi Arabia and Russia, February 2022
unwinding of
had sought to prop up prices in the face cut production voluntary cuts
February 2020 Russia invades 100
of uncertain demand. Covid-19 emerges Ukraine
The cuts, which have totalled 80
5.86 million barrels a day, or 5.7 per cent
of global demand, have played an 60
important role in putting a floor under October 2023
oil prices. While the reduction in most Hamas attacks Israel, 40
Source: Factset

of that capacity has been extended until sparking Red Sea disruption
the end of next year, traders focused
more heavily on the unwinding of
2.2 million barrels later in 2024.
Brent crude one-month futures fell 0
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
to below $77 a barrel, lower than the
$80 level that many Opec members point where this metric reverses, we’ll been partially because of the weak real failed to materialise that prediction barrels, which assumed that voluntary
such as Saudi Arabia need to balance probably see some pressure on prices.” estate sector [and] construction could be thwarted. cuts were maintained. The watchdog
their budgets. As recently as April, Others view the response to the activity,” Shah said. The move by Opec+ to unfurl some of also reduced its forecast for daily
Brent crude had been priced above $90 Opec+ cuts as an overreaction. “By our Argus estimates that Chinese its production cuts has been inter- demand, in contrast with a more opti-
as a potential escalation of tensions in reckoning, the market actually needs demand rose by only 200,000 barrels a preted as an indication that its ability to mistic projection from Opec.
the Middle East sent tremors through them to reverse some of those cuts,” day in the first four months of the year, smooth out oil supply and demand “The shale mark I business model
the market. David Fyfe, chief economist at Argus based on refinery activity and net trade imbalances has been compromised by was to go for growth,” Fyfe said. “There
Goldman Sachs, the American Media, another oil industry consult- figures, but it is forecasting growth of the growth in non-cartel sources, was the Klondike phase of US shale
investment bank, has forecast a price of ancy, said. Without the extra 2.2 million between 500,000 and 600,000 barrels mainly shale production in the United production, which was to chase volu-
between $75 and $90 a barrel over the barrels, the market “would be very tight a day for the year. States. Opec members’ share of the oil metric growth.” However, consolida-
medium term, but it has said, too, that indeed”, amid signs of a recovery in The American summer driving market shrank to 26 per cent in the tion within the American shale indus-
risks are “skewed to the downside” consumption in America and season, when petrol consumption is second quarter, according to estimates try, which has surged to $200 billion in
because of the Opec+ plans partially to China. He noted that the cartel had the 400,000 barrels a day higher than from Argus, below the 30 per cent level the past year, had instilled more disci-
reverse supply cuts. Rystad Energy, the option to reverse its decision to loosen during spring and autumn, will be key the cartel has become used to. pline, he said: not only was there more
oil industry consultancy, thinks Brent the production curbs, depending on to gauging crude oil demand and the Last month the International Energy competition from other commodities
crude will remain at $77 a barrel during market conditions. outlook for prices. Agency forecast that world oil supply such as natural gas for capital, but also
the third quarter before rising to $83 In China, the world’s biggest import- The market should “adjust grad- would increase by 580,000 barrels a shareholders were demanding that
over the final three months of the year. er of crude oil, refineries have slowed ually” to the unwinding of supply cuts, day this year to a record 102.7 million more cash be returned rather than
“Stocks currently are very well their run-rates as the demand for Fyfe said, which could push oil above daily barrels as non-Opec+ output rises being spent on increasing production.
supported,” Janiv Shah, an analyst at petrochemical products, such as diesel, $85 a barrel later in the year, but if by 1.4 million barrels a day, offsetting an That should mean prices are also a
Rystad Energy, said. “Until we reach a has softened. “Product weakness has stronger American or Chinese demand Opec+ production fall of 840,000 more important consideration.

Winter power-saving scheme scrapped Ex-Whitehall chief to join

Emma Powell indsustry before seeking approval from
Ofgem, the regulator, before the winter.
the largest since the winter of 2020 and
is higher than a margin of 6.6 per cent
EDF as its UK chairman
A service that paid households to reduce Kayte O’Neill, chief operating officer in 2022, when Europe was plunged into
their energy consumption at times of at the ESO, said: “The demand flexi- an energy crisis after the outbreak of Emma Powell end of the decade. Britain generated
high demand will not be run this winter bility service has been a national first in the Ukraine war. about 20 per cent of its electricity from
after National Grid’s Electricity System empowering households and busi- The service was launched in 2022 by The French state-backed company nuclear plants as recently as 2018, but
Operator said that the risk of blackouts nesses to embrace energy flexibility National Grid amid concerns that responsible for the entire fleet of that proportion has declined to about
was lower than last year. and to be rewarded in the process. As Britain could face controlled blackouts Britain’s nuclear power stations has 13 per cent as ageing plants have suf-
The ESO, which is responsible for we transition away from requiring it as for three hours at a time. In the event, hired a former civil service grandee as fered safety shutdowns and have been
keeping the lights on in Britain, said this a winter contingency service, it is only mild weather helped to reduce energy chairman of its UK business. closed.
month that it expected a greater supply right that we look to the future of what usage and both of the past two winters Sir Alex Chisholm will join EDF next The company is also grappling with
margin this year thanks to increased this service can deliver.” passed without any power shortages in month after the government’s Advisory the spiralling cost of building Hinkley
capacity from interconnectors, which Electricity supply margins are Britain. Committee on Business Appointments Point C, the UK’s only new nuclear
import energy from Europe, new gas expected to increase to 9.4 per cent this Last winter it paid 2.6 million house- gave the move the green light. power station under construction. The
generation, the growth in battery stor- winter, from 7.4 per cent last year, under holds and businesses an aggregate He was previously permanent start of electricity production had been
age and more grid connections. the operator’s “base case” scenario. The £11.9 million to reduce or shift their secretary at the Cabinet Office, making scheduled for June 2027, but the com-
However, the novel “demand ESO published its early winter outlook electricity consumption at key times. him one of the most senior figures at pletion date could now be up to three
flexibility service” will be developed to report last week. People were able to benefit by shifting the central government department, years later, it said this year.
be available at times of high electricity The buffer, a measure of available the time at which they carried out aside from elected ministers. Simone Rossi, EDF’s UK chief execu-
demand all year round. excess generation and the reserves held energy-intensive activities such as EDF operates all five of the UK’s tive, said Chisholm “brings great pri-
The operator said it would discuss by the system operator above the using the washing machine or oven on nuclear power stations, many of which vate and public sector leadership, gov-
the service’s proposed design with the electricity needed to meet demand, is certain days to ease peak demand. are due to be decommissioned by the ernance and regulatory experience”.
38 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times

Business Markets
news in brief
Lauren Almeida Tempus
Buy, sell or hold: today’s best share tips
Goose’s golden shot
Golden Goose, the trainer brand
famous for its shoes’ distressed

Solar fund is looking to sunnier skies look, is aiming for a market value
of up to €1.86 billion in its initial
public offering. The company,
owned by Permira, the private
equity firm, said it had set a price
next energy solar and solar. However, the managers range of €9.50 to €10.50 for the
Clouding over told the market in May that the fund share listing and expected to raise
Market cap Dividend yield
Share price Portfolio by installed capacity*
was “progressing positively through up to €558 million. The offering,
£435m 11% 130p exclusive negotiations with selected constituting about 30 per cent of
Megawatt peak (MWp), the max power third-party bidders”. News here could the total capital, will consist
output of a solar panel system

ondon’s renewable energy help the trust to narrow its double- mainly of shares sold by
infrastructure trusts are on 120 digit discount. shareholders. Bank of America,
sale, with big discounts and 6-10 MWp 0-5 MWp Every trust in the sector trades at a JP Morgan, Mediobanca and
big yields almost 19% 57% discount to net asset value, at an UBS will act as joint global co-
everywhere you turn. Few, 110 average of 23 per cent, compared ordinators in the float.
though, rival the 11 per cent dividend with an average discount of about
yield at NextEnergy Solar Fund, 7 per cent in the wider investment Gulf expansion plan
which, after Vodafone announced its 100 company universe. NextEnergy Solar
dividend cut last month, is now the Fund’s discount stands at 29 per Marshall Wace is planning to
highest-yielding stock in the cent. Its closest rivals in the solar open an office in Abu Dhabi in a
FTSE 350. 90 space are the £633 million Bluefield move that would give the
The £435 million renewable Solar Income Fund and the London-based hedge fund group
Source: FactSet

energy company was listed a decade 80 >10 MWp

£512 million Foresight Solar Fund, a presence in Middle Eastern
ago and since then it has invested in both of which have lower levels of markets. It would be Marshall
solar farms throughout the UK, 24% leverage and higher dividend cover Wace’s sixth office, having
recently passing the one-gigawatt 70 *As a percentage of assets. As of 31 Dec 2023
ratios. This reduced risk, however, already set up outposts in New
mark, generating enough energy to 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Source: Company report means that both offer a lower yield. York, Hong Kong, Shanghai and
power about 750,000 homes. Investors should keep an eye on Singapore. The firm, which
The fund’s official objective is to contracts are linked with inflation, the trust’s gearing, which at the end manages $65 billion in assets, has
provide shareholders with attractive ADVICE Buy which protects it from volatility in of last year stood at 46.4 per cent of about 700 employees and the
returns, mostly via the paying of WHY Share price weak but it power prices and supports dividend its gross asset value. Its maximum is plan is to have an Abu Dhabi
regular dividends, through its solar growth. The rest of the fund’s 50 per cent. The capital recycling office with about 20 to 25
energy infrastructure assets and pays a generous and reliable revenue comes from the sale of plan should help to bring this ratio members of staff.
some other technologies, such as dividend budgeted power generation into the down.
energy storage. Since listing, it has market. The fees are not particularly Mistral’s following wind
done a decent job at delivering this, Last spring the fund launched a cheap, with charges reported at
with total returns (that is returns prospect of rate cuts later in the year “capital recycling plan”, which about 1 per cent, but this is typical of A French artificial intelligence
with dividends reinvested) of 38 per could feed into some capital gains. effectively meant selling some assets infrastructure trusts. The double- start-up backed by Microsoft and
cent over the past decade. So how does NextEnergy Solar that do not get any subsidies. The digit discount means that there is Nvidia has raised €600 million as
The stock has taken a hit in the Fund make money? It owns 99 solar move was designed to help to drive still considerable value in buying the it seeks to take on Silicon Valley
past couple of years, as rising interest farms, with 860 megawatts of assets its growth, although some investors assets at this price. The trust has a rivals. Mistral AI, a Paris-based
rates have made both alternative and in the UK and 35MW of solar panels are worried that this may not be solid track record of increasing company that has been dubbed
income assets less attractive, as well in Italy. About half of the company’s progressing fast enough. Analysts at payouts and a cash dividend cover of Europe’s answer to OpenAI, said
as increasing the cost of capital for revenues are made up of inflation- Numis have noted that its renewable 1.4 times. An 11 per cent yield means it would use the proceeds to add
solar farms. Nevertheless, dividends linked, government-backed subsidies peers have sold more than investors will be paid generously to computing capacity, recruit
have kept on growing and investors such as renewable obligation £300 million of assets since the third wait until renewable investment trust workers and expand its
are beginning to speculate that the certificates and feed-in tariffs. These quarter of last year, across both wind shares win back market favour. international presence,
particularly in the United States.
The fundraising round valued the
chemring pension scheme. There was also some looks strongly supported by rising £30 million and that it implies an one-year-old company at
operational disruption at a factory in defence spending in the West, uplift in margins from 25 per cent to €5.8 billion.
Market cap Forward price/ Tennessee, blamed on an unexpected particularly after the Russian invasion 30 per cent.
£1.1bn earnings ratio 19 cold snap in the weather. of Ukraine. In fact, it has suggested This is good news for shareholders, Superdry support
Chemring started life in 1905 as the that the present “rearmament cycle” although this extra capacity will take
hemring, the supplier of British, Foreign & Colonial Automatic could last for at least the next decade. some time to develop. The shares Superdry has secured support

C military components and

technology, has an order book
that has grown to a record £1 billion,
Light Controlling Company, building
and installing equipment needed to
move street lighting from gas to
It now expects to reach £1 billion in
revenue by 2030, which would equate
to a 9 per cent compound annual
trade at 19 times forward earnings, at
a discount to its bigger defence
businesses such as BAE Systems at
from investors for a restructuring
plan that will lead to the clothing
chain reducing rents on 39 sites,
it revealed last week. Yet the shares electricity. It now has two main growth rate in organic revenue. 20 and Rolls-Royce at 30, although extending the due date of loans
have slipped 3 per cent since its half- business segments: sensors and Chemring is also increasing its slightly above its five-year average and raising equity capital of up to
year results. information; and countermeasures capital investment programme, from of 17.2. £10 million. Julian Dunkerton,
The numbers were certainly mixed. and energetics, where it designs £120 million to £200 million, of which the co-founder and chief
While its order book means long- defence systems for air and sea £90 million will be government- executive of Superdry, is
term growth looks promising, pre-tax platforms. Last year the group made funded in its Norwegian business. ADVICE Hold underwriting the fundraising, and
profits fell by 31 per cent to £472.6 million in sales and Analysts at Shore Capital, the broker, WHY Some recent hiccups but the group will also exit the
£15.2 million in the first half of its £45.4 million in operating profits. believe that this should increase London Stock Exchange.
financial year, partly because of costs While there have been some recent operating profits at its energetics strong structural demand Superdry will now seek approval
connected with its defined-benefit manufacturing issues, the company division from £21 million to from the High Court for its plan
at a hearing on June 17.

Major indices London Financial Futures Commodities

© 2021 Tradeweb Markets LLC. All rights reserved.

The Tradeweb FTSE Gilt Closing Prices information contained
herein is proprietary to Tradeweb; may not be copied or
re-distributed; is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely; and does not constitute
investment advice. Tradeweb is not responsible for any loss or damage that might result
from the use of this information.
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 39

Markets Business
Apple vs S&P 500
Rebased at 100 from June 30, 2014
Plans for simpler approach
800 boost Oxford Instruments

Jessica Newman Market report


s trading screens glowed
red, the few that flashed consumer goods
500 green were easy to spot.
Among them was Oxford
Instruments, shares of
which powered to 11-month highs
More cake is on the menu
after the company revealed robust
revenue growth, adjusted its medium- trong sales on the previous year.
300 term targets and announced plans to
reorganise the business.
The £1.4 billion maker of scientific
S growth and the
expansion of its
British store estate
Shares in the
company, which were
floated at 108p in
200 instruments reported a 5.8 per cent lifted profits and June 2018, closed flat
rise in revenue to £470.4 million for revenues at Cake Box at 175p in a subdued
S&P 500 the 12 months to the end of March, Holdings last year. wider market.
100 driven by strong demand for The maker of egg- Sukh Chamdal, 62,
semiconductors. Adjusted operating free fresh cream the company’s chief
profits of £80.3 million were in line cakes increased its executive, said the
with expectations. revenue in the 12 launch of a new
0 The real driving force for investors months to the end of Cake Box Holdings is a website, alongside a
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 was Oxford Instruments’ new March by 8.7 per cent maker of egg-free customer relationship
Source: FactSet strategy. It is aiming to deliver organic to £37.8 million, with fresh cream cakes management system
like-for-like annual and increased
as the world’s second email sound more sales growth of Liverpool, Cambridge investment in
Investors most valuable professional or to Wall Street report 4.4 per cent in its and Didsbury. marketing, had
company, beaten only generate custom franchised stores. Its All this helped to enhanced the
renew taste by Microsoft. emojis. Siri, Apple’s The S&P 500 and Nasdaq indices online sales swelled to lift pre-tax profits by company’s enhanced
It comes after digital assistant, will be rose, helped by a positive response £16.1 million from 15.1 per cent to brand awareness. He
for Apple investors responded able to prompt users if to Apple’s developer event in £13.8 million. £6.3 million. A final added that trading so
positively to Apple’s they want assistance California on Monday. However, the Its store numbers dividend of 6.1p takes far this year was in
pple’s stock developer conference from OpenAI’s Dow Jones industrial average closed rose to 225, with 20 its total dividend for line with the

A market valuation
hit a record high
of more than
in Cupertino,
California, where on
Monday Tim Cook, its
After the developers
conference, Apple
down by 120.62 points, or 0.3 per
cent, at 38,747.42.
new sites opened,
including in
the year to 9p, a
10.8 per cent increase

$3.1 trillion yesterday boss, discussed shares fell by 2 per

as investors warmed to Apple’s take on cent, but the stock growth at a compound annual announcement of a snap general analysts at Citigroup, who moved
the iPhone maker’s generative AI. The rebounded after Wall growth rate of 5 per cent to 8 per cent election in France, London was their estimates to the top end of
plans to integrate company unveiled Street analysts and plans to expand its adjusted hardly unaffected. The FTSE 100 lost previous forecasts, saying they were
ChatGPT into its Apple Intelligence, its responded positively to operating margins to more than its early morning gains to close down pleased with recent medical research
devices (Louisa AI system that can the update. Gene 20 per cent. 80.67 points, or 1 per cent, at 8,147.81, data showing healthy trends for
Clarence-Smith conjure text, images Munster, at Deepwater The company conceded that the its lowest level in more than a month. injectables and American generics.
writes). and other content Asset Management, overlap between its business units The more UK-focused FTSE 250 Elsewhere, Woodside Energy’s
Shares in Apple rose across Apple devices said he was impressed and markets meant that the structure similarly extended its losses, falling a announcement that it had achieved
by $14.03, or 7.3 per on command. by Apple’s easy-to-use of the business had “become overly further 179.19 points, or 0.9 per cent, “first oil” at its Sangomar field in
cent, to close last night Apple showcased integration with complex”. It outlined plans to to 20,266.85. Senegal translated into good things
at $207.15, a surge that how AI would enhance ChatGPT. “They’re reorganise into two divisions that will Contributing to the Footsie’s for Scotland’s Capricorn Energy,
enabled Apple to users’ experience, really taking the focus on fewer markets and on decline were its clutch of heavyweight which sold its stake in Sangomar to
overtake Nvidia and including by helping friction out of using sharpening the product portfolio. miners. Antofagasta and Glencore Woodside in 2020. Capricorn’s shares
re-establish its position customers to make an AI,” he said. This new approach was likely “to lost 92p, or 4.3 per cent, to £20.67 and jumped 15p, or 8.8 per cent, to 186½p
reflect continued returns from 10¼p, or 2.2 per cent, to 465½p, after it said that it expected to receive
The day’s biggest movers investments, improving processes and respectively, as metals prices came a contingent payment of up to
increased efficiencies”, analysts at under pressure from, among other $50 million.
Shore Capital, the broker, said. The things, a weaker yuan, which reduced On Aim, investors in Coral
verdict from Jefferies was that the the purchasing power of Chinese Products cheered and sent shares in
simplification plans were “refreshing buyers. Rio Tinto shed 106p, or 2 per the maker of bespoke plastic products
and should aid business cent, to £52.51. up half a penny, or 4.2 per cent, to a
understanding”. All this helped the Hikma Pharmaceuticals was near-four-month high of 12½p after it
company to top the FTSE 250 among about a dozen larger stocks said it would reinstate dividends.
leaderboard, with its shares closing up that did manage to breathe some life BP Marsh & Partners, a private
175p, or 7.1 per cent, at £26.35. into the FTSE 100, with shares in the equity investor, advanced 21p, or
As the rout in European financial drugs maker rising by 43p, or 2.2 per 4.4 per cent, to 496p on the back of
markets intensified after the cent, to £19.73. That was thanks to doubling its dividend.

Gold/Precious Money rates % Dollar rates Exchange rates

Because of a technical issue, the gold fix
prices are from Monday

Sterling spot and forward rates

Other Sterling

European money
deposits %

Data as shown is
for information
purposes only. No offer is made by
Morningstar or this publication
40 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times

Business Equity prices

Dividend yields Please note dividend yields are 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price
supplied by Morningstar. The yield is the sum of a High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E

company’s trailing 12-month dividend payments divided

v v
by the last day’s closing share price.
v v
12-month high and low Unfortunately, due to a
technical problem with our data provider, the 12-month
highs and lows are currently inaccurate. v

v v
12 month Price 12 month Price
High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E
Automobiles & parts v

Banking & finance v v

v v

v v
v v v
v v
v v

v Consumer goods

v v
v v v

v v

v v

v v

Investment companies v
12 month Price Yld Dis(-) 12 month Price Yld Dis(-) v
High Low Company (p) +/- % or Pm High Low Company (p) +/- % or Pm




v Health
v v v

v v
v v v



v v


Engineering v
Construction & v


v v
v v

v v

v v
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 41

Equity prices Business

12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price 12 month Price
High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E High Low Company (p) +/- Yld% P/E

v v v

v v v v v

v v v v
v v v

v v v v v
v v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v v
v v
v v
v v
v v v
v v
v v
v v v
v v v

v v
Real estate
Industrials v
v Professional &
v v
support services Retailing v

v v

v v
v v v

v v v

v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v

v v
Natural resources v

v v
v v
v v

v v v
Leisure v


v v v v

v v v

v v
v v v

v v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v v


v v

v v
v v
v v v v

v v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
Media v
v v t
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v v
Data as shown is
v v
v for information
purposes only. No offer is made by
Morningstar or this publication
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the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 43

Actor best known for

the 1970s TV series Hazell
Nicholas Ball
Page 44

James Lawson
Civil rights leader and Methodist minister who preached non-violent protest and became Martin Luther King Jr’s chief strategist
In 1938, when James Lawson was a ten- convicted and fined $200 each, but they
year-old growing up in Ohio, a white refused to pay and spent weeks in
boy shouted a racial slur at him from a jail. Meanwhile, the Freedom Rides
parked car. Lawson hit the boy, went gathered momentum and the Kennedy
home and proudly told his family what administration finally moved to en-
he had done. force desegregation on interstate buses
Lawson’s mother reprimanded him. and trains.
“What good did that do, Jimmy?” she In The Children, his history of the civil
asked. “What harm does that stupid rights movement, David Halberstam
insult do? It’s nothing, Jimmy, it’s described an incident when a white
empty. Just ignorant words from an leather-jacketed motorcyclist spat on
ignorant child who is gone from your Lawson during a protest. Lawson asked
life the moment it was said.” him for a handkerchief. His astonished
Lawson took the reproach to heart. assailant gave him one. Lawson wiped
He vowed to find a “better way”, and he himself clean, then engaged the man in
became a lifelong pacifist and cham- a conversation about motorbikes.
pion of non-violence. “In that split second of confronta-
He was imprisoned as a conscien- tion,” Halberstam wrote, “Jim Lawson
tious objector for refusing to serve in had not only conquered his ego, he had
the Korean War. He spent three years forced his enemy in some basic way to
in India studying the principles of civil try and see him as a man.”
disobedience and passive resistance In 1962, Lawson was appointed pas-
that Mahatma Gandhi had so success- tor of Centenary Methodist Church in
fully deployed against British colonial Memphis, but he continued his activ-
rule. Back in the US, he became Martin ism. In 1965, he was one of many pro-
Luther King’s chief strategist during the testers demanding black voting rights
great civil rights movement of the 1950s who were brutally beaten by Alabama
and 1960s. state troopers at Selma’s Edmund Pet-
At a time when many in the US’s tus Bridge as they sought to march to
oppressed black population were agi- Montgomery. The day became known
tating for more militant and confronta- as Bloody Sunday.
tional tactics, Lawson persuaded a gen- Three years later he organised the
eration of activists that a dignified weeks-long strike by sanitation work-
acceptance of beatings, jailings and ers in Memphis. He felt no regret about
other humiliations was a much more inviting King to support it despite his
powerful way of stirring the nation’s subsequent assassination. “Martin ex-
conscience and winning public support. pected his death,” he told The New York
He organised workshops and led sit- Times. “I don’t know if he spe-
ins, freedom rides, boycotts, strikes, cifically expected it on that
voter registration drives and other day, but he had known since
forms of peaceful protest. He was jailed Lawson with King, who called him one of the “noble men” of the civil Montgomery [the 1965
on several occasions and expelled from rights movement, in 1968. Right, at an impromptu press conference in march] that he could be shot
university. King called him one of the Alabama in 1961 before a Freedom Ride. Below, in Los Angeles in 2013 down at any time.”
“noble men” of the civil rights move- By the early 1970s the civil
ment, as well as “the greatest teacher of and staged his first protest while still at in Nashville, Tennessee, as rights movement had largely
non-violence in America”. high school — a sit-in at a restaurant one of its few black students in succeeded in ending segrega-
In 1968, King came to Memphis, Ten- that refused to serve black people. The 1958. tion in the south and in 1974
nessee, to support a strike by sanitation owner served him but demanded he There he met his future Lawson moved to Los Angeles
workers that Lawson had organised. never return. wife, Dorothy Wood, with to become pastor of the huge,
On April 3, the charismatic preacher He enrolled to study sociology at whom he had three sons. predominantly black Holman
delivered his famous “mountaintop” Baldwin Wallace College in Beria, There, too, he co-founded the United Methodist Church.
speech, in which he described his Ohio. Drafted to serve in the Kore- Student Non-violent Co-ordi- There he continued his fight
dream of equality but an War, he refused either to nating Committee, a key com- for various forms of social jus-
warned: “I may not get join the military or to ponent of the civil rights tice. He hosted a weekly radio
there with you.” The seek the deferment to movement, and organised programme, was active in the
next day he was shot which he was en- workshops for young, black labour and civil liberties
dead in the city’s titled as a student. civil rights activists on behalf of King’s manner. The man was a born teacher.” movements, championed gay, abortion
Lorraine Motel. He spent 13 Southern Christian Leadership Con- The first key test of Lawson’s and union rights, opposed wars and
In the ultimate months in prison. ference. approach came in 1960, when hundreds defended immigrants.
act of forgive- After belated- He did not mince his words. He of black students launched a campaign Lawson was arrested at several pro-
ness, Lawson ly graduating, he warned volunteers to expect beatings, of sit-ins in segregated shops, restau- tests, including a rally against US aid to
later visited, be- moved to the In- floggings and broken bones. Using role- rants and other public places across El Salvador’s right-wing government in
friended and dian city of Nag- Nashville. Scores were arrested. 1989. In 2000, he joined a multidenomi-
ministered to pur as a Metho- ‘There was something of The protests ultimately succeeded national delegation to Saddam Hus-
James Earl Ray, dist missionary and were copied throughout the south, sein’s Iraq to demand an end to inter-
King’s assassin, for three years and a mystic about him ... the but Lawson was expelled from Vander- national sanctions.
and even officiated studied satyagraha, bilt and obliged to complete his master’s Lawson retired as Holman’s pastor in
at his prison wedding the philosophy of man was a born teacher’ degree in theology at Boston University 1999, having led the church for 25 years,
in 1978. “As one of my non-violent resistance in Massachusetts. His expulsion made but after nearly half a century fighting
sons said to me, ‘If you be- to oppression developed by playing techniques, he taught them the front page of The New York Times, injustice one more job awaited him.
lieve all that stuff you’ve been Gandhi to oppose British rule. how to dress smartly for protests and be prompted several Vanderbilt professors In 2006, he was invited to return to
preaching, you’ll do it’,” he explained. He returned to the US as the civil courteous; how to withstand the verbal to resign and triggered widespread Vanderbilt, which had expelled him 46
James Morris Lawson was born in rights movement was gathering mo- abuse and physical violence of segrega- protests. years earlier, as a visiting professor. He
Uniontown, Pennsylvania, in 1928. He mentum in 1956. He enrolled in the tionists; what to do if beaten and impris- In 1961 Lawson led a second group of accepted, saying he bore the university
was the sixth of nine children of an itin- graduate theology school at Oberlin oned by racist police; and how to post Freedom Riders (civil rights activists no grudge, and even agreed to be-
erant Methodist minister, also named College, Ohio, and met King when he observers, summon ambulances and challenging illegal segregation on in- queath it his papers. He began his first
James, who carried a gun for his own came to speak on the campus. Both plan escape routes. He also taught them terstate buses) after the first group was lecture by asking: “How many of you
protection when he travelled in the men were 28. to forgive their enemies. savagely attacked by mobs in Alabama. have experienced a hate crime against
south. His paternal grandfather had al- King, impressed by Lawson’s advoca- “I felt he was God-sent,” said John Le- That May he and 26 supporters took yourself? Let’s see the hands.”
so been a minister and his great-grand- cy of non-violence, urged him to move wis, the future congressman who was a bus from Montgomery, Alabama, to
father was a slave in Maryland who had to the segregated south: “Don’t wait. one of many up and coming civil rights Jackson, Mississippi, where they en- James Lawson, American civil rights
escaped to Canada. His Jamaican-born Come now. We don’t have anyone like leaders instructed by Lawson. “There tered the “whites only” waiting room at leader, was born on September 22, 1928.
mother, Philane, was a seamstress. you down there.” Lawson did so, joining was something of a mystic about him, the terminal and were immediately He died of a cardiac arrest on June 9,
Lawson grew up in Massillon, Ohio, Vanderbilt University’s divinity school something holy, so gathered about his arrested. They refused bail and were 2024, aged 95
44 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times


Nicholas Ball
Actor whose performance as the wisecracking Cockney detective Jim Hazell turned him into a television star overnight
When Nicholas Ball heard that violence was more restrained and less with other men’s wives. But he was great
Thames Television was making a series brutal than The Sweeney, there was no fun to play,” Ball said.
about a wisecracking, Cockney ex-cop sex or bad language and not even a car Still dropping his aitches, he caused
turned private detective called Jim chase in the Triumph Stag, Hazell’s mayhem on Albert Square in East-
Hazell, he approached the pro- pride and joy. The series was also con- Enders between 2007 and 2009 as the
gramme’s producer June Roberts and strained by being shot in the studio vicious gang boss Terry Bates who
asked her: “Why aren’t I up for it?” rather than on the mean streets of attacked Peggy Mitchell, played by Bar-
His demand took some brass neck London. “You can’t go down dark alleys bara Windsor, while smashing up the
for, at the time, Ball was an unknown in studios — you find the studio wall,” Queen Vic pub. He was eventually writ-
actor in his early thirties who had Ball noted ruefully. ten out of the soap when his character
trained at the Bristol Old Vic and had However, the lack of high-speed was sentenced to life for the murder of
little television experience. Yet such action only emphasised his perform- Jase Dyer, played by Stephen Lord, who
chutzpah was exactly what the charac- ance as the ducking and diving wide had resisted his attempts to get him to
ter required and so Roberts invited him boy who had been kicked off the police join his “firm”.
to a screen test. A long list of 50 hope- force for turning to drink when his mar- He is survived by his wife Ayda.
fuls were auditioned and then whittled riage broke up, and who continued to John Nicholas Ball was born in 1946
down to four before Ball was chosen butt heads with Detective Inspector in Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. He
over John Nettles, who was left to wait “Choc” Minty, played by Roddy McMil- wanted to act from an early age and, on
another three years for his break- lan in his final role before his death. leaving school, applied to the Bristol
through part in Bergerac. One episode also featured a cameo Old Vic’s drama school. When he was
When Hazell went on air in 1978, the appearance by Pamela Stephenson, turned down, he refused to take no for
series turned Ball into an overnight star recently arrived from Australia and an answer. “I gave them an argument
for his portrayal of the private eye who whom Ball had just married. all summer, and finally they said, ‘Oh,
dropped his aitches in lines such as: all right then, you’d better come along’,”
“I’ve got a wad of cash ’ere that could After his wife left him he claimed.
choke a washing machine.” Framed While still a student he landed small
within a set of smart and knowing refer- for Billy Connolly, his parts in the 1960s television dramas
ences to American film noir, it made The Queen’s Traitor and The Gold Rob-
him sound like an East End version of career went into decline bers and on graduating he joined the
Philip Marlowe. Portable Theatre Company, launched
Hazell was soon attracting audiences Hazell ran for 22 hour-long episodes by the playwright David Hare in 1968.
of 20 million, Ball bringing a winning between 1978 and 1979, and Ball’s por- He went on to appear in early plays by
combination of toughness, cheek and trayal of the tough guy with attitude but the likes of Howard Brenton and David
vulnerability to his portrayal of the a heart of gold became the template for Edgar, and credited the experience as
character who had been created in a Dennis Waterman’s Terry McCann in the ultimate education in live
series of books by the novelist Gordon Minder, which would replace the series theatre. “We would do everything,
Williams and the footballer Terry Ve- in ITV schedules. book the venues, build the set, hire the
nables (obituary, November 26, 2023). After Hazell, Stephenson left her hus- transport and then take it out on the
Hiding behind the nom de plume of PB band for Billy Connolly, and Ball emi- road,” he recalled.
Yuill, it was the Dagenham-born Vena- grated to the US, a move which seemed With big collars, flares and bouffant hair, Ball captured the 1970s zeitgeist to perfection In later years, when television work
bles who was largely responsible for the to stall his career. Indeed, seldom can an was in short supply, he returned to the
authenticity of the Cockney slang that actor have gone so swiftly from house- when he appeared in a production of Lifeforce. Having spent 15 weeks film- repertory stage but despite a widely
was Jim Hazell’s lingua franca. hold name to obscurity. “I went to Los Harold Pinter’s The Dumb Waiter, di- ing, he was understandably crestfallen held view that the success of Hazell
With his big collars, leather safari Angeles for a month, but I kept falling in rected by Mel Smith. Back in Britain he when he saw the final cut and found he could and probably should have led to
jacket, flares and bouffant hair à la Rod love over there and stayed for four teamed up again with Smith in a 1984 was on screen for barely ten minutes. so much more, he refused to bemoan
Stewart, Ball captured the 1970s zeitgeist years,” Ball explained. “I thought, ‘it’s episode of Alas Smith and Jones, in which In later years he made a creditable his lot. “You make choices and some of
to period perfection, although oddly, de- November, I could go back home and go the pair reprised the spirit of Jim Hazell comeback on British television and in them are the wrong ones,” he said. “But
spite garnering some of the biggest audi- down the old Kent Road on a cold and in a sketch about Cockney rhyming 2005 delivered a piquant performance you should never have regrets.”
ence figures of the decade, Hazell has miserable day. Or I could go for lunch in slang, making up phrases such as “he’s in Footballers’ Wives as the amoral and
been seen less often on rerun channels Malibu’.” done a concrete trampoline on me”. larger than life ex-rock star turned club Nicholas Ball, actor, was born on April 11,
than many of its contemporaries. While in Hollywood one of his few There was further bad luck when he chairman Garry Ryan. “He was a com- 1946. He died after a short illness on
Perhaps it has suffered because the roles came on stage rather than screen appeared in the 1985 sci-fi horror movie plete rat, firing people and sleeping June 5, 2024, aged 78

