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Jakarta, 11 July 2022

Ref. Number : 002/SD/GV/VII/22

Subject : Music Program

Parents of Grade 4 and Grade 5 (new students only)
Tunas Bangsa Christian School, Green Ville
Primary Department

Dear Parents,

We would like to inform you about a music program for upper level (Grade 4-6) in the
academic year of 2022/2023. The students will learn to play one of these instruments:
keyboard, guitar, or vocal.

Especially for keyboard, since the class will start at a higher level from the beginning and
the quota for keyboard class is only for 10 students, so the students may join the class only
if they:
- are already able to play their keyboard using 2 hands,
- have a personal keyboard at home, and
- have been in a keyboard course previously.

Please fill out the form below to choose the instrument which the students are interested in
joining. They will be able to choose two instruments, which will be their first and second
choice. Please keep in mind that the music teachers will be the one making the final decision
about which instrument the students will take. The form should be submitted by Friday, 15
July 2022, at the latest.

Music Form Grade 4:

Music Form Grade 5 (for new students only):

We thank you for your kind attention and cooperation. God bless you.

Yours sincerely,

Tri Maurita, S. Kom. Hardian, S. Kom.

Principal Area Coordinator

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