Glossary Science

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Ellipse : an oval shape

Hemisphere : a sphere represents the whole globe; 'hemi' means 'half' so a hemisphere is
half of the globe

North Pole : the northernmost points on the globe

Orbit : the path taken when an object (such as a planet) moves around a larger object
(such as the sun) in space

Revolve : to move in a circle around an object in the centre

Season : spring, summer, autumn or winter

Slight ellipse : not a perfect ellipse

South Pole : the southernmost points on the globe

Tilt : leaning at an angle (the tilt of the earth on its axis is an example)

Year : 365 1/4 days : this is the length of a year on earth

Adapt : to make changes to fit a new situation

Chlorophyll : the green substance in leaves

Dormant : sleeping

Hibernation : a time when an animal's body processes slow down for a long period of time,
such as in the winter season

Migration : the movement of large numbers of animals to a region where there is food or a
region where it is suitable for them to breed

Sunrise : the time when the sun appears to rise above the horizon in the morning

Sunset : the time when the sun appears to sink below the horizon in the evening

Adaptation : the noun that describes the way something is suited to its function or

Burrow : a hole or tunnel that an animal digs for its home

Fin : the part of the fish's body used to propel it through the water when it is
Gills : the organs fish use the breathe under water

Gland : the part of the body that produces a substance useful for life

Resin : a waxy (feels like wax) coating to make something water resistant

Thaw : to melt from a frozen to a liquid state

Thorn : a spike or prickle

Waxy : a soft substance that can be shaped in different ways, e.g. the wax in your ear

Blend in : to merge with the surroundings so that it is difficult to see

Camouflage : a colouring almost the same as the surroundings so that the animal is hard to

Pack : a group of animals that hunt together as a team

Quills : a spine (of a porcupine)

Teamwork : co-operation, a combined effort of all the members of the team

Venom : poison produced by some animals such as snakes

Warn : to inform another animal (usually in the group) about danger, e.g. when a
predator is close, animals make certain noises

Weapon : something to use to injure or kill with, e.g. poison

Applied force : any force that is applied to another object or person

Attract : to pull something closer

Exert : to apply a force in any direction

Gravity : a pulling force

Force : a push or a pull that tries to change the position or shape of an object

Normal force : a support force; the force that two surfaces exert that keeps them touching,
but does not let them come apart or press further together

Artifical satellite : a satellite that is not a natural body like the moon but an object made by
Air resistance : a force that slows things down that are moving through air

Drag : air resistance or water resistance

Friction : a force between two surfaces that are trying to slide past each other

Streamlined : a smooth, sleek shape to reduce air or water resistance and achieve maximum
speed (e.g. a shark has a streamlined shape so that it can swim very fast)

Upthrust : the force that pushes things up in water

Water resistance : a force that slows things down that are moving through water

Multiple : more than one

Thrust : a force which pushes something upwards against gravity or sideways against
friction (thrust if often provided by an engine)

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