Sue Johnson
Psychologist known for her research into emotional attachment and bestselling books explaining the mystery of love
Sue Johnson’s belief in the power of love admit that they are dependent on their lems better. Open relationships are “Romantic love was, I decided, an illu- ed being happier in their relationships.
may well have been construed as the partner in the same way a child is to its overrated. Monogamy yields the best sion and a trap.” Her book Hold Me Tight: Seven Conver-
fluffy stuff of the flower power era — mother. In this she was heavily influ- sex. “We are like fish in the ocean and the In time she decided to unpick “the sations for a Lifetime of Love (2008) sold
except, she said, she had the evidence to enced by the work of John Bowlby, a ocean we swim in are our close relation- mystery of love”. After completing her millions of copies and was translated
prove it. British psychiatrist and the “father of ships,” she said. “If you take a fish out of undergraduate degree at the University into 30 languages.
“Love is not just a sentimentality or a attachment theory”, who studied trau- the ocean, or if you have an ocean that of Hull she moved to Ca- According to one
myth or, for adults, some sort of mix- matised children orphaned or separat- has no oxygen in it — no safety in it — nada, aged 22, to take up friend, Johnson was
ture of sexuality and sentimentality,” ed from their parents during the then the fish start to look very strange a master’s, then a doc- rarely still. “She was
she explained. “It is an ancient wired-in Second World War. indeed.” torate, in counselling reading, working in her
survival code that is designed to keep After a research project, which found After several decades more research, psychology at the Uni- garden, writing, talking
a few people you totally trust, and that her couples argued less once they in which EFT went global and made her versity of British Colum- with people, walking the
depend on, close to you.” had the therapy, Johnson published her into something of a modern love guru, bia. Her first article, dogs, painting birds on
The idea first came to her when she first article, Emotionally Focused Cou- Johnson published Love Sense: The Bonds or Bargains, pub- pieces of driftwood at
began counselling couples in the 1980s. ples Therapy: An Outcome Study. Revolutionary New Science of Romantic lished in 1987, argued the cottage”.
“I was instantly mesmerised by the There were naysayers. In the 1980s Relationships (2013). It was as much an that psychologists had A favourite pastime
intensity of their struggles and the way and 90s, the field of clinical psychology academic study as it was a how-to guide pathologised dependen- was the tango — she
they often spoke of their relationships was dominated by the behavioural ap- for couples navigating the storms of cy. It was widely cri- liked to use it as a meta-
in terms of life and death,” she said. “It proach (the idea that behaviours marital life; it showed its readers how to tiqued but in the subse- phor for couples therapy
was far harder to work with them than are learnt and can therefore develop their “love sense”. quent decades her (“Argentine tango is like
families and children; they didn’t want be changed) and generally Johnson’s interest in “cracking theories gained inter- the chess of social danc-
to be reasonable or negotiate and there averse to using emotions the code of love”, as she put it, national acclaim. ing. It is very difficult and
was little literature to turn to.” as a springboard for began in childhood. She was After the success of yet strangers can move
She began to tape her therapy ses- analysis. Humans, born Susan Maureen Driver in EFT she was hired by with this incredible syn-
sions and replay them over and over Johnson claimed, are 1947 in Kent, where her father the University of Otta- chrony together”).
again to spot the pattern. “As I watched neurologically wired Arthur and mother Winifred wa to teach in its department of psy- “My teacher, who was not big on em-
couples shout and weep, bicker and to be attached to their ran a pub called the Royal Ma- chology and in 1998 founded the Otta- pathy, said something like, ‘Why do you
shut down,” she recalled, “I began to partners and social rine. She spent hours “watch- wa Couple and Family Institute with want to learn tango? You’re uncoordi-
understand that there were key nega- separation sends our ing people meeting, talking, her husband, John Douglas. He surviv- nated, you don’t have any balance,
tive and positive emotional moments nervous system into drinking, brawling, dancing, es her along with their children Sarah, you’re not 22. This is going to be very
that defined a relationship.” alarm. We are our “best flirting” but her focal point was Tim and Emma. (She was briefly mar- difficult for you.’ And I said, ‘Well then,
With the help of her thesis supervi- selves” when in a rela- her parents’ disintegrating ried in the 1970s and kept her first hus- shut up and start teaching me’.”
sor, Les Greenberg, she developed a tionship because marriage. band’s surname.)
counselling method called Emotional- we take risks, They divorced Even after her decades of research Sue Johnson, psychologist, was born on
ly Focused Therapy (EFT) in which she have self-be- when she was ten and there were still sceptics. She could point December 19, 1947. She died of a rare
encouraged her clients to forget about lief and deal she vowed she to the statistic that nearly 75 per cent of form of melanoma on April 23, 2024,
learning to “fight better” but rather to with prob- would never marry. couples who went through EFT report- aged 76
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 45

Court Circular Births, Marriages
and Deaths
afternoon departed from Heathrow
Airport, London, for Germany.
Her Royal Highness, Royal Colonel,
The Queen’s Own Yeomanry, this
Prince Philip Fund Commemoration
Dinner at Prince Philip House, 3
Carlton House Terrace, London SW1,
and was received by Colonel Jane
To book a Birth, Marriage or Death
announcement in the Register, visit:
The perfect
wedding gift
evening attended a Dinner at Davis (Vice Lord-Lieutenant of for help, please call 020 7782 7553
Normandy Barracks, Paderborn, with Greater London).
The Queen’s Own Yeomanry, 2nd or email
Battalion Royal Irish Regiment and Kensington Palace
The Corps of Royal Electrical and 11th June, 2024 HAPPY are your people! Happy are these
your servants, who continually attend you
Mechanical Engineers. The Duke of Gloucester this morning and hear your wisdom! 2 Chronicles 9.7
Buckingham Palace Mr Alexander Stonor and Captain visited Thame Community Shed, (NRSV)
11th June, 2024
The King this morning received
Paige Welsh are in attendance. Kingsley Road, Thame, and was
received by Mr Brian Buchan (Vice Bible verses are provided by the
Mark an unforgettable day
representatives of the Artificial Lord-Lieutenant of Oxfordshire).
Intelligence Community.
St James’s Palace
11th June, 2024 His Royal Highness afterwards
Bible Society
with a feature in Readers’ Lives,
His Majesty later received a The Princess Royal this morning visited Thame War Memorial, Upper
Briefing from Constitutional Experts. opened Mercator Media Limited’s High Street, Thame, and was received
MEADOWS on 5th June 2024 to Jessica
a service in contracted tributes
The King, Royal Founding Twenty Fifth Anniversary Seawork by His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of
President, this evening held a Marine Exhibition at Mayflower Park, Oxfordshire (Mrs Marjorie Glasgow). (née Tortorici) and Richard, a son, Henry
Reception at St James’s Palace for The Southampton, and was received by The Duke of Gloucester, Grand Santo Cooper. Jessica and I proudly
announce the birth of our son, Henry born
King’s Foundation Awards. His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Prior, the Most Venerable Order of at 1.09am at Northern Westchester
Hampshire (Mr Nigel Atkinson). the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, Call 020 7782 5583 or email
Kensington Palace
11th June, 2024
The Prince of Wales, President, the
Her Royal Highness, Patron, British
Nutrition Foundation, this afternoon
visited the British Armed Forces
this afternoon visited Wellford
Gardens Care Home, Park Hill,
Wheatley, Oxfordshire.
Hospital, New York, US. Weighing in at a
healthy 7lb 3oz.
discount for
Earthshot Prize, this afternoon met Nutrition Programme at The Royal His Royal Highness later visited SCOTT on 23rd April 2024 to Amy (née
representatives of the United Logistic Corps Regimental Museum, Oxford Photovoltaics Limited, Unit Gledhill) and James, a daughter, Etta Anne. subscribers
Kingdom and Australian seaweed Connaught Road, Kings Worthy, 7-8 Oxford Pioneer Park, Mead Road,
industry at Cardiff Metropolitan Worthy Down, Winchester, and was Yarnton, Oxfordshire.
University, Llandaff Campus, Western received by Lieutenant General Sir Deaths
Avenue, Cardiff, and was received by Mark Mans (Deputy Lieutenant of St James’s Palace CHAPMAN Janet Gibbeson (née Taylor)
His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire). 11th June, 2024 died peacefully on 3rd June 2024, aged 85.
South Glamorgan (Mrs Morfudd The Princess Royal, Patron, Farms The Duke of Kent, President, Royal Devoted wife of the late Roy, mother of
Meredith). for City Children, and Past Master, Air Force Benevolent Fund, this William, Lucy and Henry. Funeral service to Legal Notices
His Royal Highness subsequently Worshipful Company of Butchers, morning attended the Council be held on Tuesday 18th June. Inquiries to Legal Notices
visited the Zero2Five Food Industry later attended a Festival of Learning at (Advisory) Board Meeting at 67 W Uden Funeral Directors, 020 8300 2002.
Centre, Cardiff Metropolitan Butchers’ Hall, 87 Bartholomew Close, Portland Place, London W1. In the County Court at Birmingham CR-2024-002491
University, Llandaff Campus. His Royal Highness, Grand Master, CHRISTIE Phoebe (née Robertson) on 3rd IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE
London EC1. June 2024, aged 86. Much-loved wife of Claim Number: L00BM308
The Princess Royal, Royal Fellow, United Grand Lodge of England, this Claimants BUSINESS AND PROPERTY
Martin for 62 years, and loving mother to COURTS
St James’s Palace the Royal Academy of Engineering, afternoon received Mr Jonathan Richard and Edward, and Granny to (1) Coral Edwina Musgrave
11th June, 2024 accompanied by Vice Admiral Sir Tim Spence (Pro Grand Master) at (2) Peter John Robinson (as OF ENGLAND AND WALES
Rebecca, Charlotte, Victoria, Olivia and COMPANIES COURT (CHD)
The Duchess of Edinburgh this Laurence, this evening attended The Kensington Palace. Sam, and Great-Granny to Laurie. Funeral executor of the estate of the late
Service at 1.45pm on Tuesday 2nd July at St
Thomas of Canterbury, Goring. Family Defendant COURT JUDGE PRENTIS
flowers only please but donations in her Konrad Erik Molver IN THE MATTER OF TYMAN PLC
memory, if desired, to Save the Children. IN THE MATTER OF AN AND IN THE MATTER OF THE
FARMER Christina Diana died on 30th DECLARATION OF RELIEF OF ANY Order dated 4 June 2024 made in the
May 2024. Beloved wife of the late Colonel OBLIGATION above matters the Court has given
Michael Farmer, mother of Christian, TO OBTAIN CONSENT OF, OR TO permission for a meeting (the "Court
grandmother of James and William. CONSULT KONRAD ERIK MOLVER Meeting") to be convened of the
Funeral service to be held on 28th June at IN CONNECTION WITH A holders of the Scheme Shares (as
10.30am at Trinity Church, Sissinghurst. No SALE OF 9 CONWAY AVENUE,

A new podcast
defined in the Scheme of Arrangement,
flowers but donations to Hospice in the QUINTON, BIRMINGHAM, B32 1DR as defined below) for the purpose
Weald. (“THE PROPERTY”), of considering and, if thought fit,
PURSUANT TO SECTION 14(2)(A) approving (with or without
MACKINNON Jean Margaret (née Chalk) OF THE TRUSTS OF LAND AND modification) a scheme of
passed away on Friday 31st May 2024, APPOINTMENT OF arrangement proposed to be made
aged 98. Dearly beloved mother, TRUSTEES ACT 1996 pursuant to Part 26 of the Companies

looking back on the

grandmother and great-grandmother. Jean A claim has been issued in the County Act 2006 (the “Companies Act”)
will be sadly missed by all who knew her. Court at Birmingham, in connection between Tyman plc (the "Company")
Funeral to be held at West Suffolk w i t h t h e s a l e o f t h e Property. The and the holders of the Scheme Shares
Crematorium, Bury St Edmunds, in the claim seeks a declaration from the (the "Scheme of Arrangement"), and
Abbey Chapel on Thursday 27th June at Court that the Property is held on trust that the Court Meeting shall be held at
2.30pm. for the Claimants and Konrad Erick 2:30 p.m. on 12 July 2024 at the offices

remarkable lives that

Molver, and for relief of any obligation of Latham & Watkins at 99
ROBERTS Jennifer Mary DBE (née to obtain the consent of, or to consult Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 3XF,
Halden, the Hon Mrs Justice Roberts) died with, Konrad Erik Molver in connection United Kingdom, at which place and
peacefully on 10th June after a short illness. with the sale of the Property pursuant time all holders of the Scheme Shares
Widow of Richard, devoted mother to to Section 14(2)(a) of the Trust of are requested to attend.
Melanie and Sophie, as well as much-loved Land and Appointment of Trustees Act A Scheme Shareholder entitled to
granny, sister, niece, aunt and friend. There 1996. attend and vote is entitled to appoint a

have shaped our times will be a private family funeral with a

memorial service to follow in due course
after the summer. No flowers please but
any donations to the Royal Marsden
Cancer Charity, Fulham Road, London, SW3
Any person having an interest in the
Property, and particularly, Konrad Erik
Molver, may apply to the Court to
intervene in the matter.
If you wish to apply to the Court, you
should do so at County Court al
Birmingham. Civil Justice Centre. The
proxy. To be valid, a form of proxy,
together with the original of any power
of attorney under which it is signed (or
a copy thereof duly certified in
accordance with the Powers of
Attorney Act 1971 by, for example, a
solicitor) must be completed and
DE ROUGEMONT Peter Henry died Priory Courts, 33 Bull Street. received by Link Group by post or by
peacefully on 7th June 2024, aged 93, in Birmingham. B4 6DS as soon as hand (during normal business hours) at
Alderney, Channel Islands. Dearly loved possible, and if possible, within 21 days PXS1, Central Square, 29 Wellington
husband, father and stepfather, of the date of this notice. Delay may Street, Leeds, LS1 4DL, by electronic
grandfather and great-grandfather. harm your prospects of being able to proxy appointment, or in the case of
intervene. shares held in uncertificated form

Join Anna Temkin, SOCKETT Ann Margaret (née Hopkins)

died peacefully on 5th June 2024, aged 82,
at her home in Virginia. Beloved wife of
First Claimant’s Legal Representative
Shakespeare Martineau LLP
60 Gracechurch Street,
through CREST via the CREST
electronic proxy appointment service,
in each case no later than 2:30 p.m. on
London, EC3V 0HR 10 July 2024 or, if the Court Meeting is
deputy obituaries Hugh, mother to Victoria and Nicholas, and
stepmother to Justin and Jonathan.

THORNTON Brian Maurice on 2nd June

0207 264 4444
Reference: 2514150.1.VJ
adjourned, not later than 48 hours
(excluding any part of such 48 hours
period falling on a non business day)

editor of The Times, 2024, aged 87. Peacefully at home on

Sunday 2nd June, having commented on
his life, the day before he died: “It’s been
before the time fixed for the adjourned
Court Meeting. If the form of proxy is
n o t s o l o d g e d , o r
submitted electronically, it may be
every week and marvellous.” Beloved husband of 65 years
of Verity, father of Guy, Kim, Ben, Giles, Jo
and Sam, grandfather of Tom, Tara, Tilly,
handed to a representative of Link
Group or the chair of the Court
Meeting before the start of the Court
Mia, Atalanta, Anna, Ella, Marcus, Lily,
discover endlessly Joshua and Freddie, great-grandfather of
Otto, Oscar and Milo. Private funeral.
Thanksgiving service on Friday 6th
To be entitled to attend and vote at the
Court Meeting and for the purposes of
determining the number of votes they
fascinating stories. September at 2pm at Gloucester Cathedral.
Donations to St Michael’s Hospice,
may cast, shareholders must be
entered on the Company’s register of
members at 6.00pm on 10 July 2024 or,
To place notices for these in the event that the Court Meeting is
adjourned, at 6.00pm on the day which
latterly of Dingley, Northamptonshire, sections please call: is two days (excluding non-working
passed away peacefully at home on 26th
days) before the day of any adjourned
Listen to Your History May 2024, aged 80. Funeral service at All 020 7481 4000 or email: meeting. Changes to the register
Saints’ Church, Dingley, on Friday 21st June
at 1pm. All inquiries to J Stamp & Sons, of members after 6.00pm on 10 July 2024 or, in the event that the meeting
for free via the QR code, Market Harborough, LE16 8AN, 01858 462
is adjourned, after 6.00pm two days
(excluding non-working days) prior to
on Apple Podcasts, the date of any adjourned meeting,
ZILKHA Notices are subject to shall be disregarded in determining the
Spotify or wherever Judith Diana (née Mogridge) on
confirmation and should
rights of any person to attend or vote
at the meeting.
25th May 2024, aged 89. Adored
you get your podcasts. wife of Kevin, beloved mother to
be received by 11.30am
A copy of the Scheme of Arrangement,
proxy forms and the explanatory
Tim, Caroline and Jonathan.
Much-loved grandmother and statement required to be furnished
great-grandmother. Service of three days prior to insertion. pursuant to section 897 of the
thanksgiving to be held in July. Companies Act are available on the
website (
The simple way to place LEGAL, PUBLIC, COMPANY & The Scheme of Arrangement shall be
PARLIAMENTARY NOTICES subject to the subsequent sanction of
your Birth, Marriage or To place notices for these sections please call:
the Court.
Dated 12 June 2024
Death announcement in 020 7481 4000
or email:
Latham & Watkins (London) LLP
the Register. 99 Bishopsgate
Notices are subject to confirmation and should be London EC2M 3XF received by 11.30am three days prior to insertion. Tel: +44.20.7710.1000
Solicitors for the Company
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the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 49

Today Bright periods and showers in the east, mainly dry with sunny intervals elsewhere. Max 18C (64F), min 3C (37F) Weather Eye
Paul Simons
Around Britain Five days ahead Wind speed Sea state Orkney Shetland
Key: b=bright, c=cloud, d=drizzle, pc=partly cloudy An unsettled period 34 Calm
du=dull, f=fair, fg=fog, h=hail, m=mist, r=rain, (mph) 13 13
sh=showers, sl=sleet, sn=snow, s=sun, t=thunder with bright intervals and Slight 13
*=previous day **=data not available frequent outbreaks of Temperature Moderate
Temp C Rain mm Sun hr* rain and showers 28 (degrees C)
midday yesterday 24 hrs to 5pm yesterday
10 6
9 D 3.4 2.5
Tomorrow Flood alerts and warnings
A band of thick cloud and rain will
Aberporth 12 C 1.6 11.6
move eastwards throughout the day, At 17:00 on Tuesday there were 13
Anglesey 13 C 1.0 11.7 heaviest across Ireland through the nine flood alerts and no warnings 14
Aviemore 9 R 1.8 0.4 morning and western Britain later. in England and no flood alerts or
Barnstaple 14 PC 0.0 ** 7 t is hard to believe this is June.

Max 16C, min 7C C F
warnings in Wales and Scotland. Aberdeen
Bedford 11 C 1.0 ** 35 95
Belfast 12 C 0.8 8.0
For further information and updates Temperatures across the UK
in England visit flood-warning- 30 86
Birmingham 13 C 0.4 **, for Wales 25 77 have sunk well below normal in
Bournemouth 16 C 0.0 5.0 14 NORTH cool breezy winds sweeping
12 PC 4.0 ** and 20 68
for Scotland SEA 15 59 down from the Arctic, feeling
Bristol 14 C 0.0 6.4
Camborne 14 S 0.0 10.3 14 10 50
more like early spring than the start
16 Edinburgh 5 41
Cardiff 14 D 0.0 10.6 6 Glasgow
Edinburgh 12 C 0.0 2.9
0 32
of summer, with Benson in
Eskdalemuir 11 C 0.6 4.2
14 12 -5 23 Oxfordshire unusually cool, 3C
Glasgow 14 S 0.0 6.5
-10 14 colder than normal so far this month.
Hereford 14 PC 0.0 **
Herstmonceux 14 C 0.0 3.6 ATLANTIC
Londonderry -15 5 If it was any consolation, June was
Ipswich 12 R 1.4 4.6
Newcastle largely dry for several days over
OCEAN Carlisle
Isle of Man 13 PC 0.0 8.4
Friday Belfast many places, some relief after
Isle of Wight 16 PC 0.0 ** 15
Jersey 15 PC 0.0 10.1 Bright intervals and spells of rain and 16 15 months of rain. But now it is turning
showers, heaviest and perhaps turning
Keswick 12 C 5.2 ** thundery across Ireland and central
York wetter once more in rashes of
Kinloss 11 R 0.8 0.2 England through the afternoon. showers, some of them heavy
Leeds 11 C 1.6 ** Max 17C, min 4C
Lerwick 8 C 1.6 1.4 Manchester Hull
downpours, and the outlook remains
Leuchars 13 C 0.0 3.2 Liverpoo
Liverpool 16 unsettled. It feels reminiscent of
Lincoln 13 C 2.0 2.9 Galway IRISH 6
typical old-fashioned British
Liverpool 13 PC 1.2 ** 15 SEA Sheffield
London 15 PC 0.0 2.6 Dublin
16 summers: cold, wet and breezy.
Lyneham 13 C 0.0 6.9 “As for the weather, that will never
Manchester 13 C 0.0 5.3
Margate 13 C 0.0 4.8
14 17
Nottingham clear up: eternal rain, clouds and
Milford Haven 14 PC 0.0 ** 16
chill,” wrote the aristocrat and
Newcastle 11 C 3.0 ** 3 15 diarist John Byng in August 1787.
Nottingham 13 C 0.0 1.4 Birmingham
Orkney 9 D 0.6 0.3 17
Cambridge And in July 1777, Horace Walpole,
Oxford 13 C 0.6 ** 16
Swansea Oxford 17 son of the prime minister Sir Robert,
** Cardiff
gave an even more downbeat
Scilly, St Mary’s 15 S 0.0 **
Saturday Channel Islands CELTIC 18 assessment: “We are in truth but
Shoreham 14 C 0.4 4.4 A day of bright spells and showery
SEA Bristol London Greenlanders and ought to conform
outbreaks of rain, heaviest in Wales
Shrewsbury 12 C 3.2 9.0 17
Snowdonia 10 D 2.2 **
and Northern Ireland later with the
odd rumble of thunder. Southampton
to our climate.”
16 As for our prospects this month,
Southend 15 PC 0.2 4.8 Max 17C, min 5C eter
South Uist 9 C 0.8 ** 12 Plymouth Brighton there isn’t much sign of anything hot.
Stornoway 9 C 0.4 0.1
Tiree 12 PC 0.0 **
The jet stream has been diving to the
Whitehaven 11 C 2.6 4.0 14
16 south, exposing us to cold northerly
Wick 8 D 1.8 ** 8 air, but this Thursday the winds
Yeovilton 15 C 0.0 6.5
change direction as low pressure
16 General situation: A dry day with some morning. Light to moderat
moderate west to showers in the northeast through the from the Atlantic returns and
The world sunshine in the north and west, cloudy northwesterly winds. Maximum morning. Light to moderate west to temperatures rise slightly, although
All readings local midday yesterday
with a few showers in the east. 17C (63F), minimum 4C (39F). southwesterly winds. Maximum heavy rains and showers into the
Alicante 24 PC Madeira 22 B NE Scotland, Moray Firth, Aberdeen, London, E Anglia, SE Eng, Cen N Eng, 17C (63F), minimum 7C (45F).
Amsterdam 12 SH Madrid 22 S
weekend will make it feel cool.
N Isles: A day of bright periods and E Mids, E Eng: A day of bright intervals Edinburgh and Dundee, Cen Highland,
Athens 35 S Malaga 27 PC
patchy rain, most widespread through and scattered showers, heaviest and NW Scotland, Glasgow, SW Scotland, And yet summers have been
Auckland 15 PC Mallorca 20 T
the morning. Light to moderate west most frequent through the afternoon. Borders, Argyll, NE Eng: Mainly dry warming rapidly in recent years so
Bahrain 42 S Malta 28 S Sunday
Bangkok 33 PC Melbourne 15 SH Bright periods and widespread
to northwesterly winds. Maximum Light and variable winds, perhaps with bright intervals and perhaps the any cool spell is a brief blip in the
Barbados 31 B Mexico City 26 PC outbreaks of rain and showers, 13C (55F), minimum 5C (41F). moderate in places. Maximum odd shower through the morning. Dry recent climate. Indeed, there are
heaviest across Ireland and Scotland Lake District, NW Eng, W Mids, Wales, 18C (64F), minimum 6C (43F). with some sunshine by the afternoon.
Barcelona 20 B Miami 26 T
by the afternoon. Cen S Eng, SW Eng, IoM, Channel Is: Republic of Ireland, N Ireland: A Light west to northwesterly winds,
signs of rising temperatures in the
Beijing 33 S Milan 24 B
Beirut 28 PC Mombasa 29 B Max 18C, min 6C Mostly dry with sunny spells and the largely dry day with sunny intervals moderate over high ground. Maximum long-range outlook from European
Belgrade 22 PC Montreal 16 DU odd isolated showers through the and a chance of one or two isolated 15C (59F), minimum 3C (37F). forecast centres, with warming
Berlin 14 PC Moscow 25 PC conditions across Europe, and
Bermuda 28 B Mumbai 31 **
Bordeaux 21 B Munich 13 PC
15 Tides Noon today especially hot and dry in southern
Brussels 14 PC Nairobi 22 B Tidal predictions. parts of the continent. One driving
Heights in metres LOW
Bucharest 32 S Naples 23 PC
1008 force behind this prediction is
Budapest 23 PC New Orleans 32 S Today Ht Ht
Buenos Aires 18 S New York 23 B 18 Aberdeen 05:58 3.7 18:49 3.4 1000 1008 LOW HIGH
abnormally high sea surface
Cairo 33 S Nice 24 PC Avonmouth 11:50 10.7 --:-- -- temperatures, not just this summer
Calcutta 35 PC Nicosia 31
SH 17
Belfast 03:44 3.4 16:23 2.9 LOW but over the next few months. In fact,
Canberra 9 C Oslo Cardiff 11:39 9.9 23:54 10.0 1008
Cape Town 24 S Paris 12 PC 10:23 4.5 22:24 4.8
LOW 1016 most oceans around the world are
Chicago 19 PC Perth 19 SH
Dover 03:44 5.8 16:04 6.0
LOW expected to be warmer than normal,
Copenhagen 13
Prague 15
** Monday Dublin 04:08 3.7 16:52 3.3 with the exception of the Southern
Corfu Reykjavik
Delhi 42 ** Riga 19 S Bright spells and one or two showers Falmouth 09:51 4.2 22:04 4.5 LOW Ocean, and the return of La Niña
across southern England. Patchy cloud Greenock 04:36 3.3 17:42 2.8
Dubai 43 S Rio de Janeiro 30 S
and showery rain elsewhere, heaviest Cold front conditions are also expected to cool
13 B 44 S Harwich 04:19 3.6 16:26 3.5
Faro 23 PC
Rome 26 PC
in the north.
Holyhead 02:50 5.0 15:28 4.5 Warm front temperatures across equatorial parts
Florence 27 PC San Francisco 18 PC
Max 19C, min 6C
Hull 10:41 6.4 23:31 5.8 1024 LOW Occluded front of the Pacific.
Frankfurt 17 S Santiago 11 B Leith 07:24 4.8 19:56 4.6 1032 HIGH Trough
Geneva 17 SH São Paulo 25 S Liverpool 03:32 8.2 16:03 7.7
17 London Bridge
Synoptic situation Highs and lows
24hrs to 5pm yesterday
Hours of darkness
Aberdeen 22:33-03:42
Speak directly to one
Hong Kong 32 PC Singapore 33 B An occluded front to the
Honolulu 29 PC St Petersburg 19 PC
Milford Haven
7.6 northeast of Britain will bring Warmest: Wiggonholt,
West Sussex, 17.2C
22:00-04:14 of our forecasters on
Istanbul 30 S Stockholm 16 B
Newhaven 03:32 5.7 16:03 5.7 bright periods and some patchy Coldest: Cairngorm, -2.1C Cardiff 22:00-04:25
Tel Aviv
Newquay 09:55 5.6 22:13 5.8 rain to northeast Scotland
throughout the day, most
Wettest: Blencathra, Cumbria,
Exeter 21:57-04:30 09065 777675
Oban 10:28 3.0 22:36 3.3 Sunniest: Aberdaron, 12.6hrs* Glasgow 22:32-04:01
Kuala Lumpur 32 PC Tenerife 24 B widespread in the morning.
** ** 28 PC 18 Penzance 09:24 4.5 21:45 4.7 Liverpool 22:10-04:13 8am to 5pm daily (calls are charged
Kyiv Tokyo A trough will bring bright London
24 B 17 PC Portsmouth 03:56 4.1 16:44 4.2 Sun and moon 21:47-04:12 at £1.55 plus network extras)
Lanzarote Vancouver intervals and scattered showers For Greenwich Manchester 22:07-04:09
Las Palmas 24 B Venice 21 PC Shoreham 03:40 5.3 16:15 5.4 Sun rises: 04.42
The Times weather page Southampton 02:56 3.9 15:34 3.9
across southeast England, Newcastle 22:15-03:57
Lima 16 M Vienna 20 PC Sun sets: 21.17
11:04 7.7 23:22 7.8
heaviest and most frequent Moon rises: 10.45 Norwich 21:48-04:00
Lisbon 22 PC Warsaw 22 PC is provided by Swansea
by the afternoon. Largely dry Moon sets: 01.14 Thu Penzance 22:02-04:41
Los Angeles 21 PC Washington 27 B Tees 08:16 4.9 21:04 4.6
Luxor 40 S Zurich 13 R
elsewhere with some sunshine. First Quarter: June 14 Sheffield 22:04-04:07
Weymouth 11:20 1.5 23:29 1.6 weatherquest


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50 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times

McIlroy: I’ll US Open first round tee times
US unless stated, all times BST
Starting at first hole *denotes amateur
1145am C Jenkins, L McAllister, M McGowan
11.56 *P Bell, F Kjettrup (Den), C Petefish

eclipse Seve
12.07pm M Greyserman, C Jarvis (SA),
*O Morales (Mex)
12.18 C Conners (Can), E Grillo (Arg),
S Jaeger (Ger)
12.29 S Garcia (Sp), R Ishikawa (Japan),
F Molinari (It)
12.40 B Koepka, C Morikawa, J Thomas
12.51 R Fowler, A Hadwin (Can), P Mickelson

and Faldo
1.02 N Hoejgaard (Den), Min-Woo Lee (Aus),
S Theegala
1.13 Sung-Jae Im (S Kor), Si-Woo Kim (S Kor),
M Pavon (Fr)
1.24 N Echavarria (Col), R Rock (Eng),
*N Shipley
1.35 *S Hagestad, T Kanaya (Japan),
M Meissner
US Open 1.46 J Herman, *B Kim, I Salinda
Most major championships 1.57 *C Prater, C Reiter, C Schaake
Tom Kershaw Pinehurst
won by Europeans 5.30 B Thompson (Eng), J Scrivener (Aus),
*B Valdes
Scottie Scheffler has often credited (Country, winning span) 5.41 S Bairstow (Eng), *S De la Fuente (Mex),
divine inspiration for his outstanding Harry Vardon (Jersey, 1896-1914) E Lopez-Chacarra (Sp)
form, but Rory McIlroy is hoping to 7 5.52 C Bezuidenhout (SA), K Kitayama,
harness his own “come-to-Jesus” T Moore
Nick Faldo (England, 1987-1996) 6.03 J Day (Aus), H English, Joo-Hyung Kim
moment at Pinehurst this week. (S Kor)
The US Open seemed an unlikely 6
6.14 R McIlroy (N Ire), X Schauffele,
source of salvation after three consecu- Seve Ballesteros (Spain, 1979-1988) S Scheffler
tive missed cuts from 2016 to 2018, but 5 6.25 W Clark, N Dunlap, B Harman
the Northern Irishman said an epipha- John Henry Taylor (England, 1894-1913) 6.36 H Matsuyama (Japan), J Rahm (Sp),
J Spieth
ny followed the last of those humilia- 5 6.47 K Bradley, M Kaymer (Ger), S Lowry
tions at Shinnecock Hills, where he James Braid (Scotland, 1901-1910) (Ire)
opened with a brutal round of 80. 5 6.58 A Bhatia, E Cole, E van Rooyen (SA)
“Honestly, it was about embracing 7.09 A Noren (Swe), T Pendrith (Can), B Todd
Rory McIlroy (Northern Ireland, 2011-2014) 7.20 *J Buchanan, B Campbell, T Detry (Bel)
what I would have called ‘boring’ back 7.31 *G Broin, M Moldovan, T Shimuzu
in the day,” McIlroy said. “Explosive- (Japan)
ness isn’t going to win the US Open. It’s Jim Barnes (England, 1916-1925) 7.42 J Chin, Sung-Hoon Kang (S Kor),
more about methodically building your 4 R Kawamoto (Japan).
score over the course of four days and Willie Anderson (Scotland, 1901-1905)
Starting at hole 10
being OK with that. It was a reframing 4 11.45 R Hoey (Phil), M Manassero (It),
of the mindset more than anything.” Willie Park Sr. (Scotland, 1860-1875) How’s my stroke, son? Charlie Woods gives his dad Tiger a helping hand on the T McKibbin (N Ire)
McIlroy has not finished outside the 4 tricky, speedy greens at Pinehurst yesterday as he prepares for the US Open 11.56 D Burmester (SA), R Hoshino (Japan),
top ten at this tournament since then S Power (Ire)
Tom Morris Jr. (Scotland, 1868-1872) 12.07 Seong-Hyeon Kim (S Kor), J Lower,
but must still rue the lacklustre fashion 4
laus’s 18 major wins]. It looks like he here, having fallen short at last month’s T Widing (Swe)
in which Wyndham Clark pipped him mightn’t get there, but are we going to US PGA Championship after his brush 12.18 S Burns, L Glover, C Smith (Aus)
Tom Morris Sr. (Scotland, 1861-1867)
to victory at LA Country Club last year. call Tiger’s career a failure? Absolutely with the law. The charges, after his 12.29 M Fitzpatrick (Eng), T Woods,
Pinehurst No 2 suits the 35-year-old’s 4 not. He’s played arguably the best golf arrest outside Valhalla for assaulting a W Zalatoris
belated affinity for firm and fast lay- anyone’s ever seen. police officer, were later dropped. 12.40 P Cantlay, R Henley, M Kuchar
12.51 L Aaberg (Swe), T Finau, D Johnson
outs, with so many severe run-offs to McIlroy feels he “There’s always going to be that tinge “The only thing that stopped him 1.02 J Rose (Eng), W Simpson, G Woodland
the slick tortoise-shell-shaped greens. has another ten of what could have been. I don’t want to from winning a golf tournament was 1.13 D Berger, R Fox (NZ), D Puig (Sp)
A tied-15th finish at Memorial last years at the top do that to myself. If someone would going into a jail cell for an hour,” said 1.24 Byeong-Hun An (S Kor), S Bennett, E
week, where McIlroy closed with a have told me at 20 years old I’d be McIlroy, who has been paired with Molinari (It)
1.35 C Davis (Aus), A Eckroat, A Meronk (Pol)
four-over-par 76, was not authoritative sitting here at 35 and this is the career Scheffler and the US PGA champion, 1.46 Z Blair, A Rai (Eng), D Thompson
evidence of impending catharsis, but I’ve had, I would not have believed Xander Schauffele. “The word that I 1.57 W Mack III, R Mansell (Eng),
the world No 3 was decidedly upbeat them and I would have been ecstatic. use to describe him is ‘relentless’. It *A McCulloch (Can)
about his chances of winning a first “I still have a good bit of time, hope- seems like every time he shows up, he is 5.30 G Forrest (Scot), G Sigg, *W Williams
major since 2014. “Obviously getting thing that I have achieved, whether it fully the next ten years. Whatever those the guy to beat, and deservedly so.” 5.41 C Hadley, M Hubbard, A Svensson (Can)
5.52 B Hossler, V Perez (Fr), A Schenk
my hands on a fifth major has taken be season-long titles or individual tour- numbers are, whatever the totals add Jon Rahm, the 2021 US Open 6.03 M Hughes (Can), R MacIntyre (Scot),
quite a while, but I’m more confident naments or majors,” he said. up to, I’ll accept that and feel like I’ve champion, was still not sure last night N Taylor (Can)
than ever that I’m right there, that I’m “I’ve always said I still feel like being done pretty well for a little boy from whether he would be fit to play this 6.14 T Fleetwood (Eng), T Hatton (Eng),
as close as I’ve ever been,” he said. the most successful European in the Northern Ireland that dreamt of week. The Spaniard was forced to T Hoge
6.25 B DeChambeau, M Homa, V Hovland
McIlroy has had to handle the same game is within my reach. I’ve got obvi- playing golf for a living.” withdraw from last week’s LIV event in (Nor)
questions about the failure to add to his ously Seve [Ballesteros, five] and Nick If he is to end his drought this week, Houston and has not practised since 6.36 P Malnati, J. T. Poston, S Straka (Aut)
four major titles over the past decade Faldo [six] to pass there in terms of McIlroy must overcome an obstacle arriving at Pinehurst because a cut on 6.47 J Knapp, *G Sargent, C Young
with increasing regularity, but he treat- major wins. almost as imposing as his own mental his foot became infected. 6.58 B Horschel, C Kirk, A Scott (Aus)
ed that exhausting cycle with equal “The only thing about trying to pick burdens in the form of Scheffler, whose “The infection is now controlled, but 7.09 *B James, B Kohles, D McCarthy
7.20 F Capan, *L Clanton, A Svoboda
measures of ambition and perspective a number is that you’re setting yourself fifth victory of the year last week at there’s still swelling and there’s still 7.31 H Higgs, *H Tai (Singapore), B Wu
here. “I’m really proud of my body of up for failure or disappointment. Tiger Memorial added to the sense of inevita- pain,” Rahm, 29, said. “There’s a reason 7.42 O Black, C Naegel, J Vrzich
work over the past 15 years and every- [Woods] wanted to surpass Jack [Nick- bility that the world No 1 will dominate I walked out here in a flip-flop.”

