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Semester Genap 2019/2020

Departemen Teknik Kelautan, FTK, ITS Surabaya
Mata Kuliah : Metode Elemen Hingga (MO.184405) [Kelas B]
Dosen : Dr. Eng. Rudi W. Prastianto, ST., MT.
Pengumpulan : Selasa, 12 Mei 2020 (terakhir jam 15.00 WIB)
Sifat Tugas : Tugas Individual, Modeling dgn LISA.

Biasakan berdoa sebelum mengerjakan soal-soal berikut …

Used FEM software, LISA, to solve the problems. For each the plane truss structures shown in
following Figures, determine the displacements of the nodes, the element forces & stresses, and
the support reactions. Then, you should attaches the computer output data in your report.

For the truss shown in Figure P3–22, all elements have A = 1 in.2 and E = 10×106 psi. Let L = 100 in.

For the plane truss structure shown in Figure P3–20, let A = 5 in.2, E = 1×106 psi, and L = 100 in.

For the truss shown in Figure P3–21, assume AE is the same for each element, A = 4.5 in.2, E = 1×106 psi,
and L = 100 in.
For the truss structure shown in Figure P3–23, let A = 1 in.2, E = 10.0 ×106 psi, and L = 100 in.

For the truss structure shown in Figure P3–24, assume all elements have the same AE, A = 1.5 in.2, E =
10.0 ×106 psi.

For the plane truss shown in Figures P3–27 & P3–47, let A = 3 in.2 and E = 30×106 psi for all elements
and P = 10 kips.
For the plane trusses shown in Figures P3–29 and P3–30, all elements have E = 210 GPa and A = 4.0 ×10-

For the plane trusses shown in Figure P3–35, let A = 3 in.2 , E = 30×106 psi and L = 50 ft, for all truss

Instruksi Tugas:
 Tiap mhs mengerjakan 1 soal dari 11 soal di atas, untuk pemilihan soalnya
dikoordinasikan oleh Komting. 1 soal hanya untuk 2-3 mahasiswa.
 Tugas dikumpulkan berupa laporan (pdf) secara jelas & sistematis dengan bahasa Indonesia
yang baik dan benar.
 Pengumpulan tugas dikoordinir komting dan dikirimkan ke email asisten praktikum dengan format nama file tiap mahasiswa "Tugas 1 LISA_NRP_Nama"
(contoh: Tugas 1 LISA_04311740000003_Ferdita Syalsabila)
 Keterlambatan pengumpulan dari waktu yang ditentukan, nilai akan dikurangi.

Selamat mengerjakan, semoga sukses !!

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