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"The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence
plus character—that is the goal of true education." This is the quotation from Martin Luther King
that my teacher back then when I was in grade 10 really inspires me and instill me with the
thought that their goal as an educator is to develop us aa student to be intelligent and also to
develop our good moral character. .

The day that Mr, Camarista said that we will be having an interview is considered a successful
glocal teacher, the first one who popped up on my mind to interview is my only one , grade 10
English teacher. I chose her because I know that listening to her story about how she became
successful for what she is now, would be a great benefit for me as an future educator as well.
And she is that kind of Teacher who is not only successful for her career, but also I considered
her to be an successful mother for her daughter, an successful wife , and and successful human
for being an inspiration to me .

Ma'am Salvacion Orcena fondly called by his students and colleagues “ Maam Gie” is an only
child of a solo parent and a sarisari store owner, who lives in MH del Pilar St, Isabela officially
the Municipality of Isabela, is a 2nd class municipality in the province of Negros Occidental,
Philippines. When she was a kid, she loves to reads and once a declaimer but she said " but a
loser " but I don't think think so that she lost seeing her being happy with her life right and to her

Her High School life was a kind of simple just like what her personality is. She has a wonderful
experience as a teenager where her daily routine was home school school home, and nonetheless.
All I can say that she was a girl with so much thoughtful and focus to her studies. When he was
in high school, she used to an Emcee / host to their school programs since as she said to me, she
has a nice speaking voice. He really excels in her speech class but she said that she doesn't have
any awards because she also have that kind of attitude of ," pasaway Gamay" But nonetheless,
she said that she really loved her High School life. After 4 years of hardworks during her High
School life, she still graduated with flying honors and able to give to give to her mother a
Being a fan of hosting/ emcees and loves to taIk with lots of people, Ma'am Gie once dreamt to
be a newscaster. But, education was ma'am Gie only choice had to make since they she said to
me that her mother have no enough money to get her into her dream university and dream
course. But all I can say that what her profession right was also make her become a person who
inspires others , a person who became selfless and determined in life. The thing that made her
decide to take an BSED English course and to become an English teacher because she found
English subject interesting, Ma'am Gie also said that, since then she Love the English Subject.
Another thing Ma'am Gie am fond of reading, especially of English writings, stories and all. Her
goal is to become an efficient and affective teacher. One who is enjoying teaching with my
students. I can really prove that, because the way she teach to us when I was in Grade 10, she
really a kind of Teacher who is jolly, and really entertained her students to make sure that her
students are focusing on her of what she teaches all about. After, he graduated in college, that is
the time that she really on the stage of her life that she is pressured and stressed on finding a job
to able to help her Mom immediately. Ma'am Gie had tried applying to various schools, that she
could even reached as far as Imagine how far she was into from Isabela to Murcia. Its just so
determined and hardworking person in finding a job. Finally, She was employed at St. Michael
Academy, Pontevedra, and taught kindergarten. But after a year, She was given a teaching load
in high school, of course as an English teacher. Later, Ma'am Gie tried her luck, at Isabela
National High School. Ma'am Gie taught Values Education and Filipino subjects. But later , she
became a full English teacher. Ma'am Gie already teaching for 21 yrs now at Isabela National
High School. After a years of teaching in Isabela National High School, Ma'am Gie continue her
schooling, But ended to be a CAR (complete acedemic requirement) only. Aside of teaching,
Ma'am Gie also been coaching several contestants in declamation (early years) read-a-thon,
extemporaneous speech and 3ssay writing. Ma'am Gie being a Master Teacher at present and
able to teach students from higher sections. Even though when she was in Highschool she doesn't
have awards , but being what she is right now, coaching a winning child, she also received a

Ma'am Gie also open up to me about her difficulties he have encountered during her teaching
career. We cannot deny the fact that, in our different workplace there's always an difficulties we
should to be conquered . Ma'am Gie was able to told me that during my interview to her. She
said that one of his struggles she encountered in her teaching career are with students who have
no desire for learning. Another is with a colleague/ department head who seemed to be selfish
and "hisaon". Ma'am Gie told me that she being deprived of the chances to improve her teaching
strategies. Hearing her story about that, makes me sad Also. Imagine, you expect that your
colleagues will help you to make you improve but your colleagues will also the one who will
deprived you. But as he said to me, she still happy with what she achieved right now and so
happy to teach still.
At her age and long years of teaching, Ma'am Gie can really say that she became successful to
her profession . And I also observed that they way she act inside and teaches with all her right,
and being catches the student's attention, is one of the great achieve she has that makes her
successful to her profession. Ma'am Gie once told me that her legacy that she want to make to
encourage teachers and future teachers is that teach with a heart or else you'll leave the
profession earlier. Always equip yourself with new knowledge. But don't forget to ask the
guidance of the seasoned teachers. Ma'am Gie told me that tips why she became successful for
her career. That Minding yourself self ( but mingle only with non toxic colleague) and my
responsibility to students. All through out of our interview, my face was freeze on smile hearing
those beautiful words of her about her story why she became successful at her career. She was
once a dreamer and now she is also the one who helps students dreams to turned in into reality.
The interview with Ma'am Gie was a great opportunity for me to have some , you know, "tips?"
On how to handle different people in the field I have to go through soon. She was became an
inspiration to her students, and an extraordinary teacher who teaches with all her heart that made
me also give an confidence to also do that thing. Ma'am Gie always believe that a successful
students, comes with a good and effective teacher. So, this is the story of Ma'am Gie, the
journey of a teacher that once said, " Love what you do, and everything will follows. Be a role
model, and make difference in the lives of students and contribute to the developing of

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