Afridi, Nasri Shah, Haris Rauf and Moham- T Kohler-Cadmore not out 30 (30) 6-2; N Osaka (Japan) bt E Mertens (Bel) 6-2,
Football Cricket mad Amir did not bat. Extras (lb 2) 2 Tennis 6-4; Y Yuan (China) bt D Shnaider (Russ) 1-6,
Fall of wickets 1-20, 2-83, 3-104. Total (1 wkt, 12.3 overs) 82 6-4, 6-3; J Pegula (US) bt A Sasnovich (Blr) 6-2,
International friendlies ICC Men’s T20 World Cup: Group A
Bowling Rehman 3-0-21-0; Gordon 3.3-0-17-1; T B Abell, S R Dickson, *L Gregory, B G F Green,
Mercedes Cup
Pakistan v Canada Stuttgart: Men’s singles: Round of 32 J 6-2; A Krunic (Serb) bt J Ponchet (Fr) 4-6, 6-2,
N Ireland (2) 2 Andorra (0) 0 Heyliger 4-0-18-2; Zafar 4-0-23-0; Siddiqui C Overton, R E Van der Merwe, J H Davey and 6-1; E Alexandrova (Russ) bt A Rodionova
New York (Pakistan won toss and elected to Duckworth (Aus) bt P-H Herbert (Fr) 6-4, 7-6
3-0-28-0. R P Meredith did not bat. (Aus) 6-3, 6-4; D Galfi (Hun) bt A Rus (Neth)
Bradley 16, 22 bowl): Pakistan (2pts) beat Canada (0pts) by (2); L Musetti (It) bt G Mpetshi Perricard (Fr)
Fall of wicket 1-3. 6-0, 6-3.
seven wickets Vitality Blast: South Group 7-6 (9), 7-6 (9); B Nakashima (US) bt C
Portugal (1) 3 Ireland (0) 0 Bowling Helm 4-0-20-1; Cullen 4-0-27-0;
Canada (balls) Middlesex v Somerset Eubanks (US) 7-6 (4), 6-4; A Rinderknech (Fr)
Cornwell 1-0-1-0; Andersson 1-0-5-0; Higgins Nottingham Open
Felix 18 A Johnson b Shah 52 (44) Lord’s (Somerset won toss and elected to bt A Michelsen (US) 6-4, 7-5; M Berrettini (It) bt
1.3-0-20-0; Hollman 1-0-7-0. Women’s singles: Round of 32 M Frech (Pol)
Ronaldo 50, 60 N S Dhaliwal b Aamer 4 (7) bowl): Somerset (2pts) beat Middlesex (0pts) R Safiullin (Russ) 7-6 (8), 5-7, 7-5; D
P Singh c Zaman b Afridi 2 (6) by nine wickets P W L D N/R Pts R/R Shapovalov (Can) bt M Martineau (Fr) 7-6 (5), bt N Hibino (Japan) 6-1, 6-4; D Snigur (Ukr) bt
Azerbaijan 3 Kazakhstan 2; Belarus 0 Israel 4;
N R Kirton run out 1 (6) Middlesex (balls) Somerset 5 3 2 0 0 6 0.81 7-5; M Giron (US) bt A Murray (GB) 6-3, 6-4; J-L M Kostyuk (Ukr) 6-3, 6-3; R Marino (Can) bt V
Greece 2 Malta 0; Moldova 0 Ukraine 4; San
†S Movva c Rizwan b Rauf 2 (9) *S S Eskinazi c Davey b Overton 2 (3) Sussex 4 3 1 0 0 6 0.75 Struff (Ger) bt F Cobolli (It) 7-6 (7), 6-3. Golubic (Swit) 6-1, 6-4; T Maria (Ger) bt E
Marino 1 Cyprus 4.
R Singh c Zaman b Rauf 0 (2) M K Andersson c Overton b Meredith10 (8) Surrey 4 3 1 0 0 6 0.59 Arango (Col) 4-6, 7-6 (7), 7-6 (6); A Krueger
Kent 4 2 2 0 0 4 1.15 Rosmalen Grass Court Championships
Athletics *S B Zafar c Rizwan b Aamer 10 (21) J B Cracknell c Banton b Meredith 6 (11)
M D E Holden c Gregory b Meredith 1 (2) Glamorgan 4 2 2 0 0 4 0.14 Rosmalen, Netherlands: Men’s singles:
(US) bt W Yafan (China) 6-3, 6-3.; E Raducanu
(GB) bt E Shibahara (Japan) 6-1, 6-4; O Jabeur
K S Rehman not out 13 (14) Essex 4 2 2 0 0 4 -0.01 Round of 32 R Bautista Agut (Sp) bt M-A
European Championships D Heyliger not out 9 (11) R F Higgins c Dickson b Meredith 9 (11) (Tun) bt C Osorio (Col) 6-2, 6-3; F Jones (GB) bt
Rome: Men’s 400m hurdles final †J L B Davies c Dickson b Overton 2 (6) Hampshire 4 2 2 0 0 4 -0.47 Huesler (Swit) 7-6 (9-7) 6-2; A Vukic (Aus) bt M C Dolehide (US) 7-6 (7-3) 6-3.
Extras (b 1, lb 2, w 10) 13 L B K Hollman c Smeed b Green 12 (17) Gloucestershire 4 1 3 0 0 2 -0.69 Purcell (Aus) 6-3, 7-6 (7-5); M Raonic (Can) bt
1, K Warholm (Nor) 46.98sec; 2, A Sibilio (It) Total (7 wkts, 20 overs) 106 Middlesex 5 1 4 0 0 2 -2.09
47.40; 3, C Bengstrom (Swe) 47.94. J M De Caires c Gregory b Davey 3 (9) J Thompson (Aus) 6-3, 6-4. A Fils (Fr) bt A Caz-
J Siddiqui and J O A Gordon did not bat. T G Helm c Van der Merwe b Davey 15 (17) aux (Fr) 6-4 6-4; M McDonald (US) bt B van de
Women’s 400m hurdles final
1, F Bol (Neth) 52.49sec; 2, L Maraval (Fr)
Fall of wickets 1-20, 2-29, 3-43, 4-54, 5-54,
6-73, 7-87.
B C Cullen lbw b Green 0 (1) Cycling Zandschulp (Neth) 6-4, 4-6, 6-2; A Mannarino Fixtures
N B Cornwell not out 15 (14) (Fr) bt S Napolitano (It) 3-6, 7-6 (7-5), 6-2; G
54.23; 3, C Peeters (Neth) 54.37. Other 7, L Bowling Afridi 4-0-21-1; Shah 4-0-24-1; Amir Extras (b 1, w 2) 3 Tour de Suisse Brouwer (Neth) bt J Mensik (Cz Rep) 6-1, 3-6,
Nielsen (GB) 55.65. 4-0-13-2; Rauf 4-0-26-2; Wasim 4-0-19-0. Total (16.3 overs) 78 Third stage (Steinmaur to Rüschlikon, 6-3; T Griekspoor (Neth) bt M Kecmanovic
Women’s 10,000m final Pakistan (balls) Fall of wickets 1-12, 2-16, 3-19, 4-20, 5-23, 6-33, 162km): 1, T Nys (Bel, Lidl-Trek) 3hr 27min (Serb) 6-7 (3-7), 7-6 (9-7), 7-6 (7-3); A Popyrin Cricket
1, N Battocletti (It) 30mins 51.32sec (NR); 2, †Mohammad Rizwan not out 53 (53) 7-41, 8-50, 9-50. 31sec; 2 S Williams (GB, Israel-Premier Tech); Aus) bt R Hijikata (Aus) 6-4, 6-4; Z Bergs (Bel) ICC T20 World Cup Group A New York:
D van Es (Neth) 30:57.34; 3, M Keith (GB) Saim Ayub c Movva b Heyliger 6 (12) Bowling Overton 4-1-21-2; Meredith 4-0-12-4; 3, A Bettiol (It, EF Education-EasyPost), 4 R bt T van Rijthoven (Neth) 6-4, 6-3; S Korda
Gregory 3-0-14-0; Davey 3.3-1-13-2; Green 2-0- United States v India (3.30). Group B
31:04.77. Others DNF, E McColgan (GB); J *Babar Azam c Movva b Heyliger 33 (33) Adria (Sp, BORA-hansgrohe), 5 P Lapeira (Fr, (US) bt T Schoolkate (Aus) 6-4, 7-6 (7-4).
Warner-Judd (GB). 17-2. Antigua: Australia v Namibia (1.30am).
Fakhar Zaman c sub b Gordon 4 (6) Decathlon AG2R La Mondiale) all same time. Women’s singles: Round of 32 S Lamens
Leading overall positions: 1, A Bettiol 7hrs Group D Lauderhill: Sri Lanka v Nepal
Men’s triple jump final Usman Khan not out 2 (1) (Neth) bt B Pera (US) 4-6, 6-2, 6-4; C Naef
Somerset (balls) 39mins 20secs, 2, E Hayter at 6sec; 3 W (Swit) bt E Mandlik (US) 7-6 (7-4), 1-6, 6-4; E (12.30am).
1, J Diaz Fortun (Sp) 18.18m (CR); 2, P Pichardo Extras (w 9) 9
(Por) 18.04m (NR); 3, T Gogois (Fr) Total (3 wkts, 17.3 overs) 107 †T Banton not out 49 (42) Kelderman; 4, S Williams both at same time; 5, Bektas (US) bt A Blinkova (Russ) 6-4, 6-0; B Vitality Blast North Group: Durham v
17.38m. Shadab Khan, Imad Wasim, Shaheen Shah W C F Smeed c Cracknell b Helm 1 (3) J Almeida (Por, UAE Team Emirates) at 9sec. Andreescu (Can) bt E Vedder (Neth) 4-6, 6-3, Leicestershire (6.30).
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 51

Racing Sport
Harrington to step down as BHA chief after mixed results
Rob Wright Racing Editor been criticised for changes to the whip bility checks for punters having already has been a period of real change as the “I am confident that if the sport
rules, while the introduction of Premier had a negative effect on the sport’s sport has implemented shared strate- continues to foster the sense of unity
Julie Harrington has announced that racing this year has proved a damp income through the levy, with many gies for a sustainable future and an and shared purpose that we have devel-
she will step down as chief executive of squib. Indeed, crowds have been falling people turning to overseas bookmakers ability to speak with one united voice. oped over the past few years, then great
the British Horseracing Authority at the biggest meetings, with the Chel- rather than face intrusive checks on “I am proud of the progress made over things can be achieved.”
(BHA) at the end of this year. She has tenham Festival and the Derby at their finances. Bets placed abroad earn the past three years, especially in The news of Harrington’s departure
been in the role since the start of 2021. Epsom among those reporting a drop in no money for the levy, which helps to improving the governance structure, comes only six days after Nevin Trues-
She guided the sport through the numbers through the gates. fund racing, or for the government. and I hope that racing’s stakeholders dale said that he was stepping down as
Covid-19 pandemic and has overseen Harrington also had limited success “It felt like the right time to move on,” continue to work together to attract new chief executive of the Jockey Club.
changes to the governance of racing but in lobbying the government over its Harrington said. “It has been a huge audiences, further improve the custom- Truesdale will be one of the front-
during her time in charge the BHA has recent gambling review, with afforda- privilege to lead the BHA during what er experience and grow the sport. runners to take over at the BHA.

Kempton Park
Rob Wright

7.40 Handicap (£3,140: 1m 3f) (10)

5.05 Handicap (£4,187: 1m) (11) 6.50 Maiden Stakes (£4,050: 1m 3f) (9)
3.43 Handicap Hurdle (£3,248: 3m 2f) 2.30 Fillies’ Stakes (£4,320: 7f) (14)

8.15 Handicap (£3,140: 1m 3f) (10) 7.20 Handicap (3-Y-O: £5,286: 6f) (6)

4.13 Handicap Chase (£4,700: 3m 2f) (6)

5.40 Fillies’ Stakes (£3,780: 1m 3f) (14) 3.00 Handicap (£3,768: 6f) (7)

7.50 Handicap (£5,286: 6f) (7)

8.45 Handicap (£4,187: 2m) (8) 4.43 Handicap Hurdle

(£3,248: 2m 3f) (10)
3.30 Handicap (£3,768: 1m 3f 104yd) (8)

8.25 Handicap (£3,926: 5f) (11)

6.10 Fillies’ Stakes (2-Y-O: £3,672: 7f) (9)

4.00 Handicap (£5,653: 1m) (9)

Fontwell Park 5.18 Handicap Hurdle
(£3,248: 2m 3f) (10)
Rob Wright

9.00 Handicap (£3,664: 1m) (14)

2.13 Novices’ Hurdle (£4,066: 2m 6f) (6)

6.40 Handicap (3-Y-O: £5,757: 6f) (11)
4.30 Classified Stakes (£3,350: 1m) (16)

Hamilton Park
Rob Wright
2.43 Handicap Hurdle
(£4,066: 3m 2f) (6)

6.20 Handicap (£3,477: 6f) (14) Rob Wright

7.10 Handicap (£4,187: 1m 4f) (7)

3.13 Handicap Chase

(£3,248: 2m 3f 104yd) (10) 2.00 Handicap (3-Y-O: £3,768: 7f) (11)

Yesterday’s racing results

Salisbury 4.07 (6f 213yd) 1, Perennial (R Coakley, 11-1); 2,

Amsterdam (2-1 fav); 3, Ravishing Beauty Southwell 4.20 (2m 4f 88yd, hdle) 1, Catchim (R T
Dunne, 10-1); 2, Chancycourt (2-1 fav); 3, Wetherby 7.30 (5f 110yd) 1, Daytona Lady (J P Sullivan,
17-2); 2, Canaria Queen (4-1); 3, Angle Land (3-1
Going: good to firm (10-3). 11 ran. 1l, l. E Walker. Going: good (good to soft in places) Electric Jet (18-5). 14 ran. 2 l, 3 l. C A Pogson. Going: good fav). 9 ran. NR: Hurt You Never. Nk, 2 l. Mrs R
2.00 (6f) 1, Ardennes (Tom Marquand, 11-1); 2, 4.37 (1m 4f 5yd) 1, Leicester Square (Oisin 2.15 (3m 60yd, ch) 1, Prince Cleni (Jack Tudor, 4.55 (2m 4f 88yd, hdle) 1, Bethpage (Thomas 5.25 (5f 110yd) 1, Yes I’m Mali (O J Orr, 9-4 fav); Carr.
Cayman Tai (5-2 fav); 3, Blewburton (10-3). 12 Murphy, 4-1); 2, Liam Swagger (4-1); 3, Crown 10-3); 2, Big Bee Hive (5-2 fav); 3, Eightytwo Bellamy, 5-2 fav); 2, Auditoria (11-2); 3, 2, Territorial Knight (5-2); 3, Misdreavous 8.00 (1m) 1, Own Accord (D Tudhope, 9-4
ran. NR: Pietro. 1l, 1 l. E Walker. Of India (10-3). 11 ran. Sh hd, nk. A M Team (7-1). 9 ran. 1 l, l. Christian Williams. Culligran (7-1). 9 ran. NR: Misscarlett. 2 l, 9 l. (12-1). 10 ran. l, 2 l. R A Fahey. fav); 2, Victoria Falls (4-1); 3, Reidh (15-2). 10
2.32 (6f) 1, Arabian Sun (R Kingscote, 10-3); 2, Balding. 2.45 (2m 4f 88yd, ch) 1, Hyland (N de Miss E C Lavelle. ran. NR: Covert Legend, Jack Daniel. l, 4 l.
6.00 (5f 110yd) 1, Lesley’s Boy (O J Orr, 5-4
Stratusnine (8-11 fav); 3, Cairdeas (18-1). 12 ran. 5.07 (1m 1f 201yd) 1, Quietness (Oisin Murphy, Boinville, 11-8 fav); 2, Mahons Glory (20-1); 3, 5.30 (2m 4f 88yd, hdle) 1, Emily Wade D O’Meara.
fav); 2, Bella Love (16-1); 3, Tees Aggregates
l, 2 l. C G Cox. 5-2 fav); 2, Alhattan (4-1); 3, Frankelian (13-2). Santonito (10-1). 6 ran. 4 l, 2l. N J Henderson. (Jonathan England, 10-3); 2, Fiadh (12-1); 3, Far 8.30 (7f) 1, Savvy Warrior (D Tudhope, 11-4
(6-1). 9 ran. 1l, 3l. R A Fahey.
3.02 (6f) 1, Moe’s Legacy (David Egan, 10 ran. NR: Elladonna, Meleri. Sh hd, 1 l. M P 3.15 (1m 7f 182yd, ch) 1, Neigh Botha (Henry Away West (25-1). 7 ran. NR: Lady Salvador, fav); 2, Berry Clever (3-1); 3, Chatty (9-1). 11 ran.
9-1); 2, High Violet (6-1); 3, Revenue Brooke, 8-1); 2, Abaya Du Mathan (10-3 fav); 3, Mays Hill. 3 l, 2 l. S England. 6.30 (7f) 1, Tiaraqueen (Cieren Fallon, 11-2); 2, NR: Sir Garfield. 1 l, sh hd. S Woods.
Tregoning. Thunder Run (7-2); 3, Warrior’s Dance (15-2).
(3-1 jt-fav). 9 ran. NR: Clear Aim. 1 l, nk. R Guillaume (16-1). 10 ran. NR: Dream Jet. 5 l, 6l. 6.05 (3m 60yd, hdle) 1, Ballyvaughan Bay 9.00 (1m 2f) 1, Life On The Rocks (William Py-
5.42 (6f) 1, Regal Envoy (Oisin Murphy, 11-4 (Thomas Bellamy, 14-1); 2, Hobb’s Delight 16 ran. 1 l, 2l. W J Haggas. le, 2-1 fav); 2, Laser Focus (11-4); 3, Dogged
Harris. O Greenall J Guerriero.
3.37 (6f) 1, Miss Stormy Night (R Kingscote, fav); 2, Lihou (13-2); 3, Strike (9-2). 9 ran. l, l. 3.50 (1m 7f 182yd, hdle) 1, Shinji (S Bowen, (15-8 fav); 3, Starlyte (7-1). 12 ran. NR: The Wise 7.00 (1m) 1, John L Sullivan (O J Orr, 10-3 fav); (12-1). 8 ran. Nk, 5 l. R A Fahey.
3-1 fav); 2, Ten Commitments (20-1); W J Knight. 10-3 jt-fav); 2, Dog Fox (9-2); 3, City Of Ruins Traveller. 1l, 4 l. D J Jeffreys. 2, Mist Rollin In (6-1); 3, Oceanic Wonder (15-2). Jackpot: £2,836.20.
3, Kingwood Queen (25-1). 10 ran. Nk, 1 l. C G Placepot: £19.60. (33-1). 13 ran. NR: Sanitiser. 4 l, 2 l. M Placepot: £15.60. 11 ran. NR: Atlantic Gamble, Organic. 1 l, l. Placepot: £15.90.
Cox. Quadpot: £11.40. Keighley. Quadpot: £7.20. Miss Lucinda V Russell. Quadpot: £8.60.
52 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times

Sport Cricket

Cup fate is out

of England’s
hands – after
one bad day
Group B
Mike Atherton
P W L D N/R Pts R/R
Chief Cricket Scotland 3 2 0 0 1 5 2.16
Australia 2 2 0 0 0 4 1.88
Correspondent, Namibia 2 0 1 1 0 2 -0.31
Antigua England 2 0 1 0 1 1 -1.80
Oman 3 0 2 1 0 0 -1.61

Scotland will progress to the Super 8s

The best that can be said for England’s if they win their final game, but could
defence of their T20 crown so far is that do so without winning if other results
they remain in the contest. A washout go their way. Australia will definitely
against Scotland and a heavy defeat by progress with two wins, but one win is
Australia has left them teetering, likely to be enough. Namibia need to
though, and has brought back uncom- win both fixtures, or definitely beat
fortable memories of their limp 50-over Australia and hope other results go
World Cup defence in India before their way. England need to win both
Christmas. of their games and will probably have
After that dismal showing, a failure to to overturn a big net run-rate differ-
qualify for the super eights here would ence to progress. Oman are already
put Matthew Mott’s position, in parti- eliminated.
cular, under heavy scrutiny — coaches
Remaining fixtures
being always more expendable than (all times BST)
captains. England judge themselves, in Australia v Namibia (Today, 1.30am);
white-ball cricket, on their performan- England v Oman (Tomorrow, 8.0);
ces in ICC global events, rather than Namibia v England (June 15, 6.0);
bilateral series, and as a well-resourced Australia v Scotland (June 16, 1.30am).
team they operate under high Going down swinging? Buttler tries to hit Topley with a swimming noddle as part of a warm-up before nets yesterday
So, a vital few days lie ahead. England initially, with three associate nations, which is the least predictable format of ny. It has been said in some quarters thought to be more vulnerable than
play Oman tomorrow and Namibia on suddenly has traps everywhere. One the game, and it is narrowing further that England are too uptight and in Chris Jordan, although against Oman
Saturday and need to win handsomely such is what may occur in the Scotland with the investment of money and re- others that they are too blasé. And the and Namibia, I’d be tempted to keep
on both occasions to significantly im- match if Australia have already quali- sources. At the time of writing, USA suggested fixes have included dropping Wood’s high pace in the team. Jordan’s
prove their net run-rate. At present, fied. Will Australia rest players? Who and Canada are above Ireland and Jonny Bairstow, demoting Bairstow, original selection was based around his
that stands in Scotland’s favour knows? And in any case, all of Pakistan in group A; Scotland are top of promoting Harry Brook and bringing improved lower-order hitting (and
by an uncomfortable margin that is out of England’s group B; New Zealand and Sri Lanka in Ben Duckett and so on. It is crucial fielding) but there is enough batting
after their hammering of control. are bottom of groups C and D respec- that Jos Buttler and his players are not with Liam Livingstone at No 7.
Oman. Scotland’s net run England The nature of this tour- tively. England are not alone. distracted by any of that. They must The decision to give Will Jacks the
rate is 2.164; England’s is nament means that one Essentially, there has been one bad back their own convictions and try not second over to a tiny wind-assisted
minus 1.8. That’s a lot to v Oman rained-off match or one performance, against Australia, to ana- to chase their tail, as they did in India. boundary was too high risk and did not
make up. At least it North Sound, Antigua poor performance can lyse. In almost two weeks, England The problem against Australia was pay off. Part pre-determined (two left-
clears the mind: En- Tomorrow, 8pm ramp up pressure very have played only 50 overs of cricket, not with the bat but with the ball: 201 handers; Jacks having dismissed Travis
gland will have to put quickly. Take New Zea- which is not enough to be definitive was too many runs to concede on that Head in the IPL) and part instinctive
their foot down. TV: Sky Sports Cricket land, for example. They about how well or badly they are play- pitch in Bridgetown. Simple. No other (Moeen Ali bowled a good first over) it
Even then, they will arrived in Guyana under- ing. Before the tournament, common team has yet passed 200 in the tourna- was a gamble. Buttler could do with his
need Australia to beat Scot- done, with a lot of their consent was that they are a good side — ment. Reece Topley was a bad miss. gambles paying off from here on in.
land in St Lucia and hope that players having not had much not as good as they were, for sure — but Left-armers who swing the new ball — England’s precarious situation
the timing of those final group-stage cricket in the IPL. They were walloped good enough with the players at their Ruben Trumpelmann (Namibia) and means that, inevitably, there has been a
games (England play Namibia at 1pm by Afghanistan in their only match so disposal to command a semi-final place Fazalhaq Farooqi (Afghanistan) — lot of scrutiny on, so far, very little evi-
local time, Australia play Scotland at far and now, with a net run rate of at least. Fifty overs’ worth of cricket is have gone well with the strong cross- dence and very little cricket, but that is
8.30pm on the same day) does not give minus 4.2, face West Indies in Trinidad not enough to change all that, more dif- breezes to help. After the new ball, cut- where they are and that is how things
Scotland too much of an edge, knowing tomorrow in a make-or-break match. ficult though their task now is. ters have been important on pitches stand. If their position doesn’t improve
what score might be needed to progress The other factor is that associate The nature of the tournament, with that have been slower than expected significantly over the next few days,
on run rate if the result is beyond them. nations are getting better all the time. long periods of inactivity between (leading to the lower scores). Topley there will be a lot more to follow. Such
What looked a straightforward group The gap is already narrowed in T20, games, has brought heightened scruti- provides a bit of both. Mark Wood is is the way of things.

Flintoff’s son Rocky, 16, gets first England Under-19 call-up

Elizabeth Ammon isms at the crease. Flintoff only made cricket last year, olds — but it is often the first recogni- group is Haydon Mustard, son of the
his Lancashire second XI debut this working with the tion for players who have been identi- former England and Durham wicket-
Rocky Flintoff, the 16-year-old son of season, but he and his brother have white-ball team fied as having international potential. keeper Phil, Thomas Rew, the younger
the former England all-rounder An- been in Lancashire’s academies from an and the England Li- Many of the squad have already made brother of James, who has been tipped
drew, has been named in the England early age. Rocky’s century against War- ons. He will take up their first-team county debuts, while for international honours, and Farhan
Under-19 squad for their one-day series wickshire came the week after his his role as head coach others have been selected based on Ahmed, the younger brother of Rehan,
against Sri Lanka this month. maiden 50, in a second XI match of Northern Super- age-group or second XI cricket, who has just signed his first profession-
Rocky is seen as a highly talented against Durham — an innings that also chargers in the Hundred but identified by the ECB’s team al contract with Nottinghamshire.
batting all-rounder and recently scored contained three hard-struck sixes. at the end of July. of scouts. England U19 squad v Sri Lanka: Luc
his maiden century, only two days after Rocky and Corey play club cricket for It is unusual (although The squad for the three- Benkenstein (Essex; captain), Farhan Ahmed
his 16th birthday, for Lancashire second Southport & Birkdale, and both attend not unprecedented) for match series features a (Notts), Tazeem Ali (Warks), Charlie Allison
XI, including a 39-run partnership with Manchester Grammar School, which someone as young as 16 to number of familiar (Essex), Noah Cornwell (Midds), Rocky Flintoff
(Lancs), Keshana Fonseka (Lancs), Eddie Jack
his older brother, Corey, 18, against counts Mike Atherton, John Crawley be selected in an under-19 names: the side will be (Hants), Dom Kelly (Hants), Freddie McCann
Warwickshire. and Lancashire’s director of cricket, squad — they are usually captained by Essex’s (Notts), Harry Moore (Derbys), Haydon
His innings of 116 from 165 balls in- Mark Chilton, among its alumni. made up of 18 and 19-year- Luc Benkenstein, Mustard (Durham), Thomas Rew (Somerset),
cluded two leg-side pulled sixes that Andrew is with the England white- son of Dale, the Lan- Noah Thain (Essex), Raphael Weatherall
carried strong echoes of his father’s ball squad at the T20 World Cup as an Rocky’s shots and mannerisms have cashire head coach. (Northants), Theo Wylie (Warks)
Fixtures: June 28 day-night, Chelmsford.
strokemaking — so too the manner- assistant coach, having come back into reminded watchers of his father Also in the 16-man July 1 11am, Hove. July 3 11am, Hove.
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 53

Tennis Sport

Murray: I may not compete at England

stars are yet
Olympics if I don’t play doubles to agree new
‘hybrid’ deals
continued from back
against me. It makes me feel better that Rugby union
I managed to beat her and the umpire at Elgan Alderman
the same time. It was something I had
to deal with and overcome.” England players are still negotiating
This was Raducanu’s first match on the terms of their new hybrid contracts
grass for two years and her first in front for next season as they prepare to fly
of a home crowd in the same period. out for their three-Test summer tour.
She was quickly into her stride, While the squad trained yesterday
setting her irritation at the officiating morning, Ellis Genge and Anthony
aside to race through the first set in only Watson, who are not travelling to Japan
31 minutes. and New Zealand, met Bill Sweeney,
On her previous visit to Nottingham, the RFU chief executive, at Twicken-
two years ago, she had lasted 33 min- ham to discuss commercial and welfare
utes in a first-round match against issues. That meeting came as the RFU
Viktorija Golubic before she was forced opened up its financial books to the
to retire with an injury, a pattern that new organisation that is negotiating
would become all too familiar. the players’ relationship with the union.
The decision to miss the French England players voted to replace the
Open was taken in the hope of ensuring Rugby Players’ Association with a new
she remains fit for the rest of this agency to handle contracts and com-
season, on grass courts this summer mercial deals with the RFU. Known as
and then hard courts later in the year, Team England Rugby, the new body
and the quality of her play after seven has Jamie George, Maro Itoje, Joe
weeks away was better than she had Marler, Genge and Watson as directors.
perhaps expected. The hybrid contracts, of which 25 could
“I’m surprised in a way, how well I be available, form part of the new
came out and played,” she said. “I didn’t Professional Game Partnership, which
really know how it would go, but my is set to begin next month. Under the
intentions were great from the start.”
Raducanu broke her opponent’s
serve in the opening game, clinching
Emma Raducanu
deal international players could earn in
the region of £160,000 in lieu of match
fees, which were valued up to £23,000.
the break with a delicate backhand lob converted six of six break Itoje — who will fly out on the tour
from Shibahara’s drop shot. Shibahara, points earned in her 6-1, today with the squad, despite being
26, who won the mixed doubles at the 6-4 victory against Ena only 102 minutes shy of the season
French Open two years ago with Shibahara yesterday.
Wesley Koolhof, attempted to attack She was also George said he
Raducanu with a serve-volley ap- broken twice was happy with
proach, but she was undone by the qual- the negotiations
ity of returns from the British player.
Her only wobble came when she had
opened up a 5-1 lead in the second set
and her serve suddenly began to mis- Raducanu won her first match on grass for two years and admitted that she was surprised by how well she had performed
fire, causing her to be broken twice.
“The only thing that needs some train- actually feel Hawk-Eye has been a little world No 215, 6-1, 4-6, 6-3. Meanwhile, falling down the doubles rankings, workload limit imposed upon players
ing in live situations is serving out a bit off, so it doesn’t really make a differ- Andy Murray has revealed that he is meaning there may be only one British — and George, the England captain,
match, like today,” Raducanu said. “It’s ence at the end of the day.” considering giving the Paris Olympics a pair competing. This could force British were the first to agree to the contracts
not quite the same in practice trying to After that brief period of concern, miss after a first-round defeat at the Olympic chiefs to put forward Joe in principle. The lack of progress was
replicate serving out a match.” Raducanu recovered to break Shiba- Stuttgart Open. The 37-year-old lost Salisbury and Skupski as the sole pair. described as “alarming” by sources and
Once again, at 5-3, an umpiring call hara for the sixth time in the match, 6-3, 6-4 to Marcos Giron, the world “I need to see what happens with the club directors of rugby such as Mark
went against her and there are no booking a second-round match against No 54 from the United States. Olympics,” Murray said. “I’m not 100 McCall at Saracens had urged a resolu-
challenges to Hawk-Eye in this tourna- Daria Snigur, the world No 127 from Although Murray is entitled to place per cent sure what the situation is there tion to the contract limbo. The RFU
ment. “It’s not just me, Harriet [Dart] Ukraine. for the Olympics because of his status with the doubles yet and whether or not wants the “enhanced Elite Player
was saying the same thing; quite a few Cameron Norrie followed Dan Evans as a three-times grand-slam champion I will play if I just get in the singles. I Squad” finalised by November.
players say it,” Raducanu said. “It’s diffi- into the second round of the men’s and two-times gold medallist he has don’t know. My body didn’t feel great After a “two-year odyssey” of negoti-
cult when there’s no challenge. It does tournament. After Evans, the world now admitted that he may not take it playing on the clay in the last month or ations, a club-country deal worth
add to the drama for the spectators, but No 62, had completed a 6-3, 4-6, 6-3 up. This follows his suggestion in so. I had quite a few issues with my back, £33 million a year to Gallagher
for us it can be the most frustrating victory over Dominic Stricker, the March that he would go to Paris only if so I don’t know if I would go just for Premiership clubs was agreed in
thing ever. world No 144 from Switzerland, Norrie he felt he could win a medal. singles. I need to wait a little bit and see principle in April, giving the RFU more
“It happens so often, but this year I beat Sho Shimabukuro, the Japanese A further factor is Neal Skupski on that.” control over players.
“We probably had to get our own
house in order first, but we’re really
I didn’t give Novak respect he deserved, admits Federer happy with where we’re at and negotia-
tions with the RFU are ongoing,”
George said. “We met with [the RFU]
Stuart Fraser Tennis Correspondent “I played him in Monaco the very ovic’s early struggles for popularity in to win at all costs. I think also Novak around a month ago. The RFU were so
first time [Federer won 6-3, 2-6, 6-3 in the stands. Although Djokovic now was triggered by the relationship with honest in terms of opening up the
Roger Federer has admitted that he did 2006] and I walked off the court and enjoys significant backing wherever he the fans. That deep focus maybe scared books, letting us see everything, pro-
not give Novak Djokovic “the respect thought, ‘Yeah, he’s OK,’ ” Federer said. plays, given his status, it took him some some people away. He’s been a little bit posing how things look going forward.
he deserved” when he first emerged on “Even though there was some hype time to breach the stronghold of misunderstood.” “That’s the best thing about the
the tour and believes the Serb initially around him, I wasn’t really fully support that had been commandeered The documentary also includes new players having control of our contracts
struggled to gain support among tennis convinced. by Federer and Nadal. “I guess he was footage of the period around Federer’s and futures — being able to be at the
fans because he was seen as a “party “I think I didn’t give Novak the re- the party crasher of Rafa and Roger retirement. Initially the cameras had forefront of it — and we’re really happy
crasher”. spect he deserved because of his techni- fans,” Federer said. “There was a lot of been invited for a home video project with the representation we’ve had. It’s
The 20-times grand-slam singles cal flaws. I felt like Novak had Rafa-Roger love there, so when that would capture the end of his career been brilliant so far. There are
champion has given fresh insight into a very extreme forehand Novak came probably a lot for family members. It was then decided obviously going to be challenges in the
his rivalries with Djokovic and Rafael grip and his backhand of people said, ‘Look, we months afterwards to release the negotiations but we have the right
Nadal as part of a new behind-the- for me wasn’t as fluid don’t need a third guy. material as part of a documentary. people in the right places, represented
scenes documentary on his retirement as it is nowadays. We’re happy with Clips of Federer at home in Zurich by the right people.
two years ago. Federer: Twelve Final But then he ironed Roger and Rafa’. show him preparing to announce that “This is a collaboration. It’s not us
Days will be released on Amazon Prime those things out “The Federer he is retiring because of knee pain. His versus them. That was exactly why we
next Monday. super well and fans at the begin- wife, Mirka, is in tears at the prospect. wanted to do what we have done.
The most interesting element comes became an unbe- ning didn’t really “Telling the kids in the room about my Before it just didn’t work, the synergy
in Federer’s reflections on his fellow lievable monster like him because retirement was hard,” Federer said. just wasn’t there. We want to go in and
members of the “big three”. There is an of a player.” they just thought, “Three of the kids cried, Mirka cried. It say, ‘Let’s have this conversation’.
acknowledgement that he underesti- Federer also ‘Roger’s a bit more was obviously very emotional. It’s only “We understand we are incredibly
mated the ability of Djokovic, who is touches on Djok- easy, he does it with afterwards where I started to realise lucky to do what we do, but also we
now widely considered to be the great- ease’. Then Novak how much Mirka had been suffering. I understand that this is a business and
est male player of all-time with a total of Djokovic, left, has came in with his strong don’t remember her begging me to stop the RFU got hit hard by Covid and all
24 grand-slam titles and 428 weeks at spent 118 more weeks personality and that but, of course, she was asking the that kind of thing. Those conversations
world No 1 (118 more than Federer). ranked No 1 than Federer unbelievable grit of wanting question, ‘Why are we still doing this?’ ” are ongoing.”
54 S1 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times

