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Apriana Pratiwi

my gosh. It's triplets. Oh, my gosh. There's three of them. Okay, how is he going to push all of those
by himself? He's putting up. What is he... Okay. So it looks like he's connecting them somehow. What
are you doing, dude? Okay. I'm so confused. Okay. Now I'm intrigued. What is this? What
contraption is that? Okay, what? Does it go on the bottom? Oh. It goes on the handles. And then the
third, I guess, will go over there. Okay, this guy's smart. I mean, hooking up three rollers? Okay. And
then that one goes there. I wonder if this is actually going to work. What is he using? Clams? Okay, I
think I'm going to talk to him. Oh, I don't know. That makes me nervous. Okay. Can I ask you a
question? Did you make this or did you buy this? I made it. Can I look at it? Do you mind if I film it
up close? No. Okay, this is insane. Yeah. So you're going to push all three of them yourself? Yeah.
These are doing it so you can't push three at once. So I figured if I connected them. Oh, my goodness.
But I mean, it works. I mean, the front, you can control the front. So you literally just made this up?
Yeah, I figured there's already wheels on it, and the triple strollers are too big. To fit in a vehicle.
And it'll work. You're going to go shop with this. Yeah. The front guy can just control like this, and
then I can just push. Okay, this is crazy. Well, good job. That's really impressive. Thank you. I cannot
imagine that. You have twins? Yes, and I cannot imagine.
Thanks, man. That's amazing. Thanks, guys. Nice to meet you. Okay. Nice to meet you. You got a fan
club here. Okay, wait. That is how my free is. Look at him go. Insane.
The question
1. Why did the man connect the three strollers together?
2. What did the man use to connect the strollers?
3. How many baby strollers were there at the beginning?
4. What did the other person offer to do with the thing the man made?
5. What did the man make by connecting the strollers?
6. How did the other person describe the man's creation at the end?
7. Did the man make this thing himself or buy it already made?
8. How many children does the man have?
9. Why did the man say triple strollers are too big?
10. What did the other person say the man has based on the thing he made?

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