SCP-049 Containment and Analysis

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Containment and Analysis of SCP-096

Containment and Analysis of SCP-049


SCP-049, also known as 'The Plague Doctor,' is a highly dangerous and anomalous humanoid entity

contained by the SCP Foundation. This paper presents a detailed analysis of SCP-049, including its

physical characteristics, containment procedures, and anomalous properties. Experimental methods

to study SCP-049's behavior, particularly its 'cure' process, are discussed, along with the results and

implications for containment strategies. The paper concludes with recommendations for future

research and improvements in containment protocols.


SCP-049 was discovered in [REDACTED] and is currently housed in a secure containment cell.

SCP-049 is a humanoid entity resembling a medieval plague doctor, complete with robes and a

ceramic mask. It exhibits a compulsion to 'cure' individuals it perceives as being afflicted with a

'pestilence,' often resulting in the subject's death. This paper aims to document the containment

procedures, study SCP-049's behavior and anomalous properties, and propose improvements for its



Research involved observational studies and controlled experiments within SCP-049's containment

chamber. The primary method was continuous monitoring using high-resolution cameras and

sensors to detect any changes in behavior. Experimental setups included presenting SCP-049 with

various subjects to observe its 'cure' process and studying the effects on the subjects. Additional

measures included analyzing SCP-049's interactions with different materials and environmental

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Containment and Analysis of SCP-096



Data confirmed that SCP-049 possesses a unique ability to induce a lethal 'cure' process in

subjects, resulting in their transformation into SCP-049-2 instances. These instances are reanimated

corpses, displaying no cognitive functions but remaining physically active. SCP-049's touch is

sufficient to induce this process, and it demonstrates extensive knowledge of human anatomy and

surgical procedures. No known method has proven effective at preventing SCP-049's 'cure' once



The findings support the hypothesis that SCP-049's anomalous abilities are based on an advanced

form of biological and chemical manipulation. Continuous monitoring and strict protocols are

essential for effective containment. Enhanced containment measures, including physical restraints

and chemical inhibitors, are recommended to manage SCP-049's interactions with personnel and

subjects. Further research should explore potential methods to neutralize or inhibit SCP-049's 'cure'



SCP-049 poses a significant threat due to its anomalous properties and compulsion to 'cure'

individuals. Effective containment requires stringent measures, continuous monitoring, and rapid

response strategies. Technological advancements in containment and damage mitigation can

improve safety and reliability. Continued research is crucial to uncover more about SCP-049's

nature and develop advanced containment methods.

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Containment and Analysis of SCP-096


1. SCP Foundation. (n.d.). SCP-049. Retrieved from


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