Sport Athletics

Gold eludes Neita by barest margin

Rick Broadbent Rome
Daryll Neita was a hundredth of a
second away in her pursuit of her first
senior solo gold medal in the Stadio
Olimpico last night. The smallest of
margins spawned the biggest of frowns,
and while a European 200m medal is
no trifle, she confessed she craved a
little extra.
To rub salt into the raw wounds,
Switzerland’s Mujinga Kambundji
clocked 22.49sec, the time that Neita
had run in her semi-final the previous
night. Ifs, buts, dips and maybes.
“I am honestly just so disappointed
because I really wanted that medal,”
she said. “I should have got it. I could
feel myself dipping, which isn’t my
strongest point.” Helen Parisot, of
France, took the bronze.
The normally bubbly Londoner was
utterly deflated. Her time of 22.50sec is
average for her and she beat it seven
times last year alone. It means the wait
goes on for the woman who made her
first Olympics at 19. The upside is she
upgraded her bronze from two years
ago but you could tell it was no kind of
silver lining.
“I’m happy for the winner,” Neita
added, graciously. “I’m not a bitter per-
son. I’m just upset at myself because I
came here for the gold. I’m grateful to
finish the race healthy and it is still the
middle of the season so I can’t let this Switzerland’s Kambundji, far right, crosses the line one hundreth of a second ahead of Neita to claim 200m gold in 22.49sec, the time Neita had run in her semi-final
dictate how the rest of my season goes.”
Neita had felt the stars were aligning. field. Another home star, Nadia Batto- It was a punishing night for Eilish debilitating that her identical twin
Now that she is based 300 miles away in cletti, completed the distance double, McColgan, who needed a strong per- sister, Laviai, had to brush her teeth.
Padua, this was almost a home champi- with Diane van Es, of the Netherlands, formance to prove “form and fitness” to Laviai, who also had the disease diag-
onship for her. She has taken to Italian taking silver, but it was a fine effort from the GB Olympic selectors, but she nosed, two weeks before her Olympic
life well. Melon the chihuahua was the Scottish student, 22, who ran her dropped out with ten laps to go. She has debut in 2021, ran a personal best to fin-
safely at home and, she was told, first 10,000m only in March. suffered on and off the track over the ish sixth in the 400m final on Monday.
watching, but on a night when While she had not been entirely past year. A string of injuries have side- A day on and Lina toiled home last in
Gianmarco Tamberi, the Ital- thrilled by the experience, she realised lined her, and the deaths of her step- the 400m hurdles, but it has been a
ian high jumper with half a she was good at it. “I’m still getting to father and grandmother in the past tough time for the sisters after their
beard, won the gold, ripped off grips with how mundane it is,” she had seven months have been emotionally coach, Tony Lester, suffered a heart
his shirt and made a beeline for said of the 25-lap race, adding that she hard. “I am gutted to drop out but there attack last week. Femke Bol won,
the president in the crowd, she had never even watched a 10,000m on was nothing there,” she said. “I got to obviously, in another championship
was a whisker away. With Dina TV. “I find them pretty boring.” After halfway and thought, ‘I’m in trouble record of 52.49.
Asher-Smith concentrating on the finishing 13 seconds behind Battocletti, today.’ I knew straight away going In the men’s race Norway’s Karsten
100m, and winning that, it was Keith, above, won who set an Italian record of 30min through 5k I was going to struggle to Warholm won his third European title,
a missed opportunity to 10,000m bronze 51.32sec, Keith said: “I enjoy them more keep going, I even felt a bit dizzy toward to go with his Olympic one, and it felt
climb out of her long but McColgan, than I let on but I stand by it being the end. I was hoping for a bit of a mira- like the bad old days for the GB 4x100m
shadow. left, had to drop monotonous. I’m really happy, though. cle after a lack of training, but miracles men’s team as they fumbled the baton
Earlier, Megan Keith out of the race I gave it a shot for a brighter colour but don’t really exist in distance running.” and came last in their heat.
bored herself to near you can’t not be happy with a bronze.” Lina Nielsen is another who has had “It was horrendous,” confirmed the
tears as she won a officials strug- Keith was the fastest of the field this an emotional time both here and veteran bend runner Richard Kilty,
10,000m bronze medal in gling to keep year, and mixed up her tactics, but throughout her career. The 400m hur- who was running with CJ Ujah, the
her rookie event. She track of who knew she was not going to outkick the dler is an inspiring figure who has been man he said he would never forgive
kept her cool in chaotic had been two women ahead. Ultimately, Batto- running with multiple sclerosis since after his doping ban led to the GB team
circumstances with a lapped in an cletti, who had not raced over the dis- the age of 17. The symptoms come and being stripped of their Olympic silver
dearth of sponges and overcrowded tance this year, was a class apart. go for her, and the worst attack was so medals from 2021.


the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 55


n a nondescript chambers in the EC4 area
of London, an arbitration is taking place
that will change football for ever. Or maybe
Racism accusations
not. That will usher in a duopoly lasting
decades. But probably won’t. That will
destroy the very fabric of the game we know
are just plane wrong
and love. Although that’s really quite unlikely. Tony Burnett, the chief executive of anti-
We’ve heard from everybody in the past week, discrimination charity Kick It Out, thinks he
since The Times broke the story of Manchester knows how the media works. He doesn’t. If
City’s challenge to the Premier League. Henny he believes Bukayo Saka ended up on the
Penny, Cocky Locky, Goosey Loosey, Turkey back pages of a number of national newspapers
Lurkey, Ducky Lucky, Chicken Licken. They’re on Saturday because he’s black, Burnett
all on the move because the sky’s coming in, if knows nothing.
you know your European folklore, or maybe just George Formby understood. “If you want to
your Happy Mondays. get your photo in the press,” he sang, “you must
But it’s not. The sky isn’t falling, no matter be different, some kind of way.” And Saka was.
what the arbitrators decide. Teams can field His image encapsulated England’s defeat at
only 11 players. Good players do not want to be home to Iceland for one simple reason: he was
in the reserves. Managers leave. Bad decisions throwing a paper aeroplane. That childish object
get made. Nothing is for ever, not even in the has come to symbolise a dreary, mediocre
Bundesliga, as Harry Kane rather frustratingly England performance at Wembley. Paper
discovered. aeroplanes rain down when England are losing
There are two main possible outcomes to or the crowd is bored. They have become the
City’s challenge to the league over Associated equivalent of Nou Camp’s white handkerchiefs.
Party Transactions (APT). City lose and the For Saka, in his England shirt, to be pictured
competition carries on as it is. The same throwing one rendered many thousands of
financial regulations, the status quo. If they win, disparaging words redundant. The shot
and APT is overturned, City will have more combined the defeat and the public reaction to
money to spend through larger sponsorships it. On this newspaper, it was felt the injury to
and investments from Abu Dhabi but, as John Stones so close to a tournament was more
Manchester United discovered, that doesn’t significant than an abject performance in a
always spell success either. United have been friendly, so his picture appeared instead. Fair
colossal spenders but haven’t won the league enough. Yet for those focusing on the defeat,
since 2013 when Sir Alex Ferguson left, because Saka’s uncommon act was perfect.
he was a football genius and the rest of them It is irrelevant too that Saka contributed to
weren’t. With David Gill grafting in the CIty will surely struggle to replicate their success — six titles in seven years — when Guardiola leaves only 25 minutes of the 90. His performance was
corridors of power, United looked to have as insignificant to the story as the colour of his

Martin Samuel
helped to shape football’s financial rules so they skin. A white player, on for five minutes, but
were invulnerable to Ferguson’s eventual throwing a paper aeroplane would have become
departure. Wrong. And Pep Guardiola is City’s the motif just the same. Without the plane, Saka
Ferguson. City had the money before he arrived gets nowhere near any back page.
but couldn’t retain a title, let alone win four When photographers crowd around the
straight, plus the Champions League. He England manager at a press conference, do you
changed it all for them. And he says he will
leave in 2025. What next? There’s no manager
out there like Guardiola.
There are plenty of imitators. Plenty of good
coaches who could be elevated by City’s
resources, as Roberto Mancini and Manuel
Sky won’t fall in know what they are looking for? Clue: not a
picture of a man sitting on a chair behind a desk.
They want the moment he puts his head in his
hands, or pulls a face, does something expressive.
The leader of the Liberal Democrats as good as
announced his manifesto on a rollercoaster just
Pellegrini were. But the doomy predictions
aren’t just centred on City as an elite club,
elbows out, one of many. The forecast is that
they will win in perpetuity, or share the spoils
with Newcastle United, and it will be impossible
even if City win to get his gurning mug in the paper.
So, newspapers didn’t require lectures on
responsibility from Burnett. But they will
reserve the right to put whatever looks of
interest on the pages. Particularly as we

their court case

to compete. If City win, football is over is the presume to charge for them.
conclusion. No, it isn’t.
This legal reckoning was always
going to happen the more rules, the called democracy, they sneered. But it’s not. At
more restrictions, the more lawyers, the risk of explaining John Stuart Mill to the
the more accountants were allowed Oxbridge set, in football, if every rule, every
to suffocate the game. APT policy, every regulatory development, is
regulations are nothing new. They intended to be a curb on the same minority —
have been in place within The voice of sport and backed by the prevailing opinion — that is
Uefa for more than ten as much tyranny as democracy. And since
years and as far back as Financial Fair Play was introduced, in
2013, Martin Stopper and a sponsorship deal, to a club having broadcast partners. They only got approval for a whatever form it is manifested, it has always
Tim Bagger of the sports to prove it had not. And if it replacement, Infinite Athlete, in October and been aimed at specific clubs. First Chelsea, then
legal experts Lentze couldn’t, charges would follow on there has been subsequent APT controversy City, now Newcastle.
Stopper, based in the grounds that “all reasonable because of the company’s investment links with When FFP was initially discussed it was to
Munich, said they could care” had not been used to avoid the Chelsea co-owners Clearlake Capital. If address debt, which would have hugely affected
contravene European this. So not just a block on the Chelsea are among the clubs supporting City, Manchester United under the Glazers. Then it
law. And yet nothing deal, but charges. Because the and citing the time it is taking to get deals pivoted, so the bogeyman became owner
from the affected clubs. Premier League likes nothing approved, who can blame them? Waits of four investment and putting money into football
Not from City, or Paris more than putting its members in months are not uncommon, making some became a bigger crime than taking it out. The
Saint-Germain, or the dock these days. That’s why it commercial transactions unworkable, and multi-club ownership model was also going to
Wolfsburg or Bayer spent £28 million on external legal forcing down earning potential. be a problem, until more established members
Leverkusen or PSV counsel last season. The idea that anyone knows what is fair of the elite copied the Red Bull, City Football
Eindhoven. To prove fair market value across every industry and every club is equally Group idea, so now that threat seems to be
Nothing, indeed, until there must also be an under- overplayed. Uefa ruled a €200 million-a-year receding too. Remember, it’s only dirty oil
February, when a further bidder, whose details are deal between the Qatar Tourism Authority and money when it’s buying players for City. Not
escalation of APT rulings revealed. Yet clubs work very PSG was not fair market value in 2012. Yet when it’s sponsoring Arsenal’s stadium, or is
in the Premier League left hard on the sponsorship for a country looking to get on the map, was it? the longest-running commercial partnership at
a minority of clubs with market. If British Airways is Qatar was a future host of the World Cup, and Old Trafford.
pretty much nothing to beaten by, say, a Gulf concern, wishes to host an Olympics. Qatari money There could be a compromise in arbitration
lose. City may have why would the club working on helped to deliver Kylian Mbappé and Lionel this week. Win some, lose some. Yet it remains
overegged their that deal want to notify their Messi to PSG so that the main protagonists at strange that everyone thinks the alternative to
victimhood, but not half competitors that BA has serious the World Cup final between France and protectionism is a free-for-all. It’s not. It’s a
as much as the league money to invest in football? They Argentina in Doha were also symbols of Qatar’s spending cap. Not linked to income, not
and its member clubs may want to revisit that partnership arrival on the world stage. anchored to the worst club in the league. One
overegged the workings in other ways. Naming rights, And that isn’t worth €200 million? Maybe figure for all. And no loans. If the number is
of APT and Profitability training ground sponsorship, one of not to an established business. But to Qatar? £400 million on wages and transfer fees, then 20
and Sustainability Rules; those little logos on the sleeve. Who at Uefa truly knows the qualitative value clubs can spend it, but the owner can’t loan it. If
a whole maypole of red Why give a rival the heads-up? It of such a wide-ranging project? Who at the the club only generate £100 million, a further
tape they all dance makes no commercial sense. Premier League is qualified to know what the £300 million can be added, but only as a gift. An
around that is, at root, Neither does the length of time Newcastle venture is actually worth to Saudi owner can’t ask for it back if he leaves.
protectionist. it is now taking to get deals Arabia. It’s certainly more vital than it was for Straightforward. Easily regulated.
What changed? Well, approved. The business of football Mike Ashley. A deal between Newcastle and You’ve either generated the money, or you’ve
for a start, burden of moves fast. Chelsea missed the Saudi investors cannot be compared to a deal been given the money, but when you’ve spent
proof. It moved from the break on lucrative shirt cut with Sports Direct. So much of APT that money, if you choose to spend the money,
league having to sponsorship last summer, restriction involves a wanton misunderstanding you’re done. And if Guardiola is your manager
demonstrate a related because the Premier League of the nature of investment. you’ll quite possibly win the league; and if he
party had would not green-light Paramount+ “The tyranny of the majority,” claimed isn’t, you probably won’t. But, either way, the
artificially inflated for fear it would conflict with their Manchester City, and everyone laughed. It’s sky won’t fall in.
56 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times

Sport Euro 2024

Costly Euros
miss and a
goal past ‘Rip
Van Winkle’
ITV’s Ally McCoist talks one golden moment to the next. That
piece appeared in 1993. It could have
Michael Grant through been written yesterday. In general,
people have never tired of McCoist.
his Scotland memories, At 61 the charm, wit, and natural,
streetwise intelligence which has
and why he shone for decades has propelled him
beyond the Rangers and Scotland
thinks England days into a second outstanding career
can win in broadcasting. Still an evolving one
too, given his burgeoning popularity
Euro 2024 as a co-commentator. The eternally
playful joker showed how seriously he
should be taken when he won

here are conventions to be the pundit of the year category at
upheld when it comes to an the British Sports Journalism
Ally McCoist interview and Awards in 2023, getting commended
chief among them is the for being “funny, informed and a joy
Herculean struggle it takes to listen to, he enriches without
to sit him down in the first place, to excess or irrelevance”.
actually get to the point where he is To him it was a big deal to be so
across the table, the coffees have been highly rated by his peers. “It was. tournament overseas, banged it in. And here’s
poured and he’s settling down to Absolutely. I was delighted to finish and opening it, was 26 another thing, the
unwind for a blether. Santiago had an third this year too. You’re not just up years ago, when they goalkeeper had a beard.
easier job landing that marlin in The against Roy Keane, Phil Neville, faced Brazil in the He looked like Rip Van
Old Man and the Sea. Jamie Carragher and Graeme curtain-raiser for Winkle.”
It begins with an email to his Souness. It’s Mike Atherton, France ’98. Is he making that up?
personal secretary, who politely Nasser Hussein, you know. Andrew McCoist was on the “I’m not winding you up!
replies that McCoist says yes and will Coltart. It’s the big league. I was mic then too and he Look it up. There you are,
be in touch the following week. He absolutely thrilled. could be seen as well you’re getting information
duly calls and a couple of dates are “I love it what I’m doing. Maybe as heard. He had a here you never thought
suggested. Closer to them, you send that’s the one thing that comes across chat show with the you’d get.”
him a text. Nothing. So you send an on the comms, sitting on the halfway Scottish comedian He liked Clarke as a
email. Nothing. Eventually, with hope line at the biggest games on the Fred MacAulay and a team-mate and has huge
fading, he does call again to confirm a planet. But you have to do your decision was taken admiration for what he has
time and place. On the day, he phones preparation and your homework and that on the eve of the done as Scotland manager.
to say he is running late. Then he all that stuff. I was always game it would be a “Back then he was quiet. I
phones again: that lateness he comfortable that I had the knowledge hoot to broadcast it didn’t play with him often
mentioned? He’s really sorry but he’ll to do it and that I could put it over in from the centre of or know him particularly
be even later than that. When a manner that the football fan Paris. “We’re filming well. Great career though. I
he arrives he hands me his could relate to and listen to.” the show from the first get on great with him.
phone to show he had The first things people floor of the Eiffel Stevie is perfect for the job,
tried unsuccessfully to Germany associate him with on air Tower and there were he really is. Doesn’t get
send a text saying he — other than infectious Scotland fans climbing up, trying to Scotland’s game against Switzerland carried away when we do well, doesn’t
would be later still. v Scotland enthusiasm — are the get around a bit of barbed wire to get next Wednesday will bring back fond get too down when we don’t do well.
You could read a Allianz Arena, Munich jokey one-liners and into the show. We’re looking at the memories for McCoist, who scored For a Scottish manager that’s perfect.
book between the the potential to dissolve first floor of the Eiffel Tower and all against the Swiss at Euro ’96, main. He Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed Ally
agreed meeting time Friday, 8pm into laughter. But he has we can see are these hairy arses will work with Laura Woods, above, as MacLeod, but to say Stevie is a
for a McCoist interview TV: ITV1 said it before: he’s not trying to get in. Crazy. That was one part of ITV’s coverage in Germany contrast to him might be putting
and his actual arrival for Radio: talkSPORT there to be Billy Connolly. of the… I won’t say great nights, but it lightly.”
it. Maybe even write one. “You are there to pass on let’s say unforgettable. The Auld flight the following morning to Of the 405 goals he scored in a
When he finally barrels in, information because you are Alliance stuff was the same night.” Schiphol and I’ve got to get into fabulous career — including 355 for
immediately joking that being 75 knowledgeable and you have That was why the night was far Glasgow by about quarter to nine and Rangers and 19 for Scotland — one of
minutes late is a personal best, we experience. You’re not there because from great. The Auld Alliance is a then get to the church.” the most memorable came in the
both know it isn’t. I know McCoist you have a sense of humour. You have Scottish pub in Paris which was I couldn’t look more doubtful summer of 1996. Scotland play
well enough to have taken a laptop to remember that. That said, if you packed with fans. McCoist was there about this if he had suggested he Switzerland in Cologne next
along, so work could be done during can pass it on in a manner which with the TV star Ulrika Jonsson when was intending to split the atom. Wednesday and when the countries
the wait. It need hardly be said that endears you to people that is a big she was assaulted by her boyfriend at “Oh I know, I know. I don’t fancy it previously met at the European
the wait is always worth it. plus. You’ll never endear yourself to the time, Stan Collymore, during an either. I didn’t say I fancy it, not for Championship it was Euro ’96 and
That personal secretary is nothing everyone. Especially here.” argument. Fans turned on Collymore one minute!” McCoist scored the only goal at Villa
of the sort, of course. Her name is Here is Glasgow. His life is a tennis and he subsequently issued a public A little-known quality McCoist has Park. An un-McCoist-like goal too,
Vivien McCoist, portrayed by the man rally of shuttles between two airports, apology for the incident, which ended is a remarkably detailed memory of from outside the box.
himself as having the patience of a Glasgow and London City, so many their relationship. “That was an the games he played in. And not just “I had another two chances before I
saint for not only putting up with him trips he claims the security staff give episode which should never be the games when he scored or which scored,” he says. “One of them I
but navigating the organisational him high-fives and ask what he’s been forgotten,” McCoist says. “An had some particular significance for probably should have scored and I
minefield of running his personal up to in the, erm, 48 hours since they absolutely shocking episode.” him. Remind him that he played in stand by the other one, I think it was
diary. “She used to have a full head of last talked. The usual duties as a This time he will be in Germany for Steve Clarke’s debut for Scotland, for a brilliant save. You won’t remember,
hair,” he says of his wife. “Now I don’t presenter on talkSPORT’s breakfast the duration. “I think I will get back, example, and he’s immediately but I do, as if it was yesterday. The
recognise her. The only bald lady in show are accompanied this month by right enough, for wee bits and pieces. finishing sentences and filling in the strike gets shown because it was a
Bridge of Weir.” him bringing his Rolls-Royce co- I’ve got to get back for the wee man’s blanks. It was September 9, 1987, good goal. It wasn’t a typical goal for
A newspaper profile talked about commentary act to Euro 2024 for [Harris, his youngest son’s] Scotland 2, Hungary 0 in a friendly at me. Gary McAllister gave me a short
how people are attracted to McCoist. ITV. He will be in Munich on Friday prizegiving. This is his last year, so Hampden. “I scored them both. The pass, perfect weight, I didn’t have to
It described his life as laughter, night for Germany against Scotland, he’s leaving school. I’ve got to get to goalie should have saved the first one. break stride, it just flew in. I
hysterical gushing convulsions of it the tournament’s opening game. The Cologne right after the [Scotland v Durranty [Ian Durrant, his great remember a chance before it, when
which seemingly carried him from last time Scotland were at a major Switzerland] game and then get a Rangers pal] played me through and I the ’keeper made a great save and
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 S1 57

Euro 2024 Sport

Villa owner considers

legal action over rules
Martyn Ziegler Chief Sports Reporter
The Premier League is facing the threat
of another legal challenge after Aston
Villa’s owner Nassef Sawiris revealed
that he was contemplating a formal
complaint against its Profitability and
Sustainability Rules.
Sawiris, Egypt’s richest man, told the
Financial Times that he believes the
Premier League’s rules are “anti-
competitive” and that he is seeking
legal advice about whether to mount a
The Premier League is involved in an
arbitration hearing this week after
Manchester City brought a legal chal-
lenge against its rules around Asso-
ciated Party Transactions.
The outcome of that case is seen by
some other top-flight clubs as being
hugely important for the future of the
league, as it could affect the size of
sponsorship deals agreed with asso-
ciated companies.
Villa have sided with City, owned by
Abu Dhabi’s vice-president Sheikh
Mansour, in Premier League votes
around financial rules in the past six Villa have joined City in claiming Premier League PSR rules are anti-competitive
Sawiris, who announced plans in He added that the sanctions for PSR The Times revealed this week that
December to “redomicile” his NNS breaches appeared “opaque and seem- Premier League spent about £28 mil-
Group from London to Abu Dhabi ingly arbitrary”. lion on legal costs in actions involving
Global Market’s international finance Villa failed last week in an attempt to PSR cases against Everton and Not-
centre, said: “Some of the rules have ac- increase the Premier League’s tingham Forest, as well as City’s 115
tually resulted in cementing the status maximum permitted losses over three charges and the associated party arbi-
quo more than creating upward years from £105 million to £135 million. tration. It is also investigating Chelsea
mobility and fluidity in the sport. The The club have previously insisted that over payments made during Roman
another I should have scored. But we midfielders are all comfortable on the rules do not make sense and are not they are operating within the PSR limit Abramovich’s ownership and has yet to
came off and we were through.” ball. That is the big difference in good for football. despite announcing a £119.6 million loss approve a move by the London club to
Scotland were going through to the Scotland in the last ten years I think. “Managing a sports team has become for last season, and the seventh-highest sell two hotels to a company.
knockout stage with England, who Losing Lyndon Dykes is a blow more like being a treasurer or a bean wage bill in the Premier League. The Premier League declined to
were trouncing Holland 4-0 at because he gave us something counter rather than looking at what Leicester City have also threatened comment. It has had limits to financial
Wembley. But the goal difference different. Che Adams will run in your team needs. It’s more about creat- legal action against the Premier League losses in place since 2013 but it is only
was wafer thin and when the Dutch behind and I think we have a ing paper profits, not real profits. It be- over a possible PSR breach, and the since last year, when clubs were
pulled it back to 4-1, the countries goalscorer in Lawrence Shankland. comes a financial game, not a sporting legal costs of implementing the rules charged with breaches for the first time,
flipped. “Patrick Kluivert scored and He can finish. I do think we can get game.” have spiralled. that those limits have been challenged.
that put us out. By the way, a great out of the group.
line for you, I was at a dinner a “This is a proper football
couple of years back and a few of the tournament in a proper footballing
English boys were there, David
Seaman and them. There was a bit of
country. And dare I say it the Scots
are a little bit like the Germans in
Ten Hag to stay after United No Mbappé,
patter flying about. I said to big
Seaman, ‘You bandit, letting that one
through your legs, that cost us
that they love their fitba, love their
beer, and love a great time. I just want
us to go and have a good time and
explored alternative options no viewers?
qualification.’ He said ‘I think you’ll enjoy ourselves and keep our Martyn Ziegler
find you missing that sitter in the first reputation flying. There is something continued from back former Blackburn Rovers and England
half cost you qualification.’ Good warped about us, which is great. If the winger, started as technical director last French football is facing a defining
reply from the big man, wasn’t it? Put English go and get into trouble we important to come to the right decision. month, and Dan Ashworth is expected moment with its galactico era coming
me firmly in my place.” want to behave. We want to be the End-of-season reviews are expected to to join as football director from New- to an end just as the top league is strug-
Self-deprecation comes easily to opposite. If they behaved themselves be a regular occurrence under Ineos. castle United. gling to sell its domestic TV rights with
him. The wrestler and actor Graeme we’d probably want to cause a riot.” As well as the former Chelsea man- Ten Hag finished third in the Premier only two months to go before the start
“Grado” Stevely — best known as Somewhere between 100,000 and agers Tuchel and Pochettino, it is un- League and won the Carabao Cup in his of the new season.
Alan in Two Doors Down — has 200,000 Scots will descend on derstood that United spoke to Kieran first season in charge but last season The departure of Kylian Mbappé
impersonated him on BBC Scotland’s Germany, including McCoist’s sons. McKenna and Thomas Frank, while was a huge disappointment, despite from Paris Saint-Germain, following
The All Star Euros Sketch Show for He is dad to five boys, Alexander, the England manager, Gareth South- ending with the FA Cup success. on from the exits of Lionel Messi and
Euro 2024. Stevely has nailed it Mitchell, Argyll, Arran and Harris. gate, was also thought to be of interest. The United manager was not helped Neymar a year ago, may not be the
before, the “make no mistake about Mitchell has a serious disability and However, those were background by a spate of injuries, especially in de- cause of the TV rights crisis but the
it”, “I really did”, and “to be brutally McCoist describes him as the conversations while they weighed up fence, and stated at one point that he diminishing profile of France’s top
honest”, the McCoist trademarks. inspiration of his life: “One whether to retain Ten Hag. would have won 75 of his first 100 flight hardly helps.
“He’s very good… the twat. Am I hundred per cent he is. He is the Since Ratcliffe’s partial takeover of matches in charge had it not been for According to experts and club insid-
allowed to say twat in your centre of the family.” the club in December, the new manage- the missing personnel. ers, the main issue is that the Ligue de
newspaper? He’s very good. You know For all the 100mph running around, ment team have been analysing every Ten Hag said before the FA Cup final Football Professionnel, which runs the
something, I actually quite pride all the air miles, McCoist always tries department in the hope of returning that he had already received many of- top two divisions of French football, is
myself on the fact nobody could to be home on Saturdays so he can United to their former glories. This has fers, one of which was believed to have paying the price for rejecting an offer
impersonate me. But he’s come along. watch his boys’ games. “The boys are included various cost-cutting measures been from his former club Ajax, but the from its long-time broadcast partner,
The fact my boys were all pissing and always will be the priority, it’s the and a clampdown on employ- vast majority of United fans Canal+, for the 2020-24 rights; Canal+
themselves laughing meant I knew same for any dad. But I am enjoying ees working from home. wanted to see him stay at has refused to bid this time around.
he had maybe struck a chord. He’s the time I get with them now. I was While the manager the club. The most likely outcome now — in
very, very funny.” out on the golf course yesterday, as will remain the same, a The Red Army, a what is viewed by analysts as a highly
From the comical to the deeply you heard, so I do get a bit of time raft of changes is ex- United fans’ group, risky move — is for the French league
sombre, for two Scots at least: could with them at the golf and I watch pected elsewhere at called on Ratcliffe to to sell the matches directly to viewers
England soon be European them play football.” Old Trafford this stick with Ten Hag. via telecommunications platforms, in
champions? “You’d better believe What I heard — because he was on summer. Omar “Sir Jim, if you care what would be a first for a major foot-
England can win it, 100 per cent they the phone when it happened — was Berrada will offi- about the match ball league; it would not guarantee a
can win it. I think England and McCoist squeaking in mock horror cially begin in his going fans (and minimum level of income either.
France are the two best teams in it, because one of the boys had whacked role as chief execu- proper Utd [fans] François Godard, of Enders Analysis,
although I actually also think Italy a golf ball which fizzed just past his tive next month everywhere), you’ll said selling directly to consumers was
could win. England are unbelievable head. Deliberately, he was at great while Wilcox, the stand by our manag- “very risky” as it was untested. “You are
middle to front. They have been pains to point out. But he was er,” the group posted on giving up the value of exclusivity,” he
knocking on the door in the big unscathed. He’s not the late Ally Ten Hag claimed to have X. “We want him to stay, added. “I am worried they are going to
tournaments.” And Scotland? “Our McCoist yet. Not that way, at least. had other job offers do the right thing.” be burning their boats.”
58 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times

Sport Euro 2024

Southgate knows he’s at the anyway. Saving your best lines for the Bellingham’s success on the field has brought him a deal
foreign media is not a tactic that
Northcroft Euro 2024 to endears national managers to everyone
in their own country’s press pack. As for
with Kim Kardashian’s SKIMS clothing company, right. He
enjoyed training with Saka yesterday, below, with Luke
Shaw, far right, and Kobbie Mainoo, bottom right, involved
Jena give City £4m speculation, it will just come in a
different form. What next for South-
gate? Who next for England? Those
Martyn Ziegler questions will build.
Watching him at Ernst-Abbe-Sport-
England’s first day and Gareth’s last Manchester City are in line to feld he did not look a man ready to
dance. When Harry Kane led the earn close to £4 million from relinquish the world he has created
players on to a pristine green pitch at Uefa for releasing 14 players for during his eight years in charge, where
the Ernst-Abbe-Sportfeld in Jena, it felt Euro 2024. culture work and deep thinking about
quietly seminal. This was England City are the Premier League unity and levity (of the shirt) have been
beginning their tournament camp in club with the highest number of central.
Germany but also the likely start of an players going to the tournament, In Jena, this was England, the model
endgame. and although Uefa has yet to tourists, under blue skies and sunshine
Gareth Southgate’s revelation that confirm the figures, it is estimated performing a fun and boisterous work-
he will almost certainly leave his job clubs will receive €10,500 (about out tailored to an audience dominated
should he fail to win Euro 2024 framed £8,850) for each day that one of by local children crazy about Kane and
England’s public training session in a their players is on international Jude Bellingham. The players looked
regional league stadium near their base duty. Arsenal have the next- relaxed yet sharp. You watched South-
in rural eastern Germany. And it could highest number of players with 11, gate standing, smiling, a ball tucked
frame everything England do at the followed by Liverpool on ten and under his arm, bantering with Kane and
finals. Their manager has spelt it out: if Manchester United with eight. Kieran Trippier as he refereed games of
I don’t deliver this time, I’ll quit. Uefa announced two years ago football tennis. He is so good at this
He spoke candidly about his position that the amount of money paid for stuff. And yet the thought occurred
to the German outlet Bild, admitting: the release of players for Euro that, next tournament, it will probably
“If we don’t win, I probably won’t be 2024 would rise from €130 million be someone else’s kingdom.
here any more. Then it might be the last to €140 million. The payments to Ernst-Abbe-Sportfeld belongs to
chance.” The story dominated the clubs will be split into three tiers Carl Zeiss Jena, now a mid-table team
agenda throughout England’s first 24 depending on the size of their in Germany’s Regionalliga Nordost
hours on local soil and initially seemed league — on the basis that those (fourth tier) but European Cup
an odd move from Southgate, who in the bigger leagues will have Winners’ Cup runners-up in 1981.
has always prioritised minimising higher wage bills. The quirks of the locality England
distractions around his camps. Clubs will be paid for ten days have chosen don’t end there. Both Jena
However, it emerged that there had before the tournament plus a and Blankenhain, the village 25 miles
been context and an element of acci- minimum of ten days for the away where the team are based, are in
dent to his interview. He spoke to Bild, group stage and then for as long as the state of Thuringia, once ruled by a
not intending it to become the scene- their players remain in the Euro line of kings who seemed to specialise
setter for England’s arrival in Germany, 2024 knockout stage. Under a in colourful titles. There was Hermann
but rather at an international media similar scheme for Fifa’s 2022 The Hard, Louis The Bearded, Henry
day in April and the publication kept World Cup, City received The Illustrious and a certain Albert The
back the quotes to release them at a £3.5 million. That means City will Degenerate — one of whose several
time of impact. It was also being be due a minimum of £2.5 million wives was the granddaughter of King
claimed that a little mistranslation was for their 14 players but, given the John of England.
at play. experience of previous European Blankenhain, with a population of
However, those privy to Southgate’s Championships and World Cups, about 6,600, does have echoes of
thinking believe that while the timing they should receive close to Baden-Baden, with its serene, spacious
may be unfortunate, his reported £4 million. Arsenal should receive avenues and affluent feel. It’s the kind
comments are an accurate reflection of a minimum of £1.95 million. of place where flowers spew from
his position. From a long way out he has Clubs are also in line for window boxes and little windmills and
seen this summer as his “now or never” payments for their players being fountains sit cutely in the gardens.
moment with the Three Lions. involved in the Nations League. Outside the castle that will be England’s
He told Bild: “I’ve been here for Uefa increased the total for that media centre is a giant floral display of
almost eight years and we’ve come tournament to €100 million, a rise a St George cross and a German flag.
close. So I know you can’t keep standing of €30 million, so City can expect Kane, ever the pro, was first player to
in front of the public and saying, ‘Please a further estimated £2 million. visit it — at 10am — to look round and
do a little more,’ because at some point Chelsea were the biggest do a photoshoot. Later, the entire En-
people will lose faith in your message.” English beneficiaries from Uefa’s gland squad was there for green-screen
He will often talk in private about benefits programme for 2018 to filming of TikTok-style poses and goal
“the fate of an England manager” and 2020, earning nearly £5 million. celebrations, for television to use. They
takes the following wry view: it is a have been enjoying this, the fun
job that picks and chooses when the part of the tournament cycle,
incumbent leaves, not the other way Holland, his assistant. before all the games and the
Whether the public are keeping faith
is also something he is highly attuned
to. He can never forget the contrast of
With the Bild comments
he is taking a position
of more nuance.
Southgate is not
Arena AufSchalke,
seriousness and, before
leaving St George’s Park
on Monday, a presenta-
tion of their tournament
Local love for Kane,
striding around Wembley to the giddy saying he will go in all Gelsenkirchen shirts made an impress- players doing stretching exercises
strains of “Southgate, you’re the one” at circumstances, only if ion on everyone. Paul Joyce under the supervision of FA staff
Euro 2020 — which was played in 2021 England fail to deliver, Sunday, 8pm Every player was given a member Suzanne Scott.
— to being humiliated at Molineux a and he will hope this BBC1, talkSPORT box, which they opened to The 30-year-old striker had been
year later as he left the pitch to the furi- serves a dual purpose: it find their shirt, and notes the first player out at training, which
ous taunts of “You don’t know may help to reduce noise if about its number and the history Jena was open to about 500 locals, and
what you’re doing” after los- he removes speculation about and legacy of the position they play. soon heard his name chanted by the
ing 4-0 to Hungary. He has his position; and, by laying things on In Kane’s were cards of all the previous youngsters in the crowd, who had
never wanted to be that un- the line like this, it creates moti- No 9s to play for England in the Euro- followed his goalscoring exploits

popular manager whose pres- vation. pean Championship, from Peter nly ten minutes into with Bayern Munich this season.
ence is a weight on his players. He is taking personal ownership Beardsley to Alan Shearer with, on the England’s first training Over and over again it sounded,
For that reason he consid- of the idea that, for England, it is time back, the story of their development session on German soil eliciting a wave of acknowledgement
ered announcing before the to achieve, and he wants players to journeys, plus there was a Kane card, yesterday, Harry Kane from Kane in return.
2022 World Cup that he share it too. His message was including his own story. found himself sprawled England will normally train at their
would quit after those also about them. “If we Yes, Southgate does do this stuff well out on all fours with his head bowed. own base, but Uefa insisted on one
finals only to regath- want to be a big and players will miss him if it’s the last Fortunately for Gareth Southgate, public arrangement. However,
er his resolve and team and I want dance. “From a selfish point I would there was a yoga mat beneath his everyone looked at ease.
change his mind to be a top want him to stay. I love working with captain, who was simply taking part After the stretching had been done,
following discus- coach, then him and his staff,” Anthony Gordon in an elaborate warm-up session with the players moved on to another drill,
sions with his you have to said the rest of the 26-man squad. which involved stepping over a row of
family and Steve deliver in From my youth journey with En- A mini-circuit had been set up at five hurdles, before the routine was
the big mo- gland the way they have transitioned the newly revamped 15,000-capacity completed by a third discipline.
Southgate ments,” he the whole set-up from youth to senior arena of Carl Zeiss Jena, the German A few yards away, four weighted
could be in said. level has been absolutely amazing. I fourth-tier side, which is about half an contraptions had been spaced out on
the final days The danger is don’t think [Southgate] gets the credit hour from England’s luxurious HQ in the touchline. Resistance harnesses
of his reign there will be noise he deserves.” Weimarer. Kane was one of nine were attached and Southgate’s squad
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 S1 59


point of ‘now or never’ ‘If we’re not

taking care,
things could
continued from back
would be available, with fans also
limited to buying only two drinks at a
time when they visit concession stands
at the Arena AufSchalke.
As many as 40,000 England fans are
expected to attend the game, with addi-
tional steps including a ban on taking
drinks to seats inside the stadium, as
well as a ban on alcohol and glass in
Gelsenkirchen’s main square, Heinrich
König Platz, on match day.
At overseas tournaments in recent
years, England’s fans have had an
excellent record of behaviour. While
there were 599 arrests at Euro 2020, all
in the UK, there were no England
supporters arrested in Qatar at the
2022 World Cup, only three in Russia in
2018 and 46 in France at the Euros two
years before that. But there are con-
cerns with regard to a section of Serbi-
an fans, and for a generation of younger
travelling England fans this will be their
first overseas tournament.
A Uefa spokesman said: “The local
organisers and police decided to only
allow the sale of beer with reduced
alcohol percentage. The police in Gel-
senkirchen also do not want to allow
fans to bring their cups to their seats for
matches in that venue. There is no such
restriction in any of the other venues.”
At the World Cup in Qatar, fans had
to drink alcohol-free beer after the
organisers made an 11th-hour decision
to ban alcohol at tournament venues. It
caused serious embarrassment to Fifa,
for whom Budweiser is a key sponsor.
Here, however, the decision to serve
low-alcohol beer is motivated by other
factors, with a mob of up to 500 Serbian
thugs expected to be among the 8,000
fans following the Balkan side.
Chief inspector Christof Burghardt
told Sky News: “I think it’s a very high-
risk game because of the hooligans
both sides have. Serbia has many hooli-
gans. The English guys, with alcohol,
they are sometimes very aggressive. So
it’s a great job to do this, to prepare.”
Andreas Schär, the managing direct-
or of Euro 2024, also said the measures
were to avoid trouble. “The authorities
rated that match from the start as a
high-risk match,” he told the BBC. “If
we’re not taking care, it could escalate.”

