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Containment and Analysis of SCP-096

Containment and Analysis of SCP-999


SCP-999, also known as 'The Tickle Monster,' is a highly beneficial and anomalous entity contained

by the SCP Foundation. This paper presents a detailed analysis of SCP-999, including its physical

characteristics, containment procedures, and anomalous properties. Experimental methods to study

SCP-999's behavior and its therapeutic effects are discussed, along with the results and implications

for utilization in mental health treatments. The paper concludes with recommendations for future

research and potential applications.


SCP-999 was discovered in [REDACTED] and is currently housed in a secure containment cell.

SCP-999 is a gelatinous, orange-hued entity that exhibits a playful and affectionate nature. It has

the unique ability to induce feelings of happiness and euphoria in individuals through physical

contact. This paper aims to document the containment procedures, study SCP-999's behavior and

anomalous properties, and propose potential applications for its therapeutic effects.


Research involved observational studies and controlled experiments within SCP-999's containment

chamber. The primary method was continuous monitoring using high-resolution cameras and

sensors to detect any changes in behavior. Experimental setups included subjecting volunteers to

physical interaction with SCP-999 and measuring their emotional and psychological responses.

Additional measures included analyzing SCP-999's interactions with various stimuli and

environmental conditions.

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Containment and Analysis of SCP-096


Data confirmed that SCP-999 possesses a unique ability to induce intense feelings of happiness

and euphoria in subjects through physical contact. Subjects reported a significant reduction in

stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms after interacting with SCP-999. SCP-999 displayed

consistent behavior, seeking to engage with individuals in a playful and affectionate manner. No

adverse effects were observed in subjects exposed to SCP-999.


The findings support the hypothesis that SCP-999's anomalous properties are based on an

advanced form of emotional manipulation. Continuous monitoring and positive reinforcement are

essential for maintaining SCP-999's cooperative behavior. The potential therapeutic applications of

SCP-999 are significant, particularly in the treatment of mental health disorders. Further research

should explore the underlying mechanisms of SCP-999's effects and potential methods to harness

its properties for broader clinical use.


SCP-999 presents a unique and beneficial anomaly with significant potential for therapeutic

applications. Effective containment requires maintaining a positive environment and continuous

monitoring. Technological advancements in containment and interaction protocols can improve

safety and reliability. Continued research is crucial to uncover more about SCP-999's nature and

develop advanced methods for utilizing its therapeutic properties.


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Containment and Analysis of SCP-096

1. SCP Foundation. (n.d.). SCP-999. Retrieved from


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