SCP-096 Containment and Analysis

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Containment and Analysis of SCP-096

Containment and Analysis of SCP-096


SCP-096, colloquially known as 'The Shy Guy,' is a highly dangerous and anomalous entity

contained by the SCP Foundation. This paper presents a detailed analysis of SCP-096, including its

physical characteristics, containment procedures, and anomalous behaviors. Experimental methods

to understand SCP-096's triggers and response mechanisms are discussed, along with the results

and implications for improving containment protocols. The paper concludes with recommendations

for future research and containment strategies.


SCP-096 was discovered in [REDACTED] and is currently housed in a secure facility. SCP-096 is a

humanoid entity approximately 2.38 meters in height, with minimal muscle mass and an abnormally

long jaw. Its anomalous properties are triggered when any human views its face, causing SCP-096

to enter a state of extreme emotional distress and rapidly approach the viewer, resulting in inevitable

fatality. This paper aims to document the containment procedures, study SCP-096's behavior, and

propose improvements for its management.


Research involved observational studies and controlled experiments within SCP-096's containment

chamber. The primary method was to prevent any visual access to SCP-096's face, employing

opaque containment measures. Experimental setups included testing different visual stimuli to

identify specific triggers and using motion detectors to monitor SCP-096's responses.

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Containment and Analysis of SCP-096


Data confirmed that SCP-096 becomes highly agitated and enters a rage state upon any visual

perception of its face. It demonstrates extreme speed and strength, capable of breaking through

reinforced containment barriers to reach the viewer. Motion detectors indicated that SCP-096's

movement speeds could exceed [REDACTED] km/h during these episodes. No known material has

proven effective at completely halting SCP-096 once triggered.


The findings support the hypothesis that SCP-096's anomalous response is triggered by visual

perception of its face, regardless of the medium (e.g., photographs, videos). Current containment

strategies focus on preventing any visual contact. Enhanced containment protocols, including

automated alert systems and fail-safes, are recommended to manage breach scenarios. Further

research should explore potential methods to neutralize SCP-096's response or contain its



SCP-096 poses a severe threat due to its anomalous properties and lethal response to visual

stimuli. Effective containment requires stringent measures to prevent any visual exposure.

Technological advancements in containment and alert systems can improve safety and reliability.

Continued research is essential to uncover more about SCP-096's nature and develop advanced

containment methods.


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Containment and Analysis of SCP-096

1. SCP Foundation. (n.d.). SCP-096. Retrieved from


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