while Rice and Trent start striking up a rapport

took it in turns to be hooked up to under a burning sun, some old assistant, Steve Holland, to impart the while their team-mates did the drill.
Stones returns to full training those and take part in some gentle allegiances had been reformed. opening message of the day. Here, everyone was involved all the
movements across the pitch. Alexander-Arnold and Jude Walker’s thoughts on how training time, as highlighted by a game in
John Stones has handed Gareth Everything was light-hearted and it Bellingham, seldom apart in Qatar, has evolved over the years, and the which all 26 players were split into
Southgate a boost by shrugging off was noticeable that Trent Alexander- teamed up, and were a proud camaraderie the changes have two teams and had to score in mini-
an ankle injury and returning to full Arnold and Declan Rice were side- scalp for Bukayo Saka and Ezri fostered, would be interesting given nets that were facing the wrong way.
training before England’s opening by-side and in deep conversation at Konsa. It was in these games that the that yesterday’s workout felt light Saka’s finish would win it for those
Euro 2024 match with Serbia. the start and also when taking part in competitive instincts within the squad years away from the fare England had in blue and arrived after Aaron
The centre back is key to the hurdle exercise. came bubbling to the surface. It was served up on a similar open day in Ramsdale and Jordan Pickford had
England’s hopes of winning the There remains a feeling that they all good-natured, of course, but there Chantilly back in June 2016. traded goals.
tournament, but was substituted at could be partners in midfield for were some arguments. Anthony It took place at the Stade de In many ways, that had said it all.
half-time against Iceland last Friday. England’s opening group C match Gordon, who partnered Adam Bourgognes four days before the Southgate took over with the country
However, he was involved in against Serbia in Gelsenkirchen on Wharton, did not seem cowed. European Championship round-of-16 still at one of its lowest ebbs after the
yesterday’s open training session in Sunday, and strengthening In a separate game, he stubbornly tie with Iceland and, with hindsight, Iceland debacle. Now, even the
Jena, along with all other 25 relationships off the pitch will be key refused to entertain Bellingham’s the night of humiliation that followed goalkeepers are scoring for England.
members of Southgate’s squad. to improving understanding on it. assertion that the ball had landed in in Nice was no surprise.
Luke Shaw continues to step up Southgate has admitted that having the wrong area of the makeshift The focus that day had been on
his recovery from a hamstring left out Jordan Henderson, Harry court. Instead, Gordon claimed the delivering crosses. The England have a question for
injury, but the left back wore a Maguire, Jack Grealish and Marcus point and delivered another serve manager Roy Hodgson’s patience our writers?
green bib at the end of the drills, Rashford from his travelling party — with back spin. soon broke as he bawled: “The quality Martin Samuel, Alyson
which indicated his participation 240 caps between them — new bonds The whooping and hollering was has to be better than this.” It wasn’t,
during a game was non-contact. have to be formed. In addition to nothing compared to the celebrations with a 2-1 defeat leading to England’s Rudd, Gregor Robertson
Southgate has been hoping that losing Grealish, Rice is also without when Kieran Trippier jumped on elimination and sealing Hodgson’s and Tom Allnutt will field
Shaw could feature against James Maddison, another close friend. Kane’s back, leaving Kyle Walker fate. A final lingering memory from
Denmark on June 20. By the time the session had moved incandescent in a match-up overseen that training day was of players your questions from 1pm
from rondos to games of head tennis by Southgate, who had allowed his standing around for long periods today at
S1 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times

Sport England need favours

Jos Buttler’s side facing vital
few days at T20 World Cup
World according to Ally
ITV pundit on memories of
the Euros and English hopes

Raducanu ‘beat
umpire as well’
John Westerby
Emma Raducanu made a winning
return to action at the Rothesay
Nottingham Open but criticised the
umpire, saying it felt as if she was
playing against two opponents.
Having missed the French Open,
Raducanu, the world No 209, won
her first competitive match for seven
weeks 6-1, 6-4 against Ena
Shibahara, a doubles specialist from
Japan ranked 65 places lower, in only
an hour and ten minutes.
But Raducanu was frustrated with
a number of line calls and a decision
from Ana Carvalho, the Brazilian
umpire, to overturn a call of “out”
from a backhand volley played by
Shibahara in the third game of the
first-round match. “I felt like I was
playing two vs one, it was insane,”
Raducanu, 21, said. “A lot of the time
they [umpiring decisions] go both
ways. Today I felt like they were all

Ten Hag to stay at United Alcohol limit

for England
Dutchman keeps his job as manager and is to have talks over contract extension Matt Lawton
Chief Sports Correspondent, Jena

Matt Lawton, Paul Hirst structive conversations were held and over their rivals Manchester City at City on May 25, had been hoping for a England’s opening Euro 2024 fixture
the club have now entered negotiations Wembley, it had seemed more than swift resolution but was left to wait for against Serbia is the only match at the
Erik ten Hag is staying at Manchester to extend Ten Hag’s contract, having likely that Ratcliffe would call for a more than two weeks while discussions tournament where just low-alcohol
United after the club’s new co-owners concluded that he deserves a chance to change in the manager’s office. The FA were held over the future of the beer will be on offer, amid fears over
Ineos abandoned their search for a show he can work within the club’s new Cup triumph was Ten Hag’s second manager, who has one year left on his fan trouble.
new manager. footballing structure. piece of silverware since joining in present deal. Organisers regard Sunday’s group C
The Dutchman’s future has been It concludes a difficult spell for the 2022, but that was offset against The review was undertaken by Rat- encounter as a “high-risk” fixture that
clouded in uncertainty despite leading 54-year-old, given the relatively public United’s worst-ever Premier League cliffe and the co-chairman, Joel Glazer, requires extra safety measures, with the
his side to FA Cup glory last month, nature of United’s flirtations with other finish of eighth. who led the decision-making process. German police concerned by the
with Sir Jim Ratcliffe, the minority managers. There were discussions Their poor league performance, They were assisted by the Ineos direct- potential threat posed by hundreds of
shareholder, assessing the qualities of a directly with — or with the representa- combined with the desire of Ineos to or of sport, Sir Dave Brailsford, and Serbian football hooligans they believe
number of possible alternatives. tives of — a number of candidates, in- put its own stamp on the club, led to a United’s recently appointed technical will attend the match in Gelsenkirchen.
It is understood that United conduct- cluding Thomas Tuchel and Mauricio review of the manager’s position which director, Jason Wilcox. Uefa confirmed that the match was
ed a performance review of the 2023-24 Pochettino. Ratcliffe met Tuchel in had been taking place since the cup It took longer than expected to carry the one game at the Euros where beer
season and broader first-team opera- Monaco as recently as last week. final. Ten Hag, who flew off on holiday out, but United believed it was more with an alcohol level of only 2.8 per cent
tions over the past fortnight. Con- Until Ten Hag led United to victory the day after United’s 2-1 win over

Times Crossword 28,941 across down Yesterday’s solution 28,940

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Enormous cut in arm (8) 2 Awful cheat, vile type (9) S T O P U P S I D E D OWN
6 Quarter of bushel on floor in 3 Reach politician while visiting S CH OO L MA T E T E A R
imperial currency (6) island (7) H M E N L G S
9 Not entirely round fruit (4) 4 A little plain, dictionary description A NG OR A D E L AWA R E
9 10 10 Winding path to reed grass (4,6) of language (5) A S T I H Y P E R S P A C E
11 Spirit in host, pure sadness (10) 5 Horse has half gone – whoa! (3) P O C O E
13 Pull on ends of short rope around 6 Where brothers famously given lift, P E R N I C I OU S T I ME
well (4) a couple of predators (5,4) A L M U E E
14 Pet like a snake, say, suitable? (5,3) 7 Glandular decay in professional (7) K N P D M T T
11 12 13 16 Reckon caught in it, one’s hooked 8 Funny attempt (5) I MA M P R I MA F A C I E
(6) 12 Judges etc and boy leading an M N E A R T N
18 Name of consecutive characters empire (7)
Check today’s answers by ringing 0905 757
leading India (6) 15 Pirate getting bit of a shock maybe 0141 by midnight. Calls cost £1 per minute
14 15 16 17 20 Remedy temper quaffing a load of finding gun (9) plus your telephone company’s network
ale (4,4) 17 Ludicrous rhetoric around opening access charge. SP: Spoke 0333 202 3390.
22 Bird inedible, did you say? (4) of serenade for singer (9)
24 Little short is featuring new actor 19 Free pin and hold the main clicker? Newspapers
(4,6) (7)
18 19 20 21
26 He’s forming new gutter, 21 The Lord has inspired king, in support recycling
The recycled paper content of
sometimes? (10) embracing a Roman emperor (7) UK newspapers in 2023 was 45.5%
28 I love and I appreciate that Greek 23 Window that is in airport, unclosed
character (4) (5)
22 23 24 25 29 Physicist with deal for the lecturer? 25 Form hole, digger ultimately going
(6) in (5)
30 English author, really empty, leaves 27 Show old vehicle (3)
say? (8)
26 27 28

29 30
y(7HB7E2*OTSNNM( |||+$!&'
June 12 | 2024

never too
old for a

ke Helen)
Now it’s OK to flaunt it at any age (li

Top, £30, bottoms, £18,

Right: Helen Mirren in Puglia
2 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times


Here’s my tip, and it’s

Sex, please —
free — block these It’s official: cinemas have had a 40 per
outrageous fee chargers cent droop in sex scenes. Kevin Maher
and others make the case for more
Carol Midgley sizzle and pick the top steamy moments

woman made t was the veteran film-maker Challengers, he put all the film’s sexual

headlines this week Peter Greenaway who put it best energy into a climactic tennis match.
when she bought ‘Perfect’ is when he said, “There are only The alternative, clearly, is neither
some clothes online two subjects that matter. One is financially viable nor worth the hassle.
then saw that the making sex, and the other is death.” The This is a shame. Because without
seller wanted a tip. director of sizzling arthouse sex, as Greenaway knows, there is only
The gratuity, it said, me tense raunch, including The Cook, the death. And though Hollywood can’t
would “support the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover, then get enough of death (see last year’s
designer’s talent”. It suggested 15 per Forgive my tetchiness, added, “Most cinema talks all the time Oppenheimer, Avatar: The Way of
cent would be nice, for something she but I have had it with about sex and death. And my cinema Water and John Wick: Chapter 4),
hadn’t received yet. “Get out of here!” the word “perfect”. deals with sex and death. So what’s the they’re denying an essential part of
was her correct response. You could Dear oh Lord, it’s problem?” Well, Pete, where to start? the human story. “I miss sex in
poke a fire with a brass neck like that. spreading like scabies. Sex, alas, is out. A deep dive by The movies,” said Avatar’s Zoe Saldana,
I fully support outrage at the cheek I know it’s been Economist found that almost half of when ruminating on the subject.
of online hustling, which is the creeping up for a last year’s 250 highest-grossing movies “Because sex is natural. Guns are not.”
internet equivalent of those tabarded while but now it’s a at the US box office featured no sexual And I miss sex too. In movies,
chuggers who run alongside you contagion of verbal content. It also revealed that the level obviously. Some of the greatest scenes
pretending to like your coat. Even Polyfilla. Could I see of sexual content in films had fallen by in film history have featured the beast
though my first huffy thought was: felt peevish as I went back to make the the wine list please? almost 40 per cent since 2000. with two backs. Think of the Oscar
“Hello? I bitched about this in Times2 amount smaller, which is quite tricky “Perfect.” May I buy Thrillers and mainstream action winner Halle Berry in Monster’s Ball,
more than a year ago, and did I make to do. But I’d rather give the money to two tickets please? films, meanwhile, had become the revealing the depths of her character’s
the news? No. Rude.” To refresh my friend’s charity than some faceless “Perfect.” I’ll have the least sexy compared with previous grief through sex with Billy Bob
memories, I ordered a £32 hair-curling platform. I suppose it hopes people risotto please. decades — remember the time when Thornton’s prison guard, during which
wand online and they had the won’t notice. “Perfect.” It’s moronic, you couldn’t have a Lethal Weapon she unleashes the moving cri de coeur,
effrontery to tick a £3.22 tip. Then Look, please don’t think me a a linguistic arms race movie without a Mel Gibson sex scene “Can you make me feel good?” Or
they pushed it further, saying it would tightwad who tells the kids the ice- to ever more validation. in the middle (with Patsy Kensit in 2, Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger,
make their “Happy Day!” if I could cream van only plays a tune when it’s But it’s meaningless. It’s and Rene Russo in 3)? breaking boundaries in a fighty, kissy,
stretch to £10. Other online sellers run out of ice cream, or is the sort of taking us to a world Action movies are now fully sexless sexy clinch in Brokeback Mountain.
have ticked a small tip on an eyeliner person about whom you’d say, “She’s where your husband and mostly feature lonely incel Without these scenes we are all poorer
but then asked for 20 per cent as a so tight that when she found a pair of says, “Darling, I’m himbos, such as Chris Hemsworth in as a culture. Without sex scenes we
great way to show my “support for the crutches she went home and broke afraid I’ve got the the Extraction films and Keanu Reeves are ... what? Greenaway knows.
team”. Aren’t I “supporting the team” her husband’s leg.” I’ve never deducted raging clap but I’ve in John Wick, playing grimly taciturn
by buying from them? the service charge from a bill even been given antibiotics”, protagonists in fully committed Betty Blue Robert Crampton
But this isn’t the half of it, my when the food has been like pig slop; I and you must reply: relationships with their enormous and I was tempted to choose Confessions
friends. Times are hard and it seems have never not tipped a taxi driver. “Perfect.” metaphorical rifles. of a Window Cleaner, classic British
that everyone is trying to wring a little When I pull a tenner from my purse On the phone this The villain, of course, is a perfect Seventies smut. But no, I’m going all
more from you when you’re not Jane Austen does not, to my week the person at the storm of economic and societal factors foreign and sophisticated, with Betty
looking or a bit drunk, like a handsy knowledge, blink. bank said it within that includes the impact of the Blue, which most assuredly opens with
old perv pointing at the sky and But I did feel miffed recently when about four seconds, commanding yet sex-averse Chinese a bang. You do not, repeat not, want
saying, “Good Lord, what’s that?” then my buildings and contents insurance simply because I’d box office, the #MeToo movement to arrive late. Béatrice Dalle, in and
copping a feel. was about to expire and the company given my postcode. It’s and the ubiquity of internet porn (why out of a succession of summer frocks
Such as restaurants that charge you sent me a new quote which, for no an Americanism, go out for burgers, so the argument (and paint-splattered dungarees), is
for the privilege of paying your bill. obvious reason, had nearly doubled to obviously, and as a tic goes, when you’ve got steak on your sensational. I watched it, aged 22, in
Oh yes. A restaurant in Shoreditch just under £2,000. “Screw that for a may be the bastard laptop?). Mega-budget superhero what passed for Hull’s arthouse
recently got flak after diners noticed game of soldiers,” I thought, and child of that other movies have, since the mid-Noughties, cinema, in the summer of 1986. I
that on their bill was not only a resolved to tell them where to shove it. atrocity, “Not a taught Hollywood bean-counters that haven’t seen it since and had only a
13.5 per cent service charge but also a Then I noticed that they’d already problem”. As in: Could there are billions to be made from the hazy recall of the intoxicating
“checkout fee” of £2.99, added for taken the money from my credit card I have the bill please? sex-free adventures of wholesome ambience of lust, youth and sunshine,
using the app Sunday to pay. It’s nearly via auto-renewal — a full week early. “Not a problem.” Why spandex-clad gym bunnies. plus a rather more vivid
as galling as concert ticket sellers that When I called to say I didn’t want ever would it have In that time #MeToo memory of the first ten
charge a booking fee for tickets that their rip-off quote, they said my card been? I’m trying to has exposed the minutes. I had
you print yourself. Obviously it’s worse would be reimbursed but it could take pay. Now I feel I endemic exploitation forgotten how dark
in America, where a man paid for two “up to five days”. Funny that. should be grateful I of women, both on things end up.
bottles of water at a self-service till I think this also falls under “hoping haven’t been an and off movie The central
and was asked whether he wanted to you won’t notice”. So my tip is … inconvenience. And sets. Hollywood relationship is
tip staff “15, 18 or 20 per cent”. For notice. Other tips include: never don’t get me started misogyny has exploitative by
scanning his own bottles. squat while wearing spurs, never on that other horror: been deemed modern
When I donated to a friend’s lovely make snow angels in a dog park, and “I was today years so rampant standards, but
charitable cause on Just Giving never ever do anything in your old when I learnt ...” that the mere French film-
recently it added a £16 voluntary “tip” “private life” that you wouldn’t want to Oh good, I’ve run out depiction of a makers have
for itself. Quite entitled that, isn’t it? I explain to a paramedic. of space. woman in a never cared
sexualised about that —
context on screen and, in 1986,
which, among other over those bumps with Ditto, you madam. has become hugely neither did I.
things, protests about the old chap bobbing “Nice to give the twins problematic. Witness Prime Video, Apple
Pale riders pollution from cars. merrily, literally no one an airing and you even the acclaimed, TV+ and BFI Player
Fair enough, but why was thinking: “That certainly made the cars Emma Stone-produced
miss the do it stark naked? Talk reminds me — should I slow down, but what of Poor Things, a film that was The Last Seduction
Janice Turner
about eclipsing the ditch the Nissan and your saddle sores?” Ye castigated and possibly even bounced
point main message. get an electric gods, imagine the state out of best picture Oscar contention The darkest, filthiest of nouveau noirs
Judging by the photos Renault?” They were of the plastic saddles. because it featured, yup, sex scenes. features a glamorous sociopath con
I see that thousands of of passers-by staring thinking: “But there Actually, don’t. I just It’s no wonder that when the artist, Bridget (Linda Fiorentina), who
cyclists took to London open-mouthed from the isn’t even a towel on hope the event formerly “sexy” director Luca finds herself hiding out in Hicksville.
and Brighton for the roadside I guarantee, that man’s seat!” The was sponsored by Guadagnino (Call Me by Your Name) Her attention turns to the handsome
World Naked Bike Ride sir, that as you cycled unspeakable horror. Sudocrem. And Dettol. made the love triangle melodrama naif Mike (Peter Berg), who has no
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 3


we’re British! 9 hot films to watch

see them both in huge, full-body latex

condoms, attempting to heave each
other on to a bed. They squeak and
squelch. It’s as erotic as a verruca sock.
I’d love to be able to claim that it’s a
razor-sharp parody of Hollywood sex
tropes, but it isn’t really. It’s just bloody
funny, particularly when you are 11
years old, which it turns out I still am.
Although, weirdly enough, no less
excruciating than a regular sex scene
when you watch it with your parents.
Prime Video, Apple TV+, Paramount+

Dirty Dancing Helen Rumbelow

Sex might have been invented in 1963,
but it took until 1987 for sex to be
invented for women. That this
happened in what many regard as a
silly teen movie is partly the point.
Dirty Dancing was radical by
subterfuge, a pleasure-
taking training manual
for teenage girls.
We have Jennifer
Grey fully clothed and
fully in command as
clue what kind of woman he’s dealing blood-spattered erotica of Game of been done well on she seduces a semi-
with. After steamy action against a Thrones. But the tantric trophy must TV recently in naked Patrick Swayze.
chain-link fence he asks her how she go to the astonishingly relentless and The Bear, when Every detail we see is as
sees their relationship. “You’re my oddly functional f***ing of Sex and the the chef Carmy if directed by her: the
designated f***,” Bridget says. City. From foot fetishes to what to do meets his old cameraman must have
What if he wants to be more than about your boyfriend’s “funky-tasting fling Claire in a bust his knees with the
that? “Then I’ll designate someone spunk”, no art contains more practical supermarket; and shots of Swayze from
else.” With Bridget’s smoking wisdom. Prime Video, Apple TV+, Now this month on below, the shameless
wardrobe, glinting mind, laconic wit Netflix Richard objectification of his —
and odd talent for mirror-writing, Don’t Look Now; Out of Sight Linklater’s Hit yes, his, for once — bare
Fiorentina’s depiction of female Tom Shone Man is a sizzle of chest. “Dance with me,”
sexuality in this underrated 1994 film How many times have you seen a sexuality. she instructs, on behalf
was way ahead of its time. Apple TV+ couple rip each other’s clothes off at For this sort of tension spread over a of womankind.
the movies? Doesn’t anyone care film I always look back at Y tu mamá Donald Sutherland and Prime Video, Apple TV+, Curzon
Shakespeare in Love about busted buttons? Nicholas Roeg también — Alfonso Cuarón’s, erm, Julie Christie in Don’t
Susie Goldsbrough turned the whole thing on its head cumming-of-age film about two teen Look Now. Top: Gael A Room with a View
I like a sex scene that doesn’t take with his famous scene in Don’t Look friends (Gael García Bernal and Diego García Bernal and Blanca Schofield
itself too seriously, so how about a Now, by cutting between Donald Luna) and an older woman (Maribel Maribel Verdú in When I first watched A Room with a
dragged-up Gwyneth Paltrow getting Sutherland and Julie Christie having Verdú) on a road trip that is partly Y tu mamá también. View I didn’t get it. I was 10 and I fell
it on with Joseph Fiennes in the sex in a hotel in Venice and the sightseeing, mostly foreplay. You know Top right: Jennifer asleep. But then at 18, preparing to
ludicrous but lovely Shakespeare in touching sight of them helping each sex is on its way, but then a threesome Lopez and George interrail around Italy, I decided to try
Love (even if it is a little tainted now other get dressed again afterwards. happens, sweaty, exploratory, oral and Clooney in Out of Sight. again for the Tuscan vibes. It clicked:
by Miramax associations)? A postcoital portrait of a marriage — all, and the relief is an eruption, as Left: Jennifer Grey this is ridiculously romantic, and hot.
The brilliantly dumb gag that Will who says familiarity can’t be sexy? sexy as sex itself. and Patrick Swayze in There’s no explicit sex, but the hilltop
Shakespeare (Fiennes) can’t see Steven Soderbergh pulled off the Dirty Dancing kiss scene more than suffices. Sticky
through his aristo girlfriend’s (Paltrow) opposite trick in Out of Sight, cutting The Naked Gun Hugo Rifkind Florentine sun, poppy-dotted fields,
comedy moustache disguise ends up between George Clooney and There is no way in hell I’m answering Puccini building to a climax as Julian
sparking some genuine homoerotic Jennifer Lopez tumbling into bed, this question honestly in a newspaper. Sands’s lovely existential George
heat, as we watch the two tearing off with scenes from the seduction that So forgive me if I answer only a little finally kisses Helena Bonham Carter’s
each other’s doublets. And what sex preceded it: the murmur of sweet dishonestly and pretend my favourite repressed Lucy … I’m blushing.
scene wouldn’t be improved by nothings, the clink of whisky tumblers. sex scene is in The Naked Gun. There are echoes of this heady
cutaways to a wimpled nurse played Sex plus foreplay, all rolled into one. Not Naked Lunch. Very different. The Italian summer in Luca Guadagnino’s
by Imelda Staunton furiously fanning Prime Video, Apple TV+ Naked Gun is Leslie Nielsen’s madcap luscious gay romance Call Me by Your
herself as she guards the door? police film, based on Police Squad. Name (2017) and it’s no coincidence:
For real raunch, though, films have Y tu mamá también Remember? His love interest is James Ivory, who directed A Room
been handicapped (or should that be Jonathan Dean Priscilla Presley. First she unzips her With a View, wrote the screenplay.
handcuffed?) by Hollywood’s Sex on screen works when it feels like clothes right down the middle. Then For a more recent injection of
prudishness. You’ve got to get your the actors simply have to have it off. he does the same, no matter that he’s Guadagnino heat, watch Challengers: a
kicks from telly, from the steam-rising- You know the feeling, when you are in wearing a suit and tie. Then she says, masterclass in sweaty tension building.
off–the-screen scenes of young Irish the room with someone and the gap “I want you to know I practise safe Who needs full coitus anyway?
amorousness in Normal People to the between you is just sparks. This has sex,” and he says, “So do I.” Then we Apple TV+
4 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times


Who says you have to be under top and bottom halves, and I am also dimension last seen in a 1980s hair
‘Bikinis are just long in the body. So first there’s the removal advert. Props to her. ‘I cried when
hopeful phase, then there’s the My favourite brand by some margin
easier. Easier to hopeless phase, with nothing in is Marysia, which is incredibly my coral-print
between bar the feeling next to my expensive, yet works out in terms of
buy, and to wear’ skin of overstretched and/or saggy price per wear, in that I have now had one died’
polyamide. The fact that both these mine for about 15 years. I love the
Anna Murphy infelicities can coexist is emblematic of scalloped edges. I love the posh Hilary Rose
a search in which I am forever the textured stretch crepe. I love the
ello, my name doomed Lancelot rather than the fact that some of the pieces are ook, I’m ridiculous. Nobody

is Anna and I’m conquering Galahad. reversible, so you get two different in this country needs nine
a bikini-holic. Sure, the advent of the world wide colours for your (admittedly bikinis, least of all someone
What’s more, I am web has proved something of a considerable) buck. I love the fit of who spends a vanishingly
far from the only game-changer during my lifetime, both the Santa Monica big small amount of time on a
fiftysomething I but up there for me when it comes to pants and the sporty Palm beach. But when I do go on holiday,
know who is. My technological advances has to be the Springs top, and that they I want choices. I don’t want to wear
friends and family of genesis of a bikini that is expertly are now available in the same bikini every day, any more
similar vintage are bikini wearers engineered but doesn’t look as if it is. recycled fabrics (£198 than I want to wear the same outfit
pretty much to a woman. And we have Well into my twenties, itsy-bitsy was and £237 respectively, every night, or indeed the same
got decades in us yet — Helen Mirren pretty much the only way to go if you underwear. I reckon four or five
is still slaying in one at 78. were bikini shopping in this country. I keep an eye out bikinis is about right for a week’s
One of the biggest fashion fallacies You had to go to Italy or Spain for online for when holiday, and the same amount of
out there is that bikinis are for the more forgiving options. Every time anything is reduced. beach cover-ups, because having to
young; that they are a phenomenon my summer holiday comes around But we now have wear a coral cover-up over a green
you age out of. And I am not saying I give thanks for the degree to which options, praise be, bikini would annoy me.
this as some kind of age-agnostic this has changed. such as the White My bikinis are all the same style
statement of bravado, nor because What makes me especially happy Company’s dark — not because I’m boring (although
I am not subject to all the usual is that big pants are now easy to find grey (£35 each I am) but because I’m woefully top
droops and disappointments that and styled so as to channel Marilyn for the top heavy. I simply haven’t found any
come as the decades pass. Monroe as opposed to 1950s PE and bottoms, other styles that suit, so I wish you
Bikinis are just easier. Easier to buy. knickers. I don’t want anything below thewhitecompany joy from your triangle, strapless and
Easier to wear. Or the right bikini is at my belly button showing thanks to an .com) or John Lewis’s bandeau styles. I look at the
least (more on this in a minute). Every abdominal scar, but that’s just me. green and white minimalist Eres swimwear that
few years I set out to buy a one-piece, Plenty of women my age rock what spots (£30 and £18, fashionable people pop up in every
because I really do rather like that might be called medium pants, and summer to say they swear by, and
whole Busby Berkeley vibe. The one friend — a mother of three, Now all we need is I can’t tell you how much I wish I
problem is I am different sizes on my incidentally — still wears pants of a a summer. could join them.
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 5


Top, £95, bottoms, £69,

... and here’s the

Gen Z favourite!
Hannah Rogers
en years ago it was Triangl

T neoprene bikinis that the

Instagram set loved. Then
Hunza G came along and
made crinkly one-size-fits-all
cossies cool. But this summer there is
a new trendy brand all my friends
want to buy swimmies from. Have you
heard of Away That Day?
Chances are you have been in the
presence of one of its signature Palma
bikini tops (£95,
The British label — founded in 2019

35 to pull off a bikini?

by Ingemae Kotze, a former stylist —
has sold more than 20,000 of the
tie-back style, which is identifiable by
its plunging neckline separated in the
middle by U-shaped hardware.
I have one; so do most of my friends
— and I have spotted it in one of its
Instead, my bikinis are all minimally of my holiday physiques. There’s only ten shades on every recent holiday.
underwired and non-seamed (because
Above, from left: top
and bottoms, £35 each, ‘I pack three — one matching set, a lime green Heidi At a pool party last summer another
I hate bikini tops that look like bras), Klein that has been with me since guest and I even turned up in the
halterneck for extra hoist, and the;
top and bottoms, £14 one for each 2018. It’s my poshest one and is same colour (sapphire blue, if you are
bottoms are briefs. Normal briefs, not somehow “containing” while giving asking) and yes, we both had the £59
high leg or — god forbid — string.
each, F&F at;
top, £29, bottoms, £25, holiday physique’ the appearance of being flimsy. matching high-rise Maui bottoms.
I have no truck with big bikini; top, £59, A halterneck with scalloped edges Away That Day is not cheap. But
bottoms, because people who think bottoms, £49, shop Lesley Thomas such as this can look quite relaxed, but you don’t need me to remind you that
they’re hiding a multitude of sins are there’s a whole lot of bosom-hoicking swimwear shouldn’t be. You don’t want
kidding themselves. The sins are still have nothing against a swimsuit. going on. The bottoms — apparently it to fall apart. When I ask friends

Left: top, £35, cover-up
there, just with a layer of fabric over and trousers, £79 each, I wear one once or twice a week, controversially in midlife — are side- what they love about their ATD
the top. all year round. Give or take July tied and a little bit low. In fairness, this pieces, they all shout out the quality
My bikinis are all by Heidi Klein or and August, my very basic M&S bikini does not look great after a good and expensive feel of the eco-friendly
Elizabeth Hurley Beach and, unlike cossie is accessorised with black lunch. Call me a victim of internalised fabric. Most are made from ECONYL,
the rest of my wardrobe, which is neoprene booties and matching gloves. misogyny, but I usually step up the aka regenerated nylon.
mostly navy blue, they’re colourful: In the cold months a bobble hat is Pilates before a beach holiday, so But here’s the big point. The Palma
coral, green, turquoise, pale blue. added. As you may gather, swimming I may only feel super-comfortable seems to look good on everyone. The
Some are printed, but not enough, in UK waters is no place for serving exposing so much belly for the first fit of this bikini is so flattering on
since I’ve decided printed is more looks as far as I am concerned — couple of days. I love a breakfast buffet many women I know — all of whom
flattering on my regrettable boobs unless hot menopausal girlie is a thing. and can’t compromise on this. are a different shape and size — I have
than block colour. I cried when my And I don’t mean the hot kind of hot. The other two bikinis are, in truth, started to compare it to the magic
cream and brown coral-print bikini A Mediterranean beach is a different four separate tops and bottoms jeans shared between pals in Ann
died, but rejoice that I still have the matter. I am packing for Greece soon because being too matchy makes me Brashares’s tweenage novel.
matching cover-up. and there is no way a swimsuit will feel a bit icky after a while. H&M has How? It helps that it runs from a
The bikinis live and travel in their make the cut. Everyone looks good in great cup-sized bikini tops so there size XS (UK 6; A-B cup) to 3XL (UK
own little zip-up plastic pouches. a bikini, whatever their age or girth. are a couple of those in the case — 18; F-FF cup). But there is something
This means I can have a swim minutes I feel the same way about red lipstick; leopard or striped. There’s a Ganni clever in that U-shape. It strikes a
before I have to leave the hotel, then it’s a question of finding the right one. navy and white check bottom: pretty perfect balance of supportive and sexy,
chuck my wet swimwear in my I want to feel the sun and warm sea yet sturdy and this brand can be relied by this 31-year-old’s standards, anyway.
suitcase for the flight home. on as many skin inches as possible. upon in this respect. Then there’s A fellow DD-cup colleague and
I always take a Davy J one-piece Swimsuits get in the way. And if you’re always a big, high-waisted retro I agree that it offers ample lift.
for swimming, because I take of the opinion that a woman can be bottom. The thing to note about this Another contemporary explains that
swimming very seriously and a too old for a bikini, I must tell you that style is that it’s easier to wear if the leg it’s a nice mix of “classy and itsy-bitsy”.
halterneck bikini would quickly a) you’re wrong, and b) young people is cut a bit high. Big-pant bikinis can As for the bottoms, you can pick your
be around my ankles. So, yes buy a look better in everything, including cinch the waist a little — which can be fighter in regard to bum coverage on
bikini and wear your body with pride. swimsuits, so wear what you want. useful by day five. But honestly, by this the bottom. Now, are you cheeky,
Consider holding your stomach in too. I pack three bikinis — one for each time I am so relaxed I don’t care. medium or modest?
6 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times


I’m wearing the

Anna Murphy has
ditched her trainer
habit of 20 years.
Now she’s switched
— to ballet flats
with a difference
t came about by accident. Or, to

be more precise, because of an
accident. I had taken my
The England squad in the M&S collection goddaughter to one of my full-
throttle yoga classes six weeks
ago. I can’t pretend that I hadn’t
enjoyed, just a little bit, cracking
Men, will you wear England’s out crazy poses at 52 that she,
at 19, couldn’t. I know. Terrible of me.
So of course what happened next was

official Euros collection? written in the stars.

En route to our Sunday lunch
afterwards, clad in my perennial
fashion capital, has fallen foul of the flatform trainers, I twisted my ankle.
M&S has kitted out the squad. style critics. In 2021 Giorgio Armani Properly twisted my ankle, with a
dressed the national team in black loud, excruciating crunch. Only
Jeremy Langmead gives his verdict trousers and dove grey collarless after a few head-spinning minutes
seersucker jackets that made them of agony was I able to hobble to the
few years ago I was look as if they worked front of house restaurant, and then I couldn’t do

Left: overshirt,
invited to watch one £50, polo shirt, for Raymond Blanc. This year he’s yoga for two weeks. So I certainly
of the world’s most £45, shorts, £35. more on the button, having styled wasn’t going to go anywhere near
successful football Below: blazer, £70, them in blue cotton-knit blazers and those trainers again.
teams being trousers, £45. All denim trousers. I had a look around for some
photographed in their shiny new marksand Happily, Euro 2024 has England replacements, and came to realise that
official outfits. I won’t say spencer. among the favourites not only to win I have wearied of trainers entirely.
which fashion label was com the trophy but also to lead in the Partly it’s the ubiquity of them, and
dressing them that year, style stakes. M&S, the official tailor to also the degree to which almost every
but by the end of the the men’s and women’s senior teams, brand seems to put you in a certain
morning I felt truly sorry has come up with a slim-fitting tribe. Even before Rishi Sunak’s
for them. Not only had collection that looks as if it’s designed #sambagate I never liked that. I am
the designers forked out for a team of young, athletic players, not a Salomon XT-6 hipster, or a Veja
a fortune to dress them will appeal to football fans as it mum, or a billionaire Tory prime
in outfits they would emulates many of the styles already minister (for now) trying to make like
rarely be glimpsed in, popular on the terraces, and is an he is one of us. But I couldn’t find a
but the reaction from easy-to-wear collection of off-duty pair that was suitably invisible and not
them was less than wardrobe staples such as overshirts, also utterly dull.
enthusiastic. bomber jackets, cargo pants and In truth, the seeds of sneaker-related
Understandably they knitted polos. The clothes are made doubt had been sown before then.
were probably feeling tired from performance fabrics in a simple I had already given up wearing them
and anxious in the weeks palette of black, tan and off-white, and with mididresses, a combination that
leading up to the all are offered at accessible price revolutionised the way many of us that they need to have a certain
tournament, and spending points: a bomber for £60, a smart polo dressed a couple of decades ago but aesthetic flexibility, so that they
a few hours posing for a knit or trousers for £45. A similar that now looks a tad tired. can, like trainers, be worn with
photographer in an outfit overshirt or bomber jacket at Stone So what would happen if I gave up lots of different outfits. When it
they didn’t choose was not Island, the fashion label that has been on them altogether? I decided to find comes to pairing them with a
top of their wish lists. But popular with stylish football fans for out, embarking on a trainerless life, smarter ensemble — one of
the reality was they just didn’t decades, will set you back £425 or only putting on a knackered old those aforementioned midis, or
like the clothes. Footballers can £960 respectively. proper sports pair if I was exercising. a suit — I also need them to add a
afford to choose very expensive Wes Taylor, who was M&S’s Reader, I am loving it. It’s reminded certain edge rather than looking
clothes for themselves, so they director of menswear when me how dreary any kind of fashion too classic which, on me, ends up
are not excited to wear not very it signed the contract with default can make you, and what fun it appearing fusty.
expensive clothes that they the Football Association, is properly to shop your wardrobe The hands-down winners are my
didn’t choose. said the players told him or, in this case, shoe cupboard. Why Ganni feminine buckle ballerinas, a
Over the decades numerous that they wanted was I — such a shoe lover that as a style that was launched in 2021. “The
fashion houses have attempted to something that better child I would make miniature ones out modern twist of the buckle adds a hint
create outfits that will look and reflected who they of Plasticine — putting on the same of rebellion,” says Ditte Reffstrup,
feel good for players who will really are. They were footwear at least 70 per cent of the Ganni’s creative director, of a shoe
be representing their club or right to make that time? Partly, of course, because that was, she adds, a “slow burn” at the
country on and off the pitch. point, and M&S has my trainers were comfortable, or at beginning. It’s since proved so popular
The trouble is that they nearly always clearly taken it on board. least they were until I fell off them. that it’s become part of the Danish
put them in suits. Especially so with My only word of advice with But I also wore them out of laziness;
the England team. We’ve seen them all the tan pieces on offer is not I didn’t have to think about what I put
paraded in excessively baggy suits that to wear them all at once. We’ve on my feet.
made them look like a Madness had no summer so far this year, The key for me has been to identify
tribute band; lifeless grey suits that
appeared to be borrowed from a
and anyone who is pale and
pasty could end up being
the footwear I own that doesn’t
sacrifice any of the ease and comfort,
I’ve embarked on
mortgage brokers’ convention; and
ill-fitting tan suits that gave the
mistaken for a digestive biscuit.
You need to mix the tan with
and to put each pair in a neat row at
the bottom of my spare bed for ready
a trainerless life;
impression they were reluctantly some black or navy items. Other access. They have to be flat as well as, I wear an old pair
attending a summer wedding. than that you’re on to a winner. in an ideal world, attached to the foot.
Even Italy, Europe’s menswear And hopefully so is the team. And what I have also pinpointed is just to exercise in
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 7


It shoe of summer BP’s new romance rules

are long overdue: offices
brand’s Icons range,
and is available in
ten colours.
At £325 these
Buckles are crucibles of lust
represent an Workplace trysts break up marriages and
investment purchase,
yet an investment is damage your career, says Esther Walker
exactly what mine
have proved to be, £45, hen I was in my the time of Crush-Gate I was on my
especially given that
I went for go-with-
anything snakeskin.
My summer frocks
look so much better
with these than
trainers ever did,
W twenties I fell
completely and
insanely in love with
third job. At jobs one and two I saw
romances trash lives, break up
marriages and cause endless weeping
someone at work. We in the ladies’ loo. And I knew that no
flirted like mad over email for two
months and had one chaste drink in
the pub. When he casually revealed
matter how sneaky and clever you
think you are being, every single
person in the office knows what you
but there’s no risk £109, he had a girlfriend, my world caved are up to. Yes, you — and you. We
of me appearing too in. Three months after that, a all knew about it. Everyone talks
“lady”, as might be colleague revealed that my crush about it and they are all waiting for it
the case with had moved in with that girlfriend. to go tits up.
conventional I was so distraught a friend gave And when it does go tits up, who
ballerinas, say, or me a Valium. It took me about a year suffers? Almost always the woman.
kitten heels. A paler to get over it all. I have never understood the phrase
shade such as my A whole year! I know. Everyone “sleeping your way to the top”. Once
snakeskin, or white, laughs like a drain when I tell this a woman has slept with someone
or even tutu pink, £109, story. “You didn’t even kiss?” they from the office, unless marriage is on
will lighten your say, wiping away tears of hilarity at the cards, a clock starts ticking, the
overall look in the how pathetic I am. But no, no doom countdown until she inevitably
same way that white kissing. Perhaps we hugged once. leaves. When office romances end, it
trainers do, but come Maybe this made my obsession is the career of the woman, not the
across as far more worse? I don’t know. But I do know man, that is suddenly vulnerable.
interesting. this: workplaces are fiery crucibles of
There are now hormones and lust. When someone
countless more is in that obsessive state they do wild
parsimoniously £160, things with no thought whatsoever as
priced versions of to what might happen next. Every single
similar. Mango’s
square-toe buckled
So I think BP is quite right to
tighten up the rules on relationships person in the
black ballet flat is
£49.99 (,
at work. After its former boss was
dismissed for failing to disclose
office knows
Cos’s more lozenge-
shaped is £115 £345,
details about personal relationships,
the company last week told
what you’re up to
( Raid’s in employees they must declare any This is extra cruel when she may
black or red patent is “intimate” relationships with have had good reason to believe that
so heavily “inspired”
Slip-ons colleagues from the past three years. marriage really was on the cards.
as surely to be Now, lots of people meet their I did eventually get over my crush —
verging on illegal husbands or wives at work, which is without needing any more Valium.
(£28, why BP hasn’t put a blanket ban on Then I met my future husband at a
Warning: I haven’t relationships. There’s a birth rate party, got my claws well into him,
bought from this crisis, people! But making and that was that.
brand, and a price so employees confess to what has Both at the time and still now
low makes me £45, been going on after hours puts I am so relieved that nothing
worried, but it has the brakes on inappropriate ever happened with my crush.
plenty of positive relationships, such as I am grateful to him for being
reviews on someone very senior with so uptight and neurotic
Trustpilot. M&S someone very junior, and about it. He behaved exactly
Collection has a the inevitable affairs. as if there was, indeed, a
more delicate take in Power imbalances and policy where all
black patent or a moral shadiness are the relationships had to be
mid-pink leather two dynamics that go declared. He wasn’t
Street stylers in (£45, £199, really wrong, that like that for my
New York and Berlin I also live in Essen’s foundation flats, really make a mess sake, I’m sure, but
another reinvention of the ballet pump of things. I benefited hugely
known as the slipper shoe, which may My crush did from it all the
not have a strap but stays on the foot genuinely like same. It meant that
perfectly (£199, me (she says I was able to leave
Everlane’s day glove ticks similar defensively) on my own terms
boxes (£132, Both come but he was to take up a more
in some lovely light shades for taken and senior job, rather
summer. I like M&S Collection’s £142, wasn’t going than scuttle away
woven take too, in black, tan or stone to cross a line. in embarrassment.
(£45, And thank My crush came
My two end-of-the-bed pairs cover goodness because to my leaving
almost every kind of day for me, a city I had absolutely zero party and
dweller, looking just as good with cautionary instincts. somewhere in a
track pants — I am living in Baukjen’s When you are young box of things from
flatteringly flat-fronted pants with and inexperienced and my old flat there is
red side stripes, (£67,,) £35, in that situation, it just a picture of us
paired with a jacket, tailored or seems very romantic. together. Is his
combat — as they do with black tie. It makes even less arm even around
Every time I wear them I get sense because I had me? I can’t
compliments, and several women I witnessed the terrible Esther Walker remember. But
know have gone off to secure their fallout from office from recollection we
own. Who needs trainers? romances at other both look really happy.
@annagmurphy £132, places I had worked. By We have a saintly glow.
8 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times


Naomi Klein has a

conspiracy theory
— it’s all the fault
of yoga teachers
From exercise mats to the school gates, scepticism in
science is rising in the middle classes, the author tells
Helen Rumbelow — and fitness gurus are culpable
n Britain — as well as the US — influential person under the age of

there is an ominous measles 35 in the world”. Her research has
problem. The disease that killed found that distrust has spread to the
two people a week here in the mainstream: young, aspirational,
1960s, has come roaring back. affluent, educated and otherwise
But this is not only a measles surprisingly normal people; your
problem, it’s part of a growing school gate friend, yoga instructor or
distrust in the scientific amiable “life hack” podcast host.
establishment and government Their ideas are propagated under
messages, accelerated by Covid. the disguise of glossy Instagram
Who is now susceptible to dark fears influencers. As she writes in her book Naomi Klein
about the safety of vaccines, the Doppelganger, “this is where the white,
legitimacy of climate change science, wealthy, libertarian streak in the
or even to the rumours that swirled in wellness industry can become lethal”. cranky as some rancid corners of where she lives with her film-maker
the early months of the illness of the “So many of those fit and beautiful Facebook: they are the glowing fitness husband and son. “We need major
Princess of Wales? Not who you might influencers stopped merely offering gurus on Instagram, who preach a public education about childhood
think, says Naomi Klein, the Canadian encouraging words to motivate our gospel of individual self-optimisation vaccinations. I think we are almost
academic and author who spent the Doppelganger by workouts and green juicing,” she that stands in opposition to more back to zero, after so many years of so
pandemic examining those who now Naomi Klein (Penguin writes, “and started whispering to us civic-minded messages. much misinformation. Even someone
succumb to conspiracy ideology. It’s no £10.99). To order a copy alarmingly about dark forces coming Underestimating this leaves us like Robert Kennedy Jr, now running
longer the nutty outsider in a tinfoil go to timesbookshop. to poison us, and eventually to gag, vulnerable to communicable diseases for president, this is his main issue.”
hat, at the extremes of the political or or call 020 3176 jab and dominate us.” and the viral spread of wild ideas, says The Vaccine Confidence Project at
wealth spectrum. 2935. Free UK standard Their messages are spread via two Klein. Did Covid help to build trust in the London School of Hygiene and
Klein, 54, is most famous for her P&P on online orders mainstream activities: the gym and vaccines, since the Covid jab proved Tropical Medicine found that in 2023
million-selling debut book, No Logo, over £25. Special yoga classes, and their online largely safe and effective? people in most countries showed
published in 1999, after which The discount available for equivalents, says Klein. Their social “I think quite the opposite,” says falling confidence in routine childhood
Times called her “probably the most Times+ members media doesn’t look as obviously Klein, from her home in rural Canada, immunisations. This was especially

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the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 9

relate. When she had thyroid cancer
a decade ago, now successfully
treated, she leant hard into yoga. Her
yoga “grew obsessive” as it became
the one place her body would obey.
As an oldie, I’ve been
But Klein also recognises the dangers.
“Yoga became a carrier,” she says.
working hard to do
“Not all yoga, but I think there’s a
reason why yoga studios were very
much a hotbed for conspiracy
nothing — I’m a pro
Personal trainers, yoga teachers and ecently an annoyingly busy
influencers in the fitness and beauty
fields wielded unchallenged authority.
There is a “hushedness in yoga
studios, you’re not meant to talk”.
“These figures positioned
themselves as having access to a
higher form of knowledge because
Loafing is
an art form;
at my age
it’s about
R contemporary asked me:
“What do you do all day?”
His question set me thinking
about how we oldies should
use our remaining time. The received
wisdom is to stay active, maintain an
interest in something, anything — or
they had taken a six-week yoga dare I say it, “give back”.
teacher training class, or maybe even maintaining That’s fine up to the age of 75 but
been to India once,” she says. “That beyond, it’s ten seconds to midnight,
got us into a world of trouble.” a pulse, says so keeping a pulse trumps dashing
Online fitness influencers use their hither and thither. I’m now dedicated
looks in a complex but alluring mix — Alan Jones to perfecting the art of loafing around.
“beauty is central to it”, she says, citing Loafing, undeservedly in my view,
as an example the anti-vaccine gets a bad press, largely through critics
Instagram lifestyle guru Kelly Brogan. conflating it with laziness and giving
through the looking glass and started “All this was sold in a package of up. Really, it is a legitimate lifestyle
making prolific and paranoid claims, rejecting Big Pharma or Big Agra, a choice and a step up from pottering.
such as, on Twitter, that the Covid pseudo-politics. But it was really about Mentally and physically I’m in a good
vaccine was actually “a software perfecting yourself, it wasn’t a place; I journey from my sofa to the
platform that can receive uploads”. collective project,” she says. fridge with alacrity and a sense of
There was even a viral rhyme on As a result, the average woman purpose. I move, with neither creak
social media about their twinning: “If scrolling Instagram is exposed to far nor groan, like a young fella — a result
the Naomi be Klein, you’re doing just more conspiracy ideas than in of my devotion to the “don’t let the old
fine/ If the Naomi be Wolf, oh buddy. previous decades. This year, many man in” philosophy.
Oooof.” Klein was taking flak for otherwise sane women I knew traded I’m proud to say I can still
Wolf’s surprising transformation. But conspiracy theories about the absence pull my socks on standing
she also found her conspiracy mindset of the Princess of Wales from public up and with no visible
fascinating. Wolf was Klein’s “White life. Conspiracy felt to them like the means of support —
Rabbit” into this shadow world. most rather than least plausible apart from the
“Conspiracy culture gets the facts option. “In the past people might have standing leg, of
wrong, but the feelings right,” she says. been satisfied with just accepting a course. Daily
“There’s always a little bit of truth in top-down story,” says Klein. “But now feedback tells me
the conspiracy or it wouldn’t work.” there are these technologies that allow it’s a disturbing
Klein’s father was an obstetrician people to communicate their various watch, but we
true of women and those under 35. In and she was inculcated as a child with suspicions, spin out a story and turn persevere.
the UK in 2015 the project revealed a faith in science. But one of these that quest into a social experience. I advocate
that 90 per cent of us agreed that “feelings” conspiracy culture gets right There’s some pleasure in unlocking loafing with
“vaccines are important for children”. is that the medical establishment often theories with people you will never missionary zeal but
By 2023 that fell to 72 per cent. lets people down. Her father installed meet in person. It’s gamified.” oft meet with
It is no coincidence that there were one-way mirrors in the labour rooms Conspiracy theorists are correct in resistance: I’ve attended
1,603 suspected cases of measles in at his hospital so he could covertly identifying the feeling that “the game three funerals this year
England and Wales in 2023, according supervise his less experienced staff, is rigged”, Klein argues, in that big (sad, but it’s life-affirming
to the UK Health Security Agency. Its which he justified as an attempt to corporations probably don’t have your to get out for fresh air) — all
chief executive, Jenny Harries, has raise standards. best interests at heart. But while there contemporaries who chose to become
given interviews imploring parents to This made Klein squeamish: did the are darker machinations, “otherwise overactive oldies. At the second
vaccinate: the England average is
85 per cent of children receiving the
consent of the women not matter?
Klein tells me that for women there is
investigative journalists would be out
of a job”, they are more predictably
At a recent funeral a survivor exclaimed: “Live
life to the full!” I urged restraint but
MMR — the target is 95 per cent.
And where did Harries name and
a “bad births to conspiracy pipeline”,
where substandard or disrespectful
about putting profits first than the
fantasies of control that populate
funeral a he was having none of it. His was the
third funeral.
shame for its alarmingly low rate? The
NHS region Surrey Heartlands, which
maternity care leaves them more
sceptical about medicine in general.
conspiracy theories — such as the
myth of computer chips in vaccines.
survivor The resolve required to embrace
indolence is initially alarming.
encompasses leafy towns such as It is also the case, Klein says, that “A good understanding of political exclaimed: It demands focus to avoid springing
Weybridge, packed with Pilates studios, “Big Food” and “Big Pharma” are economy is an effective, if not into action. Think about location. City
where only 70 per cent of children get extremely profit driven, with less than foolproof, armour against these ‘Live life to living has too many whoops, toots and
the requisite two doses of MMR.
In March the House of Commons
ideal consequences. Also governments
and the medical establishment gloss
conspiracy theories. Without
understanding the incentives involved, the full!’ mayhem. This is why we repaired to
the country — out here you never
library produced a report on the
increase of “vaccine hesitancy”. It lists
over the rare bad outcomes for
vaccines, not trusting people to
you’ll be more prone to believe that
there’s some sort of nefarious plot.
I urged hear anyone having a good time.
It’s a misconception that loafing is
the five local authorities in England
with the lowest rates of children
calculate the risk-benefit ratio.
“The communication around Covid
“Shame or mocking is not a good
way to change people’s minds,” she
restraint about doing nothing. The uninitiated
will glimpse you sprawled over the
receiving the MMR by the age of five. vaccines was often problematic,” she says, but in the case of vaccines, Klein sofa and see a comatose lard-bucket,
All five were London boroughs that says. “There were small numbers of believes that the best remedy against but the cognoscenti will know that,
include some of the most expensive adverse effects. There was a real misinformation is a trusted, regular though supine, there is unobservable
postcodes in the country: the lowest reticence to give this any airtime.” relationship with the same GP. “But action taking place. They’ll smile,
rates were in Westminster, followed by All of these factors planted seeds of that relationship is being eroded, it’s aware you’re performing your pelvic
Kensington and Chelsea. doubt, and they were doing so in a enmeshed in a much broader crisis in duties, while wondering how your
Klein isn’t surprised. The inspiration community already weakened by public health.” internal organs are shaping up.
for Doppelganger, after all, was the individualism. As Robert Putnam Klein would love to see a new era Personally I see loafing as a solitary
author Naomi Wolf. People seemed charted in his 2000 book, Bowling of influencers, where they showcase pursuit. Arguably, co-loafing with a
prone to muddle the Naomis — like Alone, civic engagement has fallen in “the rewards and pleasures of what it loved one can be much more fun but,
Klein, Wolf had had a bestselling “big terms of membership of Rotaries, might mean to be a little less focused as we now know, too much of that and
idea” debut; for Wolf it was The Beauty Women’s Institutes, clubs, societies on the self and a little more on what it’s good night, Vienna. Anyway,
Myth, a 1990s feminist talking point. and political parties. we can do together”. someone has to do the cooking. Do
Both were Jewish women with a big Klein says we have supplanted an In the meantime Klein has have the conversation.
head of brown hair, and an early urge to improve the fabric of our unfollowed Wolf and all related Have no truck with that “live life to
meeting with Wolf even inspired Klein communities with a drive to improve accounts. “Following her taught me a the full” shtick. Curb your enthusiasm,
into a life of writing. The public ourselves alone, or as she writes, “We lot about these different worlds,” she measure out your days with coffee
confusion was a passing irritation for turn toward the body when life feels says with a polite smile. “But as a spoons and do go gentle into that good
Klein until Wolf suddenly went out of control.” Klein says she can figure, she’s of minor interest.” night — you’ll feel all the better for it.
10 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times


Your weekday brain boost puzzles

Pages 14-16

Every day, Monday to Thursday, a page of extra Sudoku easy Train Tracks
puzzles to give your brain an extended workout Lay tracks to enable the train to travel
from village A to village B. The numbers
indicate how many sections of track go in
Samurai difficult each row and column. There are only
straight sections and curved sections. The
Fill each grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. track cannot cross itself.
Where the puzzles overlap, the rows and columns do not go beyond their usual length.

Killer gentle
Fill the grid so that every column, every row and
every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Each set of
cells joined by dotted lines must add up to the target
number in its top-left corner. Within each set of cells
Fill the blank squares so that every row and
joined by dotted lines, a digit cannot be repeated. column contains each of the numbers 1 to 5
once only. The symbols between the squares
indicate whether a number is larger (>) or
smaller (<) than the number next to it.

Solve Times puzzles interactively with

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Codeword Yesterday’s solutions SUKO MINI


Every letter in the
crossword-style grid,
right, is represented by
a number from 1 to 26. TRAIN TRACKS
Each letter of the
alphabet appears in
the grid at least once.
Use the letters already
provided to work out
the identity of further
letters. Enter letters in
the main grid and the
Place the numbers 1 to 9 in smaller reference grid
the spaces so that the until all 26 letters of
number in each circle is the alphabet have been
equal to the sum of the four accounted for. Proper
surrounding spaces, and nouns are excluded.
each colour total is correct

Fill in the grid so that
every column, every
row and every 3x2
box contains the
digits 1 to 6

Solutions in
tomorrow’s Times2
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 11

television & radio

The curious case of the woman who fell to Earth

above her” (as one observer put it) — This stylised approach risks being a
James yet survived. The field on which she
landed was freshly ploughed, and she
distraction, yet by episode one’s last
shot, of Cilliers herself arriving on set
Jackson got away with several broken bones
and spinal injuries, which isn’t great
but, as falling without a parachute
to explain first hand the whole
shebang, you couldn’t help but lean
forward. Game on. The story becomes
TV review goes, is better than the alternative.
The woman in these introductory
as much about her as her husband.
Emile was a “narcissistic sociopath”,
scenes was not Cilliers, however, but as one of the detectives put it, and
the actor MyAnna Buring. Was this possibly a bit dim if a) he thought he’d
drama or documentary? The latter, get away with his method of murder,
and while there’s nothing surprising and b) he thought that coming on to
about dramatic reconstructions, this DS Hennah during his police interview
true-crime three-parter is turning out would work. But given that he had
to be as unusual for its style as its story. clearly tried to kill his wife, why did
As we learn how Cilliers’s army- she then protect him during his first
The Fall: Skydive Murder sergeant husband, Emile, had trial? How much hold did he have over
Plot tampered with the parachute, how it her? Or rather, how desperate was she
Channel 4 wasn’t the first time he’d try to kill her to get back to the apparent normality
{{{{( (the previous tampering was with a gas she’d known before the “accident”,
valve); how he’d been having an affair with all the pitch-dark questions it
he first shot of The Fall: (still to come: sex clubs and escorts — now raised? Perhaps in her mind there

T Skydive Murder Plot is of a

woman casually glancing up
at the wide blue Wiltshire
sky above her with a look of
anticipation. Given the title of this
programme, it is a shot loaded with
portent. Victoria Cilliers was a highly
no, this was not the ideal marriage it
ostensibly looked), we see the two
detectives who cracked the case not
just being interviewed but hovering
around on set watching the actors
playing them in the reconstructions.
Yes, this is a series on a mission to
was the question of what she’d one
day tell her children about all this.
Certainly, the real Cilliers we see
here — composed, smartly presented
— is a contrast to the one we see with
Buring’s portrayal of her as she was
several years before (Buring’s howl of
experienced skydiver, but the jump break new walls. We also kept seeing anguish was startlingly powerful). And
she was about to take in 2015 would actors being prepped for their scenes, so this becomes more interesting for
become anyone’s worst nightmare. Her such as the director talking Buring showing the same woman in two
standard parachute wouldn’t open, nor through how to approach a states of mind: back then, as someone
would her reserve. Don’t even try to particularly emotive re-enactment. struggling to process what has gone so
imagine the terror of this. What next? The director being wrong in her life; and now, as someone
Cilliers fell 4,000ft, her parachute interviewed about their feelings who has accepted what happened, a
flapping “like a bag of washing was interviewing the interviewees? Victoria Cilliers survived a 4,000ft fall while skydiving in 2015 survivor in more ways than one.

3.00 Live Choral Evensong 9.00 More or Less 9.00 Being Roman with Mary Beard
Radio choice Times Radio Live from York Minster with music by Lucy Numbers and statistics used everyday (4/7) Robert Harris joins Mary Beard to uncover Radio 5 Live
Ben Dowell Digital, web, smart speaker, app
5.00am Rosie Wright with Early Breakfast
Walker, Judith Bingham, Annabel Rooney, 9.30 To Catch a Scorpion the story of a Pompeii hustler (6/6) (r) MW: 693, 909
5.00am Wake Up to Money 6.00 5 Live
Bairstow and Warren. Introit: Oculi omnium The investigation goes deep into Scorpion’s 9.30 Three Million
6.00 Aasmah Mir and Stig Abell with Times (Lucy Walker). Responses: Philip Moore. gang, meeting the men arrested and Kavita Puri meets the granddaughter of a Breakfast 9.00 Nicky Campbell 11.00 Naga
Radio Breakfast 10.00 Matt Chorley. Psalms 65, 66, 67 (Turle, Garrett, Ashfield, imprisoned for people smuggling (5/8) senior colonial figure who is only just Munchetty 1.00pm Nihal Arthanayake 4.00
Political interviews and conversation Talbot). First Lesson: Job 22 vv21-30. 10.00 Woman’s Hour learning about her family’s role in the famine 5 Live Drive 7.00 5 Live Sport. A look ahead
1.00pm Andrew Neil. News-making Canticles: Oriel Service (Judith Bingham). Nuala McGovern presents the magazine 10.00 The World Tonight to England’s Euro 2024 campaign 9.00
interviews, comment and analysis 2.00 Jane Second Lesson: Matthew 5 vv13-24. Anthem: offering a female perspective on the world News round-up with Anna Foster 5 Live Sport: The Euro Leagues Podcast
Garvey and Fi Glover. Jane and Fi’s trademark Round me falls the night (Annabel Rooney). 11.00 The Public Philosopher 10.45 Book at Bedtime: 10.30 Nick Bright 1.00am Dotun Adebayo
entertaining style plus live discussion on the Te Deum laudamus in D (Bairstow). Professor Michael Sandel and a studio The Photographer
day’s news 4.00 John Pienaar with Times
Radio Drive. A full round-up of today’s
Voluntary: Heather Hill (Warren,
transcribed Benjamin Morris). Robert Sharpe
audience consider the ethics of AI (r)
11.45 Book of the Week:
By Max Porter (3/5)
11.00 Athena’s Cancel Culture
developments 7.00 The Evening Edition with MW: 1053, 1089 kHz
(Director of Music); Benjamin Morris All That Glitters Athena Kugblenu explores the world of
Kait Borsay. Engaging evening conversation 5.00am Early Breakfast 6.00 talkSPORT
(Assistant Director of Music) By Orlando Whitfield. Inigo joins Modern offence in modern times (3/4) (r)
10.00 Carole Walker. The main stories of the Breakfast with Alan Brazil 10.00 Jim White
4.00 Composer of the Week: Collections as his star continues to rise (3/5) 11.15 Chloe Petts’ Toilet Humour
day 1.00am The Story 1.30 Highlights from and Simon Jordan 1.00pm Hawksbee and
Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625) 12.04pm You and Yours Reports on The comedian explores the history of the
Matt Chorley 2.00 The Best of Times Radio Jacobs 4.00 talkSPORT Drive with Andy
Donald Macleod looks at Orlando Gibbons consumer affairs and public interest stories toilet, from ancient Rome to today (2/5) Goldstein 7.00 Kick Off. Debate on sporting
entry into the new musical group formed by 1.00 The World at One News, analysis and 11.30 The Bottom Line: The Decisions issues 10.00 Sports Bar 1.00am Extra Time
Jessica Fostekew: Radio 2 King James VI’s only surviving son, the
Prince of Wales, the future King Charles I.
comment, presented by Sarah Montague
1.45 Understand: The UK Election
That Made Me a Leader
Evan Davis speaks to co-founder of
Sturdy Girl Club FM: 88-90.2 MHz
6.30am The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show 9.30 Gibbons (Fantasia No 1 for Two Trebles; Nay Alex Forsyth and Adam Fleming unpick key, Martha Lane Fox (2/6) Talk
Radio 4, 6.30pm Vernon Kay. Pet Shop Boys pick their Tracks let me weep); Byrd (Fair Britain Isle); elements of the General Election (3/10) 12.00 News and Weather Digital only
of My Years 12.00 Jeremy Vine 2.00pm Gibbons (Fantazia of Four Parts – MB 20/12; 2.00 The Archers Emma has some news, 12.30am Book of the Week: 5.00am James Max 6.30 Mike Graham
The comedian Jessica Scott Mills 4.00 Sara Cox 6.30 Sara Cox’s O God, the king of glory; In Nomine for 5 and Josh has concerns for a friend (r) All That Glitters (r) 10.00 Julia Hartley Brewer 1.00pm
Fostekew takes a wry look Half Wower 7.00 Jo Whiley’s Shiny Happy Viols; Fantasia No 2 for 3 Viols; Glorious and 2.15 Drama: The Interrogation 12.48 Shipping Forecast Ian Collins. Monologues and debates 4.00
Powerful God; See, see the word is incarnate; By Roy Williams. Detective duo Matthews 1.00 As BBC World Service Jeremy Kyle 7.00 Kevin O’Sullivan 10.00
at what are described as Playlist 7.30 Jo Whiley 9.00 The Folk Show
and Armitage interview Carly. Though she bit
with Mark Radcliffe. Mark returns to his Fretwork; and O Lord, in thy wrath) Petrie Hosken 1.00am Paul Ross
“the most unladylike sports a police officer, the motivation to converse
going”. In this episode she show, following an extended break. Featuring
a collaboration by Peggy Seeger and the BBC
5.00 In Tune With live music from mezzo-
soprano Helen Charlston and lutist Toby Carr with Carly lies elsewhere (5/5) (r) Radio 4 Extra 6 Music
3.00 The Law Show Digital only
looks at CrossFit, a mix of Philharmonic 10.00 Trevor Nelson’s 7.00 Classical Mixtape
8.00am Hazelbeach 8.30 These Days 8.45 Digital only
A selection of classical favourites mixed with A weekly guide to law and the legal decisions
strength, gymnastics and Magnificent 7. Seven of Rhythm Nation’s
that have a bearing on everyone in the UK Exile 9.00 Robin Ince’s Reality Tunnel 9.30 5.00am Chris Hawkins 7.30 Lauren Laverne
athleticism. Fostekew talks biggest hits, uplifting tunes and essential jazz, folk and music from around the world 10.30 Mary Anne Hobbs 1.00pm Craig
led by Dr Joelle Grogan. Last in the series Soundstage 9.45 Daily Service 10.00 Here’s
throwbacks 10.30 Trevor Nelson’s Rhythm 7.30 Radio 3 in Concert Charles 4.00 Huw Stephens 7.00 New Music
to Lucy Campbell, CrossFit 3.30 The Artificial Human Looking at You, Parents 11.00 Paul Temple
Nation. The DJ introduces a mix of R’n’B and Ian Skelly presents a performance by the Fix Daily 9.00 6 Music’s Loud and Proud
champion and 2022’s Aleks Krotoski and Kevin Fong investigate and the Gilbert Case 11.30 A Change in the
soulful tunes 12.00 OJ Borg 3.00am Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra Double Headers. With Felix Mufti and I.
driverless cars, and discover the practical, Weather 12.00 Winston in Love 12.30pm
16th fittest woman in the Alternative Sounds of the 90s with Dermot conducted by Simon Rattle, that was
legal, ethical and technical needs that Hancock’s Half Hour 1.00 Hazelbeach 1.30 Jordan 11.00 Artist in Residence: Bloc Party
world, about muscularity, O’Leary (r) 4.00 Owain Wyn Evans recorded at the Isarphilharmonie, Munich in
autonomous vehicles will need to meet (3/6) These Days 1.45 Exile 2.00 Dilemma 2.30 12.00 Freak Zone Playlist 1.00am The Story
April this year. Schoenberg (Gurrelieder).
finding a community and 4.00 The Media Show Two Doors Down 3.00 Thackeray 3.45 Inner of Pop 2.00 The Story of Pop (r) 3.00 6
the continued sexualisation Radio 3 9.45 The Essay: Bohemians in T-Shirts
The story of Jackson Pollock, a keen t-shirt The latest news from the media world Balance 4.00 Here’s Looking at You, Parents Music Live Hour (r) 4.00 6 Music’s Jukebox
FM: 90.2-92.4 MHz 5.00 PM 5.00 Paul Temple and the Gilbert Case 5.30
of women at the top of their wearer, as he struggles towards his abstract
game. Fostekew, above, also
6.30am Breakfast
Petroc Trelawny presents Radio 3’s classical
vision and the role of Pollock’s wife Lee, an 6.00 Six O’Clock News
6.30 Jessica Fostekew: Sturdy Girl Club
A Change in the Weather 6.00 Winston in
Love 6.30 Hancock’s Half Hour 7.00
Virgin Radio
artist in her own right, in his success (r) Digital only
gamely demonstrates how it breakfast show, featuring listener requests
10.00 Night Tracks The comedian explores the stories of women Hazelbeach. Nick gets a job with a dominatrix
6.30am The Chris Evans Breakfast Show
is sometimes hard to tell the 9.30 Essential Classics in crossfit, a sport combining strength, 7.30 These Days. By Lucy Caldwell 7.45
Hannah Peel presents a soundtrack for with webuyanycar 10.00 The Ryan Tubridy
Georgia Mann plays the best in classical gymnastics and athleticism, which has Exile. By Adrian Bean 8.00 Dilemma. With
difference between the late-night listening, from classical to
Roisin Conaty, Samira Ahmed, David Reed
Show 1.00pm Jayne Middlemiss 4.00 Ricky
music, featuring new discoveries, some trumpeted equality from its inception, but Wilson 7.00 Bam 10.00 Olivia Jones
sound of a woman lifting a contemporary and everything in between
surprises and plenty of familiar favourites still has a long way to go in dealing with the and Robin Ince 8.30 Two Doors Down.
11.30 ’Round Midnight 1.00am Sean Goldsmith 4.00 Steve Denyer
heavy weight and the sound 1.00pm Classical Live sexualisation of the women at the top of Comedy with Stella McCusker 9.00
Soweto Kinch presents the best in jazz
of a baby elephant on a Tom McKinney showcases music from the their game. See Radio Choice (1/4) Thackeray. By Olwen Wymark and Barbara
steam train. 2024 Hay-on-Wye Festival and beyond.
12.30am Through the Night
7.00 The Archers Clegg 9.45 Inner Balance. By Kate Atkinson Classic FM
Lortzing (Overture — Zar und Zimmermann Plans start to take shape for Harrison. 10.00 Comedy Club: Robin Ince’s Reality FM: 100-102 MHz
LoWV. 38); Ligeti (Concert Romanesc); Elgar Radio 4 Meanwhile, Stella is in complete panic mode Tunnel. Robin discusses appreciating art and 6.30am Classic FM Breakfast with Dan
(The Wand of Youth Suite No 2 Op 1b — No 6 FM: 92.4-94.6 MHz LW: 198kHz MW: 720 kHz 7.15 Front Row his favourite creatives 10.30 I Think I’ve Got Walker 9.00 The Classic FM Hall of Fame
our tv newsletter “Wild Bears”); Le Beau (Piano Quartet in F 5.30am News Briefing Arts programme a Problem. Tom knocks himself out. Last in Hour with Dan Walker 10.00 Alexander
minor Op 28); Britten (Diversions for piano 5.43 Prayer for the Day 8.00 The Moral Maze the series 11.00 Chain Reaction. Presenter Armstrong 1.00pm Anne-Marie Minhall
left hand and Orchestra Op 21); Howell 5.45 Farming Today New series. Michael Buerk presents an Victoria Coren Mitchell interviews actress 4.00 Margherita Taylor 7.00 Relaxing
(2 Pieces for muted strings); and Dubugnon 6.00 Today episode recorded at the Hay Festival and comedian Sandi Toksvig 11.30 Big Booth Evenings 10.00 Calm Classics 1.00am
(Sakulare Suite after works by JS Bach) With Amol Rajan and Emma Barnett examining the morality of democracy (1/10) Too. Comedy with Boothby Graffoe Bill Overton 4.00 Early Breakfast
12 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times

television & radio

Viewing Guide of Steve Pemberton and permitted and the and Shearsmith may Stage/Fright, would Big Little Lies. This
Reece Shearsmith, this information for this harbour as this chapter play in the West End
Presumed thriller unites those
Toby Earle 55th and final screen finale is as follows: of their partnership next year. Might this Innocent camps. It finds chief
Apple TV+
outing will close the “Plodding On is the concludes is surely finale tie in to that deputy prosecutor
Inside No 9 door on No 9. Will final episode of the eclipsed by their production? While The Old Bailey has Rusty Sabich (Jake
BBC2, 10pm
Pemberton and award-winning pleasure in keeping the delivering a staggering probably had fewer Gyllenhaal)
Time for one Shearsmith be dressed anthology of films, audience guessing. At consistency of cases than the legal investigating the
Toplast surprise up to the nines for the written by and starring the launch of the final the highest quality, drama powerhouse murder of a colleague.
from one of
pick occasion? Will it Steve Pemberton and series in March at the the pair have also David E Kelley, the The tone is moody and
the best feature a cat o’ nine Reece Shearsmith.” BFI in London, they challenged our writer and creator of fraught, the murder set
British shows of the tails? Will it be set on This series could never stated there was not a expectations of Ally McBeal, Boston against a backdrop of
century. After 10 years, cloud nine? The answer have ended without a future for Inside No 9. genres, characters and Legal and Goliath and office conflict and
54 episodes, a webisode to all of those questions denouement shrouded Two months later, it storytelling techniques. maestro of the “rich Sabich’s desire to keep
and countless collective is probably “nein”. No in secrecy. Any was announced a And yet we are families in crisis” genre an incriminating
gasps at the ingenuity advance viewing was melancholy Pemberton stage version, named blissfully stumped. with The Undoing and secret buried.

BBC1 BBC2 ITV1 Channel 4 Channel 5

6.00am Breakfast 9.30 Morning Live. Magazine show 6.30am Homes Under the Hammer (r) 7.30 Clive Myrie’s 6.00am Good Morning Britain 9.00 Lorraine. 6.30am Cheers (r) 7.20 Everybody Loves Raymond (r) 6.00am Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine. The broadcaster

10.45 Scam Interceptors. The team investigate the Caribbean Adventure (r) 8.00 Sign Zone: Rick Stein’s Food Entertainment, current affairs and fashion news, as well (AD) 9.10 Frasier (r) (AD) 11.10 Ramsay’s Kitchen discusses the issues of the day 11.15 Storm Huntley.
scammers hurling a barrage of abuse at their victims Stories (r) (AD, SL) 8.30 Great British Railway Journeys as showbiz stories and gossip. Presented by Lorraine Kelly Nightmares USA (r) 12.05pm Channel 4 News Summary Debate on the day’s talking points continues 12.45pm
11.15 Homes Under the Hammer. A double dose of (r) (AD, SL) 9.00 BBC News 12.15pm Politics Live. The 10.00 This Morning. A mix of chat, lifestyle features, 12.10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA. A Greek Friends. Rachel reveals the identity of the father of her
Dorset dwellings and a missing toilet in Cumbria (r) latest stories from Westminster and beyond 1.00 advice and competitions. Including Local Weather restaurant in Seattle with a menu unchanged since 1984 baby (r) (AD) 1.10 Friends. Ross and Rachel argue about
12.15pm Bargain Hunt. From the Kent County Impossible. Rick Edwards hosts the quiz in which 12.30pm Loose Women. Topical studio discussion from (r) 1.10 Car SOS. Fuzz Townshend and Tim Shaw restore why they slept together (r) (AD) 1.40 5 News at
Showground in Detling (r) (AD) 1.00 BBC News at One; contestants compete for the chance to win £10,000 with a a female perspective 1.30 ITV News; Weather 1.55 a Vauxhall Astra (r) (AD) 2.10 Countdown. Sam Quek is Lunchtime 1.45 Home and Away. Eden answers the phone
Weather 1.35 BBC Regional News; Weather 1.45 BBC single “impossible” answer knocking them out for the day Regional News; Weather 2.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal. in Dictionary Corner 3.00 A Place in the Sun. Looking for to a distressed and angry Imogen in the wake of Levi’s
News at One; Weather 2.00 Rip Off Britain. Advice on (r) 1.45 Mastermind. The fourth semi-final of the quiz (r) David Dickinson and his team travel to Cheltenham. Here, a three-bedroom property in and around the southern affair bombshell, and Mackenzie comforts Levi — sorry
consumer rights (r) 2.30 Animal Park. The park says 2.15 Five Bedrooms. Harry’s future looks bleak (r) (AD) Jo Brayshaw discovers a unique vinyl on her podium, and Costa Blanca in Spain (r) 4.00 A Place in the Sun. Ben for everything he has been through (r) 2.15 FILM: Blood
goodbye to a hippopotamus and Megan McCubbin tries to 3.00 Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy. Stanley visits Henry Nicholls goes for gold (r) (AD) 3.00 Lingo. Adil Ray Hillman helps a man from Scotland find the perfect in the Water (12, TVM, 2024) A young lawyer travels
count the macaque monkeys (r) (AD) 3.00 Escape to the Piedmont (r) (AD) 3.45 The Farmers’ Country Showdown. hosts the game in which three pairs of contestants use holiday home on Gran Canaria with a budget of £120,000 to collect her sister’s body, after her sudden death. She
Country. Briony May Williams helps a couple find a new Coloured Ryeland sheep go on display at the Mid Devon their skills to find words from the fewest letters possible 5.00 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses. Mother-and-son team soon becomes suspicious of foul play. Thriller starring
home in the Suffolk countryside with enough space for Show (r) 4.15 Big Cats About the House. An injured (r) 4.00 Tipping Point. Ben Shephard hosts the Sharon and Shaun help a retired IT professional find a Lindsey Dresbach 4.00 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun.
their six Irish wolfhounds (r) 3.45 Garden Rescue. The cheetah needs Giles’s help. Last in the series (r) (AD) arcade-themed quiz in which contestants drop tokens holiday home, while Darren and Natalie help a couple A woman has been running the Mad Munk for two years,
team head to Wilmslow to help a pair transform their 5.15 Flog It! Experts James Lewis and Thomas Plant down a choice of four chutes in the hope of winning a upgrade their Spanish dwelling 6.00 Four in a Bed. The after a rocky start she never thought she would still be
unsafe plot into a Chinese inspired family space with a search the queue for silver showing Birmingham’s anchor £10,000 jackpot (r) 5.00 The Chase. Bradley Walsh third visit of the week is at Cobblehouse Country Cabins running it — but her team has promised to throw an
woodland twist on a budget of £7,000 (r) 4.30 The Finish hallmark, and Paul Martin visits the home of the father of presents as four contestants answer general knowledge in Turriff, Aberdeenshire where the B&Bers try their hand anniversary party (r) 5.00 5 News at 5 6.00 Party
Line. Roman Kemp and Sarah Greene host 5.15 Pointless. the Industrial Revolution (r) 6.00 Richard Osman’s House questions and work as a team to take on one of the at fly fishing on the River Deveron (r) 6.30 The Simpsons. Election Broadcast. By the Liberal Democrats 6.05 Police
Alexander Armstrong is joined by co-host Lucy Porter (r) of Games. Kevin Eldon, Sarah Keyworth, Laila Rouass and ruthless Chasers and secure a cash prize (r) 6.00 Regional Otto breaks up with his new bride, so big-hearted Bart Interceptors. A driver who has breached a restraining
6.00 BBC News at Six; Weather 6.30 BBC Regional John Whaite take part (r) 6.30 Clive Myrie’s Caribbean News; Weather 6.20 Party Election Broadcast. By the invites her to stay with the family, much to Marge’s order leads officers on a half-hour, white-knuckle ride
News; Weather 6.55 Party Election Broadcast (r) Adventure. The newsreader travels to Santo Domingo Liberal Democrats (r) 6.30 ITV News; Weather displeasure. With the guest voice of Parker Posey (r) (AD) across Nottinghamshire (r) 6.55 5 News Update

The King, the Prince and the

Roya Nikkhah and Kate Mansey reflect on the King honouring the D-Day forces and calling for goodness in every land,
while the Prince of Wales joins world leaders. Plus, don’t miss Kate’s ‘siege of Royal Lodge’ scoop!

7.00 The Panorama Interviews with 7.00 The One Show Presented by 7.00 The Leadership Interviews: 7.00 Channel 4 News 7.00 The Motorway Hotel Wedding

Nick Robinson Speaking to Rhun ap Alex Jones and Jermaine Jenas Rishi Sunak — Tonight Paul Brand coordinator Emily and operations
Iorwerth, Party Leader of Plaid Cymru, interviews the Prime Minister, manager Ness head to the local
ahead of the General Election Rishi Sunak. See Viewing Guide wedding fair to try to sell the charms
7.30 EastEnders As Linda prepares 7.30 Grand Tours of Scotland’s Rivers 7.30 Emmerdale Belle tries to convince of a hotel next to the M6 to dozens of
for Keanu’s funeral, Sharon finally Seasoned traveller Paul Murton herself that everything is going to be brides and grooms-to-be (2/4)
tells Albie about his death, and sets off downstream to explore okay, Vinny tries to kiss Gabby, and 7.55 Party Election Broadcast 7.55 5 News Update
Yolande and Patrick return (AD) various rivers in Scotland (r) Ruby vows to turn herself in (AD) By the Green Party

8.00 The Repair Shop The team of experts 8.00 Springwatch Chris Packham and 8.00 Coronation Street Toyah receives 8.00 Location, Location, Location The 8.00 The Motorway The entire motorway

restore a woman’s 1990s BMX bike, an Michaela Strachan begin the frightening news about Leanne, property duo Kirstie Allsopp and Phil must be shut down after a high-speed
authentic gown that once belonged to deliberation of which nests will fledge Summer arrives home with a new Spencer catch up with two sets of motorbike crash on the Spaghetti
drag performer Danny La Rue, a before the end of the series, while boyfriend to show off, Ken requires house-hunters they previously helped, Junction, just outside Birmingham. The
painting from Holloway Fire Station Iolo Williams takes a dive into the round-the-clock care and the Websters’ who wanted to make the switch patrollers worst fears are confirmed
depicting a fire with three bold yellow- secret lives of little owls and little fortunes finally improve (AD) from London life to family life when they find a man lying in the
helmeted firefighters in the foreground terns on the Dorset coast (11/12) carriageway. Plus, a pair of officers
and a dynamometer (AD) discover an abandoned caravan

9.00 Who Do You Think You Are? 9.00 The Misadventures of Romesh 9.00 Long Lost Family: Born Without 9.00 The Fall: Skydive Murder Plot 9.00 Casualty 24/7: Every Second

Footballer turned presenter Alex Scott Ranganathan Romesh concludes his Trace A woman who was left in a Victoria Cilliers, in her first in-depth Counts There is a shortage of space
finds out about the Jewish ancestry on African adventure by travelling to the shopping basket under a hedge in TV interview, describes her recollection on the specialist wards that admit
her mum’s side and travels to Jamaica island of Madagascar (3/3) (AD) Birmingham and another who was left of the parachute jump and what made casualty patients, meaning the
for the first time in her life, to learn in an East London phone box, search her question her marriage. Husband department is at risk of complete
about the ancestors of her for their families with help from Emile is bailed to continue his work in gridlock. An ambulance rushes in a
grandparents, who were part of the Davina McCall and Nicky Campbell (AD) the army, but the subsequent trial woman vomiting blood, so doctors
Windrush generation (3/7) (r) (AD) does not go to plan (2/3) (AD) prepares resus for her arrival (AD)

10.00 BBC News at Ten 10.00 Inside No 9 The final episode of the 10.00 ITV News at Ten 10.00 Queenie It is Queenie’s birthday, and 10.00 Trauma Room One A patient is

award-winning anthology of stories. although she has made progress she sped into theatre after a stroke. Plus, a
See Viewing Guide (6/6) (AD) wonders if some hurdles with her woman is rushed in for emergency
mother are just too big (7/8) (AD) surgery after breaking her back, and a
10.30 BBC Regional News and Weather 10.30 Newsnight Analysis of the day’s 10.30 Regional News 10.35 Queenie As Queenie makes steps consultant neurosurgeon must act
10.40 The Traitors US Strangers unite to events with Victoria Derbyshire 10.45 Peston Political magazine show towards healing in a new flat of her quickly to avoid paralysis (5/8) (r)
embark on a game of detection and hosted by Robert Peston, featuring own, she still has some decisions to
backstabbing, in the hope of winning a major interviews with MPs, topical make about her future (8/8) (AD)
cash jackpot. Three of the contestants guests and cultural figures
coined “the Traitors” will devise a plan 11.05 Unspun World with John Simpson 11.05 999: Emergency Call Out A team

to steal the prize from the other The week’s major global news stories 11.10 Married to a Psychopath The story responds to a hit-and-run involving a
contestants, known as “the Faithful”. of the hunt for Malcolm Webster, who cyclist, with medical support for the
Hosted by Alan Cumming (1/12) (r) 11.30 The Conversation (12, 1974) targeted wealthy women for their victim taking place alongside a police
An obsessive electronic surveillance money. The programme explores the investigation into the identity of the
11.40 The Traitors US As the Traitors expert makes the unprofessional 11.40 Absolutely India: Mancs in crimes from the perspective of the driver. Plus, a paramedic and a special
attempt to complete their line-up, the mistake of getting personally involved Mumbai The brothers take on a junior detective behind the investigation to sergeant respond to a 16-year-old boy
first murder is committed. Some hard in a dangerous case. Thriller starring girl’s hockey team (6/6) (r) (AD) re-open a cold case (1/2) (r) (AD, SL) who has started fitting (9/10) (r)
truths are revealed and the first player Gene Hackman and John Cazale. See
is banished from the game (2/12) (r) Viewing Guide 12.05am ITV Studio Sessions Clara Amfo is joined by 12.10am Married to a Psychopath (r) (SL) 1.05 The 12.05am Motorway Cops: Catching Britain’s

singer-songwriter Cat Burns. Last in the series (r) 12.30 Piano: The Final (r) (AD, SL) 2.15 FILM: Two of Us Speeders (r) 1.00 Casino 3.00 Secret Scotland with
1.20am Sign Zone: Race Across the World The Shop on TV 3.00 The Leader Interviews — Tonight. Ahead (12, 2020) Romantic drama starring Barbara Sukowa Susan Calman (r) 3.50 How to Give Up Sugar (& Lose
teams head to the second checkpoint in Sokcho, South of the General Election, Rachel Younger talks to Ed Davey (SL) 3.50 Iris Prize Best British Shorts 4.20 Grand Weight) (r) 4.40 Wildlife SOS (r) (SL) 5.05 House
Korea (r) (AD, SL) 2.20-3.20 The Misadventures of of the Liberal Democrats (r) (SL) 3.25 Unwind with ITV Designs Australia (r) (AD) 5.15 Kirstie’s House of Craft Doctor (r) (SL) 5.30 Entertainment News on 5 5.35
12.45am-6.00 BBC News Romesh Ranganathan. Travel series (r) (AD, SL) 4.40-6.00 D-Day 80 at the Royal Albert Hall (r) (AD, SL) (r) 5.25 Frasier (r) (AD) 5.50-6.30 Countdown (r) Fireman Sam (r) (SL) 5.45-6.00 Paw Patrol (r) (SL)
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 13

television & radio

MPs have revealed they Château Cumming: terns and seeing them
The Leadership are standing down,
The Traitors US the American version
Painting Birds in action, doing what
Film The
Interviews: Rishi BBC3, 7pm/8pm with Jim and Conversation
while Sunak has of the game has the they do,” he says, and
Sunak — Tonight Nancy Moir BBC2, 11.30pm
announced plans for a When the former actor Alan Cumming is then asked what
ITV1, 7pm new National Service speaker of the House of presiding over the Sky Arts/Now, 9pm they do. “I don’t know,” This paranoid thriller is
Rishi Sunak has just that his government Commons John Bercow tactical bloodbath as If ever a bird watcher he replies. “We’ll find one of the high points
about dried out after had said a few days first appears in this a band of Traitors seek feels out of sorts, they out when we go and of the director Francis
standing in a rain- earlier wouldn’t be series of the hit reality to avoid identification might have had a funny see them.” What they Ford Coppola’s brilliant
lashed Downing introduced. Paul Brand show, you might think by murdering Faithfuls. tern. This migratory do on this trip — Jim run of form in the early
Street to announce a will grill him on his your television or Again, in case it hasn’t bird is what Jim and and Nancy, not the 1970s. Gene Hackman
general election, an credentials for the screen is out of sunk in, Bercow is Nancy are searching for terns — is meet the stars as a surveillance
announcement that country’s top job, his orrrdeeeerrrrr, competing and in in Leinster, with Jim singer Imelda May expert while Coppola
caught many by plan to win and orrrrdeeerrrrr. But the opening episode keen to see them up and visit Rockabill favourite John Cazale
surprise. Since then whether he is leading no, that really is he must help to build close. “I’m looking island, home to and a young Harrison
numerous Conservative his party to a defeat. Bercow residing in a beacon. forward to seeing little breeding terns. Ford co-star. (12, 1974)

Sky Max Sky Atlantic Sky Documentaries Sky Arts Sky Main Event Variations
6.00am NCIS: Los Angeles (r) 7.00 DC’s 6.00am Fish Town (r) 7.55 True Blood (r) 6.00am The Good Fight Club (r) (AD) 7.00 6.00am Verdi: Stiffelio 8.05 The Joy of Painting 6.00am Sky Sports News 7.00 Good Morning BBC1 N Ireland
Legends of Tomorrow (r) (AD) 8.00 The Flash 10.05 Billions (r) (AD) 12.15pm Game of Discovering: Roy Scheider (r) 8.00 The Directors (AD) 9.05 Tales of the Unexpected (AD) 10.00 Euros 8.00 Good Morning Euros 9.00 Good As BBC1 except: 6.55pm-7.00 Party Election
(r) 9.00 Stargate SG-1 (r) 11.00 NCIS: Los Thrones (r) (AD) 1.20 The Sopranos (r) 3.30 (r) 9.00 The Seventies (r) (AD) 10.00 Branson Alfred Hitchcock Presents 11.00 Discovering: Morning Euros 10.00 Live Tennis: The Libema Broadcast. By the Social Democratic and Labour
Angeles (r) 12.00 The Flash (r) 1.00pm True Blood (r) 5.45 Billions (r) (AD) (r) (AD) 11.05 Italia 90: Four Weeks That Whoopi Goldberg (AD) 12.00 The Joy of Open. Coverage of day three of the WTA and ATP Party 10.40 FILM: George Best — All By
MacGyver (r) (AD) 3.00 Hawaii Five-0 (r) 4.00 8.00 House of the Dragon: War Room. Changed the World (r) (AD) 12.00 Mr Dynamite: Painting (AD) 1.00pm Tales of the Unexpected grass court events, held at Autotron Rosmalen Himself (2016) Documentary 12.10am
S.W.A.T (r) (AD) 5.00 DC’s Legends of A look ahead to season two (r) (AD) The Rise of James Brown (r) (AD) 2.15pm (AD) 2.00 Classic Literature & Cinema (AD) in s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands 3.00pm The Traitors US (r) 1.10 Celebrity Bridge
Tomorrow. The team visit 1927 Chicago (r) (AD) 9.00 The Sympathizer. With the General’s order FILM: Wig (15, 2019) Exploring the history 3.00 The Sky Arts Book Club Summer Reads Live ICC Men’s T20 World Cup: USA v India. of Lies (r) 1.55-6.00 BBC News
6.00 Stargate SG-1. The team offers sanctuary to eliminate the spy in their ranks weighing on and influence of the Wigstock drag festival 4.00 Special 4.00 Discovering: Jodie Foster (AD) Coverage of the Group A match from Nassau
to former Goa’uld conqueror Apophis (r) him, the Captain seeks help to craft and execute The Directors (r) 5.00 Discovering (r) 5.00 The Joy of Painting (AD) County International Cricket Stadium in New BBC1 Scotland
7.00 Stargate SG-1. Daniel is trapped in the a plan timed for Independence Day (r) (AD) 6.00 The Seventies. Crime in the US (r) (AD) 6.00 Tales of the Unexpected (AD) York. India won the inaugural staging of this As BBC1 except: 3.00pm-3.45 Politics
body of a dying man by Ma’chello (r) 10.10 The Pacific. The marines nervously 7.00 Branson. Documentary (3/4) (r) (AD) 7.00 Alfred Hitchcock Presents event in 2007, but a second title has so far Scotland 10.40 The All Star Euros Sketch Show
8.00 A League of Their Own: Mexican Road Trip. prepare to launch an attack on Peleliu 8.05 Italia 90: Four Weeks That Changed the 7.30 Alfred Hitchcock Presents eluded them, while USA have qualified for 11.10 The Traitors US (r) 12.10am The
The gang explores the city of La Paz (r) (AD) airfield, where they undertake a manoeuvre that World. The end of the tournament (3/3) (r) (AD) 8.00 Portrait Artist of the Year 2022 (AD) the tournament for the first time Traitors US (r) 1.05 Weather for the
9.00 The Walking Dead. Rick and his team places the entire company in danger (r) 9.00 Terry Venables: A Man Can Dream (r) (AD) 9.00 Painting Birds with Jim and Nancy Moir. 7.30 US Open Golf. Preview to the 2024 US Week Ahead 1.10-6.00 BBC News
rescue Glenn and Maggie from Woodbury (r) 11.15 The Wire. Drama set in Baltimore telling 11.00 FILM: Bobby Robson — More Than a The couple go in search of little terns in Leinster. Open, at Pinehurst Resort and Country Club
10.00 Banshee. Hood offers himself to Mr the story of a drugs-and-murder police Manager (12, 2018) Exploring the career of Last in the series. See Viewing Guide (AD) 10.00 SSN Euro Report BBC1 Wales
Rabbit in exchange for Max (10/10) (r) (AD) investigation from the points of view of the law the much-loved former football manager (AD) 10.00 The Eighties. The impact of Aids (AD) 10.30 Back Pages Tonight As BBC1 except: 6.55pm-7.00 Party Election
11.00 Brassic. Comedy series (r) (AD) and their targets. Starring Dominic West (r) 1.00am Italia 90: Four Weeks That Changed the 11.00 Greatest Albums Live. Simple Minds 11.00 Sky Sports News 1.00am Live ICC Broadcast. By Plaid Cymru (r) 9.00-10.00
12.00 There’s Something About Movies (r) (AD) 12.30am The Newsroom. Will tries to protect World (r) (AD) 2.00 The Truth vs Alex Jones. 12.00 The The: The Comeback Special Live at Men’s T20 World Cup: West Indies v New Max Boyce at 80 (r) 10.40 BBC Wales Live
1.00am Brit Cops: Rapid Response (r) (AD) Neal following his receipt of confidential The defamation lawsuits brought by Sandy Hook the Royal Albert Hall 2.30am Discovering 3.00 Zealand. Coverage of the Group C match, 11.10 The Traitors US (r) 12.10am The
2.00 Road Wars (r) 3.00 Hawaii Five-0 (r) 4.00 documents (r) 1.35 The Deuce (r) (AD) 2.50 parents against Alex Jones (AD) 4.10 The Wonderland: From JM Barrie to JRR Tolkien 4.00 which is being staged at Brian Lara Cricket Traitors US (r) 1.10-6.00 BBC News
S.W.A.T (r) (AD) 5.00 Highway Patrol (r) (AD) Game of Thrones (r) (AD) 4.00 Fish Town (r) Directors (r) 5.05 Discovering: Roy Scheider (r) Cheltenham Literature Festival 5.00 Auction Academy in Tarouba 5.30 Sky Sports News
ITV1 Wales
As ITV1 except: 6.25pm-6.30 Party
AUDIO Election Broadcast. By Plaid Cymru


As ITV1 except: 6.25pm-6.29 Party
Election Broadcast 10.30 STV News 10.40
LISTEN Scotland Tonight 11.05 Peston 12.00 ITV
Studio Sessions (r) 12.25am-3.00
Shop on TV 3.25-4.40 Night Vision
As ITV1 except: 6.20pm-6.30
Listen for free via the QR code, on the Times Party Election Broadcast. By the
Social Democratic and Labour Party
Radio app or wherever you find your podcasts
BBC Scotland
7.00pm Scotland Sings (r) 8.00 Life on the
Bay 8.30 Scotland’s Home of the Year. Last in
the series (r) (AD) 9.00 The Nine 10.00 Two
BBC3 BBC4 Talking Pictures Film4 More4 Doors Down (r) (AD) 10.30 Best of Only an
Excuse? (r) 11.00 Icons of Football (r)
7.00pm The Traitors US. New series. Game of 7.00pm Great British Railway Journeys. Michael 6.00am Burke’s Law (b/w) 7.00 FILM: The 11.00am Gunfight at the OK Corral (PG, 8.55am A Place in the Sun 10.25 A New Life in 11.30-12.00 Growing Up Scottish (r)
detection and backstabbing. See Viewing Guide Portillo travels from Belfast to Portrush (AD) Great Van Robbery (PG, 1959) Drama 1957) Western starring Burt Lancaster 1.25pm the Sun 11.25 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 12.30pm
8.00 The Traitors US. The first murder 7.30 Villages by the Sea. The history of Robin starring Denis Shaw 8.20 FILM: Portrait of Three Hours to Kill (PG, 1954) Western with Come Dine with Me. In Essex and Suffolk (AD) BBC Alba
is committed as the Traitors attempt to Hood’s Bay on the North Yorkshire coast Alison (PG, 1955) Mystery starring Terry Dana Andrews 3.00 Mission: Impossible — 3.10 Four in a Bed 5.50 Château DIY (AD) 6.00am Alba Today 5.00pm Lon le Linda (r)
complete their line-up. See Viewing Guide 8.00 Full Circle with Michael Palin. The actor Moore (b/w) 10.00 Together 10.30 The Fallout Interview Special 3.05 Buchanan Rides 6.55 Car SOS. A 1984 Opel Manta GTE (AD) 5.15 Na Clangairean (r) 5.30 Peicein/Petit (r)
9.00 Confessions of a Teenage Fraudster. With a crosses the equator en route to Borneo and Java Buccaneers (b/w) 11.05 FILM: Hide and Seek Alone (U, 1958) Western starring Randolph 7.55 The Dog House. A lively French bulldog 5.35 Gasta a’ Ghraineag (Happy the Hoglet)
trail of crime stretching across several 8.50 Michael Palin: The Art of Travel (U, 1964) Crime drama starring Ian Carmichael Scott 4.45 Hobson’s Choice (U, 1953) meets a drag queen and his partner, while the 5.45 Su Pic (Peek Zoo) (r) 5.55 Stòiridh (r)
continents as he continues to live life on the 9.00 Rise of the Nazis: The Manhunt. The return (b/w) 12.55pm FILM: Serious Charge (PG, Comedy starring John Mills (b/w) (AD) unluckiest dog on Woodgreen animal charity’s 6.00 Donnie Murdo (Danger Mouse) (r) 6.10
run, Elliot becomes more paranoid (2/3) (AD) of the documentary, picking up in the immediate 1959) Drama starring Anthony Quayle (b/w) 6.55 Keeping Up with the Joneses (12, books goes on two dates (8/8) (AD) Geamaichean Gorach (r) 6.15 Strì (r) 6.20
9.45 The Young Offenders. A birthday party is aftermath of the Second World War, when the 3.00 Saddle Up 3.05 FILM: The Adventures 2016) Action comedy starring Zach Galifianakis, 9.00 Emergency Helicopter Medics. Crews Bogaisean is Gumbalan/Bottersnikes and
planned for Jock and Siobhán’s daughter (AD) hunt began to capture high-ranking Nazis (AD) of Bullwhip Griffin (PG, 1967) Western Isla Fisher, Jon Hamm and Gal Gadot (AD) treat a painter with a possible bleed on the Gumbles (r) 6.35 Dùbhlain CBBC ALBA (r)
10.15 The Young Offenders. Six-year-old 10.00 Don Warrington and Tony Jordan adventure with Bryan Russell and Roddy 9.00 Bad Boys for Life (15, 2020) Miami brain, a motorcyclist with a broken leg and 6.40 Pròiseact Plòigh (r) 7.00 Thar na
Star accidentally discovers the Billy Murphy Remember Death in Paradise. The actor joins McDowall 5.15 Saddle Up 5.20 Johnny Ringo detective Mike Lowrey is targeted for severely deformed wrist, and a woman who Loidhne/Crossing the Line (r) 7.30
mask, infuriating Sergeant Healy (AD) forces with the acclaimed TV writer and producer 5.55 Bonanza. The Cartwrights employ a robber assassination by a crime lord’s widow. Action has been trampled by a foal (AD) SpeakGaelic (r) 8.00 An Là (News) 8.30
10.45 Back to Life. Miri sets about mending to look back on the show’s origins and share 7.00 Dixon of Dock Green. Drama series sequel starring Martin Lawrence, Will Smith, 10.00 999: On the Front Line. A postal worker Gàrraidhean Mòra 9.00 Duncan Mackenzie
her friendship with Billy (5/6) (AD) some stories from behind-the-scenes 8.05 The Human Jungle (b/w) Paola Nunez and Vanessa Hudgens (AD) slips on sewage and may have broken his hip, (Dìleab nam Beann) (r) 10.00 Julie Fowlis
11.10 Back to Life. Miri agrees to meet the 10.15 Death in Paradise. Richard Poole meets a 9.05 Gideon’s Way (b/w) 11.25 Hustlers (15, 2019) Strip club and paramedics are sent to a possible cardiac Kelvingrove (r) 10.30 An Clò Mòr (r) 11.00
mysterious Scandinavian man who has been sticky end at a university reunion (1/8) (AD) 10.10 FILM: The Nanny (15, 1965) Hammer employees band together to turn the tables on arrest and find their patient in a bin (6/8) Sar Sgeoil (r) 12.00-6.00am Alba Today
following her since her return (6/6) (AD) 11.15 Fever Pitch: The Rise of the Premier thriller starring Bette Davis (b/w) their Wall Street clients. Comedy crime drama 11.05 24 Hours in A&E. A 53-year-old man is
11.35 Confessions of a Teenage Fraudster. Elliot League. The rise of the celebrity footballer, 12.00 Tell Me Another 12.30am Maigret (b/w) starring Jennifer Lopez and Constance Wu (AD) brought in by ambulance after a work-related S4C
becomes more paranoid than ever (2/3) (AD) symbolised by David Beckham (3/4) (AD) 1.35 FILM: Millions Like Us (U, 1943) 1.35am-3.55 Sweet Country (15, 2017) An accident on a building site, and in his hour of 6.00am Cyw: Olobobs (r) 6.05 Digbi Draig (r)
12.20am I Kissed a Boy (AD) 1.05 Boot 12.15am Fever Pitch: The Rise of the Premier Second World War drama starring Patricia Aboriginal farmhand shoots a white man in self need he turns to his lifelong friend (AD) 6.20 Cymylaubychain (r) 6.30 Patrol Pawennau
Dreams: Now or Never (AD) 2.05 Back to Life League (AD) 1.15 Full Circle with Michael Palin Roc (b/w) 3.35 FILM: Hide and Seek (U, defence and goes on the run as a posse gathers 12.10am Emergency Helicopter Medics (AD) (r) 6.45 Dathlu ’Da Dona (r) 7.00 Brethyn a
(AD) 2.55-3.55 Roman Kemp: The Fight for 2.05 Great Railway Journeys (AD) 2.35-3.35 1964) Crime drama starring Ian Carmichael to hunt him down. Period drama starring 1.15 999: On the Front Line 2.20 24 Hours in Fflwff (r) 7.05 Pablo (r) 7.20 Caru Canu a Stori
Young Lives. Documentary (AD, SL) Rise of the Nazis: The Manhunt (AD, SL) (b/w) 5.25 Sherlock Holmes (b/w) Hamilton Morris and Bryan Brown (AD) A&E (AD) 3.25-3.55 A Place in the Sun (r) 7.30 Crawc a’i Ffrindiau (r) 7.45 Kim a Cet
a Twrch (r) 8.00 Timpo (r) 8.10 Amser Maith
Maith yn Ôl (r) 8.25 Halibalw (r) 8.35
Octonots (r) 8.45 Fferm Fach (r) 9.00 Odo (r)
ITV2 ITV3 ITV4 Drama Yesterday 9.10 Anifeiliaid Bach y Byd (r) 9.20
Bendibwmbwls (r) 9.30 Pentre Papur Pop (r)
6.00am CITV 9.00 World’s Funniest Videos 6.00am Classic Emmerdale 7.00 Classic 6.00am The Derby Through the Years 6.15 6.00am Teleshopping 7.20 London’s Burning 6.10am Hornby: A Model World (AD) 8.00 9.40 Deian a Loli (r) 10.00 Brethyn a Fflwff (r)
9.30 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records Coronation Street (AD) 8.05 Agatha Christie’s Minder (AD, SL) 7.15 The Sweeney (SL) 8.10 8.00 Doctors 9.20 Classic Holby City 10.40 Abandoned Engineering (AD) 10.00 The World 10.05 Pablo (r) 10.20 Caru Canu a Stori (r)
10.00 Love Bites (AD, SL) 12.00 Dress to Poirot (AD) 10.30 The Royal 11.40 Heartbeat The Return of Sherlock Holmes (AD) 9.15 Classic Casualty 11.40 The Bill 12.40pm Classic at War 11.00 World War Weird 12.00 Great 10.30 Crawc a’i Ffrindiau (r) 10.45 Kim a Cet a
Impress 1.00pm Deal or No Deal 2.00 Family (AD) 1.40pm Classic Emmerdale 2.40 Classic Magnum, PI (AD, SL) 10.25 Kojak 11.30 EastEnders 2.00 London’s Burning 3.00 Lovejoy British Railway Journeys 1.00pm Antiques Twrch (r) 11.00 Dysgu Gyda Cyw: Nos Da Cyw
Fortunes 3.00 Veronica Mars 4.00 Dawson’s Coronation Street (AD) 3.45 Inspector Morse BattleBots 12.25pm The Return of Sherlock 4.10 Tenko 5.15 Birds of a Feather Roadshow 2.00 Bangers & Cash (AD) 4.00 The (r) 11.05 Jen a Jim a’r Cywiadur (r) 11.20
Creek 5.00 Dress to Impress (AD) 5.55 Heartbeat. Double bill (AD) Holmes (AD) 1.35 Magnum, PI (AD) 2.35 Kojak 6.00 Waiting for God. Comedy series World at War 5.00 World War Weird Octonots (r) 11.35 Sblij a Sbloj (r) 11.40
6.00 Catchphrase Celebrity Special (AD) 8.00 Midsomer Murders. A disused abbey 3.40 Minder (AD) 4.50 The Sweeney 6.40 Are You Being Served? 6.00 Antiques Roadshow. From Castle Howard Amser Maith Maith yn Ôl (r) 12.00 News;
7.00 Deal or No Deal. Stephen Mulhern hosts as that is believed to be cursed is about to be 6.00 BattleBots. The quarter finals 7.20 Last of the Summer Wine. Marina decides 7.00 Canal Boat Diaries. Robbie takes a tumble Weather 12.05pm Richard Holt: Yr Academi
more contestants take on the Banker turned into a pub, a decision that has angered 6.55 The Chase Celebrity Special the time has come to give up on men at Buckby Locks in Northamptonshire and has a Felys (r) 12.30 Heno (r) 1.00 Codi Hwyl (r)
8.00 Bob’s Burgers. Tina, Gene and Louise join a many superstitious locals — but someone 8.00 Isle of Man TT. A first recap of the 2024 8.00 The Bletchley Circle. Part two of two. With problem with his power supply (8/10) (AD) 1.30 Garddio a Mwy (r) 2.00 News; Weather
go-kart league, while Bob and Teddy serve is found murdered in a similar manner to a Isle of Man TT races, with highlights of the first corruption in vice squad, the women realise that 8.00 Great Coastal Railway Journeys 2.05 Prynhawn Da 3.00 News; Weather 3.05 Y
home-brewed beer at the restaurant (AD) famous historical execution (AD) races for the Supersport, Sidecar, Superbike, catching the gang red-handed is their only option 8.30 Great Coastal Railway Journeys Gymraeg: Hawl Pob Plentyn (r) 4.00 Awr Fawr:
8.30 Bob’s Burgers. Bob wants to become a 10.00 Wire in the Blood. One of Tony’s PhD Superstock and Supertwin classes and plot to infiltrate the crime ring (4/4) 9.00 Bangers & Cash: Restoring Classics. The Timpo (r) 4.10 Octonots (r) 4.20 Anifeiliaid
member of the Community Garden (AD) students is suspected of carrying out three 9.00 FILM: Total Recall (15, 1990) A 9.00 New Tricks. Jack announces he is quitting team attempts to take on their biggest Bach y Byd (r) 4.30 Crawc a’i Ffrindiau (r) 4.45
9.00 Love Island. More drama from the villa murders, but appears to have a cast-iron alibi construction worker discovers his memory has the team — but before they can question him, restoration yet — a Series 1 Land Rover (AD) Kim a Cet a Twrch (r) 5.00 Stwnsh: Dennis a
10.05 G’wed. The pupils pair up for a Diversity — he is disabled with severe arthritis (2/4) been erased and travels to Mars to uncover his they are given a case to solve (1/10) (AD) 10.00 Bangers & Cash. Derek heads off to Dannedd (r) 5.10 Chwarter Call (r) 5.25 Seligo
and Inclusion week presentation 11.55 The Royal. Ormerod faces a taxing time true identity. Sci-fi thriller starring Arnold 10.00 New Tricks. The case of a missing PE collect some vintage motorcycles from a (r) 5.30 Potsh (r) 5.50 News Ni 6.00 Cais
10.40 Family Guy. Death tries to show Peter when a prison van overturns on the moors. Schwarzenegger and Rachel Ticotin (AD) teacher is reinvestigated when the remains of a garage in the north-east of England (AD) Quinnell (r) 6.25 Darllediad Etholiadol gan
what his life would be like without alcohol (AD) The driver is killed, a guard is seriously injured 11.15 All Elite Wrestling: Collision. Hard- body are discovered near the elite public 11.00 Abandoned Engineering. Exploring a Plaid Cymru 6.30 Rownd a Rownd (r) (AD)
11.05 Family Guy. Animated comedy (AD) and one of the convicts escapes hitting action from AEW’s newest show, boarding school where he taught (2/10) (AD) theme park in Buenos Aires built in a time of 6.57 News 7.00 Heno 7.30 News; Weather
11.35 American Dad!. Double bill (AD) 12.50am Upstairs, Downstairs. Rose receives featuring stars including FTR, The House of 11.20 Soldier, Soldier. A prank in the terror and dogged by controversy (3/8) (AD) 8.00 Pobol y Cwm (AD) 8.25 Ma’i Off ’Ma (AD)
12.35am Bob’s Burgers (AD) 1.35 bad news 2.00 Unwind with ITV. Daily escape Black, Thunder Rosa, Miro, and more Officer’s Mess causes trouble for Tucker 12.00 Great British Railway Journeys 8.55 News; Weather 9.00 Pawb a’i Farn:
Extraordinary 2.10 World’s Funniest Videos designed to calm the mind and encourage 1.10am The Sweeney (SL) 2.05 The Protectors 12.20am Lovejoy 1.35 David Copperfield 2.35 1.00am Abandoned Engineering (AD) 2.00 Etholiad 2024 10.00 Ceffylau, Sheikhs a
2.40 Unwind with ITV 3.00 Teleshopping relaxation and reflection 2.30 Teleshopping (SL) 2.30 Unwind with ITV 3.00 Teleshopping Classic Holby City 4.00 Teleshopping Scouting for Toys (AD) 3.00 Teleshopping Chowbois (r) 10.30-11.35 Yr Anialwch (r)
14 Wednesday June 12 2024 | the times

Poker Byron Jacobs Codeword No 5239 Train Tracks No 2267

Feeling good The problem with never or

rarely bluffing is that you become
A great feeling in poker (in fact it predictable. Your play is “unbalan-
often seems as though this is the ced” because a strong bet invaria-
only reason some people play the bly means a strong hand. As play-
game) is to catch an opponent ers improve, they realise this and
bluffing. Villain makes a sizeable so introduce more bluffs into their
bet on the river. You don’t have game to become balanced. Now
much but call anyway. They table you need some actual strategies
their bluff and you show down to pick off their bluffs. Some tips.
your mediocre (but winning) hand. Are there missed draws Villain
What a brilliant call! You bask in can hold? The flop is A♣-9♦-6 ;
the glory of your bluff catch. you have A♥-10♥. Villain bets all
Everyone at the table is in awe of three streets and by the river the
the way you looked into Villain’s board is A♣-9♦-6 -K♥-2♥. There
soul and owned them. Your reward were hardly any drawing possibil-
is not only a bunch of chips but ities on the flop and turn so Vil-
the mother of all dopamine hits. lain’s range is probably heavy
Of course, in the real world no with A-K, A-Q, A-J. Be inclined
one is paying much attention and to fold. J -10♦-7 -6♦-4♥ tells a
admiration for your stellar play is different story. There are numer-
mostly in your head. Neverthe- ous missed draws so a hand such
less, it does feel good. And it is as K-J is more justified in calling.
undoubtedly the case that the Did Villain make the river bet
ability to pick off bluffs is a useful suspiciously quickly? A bluff is
poker skill. So, how can you do now plausible. With a very strong
Lay tracks to enable the train to travel from village A to village
this? How can you judge when (likely winning) hand you want to
B. The numbers indicate how many sections of track go in
Villain is trying it on and when bet big enough to win a decent each row and column. There are only straight sections and
they actually have the goods? number of chips but small enough curved sections. The track cannot cross itself.
In a low-level game you will to induce a call. This balancing
not go far wrong if you just fold act requires thought. If you have a
every time an opponent makes a busted hand the only way to win
sizeable river bet. The expression is to shove some chips into the Quintagram®
for what players in a particular pot as a bluff – a far less complex Challenge
game tend to do in specific situa-
tions is known as the population
decision, as well as one being
more prone to a “rush of blood”.
Solve all five cryptic clues using each
letter underneath once only
your mind
tendency. The population tend- Finally, does Villain look relaxed with these
ency in low-level play is to rarely
bluff. When these players show
or stiff and awkward? A player
who is a huge favourite to win the
1 Good cut of meat for one fiendish
strength they generally have it. pot is usually chilled out. A bluffer,
Every letter in this crossword-style grid is represented by a number from 1 to 26.
Each letter of the alphabet appears in the grid at least once. Use the letters already
habitually having beef (5)
word and
So, if you are going to bluff catch on the other hand, is nervous. Even provided to work out the identity of further letters. Enter letters in the main grid -2 Badger
- -bishop
- -given seaside number
in this environment you need a for an experienced campaigner,
very good reason for doing so. this is hard to fake.
and the smaller reference grid until all 26 letters of the alphabet have been
accounted for. Proper nouns are excluded. Yesterday’s solution, right
treat (5)

For more puzzles, including Cluelines Stuck on Codeword? To receive 4 random clues call 0901 293 6262 or
text TIMECODE to 64343. Calls cost £1 plus your telephone company’s network -3 Setter
- -up -for -nude modelling? (7)
access charge. Texts cost £1 plus your standard network charge. For the full solution
Mini Sudoku, extra Codeword, call 0905 757 0142. Calls cost £1 per minute plus your telephone company’s network
access charge. SP: Spoke, 0333 202 3390 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5.30pm). -4 Anger
- -in local
- -bringing
- - assault?
Train Tracks and Futoshiki (7)
go to page 10 Lexica Easy No 7467 Hard No 7468

-5 Idiot
- made
- -hate
- fashionable?
- - (8)
Winning Move
White to play.
A B A C --------
This position is from Nagy - A N K
Szalay-Ocsak, Budapest 2024. D E E E E F G G
Although his king is a little
insecure, the black position looks R R R R R T U U bookshop
promising. There is tremendous
pressure along the f-file and after H I L
1 Nxg5 (which seems forced) 1 ...
Qxg5+ 2 Kf1 Rxf3 Black stands
well. However, White found an
M T K E What are your favourite
ingenious way to alter the
dynamics of the position in his
favour. Can you see what he
puzzles in MindGames?
Slide the letters either horizontally or vertically back into the grid to produce a
completed crossword. Letters are allowed to slide over other letters Email:
KenKen Medium No 6231 Futoshiki No 4779 Kakuro No 3738

Fill the grid

using the
numbers 1 to 9
only. The
numbers in each
horizontal or
vertical run of
white squares
add up to the
total in the
triangle to its left
or above it. The
same number
may occur more
than once in a
row or column,
but not within
the same run of
white squares.

All the digits 1 to 6 must appear in every row and column. In Fill the blank squares so that every row and column contains
each thick-line “block”, the target number in the top left-hand each of the numbers 1 to 5 once only. The symbols between
corner is calculated from the digits in all the cells in the block, the squares indicate whether a number is larger (>) or smaller
using the operation indicated by the symbol. (<) than the number next to it.
the times | Wednesday June 12 2024 15

times2 Crossword No 9555 Brain Trainer Cell Blocks No 5122
Divide the grid


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
into square or
EASY 90 ÷5 +7 ÷5 x 3 + 19 –5 x 4 + 15 rectangular
OF IT blocks, each
containing one
9 10 digit only. Every
block must
2/3 1/2
x 2 – 68 50%
– 32 OF IT
+ 84 OF IT
x4 contain the
number of cells
indicated by the
digit inside it.

+ 2/3 7/15 + 2/3 4/5

x 2 – 355 OF IT
– 428 70%
12 13 14

Polygon Set Square No 3741
16 17
From these letters, make words of Enter each of
18 four or more letters, always including the numbers
the central letter. Answers must be in from 1 to 9 in
19 20 the Concise Oxford Dictionary, excluding the grid, so that
capitalised words, plurals, conjugated the six sums
verbs (past tense etc), adverbs ending work. We’ve
in LY, comparatives and superlatives. placed two
How you rate 11 words, average; numbers to get
21 22
15, good; 22, very good; 29, excellent you started.
Each sum
Across 13Rubbed painfully (6) Yesterday’s answers should be
1 Riotous celebration (7) 16 Scholarly thinkers (12) calculated left
fir, firm, for, form, fort, forty, frit, fro, from,
to right or top
5 Protective crust over 19 Generous in amount (7) fry, miry, mort, mortify, orf, rift, rim, rimy,
to bottom.
a healing wound (4) 20 Core of a peach or riot, rot, roti, ryot, tiro, tor, trim, trio, troy,
try, tyro
9 Wonderful, fantastic (5) plum, eg (5)
10 Burnt ceremonial 21 Neat, orderly (4) Please note, BODMAS does not apply
substance (7) 22 Excursion not requiring
11 Thoughts of how matters an overnight stay (3,4)
may or should turn out (12)
Killer Tricky No 9516 Solutions
12 Universe (6) Quick Cryptic 2699 Codeword 5238 Kakuro 3737
1 Ancient Icelandic tale (4)
Solution to Crossword 9554 2 Mountaineering tools (3,4)
MOD I CUM L E T U P 3 Perform some kind of
A R O O U E L social custom (2,3,7)
SW I SS RESERVE 4 Responsible for a crime (6)
T F M T T M A 6 Brazzaville’s country (5)
I NT REP I D M I ND 7 Consecrated (7)
F T F F N 8 Spirit made with barley (6,6)
E C C C O 12 Relief aviator (2-5)
F I V E MA T TRESS 14 Passionate feeling, zeal (7)
I I W T O X E 15 Mode of dismissal in Train Tracks 2266
ROS S I N I T HUMB cricket (6) Sudoku 14,982 Tetonor 473
T I S O U L A 17 Bearing nascent flowers (2,3)
HA T CH NAME T AG 18 Fibre used to make rope (4) 63 120 24 247
5 + 58 8 x 15 6 + 18 19 x 13
Need help with today’s puzzle? Call 0905 757 0143 to check the
answers. Calls cost £1 per minute plus your telephone company’s 180 26 300 23
network access charge. SP: Spoke, 0333 202 3390 (Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm). 9 x 20 14 + 12 15 x 20 8 + 15

29 290 35 168
Bridge Andrew Robson 9 + 20 5 x 58 20 + 15 12 x 14

198 32 108 39
Sudoku 14,983 6 x 33 13 + 19 6 x 18 33 + 6
Top Tens (C)(i) Switch to the normal ♣2,
C. Defence hoping partner has (say) ♣K73 5 6 Cell
6 8Blocks
9 12 5121 Set19Square
13 14 15 15 18 3740
20 20 33 58 Lexica 7465
3. Quick Defence over declarer’s ♣A98. S P H E R E
(i) Which switch (C)(ii) Switch to ♣Q, hoping part-
ner has the king (in which case any Killer Deadly No 9517 I I I

When dummy has a long, strong club will do); however, the surround G O D M

suit, a suit that will provide declarer play ♣Q is best if declarer has (say) H I
with discards for her losers, the ♣K98 and partner ♣732. K N O W
defence must try to win quick tricks. Dealer: South, Vulnerability: Neither G
In these exercises, declarer is in
4♠ , and dummy has a very strong ♠ 96
diamond suit. Partner has led a ♥K 7 5 3 Sudoku 14,984 Futoshiki 4778 KenKen 6230 Lexica 7466
high-for-hate heart. You know it ♦J 9 8 B I N
must be right to switch to a club, ♣KQ J 10
♠ QJ87 ♠ A 10 4 3 B A D O
and must try to win as many tricks ♥8 6
♥ 10
in the suit as quickly as possible. ♦7 6 3 S ♦AQ 10 2

But which club do you lead? ♣A 6 5 2 ♠ K 5 2 ♣8 7 4 3 N A T U R E

(A) Dummy C E
♥ AQ J 9 4 2
♣864 East (you) ♦K 5 4 H A U L
— (i) ♣QJ3 ♣9
(ii) ♣Q53
S W N E Today’s solutions
(B) Dummy 1♥ Pass 3♥ Pass
♣1064 East (you) Killer 9514 Concise Cryptic Suko 4140 Brain
4♥ End Quintagram Quintagram Trainer
— (i) ♣A732
(ii) ♣AJ92 West led ♠ Q v 4♥ . As East, 1 Ramsey 1 Grump Easy 63
plan the defence. 2 Wilson 2 Brock Medium 1,052
(C) Dummy Dummy’s clubs are threatening 3 Peters 3 Founder Harder 4,480
4 Stiles 4 Barrage
♣J64 East (you) — this is a quick defence, as declarer 5 Charlton 5 Meathead
— (i) ♣Q1052 will discard losers on dummy’s clubs. Word watch
(ii) ♣AQ105 You must win ♠ Q with ♠ A (know- Trichotillomania (b) A Quiz
Answers: ing declarer holds ♠ K) and switch compulsion to pull out one’s
(A)(i) Switch to the normal ♣Q, to diamonds, dummy’s weakness. hair (OED) 1 Nigel Farage 2 Earth
hoping partner has (say) ♣A1072 You need partner to have either Garagiste (c) A small-scale 3 Film industry 4 Isle of
over declarer’s ♣K95. ♦K or ♣A. If partner has ♦K, it winemaker (Collins)
Bursiculate (a) Resembling a Man 5 Giorgio Armani
(A)(i) Switch to the unusual ♣Q, doesn’t matter which diamond you Killer 9515
small pouch (Chambers) 6 Crossbow 7 Aleksandr
hoping partner has (say) ♣AJ102 As with standard Sudoku, fill the grid so that every column,
lead. If declarer has ♦K (and part- every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Each set Orlov 8 The Lady of
over declarer’s ♣K97. ner has ♣A), you must switch Chess — Winning Move
(B)(i) Switch to ♣2 (it’s fine to specifically to ♦Q (lead ♦2, and
of cells joined by dotted lines must add up to the target number After 1 Qxf8+! Qxf8 2 Nxg5 the Shalott 9 The Witches,
underlead an ace after dummy is declarer runs it to dummy’s ♦J).
in its top-left corner. Within each set of cells joined by dotted black queen is no match for which renamed it “Hotel
lines, a digit cannot be repeated. the rampant white pieces. Excelsior” 10 Quebec City
tabled), hoping partner has (say) Declarer beats ♦Q with ♦K, There is no decent reply to the
♣KJ5 over declarer’s ♣Q98. draws trumps and leads ♣9. mate threat on h7 as 2 ... Qh6 11 Lincoln Steffens
(B)(ii) Switch to ♣J, a surround However, West alertly hops up with Cluelines Stuck on Sudoku, Killer or KenKen? Call 0901 293 allows 3 Nf7+. Black made a 12 Rebecca Wragg Sykes
play (just beating dummy’s ♣10), 6263 before midnight to receive four clues for any of today’s last ditch attempt with 2 ... 13 Uwe Johnson 14 Andy
♣A and fires through ♦7. You hold Bxf2+ hoping for 3 Kxf2 Qc5+
hoping partner has (say) ♣K53 ♦A10 over dummy’s ♦J9 — one puzzles. Calls cost £1 plus your telephone company’s network when Black is fine but after 3 Murray, at the US Open
over declarer’s ♣Q87. down. access charge. SP: Spoke, 0333 202 3390 (Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm). Kg2 Black was completely lost 15 Alberto Giacometti

For extra
See page 10

Word watch Sudoku Difficult No 14,985 Fiendish No 14,986 Super fiendish No 14,987
David Parfitt

a An illness affecting
b A compulsion to pull
out one’s hair
c An obsession with the
number 13
a A supporter of state
b A hot-air balloon pilot
c A small-scale
a Resembling a small
b To pay out wages
c (Of pods) to pop and
scatter seed

Answers on page 15
Fill the grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

The Times Daily Quiz Olav Bjortomt Suko No 4140

1 Who has replaced

Richard Tice as the
leader of Reform UK?
“Gibraltar of North
11 Which US muckraker
Let’s talk about
2 In 1959, the Explorer 6
satellite took the first
photograph of which
called corrupt officials
“boodlers” in his 1904
book The Shame of the
money with
planet from orbit?
3 The Razzies or Golden
Raspberry Awards
12 Which British
palaeolithic archaeologist
Bread & Honey
honour the best of wrote the 2020 book
the worst in which Kindred: Neanderthal How much money would you need to
entertainment industry? Life, Love, Death and Art? make you happy? Are couples always
4 The Bee Gee twin 13 Which East German better off financially? Why don’t we all just
brothers Maurice and is usually shot from ballad of the same novelist (1934-84) spent
Robin Gibb were born which weapon? name? the last decade of his life escape to the country? And is the second
on which island in the on the Isle of Sheppey? wine on the menu really the worst?
Irish Sea? 7 The “nation’s favourite 9 Which 1990 Roald
meerkat”, who is the Dahl film adaptation 14 In 2023, which tennis Join hosts Georgie Frost and
5 Acqua di Gio is a “author” of the 2010 was filmed at the grade player defeated Corentin Place the numbers 1 to 9 in the spaces so
men’s fragrance by book A Simples Life? II listed Headland Hotel Moutet to win his 200th that the number in each circle is equal to Martyn James, plus special guests, as
which Italian fashion in Cornwall? grand slam singles match? the sum of the four surrounding spaces, they delve into the thornier money
house? 8 Which 1888 John and each colour total is correct
William Waterhouse 10 Charles Dickens 15 Who is this Swiss issues for the brand new video series
6 A quarrel is a type of painting was inspired called which Canadian sculptor and painter? For interactive puzzles visit from Times Money Mentor – where
square-headed bolt that by Tennyson’s lyrical walled city the Answers on page 15
nothing is off the table.
The Times Quick Cryptic No 2700 by Pedro

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Across Down
1 Newspaper feature in support 1 Copper not common in poison
of statuary? (6) (6)
4 Region in South Africa — or 2 Socialist Worker sales
8 9 10
region of ancient Greece (6) campaign? Car from abroad
8 Flashy military pilots getting appears? (4-4,5)
suspicious cut (7) 3 Bloke picked up claim to find a
10 Protection US soldier provided lot of correspondence (7)
in the main, after retreating (5) 5 Item from Biblical book son
11 12 11 That fellow in pub backed held in part of hand (5)
treatment for alcoholism? (5) 6 Title for bishop, just left-wing,
12 Current measuring device never confused internally (5,8)
encountered in more than half 7 Claim a strand of hair twisted
13 14 of America (7) up (6)
13 Right name, possibly, for 9 Sign of life and courage on
15 16 traumatic experience (9) patrol (9)
17 Stick seen behind a little 14 Computer program modified To watch our Bread & Honey series
17 18 19 creature in stream? (7) real clothing (7) go to the Times Money Mentor
19 Item of music, quiet, on the 15 Out-of-date about book and YouTube channel or scan the QR code
radio (5) unlikely to change? (6)
20 Cheese — French, originally 16 Married? Agree to lose initial
— in legal case (5) spirit (6)
20 21
21 Left-winger taken aback about 18 Liver and kidneys, say, not
blokes in distress (7) available, entirely running
22 Still likely to be gutted on a short (5)
regular basis (6)
22 23 23 Small toboggan circling start of
deep mud (6) Yesterday’s solution on page 15
See inside for tremendous value offers from Newmarket Holidays Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Save up to 15%
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A world of discovery awaits, and you can experience the very best destinations with up to
15% off all wish-list tours until Wednesday, July 31, 2024.
From traversing the serene Adriatic Coast and the bustling souks of Marrakesh to
journeying around the lush backwaters of Kerala, the scenic Blue Ridge Mountains, and
Peru, the ‘Land of the Incas’, we’ll escort you in complete comfort and safety.
Under our expertise and direction, you may even discover a different way to explore, a
culture about which you had no previous knowledge, or a group of like-minded people.


Mostar Bridge, Bosnia


Highlights & Inclusions
£1 per person
* Seven nights’ half-board
accommodation at the four-star
Hotel Nova, Neum
Seven breakfasts and seven
three-course dinners
Tour of Mostar and Blagaj with
samples of local delicacies at the
village’s Dervish house
Embark on an optional pilgrimage
through the sacred town of
Medjugorje with wine tasting and
traditional lunch

Adriatic Coast – Return flights to Dubrovnik

Comfortable, air-conditioned

Dubrovnik, Neum & Mostar coach travel and transfers

Fully escorted by a friendly,
Departures | May to October 2025 experienced tour manager, with
specialist local guides where
Mostar Bridge, Bosnia applicable

xperience Croatia, Bosnia and continuing to rural Blagaj and Medjugorje,

E Herzegovina’s most captivating

cities with a discovery of the sublime
Adriatic Coast. A rich blend of cultural
before taking to subterranean Vjetrenica,
the world’s most biodiverse cave. Witness
the Adriatic’s natural wonders with optional
influences takes centre stage in Bosnia and excursions to the Kravica Waterfall and
Herzegovina with visits to historic Mostar, Pelješac peninsula, before crowning the
and its famous namesake Ottoman bridge. tour with a visit to iconic Dubrovnik – the CALL TODAY ON
Kravica Waterfall, Bosnia and Herzegovina Explore the region’s religious heritage, ‘Pearl of the Adriatic’.
0808 239 0243
What we love Scan the QR code with nh-adriaticcoast
Historical discoveries and natural wonders are in no short your camera app to QUOTE TIM
supply across this tour of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina - view more details.
the perfect introduction to the stunning Adriatic.

TEN DAYS NOW FROM Highlights & Inclusions

per person
* Nine nights’ accommodation in
Marrakesh (three nights), Rabat
(one night), Fes (two nights),
Erfoud (one night) and Dadès
(two nights)
Nine breakfasts, one lunch and
five dinners

Visit to the Hassan II Mosque

Imperial Cities of Morocco & Tour of Rabat

Return flights to Marrakesh

the Sahara Desert Coach travel and transfers
Departures | September 2024 to December 2025 Fully escorted by a friendly,
experienced tour manager
Mosaiac Tiles, Morocco

iscover Morocco’s stately past, with pauses across the striking Berber-Roman

D time spent amongst the country’s

medinas, dunes and dramatic wadis.
Experience the highlights of Marrakesh and
ruins of Volubilis. Explore Fes, as you pass
alpine Ifrane, and board a 4WD for a sunset
journey across the rolling dunes. Witness
the vast wadis of Todra, Dadès and Rose
transfer to Casablanca, home to the Valley along the tour’s return leg before
magnificent Hassan II Mosque. The intricate returning to Marrakesh via the picturesque
medinas of imperial Rabat follow with Atlas Mountains.

Our trusted partner

Scan the QR code with
your camera app to
view more details.
0808 239 0243
Dades Gorge, Morocco nh-morocco
These holidays are organised and operated by Newmarket Holidays Ltd. ABTOT 5509, ATOL protected 2325, ABTA V7812, a company wholly independent of News UK. Single supplements apply.
Standard phone charges. Prices do not include travel insurance. Prices correct at time of going to press. Based on two people sharing a twin room. *15% discount applies to specific holidays and tours
only. All other holidays and tours will have up to 14% discount applied. This save up to 15% offer applies to new bookings only booked by July 31, 2024. This offer does not apply to holidays with late
availability pricing and excludes Ocean Cruise, River Cruise, Lapland, Andre Rieu and other event breaks. This offer does not apply to child prices/child pricing. This offer cannot be combined or used in
conjunction with any other discount, promotion or concession. Prices shown have discount applied. Offer is subject to availability and may be withdrawn at any time.
16 DAY
Highlights & Inclusions
£2 per person
* 14 nights’ hotel half-board
accommodation at hotels in
Bangalore (one night), Mysore
(two nights), Ooty (two nights),
Kochi (two nights), Periyar (two
nights), Madurai (two nights),
Pondicherry (two nights),
Mahabalipuram (one night). 2024
departures will stay one more
night in Chennai prior to morning
return flights
Visit Mysore’s beautifully
illuminated Maharaja’s Palace
An express train journey to Kochi

Kerala & India’s Beautiful South Return flights to India via Dubai
Comfortable, air-conditioned
coach travel and transfers
Departures | October 2024 to November 2026 Fully escorted by a friendly,
experienced tour manager
Meenakshi Temple, Madurai

E xplore an idyllic land of ancient

ports, labyrinthine backwaters
and forested uplands dotted with
temples and tea-plantations.
landscapes and time-honoured traditions.
Pass through the Western Ghats to Ooty,
the queen of the hill stations, before visiting
vibrant Kochi, historic Madurai and
Pondicherry, India’s French colonial gem.
Discover the sights and scents of Kerala,
Bookended by stays in bustling Bangalore
known locally as ‘God’s Own Country’, and
temple-dotted Tamil Nadu on a journey that
and Chennai, this is the perfect introduction CALL TODAY ON
Houseboat, Kerala to India’s spectacular south.
encompasses breath-taking mountain
0808 239 0243
What we love Scan the QR code with nh-kerala
A thrilling Kalarippayattu performance and a tour of your camera app to QUOTE TIM
Madurai’s ancient temples are two enchanting highlights of view more details.
this journey through India’s beautiful south.


Highlights & Inclusions
per person
17 nights’ bed and breakfast
accommodation in Hanoi (two
nights), aboard a Halong Bay
paddle steamer (one night), Hoi
An (two nights), Hué (one night),
Ho Chi Minh City (three nights),
Phnom Penh (two nights), Siem
Reap (three nights) and Luang
Prabang (three nights), plus two

Classic Vietnam, nights on the plane

One brunch, seven dinners and
ten lunches and a welcome

Cambodia & Laos cocktail

Return scheduled flights to Hanoi
and internal flights
Departures | April 2025 to November 2026 Comfortable, air-conditioned
coach travel and transfers
Ha Long Bay, Vietnam
Fully escorted by a friendly,
experienced tour manager

T hree of Southeast Asia’s most

enthralling countries are brought
to life with cultural encounters,
historical uncoverings, and wildlife
Hanoi. Continue to the port of Hoi An,
Imperial capital Hué and Ho Chi Minh City,
before following the Mekong River by boat.
Survey the Cu Chi tunnel complex and the
former French colony, Phnom Penh. A visit
to Cambodia’s legendary Angkor Wat and
An overnight cruise across the emerald
centuries-old ceremonies in Laos’ Luang
waters of the Unesco-listed Halong Bay
Prabang conclude the tour.
follows a day’s exploration of captivating

Our trusted partner

Scan the QR code with
your camera app to
view more details.
0808 239 0243
Hoi An, Vietnam nh-vietnam
These holidays are organised and operated by Newmarket Holidays Ltd. ABTOT 5509, ATOL protected 2325, ABTA V7812, a company wholly independent of News UK. Single supplements apply.
Standard phone charges. Prices do not include travel insurance. Prices correct at time of going to press. Based on two people sharing a twin room. *15% discount applies to specific holidays and tours
only. All other holidays and tours will have up to 14% discount applied. This save up to 15% offer applies to new bookings only booked by July 31, 2024. This offer does not apply to holidays with late
availability pricing and excludes Ocean Cruise, River Cruise, Lapland, Andre Rieu and other event breaks. This offer does not apply to child prices/child pricing. This offer cannot be combined or used in
conjunction with any other discount, promotion or concession. Prices shown have discount applied. Offer is subject to availability and may be withdrawn at any time.
Highlights & Inclusions
per person
* Nine nights’ room-only
accommodation in a series of
good-quality hotels in Alexandria
(two nights), Williamsburg (two
nights), Asheville (two nights),
Charleston (one night), Savannah
(two nights), plus one night on the
Tour of Washington D.C.

The Blue Ridge Mountains, Drive along the Blue Ridge

Parkway and Skyline Drive
Visit to Charlottesville
Washington DC, Charleston Return flights to Washington and
from Atlanta

& Savannah Comfortable, air-conditioned

coach travel and transfers
Departures | October 2024 to November 2025 Fully escorted by a friendly,
experienced tour manager
Charleston, North America

E mbrace true Southern hospitality

with a tour of the USA’s most historic
cities and a collection of charming
coastal towns.
traversing the panoramic Skyline Drive
through Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains.
Stops in Williamsburg and Jamestown offer
glimpses of America’s earliest European
settlements. Next, take in the Great Smoky
Beginning in the nation’s political epicentre,
Mountains and artistic Asheville before
Washington D.C, explore the American
rounding out the tour in picturesque
capital’s most iconic landmarks, from
Charleston, colourful Savannah and
Wormslow Plantation, Georgia Capitol Hill to the Whitehouse, before
Georgia’s bustling capital, Atlanta.
0808 239 0243
What we love Scan the QR code with nh-southernheritage
Breath-taking sights await with a journey through Viriginia’s your camera app to QUOTE TIM
Blue Ridge Mountains and the famous Skyline Drive - this is view more details.
North America’s wilderness at its scenic best!


Highlights & Inclusions
per person
11 nights’ bed and breakfast
accommodation at hotels in Lima
(three nights), the Sacred Valley
(two nights), Cusco (two nights),
Puno (two nights), Colca Canyon
(one night) and Arequipa (one
night), plus two nights on the
15 meals, including 11
breakfasts and four lunches
Guided tours of Lima, Cusco, the
Sacred Valley and Arequipa

Peru – Land of the Incas Return flights to Lima and Internal

Coach travel and transfers
Departures | October 2024 to November 2026 throughout
Machu Picchu, Peru Fully escorted by a friendly,
experienced tour manager

E xplore one of South America’s most

fascinating, and cosmopolitan
countries, and marvel at the ancient
treasures of the Inca.
Valley, and the astonishing ‘lost city’ of
Machu Picchu. Spend time discovering
Cusco’s wonders, then travel to Lake
Titicaca. Continue through the Peruvian
altiplano and the Andes, rife with volcanic
Lima, Peru’s cultural and culinary capital,
canyons, condors and alpacas, before
offers the perfect starting point for this tour.
completing your Peruvian adventure in
Fly to Cusco, the crown jewel of the Inca
dazzling Arequipa.
civilisation and gateway to the Sacred

Our trusted partner

Scan the QR code with
your camera app to
view more details.
0808 239 0243
Handmade Blanket, Peru nh-peru
These holidays are organised and operated by Newmarket Holidays Ltd. ABTOT 5509, ATOL protected 2325, ABTA V7812, a company wholly independent of News UK. Single supplements apply.
Standard phone charges. Prices do not include travel insurance. Prices correct at time of going to press. Based on two people sharing a twin room. *15% discount applies to specific holidays and tours
only. All other holidays and tours will have up to 14% discount applied. This save up to 15% offer applies to new bookings only booked by July 31, 2024. This offer does not apply to holidays with late
availability pricing and excludes Ocean Cruise, River Cruise, Lapland, Andre Rieu and other event breaks. This offer does not apply to child prices/child pricing. This offer cannot be combined or used in
conjunction with any other discount, promotion or concession. Prices shown have discount applied. Offer is subject to availability and may be withdrawn at any time.

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